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THE PENS ACOLA JOURNAL, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1918. I BRIDGE QUESTIOII BE TAKEN UP AGAIN B COUNTY Thursday the county commissioners win hold session and get a step near er the two projects of constructing a bridge at Bayou Chict and the road to the Pensacola Air Station between Bayou Chico and Bayou Grande. The board is working as rapidly as possi ble upon these matters but there are certain legal forms which will neces sarily ha"fc to be observed before ac tual work can begin. At the meeting last Saturday Com missioner Sodcrllnd brought up the matter of the bridge and the plaas drawn by Mr. F. Rozman Aszman, en gineer for a Chicago bridge . concern, which is known as a basque or lift bridge. That is a bridge where the two ends ' meeting In the center are lifted from either end on shore making an opening for water traffic It was stated that such a bridge was more economical and had the advan tage in that during high waters the bridge could be lifted out of the way of floating debri3., ' These plana were drawn free of charge to the county. The county commissioners tenta tively accepted the plans as a fair proposition and referred them to a body of local engineers for approval which will be submitted back to the board Thursday with report and for final- action by the county commis sioners. .It is stated that the bridge is of simple type and much cheaper than other designs, the engineer making the assertion and giving figures that it would cot 0 per cent less than the bids submitted upon a former occa sion for a bridge. The plans show there will not bo any wood In the structure but will be all concrete and steel with steel and concrete piles and all of the pile Jetticd down. Members of the board say they are using every effort to install the bridge as rapidly as possible and are now-looking Into the legal phases in the case. This bridge will be . over Bayou Chico. ... The building of a road to the Pensa cola Air Station between Bayou Chico and 7 ,iyou Grande will also be further discussed Thursday by the board. Specifications are now being so ar ranged as to build as much road as possible as, the $50,000 appropriation will go. For the remainder of the road it is row the intention of the board to set aside In the July budget enough to take care of the remainder " of the road, if such is permissible. LflOIErflllfl-OF 0.R.C.1EETST0DAY It was announce yesterday that the Ladles Auxiliary of the O. R. C. will hold a meeting on Tuesday afternoon nt K. of P. hall, nt 3 o'clock. All mem bers are urrcd to be present, as there will be some interesting topics brougnt up for discussion and disposition. WAR WORRIES UPSET HEALTH It Is airreed by medical authorities that worry affects the digestive organs. When the digestion is out of order. It throws the whole physical beinsr out. of gear. B. B. Hayward, Unadilla. Ga. writes: "Foley Cathartic tablets give me quicker relief than anything I have ever tried." Thev relieve billiousness, bad breath, bloat in, pas. indigestion and constipation. No griping or nausea. Sold everywhere. Adv. Pensacola Buggy Works STUDEBABER CARS. Repairs Parts Accessories AND SUPPLIES. Phone 800. 105 N. Palafox St. D'ALEMBERTE'S PEROXIDE CREAM Phone 109 "A GOOD DRUG STORE" far fme maa?e. Notice to Ice Consumers Our wagons are equipped with scales and consumers will please exact correct weirht and report any discourtesy ot drivers to office. Phones 59 or 259. Southern Utilities Co. Successor to Pensacola Ice Company FISHER-BROWN. We Will Bond You. 918 Phones 919. The Farior Market I V Y Y "Home of All That's Pure" A Fresh Western Meats X POULTRY, EOGS AND GEEN CROCERIE. Y The Rcady-to-Wear Store If It's New You Will Find It Here 9 anl 11 South Palafox ID DOG SUE III WEST FART OF GITY No little excitement wa3 caused by a cry of mad dog, on West Garden street yesterday shortly after noon. The dog was reported by telephone in the vicin ity of the G. F. & A. depot at one time, and an officer was sent Souble-quicK out to the scene of the trouble to end the sufferings of the brute and t makethe blood and to get permanent relief life easier for the residents of V1! the. catarrh Infection must be driven pari of me city, dui wiea inepouce- man arrived the annual "had been killed. WHITE BOY HIT BY J. B. Bledsoe, a white