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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 4, 1917. BASEBALL RESULTS AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago 4, Philadelphia 0- R. H. Chicago 4 9 Philadelphia .0 6 Batteries: Scott and bchalk; E. 0 0 Sei- bold, Anderson and Haley. Umpires, McCormick and Hildebrand- St. E. Louis 5, Washington 4. R. H. St Louis 5 8 3 Washington 4 7 3 Batteries: Sotheron, Hamilton and Sovereid; Harper, Shaw and Ain smith. Umpires, Nallin and 0vis. LEAGUE STANDING American League. Clubs- New York Detroit 10, New York 3- R. H. E. Detroit 10 13 1 New York 3 7 4 Batteries: Mitchell, Dauss and Yelle; Cullop, Shocker, Love and Nunamaker and Walters- Umpires, Dineen and O'Loughlin. St. W- L. Pet. 6J 37 .634 59 38 .608 . 54 48 .529 .50 46 .521 .52 48 . .520 ..43 55 -439 .35 58 -376 .37 63 .370 Cleveland Boston . . , Batteries and Thomas. Moriarity, Cleveland 2. Boston . 11. H. E. -2 7 1 1 8 1 Bacby and O'Neill; Ruth National Leagce. Clubs W New York 60 St. Louis 52 Philadelphia 48 Cincinnati ...54 Brooklyn 47 Chicago 50 Boston 41 Pittsburg 31 Li. 31 47 41 50 4G 50 52 56 Pet. 659 .525 539 .519 .505 500 .446 .356 umpires, Evans ami NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 5, Pittsburg 4. n. Boston 5 Pittsburg 4 Batteries: Nchf and Tia Cooper. Carison and W. Wagner. I'm- ' pires, O'Day and Harrison 4 I . 9 2 10 0 pressor; ! Clubs--New Orleor,? ; -J:-nto Li;"'Ttinirhi;v. ; Nashville . . . I Womrihis . . . Chattanooga j Little Rock . J Mobile rn League- W 69 70 62 55 53 51 47 32 STATISTICS OB rs EXPORTS Christiania, Norway, Aug. 3. In view of the accusation that neutral countries of Western Europe have been shipping large quantities of food and supplies of all kinds into Ger many and because of the evident in tention of the United States to place an embargo upon the shipment of food, fuel and materials, the frjeres shovine Norway's imports and ex- ports for 1915 are of roor. than usual f w' her AMUSEMENTS I, Pet. 42 .622 40 Ml AS -564 56 .495 55 .491 60 .474 62 .431 76 -296 Killifer: Douglas and Dilhocfer. Um pires, Ivlem and Emslie. SOUTHERN "iJBAGUE H. E. 1 Brooklyn 3, St. Louis R. Brooklyn 3 6 St Louis 2 6 2 Batteries: Marquard, Cadore and Meyers; Doak, Ames and Gonzales. Umpires, Rigler and Bransfield. Game Postponed-Chattanooga-Atlanta, no game, account of rain. on 0 o interest not only in .Norway, but in the United States. These figures havo just been made public by the official census bureau. They show that Nor way imported from the United States in 1915, $50,000,000 worth of goods, as compared to imports of $19,000,000 from the same source in 1914 At the same time her imports from Germany increased from $40,000,000 to $42, 000,000 arH those from Great Britain from $4n.rv 00 to $67,000,000. Norwa" ports to Germany in 191.". a mo j d to $50,000,000. an in crease o. 329,000,000 over the pre vious year Her exports to Great Britain aiso "increased from $28,000, f'QO to $53,000,000, while her experts to the United States decreased from $12,000,000 to 57,000,000. The figures of the census bureau show that Grt.