Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1917. 7 FOR SUREST AND QUICKEST RESULTS There's a Buyer for Every Useful Thing. Sell What You No Longer Need Through a "For Sale" Ad Phone 1500 Before 7 p.m. HELP WANTED- MALE. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMIXATIOXS Pen sacola soon. Men ami women desiring government clerkships. Departmental, Postofnce. Railway mail. Customs. Write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (Former Government Examiner), Xenois , FOR Bldy.. Washington. 8july" FOR 8AIJR. FOR SAKE At :i sat-iilne, oac pablp and white Collie, one year old. applv to T. I'. White, care The John AVhite Store. lOjulyr POSITION WANTED. Frank t. Mayea. the spirit of U. P. GOVERMMENT needs thousands cleiks (men-women), for war prepar ations. SJ00 month. Ufa Jobs. Writ immediately frr Hat positions obtainable Franklin Institute. Dept. fi3 F. Roches ter. N. T. 20maytoju-.y22 HELP W A VKSD -FEMALE. WANTED Colored woman to do small wash, or a little lisrht work for the rent Of a. good house. Apply at 716 X. Al canla St. 8july3 I SALE 30 acres unimproved land 8 miles from city. Rollins enough to permit of good drainage. Reasonable ? price for cash. "M. D..' c re of Jour- ! nal. 10july2w In memory of Mr. and In recoanttlon heipfuineee that wit hit, The Journal win insert under this classification tree advertisements for those In need of employment. SQUIRREL FOOD SEEING IT RUNS IN THE FAMILY WE'LL EXCUSE YOU, BENNY. By AHERN FOR SALE Horse and buggy cheap i $")0.0i), -rn be seen at Ilrent. Fla.. or ! address M .1 . Allen, Route A, Cox r0. j !.iuly7 l FOR SALE-Res-den' es 31'. r.U, and 31 N. 6th. Ave. are a!l for I2.0f.) cas'.i VY sell separately. Easy terms if Robt. L. Radford, 309 X. 6th. Ave. liljulylin WANTED Position as night watchman ! or nurse. Address Wm. Archer. H5 i Guillemarde St. 10ju!y7 1 ! X. neeessar: . WANTED Am a compination book keeper and .stenographer and tvpe writer. snd have some spare time. Ad. dress "W. T. F.," care .Tournal. 7july7 WAXTED Position in doctor's office or crfshier 'Phone fi53.'.y WAXTGrD Position in doctor's office, or rfcShier. Phone 1413. Sjuly vVAXTED A good cook, zalez Corn Mills Co. Apply Gon- 4Julytf FOR RU:-ino thousand feet yellow pine boards, at StS per thousand f. o. I h. or schooner at Lillian bridge Address I .. Ins. Barclay, Lillian. A!a. WANTED. STORE MANAGER. Man with retail mercantile experience, 31 to 40 vedrs of age. Christian, with family responsibilities. After reerlving the necessary experience showing that he-is a business getter and a profit mak er, he has opportunity to develop to be a manager of general merchandise store, where nalary ia based on earning capac ity. Must have clear past record and Cood health; quiet, self -controlled man, riard worker with executive ablity to se cure results from employes. Position permanent, with attractive future ad vancement based entirely on ability. Ad dress Opportunity, care of Journal. WAXTEI Couple d-sire 3 furnished rooms for iinlit house-keeping with private- bath. Address E. W. care of Journal. lOjulyS FOR SALE Horse and buggy and new harness, cheap. Northeast corner o 1 Jackson street and Tenth avenue. 