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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. FRIDAY MORNING, ULY 20. 1917. People m Event .. By CELIA MYROVER ROBINSON SIBYL S. LEMPKE, Assistant. Phone 38 ( ' a. m. to 2 p. m.) v 4 p. m to 8 p. m. ' A BIG PURCHASE. S JXhey say there's one thing money can- not buy , 1 One thirtg beyond the power of gold to price, I And that one thing is happiness; now I see ; I How that old saw is shattered in a h trice. : For money can buy happiness so great To hold it is almost beyond our ken. And that is .when we give it of our sum To heal the wounds and woes of other men. MISS GENTRY ARRIVES FROM MILTON. Miss Ruth Gentry, one of Milton's most charming young ladies, arrived in the city yesterday to be the week end guest of her cousins, Misses Daisy and Leah Murray. Miss Gentry will be accompanied home by Miss Margaret Torrence, the pretty little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Torrence, who will be the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gentry, in Milton, for some time. When to our hearts the Red Cross stretches out Appealing hands to fill with coin that means Relief of pain, health, nay, dear life itself, As we might see it in those distant scenes, When we know every sum we give A blessing takes, a blessing leaves behind, Are we not buying double happiness To know that fate in this is doubly kind? The life of men who're fighting for the right, Release, of gallant soldiers from '' their pain, The lifting from a nation of its curse And bringing of its life blood back again, The saving of starved women, and their joy . "To hear the little children laugh once more To help along the Red Cross Godlike work - Does not this buy happiness a store ? Exchange. 1 A TREATMENT FORNERVES Woman Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Helped Her. West Danby, N. Y.-"I have had nervoua trouble all my life until I took I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound for nerves I and for female trou bles and it straight- Iened me out in good shape. I work nearly I all the time, aa we I live on a farm and I have four girls. Ida all my sewing and other work with J their help, so it ehows that I stand it real well. I took the Compound when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lot. I keep it in the house all the time and recommend it." Mrs. Dewitt Since BAUGH.West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen sations, all point to female derange ments which may be overcome by Lydia II. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of hich are derived from choice roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a moat valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. i r .-x 1 ij f 15 5. A, MRS. BENNETT RETURNS FROM BAY POINT. Mrs. Lottie E. Bennett, who ha? been visiting at the home of Mrs. Albert Runyan and family, at Bay Point, for the past two weeks, has returned home after having had a most delightful visit. Weds U. S. Prince MISS CHRISTIE RETURNS FROM MOBILE. Miss Frances Christie returned home yesterday from Mobile, Ala.. after having visited there about five days, as the guest of her sister. BINGHAM-NICHOLAS WEDDING. Miss Edith M. Nicholas and Mr. Reed Bingham were quietly married at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Amy Louise Nicholas, 800 East Lee street, Thursday morning at nine o'clock by the Rev. M. H. Brown, of Christ Church. Only the immediate members of the families were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Bingham left for an automobile trip through Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina, where they will spend the next two weeks. ARRIVE FROM DEXLAND. Mrs. Charles A. Dextor and daugh-i ter, Mrs. W. H. Tierce, of Pexlan'i, j are visiting relatives in Fensacoia. i ft . . te'w':'-: MISS O'NEAL TO REJtFRN TO BIRMINGHAM ON SATURDAY. I Miss Lou O'Neil, of Birmingham : Ala., who has been the guest of Mrs. I Corrine L. Jordan, at her home on i North Baylen street, for several J weeks and who is spending the week-1 end with Mrs. John G. Wood at Vrj home at 14 East LaRua street, wjilj return to her home on Saturday after i having enjoyed a very pleasant visit. Miss O'Neal has been shown many social courtesies during her stay by her many friends in fensacoia. MEETING NORTH HILL CIRCLE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. A business meeting of the North i Hill Circle of the First Methodist j Church was held yesterday afternoon t at the home