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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, THtTRSDAY frlORNrNG, JULY 12, 1ZL7. CASE OF TWO BLACKWELL'S TO JURY TODAY (Continued on Page Ten) bepn blasted by A- J. Melvin, who Evrore that he perjured himself when he said he saw the prisoner in a chair car on the night in question. Documentary Evidence. The state then offered in evidence the' motion for continuance filed ay Will Blackwell when he was first ar raigned on the first of May, stating that he was not prepared for trial because he had not been able to com municate with Henry Weaver or Jeff Russell, two material witnesses, as he claimed; bringing out the point that the said witnesses had still not been summoned, and that the affi davit was further false. Shortly after his arrest, Will Blackweil declared that Jeff Russell could establish his alibi, that he was the only man in Crestview who had seen him on the night of March 21; and the state now called J. D- Rus sell to the stand who swore that his son Jeff had been in Oklahoma since last September, was there still and had not been back in the meantime. The defense insinuated that there mijrht be some some other Jeff Rus sells in this part of the country, but Sheriff Sutton settled this point effectively. Picture on the Wall Eliza Atwell going upon the stand for the fourth time and tying bher Iff Sutton's record, described Will's peculiar conduct with the picture on the wall. She held the atrocity in the white enamel frame in her lap, where all could see it the red coated woman with a petrified smile and a gray gloved hand, enormously out of nronortion. restinsr cn the horse's head. The picture had been hanging 1 for months in Will blackwell's room; shortly after the crime it appeared in her room- She returned it. He ; took it back into her room and told t her not to move it again- When she 'informed Mr. McGeachy about this, , as alreadv broueht out, he had De tective Moore examine the offending I work of art. When the pasteboard ' backing was removed, Bob Blak ! well's Woodman of the World card i was found cunningly hidden between ! it and the picture; the card that ! Bob and Will acknowledged was in the suitcase and which Will was un i able to remember whether he had hidden in such a remarkable place! Further Confirmation. Mrs. Atwell further testified that Will Blackwell was in the habit of doing her marketing, but did not uo it on the night of the murder; she was corroborated by W- J. Haynes and L. R. DuBose, her boarders, who further said that it about midnight on the night of the murder Mrs- At well was in Blackwell's room alone and that at daybreak Will was there. Mrs. Atwell was called for the second time that day and the fifth i mo since the case started, and adrt cd further confirmation. Sheriff Sut ton's record was broken! Smashing Will's Alibi. Discredited already, the state now proceeded utterly to confound Will Blackwell's alibi. Charles Cox went on the stand and swore that Tuesday of last week he had seen Duncan Blackwell, father of the accused, and Mrs. Robert Black well, wife of Bob, coming from the house of Mrs. Erin Settles, the ; woman who swore that Will was in ' her house drinking whiskey at the i time of the murder- Mrs- Settles though arrested for perjury last Sat- urday, has not yet seen fit to change i her testimony; so the state called ! representative men and men of standing in the community, begin , ning with Mayor White, who swore that the Settles woman Jiad a bad reputation and that they would not believe her on oath. M- E. Savage, A. T. Jones, L. E Bowers, W. R. White, and C- H. Griffith so testified; and so that alibi went to join the snows of yesteryear. Merely to round out the case, the state put Mrs. A. J. Melvin on the stand who swore that her husband was home on the night of March 21 and not at Holt talking to Bob Black well as he claimed before he re nounced his perjury. The state and the defense rested at 10:30 a. m- Judge Campbell announced that each side would be limited to eight hours- At 10:40 R. A- McGeachy. the tal ented state attorney, whose first case this is in his official capacity, began his speech. Remarking that there was nothing that he could say would strengthen such a strong case, he referred to the probity of Judge Campbell, and to the care with which the jury had been selected to prevent any man with any bias being allowed to serve. Cures His Eczema In a Big Hurry K. V. Mock, Cambridge. III., writes: "It may please you to know that an old case of facial eczema, with the skin on nose anrl cars dot-ply excoriated, has r-spoiul- el to TETTERINE in two weeks' time nose Is healed, rest r:uiUv OoiiiK Tetterine cures ecze ma, tetter, ringworm. Itch. Itching piles, etc. 50c at druggists or direct from Tiu Slmptrine Co.. Savannah, Ga. Adv. EVERLASTING Fabrics Company 0i Muth PUfm. L. E. NOBLES & CO., AOMItS Hart Schaffner & Marx, and Kirschbaum Suits. Yur Money Worth or Your Money St South Palafox Street. Phone 790 President Appeals Country's Business Interests Washington, July 11 The presi