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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL; WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1918. t 4 SUNDAY Company DAILY WEEKLY Journal Publishing LOIS K. MATES. President HARRT R. COOK. Publisher Conducted from 1899 to 1815 Under tha Editorship a4 Management of CoJL Frank I Mayea. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS American New paper Publishers' Association Florida Press Association . Southern Newspaper Publishers' Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Week. Dally and Sunday ............. ........... .1 fwo Weeks. Dally and Sunday ...................... One Month. Diliyand Sunday ......... Three Months, "Dally and Sunday IM Six Month. Dal,y and Sunday ......... ...:....' J-J5 One Tsar. Dally and Sunday i.JO Sunday Only, One Tear J.yo Ths Weekly Journal. One Tear -. Mail subscriptions are payable ln advance, and Ptr will be discontinued on expiration oats. HON ES Bdi tori a) booms. 88! Presi ent and .Publisher. 19; Bus. 6ffiosv ISO OmCB Journal 'Bids., Corner In dencla and DeLunt Streets. Ths Associated Prets Is exclusively entitled to ths use for republication f U news credited to It or not OJthsr vi.e credited ifr this paper and also to local news pub lished. , KTitered s t&ond-class matter at the postoffloe ln Pensacola. Florida, under Act of Congress. March S. IK. Rnresented In the Genreal Advertising FlsMt by CONE. LOItZNZEN & XVOODMAK New Torlc Chicago Detroit Kansas City Atlanta WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2; 1918. WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE? b Believing that the winning of the war is the 1 greatest business project with which America, v and all the world, has to cope, Richard H. Ed f monds is devoting the major portion of his ordi fnarily strictly business publication, The Manu facturers' Record, to that end. Incidentally, he lhas developed into one of the most forceful writ- Jers of the war. e I The following, reproduced from the front page Cl 1 of the current issue, where it appears under the G f caption, ''Heaven or Hell, Freedom or Slavery, j Which Do You Choose?" is an irresistible argu v f ment for investment in Liberty Bonds : Liberty Bonds stand for freedom and Heaven. Germany stands for slavery and hell. . Which will you have? : Germany is fighting to enslave mankind and fnake of all the world a hell' under German dom ination. : America and our Allies are fighting to save liuman freedom and make a Heaven on earth. The battle is on ; we will have one or the other. To the extent that you back our nation in every vay in your power and buy Liberty Bonds to he utmost stretch of your ability you are work ng for freedom and Heaven. - To the extent that ymi-fail to do your share 'ou are helping Germany in its effort to enslave nankind in an earthly hell, ruled by the vilest jirutes that earth ever knew. v ' You cannot shirk your individual responsibil j ty without being a traitor to your country, a f Iraitor to every soldier who has offered his life i 'p save you and yours, a traitor to outraged wom i tnhood, a traitor to God and to all mankind. No one else can do your duty. If you knew that the Liberty Loan would be versubscribed a hundred-fold, your duty to sub- 1 irrihc would be iust as ereat as thouerh vou .,; - - - rUnew the needed amount would not be raised. e. t! r B-S rv"i What others do does not relieve you from your J3i l asponsibility any more than the religion of your l! eighbor relieves you from the responsibility of 'j ;ligious life, nor any more than the protection 35 jy a neighbor of his family through life insur- i iice releases you from obligations to protect lj our family in the same way. ? In buying Liberty Bonds you are helping to uy liberty for our country and all mankind. In buying Liberty Bonds you are protecting our loved ones from the fearful crimes wreaked ! V savagery upon the women and children of 1 eltrinm and "France. "i i In buying Liberty Bonds you are standing by 3 iie millions of our beloved boys who over in urope are being blinded and maimed and mur i ired in your defense and mine. In buying Liberty Bonds you are doing in- pitely more than making the world safe for i pnocracy, for you are helping to make the rl !it1(1 RJlff "fnr vnur vvifV nnrl vmir rJoiiorhf av o-nrl 1 ibur mother, and the millions of other women v 'pose honor would be gone if once the German i rast broke down the barriers of armies and V Ivies which have stood between us and a : ! Vnade in Germany" hell, or a "made in hell" prmany. In buying Liberty Bonds you are making it at j issible for civilization to beat back barbarism, Christianitv to drive hark atheism fnr the Ijvilized nations to punish the murderers, the l tragers, the manglers of babies, the highway jsn, the looters, the freebooters, the destroyers of temples, the wreckers of cities, the "bully" of the world, the only people who