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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 1917. FOOD MEETINGS 111 WASHINGTON AND SANTA ROSA Chippy, Fla., July 19. State of ficials and rerresentjit-ivf nf tu state agricultural department will ccnc'.uct focd conservation and gen eral agricultural development meet ings in Washington county July 26 and 27- Among the speakers will be C. K. McQuarrie, of Gainesville, and Sam Westbrook, of the L. & N agricultural department. JUDGE BEGGS TO Tonipht at eight o'clock a Patriotic llusiral and Literary entertainment vill he held in Big Zion Tabernacle, anu a special program has been ar- j ranged for the occasion, which is at-tra-fng much interest among the colored people of Pensacola- An in vitation is extended to everyone, and j Judge E. D. Beggs will deliver the! addrc5 of the evening. STATE BREVITIES Jacksonville Depositors in the Hoard National Bank will receive ! dividends amounting to 45 per cent) if the'r claims jurt as soon as checks j an b drawn- Affairs of the bank I !-ave moved swiftly since H. G. Mur- i ' av, formerly of Pensacola, took i "rarge and depositors are very opti m 'stic of realizing much more "out of 'V fnilurD than seemed possible some time ago. St. Petersburg The city commis von'rs have passed an ordinance for v:(!din excessive snVoke from sta ;:o':ary stacks and locomotives and t is believed the smoke nuisance will ' c abated in St Petersburg. Mi imi Following the recent dis 'v.'bantcs in Miami, an agreement 's Difn reached whereby negro own ers of taxi cabs will use them only "o members of their ra?e and will elicit no white passengers. It is ' r'i-ved the arrangement will re "! v th? acute situation which has c::it?d for some time. Jad-fonville Jacksonville is mak "p" strenuous efforts to be desig nated by the government as the Anthem port for shipment of merl in a1 nnd food suDplies to the allies n'td has tendered the government 'O,0C0 snuare feet of spare for stor lce on the municipal doC:s. "oorr Ilavrn J. J. O'Brien, vice :v esidc-t of th DeSoto Stock Farms 'Jompanv, is endeavoring to interest f e gcvp ment in extensve cultiva fiir of Everglades lands to provide lor our soldiers abroad Mr O'Brien tendered free use of 50,000 icres of muck lnrnds and National Food Dictator Herbert Hoover will send an expert to the Everglades to investigate agricultural conditions there. Tersely Told. George Emmanuel left yesterday for Mobile for the bedside of his son, who is seriously ill- John A. Merritt is in Washington on business. Otto Roedal, assistant manager of the Exchange Hotel in Montgomery, is in the city on business. D- W. Crosland and family of ..Montgomery, spent the dav in Tensa cola yesterdav. B Lassiter and wife, of Birming ham, are spending n few days in tne city. Dr. R. T. Carson. U- S. N., leaves today for duty elsewhere. Dr. Car son has been stationed at the aero nautic station, but is detached Marshal Tatterson and F- K. Sim mons, of DeFuniak, motored to Pen sacola 'yesterday en iv-te to At lanta. WOOD PAVEMENT GETS ITS BACK UP Wood block paving in certain parts of the city "swelled" slightly yester day after the several days of hard rain- It is the first time in recent ram storms that this has happened. If I was the grocer I'd sell no thin' but Post