Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA IQURN'AL. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 23. 1917. 7 FOR SUREST AND QUICKEST RESULTS There's a Buyer for Every Useful Thing. Sell What You No Longer Need Through a "For Sale" Ad Phone 1500 Before 7 p.m. 2 i i i 1 ' 1 l I 4 A HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Youth of not less than 17. for permanent position Must he a willing worker, absolutely reliable, and have an inclination to learn. An oppor tunity to learn the business. Apply. Rtatlntr all particulars, to "G.l," care Journal. 23aue: WANTED Reliable salesman for rooi. steady position. Call on garapes, stores, factories in this territory. Good pay for rifc-ht man. Milwaukee Tank Works. Mil waukee, Wisconsin 19aug CIVIL, SERVICE examinations in Pen sacola soon. Men and women desiring government clerkships, departmental, postoffic. railway mail, customs, steno grapher, write for free particulars to J. C. LieonaM (former rovrnrrnnt exam iner). 2S6 Kenols Bldg. WashlnKton. IT. S. GOVERNMENT WANTS HELP Men-women. 11 or over. fm month. Wr necessitates hundreds appointments. Wrltw Immediately for Ht p-ltions. Franklin Institute. Dept. 13. Roches. Ur. V. T. SJiulrto sent! HELP W A NTZD -FEMALE. WANTED One middle aiced colored woman for reneral housework. Aply 411 East Gadsden. 22aur3 LADIES $50 a month introducing our Itutranteed hosiery In your spare time. Mrs. Schurman averares It5 a week with onlv two hours work a day. Hand, some sample outfit furnished free. Thomas Mfg;. Co.. 5324 Rex street. Day ton. Ohio. mur WANTED. WANTED Ag ood home for two orphan children, a girl of two yeara n'l boy of four yeara. O. B.. care Jour nal. 1Sauc4" WANTED Ford touring car body, com plete with windshield and top. Must he in flrst-class condition and chenn. M. J. W.. care Journal. auglStf WANTED TO RENT Four unfurnished. connecting rooms upstairs, with bath, electric lights and gas: must he near business aection. Phone 98 or 1816. 14aug WANTED Stock to pasture: good grass, water and shade, four miles from Pen. sacola. J. W. Morton. Route A. Pensn rola, Fla. 12augl0 WANTED Sewing machines to repair. Why buy a machine when your old one can be made as good as ever. Ring 791. ! will call. Work guaranteed. IS East Garden street. J. H. Blakesley. gmaytf WANTED Tour Job trlntlnr and order for rrry1ng of ill kind, calling cards, weddlnc tnvltatlona. etc. MATES PRINT ING CO.. 14 West norrmrrtr.t. WANTED TO BUT. WANTED English baby carriage, pre. ferablv white reed. Phone 2308 R Ad dress "Carriage," 616 North Palnfox street. nuK22tf WILL BUY or sell1 bank stock. Will pay 5 for receiver's certificates First Rational Bank. Address M. E. Clark, P. O. Box 1257, Pensacola, Fla. 2aug2mo WANTED To buy rooming house, fur. nlshed. or an empty house. Address x. are Journal. I3augj 'ANTED To buy twenty thousand oat or larcre sacks: will pay good price. ,ewis Bear Co. 16aug ANTED Old false teeth. Don't mat ter if broken. I nay $2.00 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. T. Mazer, 2007 t. Fifth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. 12augll MR. FARMER, we want on the L. & N. railroad, with in 100 miles of Pensacola, Florida, Excelsior cord wood, cut from any kind of living", sappy pine. It should have only few outside knots. The bark must be peeled otT. We will pay from $?.75 to $3.00 per cord, according- to the freight charged. WE WILL PAY THE FREIGHT. Write us from what station you expect to ship and we will then tell you what price we will pay you and mail vou our specifi cations. PENSACOLA EX CELSIOR CO., P. O. Box 1350. Pensacola, Florida. IJtily WA.VTED AT ONCT Fine fat porXerm. weighing 109 to 100 pound dressed, delivered to Sprinkle's Cash Market. Write or phone 711. Is WE BUT second-hand fnrnltv ell new end second-hand furniture cheap. Nor. ltv Furniture Co. Si Eaat Government. 