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TRL2 rENSACOLA JOURNAL. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1917. 10 OPPQBTIITIES FOR STOCK RAISING . FLORIDA That unusual opportunities are of fered West Florida raisers to procure good Texas stock, because of the drouth in the West, wa3 the state ment yesterday of C. A. Fulford, county farm demonstration agent for Escambia county. All interested are urged to communicate imme diately with Mr. Fulford. In discussing the situation yester day with The Journal, Mr. Fulford said: "On account of severe drouth in Texas a large number of high grade cattle Angus, Herefords and short horns are being shipped. These cat tle are thin and should not be slaugh tered. "It i3 a good time for Escambia county to secure some good stock at fair prices- I am advised through the Gainesville office that about 10, 000 head of yearlings and two year ' olds will be moved within the next ten days, and an effort is being made to place them on southern farms. The, price ranges from $40 to $60 per head and even- farmer in the county should take advantage of this oppor tunity to place some high grade stock 'on their farms. The information I have at hand is for farmers only." AMUSEMENTS ELDA MILLAR IN TRIANGLE PLAY, "HER GOVERNOR." EXCELLENCY THE A DANDY STORY OF LOVE AND POLITICS, FEATURING WIL FRED LUCAS AT THE ISIS TOMORROW IN CONNEC. TION WITH WAR PICTURES. Miss Bara Leads Troop of U. S. Cav alrymen. The first time that khaki clad forms lined up outside old Fort Mar ian at St. Augustine, Fla., since the Civil War, shivers went down the spine of every inhabitant of the An cient City- That event occurred while Miss Theda Bara, the world famed William Fox screen star was engaged in filming the super de luxe photo drama, "Heart and Soul," founded on SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES THE TRAINED MAN WINS ' tPe.'ate1 b ,he U. S. War Df partmf nt as a Resrv Officers Tralnin Corps. U. S. Army, this Inflitulion euros the title: THE MILITARY SCHOOL OF THE SOUTH. Graduates are admitted to the U. S. Military Academy on certificate. Graduates stand examinations in only 'YJ? Pf e'ent subjects) (or provisional second lieutenancies. Commended for military excellence, efficiency and equipment by U. S. War Department this school occupies an envied position amooi preparatory colleges. ' New barracks completed; equipped with hot and cold water, electric liehts, team New ly furnished throughout. Modern laboratories, library and school equipment. V. M. C. A. and lit f' ocletlea. Faculty of boy training; experts jive individual attention to each student daily. Winters mild, climate salubrious, free from malaria. Out door athletics and indoor cvmnastics, en couraged under faculty supervision with experienced coaches. Championship football, baseball and track teams. Fall term opens September Uth. Rates reasonable. Barrack capacity limited. For new illustrated catalogue address; COL. O. R. HORTON, President Department 12 MILLEDCEVILLE. GA. Sir iRder Haggard's "Jess," showing at the Isis ednesdav. As the news spread throughout the town crowds rushed to the plane be fore the" walls. There in the light of the early sun stood a troop of horsemen, mounted. At the head of the column was a figure in khaki. It was Miss Theda Bara, who was to start the wild ride in the photo play to save two men from execution at the hands of the renegades. She is shot when near her goal and falls wounded from her horse. From the fort the column dashed through the city and out into the forest. On and on they galloped, led by the great actress until they reach ed a narrow defile leading to the cap tured "plantation, a beautiful Ha waiian villa built for the Fox com pany in the thick woods. Never was there such reckless rid ing as was done by that' body of rid ers. They dashed at top speed down the narrow pasasge, through the plantation gates and upon the firing souad which was waiting the word to fire. As Miss Eara's horse tore into the fore ground a shot was heard- j The horse reared and she flung up i her arms and dropped to the ground, j When the famous screen affist arose unhurt the thousands who j journeyed from the city of St. An-1 gustine to watch the preat se1i being made, began applaudinc. They j were joined by the hearty cheers of! the soldiers who had witnessed Mis Bara's daring feat. ei mm mm &r r j a :a .j mt; . l m v a.:.-' rn v . r ft5 FORPEACRWAR There was never bo urgent a deman ,'by our Government and our Various I-idus-triea for men who have been trained to think scientifically erd to work efficinntlj. And this demand must continue when the world is again at peace. Tbe Georgia School of Tecliaoloty is preparing young men for positions of higher ""Vice either; in peace or in war. Courses, including both ircncral and technical training, are offered in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil. Chemical and Textile , ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE, AND COMMERCE The national reputation of this institution is based on the successful career!! of its graduates. I ts aims are summed up in the equations CHARACTER CULTURE -f- EFFTCIENCY EDUCATION ; Applications are now being received for the next Bcssion. which opens Sept. 19. For catalog, address. K. G. IKATHESON, President. Atlanta. Ga. m Baby