9.ily3 '. FOR SALE Barber shop. 4 chair com- ' hinatlon case. 3 hydraulic chairs. vsh . stand, etc.. cheap for cash. Box Pensacola. F1b ' 8julyT" WPKRIBNCED bookkeeper, general of -j fice inan, pow employed, would make ( na r ta k A A t- i a , lOjulyo journa 6july- A MIDDLE AGED WHITE MAX of good character and habits wants situation rs right watchman, care-taker, over seer, sexton, janitor, or any kind of light work in city or coumrv; best of refer ence given G'o. B. Tlais'ep. Route B. Box 124,. Dade City. Florida. TTA X Tii A middle aged lady to care for an agel coliple. In a good christian I home. Immediate service (trained nurse J not t required). Apilv with references.! I:o 107, Grand Ridge. Fla. SJulyOt ! t WANTED Furnished room, close in. by ' two railway postal clerks. Address E ' P. . J care Journal sjuly; J FOR SALE Postof fi'-e a iiinet om , bination lock boer Apply 108 Fast j Wright St. Sjuly I FOR SALE Thoroughbred male Berk I shire Pigs, clitrible for registration ! phone 228 or write J. I. CaivoU, Pnsa j cola, Fla. ' gjuy" i FOR SALE One-hi!f lntevet in well : estabished business. Good oroposition. Write P O. Box 41-1, JVnsacola. Fla Sjulvf FOR SALE DI'ROC JERSEY HOGS, i One 2-yr. old sow. one gilt, three males i nine months old. All tivoroughbred Duroc Jerseys, ordinary condition. First check 45.0) tnkes tlie lot. D. 'c. Williams. Mulat. Fla Sjnly:; . YOfNfi IADY wants no-tion as office JTirl or clerk in drv goods store-. Ad j diesis F. W.. 307 th Ave. 3july7 A.Mhii J'osition by experienced man exempt from militirv dvitv: am em- p o ed. but would like to change. Ad dress 2iTi. care of Journal. 31ulv7 rt8ou-f 6or PA WORK DIP rte PA WAS AM IMSURArJCt AOErJT- BOfrVT "XriAT H WAS PFUlTlV ( roPVJtfSR WkTri I won is. i i ni y i l . . x , . . fT, V KJ I X, E.VCB.VI30PV ! NUTrvViooeKM t rtBte . i oiomt ne-ist mv J5 iwen. t most ru-r i Zn -rir- i- ,V WINDOW KJK B tuROlfttt) lOT Of Wft -IWiIkMM FA AM UKtD UlrA-EVlM t 1 NAVAL STORES The spirit market was firm, "-18, with sales of 120 CHS ti. . Keceipts, Casks I ooay . . . . Thi month I'hi.s srason nil 2,S(." 2l.o60 Shipments To si ay Tii is month This season Stocks Tenia v April" 1 FOR KENT. I FOR QUICK SALE One second hand touring car. electric lights and starter, one second bund light roadster. Pensa cola Overland Co.. phone 416. Sjuly FOR RENT five room cottage, ftirn- j ishe-i or unfurnished: suitable for two! couples: separate kitchens, .with gas i stoves; situated near car line and bav. j Adults. Apply ,',01 East Government St . 1')ju1 T ' FOR RENT Nice furnished front run-u : to dcsirible party Gentleman pre- ; ferrcfi. Apply 605 X. Davis St. 10julv7 Some reliable on place and WANTED party to live work same on shares dress Mrs. Mallory ncdv. Pensacola, Kla. Ad- Ken- FOFi SALE Rhode island Rd Apply 31 South Spring stre'-t. rooster. . SjulyS FOR R EXT Furnished rooms in good I location, southern exposure, for gentl"- ' men. or bachelor quarters, out; block ea:'t ! V. !. C. A. Phone 1M;R. lOJulv 1 FOR QVICK SALE. CHEAP One gentle horse, suitable for driving or farm work; also a good set of harness, one Babcock surrey and small wagon. Ad dress I. O. Box 1018, Pensacola. Fin. FOR REXT Furnished room with bath. hot and cold water, southern exposure. 