14eu WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms, convenient to business district. Phone 1459. llaug WANTED To rent motorcycle or au tomobile by the month. Address "M. A. H.." care Journal. t, ISaug MISCELLANEOUS. LOOK! LOOK! Mattresses, Feather Beds, and Pillows cleaned and X i S-iade over. Phone C. W. .Jciaflin. 1112. 1Sau TRANSFER. STORAGE. r?-JPnpriT.tor' all kind m'IT.3 htuHnf- rnlture pecked ihnn- fliTnijr.urnwUur "Wed. Office phone 971. Depot phone 74. tline BINGHAM TRANSFER COMPANY. Phone 63. Haulinxr. Packing Storinsr. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Thirteen head of hogs in good condition. Fine meat hogs this fall. Phone 1713. 23aug7 FOR SALE Cheap, trood work horse, de livery wgon and harness; good condi tion. S. Mindel. 8th avenue and Wrlo-ht street. Phone 171$ 23aug7 FOR SALE Two yearling Jersey heifers and one small horse, cheap for cash. Box 899, Pensacola. FU. 22aug3 FOR SALE Ford truck in excellent con dition. Apply Paraecn Soda Fountain, N. V. Corner Palafox and Romana. 21au?3t FOR SALE Roan hors". seven years old. weight 1100 pounds. Price 125. Also Iftft-eeg Reliable incubator. Address Fred Palton, Seminole, Ala IDaugT FOR SALE S-passencfr Overland auto mobile: a real bargain. First J2ri0 pets it. 511 West Belmont street. Phone 649. 18ausT FC)R SALE Ope pood and pent'e mare. for a family horse, or llcht draft bor.e: we'phs about pounds. Address .1. R Sups. Cantonment. Fla. 19:hik7 FOR SALE Cheap. for rash, ln.foot rlpar rase, one (small case, one rush recrister. one ice box. snd three small show cases. Blount Bu'ldlng Lobbv. See superintendent of build nsr. 19atig7 FOR SALE My residence, 20 East Cervantes street, lots adjoining and corner lot near Alabama Square. Mrs, Robt. Tuemler. 19aus7 FOR SALE OR RENT Beautiful snher han home ten minutes walk from street car. school and department store: dtv delivery. 20 acres fenced, chick-en tisht: 1R5 pecan trees, sold f'T.f) one year, also satsuma ornnpe, crape fruit. Japanese persimmons, mulberry. fie and pecan trees. bunpalow. hot and cold water, bath and toilet. pnn"-e. engine and servant's house. Cruise for se'l'mr. widow. Mrs TT. O. tloughton. IJoute 1. Phone 1595. Box 234. aup19tf FOR SAIjE Lipht spring waeon, pood as new. Phone 1003. 19aup7 FOR SALE 17-foot yawl boat, juniper plank, conper fastenings; Palmer mo tor and full equipment: new and classv. Also Ferro mapneto rowhoat motor in stock. Apply Tensaeoia Gas Engine and Supply Co. 19au FOR SALE First-class eleaninp and pressinp parlors. established trade: reason for selling, have been drafted. Reasonable terms. Address C & P.. care Journal. ' 19a'ir7 FOR SALE 47-foot motor boat. 12-foot beam, complete and in fine condition. $500.0(1. Address K. C. JIunson. Lillian. A 'a. ISaunSw FOR SALE Excellent L. C. Smith tvpe. writer. Universal keyboard, standard attachments. First-class condition Will sell cheap. Herbert Matthews. $22 East Gadsden, or Postal Telegraph Company. 17auc7 FOR SALE Two jrood draft horses, two sinple wagons, two pood yotine Jer sey milch cows, nt steel hay press. Want to enRage in other business evcept truck farming. Address Pine View Farru. care Journal. lOant FOR SALE Three horsepower Marine ' ensrine with full equipment. Will sell cheap. RarRuel Clepper. R. K. D A. Can be seen at Capt. Bennie Edmundson HaiiRlm FOR SAI-iy.One flve.pisscncrer W, model Ford, new tires, fiO-ineh tread Price $200. Address S. E. O., cure Jo-tr- nal. 1?arj;2v. FOR SALE Roston Candv Kitchen, 102 E. Wripht St. 5au:lm FOR SALE A No. 1 work horse. Ave years old: pentle and sound: work anywhere. $125.00. Phone 5CG. !!