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THE PEN'JACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 29, 1917. 12 Dodge Mr, Sun's Hot Shot by dodging into our store and getting into a cool J. V. S. Palm Beach, Cool Crash or Tropical Worsted Suit. They're $6 to $25. Other light weight fabrics in handsome models, too. An exceptional value in Genuine Cowhide Suit Cases, $7.50. RESULTS YESTERDAY American League. At New Vork, 5-4; Chicago, 4-3. At Philadelphia, 3-4; Detroit, 5-5; second game ten innings. At Boston, 3-3; St- Louis, 2-2; first eame 12 innings. At Washington, 5; Cleveland 4; 10 innings. National League. At Pittsburgh, 2-2; Brooklyn, 6-4. At Chicago, 6; New York, 5; 10 innings- At St. Louis, 5: Boston 4 At Cincinnati, 3; Philadelphia, 6; 10 innings. Southern League. called to catch train. At Mobile, 1; Nashville 4. At New Orleans 3; Chattanooga 1. At Atlanta. 8; Memphis, 4; second At Birmingham, 8-7; Little Rock, 3-3- flan Willie Stearns, Jr., is at Spotts wood Inn for a few days, enjoying a nice time bathing and fishing. Mr. H. L. Covington is expected to return home today from North Carolina, where he has been for the past few days- DON'T FORGET TO Phone 647 HALLMARK TRANSFER CO. When in Need of Haul ing of Any Kind. ThisisY(iur Laundry and every other dis criminatory, partic ular person in the city EMPIRE Phone 322 Cleaners, Pressers, Dvers. BASEBALL RESULTS SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Memphis 4; Atlanta 8. At Atlanta: R. H. E. Memphis 4 11 1 Atlanta 8 16 5 Barger, Fentress, Ruel and Mor gan; Fullenweider, Sheehan, Perkins and Picinich; umpires, Morgan and Kerin- 9 Chattanooga 1; New Orleans 2. At New Orleans: R. H. E. Chattanooga 1 6 1 v, r-io nan Perdue and McDaniels; Robertson -t- LOU,s a 5 and Higgins; umpires, Breitenstein and Marcan, LEAGUE STANDING Nashville 4; Mobile 1. At Mobile: R- H. E Nashville 4 6 1 Mobile 1 3 2 Ellis and Marshall; Pope and Grif fith; umpires, Chestnut and rfennin-ger. Little Rock 3-3; Birmingham 8-7. At Birmingham: R- H. E. Little Rock 3 7 5 Birmingham 8 12 0 Ledbetter and Kennedy; Comstock redit ace s Comfort and attractiveness within the reach of everyone at RHODES-COLLINS, and our salesmen are trained and anxious to solve your home furnishing problem. CONSULT THEM AT YOUR Porch Rocker Sweetheart ',8 - t mm ft -v AV.'.'.Wi ,T; We picture here a good low back ladies or gents' Rocker, natural or green finish, o y old reliable $3.00 $1.00 cash, $1.00 a week. p Swing WW $i.oo 7p4 a Week BUy the Eagle Refrigerator 50c Cash PCS 5 ?5r'5rs3l4: This Sweetheart Swing, complete, with hooks and It begins to save your chains in heavy fumed style, just as shown here. Hung money from the very day Free. $3.50. Sturgis i Go Cart . J 1 ' Hl '''"''''M I llll II HI III II 11 V you put in to use. It pays for itself time and time again. Let us show you our line all sizes and prices. $10 to $75 $1.00 cash, S1.