glory in war as a holy thing and preach f rightfulness as a duty. These are some of .the things which Liberty Bonds mean, and unless you buy to the utmost 'of your power you become a slacker, and a slacker, whether financially or physically, is a coworker with the men guilty of all these beastly crimes. Which do you choose? Will you stand by America and its soldiers? Will you stand by our devoted Allies? Will . you stand by outraged France and Bel gium and Italy and Serbia by buying Liberty Bonds; or, v Will you be false to all that is sacred on earth, false to man and to Heaven? There is only one true answer possible, and deep down in your heart you should make your answer before Almighty God, and vow: s "I will buy Liberty Bonds to the last dollar I can invest for world salvation from German damnation." MAY PHOTOGRAPH IN SOME CAMPS UNDER NEW RULE INDUSTRIAL REPLACEMENTS. In Great Britain, where a million and a half women have replaced men in various lines of in dustry, they form 36 per cent of the total num ber of employees in munitions work, and in banking and finance nearly 25 per cent. In com mercial occupations they average 16.9 and in en gineering firms 7.14 per cent. These figures re fer only to the women known to fill vacancies made by the withdrawal of man power. Many thousands are working in other occupations not so directly affected by war-conditions. . While the replacement of men by women has not been so great in this country, it has been extensive and is progressing at a rapid rate. Reports received from the United States Em ployment Service show that women have engaged in railroad tank painting, hardware industry pro cesses, garage management, and ranch work, as well as many other industries untried by them before the war. Processes in hardware indus tries include the izzsk of screw-machine hands, spot welders, gas welders, dip braziers, and drill press and bench work, Among other new occu pations to which they-have been called are: bag gage porters, ushers, aircraft assemblers, tele graph operators, photographers, and bond sales men. Women are showing great aptitude for occu pations heretofore filled by men and that many will continue in their new callings after the war seems assured. A radical change ln the attitude of the government toward photography about the camp has - just been au thorized. Hitherto it has been the rule that no pictures should be taken In any camp without an official permit, ap plication for whiehhad to be made to the committee on public Information. The entire handling of this matter, has recently been turned over to th& director of military Intelligence who is also the chief military censor, and it has been decided In the intenest of public convenience and of economy to remove many of the restrictions hitherto imposed. Hereafter permits from Washington will- not be required for the taking of ordinary photographs about open camps or military establishments void of activities of a confidential na ture. The term "open camp" by the new regulations just authorized, is taken to Include divisional, replace ment and officers training camps. In these camps the Intelligence officer is charged with the authority to con trol the activities of photography with due avoidance of discrimination. ' If you have an;-thing to sell, rent or buy; or want to buy or rent, try a "Want Ad" in The Journal. LEGAL NOTICE. FARMS FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS. Information regarding farm lands suitable for allotment to returned soldiers is being sought by Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the interior. He says : "All of the English countries engaged in the war except our own are endeavoring in a gen erous and comprehensive manner to provide farms or rural employment for returning soldiers who may desire this. "This country will be with the same obligation at the close of the war. More than a million sol diers will have been drawn from the farms, and an equal number should be returned to the land if they desire it." The fundamental requirement of the govern ment's undertaking is land suitable for small farms. There is much land in West Florida spe cially adapted to the purpose, It is, cheap. It will produce good crops. It is suitable in every way. If the advantages which we have to offer are placed before SecretaryLane it is certain that large numbers of the returned soldiers will lo cate here and will have an important part in the agricultural development of this section. Other sections are making strenuous efforts to locate the soldier-farmers. No section can offer them so much as West Florida. We owe it to ourselves and to the .home-seekers to acquaint them with the agricultural possibilities to be found here. We have spent over $120,000,000 just for sta ple supplies for-our army, such as flour, bacon, rice, etc. Every subscriber to the Liberty Loan helps feed our ssfcdiers. We have spent over $o00,000,000 