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TV THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1918. X ' t I 1 ri t - 1 i ft 1 if- , ti ft Lis it: i: 1 i CAPT. BENNIE EDMUNDSON LAUNCHES TO RENT TELEPHONE 204 R. A. ROBINSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON GENERAL. PRASTIC Special Attention Paid to Dlteaaes of Women and ChMdren. Office Hourt 10 to 12, 3 to 5, and 7 to 8 Rooms 12 and 14 Masonic Temple. Phone Connections. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Of Pensacola vCAPITAl STOCK Paid In $500,003 Send Your Old Shoes to -West End Shoe Store For Best and Neatest Work i;i ' Repairs. All Work Guaranteed 321 North DeVillier Street Phone 2032 " - Pensacola LaiAich & Ma chine Co. WILLARD SERVICE STATION WILLARD STORAGE BATTERIES AND REPAIRS OF ALL MAKES BATTERIES TWO SETS MARINE WAYS MA. CHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION. VALE BICYCLES wASH OR CREDIT T. T. Wentworth,Jr. Belmont and Davis MARSTON & QUINA West Florida' Oldest Furnltur House McKEE REFRIGERATORS, GLOBS WERNICKE BOOK CASES AND OFFICE FURNITURE -J.- LLH 1JLJ i FISIIRHROWN. We Will Bond You. ' 918 Phories919: The Banking Savings & Trust Company; THE UPTOWN OANrt General Banking Only Trust Company in Vital FLwM. WE BUY AND SELL BONDS EVERLASTING Fabrics Company 106 South Palafox . FORCHEIMER'! FASHION SHOP "The Store for Women" EXCLUSIVE SHOP FOR READY-TO-WEAR AND MILLINERY Will C. Diffenderfer 1 Jeweler Optician THE HOUSE OF RELIABLE GOODS 14 South Palafox Street WATCH WINDOWS POSS NEW DRY GOODS STORE 31 South Palafox Street D'ALEMBERTE'S PEROXIDE CREAM Phone 109 "A GOOD DRUG STORE" . for face nuuse. FALK'S North Palafox. Jut Above tela Theatre , Millinery and Ready-to-Wear Read the Want Ads. jYou may find what you ivant through them, - AWAITING THE FLEETING HUNS ' m r W 1 .. --rW 1 This French official photo shows a French machine gun nest stationed in an advanced" flank ing position, the poilus waiting to riddle the German troops as they hurry past in retreat. Opera tions like his helped to reduce the St. Mihiel sector. , i OFFICIAL LIST OF CASUALTIES IN AMERICAN ARMIES ABROAD The following casualties are report ed by the commanding general "of. the American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action 04 Missing in action SI Wounded severely 348 Died from wounds . . .. 38 Died from airplane accident ...... 1 Died from accident etc . .. 7 Died from disease -. 12 Wounded, degree undetermined ... 1 Prisoners 4 Total .534 KILLED IN ACTION. . Lieutenants. L.. J. Lederle, Jr., New York, X. Y.; M. S. Oates, Lansing, Mich. Sergeants. J. K. Bender, Philadelphia, Pa.: "W. E. Schuster, Xew York, X. Y.; Wilbur Harris, Great Cacapon, W. Va. Chas. Halsch, Ripon, Wis.; W. H. Llewellyn, North Braddock, Pa, Corporals. E. L. Bruce. Titus ville, Pa.; C. M. Casey; Philadelphia, Pa.; L. R. Col Mns, Detroit, Mich.; E. X. Erwin, Sal isbury, X. C; R. Hanson, Lake Xeba gamon. Wis.; J. B. Kettering, Chicago, 111.; H. L. Tucker, Concord, X. C; G. Blessing, Harrison, X. Y.; J. A. Boyle, Brooklyn. X". Y.; G. M. Morchauser, New rYork, X. Y. '-. '' Cook C. A. Coleman, Long Pond, Pa. Privates. C. Amdur, Buffalo, XT. Y; Geo. X. Bodde, Kaukauna, Wis.; T. Bielski, Ambridge,Fa.; E. F. Burdette, Evans ville, Ind.; J. W. Causey, Gates, La.; D. Cohen, Milwaukee, Wis.; B. L. Con nallay, Ilylton, Tex.; W.