204 West Chase street. SjulvS GEORGIA Pharmacist, with years of ex perience, wants to come to Pensacola. Knows drujr business thoroughly. Will expect good salary and will give honest service. "Pharmacist,'' Sylvester. Ga. 6july2w "WANTED Sewi'rt machines to repair. Why buy a machine when your old one can be made as koA as ever. Blr.g 56fl. J wilt call. Work guaranteed. 131 North Talafox street. J. H. Blake-sley. Smaytf WANTED Watches and clocks to re pair. All work prunranteed. Will C. mtfenderfer. Phone 2208. . . 11 . .1 w. 1. . in 1 '3 WANTED Tour io t-rintlns: and order for nrrmvinr of all kinds, csllinar cards, weeding invitations, etc. MATHS PRINTING- CO.. 24 West Govern eat WANTED TO B17T. WANTED Folding perfect condition; lowest cash price, tare Journal. camera: must be in state siie, make and Address "Camera." SjulySt rOP CiT 1' lnintrrl '!r-n'A White Leghorn liens. Barrel's stniin, 7c j "re each; three-year-oli cow and calf, 1 fresh, good milker. Big Bayou Poultry Farin, Route 2, Box 72. Pensacola. T.ily"' 1-OR REXT Two 1-irge rooms and kitch tui furnished for housekeeping, front and back porch and all modern conveni. ences. . (Jregorv St ArnK- sni; w ;orv FOR SALE Early Tri-mph Sweet Po tato Vine Cuttings. Price $2.00 per thousand f. o. b. Bay Minette. Prompt shipment. L.' T. Rhodes. Bay ilinette. Ala. 1july7 FOR REXT Moleru four room uiifurn- ' ished apartment. Apply 506 E. Jack- ! son fa. KKEvV EM ALU Ar4 "Tv4EV toTSA -fjses we seen PA 3TKcx-rtr4' Powr4 "TH' STRtE-TI'Wj-rri A POUCEnAN OtJ CACV SiPt OF ALWAYS EKI& Mli COMPAMV. MS fSfVY- COULD X T'tftTfi, FOR T , t " -i" 1 1 r, p. . . ..... l gain acres ten minutes walk to car. j pnrk, school or two department stores, i fenced chicken tight. 165 i-ecan .ps 1 j so" S:l In one year, 2'i0 other kind of 1'OR SALrW-SaV mill COm- i .tI!c1' ,12 cupt.rnonR Oi-ape arbors, fi kllli: Clai I V I ' p;'rnPp- servant house. Addresi "ox -..4 or 1'none 1 8july5 L4. ANi' He WAS PRETTY wise "TOO , AKi KNEW EvCRVTrtiMG- NP5 rAI5 IH ToWr4 ,lr4C - C - ( WOTOlM POiN -YOUHe Jo SyiSSJ 1M6 fo SToB&xClJ WM I CR. eV. gEFORe Trt' Police wolu rT OO ArJVTHirJfa THEY'D Fi,r . Fa ' see. t: TT- : . - 1 (SO HtMl ) I 5V400LR Bfc MAM CAW QtT A i4 e CA8AS6T, FOR. TVt' Casks o , t . . lo.osa C asks . . 24.620 1 he rooin market, was t'r ales of ,"7r harre'?. Receipts. I?arrels 810 Toda v tt,; ,. " .1. 111:3 IIU-ULII 1.Z.-.1 This season ;i6,o?'.i Shipments. Barrels. Today ji,;,', Thi.x month ".S-1'2 This sesaon 60. 7 "" StiKks, Barrels Today 8-1.7:17 April 1 IH, 701 Quotations were as follows X. WW WG X M . K I H t; F K I B 1 .227 l.7ol Last ar i:u l.":t 18.71S 1 with last Year :;,6,M) :..2oi 61,104 7 60 4.027 :o,:r.:i 72,461 101.01S .o.;.2 1-2 .6.22 1 -2 .6.02 1-2 ..V42 1-2 .5.12 1-2 .o.Orl 1 , o.OO .4.78. 1-4 .4.0o . 1 0 .4.02 .4.10 4 1-2 JACKSONVILLE MARKET Jacksonville, July market was firm at sales of 6S4 casks. Receipts, t asks 0. Tho spirit 6(ffi.0.6 1-4, with nlctc and drv Mit ''fij-i-i T nr m rttrnln r i - J .' ' . V; !FOP. REXT-Furnished phone 14Uo or atictrcss tsoxt 1341. Pensacola, Fla Sjulyl FOR try rin. SALE Squebs Farm. Route I at Big , Box ; Bavou Poul 2, Pensacola. 