to clothe our soldiers. , Every subscriber to the Liberty Loan has had a part in this care of the Americans who are fighting in France. . Despite the war, GreatBritain produced near ly 250,000,000 tons of coal' last year. . ORDINANCE NO. 13. An ordinance to be entitled: An nrriinanoA to better Tjrotect the DUD lie health, and particularly to prevent the introduction into, ana the spread or ven ereal diseases in the city of Pensacola; to define venereal diseases, to provide for the inspection of suspected and reported cases, and the isolation, care and cure of persons infected with such diseases, un der the authority and direction of the Commissioner of Health for the City f Pensacola, and providing penalties for its violation. Whereas, the prevention of the intro duction and spread of venereal diseases and the isolation, care and treatment of those infected with such diseases is a most Important duty in the interest of the public health, and. Whereas, the War Department of the United States has undertaken a national campaign to prevent the spread of and to eliminate venereal diseases, and has requested the City Government to lend its aid thereto, and to enact the ordinances necessary to this end, and is endeavoring to. have such laws uniform througnout the United States; and. Whereas, the authorities of this city appreciating the benefits to the public which must result from such activities, pnd desiring to continue to co-operate to its full authority in all war measures; therefore; Be it ordained by the Board of Com missioners of the City of Pensacola, as follows: Section 1. That venereal diseases are hereby defined to be syphilis, gonorrhea and chancroid, and are declared to be contagious, infectious, communicable and dangerous to the public health. Section 1. That whenever any person charged with the violation of any ordi nance of the City of Pensacola prohibit ing prostitution, lewdness, the keeping of or the setting up of a house of ill fame, brothel, or . bawdy house, or any other such: street walking, loiterinsr or solicit ing for prostitution or for any immoral purposes, pandering or vagrancy, is ar rested, it shall be the duty of the person making the arrest to immediately report, in writing, the name, address and charge made' against such person arrested, to the Commissioner of Health for the City of Pensacola. Section 3. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Health, and he shall have full power and authority, to subject ; euch person so arrested and so charged to an examination for the purpose of determining whether or not such person 5s infected with a venereal disease. Should the examinatln of such person dis close the existence of a venereal disease, such person shall be isolated and con fined in an isolation hospital to be provid ed therefor by the Board of Commission ers of said City, and treated in such man ner as may be required to cure such diseases, and shall be held in such isola tion hospital until the said Commissioners of Health shall deem it safe to the pub lic for such person to be discharged from euch isolation hospital. Immediately rp on such isolation and confinement of, such person, a written notice thereof, signed by the Commissioner of Health for the City of Pensacola or by his duly author ized deputy, shall be given to the Recorder before whom such charge was made, and thereupon the trial of such charge (if said trial be not already concluded) shall be suspended or deferred until such per son shall have been discharged by aid Commissioner of Health from such Iso lation hospital; and upon such discharge of such person, written notice thereof, signed by said Commissioner of Health or his deputy, shall be given said Recorder, and the trial of such charge shall be had and proceeded with according to law Section 4. That it shall be the duty of every person arrested and charged with the violation - of any ordinance provided for in the first section of this ordinance, to agree to and subject himself or her self to the examination provided for in section 3 of this ordinance. Section 5. That it shall be the duty of every person found, under the provisions of this ordinance to be infected with a venereal disease, to comply -with all the provisions of this ordinance relating to treatment, care and isolation of persons infected with venereal diseases. Section 6. That the Commissioner of Health for the City of Pensacola is here by invested with the authority and charg ed with the duty to enforce the provisions of this ordinance and to prosecute all per sons charged with violating the same, and to that end the officers, agents,, em ployees, inspectors, and appointees, of the Police and Health Departments of said City shall have the right to enter any premises or place in the said City of Pensacola for the purpose of .nspection thereof. Section 7.