boy, had a nar row escape from probable serious in Jury yesterday when on East Gadsden street an automobile, said to have been driven by Henry Allison, struck and knocked him down. The driver of the car appeared to have not been at fault, for no arrest was made in the case, al though the officers made a thorough Investigation. As soon as he saw that the boy had teen hit, Mr. Allison stopped his. car and conveyed the boy to the Pensacola hospital, where his injuries were exam ined and a report made that he was not seriously hurt. Children's Coughs and Colds. For- children's coughs and cold Chamberlain'? Cough Remedy is excel lent. It is prompt and effectual and contains no opium or other narcotio and is pleasant to take. Adv. Drive Is Now Begun in War Saving Stamps : (Continued from Page One.) der bis service and offer his knowl edge as to the best method in carry ing on the War Saving Stamp campaign in Pensacola. Mr. Johnson is a "man small of stat ure but a bunch of nerves, energy and ginger. In addition Mr. Johnson is a lecturer who can take serious subjects and make them most entertaining. While here he will tell the people of Pensacola J us t what they should do in this drive and uses a blackboard to not only illustrate his points but draws upon it sketches of an amusing character, one of which he calls "Kaiser, The Human Devil". Sketches on Blackboard. KiAfziaanerof . depicting "The Beast " i , of Berlin," is original and his audience,. watching the crayon on the blackboard floes not have an idea what the sketch will be until it is thoroughly brought out, his work being something upon the order of Hy Mayer and other fa mous cartoonists. He has mans other ways of illus trating points and throughout this feature of his work, he is keeping his hearers interested in a running talk. Mr. Johnson also possesses a talent for legerdermaln. He is artful and de ceptive in sleight of hand perform ances and has no objection to anyone knowing that what he does has a trick in' it. All of his work of this charac ter brings out strongly a point which has a patriotic purpose. It will not be necessary for anyone to attend a moving picture show when, Mr. Johnson Is appearing before the people of Pensacola, he is an entertain er all by himself. Today he will Te a guest of the Rotary Club and organize the members Into a War Saving Stamp working com mittee This morning the leadii5 workers of the War Saving Stamp drive will begin the $1,000 club organization, the larg est amount any one person "can sub scribe, this amount of stamps being bought for $832. Men of affairs wlli be visited and before the day is over it Is expected there will be a club con sisting of many members. This is the initial step which wil be followed by other clubs as the drive progresses. Those who are going to work In this cause are making out endless lists of persons in the city and county and both wll be divided off Into precincts with workers for each and for the next thirty days if there Is any person overlooked it will be because they are newcomers In the city and county. Over-run with Ants Ants axe certainly bothersome. They have a way or getting into erery conceivable place in which food is kept. However, there is a sure way of destroying them. Sprin kle BEE BRAND INSECT POW DER wherever they gather and every ant or bug that comes in con tact with it will die. Bee Brand Insect Powder f mn It Into Iht air ' Flies and moscmii die in a few minatea. Will kill ants, fleas, roaches, bed-bugs, lira, and bugs of nearly every kind. Directions on package. Look for the Bee Brand Trade Mark 25c & SOc Everywhere) bCOHCXl CO. Brian. II. AUTOMOBILE You Need-Not But You Must Drive It Out of Your Blood to Get Rid of It Permanently. You have probably been In the habit of applying external treatments, try ing to cure Catarrh. You have used sprays, washes and lotions and possi bly been temporarily relieved. But after a short time you had another at tack and wondered why. You must realize that catarrh is aa infection of out of blood. The quicker you come to understand this, the quicker you will get It out of your system. S. S. S., which has been in canstant use Demands Enactment of War Tax Laws. (Continued from Page One.) profiteering at present, . the president said, and he declared It must be reach ed by the new legislation. "Profiteering that cannot