- J. Doyle, Xew York, X. Y.; C. F. Dretske, Xeshkoro, Wis.; W. E. Drissler, South Bond, Wash.; J. J. Farley, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; FV Fleming, Xew York, N. Y.; J. Freeman, Hawks, O.; C. L. Halsey, Blackwell, Okla.; S. Hausner, New York, XT. Y.; W. C. Hegarty, Nevada City, Cal.; T. Herron, Pittsburg, Pa.; C. W. Boadley, Bradford, Pa.; Ben Hope. Hazel Green, Ala.; L. H. Hoss ler, Kabers Ridge, Minn.; E. T. Joyce. Jr.,Brooklyn, X. Y".; G. P. Kalknarf, Meaa, Wash.; G. H. Lcary, Union Course, X. Y.; J. McCourt, Johnston, Pa,; C. McCuIlough. Baxter Springs', Kan.; J. J. McGloin, New York, X. Y.; H. McGowan, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; C. A: Mack, T. Mooney, New York, X. Y.; E. Nathan, San Francisco, Cal.; F. L. Nichols, Greenup, 111.; J. Parnello, Italy; W. J. Ryan, New York, N. Y.; D. J. Shields, Chester, Pa.; J. I. Smith; Lenoir, N. C; P. D. Smith, Columbia, Pa.; D. Stoeve-, Lebanon, Pa.; H. ,S. Turrentine; Winston-Salem,'' X. C; N. Vail, Philadelphia, Pa,, E. J. Van Eimeren, Milwaukee, Wis.; C. ,R. Wolfe, Pools, Ind.: A. S. ' Blazek, Cleveland, O.; H. W. Doerr, Carnegie, Pa.; F. L. Gaddis, Woodlawn, Wash.; A. W." Granath, Brooklyn, N. Y.; E. C. Hovenstine, Philadelphia. Pa.; Law rence Lescanac, MonesSen, Pa,; G. S. Monroe. South Haven. Mich.; C. Mu larln. WTiitinsville, Mass.; Cecil F. Rhoads, New Kensington, Pa T. M. Rice, Xescopeck, Pa.; V. Rosso, Wor cester, Mass.; P. Schron, Brooklyn, X". Y. ; T. B. West, Oxford, X. C; W. C. Barlow, Ashford, Ala.; F. M. Bender, Xew York, X. Y.; J. Bertz, Chicago, BALMY BENNY, I VOUR 6000 LUCK ) l' I FOR j JCCALL OErAW 111.; L. F. Bloodgood, Brooklyn, N. Y.; P. P. Brown, Whitman, Mass.; Ralph Ferguson, Farmington, 111.; S. Ferris, I Glasgow, Scotland; C. R. Lowery, Pittsburg, Pa.; C. X". Martin, Law renceville, 111.; T. Myers, Columbia Falls, Mont.; J. Rasmussen, Minot, N. D.; T. A. Bowles, Clearfield, Pa,; R. D. Shaw, Corry, Pa.; S. R. Shaw, Osh kosh, Xeb.; M. X. Shoenberger, Fay ette, Pa.; A. Summa, Dunmore, Pa.; E, R. Swanson, Hancock, Minn.; W. E. Sutphen, Valois, X. Y.; . G. Troina, Brooklyn, X. Y. ; J. M. Wrebster, Mid dleport, Wash.; -G. W. Zengel, Elast Grand Forks, Minn.; J. :B. Zmudzinski, Pittsburg, Pa. DIED FROM WOUNDS. Lieut. E. SI Fick, Winnfield, La, Sergeants. A. P. Kutig, Lancaster, CL; J. T. Parkes, New York, X. Y.; William W. Wood, North Falmouth, Mass. Corporals. F. B. Brady, New York, X". Y.; W. F. Busch, Xanticoke, Pa.; W. G. Jewell, Pocatelo, Id.; M. Rhone, St. Marys, Pa.; S. E. Dennis. St. Jo, Tex.; Fred Mahoney, Jr., Troy, X. Y. Bugler T. M. Cochran, Pitman, Ark. J. W. Allen, Schenectady, X. Y.; G. C. Chard, New York, X. Y.; T. Curtis, Sandusky. 0.; W. Evins, Albany, Ala.; G. King, Terre Haute, Ind.; S. Koois- tra, Chicago, 111.; H. E. Kronfield, Xew York, X. Y.; L. A. McBride, Elk River, Minn.; J. E. Xoonan, Kingston, X'. Y.; L. R. Porter, Angela, Ind.; D. Riley, Florenceburg, Ky.: F. Ahenok, Buffa lo, X. Y'.; J. Bazinpki, Lynn, Mass.; E. J. Bell, Brooklyn, X. Y.; K. G. Bug lass, Portage, Wis.; I. R. Castleberry, Moultrie, Ga.; W. L. Davis, Winches ter, Kan.; W. J. Decker, Philadelphia, Pa.; H. G. Ellis, Beverly, Mass.; Jos. Fernandez, Sacramento, Cal.; . C. H. Gilmore, Redfield, la.; H. Y. Maxwell, Anguilla, Miss.; H. Rider, Forest Park, III.; A. Roberge, Manchester, N. H.; H. V. Tyler, Milton, Mass.; B. Up church, Lingville, Ala.; G. P. Weden, Milwaukee, Wis, DIED FROM DISEASE. Corp.