-iu1y FOR SALE Mason tind ITamlln Piao, can be seen at 221 N. Brroelora St. T2inlv FOR SALE Crown Brand T.lnsed OH, Turpentine. Pnitch Boy White Lcd. Sotithland Mixed Paint. Starns Lumber Export Co., Tarragona & Floyd St.. Pensacola. Fla. Phone 1313. Julvll FOR SALE Or exchange. 2-acre farm 84 miles from the court house. Fifteen cres cleared, cross-fence icre lot, wire fencinp. Fifteen hundred cypress tank, water piped all over th place. Large barn, chicken house, pean and fruit trees, prapes. Oood 4-room house: an Ideal place for a dairy, will sell or trade for city jroperty. Apply to R- P- Reee. June24tf SEE US for largest assort ment, all makes, second hand automobiles. Lowest prices, easv terms. Pemncola Buick & Supp!y Co., Pbone 455 June!7tf FOR SATE or would exenanee Tor land nenr this city, a valuable pleci of land at French Lick. Indiana, about four blocks from the hotel r.nd sprines. on heights overlooking the town and springs, corered with oak and hickory and stir, rounded by nice dwellings. A-l title can be had. For price, etc.. apply tft William Emery. Pensacola. Tin.. Route A. Pox M 1ue-f ARTESIAN WILLS. ARTESIAN WEIXR Will put In we'ls i to 12 Inches diameter, anv depth, and ruarantee water Writ- for" full In formation Gray Artesian Well Co.. Cot tondale. Fla. aprlStf AGENTS WANTED. I'VE A NEW LINEv of soap, extracts, toilet efods. perfumes, etc., for apents 100 per cent profit. Sample free. Write quick. Lacassian Co.. Dept. 37. St. Louis. tq,,,P MUSICAL MRS. F!LIZA BETH CLINE BAYA hss re-opened her studio of music, piano and voice, at 50 East Gregory street. Telephone No. 1267. 2?auglnio SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMAN For general mercantile trade In Florida to sell a new propo sition of merit. Vacancy now. Attrac tive commission contract J,;,Vt)0 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Hixler Co., wholesale Jewelers, 3433 Carlin Bld-i , Cleveland. Oh:o. I9a.u POSITION WANTED, In memory of Mr. Frank L. Mayes, end In recognition ef the spirit of helpfulness that wit his, The Journal will Insert under this classification fre advertisements for those In need of employment. flAXTEn-By flrst-class ment cutter, in or near Pensacola. Seven vea's' experience. Lock Box 52. Caryville Fla. 22aug7 VOI'NG MAN" not subtert to draft wants work nf nnv kind Evperlence in ofneo work. Address J. E. T., rare Journal. 21aus7 REFINED CHRISTIAN LADY, widowed! desires position as housekeeper in small family. Small salarv. Capable and wi'linjr Am fond of children. Address Housekeeper." care Pensacola Journal 21;uist7 EXPERIENCED hook keeper and office man. rap-tble of handlinp anv set of doub'le entrv hoks. desires permanent mention in Ponanol.T, with opportunity for n'lvnprenient. Cap furnish Alabama Tnd Florid.i references where previouslv located. Wil! work on month on trial, if not satisf;.eiory, vM! expert no pa v. "an rome ut oioP Write T wire E R aven, Pio;ua. Ohio. ClauirT WANTED r ,S''on as housekeeper for snnll faniily ,v mldd! lHdv l dress Mrs E L . S . care Journal Clau-7 ANTED Position as a vtenoprar.her: hts-t fit.iehM a . oi:re n i.nrtli-i nd and fvpewrit nt' WV. I,,. r i!!i"rr t. work fr na'I sa'arv to l ecin wit!'.. Address P Boy ?ft7. Bacdad. Kla 10au7 IVAVTFnrnsit!o. l,v an evperlenced 'ady stenopra rbor t.r,n.. i ii n,.