Newspaper Page Text
r THE PEMSAC01" V JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1918, SERIAL NUMBERS IN NEXT DRAFT T,n F. Karlson, 4710; Frank Kamp- ' r'3, "K3St,2479; Constantlne Theodore j .: I ? A 7 T ennard Jackson KgI- I (.fnt.n, iov..t : : An: John Lewis Keys. 4980; Clar ke Lee Gordan Kelley. 2626; Walter I T10: William Kerr, 2842; Nick 'per 4000: Oscar Kennely, 1909; i keeker, S37; Edward Ben Keaton. 61- Benjamin Franklin Kersey, 3873. ""William Alexander Keefer, 38S7; Jas. Pe'4nier Kelly, 39S0; James Walter Kehoe, Jr., 2427; Charles Henry Ket vm 22SS; Arthur Wesley Kelly, 1186; Dan kennon, 1230: Ellie James Keefe, 6145 Spinoz S. Koriakos, 4323; Ad r'an Everet Kirksey, 4456; Elijah Zachariah Taylor Kinsey, 4642; Em m tt King, 4968; Herman Burton Kins. 3435; Easie J. , Kirkland, 3732; Frank Klncy, 2143; Dave Kinniebrue, jiV George Kinff. 165; Bill Kingr. -'-' Alva Steven Kirksey, 320; Fos ter Barnett King, 397; Leonard Kil lam, 676: Charles Ranson Kirby, ?7')- John Alvin Kimberl, 2231; Charles Theodore Kindle, 2241; Wil liam Everette Kingr, 2286; Ar lie Farmer Kilmartin, 1195; John Ca' in Kittrell, 1621; Floyd Kingr. 5C1; Robert Allen Kingr, Jr., 5153; Malcolm Rupert King, 3119; Frederick William Klein. 2P03; Fred Carl Klein, 210; Al bert Klein, 841 Leonard Knowles, 289; David Knigrht 458; James Anderson Knight, 1799; Jessie Knight, 83S; Elbert Bryan Knowles, 2421; Panayot Christofa Kontsonkely, 4098; Marl Emery Koontz, 396; Nick KoSmas, 1366; So crates Kontros, 5390; Ole Kristoffersen 5443; John Edward Kramer, 1972; George Christ Kupfrain, 4012; Edgar Max Kugelman, 4090; Oscar Manuel Kuester. 1443; Eugent Brock Kyser, 3025; Eddie Laster, 2607; Ernest Gil bert Latham, 4040; Bennett Hamilton Law. 4051; Lewis Lane, 3191; Dalles Lambert, 1904; George Lamar Lap pington, 1979. Most Laster, 245; Axel Wilhelm Laarergren, 310; Karl Larsen, 332; Lewis Adolph Larson, 471; Elbert Heed Langford, 473; Antonio Thomas La gos, 1197; Morris Lanton, 832; Rich ard Lane, 2252; George Langdon, 3003: Clement Gulnn Largue, 1518; Alcide Constance Lambert, 1685; Jno. Landon, 975; Robert Lambert, 5314; George Dewey Lamb, 5080; Nathan Lamb, 5150; James Largue, 5174; Henry Lett, 42S2; John Wesley Lee, 4130; Charles Lee, 4153; Ed Lee, 4467; Elmer Leggett, 4585; Eugene Theo dore Lemp, 4626; Charles E. Leeds. 4S44; Walter Leeks, 2912; Robert Beekman Lee, 2630; Roland Edward Lee. 266S; Alonzo Elisha Leonard, 3493; Henry Theodore Lenz, 2875; Leon Behr Levy, 4032; James Sierra Itching Mashes Soothed With Ciiticura 23c. Oiatucat 23 and SOc. For Your Protection We buy only the best the market affords, and we are just as particular about the way we cook and serve it as we are about buying it. "Only the Best," Is our motto. KOZY K0RNER Palafox and Romana Sts. Every taste may be satis fied here. LOOK FOR THIS SIGN 108 East Wright Street Star Brand Shoes Ar Bette W. C. GOELZ Chiropractor (Palmer School Graduate) 329-331 Brent Building. Office Phone 393. Residence Phone 2247 Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 12 m.; 2 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. Notice to Ice Consumers Our wagons are equipped with scale nd consumers will please exaat correct w"lg;ht and report any discourtesy ot Olivers to office. Phones 69 or 259. Southern Utilities Co. Successor to M. ELLIS ntTNT Dealer In CHOICE FANCY GROCERIES and FEEDSTUFF v Phone 18SD THE OUTBURSTS OP EVERETT TRUE By CONDO loo vrrre p Ti-f Plan tvHou this twikt MS Ol2CUSSvOI , OW K5, UKG JOMS ltOR peoPLS 1 KNOW lv"vSNj Qj iT INTO A TKSHT PCACtS VOU MAVS A Leonard. 