be got at by restraint of conscience," said the president, "can be got at by taxation." There need be no hesitancy In taxing the country, Ihe president told con gress, if It were taxed Justly. He ap pealed to congress to approach the great task without selfishness or fear of political consequences. "An Intense and pitiless light beats upon every man and 1 every action In the tragic part of war that is now upon the stage," said the president. The president concluded with an ap peal to congress to do its work un grudgingly and said he could not guar antee a proper administration of the treasury unless the question were set tled at once. The president called upon congress to eliminate politics from the consid eration. Politics, he said. Is "adjourn ed." The prlnicpal increases In taxation the president said, should be on in comes, war profits and luxuries. It would be manifestly unfair, the president said, to wait until 1919 be fore determining what the new taxes would be. The president's address was comparatively brief, taking less than fifteen minutes for delivery. In specific terms the president give a distinct warning against lobbying in connection with the new bill. PRESIDENT TAKES CHARGE OF WAR TAX TANGLE WASHINGTON, May 27. President Wilson personally took charge of the war tax legislation tangle today and appearing unexpectedly before a Joint session of congress, declared it was necessary to proceed immediately with new war tax laws. riaos, wuicii juigm uavc uciajeu mc .vork but wnlch Involved a working Plans, which might have delayed the agreement between both parties hav ing fallen through, the president told the legislators there was no way to meet the problem of financing the war but to have congress remain in session and go ahead at once. "The consideration that dominates every other now,' said Mr. Wilson, "and makes every other seem trivial and negligible, is the winning of the war. We are not only in the midst of the war, we are at the very peak and crisis of it. Hundreds of thousands of our men, carrying our hearts with them and our fortunes, are In the field and ships are crowding faster and faster to the ports of France and England with regiment after regiment, thousand after thousand, to Join them until the enemy Bnan be beaten and brought to a reck onlng with mankind. There can be no pause or intermission. The great en terprise must, on the contrary, be pushed with greater and greater en ergy. The volume of our might must steadily and rapllly be augmented un til there can be no question of resisting it. If that is to be accomplished, gen tlemen, money must sustain it to the utmost. Our financial program must no more be left In doubt or suffered to lag than our ordnance program or our ship program or our munitions program, or our rrogram for making millions of men ready. These others are not programs, indeed but mere plans upon paper, unless there is to be an unquestionable supply of money. Politics is Adjourned. "That is the situation, and It is the situation which creates the duty, no choice or preference of ours. There is only one way to meet that duty. We must meet it without selfishness or fear of consequences. Politics is ad journed." The elections will go to those who think least of it; to those who go to the constituencies without explana tions or excuses, with a plain record of duty faithfully and disinterestedly performed. I. for one, am always con- fident that the people of the country iu give a just veraict upon tne ser vice of the men who act for them when the facts are such that no man can dis guise or conceal them. There danger of deceit now. An intense and pitiless light beats upon every man and every action in this tragic plot of war that is now upon the stage. If lobbyists hurry to Washington to at tempt to turn what you do ia the mat ter of taxation to their protection or advantage, the light will beat also upon them. There is abundant fuel for the ffht In the records of the treasury wifh regard to profits of every sort. The profiteering tht cannot be got at by the restraints of conscience and love of country can be got at by taxation. There is suoti profiteering now and the Information with regard to it Is avail able and undifputable. "I am advisln? you to act upon this matter of taxatioa now, gentlemen, not because I do not know that you can see and interpret