of Mrs. J. F. Dusenbury on West Strong street, and plans for i the fall were discussed. H.. PRINCE. The brid of Frederick Henry Prince, wealthy clubman, of Boston, was Elizabeth Harding, daughter of William Proctor Gould Harding, president of the New York Federal Reserve bank. To Wed Publisher 4 V. J EVERLASTING Fabrics Company f ; v m ICRS HOWJB COTHRAN Mrs. Cothran will be married soon to Frank E. Compton. wealthy Chi cago publisher- She is a niece of President Wilson and, like her cousin, Margaret Wilson, is a singer and has appeared frequently in private re citals and public concerts. She has been living in New York and bas been active in suffrage work. gJHB II' 'Hi The Ready-to-Wear Store If It's New, You Will Find It Here 9 and 11 South PaJafox HALF PRICE SALE THE LA MODE ALL SPRING AND SUMMER GAR MENTS GOING AT HALF PRICE. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Those Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine double strength from any druist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worse freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and rain a beautiful clear complexion. RED CROSS NOTES. Mrs. Enos at Marianna. Mrs. George Enos returned to Pen sacola on Wednesday night from Ma rianna, where she had gone at the re quest of the ladies there, to instruct them in surgical dressings. She has found the people very enthusiastic and everybody eager to do what they could to assist in the work. As soon as anything was needed it was sup plied at once. A flat iron was most needed and was donated almost immed iately, and a table, being too high, the legs were in need of being sawed off and a man appeared with a saw and they were sawed off. Some pa triotic citizens who also wished to help in some way even if it was to make the workers comfortable, donat ed some ire cream and peaches for refreshments. The Red Cross rooms in Marianna are very well equipped and ample, which enables them to do their work on any part of the Red Cross woik very well. During her stav, Mrs. Enos va3 very delightfully entertained by manv people, having been there from Mon day until Wednesday afternoon. "Housewives." The ladies of the Tensacola Chapter of the American Red Cross have de cided to make "house-wives" for the aero-landsmen at the local station, and they feel that this work would be of interest to many of the young ladies of Pensacola who would like to do that bit for the comfort of the men who are going to fight for the coun try. The cost of these articles would be very slight and many have s-vaps which could be m-ed in making them. Those wishing to help in this can get full information and particulars in ways of making the articles from the Red Cross headquarters at room 208 in the postoffice building. Dr. Payne's Class. On Fridav evening at eight o'clock, Dr. W. C. Payne's first aid class for men will conducted at the state laboratory. All those who have sig nified their intention of joining the class are urged to attend this meet ing. The text books for the class have arrived and those wishing to obtain the books can get them at the Red Cross headquarters at room 208 in the postoffice building, at any time be fore five o'clock in the evening. MISS KUGLEMAN RETURNS FROM MARY ESTHER. Miss Sadie Kugleman, who has been spending some time in Mary Esther, at The Cedars, returned to her home last night, after having enjoyed a very pleasant visit there. RETURN FROM HOUSE PARTY IN SEL5!A. Misses Ruth Dewberry, Mattie Mav McMillan, Elizabeth Mackey and El-1 len Norwood Allison, who have been J spending a delightful few days in j Selma, Ala., at a house party given by Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Holt'at their home, returned to their homes in Pen sacola on Wednesday night. LEAVES FOR ARGYLE AFTER PLEASANT VISIT. Mr. John Laughlin McDona'd, who has been visiting Campbell Barrow at the home of his mother, Mrs. W. G. Barrow, on West Chase street, and hfa uncle, Mr. A. Morrison, and cousin, Mrs. Patillo Campbell and other rela tives in Pensacola for a few days, left by motor on Wednesday at noon for his home in Argyle, accompanied by his cousin, Mr. J. S. Gaston, after having enojyed a pleasant visit. SMITH-ROSIQUE WEDDING. Miss Zetta Rosique and Mr. Steve Smith were quietly married at St. Michael's rectory on Wednesday aft ernoon at four o'clock, the Father Mulally officiating. Miss Jack Bonifay attended Kride as bridesmaid, and Mr. Mover acted as best man. A reception was held for their friends in