-00 a week. Porch Swiug Save Oil Stove The burners produce quicker results with less oil than those of any other stove. It generates the oil into gas and mixes with it a large volume of air, causing a perfect combination. The flame burns right up to the grate, giving greatest possible efficiency any size. $1.00 a week. You owe it to yourself and baby to consider a Sturgis before you buy any carriage. By all means call and examine the car riages themselves if possible. URNITURE Extra heavy bolted, con structed of the best ma terial, comes in mission finish, has foot rest. Hung free. $6.50 and $7.50 $1.00 cash, $1.00 a week. American League. Clubs W- L. Chicago 61 35 Boston 67 35 Cleveland 51 46 Detroit 50 45 New York 47 44 Washington 39 53 Philadelphia 34 55 60 r 'Womanhood, the Glory of a Nation' National League. Clubs W- Naw York . . 54 St. Louis 51 Cincinnati 54 Philadelphia 4.. Chicago 46 Brooklyn 42 Boston 37 Pittsburg 30 Southern League Clubs W- New Orleans 65 Atlanta 65 Birmingham 59 Memphis 52 Nashville 53 Chattanogoa 53 Little Rock 46 Mobile 29 L. 30 41 44 39 47 46 49 51 L. 41 43 46 50 52 56 59 75 Pet. 635 .620 .526 .526 .516 .421 .382 .363 Pet, .643 ..m4 .551 524 .495 .477 .430 .370 pQt .613 .602 .562 .510 505! .486 .i-38 .279 I Your Wife ? 4 The Problem 0f the "Stepping, s; Stone" Wi'e Is Answered -1 Gladys isrocliweli and Smith; umpires, O'Toole and Mor gan. Second Game- At Birmingham: R. H. E. Little Rock 3 7 2 Birmingham 7 10 2 Boman and Kennedy; Milligan and Haworth; umpires, O'Toole and Morgan. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago 4-3; New York 5-4. At New York: R. H E. Chicago 4 9 1 New York 5 5 2 Faber and Schalk; Russell and Wal ters; umpires, Evans and Moriarity. Second Game. At New York: R. H E. Chicago 3 7 1 New York 1 12 3 Scott and Lynn; Shawkey, Cald well and Nunamaker; umpires, Evans and Moriarity. St. Louis 2-2; Boston 3-3. At Boston: R. H. E. St. Louis 2 13 2 Boston 3 9 0 Plank and Severeid; Mays and Ag new; umpires, O'Loughlin and Dincen 12 innings. Second Game. At Boston: R. H. E. St. Louis 2 5 1 Boston 3 8 4 Groom, Davenport and Severeid; Shore, Rudolph and Agnew; umpires, O'Loughlin and Dineen. I In Wm. Fox's Presentation of the Dramatic Sensation of New York. "To Honor and Obey" ALSO HANK MANN ISIS. BR AV ln Paramount His Final Blowout Screen Marjaz'ie CHILDREN. 5 cents. ADULTS. certs vv-J 1 v 1 MONDAY Number Five of the GOVERNMENT WAR PICTURES Showing THE AMERICAN "FLYERS" IN FRANCE. AND BESSIE BARRISCALE In "HATER OF MEN and a Comedy TUESDAY VITAGRAPH ALICE JOYCE. Harry MOREY !n "HER SECRET" and MRS. VERNON CASTLE It "THE RED NIGHT" WEDNESDAY . THURSDAY ALICE JOYCE. HARRY MOREY and All-star Vltaipn Cast in "WOMANHOOD, THE GLORY OF A NATION" FRIDAY WORLD KITTY GORDON In 'THE BELOVED ADVENTURESS" nd BEN WILSON In "THE LIVING DEATH" (The End) SATURDAY PARAMOUNT FANNIE WARD In " The Crystal Gazer " Also BETTIE COMPSON In "LOVE AND THE ICE MAN." It Womanhood, the Glory of a Nation" 'Eddie Polo