- That each day's violation of any provision of this ordinance shall con stitute a separate and distinct offense. Section 8. That any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, or in default of payment of such fine, by imprisonment in the City jail for not less than five nor more than thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the Recorder. Section 9. That any person convicted of violating any provision of this ordinance and sentenced to be punished by impris onment in the City jail, as provided in section 8 of this ordinance, shall, if such persons be infected with a venereal dis ease, be confined during the term of such imprisonment in an isolation cell to be provided for that purpose in the City Jail. Section 10. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication. Attest: J. O." WALKER. City Clerk. NOTICE. In conformity with the requirements of the Act of Congress, approved June 30, 1876. prohibiting any increase of the force at any navy yard at any time within sixty days before any election to take place for President of the United states, or Mem ber of Congress, - except when the Sec retary oi the Xavy shall certify that tne need of the public service make such in crease necesary at that time, which cer- tihcate shall be immediately published THE EMPEROR COMMANDS , ' "'" ' '- - ' ........ . - - '.,"' - . ; ' 1 when made, and in view of the elections to be held November 5, 1918, for Members of Congress, I hereby certify that, due to the urgency, ot v.'orlc necessary to the conduct of the war, the needs of the pub lic service make increases ln the forces at all navy yards and naval stations nec essary at xhls time. Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy. September 13, 191S. 1655 NOTICE OF ELECTION proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Florida, and the same were agreed to by a vote of three-fifths of all tne memDers eiectea to eacn nouuse; mat the votes on said Joint Resolutuions-were entered upon their respective Journals, with the yeas and nays thereon, and they did determine and direct that the said Joint Resolutions be submitted to the electors of the State at the General Elec tion in November. 1918. NOW. THEREFORE, I, H. CLAY CRAWFORD, Secretary of State of the State of Florida, do hereby give notice that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in each county In Florida on Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, A. L. 1918, "the said Tues day being the FIFTH DAY OF NOVEMBER for the ratification or rejection of the said Joint Resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Flor ida, viz,: A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Section 8 of Article XII of the Constitution of the State of Florida Relating to Education. Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: That the following amendment of Sec tion 8, of Article XII. of the Constitution of the State of Florida Relating to Edu wine for sacramental purposes; the sale of which alcohol and wine for the pur catioit is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors of the State for adoption or rejection at the next general election of Representatives, to be held In the year, A. D. 1918; that is to say, that Section 8 of Article XII of the Constitu tion of the State of Florida be amended so as to read as ionows: Section 8. Each County shall be re qulredto assess and collect annually for the plfpport of the public free schools therein, a tax of not less than three (S) mills, not more than ten HO) mills on the dollar on all taxable property in the same. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposed Amendment to the Constitu tion of Florida. Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida. That Article XIX of the Constitution of the State of Florida, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Article XIX, Section I. The manufac ture, sale, barter or exchange of all al coholic or intoxicating liquors and beveW ages, whether spirituous, vinous or malt, are hereby forever prohibited in the State of Florida, -except alcohol for medical, scientific: or mechanical purposes, and poses aforesaid, shall be regulated by law. Pec. 2. The Legislature shall enact suitable laws for the enforcement of the provisions of this article. Sec. 3. This article shall go into effect on the first day of January, A. D. 1919. The votes cast in compliance with said proposed amendments, and the canvass, declarations and returns thereof, shall be subjected to the same regulations and re strictions as are provided by laws for general elections In the State of Florida. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the "Seal) State of Florida, at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the twenty-fifth day of July. A. D. 1918. H. CLAY CRAWFORD. Secretary of State. 