Marie Oshorn Bonita Tomor row. Manager Jones, of the Bonita thea ter, announces that he has arranged to present tomorrow the latest rathe ! Gold Rooster play starring Bahv Marie Osborne, the five-year-old sunl A'jn who has seen here so suc cessfully in "Little Mary' Sunshine.' "Sunshine and Shadows," "Twin Kiddies" and "Told at Twilight." In "Sunshine and Gold" t-he is kid napped by gypsies, finally escapes from the tribe and makes her way to the hut of a crabbed old man. She overcomes his trabbedness by her cute ways and winning smile. The chauffeur, wild with anxiety, finds her and her benefactor, who proves to be in realitzy her grandfather who was displeased with his son because he married acainst his wishes. Thus all ends happily. THE MOST HEALTHFUL COLLEGE LOCATION IX AMERICA. PIEDMONT COLLEGE, DEMO REST, GEORGIA. un tne eage or tne Blue Kidge Mountains, enviror.erl in beautv Presidept. A. B.. Ivgroe. , - , - . i. lf v n ..!.. , Auv ' ICCL lL'Jtr For men and women. FRANK E. JENKINS. D. D. STANDARD COLLEGE Four years' course, Graduate departments. SENIOR ACADEMY Three Years. JUNIOR ACADEMY Three irs TUITION College. $36; Senior Acadeniv, $27; Junior Academv. 5C2 "ii rer vear I Registration fee. $2. " . BOARD AND ROOM Steam heat. h-t and cold running water, baths I electric lights, etc.. $103.50. (Board in tne College Commons.) This institution with some forty Professors and instructors pi-es hih grade I Instruction at such low prices bocaue it uses the income of one millio.; dollars to add to the amount paid by the students. When preferred board may be had in the Piedmont Inn In a students' dining i room, under College supervis-.on. for $5 pt r week. For Illustrated pamphlet, catalogue or information of any kind, write to DEAN J. C. ROGERS, Piedmont College, Demorest. Ga. Sixteen under- toilets. "Her Excellency the Governor " "Her Excellency, the Governor." the new Triangle play starring Wil fred Lucas and Elda Milar, will be shown at the Isis theater tomorrow. It was written by Robert Shirley and produced under the supervision of Allan Dwan. Lucas appears as the governor of the state who is in the toil of a rrookod politician. He is in love with I! UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GAINESVILLE HlQh, Moral, Intellectual Standards Liberal Arts. Law, Agriculture. Engln. eerlng. Education. Graduate School. Send for Catalogue and Views. A. A. MURPHREE, President. STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN TALLAHASSEE COLLEGE OF THE HIGHEST RANK. Liberal Arts, Education, Music, Expres sion, Physical Education, Art, Home Economics. Write for Catalogue and Book of Views EDW. CONRADI, President. II-ICI " "(fQ j In T 1 1f .Ever Held . M L,,': , :.,-viiiit.-',"V F U R N I T U R E BE HERE TOMORROW Let this big sale solve your House Furnish ings problems. Listen! Pryor is going out of the furniture business, positifely quiting for good. He must dispose of every item of his stock within the next 60 days, and to do this it has been necessary to mark goods to sell at ac tual wholesale cost at the factory. In fact, the wholesale cost of these same goods at the fac tory today, is considerably advanced over that of the price paid when these goods were purchased. Why not refurnish that bed room, living room or dining rpom with bright new furniture? Why not re furnish your spare bed room and make it bring you a revenue? There are a good many spare bed rooms in Pensacola that could be furnished and rented to good advantage, and this sale offers you the one opportunity of buying furniture at old time prices. Think it over Mrs. Housekeeper! Haven't you a spare room, that with the aid of a suite of furniture, you could rent to some young roan or some man and wife giving them a place to live in and at the same time produce a revenue for yourself? This store, with it's tremendous stocks of fine furniture, is just the place for you to come and make selections, and this sale makes it possible for anyone to buy furniture and never miss the money. It makes no difference what you want, we have it. There are Carpets, Rugs, Mattings. Springs, Mat tresses, Sewing Machines, Brass, Iron and Wood Beds, Lawn Swings and Cots, all kinds of Porch Furniture, Porch Rockers and Rockers for the living room, Par lor and Library Suites, Dressers, Wardrobes, Chif ferobes, China Closets, Lounges, Settees, Stoves, Ranges, Refrigerators, in fact everything that you could wish for in the way of household furniture. n J 0 I. Pryor Furniture Company ji 19-21-23 West Garden Street ZZZZZjEZIZIZI isla!sjlill y LmJ Li IM.ili iiMiii. . U0 Elda Millar as Sylvia Marlowe, an at tractive young lawyer who has known him since his college days. She re fuses to mary him, as she thinks that his political aspirations are changing his character. Under the thumb of Kellar, the political!, he vetoes some important reform bills. Sylvia is incensed and breaks with him. The suffrage party I has allied itself -with the reform ele ment and has put a ticket in the field to oppose the machine element. Syl via is put on this reform ticket for lieutenant covernor and is e nent in the large cast are Regan Hugston, Edith Speare, Walter Walk er and Albert Terrv- after an active campaign. In position she is able to hold her lover in check when his greatest moment of temytation comes and saves not only