-c Britain supplied in 1915, 29 per cent of Norway's imports, Germany 17 rnr cent and the United States 21 per cent. The fiirures showinc Norway's j trade for 1916, it is announced. -fIl show that her exports steadily dimin ished during that vear and that they have fallen still lower during th present year, owincr to the placing of an embargo upon the export or many articles and because of the agitation which has . spread throughout the country to induce the government to forbid the export of all kinds of focn "The Innocent Sinner " "The Innocent Sooner which R A. Walsh, produced for William Fox, shows at the Isis Theatre tomorrow. "The Innocent Sinner" is a fine pic ture with a big educational story- It leaves fathers, mothers, daughters, sons better and stronger for having seen it. It brings up a big question for a man to answer. Would you. a conscientious. God-fearing man, mar- i ry a, girl who had lirectly caused ! the death of vour friend and brought. grave 'premature ly? Don't speak too quickly because when you know all the circumstances maybe' you would, and love her twice as much more than you would if she had had no connection with your friend's family. Dr. David Graham yCharles Clary) does and Mary Ellen (Miriam Coop er) appreciates his love She had been so innocent that she had be lieved the eilb promises of the doc tor's friend and' left her home in the country for him Murder causes her to awaken to the horror of wrong living shows her the pleasure of liv inc right, and she conquers and is happy in the end. Although all had once been riders j of greater or less skill, years in New . York had softened them- Most of j them had to begin all over again. j Director Edwards can sit on a ; horse like a cow puncher. He de- j mands real riding in his pictures and j after seeing his men make fumbling I attempts at mounting, he stopped work on the film fo teach them the i elements cf riding. ! Summer Complaint. During the hot weather of the summer months some member of al most every family is likely to be troubled with an unnatural looseness of the bowels, and it is of the great est importance that this be tre.itel promptly, which can only be done when the medicine is kept at hand. Mrs. F. F. Scott, Scottsviile, N Y.. states, "I first used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy as much as five years ago. At that time I had a severe attack of summer com plaint and was suffering intense pain. One dose relieved me. Other mem-: bers of my family have since used it with like results."' Adv . New York 10, Cincinnati 2. R H New York lO 15 Cincinnati 2 7 Batteries: Sallee and Rariden; Toney, Rcuther and Wingo. Umpires, Byron and Quisrley. Philadelphia 0, Chic:-.o 2- K. H. 'E. Philadelphia 0 5 0 Chicago 2 7 0 Batteries: Alexander, Bender and i Memphis 1, New Orleans 3. R. H ! Memphis 1 7 Scw Orleans 3 6 j. Batteries: Fentress, Bladgett jRuel; Smith and Higgins Umpires, f I Marcan and Breitenstein. L i AInrtfnVl ' C-"To. flrloonc frmo I 11 XT r' . 1 : i. : U ..V-.. vwvm..,. aiio.. small .Norwegian ii&iiin; iiau in unc postponed account of wet grounds Elda Millar, as Lady Politician. An array of gowns that will go straight to the femininp heart art those worn by Miss Elda Millar in the Triangle release "Her Excellency the Governor," a production fpatur intr Wilfred Lucas and Miss Millar and supervised by Mr- Allen Dwan, showing at the Isis Theatre Monday. For fhis plav Miss Millar has searched New York's most exclusive shops and has gathered an unusual assortment of beautiful models for her use as a younjr, society frirl and lieutenant governor of the state Two evening gowns are imported models, one a silver tissue cast with pink and madf with th fashionable or farm products, except in exchange j billowing harem skirt, tho other an for supplies which Norway needs from apple green, flesh and silver com- Shoot Girl As a Spy Garden Cash Grocery Go. PHONE 2027 Saturday Monday v4: v.1 and i nrhpr countries ! When the outrageous acts of the bination of satin and lace. A Faquirt model is a gown worn at an afternoon