3.1uly7 MR. FARMER, wc want on the L. & N. railroad, with in 100 miles of Pensacola, Florida, Excelsior cord wood, cut from any kind of living, "sappy pine. It should have only few outside knots. The bark nuist he peeled otY. We will pay from $i.7T to $3.00 per cord, according to ihe freight charged. WE V I L L P A Y T 11 E 'FREIGHT. Write us from what station you expect to ship and. we will then Hll you what price we will pay vou and mail vou our specifi cations. PENSACOLA KX CELSTOR CO.. P. O. l)ox 1350, Pensacola, Florida. ljuly FOR SALE 40 h. p hp?w dutv 4-oyHn-der Lamb engine. S',i Oriole, double cyl inder 6 Ferro. two rowboats. battery out- I board motor, 17-foot Jur.irer. round hot ! torn launch. Good be.rgalns. Phone 680. i Pensacola Gas Engine & Supply Co. julystf FOR SALE Two fine cows, one with calf and one wit' calf shortly; also two work mules. Phone 61.; or ni'.ii ; 120 West Tntendencia street. july2tf rooms for linrht tfousekeeping. upstairs ar.rl down' atnirs modern conveniences. 221 X. Barcelona St.. Phone 1726. Sjulytf LEGAL NOTIOTS. X'otice is hereby iven that a of the shareholders of the Xational Bank, of I'yns.acola, will be held at 2 p. m.. on July FOR RENT Two rooms, dining -oom and kitchen, modern convenience rent cheap to reliable parties. Apply 32T West Romana street. " 6(uly7 ton REXT Furnished room, good loca tion. A-,)plv 402 West Gregorv street, or phone 1945. 6julv7 FOR REXT Two apartments furnished for housekeeping downs'airs, 103 West Gregory. Phone 1703. julv.Mf FOR SALE One model 80 1 f Overland, just overhauled. Pensacola Overland Co.. 113 North Palafox. SPjur,e FOR REXT 'oath, nhone Chpse St. Two fnnlshed rooms with and private porch. 301 W. Sjuly FOP. SLE Thre lots t-rr the corner of 14th avenue and Doto rt'-eet, two blocks from new hospital. Price vry rnsonable. Cash or cisy t"--ns. For further information, address "L. L. A Box 161. Chipley. Fl.i FOR RENT Two connecting front rooms for light house-Veeping with bath and gas. Apply 221 (V. Chase street, ljuly FOR SALE OR REXT -Residence in best prt of North Hill; three baths, larg-e gr.lleries; or will rent in apart ments. Separate bath rooms and tfas roetery to each apartment. Comfortabe, P. O. Box 1214. SOjune tlieetllij; meriean Florid:-'.. 31. '.ti7. at it? banking rooms in Pensacola. Florida, for the purpose of considering! snd passing upon amendments to its Article"! of Association, and of increasing its capital stock and for otlicr nnrposes. C W. LAMAR. 1327A-30jvne30da C;.sl:icr. Xotlce is herebv p-iven that a meeting of the shareholders of the Xational Hunk of Commerce will be held at its banking rooms, in Pensacola. Florida, at 2 o'clock p. to., on July 31, 1917, for the purpose of considering and taking action uiio:; a resolution placing said Bank in volun tary li-iuid:itlon, and upon a proposed purchase of its assets by the American Xational Bank and for other p-un'-scE. J. W. MAI. ONE. 1328A- 30 j iineSftcla Cashier. THE MARKETS southwest. Tho cotton July market eh H. 26.90 Oct 26.47 NOTICE To All Creditors of the Gulf. Florida &. Alabama Railway Company. Vnder and in accordance with an or der o" the Honorab'e Wii'iiam B. Shep card. Judge of the District Court of the I'nite.i States, tot the Northern l 'istrict . dino.l to c.-.o- mnWniolv lakiiii; by earlv buyers. At 1:M0 th tradino; months show ed a net advanc ol point.-. v oiron iiiuires closed steads of Fl'-rida. in a cause therein pending. wherein Hubert C. Mandeville. is com- plainanf. and said Gulf. Florida & Ala- bama R?ilway Comprnyi is defemiant, i and the undersigned receivers, sa'd order j bearing dat'- of June 22. 