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4. THE FENSAcOLA JOURNAL. SATURDAY MORN G, JUNE 30, 1917 lie penlctfola foufttsl DAILY W E fi y L n x D A Y Journal Publishing Company I.OI K. MATES, PrS. HAP.RT R, COOK. Fufrliahef ConluctH frcn 9 to 1115 Unrter the Editorship and and iff n?prr.nt of CoL Frank L. Miyea. MKMttKP ASSOCIATED PRESS A irer1c. KMrsrsnT Publish"-' Aisolat1on Florid Pr" A9orl.itl"n Southern Newspaper Publishers' A nex"iation ubscr:ption rate3-.- n-n. Tr.pfr rfl1l- and FnniliT Two trim, r"t"iv and Svnday One Month, Pally and Snrnay Thrr Mnnth-. DMIv and Pumay Fix Months. DnHy arid ?unday On Year. TVillv ind Sunday Pundsy Only. Or Year N kly Journal One Tear. ..I 1 ,. . .. .. 1 .. 3 5 .. .. l.M .. i.eo Mall subscriptions are navshl In advance, nnd papers wM: he discontinued on expiration dat. Office Journ-'d Bid. Phones Editorial Pmm 3S Pr8l. Corner Intendprvla tfbX5S An and Publisher, and neT,.ma Pfe.-ta. "--J-- 4j: p,u Office 1300 HY.tered aa 5econd-oIas matter at the In Posaola. Forin; a. under Act of f'orirrM. March 3. 1S;3. Kecresented 1n the General Advcrt1'n Field by CONK. LORENZFN & WOODMAN New York Chicago Detroit Kansas City Atlanta. huge air policy has been developed to match our huge army plans ; America must win the war civilization demands it. we are the only one left who can, .but is will require every resource, every sacrifice we can make. SATURDAY. JUNK JUNE 30, 1917. Eighty-Fifth Day of America in the War. MR. YONGE'S REMOVAL. Witlu-M reflecting in the least on Pro fessor II. Clay Armstrong, it may be stated that he could not have the close and detailed knowledge of the educational sit uation of Florida that twelve years' ser vice on the board of control has given to P. K. Yonge. Certainly no man could have served the people more faithfully than Mr. Yonge has done . He lias left his business repeatedly to attend the meetings, he is as familiar with the different schools of the state and the peculiar requirements of the various communities, as the average man is with his own front hall; he is liked and re spected everywhere, and hi recommenda tion was usually enough to guarantee the adoption of any measure." Professor Armstrong will, of course, fill the office conscientious'', and we venture to predict, with credit, but in the nature of things it must be a lng time before he can arrive at the definite understanding of nerds that is Ma Yonge's. To that extent tin: ctticiency of the office will be impaired. What motive could Governor Catts pos-sif-lv have in making the change? NORWAY NEXT. Norway, which has been supplying Ger many so faithfuhy, ever since the war be gan, with food stuffs and material neces sary for war purposes, has found that the kaiser's friendship is as sharp as a serpent's tooth. The entire nation is appalled, say the news despatches, at the discovery of whole sale plots to destroy Norwegian shipping by bombs hidden in lumps of coal put in the bunkers, and in a dozen other ways. Monstmus as the outrage is, it is in line with the deep-laid plan of the German gov ernment to destroy all shipping, hostile or friendly, in order that its own merchant marine may be supreme after the war. hven as the German embassy in the (United States was headquarters for the plots against the security of the United States, so were the bombs, a ton of which have been discovered by the Norwegians, sent to the German embassy in Christiana, packages escaping customs examma THE SCRATCH PAD By THOMAS EWING DABffSY. STOP THIS THIEF! What has happened to the pending ordinance regarding dog muzzling? If indications mean anything that Irish convention is going to be as lively as a wake. Inasmuch as Greece has discarded .her kinpr, it looks as if she is trying lor a straight. . i in t:on. m accordance with diplomatic usage. Some arrests have been made, the result ing statements secured make the case even stronger against Germany, and the news papers are demanding that the full particu lars be printed. From a German standpoint there is. of course nothing wrong in all this. Deutseh land uber alles! Germany alone is right no other people need be treated with any consideration thev arc inferior. This was the frame, of mind that crushed Belgium, that has turned the I'nitcd States and the greater part of the civilize( her. Is Xorwav to be next? world against AMERICA MUST WIN THE WAR! "Take all the steel ships we can build said Mr. Penman, of the national shinnirn? b'ard. "and double their number; then add, the l.HOi) wooden vessels somebody dreamed about, and we cannot keep pace with German sinkings if they continue at tllA t- -1 Y r film- u nvn irini-v ', A ,- 1 -, f ! , . . A 1 mociacv and humamtv. last week s rate. And he adds, the situa- " i . "4 1 . 