German U-boat commanders against recption in play, a royal .hlu Hi Awaiting Motherhood Women, almost without exception, are prone to nervous ap- 1 prehension when on the road to mother- I hood. A woman knows that however many people there are close or dear to her, he must face the crista alone. There la nothlnff to day prepared for wa it such a time that receives euch lu-nr felt expressions of gratitude as does the absolutely safe, tried and reiiaDia preparation, "Mother's Friend". By the use of thla penetrating massage, th expanding: muscles of the abdomen re lax naturally when baby arrives. The nerves, ligaments and tendons beneath the skia are soothed; the tendency to morning: nausea is avoided, and the ex pectant mother enjoys days of cheerful ness. The nights are not disturbed with 'nervous twltchtngs and the crisis is one 'of great happiness and less pain. Get a bottle from the druggist and write the Bradfleld Regulator Co.. Dept. iJT, 273 Lamar Building, Atlanta, Ga... for their Interesting little book, "Mother liood and the Baby". It will bo cent wlth 'out charge to any woman. "Mother's 'Friend" Is a wonderful help to nature and no woman should fall, by any chance, to apply It herself night and morning. and black chiffrrn overdrimed with Arctic ocean off Norway's coast, was i black Chantillv li-r and trimmed ; . j discussed in the Storthing a few days J sumptuously with ermine fur. A Nashville 0, Birmingham 2. j ago, the government was urged to spring gown of orchid Giorgetto R- H- E. I stop' the export of all fish to Ger- simply trimmed with organdie corrar Nashville 0 7 1 many, but it is not expected that "Pre-! and cuffs is an attractive model, and Birmingham 2 8 0 mier Knudsen will vield to this de-j a blu silk' military cape coat is on Batteries: Cavet, Meador and Mar- j man( . Tne fishermen and farmers of thp season's novelties not ra. to shall; Hill and Smith. Umpires, msjst that they must have the advan-jbe seen in most of the shops. Amons Morgan and Tfenninger j tatrp of sellinr their Droducts at high liss Millar's afternoon gown? ar- prices m Germany. Meantime, while the German sub marines are destroying Norwegian; fishing craft and merchant vessels,! the export of Norwegian products to Game Postponed. Little Rock-Mobile, no game, post poned on account of rain. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Er.iv :f vr r.t h rown trimmrr wit; blu" fox fur ond a L Kanvin model of blue sati". fashioned in the vou'h- "Heart and ful American Leapue. At New York 3. Detroit 10 At Philadelphia 0, Chicago 4 At Washington 4, St. Louis At Boston' 1, Cleveland 2. L. E. NOBLES & CO.. Aoants Hart Schaffner & Marx, and Kirschbaum Suits. Veuf Mone's Worth or Vour Money Phene 790 Worth elc- 91 South Pslifox Street. People's Supply Store Phones 213 and 97C. "THE STORE THAT SELLS THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES" National League. At Chicago 2, Philadelphia 0 At Cincinnati 2, New York 10. At Pittsburg 4, Boston 5. At St. Louis 2, Brooklyn 3. Southern League- At Atlanta-Chattanooga, rain Af Birmingham 2, Nasnvii-? 