1917. all credit.! ors or parties holding claims, are herein j advances notified to present proof oi salo claim j NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans, July 9. Cotton rose .".1 to 44 points in the first hour of i i - i . i i i t xramnjr nero today on a (icinand re-i suiting frotn the lack of rain in the western half of the belt. Trading va:i J professional in character and offer-! inir.s were very slender, alloy ing a moderate dematul to have mora than the uual effect. j Peace talk and the idea that e- port embargoes on otner commodities might have tho effect of increasinir i-hipmcnts of cotton increased the de mand. In the tradinp up to noon, tho advance was widened to 64 to 68 points. A quiet but steady feeling: develop ed in the afternoon with nrices in- under profit I ec. Jan. Mar. . 26.6.- .26.72 .20.39 ed .steady L. 26.50 2o.or; 26.07 26.14 26.30 Today 1,144 This season 40,183 Shipments, Casks Today 600 This season 37,357 Stocks, Casks Today 41,337 April 1 .... The rosin 11 market was dull 6.57 of 24 to FOE REXT Xice 6-room cottage, 1324 F,ist Strong street, $16 per month. Ap- SOjune i Plv Xo. P Last Intendencia. 26.ii.-ne I wise said BEY DIRECT Cut out tie middle msns profit. We want yoor orders fo sneclal park Elberta peaches for your self or your friend Ours sre the eoual of anv grown in Oeo--ria Suisfaction sruaranteed. Price 11.75 f o b. here Thverable about ,T-1'- 1S. Pferenc. Tnnk of Sparta Poset"ont Pe'-c'i & Poi-'trv Farm. Fpartn. Georgia, v A Bor.ier. Mannger. Mulyl'w FOR s,UE-Or eTCbsre. t 20-acre fum 3'i miles from th.? cf,-:rt bouse. Fifteen cres cleared. c-ris-fence flve icre lot. wire fencing. Fifteen hundred repress tank, water ninefl aP over the place Large K-rn. chicken hoi-se. pecan m.l fr-iit tres. --anes. 'ood 4-roorn house; an i.ea' rla'e for a dairy. Will sell or f'de for citv p-opertv. Anoly to R. P. Res JiineI4tf FOR REXT One block from Y. M. C. A., one comfortable and thoroughly screened room, adjoining bath, summer rates: also nice garage Ide-ql location. BIS Xorth Pa'nfox street. Phone 2308-R. t2jun FOR REXT Two suites of furnlrhed ; rtoms for llcht housekeeping, modern ronvHrcnrm, Xorth Hill, near cr l:nc. Ieslr:ibl. location. Phone !i7, or all at 1120 Xorth Polnfox street. maylDtf under oath against said Gulf. Floriiii a-i' Alabama Railronrl Cwmpimy wif hin i three months from June 22. 191,, other- claims shall b barred F. E. DEWEY. PHILIP D. BEALL. 1323A-4julyS0da Receivers. July Oct. Dec. Jan. Mar. 30 II 2o.S5 25. 6K . 25.87 . 26.00 .26.14 points I.. 25.20 25.10 o-; oo 26.12 at net C. 25.50 25.24 25.4 4 25 60 15.74 LIVERPOOL COTTON Liverpool, July 9 limited demand; prices 3.0 points higher; American middling fair, 10.83; i'ood middling. 10.45; middlintr, 10.15; low middling, 18.70; good ordi nary, 17-75: ordinary. 17.15. Sales, 2,000 bales; includine 1,000 bales American. Receipts, 3.100 bales ; all Ameri can. Futures: July July-Aup Sept.-Oct Oct.-Nov. Dec. -Jan Jan.-Feb March-April The above are all fixed 1 '!y sales of 1.678 barrels. .Joo Receipts Barrels--;:r'!Today 2.307 iiiiis nami Ui.ypi Shipment, Barrels. IToday 2,500 fh: -e.Kon 107 OH Cotton spot in StockV. Barrel. Today 157,402 April 1 157.106 Quotations were a- follov.