the evening at the home of the bride at 322 East Rcniana street. Rev. j i the : 1 'an I RETURN FROM TALLAHASSEE. Mr. and Mrs. Max de la Rua, who have been visiting in Tallahassee, at the home of Mrs. L. A. Yon, mother of Mrs. de la Rua, have returned trt Pensacola after a pleasant stay there. MEETING MILITARY DEPARTMENT WOMAN'S HOME DEFENSE LEAGUE. The military department of the Woman's Home Defense League he'. l! a very interesting meeting at armory hall on Friday evening, July After the business meeting a good drill was gone through. All the members are asked to bring a new recruit at the meeting which will be held this evening at armory hall at 8 o'clock. The company has sufficient funds on hand to eliminate any expense to individual members. There will be no charges or expenses of any kind. All ladies wishing to join the league are invited to be present at this meet ing. New recruits are always welcome. MISS FELL RETURNS FROM ATLANTA. Miss Edna Fell has returned to her home at Warrington, from At lanta, Ga., where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. V,lll L. Argue, for a,out a month. GUESTS OF MR. AND MRS. M'MILLAN. Miss Eulalie Hutchinson is spend ing a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McMillan while their guest, Miss Ina Collier, of Houston, Texas, is with them. MRS. SPEED WILL RETURN FIRST OF WEEK. Mrs. M. E. Speed will return home from Fort Thomas, Ky., and Cincin- She's "Waste Editor" Be sure to as' for the double strength othine as this is so'.d under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Adv. The Clutter Music House FORCHEIMER'S FASHION SHOP 'The Store for Women" D'ALEMBERTE'S PEROXIDE CREAM for face massage. Phone 109 "A GOOD DRUG STORE" PIANOS. PLAYER PIANOS. ORGANS, TUNING. REPAIRING GUEST OF MRS. WATSON. j Miss Bess Milton, of Marianna. who has been the guest of Miss Rowena Marsh for some time, is now the guest if her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Watson, at her home at 16 West La Rua street, for a while. Before re turning home she will visit in New Orleans. MOTHER'S FfflEflD FOR i-vkestme crisis car"" ID A.MO AT MYRTLE GROVE PAVILION FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY 20. Come and Enjoy Yourself. Haiti China Chili France Norway Servia Greece Paraguay Morocco MAKES ALL NATIONS OUR NEAR NEIGHBORS Brazil Russia Germany Netherlands Argentina Peru Cuba England Costa Rica Bolivia Italy Bulgaria Colombia Denmark Japan Persia Belgium Nicaragua Spain Pansina Sweden Mexico Korea Siam Ecuador Afghanistan Salvador Abyssinia Montenegro Turkey Uruguay Switzerland Portugal Rumania Honduras Venezuela Austria HP HE trend of the times is toward internationalism. We can no longer stand aloof from the countries of the world either in diplomacv or trade. We must meet, greet and do business with the people of other lands. We must co operate with tliem: we must compete with them. The first step is to learn about these nations what they produce and what they need and the best way to do this quickly and thoroughly is to own and use The Great Ques tion-Answerer tion-Ans erer V E x' 7' v." ," v a-. t 5 j- . V 21 Volumes VJ lade in America; It covers the world The New International ENCYCLOPAEDIA f SECOND EDITION 20,000 RECENTLY 50,000 PAGES COMPLETED ARTICLES Revised, Rewritten and Reset from A to Z Printed Throughout from New Plates Number of Volumes Increased Size of Page Enlarged educational !v:r inviting nnd STRONG 1- Accuracy: All important arr.H. s WiVJ written bv specialists POINTS 2' Autn0rity: rn ' " ii'icto.i on any sub. ject w ithot.t fnr of y ops-f-i! .t t n 1 r tion. 3. Comprehensiveness: rowers n widr-r ti'M that: ,mv other cp-nonl rr-forotico-work. It cent airs "Vi.w artu-l'-s 30,000 more than any other encyclopedia. 4. Lucidity: w:tt.-n jr. !:it.j.i;iR so rhtfti even the young foks can understand. 5. Attractiveness: r:.-t i entertaining. 6. Illustrations and M-js: '; rcf i'.: i-.-cpir. to lllumi nate and expaln the text. 7. Convenience: prhit..! on thin I n pf-r 11 .-t too thin h it r.isy to hande ai;l t., leaf. 8. Arrangement; nl! .-:li;-to nlrhahfti'-allv ,irnni;cl a l I easy to find. 9. Pronunciation: all r -r-pt thf n.ost romnior. w. .:.;.: mailp clear !. a simple phomtc syste'". Derivations a'so Indic-.ted. 10. Blblioqr :-:hy : vf-ry i itiport ? r, t sr,!i;..'t s-.ppi.n-rtf 1 by a full list of books iu:iv 1-p .niis::ltH 11. Course of Readinj and Study: affovittsc spuria hzr-d h'-lp toward self . j nst ruction in l"i.iiiitr !-r;in-!i.