- A. E. Stelzer, Celina, Tex. Wa.goner H. D. Black, Bath, Mich. Privates. W. S. Baggs, Minong, WTiS.; Leon Pullella, Cleveland, O.; P. J. Stathis, Xew. York, X. Y.; F. G. Stephenson, Meridan, Miss.; J. H. Copeland, Elf frinham, S. C; P. , J. Cullin, Jersey City, X". J.; E. Farrell, Hartford, Conn. S. J. Malone, 'Greenvillt, Tenn.; W,; I. Xailling, Valliantt ; -Okla.; L. Taylor, Reliance. Tenn. ' i DIED FROM AIRPLANE ACCIDENT Lieut; S. T: Webster,' Augusta, Me. DIED FROM ACCIDENT & OTHER CAUSES. : Corporals. C. L. Colvin, Breckenridge, Mo.; F. M. Muhich, Joliet, 111. Privates. A. B. Buffum, Pawtucket, R. I. ; F. J. Denell, Xew York, X. Y.; F. Milew ski, R. Hagamann. Chicago, Ill.-W. A. Jones, Johnston, Pa. SECTION TWO. Killed in action .' 62 Missing in action 5 Wounded severely 219 Died from wounds ' 5 Wounded degree undetermined . . 3 f Total 294 KILLED IN ACTION. Sergt. W. S. Gannon, Philadelphia, Pa. Corporals. R. O. Greer, Rockport, Mo.; Frank Grist. Hillsdale, 9a.; S. J. Halper, Joliet, 111.; M. Hirshovitz, Boston, Mass.; J. A. Holmes, Corapolis, Pa.; E. H. Johnson, Blackwater, Mo. Privates. W. F. Brophy, Waterbury. Conn.; G. Evans, Belt, Mont.; J. V. Favalaro, Glassport, Pa.; W. V. Graves, Phila delphia, Pa,; W. E." Guede, Lacon, 111.; T. L. Hensley, Humble, Tex.; H. A. Phippin, St. Cloud, Wis.; E. Shulak, Russia; J. Signrolla, Italy; Clyde R. Kuntz, Big Run,. Pa.; R, A. Larson, Xational Mine, Mich.; L. M. Lewis. Erin, Tenn.; A. Linde, Lodi, Cal.; R. A. McPhail, Jonesboro, X. C; Jas. W. Madden. Brooklyn, X. Y. ; R. Maloney, Philadelphia, Pa.; H. A. Maratos, Xew York, XV Y.; A. Mayer, Brooklyn, N. Y.; A, Mead, Baltimore, Md.; C. E. Menzke, Belleville, 111.; A. H. Michael, Hudson, S. D.; E. E. Mikesell, Homer City. Pa.; C. Miller, Erhard, Minri.; F. A. Milltr, Dundee, Tex.; R. F. Mino gue, New York, N. Y.; J. R. Meyer, Portage, Pa.; R. T. Xeedel, Chicago, 111.; E. Xevitt. Bwoklyn, X. Y.; D. M. O Connell, Rockaway Beach, X. Y.; J. J. O'Hara, New York, N. Y.; E. R. Osborn, Montgomery, X. Y.; G. Osttn, Toledo, O.; C. E. Otto. Lake Mills. Ia.; J. Paull, Milwaukee, Wis.; D. C. Pop lin, Charlotte; . X. C; J. T. Prather. Indianapolis, Ind.; G. T. Record, Sar atoga, X", Y.; J. .Rice, Manhasset, X. Y.; I. J. Rigsbee, Durham, X. C; L. H. Robinson, Gary,- W. Va.; J. E. Ros coe, Osborne, X". C; ,L. W. Russell, Ebony, Tex.; F. Saladino, Gary, Ind.; H. Schindler, New York, X. Y.; A. Schneider, Brooklyn, X. Y.; Jos. V. 3chuler, Dubuque, la.; W. E. Seaxles, Swain, X. Y.; J. Sibiles, Chicago, 111.; J. W. Sidwell, Brownstown, 111.; A. L. Smith, Waukegan, 111.; H. G. Summer field, Pittsburg, Pa.; A. A. Watson, Colwyn, Pa.; R. Weekley, Shirley, W. Va.; M. Weschner, Brooklyn, X". Y.; O. E. Wright, Pittsburg. Pa. DIED OF WOUNDS. Sergeants. M. L. O'Malley, Superior, Wis.; J. M. Paden, .Wynesburg, Pa, y Corporals. E. D. McVey, Mansfield, O.; Ernest Phillips, McDonald, Pa, Private' J. A. Benischek, Chicago, 111. SECTION THREE. , Killed in action ". .. 