the facts and the duty they impose Just as well and with as clear a perception of the obligations involved as I can. but because there is a certain solemn satisfaction in shar ing with you the responsibilities of su'h a time. The world never stood in such cases before. Men never before Suffer From Catarrh for over fifty years, will drive tha ca tarrhal poisons out of your blood, purifying and strengthening it, so H will carry vigor and health to the mucous membranes on its Journeys throught your body and nature will soon restore you to health. You will be relieved of the dropping of raucous in your throat, sores in nostrils, bad breath, hawking and spitting. All reputable druggists carry S. S. S in stock and we recommend you give it a trial immediately. The chief medical adviser of the Company will cheerfully answer all letters on the subject. There is no charge for the medical advice. Ad dress Swift Specific Company, 43i Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv. C; E, SOCIETY ON FRIDAY A meeting of the young people of tne First Christian church for the purpose of organizing the Christian Endeavor society they have started, wm e neia Friday evening at 7:30 at the home ot Mrs. T. H. Long, 1625 E. Gadsden street. The business meeting shall consist of an election of officers and a discussion of parliamentary affairs, which will b followed by a social hour and refresh ments. All Interested in young people are invited. NEW AT E As commissioner of parks, Mr. Hin richs of the city board, yesterday de cided to have installed at Bay view park a number of amusement features principally for the children. There wil be a see-saw, with four to six boards; a, giant stride, with two sets of appa ratus and a swing outfit with at least half a dozen swings. Commissioner Hinrlchs reported yes terday that he had effected the pur chase of these articles, and that as soon as possible they would be formally in stalled at that point. His action was endorsed by the commissioners as a whole board. In addition to these Improvements for the amusement of the children, a great deal of work was accomplished within the past few days on thorough fares leading to the park. Yesterday quite a number of-bad places in the roadway were filled up, but the city is having troubles with labor like the private companies; and the work is no going on as rapidly as the commis sioners would have it move. had so clear or so moving a vision of duty. I know that you will begrudge the work to be done here by us no more than the men begrudge us theirs who lie in the trenches and sally forth to their death. There is a stimulating comradeship knitting us all together. And this task to which I invite your immediate consideration" will be pl formed under favorable inflwmces if we will look to what thw country is thinking and expecting and care noth ing at all for what is being said and believed in the lobbies of Washington hotels, where the atmosphere seems to make it possible to believe what is believed nowhere else. The People United. "Have you not felt the spirit of the nation rise and its - though! become a single and common thought since these eveqjful days came in which we have been sending our boys to the other sidef I think you must read that thought, as I do, to mean this, that the people of this country are not only united in the resolute purpose to win this war but are ready and willing, to bear any burden and undergo any sac rifice that it may be necessary for them to bear in order to win it. We need not be afraid to tax them, if we lay taxes justly. They know that the war must be paid for and that it is they, who must pay for it, and if the burden is justly distributed and the sacrifice made a common sacrifice from which none escapes who can bear it at all, they will carry it cheerfully and with a sort of solemn pride. I have always been proud to be an American and was never more proud than now, when all that we have said and all that we have foreseen about our people Is coming true. The great days have come wnen the only thing that they ask for or admire is duty greatly and adequately done; when their only" wish for Amer ica is that they may share the freedom she enjoys; when a great, compelling sympathy wells up In their hera's for men everywhere who suffer and are oppressed; and when they see at least the high uses for which