1 . . . . , . . ! One can understand, but not condone, 13 .Nl IM'.l llilL II.C (U; ( HI W I 1; ,; - .1 1 1 - , 1 v, . ; 1 . 1 1 v 1 ' 1 L L , 1 I 1 Ulil'i U 11 i'UH 1'V fill ( ,. i NO REPRISAL. Reprisal in kind against Germany, for the bombardment of unfortified places? Yc hope not first, because nothing can justify descending to the plane of Ger many; second, because it wouldn't put an c nd to the practice. If now. it was possible to drop bombs on the war lords who give the order to man gle women and children! But why make re innocent people suffer for the acts of :ir oppressors oppressors who would en provoke the attacks in order to inflame he people and make them more willing lor the sacrifice thev are reouired to make. Some months ago when England raided a German town in retaliation, a thrill of disappointment shot through this country; the sentiment can be more outspoken now that we are full allies in the light for de- It's a pretty poor joke, but ro worse than Connie himself, and so we boldlv say mat ne put the "s:I;y" in Simy when he amed here. One of the pleasantest diversions at Bayview these days is to sit in the shade and watch fat men take busters. For seditious utterances. Tom Wat son's paper is barred from the mails. Good! Now we hope the day is not far distant when Tom himself will be barred. That feminine charms become more costly with age is doublv proved bv the $225,000 heart balm a 25-yoar-ol-l damsel got from an So-year-old New York millionaire. The country has no business selling or making booze during war time, and we hope that the United States will be so bone dry that even the cot ton gin will have to be renamed. Two of the colonel's sons at the- ! front, and two are to follow; but the country will not be safe until Teddy moves his terrible teeth over to dig the trenches. When Flora Taylor, colored, during a domestic altercation, took a shot at her husband, Mattie Snow, who was watching the proceedings, was struck in the jaw by a flying bullet. It serves her right for putting her mouth in other people's affair.-. p" h f-. 1 - j O AW-r 1 T7T- I 5AV MY SOH To MY counts! 1 ,--Tt--. X J &&Vm-f, -r? " ''tV- Lt 'Vti'-r;" il;. 't;-it- sf-:- ir XT'" . - '-.JS,4 W Vox Populi. POLICEMEN CHARGE A RAW DEAL sir 3 n? Ei ai m ILV.!'?:V-V-V'lT- Kf-yr- -fS!' -T .j I- -' l- U" uil-l 1- i- rifn- 1 1 V -1 -if" iV -ri---i i iwIm GOT old TintR.: nJ1 if 1 f f 1 Tensacola, Fla., June 20, 1917 Editor of The Journal: We. the undersigned members of j the Pensacola police force, whose j resignations hav been requested by 1 once and rire Commissioner San ders only to gratify his political ends, and not t". in anywise improve the morale and efficiency of the depart ment, believing as we do, that the people in electing to have the city government run by . commission, sought to obviate the condition now about to obtain, and the powers of a sinister political being to be so strengthened that his ambitions will know no goal at the cost of the taxpayers. Mr. Sanders has no grounds, other LOCAL H BUYS Fl JEBSEY CIS QUEEN DELIVERS HER ADDRESS TO PARLIAMENT keep pace with if as far as only a few weeks ahead." It is true and the fact cannot be driven home too often. An occasional lull gives one a little hope news of a submarine being sunk is acclaimed as a great feat, and so it is, but the destruction of a dozen U-boats does not hurt Germany as much as the sinking of one grain boat does us. Germany in the submarine war has us at an advantage ; .she has all to gain and nothing to lose if in this tight to a finish every one of the submarines are destroyed, German military power will not be affected, whreas if