--s "f k I" riw I f( ! cr 12. Kese.irch Bureau Service: r rovid-s s-; hs,-i-:i.-! s th" 'rce privilege of ! i'ro-n our Kdit.-rs anv encyclopedic suDj'i.t SEND IN THE CO'JPON at t'r.p riclit and w will f,r free " " ' I :) ainvit t:.o rew knowledge of all nations. ow-.ns; an n Pncs. I : st ra t f":.s. i -Or-n.-it.-si, Al M'. . ii-. witti !' reasonable price and easy terms on whh h The New International ran just now bo .en:red SPECIAL Since the completion of NOTICE tbc Soc.,,,,1 IMitii.n of The New International, subscrip tions have surpassed all previous records. We thank present sub scribers for their patience in the matter of unavoidable delay in the delivery of the last tour volumes. We inform prospective subscribers that we shall be unable to till or ders for complete si ings until April 1 cause of this, we thorn the special pi cation price until date. This means substantial savin: to those who Act Promptly DODD, MEAD & COMPANY, Inc NEW YORK 1 ts in all bind- ;t . and be- p ,. xtend to 324 MUUI 1 DODO. epubli- Xo mead& V V CO., Inc . that XV Publishers, C W Fourth Av. a X New York Clt' XfX s'nf' in iy fornratjoi. recrird- - inc. W-.e Second Edi- y tlon Of The New Inter. y national Encyclopaedia. X with ie-tails of the- i-ns. y ';t special prices, etc. Nam O'oupation X Addros. Ri'Sjdrra'O V "'"ow" -. nati. Ohio, where she has be"n the puest of relative for a frw wpeks. She will return the fir.-t of the week. probablv on Sunday. 1 ! RETURN FROM MARY ESTHER. j Mr?. .lai-k Fomi.-on and little daucrh- j ter, Slvia, who haye been pruefts . of Mis Yemile Williams, in Mary j Esther, for ten days, returned to their home on Wednesday evening after aj pleasant vi.-it. I DRUGGISTS PRAISE DE-NfiUSEATED 5 BSSSSI 0 Xj:.l I f .- . ; CALOMEL ! Triumph of Modern rharmacy. Mar keted Under the Trade-Name "Cat otahs" All Medicinal Virtues Re tained Sickening and Dangerous Effects Removed. Sarah TiUO Splint Uncle Sam's '"waste" editor is a leading member of the publicity de partment for the food administration. A college graduate and magazine edi tor, she is shown in the food admin istration uniform. The impossible of yesterday is the accomplishment of today; the inge nuity of man seems almost unlimited. Inventions and discoveries follow each other in rapid suc ession. For years we have been taking our calomel with never a thoucht that its nauseating, griping and dangerous qualities could be avoided. Now cones the new triumph of modern pharmacy, the calomel tablet that is so entirely purified from the nauseating and objectionable quali ties that the manufacturers authorize druggists everywhere to refund jf5 price if Calotabs causes the slightest unpleasantness. The next time you are bilious or constipated try Ca-otabs. The effect is entirely delightful. One tablet at bedtime with a swallow of water. No taste, no unpleasantness of any kind. Next morning you awake feeling fine, liver cleansed, system purified, appetite hearty. Eat what you please no danger. The genuine Calotabs are sold only in original, sealed packages r.ever in bulk, twenty doses for thirty-five cents and your money back if you are not thoroughly delighted. At drug stores everywhere. Adv. of Odds and Ends MEN'S. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, Begins Here Tomorrow and Continues for Three Days! Be sure and read complete announcement in to morrow morning's paper. It will 1e full of nioncv saving values and items of interest to every man, woman and child. THE BOSTON SHOE STORE "Everything in Shoes But Feet" 1 El That Satisfied Feeling when vou have finished with the razor even though your razor has pulled a little. A little massage with D'Alemberte's Per oxide Cream will leave your face clean and smooth, and you. too, may have that satisfied feeling. It cost but 2oc the jar. D'Alemberte's A GOOD DRUG STORE1' 121 South Palafox Street. Phone 100 Notice to Ice Consumers! Our wagons are equ!pp3 with ecalei and consumer will pleas exact cor rect welgnt and report any dlacourteif of driver to offle ohona ii or 1(1. Pensacola Ice Company Sample Shoe Store .23 South Palafox. HIGH-GRADE SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. 40 PER CENT LESS THAN VOU WOULD PAY ELSEWHERE. j ." m m vi, -j jijj mummer "'.v ' "'fag.'jg.JJ'AJ miBBLiFiwapt an --umwrgg FOLLOW M I'm in a Hurry! I'm on My Way to "CHICOWAY INN" DANCE TO-NIGHT Free Pictures Every Night C ome Have a Good Time and Enjoy the Cool Breezes Gents, 25c; Ladies, Free Take Bay Shore Car, 5c Fare Frcm Any Point in City.