their wealtn has been piled up and their mighty power accumulated and, counting neither blood nor treasure now that their final day of opportunity has come, rejoice to spena and to be spent through a long night of suffering and terror In order that they and men ev erywhere may see the dawn of a day of righteousness and justice and peace. Shall we grow weary when they bid us act? Stomach Troubles. When your system becomes clogged from overeating, constipation and a tor pid liver, your stomach is . likely to trouble you. A cose of Chamberlain's Tablets will give you quick relief. They cause a free movement of the bowels, tone up the liver and strenrthen the digestion. You will be surprised when you realize how much better you are feeling a day or two after taking thesa TO ORGANIZE AMDS ME US PARK tablets. Adv. BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Philadelphia 8 9 2 St. Louis 4 10 0 Battries Southorn, Davenport, Rog ers and Tunamaker; Gregg, Myers and McAvoy. At New York 7 13 0 Cleveland 1 3 2 Batteries Morton and ' O'Neill; Thomasten and Hannah. At Washington 7 12 1 Detroit 4 8 1 Batteries Roland, Jones, Cunning ham and Stanage; Ayera and Ain smlth. At Boston 4 9 1 Chicago 6 13 1 Batteries Clvotte, Shellenback and Lynn: Schalk, Leonard, Bush and Agnew. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn 1 4 St. Louis 0 2 Batteries Grimes Sheredell and Gonzalez. and Miller; At New York 3 9 2 Chicago 7 16 2 .Batteries Perritt, Anderson Causey and McCarty; Hendrlx and Killifer. At Philadelphia 2 8 5 Cincinnati 1 7 1 Batteries Meyer and Burns; Eller, Bressler and Wingo. At Boston 2 5 1 Pittsburg , 1 9 1 Batteries Nehl and Wilson; Cooper and Archer. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. At New Orleans 8 11 2 Memphis 2 6 1 Batteries Perdue and Kitchens; Barger, Boss and Hargrave. At Chattanooga 0 3 5 Nashville 20 23 0 Batteries "W. Marshall and Tay lor, Swlgler and C. Marshall. At Birmingham 0 3 3 Atlanta 5 10 2 Batteries Brennan and Casey; Comstock and Smith. At Little Rock 5 Mobil 4 Batteries Ellis and Johnson; man, Murchlson and Brock. 8 2 9 1 Bo- AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Washington 7; Detroit 4. At Philadelphia 8; St. Louis At Boston 4; Chicago 6. At New York 7; Cleveland 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE: At Cincinnati 1; Philadelphia At Chicago 7 j New York 3. At Pittsburg 1, Boston 2. At St. Louis 0; Brooklyn 1. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. At Birmingham 0; Atlanta 5. At Little Rock 5; Mobile 4. At Memphis 2, New Orleans 8. At Nashville 17, Chattanooga 0. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. SOUTHERN. CLUBS W. L. Pet New Orleans 24 12 .657 Little Rock 23 13 .639 Chattanooga 21 17 .552 Mobile 19 18 .515 Nashville 19 19 .500 Memphis 16 19 .457 Birmingham 11 20 .353 Atlanta 12 24 .331 AMERICAN. CLUBS ' XV. L Boston 21 13 New York 19 17 Chicago 15 15 Cleveland 18 17 St. Louis 16 15 Washington 16 18 Philadelphia 14 18 Detroit 9 18 Pet. .618 .5S .509 .518 .516 .471 .483 .333 NATIONAL. CLTTBS "VT. L. New York 23 10 Chicago 22 11 Cincinnati 20 17 Pittsburgh 15 15 Philadelphia 14 18 Brooklyn 13 21 Boston 14 19 St. Louis 13 21 Pet .697 .667 .541 .500 .433 .382 .382 .382 J. N. Hutchios Candidate for the LEGISLATURE Group 1. I WANT 1st. To aid the allies In whipping the kaiser. 2nd. Free School school children. Books for public 3rd. To abolish the fee systems and place all prosecuting officers on salaries. 4th. To enact a law which will promote health and the betterment of our citizens. 5th. For a law to require strict en forcement of the Pure Food Laws against all persons, rich or poor. 6th. To simplify the present methods of appeals from Inferior courts to courts of records so as to save the great ex pense of appeals. 7th. Enact a law to require barbers to have certain qualifications and creat ing an inspector of barber shops in the State of Florida, Tour vote will be appreciated. J. N. HUTCHINS (Paid Advertisement.) Political Announcements FOR CONGRESS. FOR CONGRESS I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Congressman from the Third Congres sional restrict, subject to the Democratic primary and solicit your support, Influ i ence and vote. WALTER KEHOE. FOR CONGRESS I am a candidate for Congress from the Third Congressional District of Florida, subject to the action of the Democratic primary of June 4th, 1918. If e'cted, I promise untirln efforts In behalf of the district and the nation at large. J. H. 