our supply ships are destroyed our armies, no matter how large, no mat ter how victorious in a local sense perish. And Germany in the past ator or a group of aviators blind with rage and grief who have just received the news of the destruction of their loved ones in such a raid, and react to the brutal Mosaic code; but to plan such a thing in cold blood, would lower our cause, and so we are glad to note sentiment holds in the English parliament, where this proposi tion has been discussed. Three pure-bred Jersey cows have been purchased by Harry T- Ferriss for his dairy. The cows are from the famous Eates Jersey Farm Mar ion Junction, Ala., which is a consis tent prize winner at the leading dairy and cattle shows. The cows which Mr. Ferriss has purchased produce a very high grade of milk, testing more than C 1- : . 1 1 . T J Tl ....Ml than political, for desiring our dis- S1X . Per. cenc DU"7 ?m misl. as we have worked harmoni- hrnvc special car within a few and faithful in the department ! and be added to the Preent n-'ror, cu.. at-;,i ,1 ! herd. vmii I " 1" V 1 I ..11 M11 1. (J1H1 llf could find no fault that a board of honest men would sustain our dis missal, but now he has ascended to power -ind it seems our positions are in his hands, he autocratically de mands our heads as tribute for our JUST WHAT SHE NEEDED. When women complain of weari ness, loss of strength and vitality, backache, pains in sides and hips. dull headaches, dizziness floating The Hague, June 20. In a speech from the throne at opening of an extraordinary session of parliament Queen Wilhelmina referring to the declaration of dissolved states-general ns in favor of revision of pro visions of the constitution in dealing with suffrage and education said the states-general will decide whether the work will be completed- No other questions will be submitted. The ses sion will devote its full attention to questions arising from a war. BOY SCOUTS NOT PAID FOR HARVESTING POTATOES political prerogative exercised as our j specks, and similar ailments, thry conscienct:' directed The people love fair plav and a square deal, both of whi-h Mr. San too often accept these troubles as when the ailments may be the result? of disordered kidneys. Mrs. Mary V. ders seeks to denv us; all we ask is : Bunker, Milton-on-the-Hudson, N. Y, a fair and honest trial bv an im- unites: i am now on my second noi partial board Could he grant less? ' e of Foley Kidney Pills. They seem .ir. ;sanders is tilling the position of: J"-1- ueeucu. mem City Commissioner todav because he was dismissed in the same manner he now seeks to practice on us. What say you Mr. Tax-payers? i Will you have political bargain coun- j ters in the police department or will j you keep up the morait and effici-1 ency . Respectfullv. ' C W. NELL, - A. S. KELLY, F. MILFORD, DAN SACCAEO, CHAS. CLARK- Adv. Tachmond, June 20 Nearly a thou sand boy scouts who went to the east ern shore to help harvest the potato crop, have been ordered home be cause thev were forced to remain idle without pay when truckers decided to temporarily halt the harvesting. Chamberlain's Tablets for Indiges tion and Biliousness- In a recent letter to the manufac turers, Mrs. F Frazier, Ea--t St Louis. Mo., states: "I have never use anvthing equal to Chamberlain's Tab lets for indigestion and biliousness. I have also heard a great manv of my friends praise them highly." adv. DR. WILLIAMS, ' Dentist ROOM 400, AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Rea. Phone, 1932. Office Phone, 430. MAYES PRINTING CO. PRINTERS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE 17-IIWtrt Government ST. FTiona iru 1 u m l - -ii j. j! m isn i ii The United States army operates schools for bakers and cooks at Washington bar racks, Washington. 1). C; the Presido, Monterey, Cak; Fort Sam Houston, Tex., j and l'ort Shafter. Hawaii. The personnel I 11 - 1 ' . 1 - .'. . - i - in . 4- - . - 1 i 1 -. -i.-. "A ,. . - Vill ' ' oiiijitill i"i.u o i nicil. V.Cl- - ating twelve ovens, such a company will miles behind the front lines. A broadside from Nelson's famous flag ship "Victory" meant the discharge of about I'-'OO pounds of metal, which is less than the weight of a single shell fired from a nvdern l'J-inch naval gun. I 1 . . 