-: rn I WANT Wr.ntC. and w-.nt tt had: w'.l l'nr to ear'i my w.a pe. Watcbfian. Jan. ior, or svt'-'nsr r.-i ;.cti.-e old man 'nn do. "S. W. M.. 91-. 0-jiU,-mar.:e str.--t. 1 7 .: -7 i w xt::t 1 tea r;7 s;t'0!i a4-" ni;"c:e 1 i o'O" 1 i'PfT to t'a1" pt-ini 'Vri StrUa WatV'TS. "."1 rt'i 1? .-.o? VOT'vr; nr!, Sr'-oo! CTr-,,r, t e wfsli cre.jcal or- : ale-an posit ic Ci e-ood refercrr-es. T'.o- J19 ITau- WNTED-Pv evne-.V-nr-.-O la y w.,-. keepe- capable of taNn cbv-'i. of ;mv k:r of l.,.n' r. ?n,l also ,-.r, tv..--'riter rV..t rr f rcrc-c fv .-,;sii.- ' l dress "ro-.tckner P O T!o t '." P. , sacola. F'a. Ta'v FOR RENT. FOR RENT--Nicely ',;-,;... d terms r.-ssoaabv. Ai.plv at I street, second fb.oj . ..,. FOR RENT Km fisi... rooms or id r. ni . , lepe of SMl.-lidtitii; street, two blocks .'0':ii,' Or i!nf',i" ! rl. or. XoMii a:. 1.. N. ,1. FOR RENT Thr.-c frni.-he.l r ,n;, strictly tnodcrr. s-.-.f...ir1.,. (l( the house : rr.'- i .-1 1 : ; . fro-.t 1, ,.. entrance. IV North Ii.ivne p:',, FOR RENT Two finished rooms for '!cht bouse keeping, down stairs Phone 177. nr. . . .. St. Ai)v 18 West ('iinlt-n St. or Piu-H- 18S )0. FOR PENT After ' r. - ad.;o;, ,;.',' l,;ltli. ' t.'e nfter 1: o'clock cveninps M' X" Paylen si-,at. la,!7 FOR RT-.NT F-Jmislied ;lat of ''.mr rooms ;.nd !.;it'.. or will rent epa-:, t ... !v. . crv rva.-on: I.!.... Appiv 12..2 V. ;- d-n .-r phone 1 ITv 2la-.iL-rw FOR RENT-.Ro,..,, wit!! kit-benette. f;)T7 nisb. i! o,- i:nf "rnisdicd : ,,Se of bath and rdinre sr.iod nei rlihorhood. 020 Nor'ii I!m1ci. T' 22.11. ' )'.,., ,,- FOR RENT - nrnisbr-o rooms 1.-th and electric lijrhts. 2." North Oevillier sfeet. . lianq-T FOR RENT Two pice, f :rn'shed rooms with bath connected: will rent on-' or bth 7 North I street just off Oard.ti. or ;!: V. T. Tracy :U EveHasttns Fab rics Store. auKl I-OR l.iAT-Two furnished rooms: mod ern conveniences: close in. Applv 101 North Spring stre.-t. lfiai'"1 FOR RENT One laree furnished room. with kitchenette. Kas ranses and hunt nse of phone, bath: close in: cheap ?tr7 Omlleinarde street ".o,- . --dUst FOR RENT-Two f-.rnlshed rooms ,Th ate porch. Xq children. Applv 3"! V Hanjj FOR REXT-Two larse r-.o-s. southern exposure. bath and :e.-ncd front porch, furnished for housekeeping c,,- will rent sop.aratelv to pentlemep l' w Oresory St. Apply 2fir. ; Oreporv "l4auK FOR RENT Front room down stairs fo- s'eepini: electric liirhts. bath, reason able rent; three blocks from San Car'og hotel. 1 North Reus street. Phone S."4. 12aue FOR RENT Two or three nicelv fur nished upstairs rooms: conveniences on paved street atl(j car ;inp. tjentlemp'n preferred. Apply loni North Palafox Phone 22? lOaujr ' FOR RENT Nice, clean, cool flat, five room: bath, reception hall and front porch: screened and furnished readv for house keeping: separate rooms 7,10 S'orth llth avenue, or telephone 1317. auiotf FOR RENT-F-.irnished apartments, up. stairs, for l'.eht hotise-keepine. No children. 1J E&al Gregory street. 1?4 aufrStf FOR RENT Furnished rooms In eood neighborhood. Clean, cool and pleas ant. Good board near by. 602 North Hayne street. 3au? FOR RENT Suites of rooms for light housekeepir.c, private bath, hot and cold water, 316 Gulllemarde. three blocks west L. & N. depot, block east T. M. C. A. Phone 156?. lSjuly FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping:, upstairs and down stairs modern conveniences. 