'inlthwlck. FOR STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the State Senate, subject to nomination In the prlmasy election to be held on June 4th Upon my record in the Senate and adherence' to Democratic principles and po'lcles. and upen the declaration cf which I now, and shall hereafter make. 1 solicit and will be gen uinely grateful 'for, the votes and support of all Democrats. Respectfully, JOHN B. JONES. FOR STATE SENATOR 1 hereby an nounce . myself a candidate for state senator subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary and will appreciate the support of all voters. JOHN P. STOKES. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce my candidacy for Representative In the Florida Legislature from Escambia county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary of June 4. and solicit th votes and active sup port of my frienifls and fHlow -'tlsens. 254 HERBERT 1 CARO. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative to the Legislature from Escambia County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 4th, 1918, and respectfully solicit the vote and support of all loyal Democrats. I favor the ratification of our prohibition amendment to a state-wide law, and am an advocate of free text books for our public schools. If elected, I promise to perform the duties of the office to the best interest of the people of Escambia County. 2462 W. R. TTSDALE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Repre sentative from Escambia county, In the Florida . Legislature, subject to the Democratic primary, and if elected pledge my vote for ratification of the prohibition amendment. I also prom ise to work faithfully and dlligentry for all measures which will promote the best Interests of the county and state. 2749 M. E. MOREY. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby an nounce myself as a candidate for rep resentative in the Florida legislature from Escambia county, subject to the Demo cratic primary, and solicit the support of all qualified voters with the assurance that if elected I will serve the interests of this county td the best of my ability. I pledge my vots for ratification of the prohibition amergdmont. 2572 , J. R. M. GATES. I hereby announce my candidacy for State Senator frc? Escambia County, subject to the rurFa of the Democratic primary, and respectfully solicit the sup port of all Democrats. I favor: Ratifica tion of the fedfrml prohibition amend ment. Abolition of th fee system. Abo lition of the cout of reecord of Escambia County and If ncessary the creation of a judicial circuit. Trem text books for pu pils of the public schools. Very respectfully, W. F. ARMFTELD. FOR STATE TAX COMMISSIONER. FOR STATE TAX COMMISSION EK 1 hereby announce my candidacy for state Tax Commissioner, Group 2, and respectfully solicit the support of all friends In the forth-coming democ ratio primary. W. M. HOLLOW AT. FOR STATE TAX COMMISSIONER To the Democ ratio Voters of Florida: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the Tax Commlsrton, Group 1, subject to tne action of the Democratic primary to be held June 4, promising, if elected, to perform the duties of the office faith fully and fearlessly. Respectfully, CADH E. SHACKELFORD. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Dlt 1 I hereby announce myself as candidate for re-election as County Commissioner for District No. 1, subject to the Demo era tic primary. 2565 J. GEO. WHITE. FOR STATE TAX COMMISSIONER To the Democratic Voters of Florida: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Tax Commission, Oroup 1, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held June 4, promising, if elected, to perform the duties of the office faith fully and diligently. J. CLIFFORD BROWN. 2672 FOR COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT NO. 2 I hereby announce myself as a candi date for county commissioner to repre sent district No. 2. and if elected prom ise to work for the Interests of all people. JOHN T. HOLLAND. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Dlts. 2 I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner to represent District No. 2, and if elected promise fair and faithful performance of all duties of the office. I respectfully solicit the vote of every Democrat in the primary. 