3131; Jessie Lewis, 3184; Jim Lewis, 3194; William Foster Lescal leet, 140; Edward Obie Lee. 291; Har ry Laurence Leyland, 349; "Jasper Har vey Lewis, 409. , Moses Lewis, 444; LeRoy Wistler Lee, 1074; Dorsey Lewis, 1258; Earn Philip Lemon, 847; Samuel Anderson Leonard, 856; Frederick Lee. 3853; Love Lee, 3202; Augustus Lewis, 3207; James Lee, 2002; Robert Elitz Lee, 2219; Cryler Washington Leo. 2232; Thomas Henry Lemp. 2302; Oree Lee Lisco, 3599; William Epps Little, 3770; Wofford Xeil Lipscomb. 3134; William Edward Linn, 177; Clyde Arthur Little, 214; Anthony Nicholas Licata, 1128; Robert Temple Little, 3S54; John Bowman Livingston, 3S82; Dennis Rufie Lindsay, 2224; Robert Earl Lindsay, 2235. ' Unison " iiVfiigstonT' ; 2247 ; John Franklin Lister, 1442; Charles S. Lib eris, 5274; Clinton Lloyd, 2045; Chas. H. Lockwood, 4719; Richmond Hobson Long, 4785; Earnest Long, 4948; Jas. Franklin Long, 2825; Mosco Hildred Lopez, 2896;" Martin -Luther Lowell, 4011; William C. Long141; Bill Lord. 286; Milton Eugene Logan, 1212; Dennis Londen, 1255; James Long, 2062; Cnarles LeBarron Lowe, 1885; Dewey Hobson Lowrey, 1378; Alex ander Love, 798; Lee Lock. 744; William Lowell, 410; Thomas Hunter Long, Jr., 3472; John Gardner Lundquist, 2259; Victor Emanuel Lundberg, 309; James Philip Luker, 350; Jonas Lucius, 389; John Lump kins. 464; Fred Thomas Linn, 3996; William Spence Lurton, 2262; Lester John Lynch. 224. Vincent Sheridan Mahoney, 441; William Mason, 487; Nickolas Zach ary Malamo, 5282; Sanno Mangansco, 5123; Samuel Malone, 5404; Howard Earl Mayo, 999; Albert Marini, 998; William Henry Massey, 979; Albert Lewis Maddux, 1454; Harris Mayne, 1561; John Henry Mayne, 1550; Louis Dennis Marzoni. 1544; Ollie Thomas DROPSY SPECIALIST Usually gives rtnck relleZ, have entirely relieved many seemingly hopeUeaa ' caaea. Swelling and short bream oon gone. Often gives n tlre rellet In lb to ?5 daya. Trial treatment ant FREE, kyR, TMOMAg fc. UKttn l.nrirpsson t nnn h KL WOREEN-S SONS. Box QUALITY SHOP 78 East Wrright '4A FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS V 111 1 II I f 1 V IS W THAT WouF (SoSU, ALL VA WAPTA I 1 WHY. Kt'in' rv2i kT, i t KCCALu THAT 1 GvCO TO any such - i Manning, 1515; Frank J. Maher, 3002; Martin Lee Maxwell, 2296; John Mar-, ich, 1826; Arlie Earl Mann, 3389; John Maynard. 2CS2; Henry D. Manheim, 3276; Frank Juniar Maultry, 3211; Jas. Maddox. 3210; Daniel McKinnan Mat tox, 3881. Liston Farney Martin, 3845; Limel Marshall, 3S3S; Joseph Sherman Ma jors,' 821; Warren Mathis, 1709; Sher man Franklin Mathews, 642; Alfred Mitchell May lan,. 683; George William Dervon Mayers, 697; Fornorso Matteo, 4171; John Henry May, 4137; Frank lin Marvin, 4300; William Jefferson Manning, 4458; Willis Teldon Majors, 4577; Columbus SheUey Matthews, 4786; James Marion Manning, 4634; Herbert R. Marshall, 4909; Harvey Martin. 4988; John Manzon, 5444; Geo. Manning, 2978; Horace Martin, 3510; Wade Thomas May, 2840; Herbert Frank McGuire Matthews, 3421; Lee Edward Mason, 2890; Laoron Flournoy Matthews, 4804; Steve Mahler. 4864; Arthur Leon Macon, 3768; Alford Tay lor Majors, 3122-r James Lawrence ; Mayo, 3126; Amos Mahoney. 164; wrindy Hardy Mathis. 178; Charles Al len Martin, 189; Peter deMarcus, 303; Lovett Chester Massenberg, 1231; TanK MessicK, oiua; aianin AienKo, 1421; Arthur Oran Merritt, 1643; Ben jamin Franklin Mears. 3387. " Marvin Merritt. 2475; Dave Mer ritt, 2076; Julius Menko, Jr., 4261; Ber- nard Joseph Mechan, . 