221 N. Barcelona St.. Phone 1724. SJulytf VETERINARY SURGEON. DR. GEO. MASGANA. French Graduate Veterinarian, will treat any disease of dotvesticated animals at moderate price. Ill W. Government St Phone 1723 or White's Pharmacy, Phone 180. Dr. Mas gana's Mange Cure Is the best. Uulylm AUTOMOBILES All kind of engine, magmeto and self. starter work quikcly and efficiently done at Standard Repair Works. Phone 125. 6oct i ! SQUIRREL FOOD BFORe APPLYING THE CAKOUFLAOt - oFttR "S Afvl LOST AM) FOUND. '.' 'ST At K 1 otio , 1 , . t u . ;.!! . ! orll-t , otio:!. . . , ,-,. .-t ' ' '. 1 :.!!! i,n:s!iel i . 1 l-'md.-r ! r.-turt. t., :::: :,-. 1 ., si , t. I."ST -Kol.iir.K I'M I .'; ,:.;.;: :: t.. 1 trousaiid lie ti.. iiin.t . bi ii'oin v. I. 'i v-ra rev rd 11 n ti r..- 1 to I 'eti.-at 1 .h lie ( 'o. m .nto.,, a .!!; I." 'i' '"or. Hadsden ;, .l A' S! . ki. !. I , liain, with u.M bail. rlov .-r '', : skU-s. reward if ret-: t . ( io !:,. i" Tta I ..1 v. ien c. :::n 1;. ; ,.... j, . t SECRET SOCIETIE3. F. . A. M. U' ci'ii.m ;n:'-a: ioi ,,f feii- k?s Tl-.iirsdav i.i-.Mit. An-csi - :u ' of 1'. Hill 'isitiinr broth ers cordially invited. W. If. WHITE. V. M. F. A. M. Spe.-ial com 'nuid.-at io,-, of Ks c: mbia I,o,!-e. No 1.",. -M . Th'trsdav. Anu'iist L'.'.. at 7 :m TjPferf V n. V..rk in tw K. c. dear c. fTtjr 'iMMii(r broth, i-s fraternally in vited V". V. r.!;r;s. Sect eta r . JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS. Pepsa colix Council. No. .;, junior Or der Cnited American Mechanics, meets second and fourth Mondavs, s t,. m . V." O. V.., hall. IV, West Harden street. V.siting brothers c"ri?ia'.:'.' invited. C. WHITE. C. L HOOPER. Con. Rocordins Secretary. W. O. W. Live Oak Oamn. No. 1. Woodman of the World meets first and third Tuesday nights for ri-enlar meetinsrs. Woodman Hall. HTj and 117 1-2 West Garden street. W. H. WHITE. C. VILLA R, Clerk. C. C. Pensacola Lodp No. . I. O. O. F. Penaaeo'.a Lodsre No. 4. I. O. O. F, meets ever; Thuradsy at 7:30 p. tn. In Rafford Hall, corner B.iylen and Belmont atreeta. Visitors cordially lnvttad. C. R. BELL. N. O. 1 S. Nlcolau. Secratary. LEGAL NOTICES. SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE. By virtue of a de ee rendered in the circuit court in and for Escambia county. Florida, in a certain cause wherein Raymond N. Zeek Is complainant, and Joseph P. McIIufch and National Securi ties Company, a corporation, are de fendants. I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder 'or cash, before the county court house door. In the City of Pensacola. in said Escambia county, on Monday, the 3rd day of September. 1917. during the lecal hours of sale, the fol lowing described real estate, together with the appurtenances, lyinsj and beinK in said City of Pensacola. to-wit: Lot 4. In block 136 of the East King tract, east of Tarraeona street, according to map of Pensacola, Florld-a, published by Thos. C. Watson in 19"6. Purchaser to pay for deed. G. W. GIRDLESTONE. Special Master in Chancery. 1359A-aug3oaw4w l AOe OF TWO, WTeTBuTN - HAV8E TrtWT5 OWE OP N I PONT KNOW. MOvJ p " I "fv,OSe R,Ce R0UUS CAR " 5AV PO YOO 2 J 1 BUT SOMET4MO Tt-V.S M N FR "TO WZ l j V -fvGRS A CrtTCM TO ' r Ms-reR ' ,-r soKtvJUtRt 'X GOLF r AMouAoeP- 202'w) I CArAOOFUftCM(j TH fLivNERTO I HELL cArAOUFL AOE. " l'i)C?W-U LOOK LIKE AM AOTOrAO&ILE j THIS STROKE - -niAW- - I i I i i i i (4 n VV .rl a sue h shoe - ' XaSV? r SrrnSJK. CaREATLY CAMOUFLACEO rs ; , I 1 i Nb, $2350 modern conveniences two corner lots, two blocks from car line, and one block from pavement. Will make EASY TERMS. Phone 367. BUY NOW AND BE AMONG THOSE THAT DID, RATHER THAN THOSE THAT COULD HAVE DONE. Pensacola CAMOUFLAGE ISN'T IN THE WAR. OH 8-OY ' AKT Tue Carres dome CAMOUFLAGED WvTU A vOlO - THE MARKETS NEW ORLEANS COTTON Now Orleans, Aupr. 