dent appealed to the country's busi ness interests tonight to put aside evejy selfish consideraion and give their aid to the nation and freely to those who go to offer lives on battle fields. The statement is addressed to coal operators and manufacturers to whom he gave assurances that just prices will be paid by the govern ment and public during the war, but Both the state and the defense he said had examined the jurors and were satisfied with the honesty and had so expressed themselves. Mr McGeachy then paid a flowing trib ute to his assistant and predecessor in office, who had begun the case and whom he was rlad to have as sociated with him. He said that the citizens of Okaloosa county had done him a favor by retaining the services of Mr. Stokes, and had assisted the ends of justice as well, because of the familiarity of his assistant with every detail of the hideous tragedy. Summarizes Evidence. Summarizing the ' evidence. Mr McGeachv told of the visit of Bob and Will Blackwell &nd Mrs. Atwell to Camp Walton a year ago; of Will's visit to the Brooks house and his suspicious actions and inquiry after the financial status of the vic tims, as related by Blaney Brooks yesterday the man who even warn ed Bud Davis, that a shifty-eyed stranger was interested in his money. He discussed the testimony of Cur tis and Bud Adams, of Levy Dollar, and George Jones, the men who swore that Will to be his accom and referred to guise which the them and accordinir to the evidence it was burnt cork with which the Blackwell brothers and the mvsteri- ous third man from Alabama were disguised. A sooty deposit resem bling burnt cork was rubbed off Will Blackwell's coat, and Mrs. Atwell swore she helped clean his face of th dark disguise. Alibi Struggles Mr. McGeachy told of Will's strug gles to secure an alibi by corrupting the youth of the land, even while the trial was in progress, referring es pecially to the testimony of L. C Carr, G. D. Adams, and Louis Ates. Where Is Gradie Bartlett? He discussed the Gradie Bartlett land deal plea. If Gradie Bartlett had not seen Bob Blackwell since he was a little boy, how did he know that Bob was in Sylacauga, Ala , that he went there offering to pay $20 an acre for some land that he had not seen for 20 years such being the testimony that has been "-brought out? To my mind," declared the state attorney in one of his bursts of elo- quence, "he's the third man in this crime and he lives in Alabama " If Bob's and Gradie's visit to Flor ida was as innocent as the prisoners sought to make out, why was not Grape-Nuts Made from choice whole wheat and malted barley, this famous food retains the vital mineral elements of the grain, so essential for balanced nourish ment, but lacking in many cereal foods. From every standpoint good flavor, rich nour ishment, easy digestion, convenience, economy, health from childhood to old age Grape-Nuts food. Th ere s a Keason Doings of the irien 10 eei mem arterwarci. Mate .ittornev .Mcbcacny i . , - . - y'"-" juwn, U-ini lie uusuiveiy utrueveu. i.. l o H1, the burnt cork nis- ! After discussinc the absurdity of i T "... prisoner proposed to the motive alleged by Bob for letting - 1 e nA,:' r;ifQ I 1 ! ToM,TWRoJ TUAT CkiAR AWAS-) I wamt Nou xo no cvt amd j SpeAK' To MWS VAA.SToR - Sov RememOeR SotfvB met Heel I to the warned that no attempt to extort any unusual profits will be tolerated. The president declared that t-Vre must be one price for the govern ment and public. He was confident that business generally will be loyal to the last degree. In unmeasured terms the president condemned &6 ship owners for maintaining the schedule on ocean freight rates whicJi placed obstacles in the path of the government. Gradie here to say so? The state had tried to locate him; the defend ants claimed they had tried; the press had carried the news of the crime broadcast over the land. Would Gradie let an innocent man suffer. And if the prisoners had a hundred acres of land worth $20 an acre, which Will declined to sell because he wanted $25 for his share, why had they made affidavits of insol vency ? Adverting to Bob's struggle to get an alibi. Mr. McGeachy referred to George Blair, the Pensacola boarding house keeper, and Jim Sellers, who the prisoner claimed would be able to establish his presence in that es tablishment the night before and the night of the crime, who swore yesterday quite the opposite, Blair saying Bob had not been in Pensacola for three weeks before the crime, and Sellers that instead of sleeping with Bob on the night of March 21, was at Ferry Fass. , Bob's Name forged. That Bob Blackwell's name on the lodging house register was forged by some member of his farnilv weeks .: ,i i . u . iV: j loiieu, iririrmg lu ins esiar, mj ! ...... . . ...... .. . Ill LUC UVSItlUii VI JL 1. liaiu win riacKwen iase nis suitcase 10 . i i j. i - -i snipping a uencaie piece ol macnin ery by express with such flimsy pro-. tection it it had been, Mr. McGeachy said that the suitcase contained the disguises that the nv-n woie spec ially Will Blackwell, who h..d Bob Blackwell bring