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THE PESACOLA JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1917. i Keep Cool 1 1 and Dry I don't loo1 like a steam radiator with the valve pop ped. Smile at the other fellow when he swelters, swears and sulks. 4 It's all a question of un derwear, the whole meta physics of bodily comfort, these jungle days. Try our "Rockinchair'' Union Suits, $1 and $1.50 a suit; or, any of our light weight hot-weather underwear. For outside wear, Palm Beach and other cool clothes SiSl .. 1 SS"' BAROCCO & CO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ALL KJNDS OF REPAIR WORK EVEREADY NON.SuLPH ATING STORAGE BATTERIES. EVEREADY SERVICE STATION Phone 619 YACHTSMEN WILL DISCUSS PLANS FOG NEW HOME At the regular meeting of the Yachr Club tonight the committee appointed recently to investigate plans for erect ing a permanent clubhouse will make its report. It is hoped that every member will be in attendance The plan includes boat dock and sheds where boats belonging to the yachts men can be kept. Several other matters of importance will come up for discussion. FRAT. HEN WILL BANQUET SATURDAY Plans are being marie for a dinner to be given by the national Greek let ter fraternity men of Pensacola and the army and navy to be held at the San Carlos hotel Saturday evening. A large number of fraternity men in j the city have shown their interest in j the proposed entertainment and Hon. W. A. Blount has consented to act as ; toastmaster. Under the present plans for the din- j ner all of the men will be seated at j one table in order that the Pan-Hellenic idea might be carried out- To complete plans for the dinner, a meet ing will be held in the San Carlos at six o'clock this afternoon, and it is hoped that at least one man from each fraternity in the city will be present, for as large an attendance as possible is desired. One of the reasons for holding the dinner is to promote a feeling of fel lowship between the people of Teji sacola and the men of the service sta tioned here, and to devise plans for future entertainment. WAR NO BAR TO CANADIAN DEVELOPMENT PLANS riiw-&; " l vvaA; reaping V, 1 , Indian f TIZ A Heao ISgSgtSS Jack Plckfofd In "The Varmint" 1 STFF.P OiVFlLr Laundry and Dry CI eanins Two words with but a. single thought. It is The EMPIRE t : t VV licit jL-flMCU i-clSLS -I - v i N y W.H.HAMCX3M WHO MOLDS THE OlSTJNeUISHEq RECORD AT MAMHATTftN CLUB OP t-OSIrHG 12b &OtP BALLS SO 7 t-H? SEASON Lm WATER INTO SMALL TftACT IN IRRIGATION. 8LOCK ! i ' Canada has commandeered all her ! Forces military, industrial and agri cultural in a brave effort to do ner utmost to help win the war. Men are eroinc out from all walks of life to take places on the fighting line. New hands must be trained to take up the work laid down. It means that those left behind must keep affairs as near normal as possible. They are doing this not only for the present day with its unusual demands, but are wisely looking forward to the after war days and the problems that must be met and solved in re-assimilating Canada's overseas forces and in in telligently distributing the great in flux of immigrants that will turn to Canada as a Land of Promise when it is possible for them to leave war Bcarred,almost hopelessly devastated Europe. The men who are giving their best thought to the solution of this coming problem have come to the conclusion that a great por tion of these people must go onto the land, must become farmers, must be dissuaded from settling in cities and forming a surplusage there. Lord Shaughneesy, president of the Canadian Pacific railway, made the initial move when he announced that he would give 1,000 "ready-made' 'X- ' ' On Irrigation canal. Ml 11 farms" to veterans. Government heads, railway officials, local associa tions and public spirited individuals are working to prepare for the after war stream of humanity. Dry fanning is successful in all the western provinces and many a farmer has won a fortune thereby, but the magic of irrigation brings greater wealth with less effort and irrigation is the theme that occupies the attention of everyone interested in the development of western Can ada. There are government projects, great railway