his self respect, but his honor as well. Joseph Kilgour, is seen as Joe Kel ler, the political boss. Others promi- Vivian Martin in "A Kiss for Susie." In one of the most charming storie3 in which she has yet appeared Miss Vivian Martin will be seen at the Isis on Tuesday in the Fallas-Fara-mount production, "A Kiss for Susie," supported by a cast of unusual ex cellence. Miss Martin recently made a great success in her Paramount productions "The Wax Model," "The irt-,l ( Spirit of Romance," "Giving Becky nance, as co-siar wun dacK l ick iora in ine uiri at, nome, ana in "Forbidden Paths," in which she was supported by Sessue Hayakawa. In "A Kiss for. Susie" Miss Martin is seen as "Mie ciaughter of a brick layer who sudenldy becomes wealthy and induce? her father to lose his I money so that they can go back to their tenement home and be happy. Be an Officer if You Are a Soldier Georgia IV! ilitary Academy A Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, U. S. Army The Best Equipped Military Prep School in the South Located in College Park, Atlanta's Educational suburb, nearly 1200 feet above sea level. Thorough preparation for college, technical schools, business life, West Point and Annapolis. Elegantly appointed buildings, modern .equipment, unsur passed taoie iare, Deautitul drill and athletic fields. Cadets ive in homes with teachers and receive close personal attention day and night. Graduates enter college upon certificate and may become Reserve Army Officers when 21 years of age. Mili tary department under u. b. Army Umcers. Patronage select. ? Expenses moderate. COL. I. C. WOODWARD, President. COLLEGE PARK, GA. Presbyterian church at Crestview, Fla. " Mr and Mrs. W. S. Bethea have been visiting relatives at Milligan the latter part of last week. Rev. Wm. E. McElwain was a pleasant caller at the Stewart home Saturday and in the afternoon he and Mrs Stewart and two sons paid Dor cas a short visit. J- Mathew Miller and Mr Frieon were transacting business here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bigs are visiting Mr- and Mrs. W. S. Bethea this week. We are always glad to see them Tom Moore, of Caryville, was a business caller here Sunday morning. W J Davis attended the meeting at Crestview Sunday morning. J. J. Ellis and family and Y. M. McSwain attended the all day sing ing at Cluster Springs Sunday and report a fine time. Mack Jernigan of Holt, was here looking af'.T his team and cirts. A W- Dervin, thf succ "tu1 tur pentine operator, spet Monday in the Deep Water City on business. Joe Davis loft Sunday night to at tend the funeral of one of his broth er? at the head of Gamier? Bayou The ' pospects look pood for fino crop? in thip seraion this year- J. F. Riehardson of DeKuniak Springs was transacting business here last Thursday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS H. C. Jacob i to Mrs. Pearl Bow man, SI and other eons. Lots 11 and 12, Block D, Jacobi's Addition, Mo-lino. Great Hawaiian Duo at the Isis This Week. What can be claimed as positively the most expensive and novel vaude ville attractions to have ever showed in Fensacola is the famous Poepoe & Kawaa "Hawaiian Duo," which will arpear at the Isis all this week; opening their engagement tomorrow i and appearing at each performance ', during the week. i The duo specializes in native songs, dances and selections in native instru-1 ments, and have just closed a tre-j Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's mendously successful engagement on;horribIe! Take a dose 0f the dan- Calomel Users! Listen To Me! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Your druggist gives back jour money if it doesn't liven your liver and bowels and straighten you up without making you sick. tne . Kietn vaudeville circuit, cover ing a period of forty-two weeks. j Tn announcing this attraction the i management takes pride in asurlng ! the people of Pensacola of the very ! best and most entertaining vaudeville attractions 10 ue uaiainea. DEERLAND. i Deerland, Fla., Aug. 4. Plenty of rain these days, fine for sweet pota , toes. yr and Mrs. J W. Stewart and sous were here attending the Pres byterian meeting at Crestview the later part of last week, also were present at the organization of the gerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel i3 mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it breaK ing it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and crampin?. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels con stipated or you have headache, dizzi ness, coated torerue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful j able. I guarantee that a bottle of of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to-' Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your nirht. ! entire family feeline fine for month?. Here's my guarantee (39 to any Give it to your children. It is harm drug store and get a 50 tfit bottle j less; doesn't gripe" and they like its of Dodson's Layer Tone. Take a pleasant taste. Adv. spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you fsol fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it i? real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your f sluggish liver to work and clean your,.J bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system ana maKine you ieel miser- f