4703; Marion Franklin Menge, . 2637; -Dempsy Thos. Messer. 2806; Charles Mellor,' 2807; John Robert Meek, 3420; John Aber crombie Merritt. Jr., 3438; John Meade, 5415; Ralph Francis Meade, 3452; Jas. Arthur Merritt, 4028; Andrew Jack son Merritt, 4807; Jeff Merrill, 3742; Fred William Mertins, 3786; Verdict Mimms, 404; Willie Francis Miller, 5098 ; Andrew Jacksou Miller, 5127; William Jennings Miles, 5128; WiHie Ansel Mimms, 1495. - - - Walter Ora Mitchell, 1896; John Thomas Mitchell, -2271; Arthur Cleve land Muterspaugh, 2254; Fred Augus tus Miller, 3385; Walter Waldo Mil lett, 3370; : Willie Miller, 2038; Charlie Milhouse, 2036; Waldorf Mims, 2035; Samuel Lequs , Minor, 3206 ; Peter Mills, 819; Fred Milford, 1760; Andrew Montgomery , Mitchell, 625; - James Henry M iller 4116; Eddie Millender, 4277; Henry Mitchell, 4271; . Wade Hamptpn. Mils-tead, 4454; Alex A. Mil kop, 4709 ;V Elisha Mile?, 4651; Burton I Middleton, 4911; Oscar M.' Miller. 3571; Clyde Ewing Miller, 2706; Noel Milton Mitchell, 2827; Vic Mitchel, 4005; Ashby Miner, 4039; Audrey fil ler,, 4092; George, Henry Miller, 4811; Alex. Warren Mills, 3761; Glenn Wul bur .Miller, 3130; .William Edward Mitchell, 3170; Arthur .. Miller, 125; Richard Mitchell, 311 ; Alexander Mil ler, 335 John Morris, 355; Anderson Mordicae Morgan, 399. ' FLU" STILL HOLDS itJP TRAFFIC ON CAR LINES; 67 MEN ILL With C7. employes of the Pensacola "Electric" Company incapacitated for service, the influenza situation con tinues to seriously interfere with traffic on all city lines. J. G. Holtzi claw,- traffic manager, said yesterday afternoon that the number of men ill with the disease is over 50 per cent, 67 of the employes being unfit for duty. ' Full service is maintained on the Bay Shore line, but this is only pos sible because traffic on this line is only about forty per cent of the usual number, owing to the inroads or me disease at the shipbuilding plant, bay shore and naval reservation. ; Only three East Hill cars, two North Hill and one Belt Line car are in ser vice owing to the lack of men to take out the cars. Mr. Holtzclaw said yesterday after noon that the public seems to fully realize the situation,, and few com plaints have been made, because of tne inconvenience suffered through the disorganized schedule. HIGH RENT CHARGE SENT TO MAYOR Protests continue to be directed to the city commissioners by Pensaco lians who believe that they have been made the victims of rental profiteer ing by rental agencies of the city. The letters are being referred to the Chamber of Commerce committee which is in charge of the investigation regarding rental rates in the city. Because of the continuance of the complaints, the city has asked for re ports from the committee on specific cases. Those who are on the investi gation committee are Dr. Louis deM. Blocker. James M. Johnson and C. C Ball. The same committee is also em powered to investigate alleged profi teering in fuel charges, and if com plaints continue to come to the com missioners, requests for specific inves tigations may be made. Tlhe IKjuocfe-Oiuit blowis given to malaria fh all forms by the champion of all fever fighters, OXt DINE. It wards off as well as stops; tones up the system and puts rich red blood into the veins. The finest kind of a tonic for the whole family from the chil dren up. Good for Malaria, Biliousness, Constipation, Lack of Appetite. TOPS CIH30LIL5 THE WISE BIRD "Deadshot" Miller v 1 This is John Miller deadshot.' John used to be captain of the St. Louis Cardinals. Now