him a white felt hat, ' and a rubber heeled shoe with a de pression in the heel, in order to throw people off the trail, because he had never been known to wear such a hat or such sKes- Sophronia Holmes. Mr McGeachy then adverted to Sophronia Holmes, who had declared at the coroner s inquest, before she knew who Will and Bob Blackwell J wore, that she believed : identify the three men she could who had passed her house the morning of the j .rime, one of whose foottracks raised surfaces in the sand corresponding to j tne sunken places in the heels. Two i 0f these men she subseauentlv iden- i tified as Will and Bob Blackv. ell the third man is still at large. k Gave Themselves Away. Harrison Davis also identified, but not as positively as Sophronia Holmes, the men disguised as negroes who come to his father's house the fatal niffht. as Will and Bob Black well. Mr. McGeachy thn declared that when the black-faced men calleii "Oh Massa" at the gate of the gate of the murdered couple, they showed they were not negroes. who have abandoned that form of address; aw' further gave themselves away by de claring that tney did not eat meat because all negroes do- They were masqueraders. and fool masquerad ers. he declared Mr. McGeachy then referred to ihc 4o calibre steel jacket bullet that ha' shot the Winchester from Bud Davis' hand, and discussed Colt's 4-" that Will Blackwell was known to have before the crime, although it had subsequently disappeared. Regarding Sophronia Holmes state ment that none of the men she had seen had either coats or guns, he suggested that they may have been held on the off side for concealment. Mr- McGeachy adverted to Bob Blackwell's ramblings, his alia. ad his smashed alibis, which he had trLtl to establish through Melvin, Sellers and Blair. Settles Mrs. Settles. Attacking Will's alibi, he showed how Mrs. Settles trustworthiness ban been utterly discredited by men standing who swore tney would not believe h?r on oath; and he ad verted to Henry Weaver and Jeff Russell, the men bv whom the ac cused stated previously could prove his presence in Crestview that night before the Settles woman had been thought of ! Concluding his speech with a brief I Duffs MCAN 1 THe Dame YiTH THE I - V w w , Vu e mV,1 eior-' V,ime' him at first said that He was inno the impossibility of getting a cent ,ater whpn hp wag hourided hy Remington typewriter into it and the the populace (Mr. McGeachv and Mr. fact Uiat no one would dream of j Stoltcp)i to sentence Him "to death. discussion of circumstantial evidence in general and the unbreakable chain here forged in particular, he exhorted the jury to put aside any natural re vulsion to imposing capital punish ment, and if they believed the men were guilty as charged, to mete out the full penalty of the law. Mr- McGeachy spoke for two and a half hours, leaving live and a half hours more for the state. Will Blackwell's Speech. Upon permission given by the court, Will Blackwell addressed the jury. His speech, which was twenty minutes long, could hardly be called an argument, but a conglomeration of boasting, politics, abuse of the authorities, a comparison of himself to Jesus Christ, and the jury to Pon tius Pilate, a reading from the Bible, and a quotation from Patrick Henry. Consorted With Millionaires. "I have had a taste of life," he said "I have been east and west, and south, and as far north as the Canadian border- I know what it is to dine at the table of a millionaire, and I also know what it is to share the humble crust of the cottage. I have slept in the bed of a millionaire and I have also slept on the dirt under the trees." He expressed great indignation at what he characterized as the infa mous treatment he had received in the Escambia county jail in Pensa cola, being locked in a condemned cell, he said, and held quasi-incom- municado. That he should have been denied a change of venue and a con tinuance, he declared an outrage Dodges Picture. He referred to the picture on the wall and the Woodman card, and without trying to explain anything, passed on to something else. This is the closest he came to arguing any of the terrible evidence that has been piled up against him. Victim of a conspiracy, he in- ; when our Saviour was brought before he washed his hands of the whole business: he sutreested that the iury be a little t longer minded than Tilate and liberate him before reaching the hand-washing stage- j Quotes Bible. i T1 1 11 .1 1 10iU 10.U I DiacRWt-ii iiif-ii rt-au wit iwi, loin. and I4th verses of the Fourth Chap ter of Peter, the 1st and 2nd verses of the Seventh Chapter of St. Mat thew, the 5th verse of the Fourteenth Chapter of Proverbs. "We have all pot to go into etern ity," he declared "and I would rather i J.U 4- 4' U I ln i in- utMJi in iiaiuif nuw mail uc tortured as 1 have been since March 2-8. Give me liberty or give me death." Nelson Speaks I. W. v Nelson opened the defense proper with a vigorous denunciation of the "perjured testimony," an in sinuation against the ingenuousness of the prosecuting officials, and nr. appeal to give his clients