27 Missing in action ................. 38 Wounded severely ................ .128 Dfed from wounds ................ 2 Died from accident, etc... 1 Died of disease . . , .-. .... 5 Wounded, degree undetermined .. 2 Wounded, slightly ' 1 Prisoners 4 Total" ....208 KILLED IN ACTION. Lieutenants. J. r. Dappert. Taylorville, 111.; C. D. Funderburg, Piqua, O. Sergt. A. Childs, Boston, Mass. Corporals. J. M. Ganier, Rome, X. Y.; Fd H. Pysner, Park Ridge, ;X. J. Bugler W. E. Sievers, Gothenburg, Xeb. ' . Prtvates. ".'V. Daniiink, Itussia; ' X. H. Delozier, NO SUCH THING AS LUCK FOR B0CHES Magnet, Neb.; H. I. Goldham, Great Falls. Mont ; E. "W. Green, Rockville, Conn. ; R. O. Griggs, Saltillo, Tex.; R; W. Heidelberg, Martha vie La.; K. W. Hurr, Bucyrus, O.; G. H. Imhof, Phil adelphia, Pa,;. R, Keller, New York, N. Y.; O. Lowe, Boonville, Ind.; R. Maloy, Parrots ville, Tenn. ; G. N. Meredith, Anniston, Ala,; A. S. Miller, Thurston, O.; M. Pietzak, Salina, Pa,; J. J. Sullivan, Chicago, ..HI.; L J- J Thoemmel, San Francisco, CaL; Mark Tonks, Witt, 111.; X'. H. Veith, Con neaut, O.; -P. E."; White, Ochlochnee, Ga.; C. L. Wright, Marshall Mich.; J. Zannette, Cliffside, N. J. . DIED OF WOUNDS. Lieut. H. C. Tritt. Vienna, 111. Sergt. C. H. Heward, St. Louis, Mo. Privates. - . j- " E. M. Carr, Chicago, 111.; W. M. Mc Cormlck, Lutle, Okla.; J. C. Mclntyre, Chester, Miss.; W. H. . Meyer, Long Island City, N. Y.; L. Murrell, El Dor ado, Ark. . DIED FROM ACCIDENT & OTHER CAUSES. : - Private! Joe Hardy, Jankins, Ky. MARINE CORPS CASUALTIES. The following casualties are report ed by the commanding general of the American Expeditionary Forces: KILLED IN ACTION. Privates. L. W. Anderson. Sheridan, 111.; F. W. Gorman, Goodhue, Minn.; R. J. Hess, Homer, Mich.; W. H. Huey, De troit, Mich.; E. J. Reichle, Newark, N. J.:?. r. , . . ; DIED OF WOUNDS. Privates..; E. O. Brandes, Tillamook, Ore.; E. F. Cecil, Eugene, Ore.; J. J. Doris, New York, Xr. Y.; R. F. Farrell, Newton, X. J. ; D. H. Knox, .-Fredericksburg. Va,; F. B. Prohaska, Beaverton, Ore.; J. M. Uhrig, Sterling, Ohio. 01TY TO MAINTAIN ISOLATION HOUSE A conference was held yesterday af ternoon between "the city commission ers and Drs. Mossman and Shary of garding the proposed work of the city the U. S. Public Health Service, re in eradicating communicable diseases. It is probable that the city will rent a house in some portion of the city which will prove suitable, and inmates will be kept there under the surveillance of a nurse and the city health officer. - This plan is part of the drive in augurated at the suggestion of Lieu tenant Christensen of the War Depart ment, who spoke to the commission ers and the authorities of the county, state and government a few days ago. The plan contemplates the isolation of patients there who have been ar rested and who are found to be vic tims of communicable diseases. Their cases in court will be held up pending their recovery, and they will not be released until given a clean bill of health by the commissioner in charge of the health department. The plan of the city in this line meets with the full approval of Drs. Mossman .and Sharp, of the Public Health Service. THIS WEAK, NERVOUS MOTHER Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 was very