22. After hesi tatin'.r on the openin, and rising 3 points on the strongest month, the n'ttjn market fell off today under moderate selling stimulated by the easier cjiot situation. At the end of tho lirst hour of business, the trad ing months were 11 to 21 points under csterday's clo-e. Heavy selling followed the week ly weather and crop reports from the government which were rather mors favorable than expected. In the trad ing up to noon, prices were put to a net decline of "8 to 48 points. Weakness developed in the after noon, offerings not bling well ab sorbed. In the trading up to 1:30 th? decline was widened to 76 to SO points 1 Cottyn closed steady at net decline of C8 to 73 points High Low 22.40 22.42 22.50 22.71 Close 22.47 22.50 22.fiQ 22.71 22.81 October . December January . March . . Mav .23.20 .23.21 .23.27 .23 36 NEW YORK COTTON New York, Aug. 22. The cotton market was nervous and irregular to day. At the opening there was a re newal of scattered selling based on the expectation of a favorable weekly report from the weather bureau. Of feiings were very well taken at the initial decline of about 1 to 10 points, however, and after selling at 23.86 for October and 23.75 for January, the market rallied to 23.95 and 23.83 for these positions, or about 7 to 8 points from the lowest. Rallies of a few points followed publication of the weekly weather re port during the middle of the morn ing with October selling up from 23.81 to 23 94, and January from 23.R5 to 23.79. This bulge seemed to attract increased offerings, although the report was considered less favor able than any of the three preceding and the market weakened again late in the morning. Continued reports of an easing spot basis seemed lareely responsible for the setting which car ried October off to 23.71 and January to 23.57 by midday, or about 23 to 30 points "net lower. There were further declines during the early afternoon with October sell ing off to 24.36 and January to 23.35, or about 49 to 54 point3 net lower. This carried the market into new low ground with most of the active posi tions at the lowest prices touched Buys a Dwelling on East Hill that would cost you $3,000 to build Finance JUST By AHERN COMMON THE lH7 CAMOUfLe CjRANOtAA- F ACtftL C AMOUFLAC1E.S Popular wjiTU sNrtfvr STARTED vT ALL - since last June Cotton closed steady. r. , , Hirh Low Close Uctobet 23.95 23 29 3 40 December 23-84 23!l5 23.29 January 23.83 23.15 23.27 larch 23.97 23.34 23.44 Ma' 24.10 23.50 23.57 CORN PRICES DECLINE Chicago, Aug. 22. Corn prices de clined at the start today, local trad ers furnishing abundant offerings. There was considerable buying on the low point and a slight rally followed. .Sentiment was bearish. Opening prices were from 1-2 to 1 1 -8c lower, with December at 1 07 5-8 to 1.08 and May at 1.03 1-4 to 1-2. Wheat continued to be a negligible quantity. The first bid was 2.10 for September, unchanged from yester day and a few trades were recorded with prices sagging to 2.07. Board of Trade officials announced th'at steps would be taken to fix a settle ment price for all September wheat ontra'.ts outstanding August 25 in readiness for governmental handling of wheat after September 1. Oats opened about unchanged with light trading. Provisions declined sharply not withstanding the high hog prices. , LIVERPOOL COTTON Liverpool, Aug. 22. Cotton spot null; prices unchanged American middling fair 20.23; good middling 19.R0; middling 19.35; low middling 18.90; good ordinary 17.95; ordinary 17.45. Saks 3,000 bales, including 2,300 American. Receipts, "15,000 bales, including 7,700 American. Futures unchanged. August 18.15; September-October 1752; October November 17.10; December-January 16.55; Januarv-February 16.45; March April 1G.27; Mav-Jun 16.11. GRAIN AND PROV ISIONS WHEAT Sept CORN Dec Mav OATS Dec Mav PORK Sept Oct LARD Sept Oct RIBS Sept Oct Open .