In "The Gray Ghost" Saturday Detroit 5-5; Philadelphia 3-4. At Philadelphia: R. H. E. Detroit 5 9 4 Philadelphia 3 12 1 Boland, Cunningham, Voveleskie, James and Stanage; Bush and Mayer; umpires, McCormick, Nallin and Ow ens. Second Game. At Philadelphia: R. H. E. Detroit 5 8 2 Philadelphia 4 9 2 Jones, Boland and Stanage; Schauer, Myers and Schang; umpires, Nallin, Owens and McCormick- Cleveland 4; Washington 5. At Washington: R. H. E. Cleveland 4 9 1 I Washington 5 9 3 Coveleskie, Gould. Klepfer and Bill ings and Deberry; Ayers, Dumont, Gallia and Henry; umpires, Connolly and Hildebrand. NATIONAL LEAGUE. TODAY THRILLS AND LAUGHTER 5c anL 10c THE OWNER OF THIS HUMOROUS FACE IN A NEW TWO-REEL COMEDY "THE HERO HELEN HOLMES In "The Fight for a Franchise" Thrills and Darlny. . i r- tr V) U I I ana j cr r ln 'Blackhand Cae" 'The Window Dresser's Dream' Paramount Chas Chaplin Comedy MONDAY PATHE PEARL WHITE In a Wonderful Drama In Natural Colors. "MAY BLOSSOMS" WEDNESDAY METRO EMMY WEHLEN In "THE DUCHESS OF DOUBT" and Sidney Drew In' Nothing to Fear' FRIDAY B LUEBIRD TUESDAY PARAMOUNT WALLACE REID and ANITA KING In 'The Squaw Man s Son THURSDAY WORLD Dorothy Phillips "Fires of Rebellion" Also ' V Woman In the Case." Comedy Clara Kimball Young 'WITHOUT A SOUL' and-ra Corredy. SATURDAY DIVERSIFIED EDDIE POLO, PRlSCILLA DEAN In "THE GRAY GHOST" 'HEARTS and FLOUR," L-K iir I A VAV C LONESOME LUKE. LAWYEh Pathe Comedy. Eddie- Polo In "The Gray Ghost" Saturday Boston 4; St- Louis 5. At St. Louis: R. H. E. Boston 4 12 2 St. Louis 5 14 1 i Tyler, Nehf and Tragresser; Mea- j dows, Horstman and Snyder; umpire?, Klein and Emslie. Brooklyn 6-4; Pittsburg 2-2. At Tittsburg: R. H E. Brooklyn 6 12 0 Pittsburg 2 8 2 Cheney and Miller: Steele and Fischer; umpires, Quigley anl Byron. Second Game. At Tittsburg: R. H E. Brooklyn 4 6 1 Pittsburg 2 9 2 Smith and Wheat; Miller and Grimes and Schmidt; umpires, Byron and Quigley. Y COFFEE f t II vr poo-liiPFS of the ccnee ie.m is ti si if ill New York 5; Chicago 6. At Chicago: R. H. E. New York 5 10 2 Chicago 6 10 1 Schupp and Gibson; Hendrix, Cur tis, Douglas. Dilhoefer and Wilson; I umpires, Harrison, Bransfield aTid O'Day- Philadelphia 6; Cincinnati 3. At Cincinnati: R. H. E. Philadelphia 6 10 1 Cincinnati 3 8 1 Alexander and Adams; Regan,! Mitchell and Wingo; umpires, Rigler j and Hart. quicklv prepared the KlTtrii- wav in an F,lr1? , rn Percolator Is m"r sav ory b'-a3!" the real healthful pr,r1iies of the coffee bean is ret lined. The Cool Way for Hot Days An EWtr! Percolator is Meal fnr summer comfort and eon-eiilen--e Can h attn--hed to nnv lipbt socket. You can make nur coffee in the. sun parlor 'or out. on he veranda, if von like. Several 6tyles to choose from. Pensacola Electric v ; i i la 0(1 U. S. Army Uniforms Tailored to Measure LONDON WOOLEN MILLS 117 South Palafox Street The M.&O. On tn tquira. Within Caay 10 Bvnrwstr Dosi't Forget Pal metto . Beach ra rw 0 . a. a i f