0 At Mobile-Little Rock, wet grounds. At New Orleans 3, Memphis 1; first game postponed on account of rain. HE FELT LIKE NINETY. Germany still is going on and German vessels loaded with Norwegian fish i are sailing safely along Norway's j coast inside the territorial line. ! AMERICAN SCHOONER REPORTED TORPEDOED St. John. N. P. Aug. "'.The tor pedoing on July 27 of the American schooner John Twohy, was reported here today. The John Twohy. of 1.019 tons gross, owned in Philadelphia, was last reported in marine advices at Mobile on May 4. She was then commanded by Captain Forsyth. The schooner carried a crew of nine men. T Gordon Edwards, directr-cen- eral of the William Jo- producing : force? has qualified ;is a riding mas- ! ter. When he took his coninanv of j Fox players to St. Augustine. Fla . I to produce the newest Will'am Fox super de luxe photodrama "Heart and I Soul." founded on Sir Eider Hag canr's "Jess." in wfiich Miss Theda Bara plays the title role, at th? Is;s Wednesday, he found his male plav ers far from the expert horsemen de manded of the film. w. . . . -.- - .- l -WnV. v. .wi. ..... i v. :j MAR.GUErR.ITE MACLEOD A Taris court martial has convicted Miss MacLeod, known on the stage as Mata Haria, Hindu dancer, of spy in? and has sentenced her to death. She has appealed. Brookfield Butter, lb.. 45c Meadow Grove Butter, 2 lbs S5c Royal Butter, lb 40c Oleomargerine, lb. . . .25c Swft's Oleoimargerine, per lb 30c Lard, per lb. 171 zc Fresh Eggs, 3 doz..$1.00 Swift's Premium Har.i, lb 26;c Salt Meat, lb . 25c Maxwell House Coffee, No. 2 can . . . ; 65c Maxwell House Coffee, 3-lb can 95c Charmer Coffee, 1-lb can . . --'c Palmetto Coffee lb pkg 20c Arbucklce's Co:ce, 2 lbs for 45c Golden Rio, pkg 20c Tetley's or Lipton's Tea, lb 75c Best Grade Tea, in bulk, lb " 50c Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 2 cans . . . . 25c Tomato Paste, 2 cans 15c Early June Peas, 3 cans .35c Peas, No. 1 can, 4 cans 25c Corn or Roast Beef, can 25c Libby's Brains, can . .25c Lunch Tongue, can. . .20c Libby's Tripe, can. . . .25c Hamburger Steak, can 10c Potted Meats, 6 cans. .25c Pet Cream, tall, 3 cans 4Cc Winner Milk, 3 cans. .50c Libby's Milk, 11-oz can, 2 cans 25c Irish Potatoes, pk 60c Crackers, per doz pkgs 55c Pumpkin, No. 3 can, 2 cans 25c Grated Pineapple, can 10c Kellog's Corn Flakes, pkg. 10c White Cherries, No. 3 can 30c California Peaches. 25c can 20c Hawaaian Pineapple, can 20c Asparagus. 25c can 15c Van Camp's Hominy, can 10c v"an Camp's Soup, can 10c Van Camp's Deviled Tuna, 3 cans .... Libby's Salmon, can Argo Salmon, can . . Velva Syrup, can 10c Evangeline Syrup, half gallon 10c Macaroni or Spaghetti. 12 pkgs 45c Dried Apples, 3 pkgs. .25c Mince Meat. 3 pkgs . .25c Jiff -Jell, 3 pkgs 35c Calumet Baking Pow der, 25c can 20c .25c .20c .25c Jello, 3 pkgs Pride, Pure Jelly, 3 jars Vilson's Pure Jam, 25c jars Sweet Pickelette, 50c jars Grape Juice, pints. . 25c 25c 20c .30c .20c EXTRA SPECIAL! 14 pounds of Sugar for . . $1.00 with purchases of $4.00 or more assorted Groceries, or 7 pounds of Sugar for 50 cents. All Orders Amounting to $1 or More Delivered FREE CHANGED NAMES. WERE THEN CONFIRMED Washington. Aug. . Because two officials of the consular service hav- VI I IV 1U1.5 11 IV iNotnmg win make a person teel old jng German names changed them to quicker than disordered kidneys, for j sound more American, the senate com- U. S. Army Uniforms Tailored to Measure LONDON WOOLEN MILLS 117 South Palafox Street Is effMtlTe m tmrt CDQBiarsl dleebargs; palnlMi, zt potooaoua -n0 will cm ftneUr. Keller la 1 U Ctrl. IOU) BY DKC0UIHT. hml Pot It dMlmd- Frlci II. or 5 botUt KL tZ PrpreJ by when they are not working properly the whole system is infected with poi sons that cause aches and pains in all parts of the body. A. W. Morgan, Angola, La., writes: "Oh, I suffered with pain in my back. I am 4n years old, but I felt like a man 00 years old Since I took Foley Kidnev Tills I feel like I did when I Was 21." They tone up and strengthen the kidneys, and promptly relieve annoying blad der troubles. D'Alemberte's Phar macy. Adv. The BR0ZTELL East 