Toasties 7 A MOUND DELAYED B THE STEEL SCARCITY Work has not yet started on the Molino bridge, and no material it is stated, has yet been placed on the 6ite- The delay is understood to be caused by the scarcity of steel, and the wide denand by the government at the present time for this product As the contract allows six months for the completion of the work, there is little apprehension felt over tne difficulty in obtaining material. Daily Weather Report U. S- Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau Charles F- Marvin. Chief. DAILY WEATHER BULLETIN Pensacola, Fla., Julv 19, 1917. Pensacola's Temperature Data. Highest on record for July 103 de grees. Lowest on record for July, 64 de grees. Day temperatures in July usually rise to 87 degrees. Night temperatures in July usually fall to 75 degrees. Highest temperature yesterday, 80 degrees. Lowest temperature yesterday, 74 degrees. Pensacola's Rainfall Data Rainfall for 24 hours ending 7 p- m.. 02 inches Normal rainfall for the month of July 7.27 inches Total rainfall for this month to 7 m., 3.54 inches. Total deficiency this year to June 30th, 1.88 inches. Weather Tern- IPrecip- peraturc itation Stations: 7 p. m. (24 hrs, 7 !high! ending !p m.J est 7 lyes-1 p. m- I I I'day I Abilene, clear 88 88 .10 Atlanta, cldy. 74 80 02 Boston, cldy 74 82 Buffalo-, clear 70 70 .04 Baltimore, cldy 76 84 Chicago, pt. cldy- ... 74 82 Denver, cldy 76 86 Galveston, cldy- 82 88 Green Bay, pt. cldv.. 72 84 Hatteras, cldy- 78 80 01 Huron, clear ffi 90 Jacksonville, pt. cldy. 78 90 .02 Kansas City, clear. . 82 90 Knoxville,. cldy 74 84 Louisville, cldy 72 86 06 Memphis, cldy 76 84 1.62 Minneapolis, cldv. 76 88 .16 Mobile, rain ..." 72 84 1-90 Montgomery, cldy. . . 74 84 .26 New Orleans, cldy-. . 78 84 .08 New York, cldy 74 76 North Platte, clear. . 90 92 Oklahoma, clear 84 88 1-22 Palestine, cldy- 70 90 .78 Pensacola, cldy 79 80 .02 Phoenix, cldy 10c 108 Pittsburg, clear 76 82 Portland, Ore, clear. 80 88 St. Louis, pt. cldv 80 86 .10 Salt Lake City, clear. 86 88 San Francisco, clear. 64 70 Sheridan, pt. cldy-.. 82 92 .02 Shreveport,' cldy. ... 74 -88 Tampa, rain 74 99u 1.36 Washington, cldv . . 76 82 Williston, pt. cldy-. . 92 94 Weather, barometer readings, wind directions and wind velocity at 7 p. m., along the gulf coast. Brownsville, clear, 29.86, SE- Corpus Christi, clear, 29.88, SE-22. Galveston, cldy., 29-92, S-14. New Orleans, cldy., 29.98. SE. Burwood, cldy.. 30 00, S-10. Mobile, rain, 30.04, S. Pensacola, cldy , 30 06, S-ll. Apalachicola, cldy , 30.10. SW. Tampa, rain, 30.12. NE. Miami, clear, 30 10, E-10. NOTICE. Judge E. D. Beggs, of this city, will address the great patriotic, mu sical and literary entertainment at Big Zion Church tonight. Admission 10 cents. J. H. HALL. Between LaRua and DeVilliers Sts. Try The Journal's Want Columns for quick results. Doings of the Those Liable for Selective Draft SERIAL NUMBERS As the numbers given those reg istered for the selective drart are ac cording to precincts the following list of the numbers embraced in the pre cincts will enable those registered to find their names with less diffi culty, than in searching- through the entire list. From precincts one to twelve have already been printed, the last number yesterday being "875", which is in thirteen- Beginning with "876" the Precinct. Serial Nos- 13 769- 997 14 998-1121 15 1122-1367 16 1368-1400 17 1401-1449 18 1450-1492 19 1493-1592 20 1593-1620 21 1621-1697 22 1698-1815 23 1816-1845 24 1846-1875 25 1876-1RR6 26 1887-2057 27 2058-2215 28 2216-2373 29 2874-2536 30 2537-2558 31 2559-2729 32 2730-2025 33 2926-2972 34 2973-3167 35 3168-3187 Miscellaneous 3188-3501 876 Charlie Wilmar. 