1 J : . ) 4 I 1AA U M montl.c 1,-,.- i,,.L- u isuppiy nrcaa 101 men. wuii an as the world .produced under last vcar's I arm" " the held it is located trom oO to bO forced draught. The cold truth is, Germany has been winning Instill winning. America's power is enormous, but that power has not vet made itself felt. Russia's staying in the war will add nothing it will simpb- keep things as thev were another case where our work had all to loe and nothing to gain. True. Germany did not win the war ac cording to plan, but if Germany has not raptured Paris, she has created the Middle European Empire; she has been steadily forced back, but she has bled her enemies white at the same time and they were near collapse wiien our entry give them en-couragment-how near it would make us shudder to knov. America's ships, her patrols and her re sources came as a reprieve to civilization, l ut the war will be settled on land and in the air, n"t the sea, and while America with one arm staves off defeat, she must strike with the other to gain victorv. A THE OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRU R By CONDO The revenue cutter service, now a part of the United Stats coast guard, was foundd in 179 and has participated in every war on the seas in which our nation has been involved. The sea-plane can be launched from a warship under way. can fly ahead of it. and, by means of wireless, give notice of hostile ships at least 60 miles away from its float ing base. Florida Recr uiting Jacksonville, Fla., June 20. First Lieut. Joseph T. Clement, infantry, recruiting officer, announces the re sult of recruiting for June 26. 1017, within the state of Florida for the U. S. armv. Quota of district of Florida. 1,463.! Number obtained, 1.022. j Number sC " 44-1 Daily averae to complete quota bv j June T.nth, 148. j Registration is no bar to voluntary, enlistment. Due credit will be given !. r- i it ea'-n county ior every man wno vol untarily enlists therefrom. Honor Roll This Date. Chesle A. Williams, Live Oak. Andrew B- Westbrook. Live Oak. Thos. E. Beasley, Fort Ogden. Clarence R. Seavern, New Smvrna. Ernest H. Noble, Jacksonville i Charles P. Kirkpatrick. Hayden, ! Ariz. Charles W. McLeod. Ona. Bennie J. McLeod, Ora. Wni. H. Hightc ver. Mulberry. Frark H. r.--x. Mulberrv. Fred J McIIaio, Branfbrd. Wilson B. Newburn, Bradford. Owen Allen, Mulberry. Truby Jones, Alachua. Carl Williams, Marion, III. Willis Wrad. Lf-esburg. Clifford Cressy. Molino, I'.1. Enoch M, Austin. Orlando. Raymond F. Sands. Miami. Harry E. Lerd, Lav. ton Cliff. James A. Smith, Local, Ala. Henry G. Davis, Greensboro. Elbert J. Strickland, Tallahassee- The howitzer is the modern representa tive of the mortar, being a short, light gun. capable of firing a heavy shell at a low veloritv. REAL ESTATE. Dan E. Howard and wife to Mamie Bell. June 22, 1917, S1.00 and other considerations; Lot 18 and soutla 1J lot 17. block S. West Kin TtaCL . 1 ALLies VMKe r, yt L77TTn n nn Hi S (UaTJ THAT'S TH6 KtaO ( I I J L'L V : fop New i ues " iSvtt VO. see ok th? ,, , , j- w ? p r- i . rIf e LL gimp mmpv v'yfc ml Write to B. S. Hecker, P. O. Box 1434, FOR FULL INFORMATION CONCERN-y ING INVESTMENT THAT WILL V PAY YOU 12 PER CENT. ' " mi M i v Pensacola Launch and Machine Co. Two Sets Marine Ways. Willard Service Station. Skiflfa and Motor Boats Built and Repaired. P. L. Brown, Mgr. Phone 662 , .- ,., .-V Notice to Ice Consumers! Our waftons are equipped wltt) ea!e f and consumers wilt plas exact ear- rct weight and report any dlscourteaf of drivers to oiTIee chonea 69 or 358, Pecsacoh Ice Company C1 Sample Shoe Store 23 South Palafox. HIGH-GRADE SHOE3 FOR MEN AND WOMEN. 40 PER CENT LESS. THAN YOU WOULD PAY ELSEWHERE. TURKISH BATHS Pensacola Hospital, $1.00 Ladies 9 a. m. to 12 m. Men 1 p. m. to 9 p. m. WIRE YOUR HOME! MAKE IT AS COMFORTABLE AS YOUR OFFICE. PENSACOLA ELECTRIC COMPANY The Clutter Music House PIANOS. PLAYER PIAN03, ORGANS. TUNING. REPAI RINQ SAVE 50 CENTS I . . m, . ... ' k n uoiMj ruuiim 5TBINQE -llwerad Anywhere for 75a Werth ?1.8. The Central Fharmacy PHONES 177. 17B Ihe Journal's "Want Ad columns is a first-class medium. r i