-s: L::,t Ver 1..".0:' 53,553 60S 47,004 20,361 .9 R00 with 4,121 33.5 IS 1.402 162,878 118,934 148,274 ... .18.05 .. ..17.80 17.17 16.75 16.20 . . . .16.10! 15 92! prices. I Open Close ! X. WW 6.65 WG 6.50 N 6.20 (3)6.25 M 5.65 K, 1 5.25 II 5.15 (5)5.17 F "lr ! K, 5.10 a5.15 1), 5.07,i5.15 I! 5.10 WAVTTo AT OVCT" F1p- t norkem weishln? 100 to 100 pounds rleeped. Ilvered in Sitplnklata CmH tmrttm.t write or phoa 7n. 12-SEE US for largest assovt- i mcnt, all mal-e Hr F'amlture Co. in Rut Ooernmenr. M-,,-,,1 n i r ': pc N WE BUT econ4-bni$ furnlti' eTl new ana Becond-hand furniture cbeao. Nor- LOST AND FOUND. LOST Green gold flexible bracelet, set with amethyst. Return to Marv Saun ders, East Pensacola Heights or 412 Thiesen Bldg.. and receive rewar.l. injlv7 SALESMEN WANTED. 4 secono-I.owest prices, easv tC3is. Pon -ncola Puick Supp'v Co.. Phono 4Cr. FOR REXT Furnished rooms for house' keeping, or neparate'y. screened and cool: most pleasant locaf-ot in 72-' Xcrth t2th avenue, nhone 1317 The Psrior Market -HorD tf AK Thf ur" Fresn Western Meats. fOJ LTKY. EOOS AND GREEN OnOCKRICft. PHONES 1TS-174. advance of 7 to 3 (leal of realizing city I - lSjune june27tf FOR REXT Two ni-dv furnished, rooms at reasonable s'ltmner rates. IS West Garden street, or phone 1800. jul3tf FOR REXT Suites of rooms for light housekeeping; private bath, hot snd cold wter, 31 Guillemarde. three blocks i west of 1. A X depot, block east Of Y. 1 , M. C. A. Phone ISM. 12apr I , i FOR REXT Comfortubt?, cool furnished front room, southern exposure, one block north Y. M. C. A. 20 East LaRua street may4 Ti ttrtettv l tKrim nnntorl dltehftrco 4T3 -ai will not itrtcter. Believes In lUKift HOIR T WBteOliTt. pretl Petf tl, or 8 bottle S2 7& r -ir jw a . ONCiaOCATI. SALESMAXFor general mercantile trade in Florida to sell a NEW propo sition of MERIT. Vacancv now. Attrac tive commission contract. $3.1 00 weekly for expensrs. Miles F. Bixler Co., holfsale Jewelers, 3427 Carlin Bid . Cleveland, Ohio. 8julv FOR S.M Per tl.l" st French h1ocl--(i fro or wo-i.d exemrg" for 'qr.'l ; cHv. a vsbiahV ploce of 'in-' j L'.-k. Indian ebo"t four; . '-e 1-ntA' r nrt sr-inrs. On helsbts ovc 'oo' '"g tb- I'trn pnd snrmcs. covero-.-f with oV 'r-d V'"Vr'" f"l s'ir. ; roundrd ,v ri-- d well! . -1 t''" cant be brd Ff-r rrlce. efc . jph'v 'o ill's m F.mrv,' pensacola Fia.. Route- A. Tint 51 1-,me27tf .4 V ETE RI N A R Y SURG EO N . DR. GEO. MASGAXA. French Graduate 1 V'jterinarian. will tre-U any disease of I floi,,esticated animals at moderate price. Mi t . i..overnment St Phone 1729 or WUlte's Pharmacy, Phoii? ISO. Dr. Mas ga aa's Mange Cure is the best. " ljulylm FOR SLE OR HFST-Modern siT-room cottage In Tikerlew. facing TVvmi Texar. Good fishi nr. bl-ing -id bont 'r.rr within a stone's t-orr. Sep E I. Pese. 33 South Palafox ctr"' P'one 1761. IHnneliri and M. tcinally SECRET soc:iirriE3. F. 4 A. M. Sp-'fial 'ommi:r!rnll-n of lis. camHia l-dge. Xo. F. !C- A. M., We.lnesdav, Julv 1i. nt 7:30 p. to. Work in the E. A . F. O. M. Tegrecs. is-iting Bros, fra in ited. W. F. BIGGS. Secy. The Clutter Music House NEW YORK COTTON. New York. July 0. An opening ' points int a pood in the cotton mar ket today with October sellinir off from 