877 John Willmar. 878 Harrison Willmar. 879 Urbahn Elstra Willis. 880 Oscar Frank Williams. 881 Linwood Williams. 882 John Thomas Williams. 883 John Locket Wilkerson. 884 Jofcn Leroy Williams. 885 Andrew Williams. 886 Herman Ellie Whittle. 887 Raymond Newton White. 888 Henry Lucius White. 889 Clarence Thos. White. 890 Charles Franklin White. 891 Milton F. Westmoreland. 892 Willie E. Weaver. 893 Geo. Hunter Weaver. 894 Thos. R. Parker. 895 Arthur J. Johnson, Jr. 896 Willie Jackson. 897 Shorty Jackson. 898 Frank Wesley Jackson. 899 Chester Inrhan. 900 Jessie Henry. 901 David Hunter. 902 Henry Horsier, Jr. 903 Dolphus Johnson Hill. 904 Liepa Mair Herschkovits. 905 Sol Henry. 906 Herbert Henderson. 907 Leopold E. Heinberg. 908 Leonard W. Heinberg. 909 Jerome H. Heinberg. 910 Bertram Heinberg. 911 Tom Hawthorn. 912 Romie J. Hauteman. 913 Angus V. Hatton. 914 Joe Harris. 915 Herbert Hall. 916 Frank Dewberry Hall. 917 Claude M. Hall. 918 Lawrence Edwin Grubbs. 919 Willam Gallispia Griffith. 920 Henry Graves. 921 Aulbrey Sanford Graham. 922 Gam B. Golay. 923 William Henry Godwin. 924 Joe Glackmeyer. 925 Joseph Amotta Geri. 926 Mike Gillos. 927 Nick Geniatts. 928 John Geeker. 929 Wade Gebara. 930 Taft Gebara. 931Willie Fountain. 932 Joseph Lawrence Fissel. 933 James Selman Fillingim. 934 Henrv Fair. 935 Ira Archabel Ezell. 936 Peter Economy. 937 Adolphus C. Dutton. 938 Joseph Daniel Dooley. 939 Frank Francis Dillon. 940 Ben Denton. 941 Carlos J. Diaz. 942 Joseph Davis. 943 Chas. W. Davis. 944 Charles Albert Davis. 945 Ranee Crumpton. 946 Samuel Herbert Croft. 947 Herman Edward Croft. 948 Lee G. Cox. 949 Charles Henry Corneilson. 950 Thomas James Connelly. 951 George J. Commings. 952 Clarence Fowler Colton. 953 Ben Clinton. 954 Jessie Cleveland. 955 James T. Clark. 956 John Hayden Christie, Jr. 957 Henry G. Champlin. 958 Henrv Cary. 959 Walter Carr. Duffs MRS. VIOLA IVES HAS GAINED 40 POUNDS WAS ALMOST HELPLESS FOR THREE YEARS AND WAS IN HOSPITAL FIVE MONTHS. "I have actually gained forty pounds in weight and of all the peo ple who have been benefited by Tan lac I believe I have the most cause to be thankful," said Mrs. Viola Ives, living at 315 Cross street, Little Rock, Ark., recently. "In May, of 1913," continued Mrs. Ives, "I suffered a complete break down of my nerves and my entire system gave away. About six weeks afterwards I was carried to the hos pital, but was never told the cause of my trouble. I could not retain the medicine I was given and nothing that was done for me did me any good. I brtiame perfectly helpless couldn't move any part of my body, and just lay there in bed for five months,- pot knowing anything or anybody. I was I brought home in October, 1913, and I tried all kinds of medicine and every thing I was told about. I finally got so I could walk again but still I didn't get well. I was in this condi tion and almost helpless for three years. "I