1628 21augoaw3m tSeal) a. m. McMillan, Clerk Court of Record. By A. L. TIDWELL, Deputy Clerk. Pensacola. Fla.. September 3rd, 191S. 1639 4septoaw8w AN ORDINANCE In Escambia County Court of Record. State of Florida In Chancery -J. M. Muldon. and A. E. McBee. R. W. Jones, Jr., and Van Dyke H. Jones, -q-partners. doing business as McBee, Jones & Co.. and W. A. Blount and Thomas V. Hannah, ., ;. ; Complainants. j vs. I. J. Diaz, the Delaware Trust Company, a Corporation, the Mexican Gulf Steam ship Company, a Corporation, Ignacio de la Mlyar, Valentin Blanco and Jose G. Guma, Defendants On Monday, the 4th day of November A. D., 1918. the defendants, Ignacio ric la Miyar. Valentin Blanco and Jose G. Guma. are required to arpear to the bill filed against them herein. This order to be publjphed once each week for Eis-ht (S consecutive weeks In the Pensacola Journal, a newspaper pub lished in said Escambia County. To Be Entitled: An Ordinance Relating to the Engraving, Sale and laauance of Improvement Bonds of the City of Pen sacola, as Provided by Ordinance Adopted July 8th and 15th, 1918. Whereas, Under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5330, Laws of Flor ida, of 1905, approved May 12th, 1905. entitled: "An Act t Au thorize the City of Pensacola to Issue Negotiable Bonds for Municipal Purposes and Provide for the Payment Thereof, and under and pursuant to the provisions of the ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Pensa cola on July 8th, 1918. entitled: "An Or dinance to Provide for the Issuance or Bonds of the City of Pensacola, Florida, Under and bvv Virtue of an Act offthe Legislature of the State of Florida, en titled: "An Act to Authorize the Ctiy of Pensacola to issue Negotiable Bonds for Municipal Purposes and Provide for the Payment Thereof." approved May 1. 1905." and the amendments made to paid ordinance by the ordinance adopted by said Board on July 15, 1918. and under and pursuant to the provisions of Chap ter 6746. Laws of Florida of 1913, an Act to create a commission form of govern ment for said city, etc., an election was duly called and held in the several elec tion precincts of the City of Pensacoa on August 16th. 1918, at which election said ordinances and the issuance of improve ment bonds of the City of Pensacola as provided in said ordinances and in said Aci of the Legislature were duly ap proved by the majority of the votes cast ln said election by the qualified voters of said city, then residing in said city, and who had paid taxes on real estate or per sonal property to said city for the year for which taxes were last due, said majoritv of the votes so cast being In favor of the Issuance of said Improve ment bonds for each and all the purposes and amounts as specified ln and proposed bv said ordinances, and Whereas, By Chapter 6746, Laws of Florida of 1913. all the privileges, powers, duties and responsibilities vested in or imposed upon the Board of Bond Trustees of the City of Pensacola, provided for by said Chapter 5530. Laws of 1905. were transferred to, vested in and imposed upon the Board of Commissioners therein provided for; and Whereas. At elections duly called and held In r,ald City of Pensacola for the election by the qualified voters of City Commissioners to constitute the Board of Commissioners created by , said Chapter 6716. Laws of Florida of 1913, George H. Hinrichs. Frank R. Pou and Frank D. Sanders were duly elected as said Com missioners, and have duly qualified by giving bonds and taking the oaths of office, and otherwise as prescribed by law, and the ordinances of said city, and are duly constituted the Board of Com missioners created by said Chapter 6746; now. therefore. BE IT ORDAINED BY SAID BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PENSACOLA: Section 1. That said Board of Com missioners shall have engraved coupon tones of the City of Pensacola, to be . - 7,-0 "'it Bonds of the Citv of Pensacola. Florida," to the amount of "Two Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars ($21000.00. each of said bonds to be of the denomination of One Thous and Dollars ($1,000.00); to be numbered 1 to 210, both inclusive; and to be dated October 1st, 1918, to bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, April 1st and October let. to be payable thirty years after said date, with the option on the part of the city reserved to redeem any or all of said bonds at any time after the date thereof at par and accrued interest,,' The prin cipal and interest of said bond shall be payable at the office of the United States Mortgage & Trust Company in the City and mate of New York. Section 2. That the form of said bonds and coupons shall be substantially as fol lows: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF FLORIDA. (State Coat of Arms) Number Number.. . $1,000 $1,000 CITY OF PENSACOLA, IMPROVEMENT BOND. October, 1918. For value received the City of Pensa cola. a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, hereby acknowledge! itself in debted and promises to' pay to bearer the sum of One Thousand Dollars (SI, 000), thirty (30) years after date, with