schemes, local associa tion and individual plans for the bringing of precious water to every furrow of the most-out-of-the-way farm. The Western Canada Irrigation association is one of the most active agents for the furthering of irriga tion farming. With Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Saskatchewan's minister of agriculture, as its active presi dent, assisted by experts and farm ers, it is doing a work of incalcoable good. It is to hold its eleventh an nual convention Angust 1-3, at Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. Any one, be he farmer or would-be farmer, American or Canadian, is welcome to attend the meetings or to appeal to the association for infor mation at other times. A splendid program has been prepared, the speakers being men who are au thorities on the subjects they will present, and discussions, open to all, will be in order. Not only do the farmers hear the subjects wsll treat ed from the expert's standpoint, but they may ask him to solve the per sonal problems each has encountered. Maple Creek, the scene of the com ing convention, is an example of what irrigation does for a com munity. In 1883 the Canadian Pacific came through and with it the first families of Maple Creek. These early set tlers brought a few cattle that soon grew into mighty herds that roamed the unfenced prairies. Saskatchewan at that time was only a graiing country and it was not until 1905 that farming made headway. Simple irrigation schemes brought water from the Cypress Hills and soon prairie grasses were supplanted by fields of grain and the herds were moved on to allow the reapers plenty of room. Today there are 190 irriga tion schemes in operation and the 1916 grain crop marketed at Maple Creek amounted to 12.500,000. Into rox ritwi Today. Saenoer Amuiement Cemoanv Present the Versatile 'j THEDA BAR A I In a Special Super de Luxe Feature of H" 's 'Patriotic Appeal and Sei'-Sacrifice, I.i r "HEART AND SOUL" Based on Sir Rider Haci3ard's '-Jes ' Juanlta. Hnaen and Fritr Shade In "DANGERS OF A BR IDE" (Keystone Comedy Special Music CHILDREN. 10 cents ADULTS. 20 cents PoePoe t Kawaa Hawaaian Entertainers Singing, Danrlnj). Ukala'a Selections TOMORROW TRIANGLE LOUISE GLAUM The Celebrated "Peacock" Siren as Lola Montrose, the woman who be lieves love to be the only bon.i neoo. pary to join man and woman, ts s.iii presert an ur.forset.ihlfl oharact.enzM -tion Thro'Jffh her Intense devotion h defies the taws of convention an-1 scoff at outward hypocrisy. "A Strange Trangressor" -WW. if i ALSO BEN TURPIN in "A CLEVER DUMMY" and AII.Ktar Cast (Keystone Comedy) Jack Plckford In "The Varmint" Li B TODAY Sc and 10c o w Norma Tatmadge Monday mmkm VTHT A DAMA IN A picturized story of v 1,Jljn iJrkt YOUNG LOVE THAT WILL RE STORE YOUR FAITH IN HUMAN NATURE. , "LADY BARNACLE" Also RALPH HERZ In "BLACKHANd TOMORROW RETURN ENGAGEMENT of BILLIE BURKE In orma Talmadge Monday "PEGGY" , Vn n i i ii i i i . Chronic Constipation. It is by no means an easy matter to cure this disease, but it can be done in most instances by taking Chamber lain's Tablets and complying with the plain printed directions that accom- pany each package Adv. Pyorrhea or Itiggs' Disease. Don't be careless, and loose your teeth. They will be missed when they are gone, and save yourself from all the pains, from Pyorrhea or Riggs' Disease bv using Riggs'-Ine. At all druggists. adv. DON'T FORGET TO Phone 647 HALLMARK TRANSFER CO. When in Need of Haul ing of Any Kind. J R in t RY o F the Business and firms of Pensacoli. Profession il Journal readers in and out of th city will fin4 it most valuable from tims to time. Name, address and phons number of leading business concern and professional men of Pensacola. Paste this in your scrap it in your pocketboolc or some convenient place. book, put tack it in CARTOONET j back FkoJi me TRencHE? 1 V;.. yjl Mr&Awi AUTOMOBILES. TheM.&O. On th Squar. Within Eaiy Htmu ml Bvrywtfrfc POPdE BROS. MOTOR CAR. O. H. HATS. Dealer Phone 874. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TTTT.E OUAR ANTES CO. ti South PaJafox Street Pbona Hi. Sample Shoe Store 23 South Palafox. HIGH-GRADE SHOES FOR MEN AND ArMFM an d rrniT i oa I nnii tuu wwuuu KMX ELSEWHERE. U. S. Army Uniforms Tailored to Measure LONDON WOOLEN MILLS 117 South Palafox Street AUTO PAINTING. F'ENBACOTjA HTTOOT WOTtKS. in-Ill Eaat IntmAenda. Pha 17. BICYCLES. T. T. TTEN'HV OHTH. TR. Pelmnnt nnd Davis Streets. BANKS. Carriage and Vehicle Repairs WM. T. TOT CARRIAGE WORKS. 117 Ea-t Ztrrtfeiw 8trL Ptton tit L. E. NOBLES & CO., Hart Schaffner & Marx, and Kirschbaum Suits. Yur Menys Worth or Your Monty etc" W South Palafox stroot. Phono TW COAL DEALERS. CART CO.. Offleo Phono M.UI. Tanl Phonoo t-114. EXPORT FTJEL AND ICB OCX. 01 North Ttrrasona. trL Phono HI. CLOTHIERS. M. O. CXOTHTKfJ STORE, Ill-JU South Palafox ttroot. Phono 11U. DRUGGISTS II. . IWIW . v Tr . Tl f . 1M South Palafox Btroot. Phon-a 177-171 THE CRT8TAX. PHARMACT, If South Palaiox St. Phono U-ti. rALKMSERTVS PHARMACY. Ul South Palafox Strait. Phono 101 HARDWARE STORES. W. A. RAT HARD WAR CO.. Tlf South Palafox StrMt. PImbo 1US. ICE DEALERS. PXNSACOIoA 1CH CO., . . lM-lOt N. Tarrasona. Phono l und HI JOB PRINTERS. THE BURROW PRESS. 114-1SI Eaat Oorarnmont. Phono It. MATES PRTNTTNa CO.. II Woot Oovernmant S'root. Phsao 41 L LAUNDRY THE PERFECTION LATJNDRT Dry Cleaning an4 Steam Proaalns. Phono 1M MATTRESSES AND FEATHER BEDS CLEANED AND MADE OVER. C.W.CLAJXIN. phono 1111 MACHINE SHOPS. OVTLT MACHINE WORKS, 111117 south PaJalox. Phoaoa levim. MEAT MARKETS. THE PARLOR MARKET. 114 South Palafox Stroot. Phono 1TS-17 MUSIC STORES. CLtrrTEX MUSIC HOUSE. 114 South Palafox Street. Phouo If. RETNALDS" MUSIC HOUSE, II South Palafox Stroot Phoao ITI7. NEWSPAPERS. Thi Pensacola Journal, Morning uj Suadar. Phono. Edit. It: But. 1M. The Ponoarola Neve. Eventnc Except Bandar. Phone. Edit. 414. Bu lit. Painters, Paper Hangers. E. B. WELLS. 18 East Government Phono 771 PHOTOGRAPHERS. CTtAS. COTTREL1 104H South Palafox Street. Phono 1101 REAL ESTATE AGENTS, J. N. ANDREWS. 1S1 North Palafox Btreot. Phone lit SHOE SHOPS. Chatf Electrical Shoo Fhop. Wirrlnfton .Phono 91 Rlns 1. TRAINED NURSES. Beftatrr of Trained Nuree at White s. Pharmacy. Day Phoa 111. NlaC 44. HIS A CUBE FDD PELLAGRA Tarrie Nicholas, Laurel, Miss., writes: "Seems to me if I had not ob tained your remedy when I did I would not have lived much longer. I am glad you discovered this wonder ful remedy that will Cure Pellagra When I hegan taking Baughn's Pel lagra Remedy my weight was 60-oM pounds; now it is 90-odd. I would like to have this-published and sent to sufferers of Pellagra." This is published at her request. If you suffer from Pellagra or know of anyone who suffers from Pellagra, it is your duty to consult the resource ful Baughn, who has fought and con quered the dreaded malady right in the Pellagra Belt of Alabama. The symptoms hands red like sun burn, skin peeling off, sore mouth, the lips, throat and tongue a flaming red with much mucus and choking; in digestion and nausea; either diarrhoea or constipation. There is hope. If you have Pellagra you can be cured by Baughn's Pellagra Remedy. Get big free book on Pellagra. Address Amer ican Compounding Co., Box 2059, Jasper, Ala-, remembering mony Is refunded in any case where the rem edy fails to cure Adv. , Vacation Needs of every man may be supplied here Our is the ideal shopping center for men in hot weather. Our store is cool, our stocks are ample and our prices are reasonable. If you want a light-weight puit. a new shirt, a nobby tie, an extra suit of underwear, pajamas, collars, h" iery, kerchiefs, a hat or cap, a pair of "shoes, a bathing suit, a., trunk,.,, hand-bag or suit case you'll find it here and the quality and prices arc more than right. 0 "Better Clothes" 20 South Palafox. V(f FORCHEIMER'S FASHION SHOP "The Store for Women" D'ALEMBERTES PEROXIDE CREAM for face massage. Phone 109 "A GOOD DRUG STORE" Pensacola Buggy Works STUDEBAKER CARS. . Bepalra Part AceeorIe and Supplies. Phone S06. 105 N. Palafox $t. . ROYAL TYPEWRITERS MAYES PRINTING CO. FINE JOB PRINTING Office Supplies 17-19 W. Government St. Phone 181 Nurllllijl vl y WILL CALL I 1 1 i 1 1 bai nJr. ACME PRINT SHOP The Journal's "V7ant Ad columns is a first-class rrte- dium. FOLLOW ME I'm in a Hurry! I'm on My Way to "CHICOWAY IN PRIZE DANCE TONIGHT Take Bayshore Car 5c Fare From Any Point in City Best Floor in the City. 525