$ 2.10 . 1.07 5-8 . 1.06 1-4 .53 3-4 .57 Close $ 2.06 1.08 1-4 1.06 1-2 .54 1-4! 1 ol 43.00 4305 43.00 42.75 22.95 23.07 23.57 23.57 09 95 12 23.30 2347 COTTONSEED OIL MARKET New York, Aug. 22 The cotton seed oil market closed easier. Spot 15.00 bid January 15.06(5515.07 February 15.08(5.15.15 March 15.11 15.17 August 15.20 bid September 156 15-38 October 15.3S15.39 November 15.1015.17 December 15.0915.10 Total sales for the day, 26,100. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN Chicago, Aug. 22. Wheat No. 2 red 2.212.22; No Sred 2.152.25; No. 2 hard 2.262.28; No. 2 hard 2.20. Corn No. 2 yellow 1.801.80 1-2; NAVAL STORES The spirit market was tirm at 37 4 cent?, with sale? of 670 casks. Receipts, Cwks L,. t Yr r Today 273 : This month 4,322 6.1 7 This season 32.311 34.:. ; Shipments. CbhIl. Today 123 1; Tnia monih 2.141 3.0 4 This season 17,577 27,9 , Stocks, Casks Today 39,363 24 f J April 1 24629 18.713 The rosin market wps firm wit a no sales. Receipt. BajTols li I Tcday 624 1.12 5 This month 15,629 19,0;i This season 90,792 9S.32L Shipments, Barrels Today 915 66? This month 9,390 . 11,39 V This season 9!,764 118,421 Stocks. Barrel Today S9.821 7S.8J 1 April 1 93.793 101.91? Quotations were as follows: Clos X. WW . 6.95 VTG 6.80 N - 6.20 M - 5.52 Vi' K ... 5.121 I 5.05 H 5.00 G, F, K. D, B 4.97 '.i, JACKSONVILLE MARKET Jacksonville, Aug. 22. The spirt market was ljrm at 37 3-4 cents, with! sales of 500 casks. Receipts, Casks Last Year Today 572 66 1 This season 71,571 78,277 Shipments, Cast Today 859 .371 This season 56C88 66,86 i Stocks, Casks Todav 4i,394 34,30? April 1 29.511 22,89 The rosin markjt was firm wit f sales of 2,141 barrels. Receipts, Barrels Todav 2,260 2.8f' This season 194,361 220,3b Shipments. Barrels Today 5,740 1,95 This season 201,759 222,7:. Stocks, Barrel! Todav 149,708 145,9: April 1 157.106 148,21 Quotations were a-j follows: X, WW 7.05 W'G 6.95 (Si 7.00 X 6.456.50 M 5 75 0 5.80 K 5.35 I 5.2555.27 s H 5.205.25 G, F, E, D 5.20 B 5.155.20 SAVANNAH MARKET Savannah, Aug. 22. The spirit market was firm at 37 3-4 cents, with sales of 413 casks. Receipt, Casks Lai: yesr Todav 335 46.3 This season 49,795 54,221! Shipments, Cr.nks Todav 133 3M This 'season 28.602 13.82t Slocks, Caxkt Today 34.289 18,51 April 1 11,169 7,62) The rosin market was firm with sa'es of 1,273 barrels s Receipts, Barr! Last Year Today 1.497 1,563 This season 148,207 166,756 Shipments, Barrets Today 1,571 25a This season 167,733 175,357 Stocks, Barrels Todav 94.150 67,211 Aprif 1 103,456 72,832 Quotations were as follows: Open Clo3. WW 7.10 WG 7.00 N 6.50 M 5.75 K 5.4ft I 5.30 H, G, F,E, D, B 5.20 No 3 yellow 1.79 1-21.80; No. 4 vellow nominal. Oats No. 3 white 53 1-255.jc; standard 53 3-4(as5ec. Rye No. 2, 1.751.76. Barley 1.051.29. Hay Timothy 4.50(35800; clover 14.0018.50. Provisions Pork 43.00; lard 22.00 22.95; ribs 23.32(o23.82. Pains in the Stomach and Bowels Owing to the great distress which this disease occasions, every family should keep at hand the proper medi cine for its relief. Mrs. L- E. Sinks, Centralia, 111., writes, "My father has kept Chamberlain's Colic ar.d Diar rhoea Remedy in the house as long as I can remember, and he has taken it, to my knowledge it has given tho desired relief." adv. FISHER-BROWN. Wc Will Bond Ycu. 918 Phones 910.