27th Street at 5th Ave WEW YORK The Homelike HOTEL where every room a ClrPer has a bath Jvday and shower QJLP JL upwards Convenient to Everything WILLIAM J. QUIWN. Jr. merce committee todav had to recon sider their nominations They are Walter H. Schulz, of Oklahoma, who changed his name to Sholes. and Gas ton Sehmutz, of Louisiana, whos; name now is Smith. Both were re ported favorably. ASK FOOD CONDITIONS IN NEUTRAL COUNTRIES Washington. Aug ? Full infor mation concerning food conditions in the northern European countries is asked of neutrals by the United States in notes to diplomatic repre sntatives. The government's plan of rationing neutrals will be finall de termined when answers are received. SENATE COMMITTEE REVISES TAX BILL Washington. Aug. . The senate finance committee in revising the war tax bill decided on the imposition of new "floor" taxes upon stocks of sugar, coffee, tea and cocoa A reduc tion from fifteen to ten per cent in the proposed tax on undivided sur plus corporations and joint stock companies associations and it is planned to complete the bill Satur day. Debate will begin next week. One Thing That Wit! Ak A'o Premiums But Full Value Coffee 3T Change The supreme quality of Maxwell House Coffee always has been and always will be the same. The esteem in which Maxwell House Coffee is held by people who appreciate good coffee was gained by quality. And so, reg3rdlc?9 of ths "high cost of living " it will be maintained. You can always know that the quality is uniform. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE One cup will convince you cf the vast difference between Maxwell House and ordinary coffees. The pood prCPr hris i in sealed tins whole, ground (steel tut) or pulverised. Enjoy Maxuell House Tea, Too. Cheek -Neal Coffee Company N&shville Houston Jacksonville Richmond j . W. Gibbs Hardware 16 East Romana Street Sells Diamond Edge Carpenters and Mechanics Tools of every dis cription and under guarantee. Go. REMOVAL NOTICE W. R. TAYLOR & COMPANY DEALERS IN BUILDING MATERIAL Announce their removal from 17 Manressa St., to 229-2.',,3 East Garden St., effective this date Cement, l ime. Planter. Brick. Fire Clay, Fire Brick and Gravel. All kinds of Roofing material: Tar and Gravel Roofs a specialty. Our new location permits of unusual ,-torage rapacity, making it possible for us to .-erce youi every want in building material, no matter how large or how small. WIRE YOUR HOME! MAKE IT AS COMFORTABLE AS TOUR OFFICE. PENSACOLA ELECTRIC COMPANY Hot Weather Necessities My showing of Ice Tea Giatset. Water St. Ice Cream Dishes, Fruit DIahes, etc., Is most complete. Will C. Diffenderfer. JEWELER Doings of the Duffs That Probably Isn't Very Much By Allman BALKCOfl DRUQ CO. "Th Prescript lcr Mors." Phone 19 or 123. HELLO.Tovi: rvecor Some GodO KHWS For m BUY Gonzalez Corn Meal AT YOUR GROCERS. A fln table meal (fround In Pensacola of the choicest milling corn. M. F. Gonzalez & Co., Pansacela. Fla. REMEDYFORMEN. AT YOUR DRUGGIST. I m not so sure about Going AWAS FOR A VACATiom - ITS Too EyPtAJSlvG- HLEM VslATS To To TO A PLACE THAT COSTS TEfJ Dollars A vi with "THE MEALS EnPA T& " i ;o mi win F0J2 A SOMMEB. NOUI IVE GOT A LEAVE. ) M op absemce so icam L ly'lLJl go OM VcVR YACATIOM h fl VW'R XVLr XW " 11 "THE meals EnwjJ ZX? THAT AlMT MUCU? It Vjell Wow much uave them bee4 PAN I hi G 0 Ttfe ARMS THAT V0L CM T4LK FREE V-'ELUyl've BEEnI Jettm' MV Collar A T)AW T5IGHT L A dollar a dan : i domV see how vtoi EXPECT TO BURf OHy rxM t vjorun -. I've. GOT EWOOGH S5AED UP To Go i I A3 touf GUEST "1 v i mi ei 71 s ii m if .zzj.r-.' r a