read about so many getting re lief by taking Tanlac and my hus band got me a bottle in June of this year, and after taking three bottles I began to feel better. I have taken seven bottles of Tanlac now. and I can walk anywhere and sleep Tike a child at night. When I took my first dose of Tanlac I weighed only one hundred and twenty-two pounds. I now weigh one hundred and sixty-two an actual gain of forty-two pounds since I start ed on Tanlac, and I am very gteful for what it has done for me. I'm feeling perfectly well now, better than in five years, and my family and everybody else who knows me is talk ing about the wonderful change Tan lac has made in me." Genuine Tanlac can be obtained from the Crystal Pharmacy. Adv. 960 Alexander F. Calleanos. 961 John Calinos. 962 John James Byers. 963 Fletcher Albert Byers. 964 Charles Edgar Burlison. 965 Luthern Brown. 966 Loam Brown. 967 Edward Brietling. 968 Willam Julian Braswell. 969 Ernest John Braswell. 970 Leoncio Lluling Borras. 971 Walker Wilkins Bonifay. 972 Ralph Bonifay. 973 Harold Lawrence Bonifay. 974 Frank Renshaw Bond. 975 William L. Bogart. 976 Lome John Birmingham. 977 Matt M. Bird. 978 Lewis B. Bene. 979 Walter Bell, Jr. 980 Madison Langley Bell. 981 Teter Bee. 982 Walter Barner. 983 Solomon Swits Barker. 984 George Emory Baria. 985 Frank Joseph Barberi. 986 Nick Ballas. 987 Apostle Ballas. 988 Myron Eugene Baegett. 989 Joseph Malcolm Baggett. 990 Preston Stoddard Avery. 991 Joseph Ashwood. 992 Joseph Aguilar. 993 Allen Louis Appel. 994 Joseph Angelo. 995 A. Alsop. 996 Thomas Adams. 997 Walter Abram. 99 Alver F. Largue. 999 Wilbert Edward Langford. 1000 Adrian Ernest Lanefovd. 1001 Jacob Kugelman. 1002 Fred Koch. 1003 Lewis Anderson King. 1004 Nicola Karagemes. 1005 Ras James. 1006 Lloyd Jackson. 1007 Henry Alpemer Jackson. 1008 James Fercey Thompson. 1009 Joseph Presley Thornton. 1010 Alex Walton. " 1011 Arthur Bingham Yniestra. 1012 Henry Geo. Spelman. 1013 Alphouns Joseph Touart. 1014 John Easter Webb. 1015 Charles Frank Williams. 1016 Lonnie Willhite. 1017 Ollie Madson Wiggins. 1018 Willam Henry Whiter-?. 1019 Albert Esphriam Whipple. 1020 Panagestes Theaodoraoulas. 1021 Willie Joe Starks. 1022 John Victor Stamoles. 1023 Jno. Samuel Stallings. 1024 Abraham Sraur. 1025 Isadore Abraham Silverman. 1026 Milton Silverfield. 1027 Robert Edward Sharrai-d. 1028 Thomas William Saltmarsh. The Girls About Shoes? Nine out of ten decide on a Stacy-Adams, or on a cheaper shoe made as near like the "Stacy" as possible. Combination sizes. Three styles of black and tan vici, both high and low shoes in stock, of which above picture is one. $8 and $9 M WATSON, M 1029 Nick Petron Petrelis. 1030 Thomas Goldie Rupert. 1031 Leo Edwin Rupert. 1032 Zeb Farriss Rozier. 1033 Claudius Aaville Ross. 1034 Freddie Roberts. 1035 Reginald Duville Robblee. 1036 Eugene Wiley Riordan. 1037 Horace John Quina. 1038 Eugene Powell. 1039 George Torras. 1040 Walter Henry Pfeiffer. 1041 Kregas Petron Fetrelis. 1042 Pete Petersen. 1043 George Jim Pappas. 1044 Ruben Pavid O'Donovan. 1045 James S. L. O'Donovan. 1046 James O'Brien, Jr. 1S47 Joseph Feig Israel. 1048 Leonard John Hooper. 1049 Arthur Hinson. 1050 Sam Wilson Hilton. The Journal's "Want Ad way will get you results. o AUTOMOBILES. dodge rros. motor car G. H. HAYS. Dealer Phone 874. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TTTT.K GUARANTEE CO. !9I Eouth Palafox Street. Phone 6S4 AUTO PAINTING. pensacola FTToaY works. H1-1SJ Kant TntenrtencU. Phor-e 17 BICYCLES. T T. WKVTWORTTT. .TTV Pelmont and Da-1 Streets. BANKS. WM T. FOX CARRIAGE WORKS 117 Fait Zarraitossa Street. Phone 118 COAL DEALERS. CART CO.. Office Phone 98-1U. Tfcrd Phonea -J. EXPORT FUEL AND ICE CO.. 401 North Tarragona gtreat. Phone HI. CLOTHIERS. M. O CT-OTHTNO STORE. 121-323 South Palafox Street. Phone U5& DRUGGISTS. THE CENTRAL PHARMACY. 100 South Palafox Street Phonea 177-:TS are a Little All - D When Men Become Settled in PARKER & "Everything to Wear" SPECIAL SALE T haw just moved tr our new ftore. ind wish to reduce our large sto.-k of FACTORY DAMAGED and RETURNED SHOES 5nn pairs will be sold at from one-half tr one-third the reculr prloos Ulaok Mipperp for Women, and High Tops for Boys, sizes, to 4. We now have the best quick repair 'aoUitirs. Phone 1135. CANADIAN SHOE STORE Now 516-518 North DeVilliers Street. J. P. REMICH & SONS DISTRIBUTORS. ESSENKAY. F the Business and JEssseatany EC Professional firms of PensacDli. Journal reiders in ani out of th? city will find it most valuable from time to time. Name, address and phon? number of leading business concern; and prof essional men of Pensacola. Paste this in your scrap book, put it in your pocketbook. or tack it in some convenient plac?. DRUGGISTS THE CRYSTAL, PHaRMACT. If fcuth Palafox 1 Phone il-9JI D'ALEMRfCRTHM PHARMACY. Ill South Palafox Street. Phone 101 HOTELS. BAN CAM LOB. Geo. H. Herrey. Mltr. Private Phone J0S HARDWARE STORES. W. A. MA Y HAKDWAKK CO., Tie South Palafox Street. Ph-roe 1410. ICE DEALERS. PEN8ACOLA K'E CO., I0-10 N. Tarrarona. Pbonea It and IH JOB PRINTERS. THE Bl'RROW PRESS. 124-111 Eaat Government. Phone 4 MATE9 PRINTTNO CO.. II Wiit Government 8'reet. Phcne 111. LAUNDRY THB PERFECTION LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning and Steam Preaalng. Phone 181 MATTRESSES NP FEATHER BEDS CLKAN'ED AND MADE OVER. C.W.CLAFLI.V. phone 11H MACHINE SHOPS. OULF MACHINE WOK It 8, 111-117 South Pa afox. Phonea 161 14i MEAT MARKETS. THE PARLOR MARKJCT. 114 South Palafox Street Phonea 171-17 in Their Taste S REESE CO. The Banking Savings k Trust Company THE UPTOWN BANK General Banking Only Trut Company in Vet Florid. WE BUY AND SELL BONDS Pensacola Buggy Works STUDE8AKER CAS. Repair Parta Accessories and Supplies. Ph;ine anfi. 105 N. Palafox St. Subscribe for the Journal. MUSIC STORES. CLUTTKH MUSIC HOU8X. 114 South Palafox Street. Phoue IK. RETNALDS- MT7SIC HOTJSJB. Jl South Palafox Street. Phone 1717. NEWSPAPERS. ' Th Penaacola Journal, Morning anj Sun-lay. Phonea. Edit. 18: Bua. UOt. The Penaacola Newi, Evening Frrren Sunday. Phonea. Edit. 454. Hue, lit. Painters, Paper Hangers. E. B. WELLS, 12 Fni-t Government ' Phone 77S PHOTOGRAPHERS. CHAS. COT TR ELL. 204,-4 South Palafox Street. Phone 110J REAL ESTATE AGENTS. J. N. ANDREWS. 131 North Palafox street. Phone 588 SHOE SHOPS. ' Chatt'a Electrical Shoe Fhor, Warring-ton Phone 91S6 Ring 1. SIGN PAINTER. POT'RTLF.S SIGN CO.. 82 South Palafox. Phone 780. WRIGMTON. The Elgn Man. DeLuna St. Phone 987. TRAINED NURSES. Registry of Trained Nureee at Whltea Pharmacy. Day Paoae 19. NIhC 44. By Allman JU