26.00 to 25.95 after th" call. Other months showed similar fluctua tions and sentiment seemed to bo un settled by tiie jrovernment action to control exports, but the market very PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS. ORGANS, TUNING. REPAIRING TRANSFER. STORAGE w. o. w. Live Oak Camp, Xo. 1, Woodman of the World meets first and third Tuesday nights for regular meetings, woodman; Ha'l HTi ard 117 1-2 West Garden street.! W. H. WHITE. C VILLA R, Clerk. C. C. I? REMEDYFORMEN. AT YOUR DRUGGIST. THE OLD RELIABLE" mm i ARVESIaN WELLS. ARTESIAN' WELLS Will put in wells 4 to 12 inches diameter, anv depth. Ijnd guarantee water Write for full in 'ormation. Gray Artesian Well Co.. Cot tondale. Fla. aprlStf CITY TRAX'SFER CO.. of Peraoo1a Office and warehouse. 227-2 East Garden etreet. Telephone 400 Hauling, packing and storsre. Lsrgeet public warehouse in VCteSt Flori 1. Motor truck equipment for hay r!de in dplcnle parties. Ides HFr.CHANTS TMKsirTR CO.. Tho R Thorn. PTrcr1tor. !le1t all kln1 I rl and hauling Furniture paelred for ehlpment Furniture atored- Office i .hone 7 Depot phone 7M. ttjume 1 M 1 SCELL ANEO Us. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES. Furniture. House Furnishings. cash or easy payments. Home FMrnishinr Co., Government and Tarragona sts. Thone SSL Sjuljira BINGHAM COMPANY TRANSFER P ft one fv? njr Subscribe for The Journal. Modern Woo cm en. Pensacola Camp No. 16568, Modern Woodmen of America, meets first and third Thursday nights at 7:30 p. m.. at K. of P. hall on Eaet Intendenci street. F. D. RICHARDS. C. W. EGGART. Consul. Clerk. soon firmed up again on covering and scattered buying. Offerings were very light after the early setback and be fore the end of the first hour, Oc tober had sold at 26.16 and January at 26.35 or 23 to 29 points net higher. The continued absence of rain in the southwest, steady Liverpool cables and peace talk based upon the reports of political agitation in Ger many were the factors on the ad vance. Offerings continued very light and some stop orders were uncov ered on the advance, which carried the active months about 59 to 63 points net higher- Around 26.46 for October and 26.72 for January tho buying became less active and the market turned easier later in the morning as a result of realizing. The statement attributed to the German chancellor that there could be no peace without annexations and indemnities for Germany may have promottd pro fit taking, but aftr reactions of 15 fiT: Oct 16 points the market steadied on the : x0y. CORN PRICES RALLY. Chiearro, July 9. Owing to Presi dent Wilson's embargo proclamation all food and fodder markets showed noticeable weakness today. Tor the most part, however, the effect was only of a transient character. 1 ry hot weather southwest tended to rally corn prices from an initial setback. There was also lively buy ing on the part of many traders who contended that the embargo would have practically no lasting influence as the den and anyhow for corn would exceed the supply and the amount of corn actually exported to neutral na tions was relatively small. Opening quotations, which ranged from l-2c to 1 3-4c lower, with September at 1.55 1-5 to 1.55 1-2, and December at 1.16 1-2 to 1.17 1-4, were followed by a further descent