he's a marine and has been giving the silver crossed guns decoration as an expert rifleman. He scored 289 points out of a possible 300 in the monthly tests. Eli GROWS FOR rEOVH III NAVY The Pensacola Navy Yard is badly in ned of yeowomen and Recruiting Officer If. C. Allen urges young wom en of this section to call at his office, 309 American National Bank Biulding. for enrollment. Mr. Allen stated yesterday after noon that there is immediate need for a number of yeowomen at. the Pensacola naval air station ana young women should enroll at once. The re quirements are accuracy and speed as stenographers and typists. All infor mation relating to examinations will be furnished at the Pensacola office. If women are qualified they may en list at the navy yard immediately. The following women of Florida and Alabama have already enlisted from this district: Miss Winnie Elizabeth Grubbs, En terprise, Ala.; Miss Zula Harmon, Birmingham, Ala.; Miss Jewel Loca Markland, Cullman, Ala.; Miss jonnun. Clyde Willis, Elba, Ala. ; Miss Clover Babler, Albany, Ala.; Miss Eunice Eleanor Layfleld, Prichard. Ala.; Miss Ligie Mae Howell, Quincy, Ala.; Miss Frances Elizabeth Nelson, Ethelsville. Ale.; Mrs. Willie Polk Jackson. Cooks i Springs, Ala. ; Miss Delit Holmes, Joppa, Ala.; Miss Dorothy Lewis, Do than, Ala.; Miss Alice Beatrice Moore. Birmingham, Ala. P. K. YONGE RETURNS FROM NEW YORK CITY. P. K. Yonge, chairman of the execu tive committee of the War Camp Com. munity Service, returned last night j from New York, where he has been spending several weeks on business. While in New York, Mr. Yonge visited the headquarters of the W. C. C. Ser vice. ANGI FEVEI .It's Guaranteed: your druggist "will refund your money if you'll take back the empty bottles and can truly say you've had no benefit from it. Hundreds of testimonials ifrom all over, the malarial ;belt. 'Sold at all drugstores for 50 cents Made by Uhe Betrenj Drag Co Waco,Tez. GETS THE MONEY I DR. LIVINGSTONE .. THE SPECIALIST What I Say I'll Do. I Will Do. Second Floor, Masonic Temple. T. E. Williams & Co. FURNITURE 90 E. Wright. Phone 1995 The Parlor Market "Home of All That's Pure" Fresh Western Meats POULTRY, EGGS AND GREEN GROCERIES 173 PHONESt 174 nn FURNITURE GG 90 EAST WRIGHT STREET. Wi clothe the WATSON, PARKER & REESE COi Everything to Wear. NOTICE. i I take this method of notifying mj friends and customers that on October first I will close my horseshoeini shop on East Garden street but wll continue to operate the shop at ttv intersection of Baylon and Ihtcnden cia streets. I will be able to turn ou work with greater dispatch lnnsmucf as I will have the force of the Gardeii street shop consolidated with the Intendencia street shop. f G. A. BRIGGS t M. FREE D M A IS1 BIG BARGAINS IN J Dry Goods, Dress Goods. LadietJ Ready-to-Wear, Ladies and si Cents' Furnishing Goods t IU EAST WRIGHT STREET FURNITURE ON CREDIT to, t Our Easy Payment Plan is your best plan for buying furniture on small weekly or monthly payments, with the great convenience and satisfaction of having any house hold article and furniture in your home immediately, get ting the use and pleasure of it now ; while before you re alize it your account is settled and you will become one of our many friends and satisfied customers. ! Our large stock embraces the best on the market, and our prices are real money-savers. Our courteous sales men take pleasure in showing you. REMEMBER OUR FURNITURE AND YOUR CREDIT ARE BOTH GOOD. E. WILLIAMS PHONE U;:r DREAMED BY BLOSSER 'A "