weak, always tired, my back ached, and I felt sickly most oz the time. I went to a doctor and he said I had nervous indi- Sestion, which ad ed to my weak condition kept me worrying most of the time and he said if I could not stop that, I could not get well. I heard so much about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vesretable Com- rmnd my husband wanted me to try it. took it for a week and felt a little bet ter. I kept it up for three months, and I feel fine and can eat anything now withoutdistress or nervousness. "Mrs. J. Worthline, 2842 North Taylor St., Philadelphia Pa. The majority of mothers nowadays overdo, there are so many demands upon their time and strength; the result is invariably a weakened, run-down, nervous condition with headaches, back ache, irritability and depression and soon more serious ailments develop. It is at such periods in life that Lydia B. Pinkham's vegetable Compound will restore a normal healthy condition, as it did to Mrs. Worthline. , !pAG r4AB ft- I40V4 -TrieV'Ll. IF HE WASr4T PRISONER -T ir:lj JE?rik ?!m$ , - z J&F CIRCUIT COURT TO CONVENE MONDAY The regular fall term of the circuit court will convene here next Monday with Judge A. C Campbell presiding. One murder . case is on the docket, that of a negro woman murdered a few weeks ago In Pensacola. It Is probably that a grand jury will be empanelled. . Woman's faith Helps Husband "I owe my good health to my wife who had faith in a newspaper ad she saw of Mayr's -Wonderful Remedy. I was down so badly with stomach and liver trouble after i5 years of suffer ing and trying every known remedy that I had no faith In anything. This medicine has certainly been a God send to me." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarr hal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including ap pendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Crystal Pharmacy and druggists everywhere. Adv. To the Pofolic The schools of the city having suspended during the epi demic of influenza, and having most of our help ill, we find it necessary to stop the sale of school books until school -opens and the epidemic subsides. We rope the public will appreciate our position in the matter and feel sure they know that all of our time is given filling prescriptions. Hairgis Pharmacy. 'Safety First" Hot Dishes Prepared At the Table With an electric Grill on your table, you wouldn't need to go near the kitchen to pre pare the daintiest and most appetizing dishes. Wouldn't it be convenient and easy to sit down and scramble your eggs for breakfast just as you want them, and to have the bacon crisp, sputtering and hot? An Electric Grill will fry eggs, broil steaks and chops, make griddle cakes, etc. It can be attached to any lamp socket or plug. Use an Electric Grill and help save. coal. Round Grill, Price $9.50. PENSACOLA ELECTRIC CO. Commercial Department Telephone 2010 for Information rsTTi it r : i 1 W . iiriV cno . ' j r r . mi w . j i V f OcY olr FT j HUNS V LUCK- . 1 ' Wy VNKk The next tlmo you buy calomel ask for The purified calomel tab. lets that are entirely free of all sickening and s&lU v&ting effects. Mc3ic!aal virtue vatlly inproTtl Guuastced hj your druggist. Soli Only in tsded packages, Prict 3Sc DOPED BY AHERN 0 9 OH ; mm