in some cases and then a general upturn to nearly Sat urday's finish. Depression in oats soon disappear ed when corn turned up grade. Wheat trade was reduced to next to nothincr pending assumption of full government control of the mar ket. September opened lc lower, at 1.03 and later sold at 1.92. Provisions took a downward swing mainly as a result of lower quotations on hgs- Lard especially was heavy. MARKET -The spirit mar 36(f?36 1-4, with reported high temperatures in COTTONSEED OIL MARKET. Nert- York, June 9. The cotton seed oil market closed unsteady. Spot, 15.15 bid: Jan 14.90f&14.91 Feb 14.90(5: 14.99 July 15.20(7x15.40 Aug 15.19()15.20 Sept 15.1615-18 15.11(0-15.17 14.87fS; 14.91 the ! Dec 14.8S 14.99 Total sales, 44,000. SAVANNAH Savannah, July 9. ket was firm at sales of 459 casks. Open, 36 1-2 Receipts, Cask Today 357 This season 31.423 Shipments, Casks Today 10 This season 21,605 Slocks, Caks Today 22,824 April 1 11,169 The rosin market was firm sales of 1.450 barrels. Receipts, Barrels I.:ist Vi'n r 37U ;5.30'! Ill) l,r i t r,r2o wit h I i Wii Today 1,047 This sr-ason 8,858 Shipments, Barrels Today 1 This season 132,637 Stocks, Barrels Todav 70,446 April 1 103,456 Quotations were as follows: 1.1 55 96,973 1 .855 105,469 66,833 72,832 WV 6.60 6.60 WG, 6.50 6.35 (d 6. 50 N 6.30 6.20 (ft 6. 25 M 5.70 5.60 (ct5.65 K 5.40 5.25 5.30 1 5.27 '.j (55 . 35 5.25 H 5.25 ?,.-. 30 5.20 (5.25 G, 5 22V, (5. 30 5.20 F, 5.20 (?L5.25 5.15 E 5.1 7 'a (a 5. 25 f.12'g D, 5.15 (fe5.25 5.10 B 5.10 (3,5.25 5.00 fo,5.0l Penseeoia Lodo No. . I. O. O. W. Per?oIa Lodge No. 4, 1. O. C. T. meets Tery Thursday at 7. SO p. m. in i RaftorA Hall, corner Baylen and Belmont j streets. Vialtora cordially Invited. C. R. BELL. N. O. J s vicolw.i. Secretary. AUTOMOBILE. All Hind of engine, magneto and eelf ta;'r work quickly and oflleiently dnTi at stauuard Repair Work. Phone 118. tad A Rea 1 Bargain ONLY $500 EASY TERMS. . A beautiful corner lot facing" south, 60 feet front on West Chase street by 125 feet deep on "C" street; sidewalks on front and side. Abstract furnished. MAXENT CORPORATION A. M. Cohen, Sales Agent. . Phone 367. STake this for Chills, Fever, Malaria. For a malarial condition with chills, fevers and sweats, tcl:e "Fo ley's "King of Malaria" Chili Tonic. It combines the virture3 of quinine, without its unpleasant taste, with the strong purifying and tonic prop erties of iron. It givss appetite, strength and vital energy. Miss Rhoda Foster, Clarksvillc. Tenn-, writes: "I suffered with chills every day, and whatever I took did me no good. A friend recommended Foley's "King of Malarir," Chill Tonic ,and the first bottle 1 took stopped the chills, and I felt well ajrain " D'Al embcrte'a Pharmacy. adv KEEP FIT AND FEEL FINE Foley Cathartic Tablets arc a wholesome physic that thoroughly dense the bowels, sweeten the stom ach and prouss the liver For indi gestion, biliousness, bad breath, bloating, gas, or constipation, no remedy is morj highly recommended. Sluggish bowels are the direct cause of many ills and the indirect cause of many more. Undigested food poisons the whole system. Don't be careless. See that your bowels are regular- Keep iu. Then you will feel fne. D'Alembcrte's Pharmacy adv- FISHER-BROWN. We Will Bond You. 918 Phones 919.