the benefit of the doubt and let them go. "Better for a gi-'lty man to escape," he de clared, "than that, an innocent man suffer." Life Imprisonment- In this connection, Mr. Nelson made an indirect plea for life im prisonment in general, though he did not ask that this penalty be given, for Will Blackwell had already de clared for liberty or death. By life imprisonment, argued Mr. Nelson, the state would be reimbursed, in the ?3 ale Child ren maae over to your iik with rosy cheeks, hearty ap petites, vigorous digestion and ro bust health. Give them a glass of this delicious digestant with meala Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it for building rich blood and solid flesh. At all gro cers and druggists satisfaction or your money back on first dozen. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel ton, S. C. If your regular dealet cannot supply you telephone West Florida Grocery Co. Wholesale Distributor for Ptssscola. tiovi.iAj Right aunc,- Vol wUl1 TIMO HEC A VERS INTEr?5T,Ns VIOMAkJ AHf hcp ACQVIHTAHCB ' A i-OT To US OCAU.y J CMT TALK 1 CHATTEC-l'tL oET all Bawled up r "Go """" r lift (TtfT TOAM Please send rue a copy of "Good Teeth: How They Grow and XJUSriJrH How to Keep Theml'alsoa sample tube of S.S.Vhite Tooth Paste. NAME. j labor of the prisoners, for the ex s pens? they have caused the state; and if in the course of human events j it was found that the wrong men had boon condemned, there could be partial correction. I Praises Jury. Extolling the lntejrrity and the in J telligence of the jury, and declaring i that he felt that their verdict what j ever it was, would be honest, Jlr Xelson said that two-thirds of the testimony had no bearing on the case j He regretted the trouble between i win BiacKwen. snenn tton. ano I V,rrnH.. r ,1 t.i a t. i - nn .iiuuic, da uciaiicu lu Lit ; jury yesterday, but said it did not ' prove the guilt or innocence of the J men charred with the Davis murder, j Case Weak But for Witnesses. "Without the testimony of Mrs. Eliza Atwell. Curtis and Bud ! Adams," Mr. Xelson declared, "the j state wouldn't have any case at all. i Referring further to their "perjured i testimony," he said that the plea of fear they had made would not hold water, because had they told the Exit, Tom Duff ; WOM PoVoU DO MRS H. T3 MP. PUFF ! VAr4A3ToRt- NICE. JJ ,0M'I RgCOc?NE VoU I XAS - AWO WHAT frYl I : I A COTE MTTLE rJ 7 , I j Why We Say To Your Dentist" T ECAUSE the mouth is the gateway of the body. A mouth poisoned by tooth decay, poisons the whole system. A clean mouth is the best possible guarantee of health. Because your dentist will not only put your teeth and mouth in condition to resist disease, but will teach you how to care for your teeth at home what a dentifrice is supposed to do, and how to use a tooth brush. Because since 1344 The S. S. White Dental Manufac turing Company has set the standard of quality for every variety of dental equipment and supplies. Because we are glad to refer you to your dentist for an opinion on S. S. White Tooth Paste a pure, wholesome, non-medicated cleanser, made according to a formula determined for us by a group of men who are perhaps the world's highest authorities on the ingredients of an ideal dentifrice. Its base is precipitated chalk of the finest quality. Its taste is a delicious blend of essential oils wbich leave a wonderfully cool, clean feeling of refreshment in the mouth. Your druggist has it. Sign and mail the coupon below for a copy of our booklet, "Good Teeth; How They Grow and How To Keep Them." THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFG. CO. MOUTH AND TOILET PREPARATIONS 211 SOUTH 12th ST. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS , coroner's jury what they told this court, Will Blackwell would have been clapped into jail before he could do them any hurt He made a strong point of So phronia Holmes declaration that the three men had neither coats nor guns. If the jury was to believe So phronia's identification of Will and Rob, argued Mr. Xelson, why was the jury asked to forgret that part of her testimony in which she de clared they had neither coats nor puns : sophronia had furthermore d Pfl a r frl Ri'rl ATiv Vlon that the i i - .- ' tmru man was one sam iteea, a man of demonstrated innocence If she was mistaken here, whv mieht she not have been with his clients? In conclusion Mr. Nelson made a strong plea for the jury to give the accused the benefit of a doubt. He spoke two hours and fifteen minutes, leaving five hours and forty-five min utes time for the defense. Court adjourned at 5:30 until 8 in the morning. DO iOV EEG2. give That doc I L x I 77 r M MMl II lrt-f - """" ..' ' ... jlall-. j Pensacola Buick and Supply Co. BUICK VALVE-IN.HEAD MOTOR CARS. TIRES. OILS. ACCES SORIES, SUPPLIES. PHONE 485. The Banking Savings & Trust Company THE UPTOWN BANK General Banking Only Trust Company in West Florida. WE BUY AND SELL BONDS Subscribe for The Journal By Allman OF COL?SE- I FEED HIM CHOCOLATES EVFRT FFVJ MltJHTir tnV T . . . - . w. w v i 1 MAKE HH NA7 HIS rJ I 1 -j rw . - B'3""" ' 1 " ' -