2574 T. J. SHELBY. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Dist. 2. I announce my candidacy for nomina tion as County Commissioner, from Dis trict No. 2, Escambia County, Florida. This district includes Precincts Nos. 14, 15. 82 and 34. all west of Palafox and South of Gadsden street to the city limits. I ask the support of my fellow democrats, and If nominated and elected promise the same diligent and faithful work on behalf of the taxpayers and citizens as I have given to this office the past term. Sincerely, GUS A. SODER LIND. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Dtst. 3. I hereby announce myself as candidate as County Commissioner for District No. 3. subject to the Democratic primary. 2589 GEO 11. DAVIS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FROM Lti&i'uur t i Hereby respectfully snnounTe myself as a candidate for nomi nation as County Commissioner from District No. 4, subject to the Demo cratic Primary, and promise, if elected, to give the office my very best atten tion. I will advocate and work for good roads and the general welfare of the County and at the same time will use my best efforts to keep down the taxes. 2703 A. C. DIAMOND, FOR SUPERVISOR OF REGISTRATION I hereoy announce my candidacy for Supervisor of Registration of Escambia County, Florida, and solicit the votes of my fellow citizens in the coming Demo cratic primary. I am under no obliga tion to any man or set of men and prom ise if nominated and elected to diligently apply myself to the duties of this, one of the most Important offices in the county, in strict accordance with the law. - 2566 T. QUILL McNAIR. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, Diet. 4. x nereDy announce myself as car.didata for re-election as County Commissioner for District No. 4, subject to the Demo cratic primary. 2466 L. W. HARDY. FOR SUPERVISOR OF REGISTRATION I nereby announce myself a candidate for Supervisor of Registration of Escam bia County, subject to the action of the democratic primary of une 4. I have no pledges to make except to pledge to every voter my faithfulness to the duties of the office. If elected I will keep the books neat and up-to-date and satisfactory to every voter and subject to their inspec tion. I have been a democrat all my life --have lived in Escambia county 42 years. 1 will appreciate the votes of all my fel low citizens. 2C3S JOHN A. K1RKPAVRICK. You Cannot Buy Too Many Ginghams! You know how ginghams have ad vanced, and still will advance. Our Im mense stock we had ordered many months ago was a wise move a you now see. Our standard brands, Red Seal, York, Everett Classics, bookfol'3 sephyrs still selling at only Of 35c. 30c and SOC Watson, Parker & Reese Go. BATTING DltOSS If you have Batting Dross or Strainer Dross at your still, write us for prices. We pay promptly for all dross upon receipt and In spection at either of our two plants at Pensacola. Western Paper Mak ers Chemical Co. A. Li. POIDEVANT, Resident Manager Pensacola, Fla. CHATTMAN'S ELECTRICAL SHOE SHOP Warrington, Fla. Authorized Shoe Repairers for the U. S. Army and Navy. Pensacola Laifich & Ma chine Co. WILLARD SERVICE STATION WILLARD STORAGE BATTERIES AND REPAIRS OF ALU MAKES BATTERIES TWO SETS MARINE WAYS MA. CHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION. J the ;:ewest ok the ne.7 THINGS IN MILLINERY ANp REAOV-TO.WEAR ARE NOW ON DISPLAY AT LA MODE 112-1 24 South Palafox Street. MARSTON & QUINA West Florida's Oldest Furniture House McKEE REFRIGERATORS. GLOBS WERNICKE BOOK CASES AND OFFICE FURNITURE WATCH WINDOWS POSS' New Dry Goods Store SI South Paafox Street. M. FREEDMAN 116 East Wright Street Big Bargains in ' Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Ladies' Ready-to-Wcar, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. TO RELIEVE INDIGESTION OR DYS-4 PEPSIA, TAKE A A J Dyspepsia efora and After Each Meal 25c Box THE CRYSTAL PHARMACY Owens Market and Grocery Co. Sanitary Meat Market, new line of gro ceries, notions and house t urnlahinff goods. Fhone 674 Belmont and DeVilller Sta. ROYAL TYPEWRITERS MAYES PRINTING C0 FINE JOB PRINTING Office Supplies '.7-19 W. Govern in en t St. Phon 131 FOR RENT Electric Vacuum Cleaners Pensacola Electric Co. Commercial Oeoartment PHONE 2018