interest at the rate of five () per centum payable Ferr.i-annually, April 1st and October 1st, oh presentation and surrender of the an nexed interest coupons as they severally become due. both principal and interest fein fayable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present weight and fineness, at the office of the United States Mortgage and Trust Company, in the City and State of Now York. The City of Pensacola hereby reserves the option, or privilege of redeeming at par and accrued Interest, any of the series of oonds of which this is one, at any time after twenty years from the date thereof. This bond is Issued by the City of Pen sacola under and ln full compliance with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and Ordinances of said city, including among others an Act of the Leg islature of the State of Florida, entitled: "An Act to Authorize the City of Pan& oola to Issue Negotiable Bonds for Munic ipal Purposes and Provide for the Pay ment Thereof," approved May 12, 1905, and ordinances and proceedings of said city duly had" and adopted in accordance iWith the Constitution nd Statutes of said State and charter of said city, the issuance of this bond and the ordinance authorizing the Issuance of this bond having been duly approved by the major ity of the votes cast by the voters of S3 Id city, duly qualified, as prescribed by law, to vote thereon at an election duly and legally called and held for that pur pose on August 16th, 1918. It is hereby certified, recited and de clared that all acts, conditions snd thing required to exist, happen and be per formed precedent to and ln the issuance of this bond have existed, happened and been performed In due time, form and manner as required by law, that this bond, together with all other Indebted ness of said city, does not exceed any limit prescribed bv the Constitution and Statutes of said State or the charter of said city, and that the faith and credit pt said city and the entire taxable prop trty of said city are hereby Irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the jrlnclpal end interst of this bond. in witness wnereor saia t;ity.or fmn tacola hAs caused this bond to be signed, ly the three Commissioners constituting the Board of Commissioners of said city, and the corporate seal of said city to be here affixed, attested by its city clerk, and countersigned by Its city Comptroller, and the coupons hereto attached to bear lithographed or engraved signatures of Said Commissioners and city clerk, and this 'bond to be dated the first day of October, A. D. 1918, (City Seal) CITY OF PENSACOLA. By Its Board of Commissioners. Attest: City Clerk." I III I ! lltl 1 1" ! 1 1 I ' City' Comptroller. FORM OF COUPON. -The City of Pensacola, a municipal cor poration In the State of Florida, will pay to bearer on April 1st, 19 at the of fice of the United States Mortgage and Trust Company, in the City and State of New York, the sum of twenty-five no 100 dollars ($25.00). in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness, being six months Interest then due on Its Improve ment Bond, dated October 1, 1918, numbered City Clerk. Board of Commissioners. Section 3., That upon the adoption of this ordinance said Board 6f Commis sioners shall thereafter, at such time or times, as they shall by resolution deter mine, offer all. or any portion of said bonds for sale only for the purpose or purposes for which they are authorised to be issued, all In accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid ordinances, to-wit: For the purpose of extending and Im proving the city's sewerage and drainage system, the sum of sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000.00). For the purpose of extending and Im proving the city's water system, the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00). For tltf) purpose of grading, paving and curbing, or otherwise Improving Htreets between Barrahc-as avenue and "O" street and between Garden and Govern ment streets, in the sub-di vision adjacent to the Pensacola Shipbuilding Company's plant, thn sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00). For grading, paving and curbing r otherwise Improving streets, including re pavng and repairing ' of Devllllers and Garden streets, the sum of fifty thous and dollars ($50,000.00). For the puropse of providing funds t secure the surrender, relinquishment, and the reconveyance to and re-Investment In the City of Pensacola of all th rlfchts and title in and to the water front prop erty granted to John A. Mrritt nd J. S. Reese fry ordinance parsed January 7th. 19IS. according to agreement "f said Merrltt and Reese, -filed in the office of the city e'erk. December 31. 1317, the sum not etoeeflirg forty thousand dol lars ($40000.00). Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect Immediately upon Its passagflu Passed September 9. 1MS. Attest: J. O. WALKER. ' 1651 . ' city Clerk.