Newspaper Page Text
The JoeraalVWaat Adl Opporteeities Phone 1500 From 7 a. m. to 7 p.m. Phone 38 From 7 p. m. to 1a.m. RENT YOUR SPARE ROOMS THROUGH- THESE COLUMNS IT WILL HELP iYOUR GOVERNMENT FOR SALE "V ir $:.n.ftt. Pensacola Buggy Work 4SS0 -Mahogany library table ana '.."rmsscls rue Phone 400 or ap- pis rue: r(tl Transfer Co. 4SS3 Transfer Co. Buick tryrk in Rood run--04 V3 F-' rendition. $1-0 cash. Apply c raiafx room Ao, Fisher Bids. fOR SALE Overland speedster,- electric lights, starter; cheap for cash. 27 East Greg ory street. 4884 POK P.MK Good cow and calf. pVterson street. 2000 W. 4S6G IK This is your chance to make nUns. As I am in the draft I must r or exchange, for real estate U. S. p,'Prr Uipht on latest and best improved M-nfVntable Automabiie Rim in the world Vi,itws J. O. Grady, care General Deliv- l'cnsacoia, f ia. md ran ?LK OR TRADE Cash or terms. dnrt at Bluff Springs. Also fifty acres 'jfopse and ten lots adjoining L. & -N. linimprovea lanu inai wpu:a ue J-si!v olearea: is on nara roau ana is.urai WAV .M t'avi'i. x nies pencil. Would trade eitncr or notn lor property V or rear rensacoia, pivinp or WKing diffffprenoe. Write G. W. Reeve, No. 816 X. J2th avenue for appointment. 4820 FOR SAIK Residence oOti N 6th Ave., tiAO. Address R. I. Radford, L. & N. Machine Siifps or Phone 19S6. 4360 cor SALE Several show cases, very ce:ip. Apply 5 South Palafox street. . 4743 FOR SALE Cut flowers. Just received a fresh shipment of roses. Gladys Vaughn. r.-iU :,d E. Chase, or phone. 1120. . 4CJ4 FOR SALE One solid mahog any bed. at a bargain. Apply 319 West Belmont St. i'OR SALE At a harjraln, one six room cottage. No. 202 E. Church St.; also the :rot desirable lots In Fisherville, 72x125 r'ort. For price apply 2216 Burdette St. New Orleans, La. 4661 FOR. SALE Cash or installment plan. five-room house and store, lot Toxl.O irt: larsje ham and other improvements. Abstract title since 1862. If interested. Mil at 512 East Jordan street. 4617 FOR SALE 6 counters, 2 cooking stoves, 1 heatinsr stove. 1 refrigerator, and dishes, riaza Hotel. 4673 FOR SALE On good terms, one of the most desirable and com modious homes in the city, over looking the bay; has hardwood floors, three baths, large cement basement, steam heat, all mod ern conveniences ; , facing east ; Vived street ; no incumbrance ; rtuate 501 North 17th avenue. For further particulars address n w r t f ; 11 ; t, onon FOR SALE CHEAP Excelsior, single. motorcycle, good tires, etc., or will trifle for cow, Belgian hares or anything use. Write or call after 6 p. m. at it N. 12th Ave. 4466 FOR SALE Second nana seeing ma chines, all makes, f 5.00 up. Gunai mteea. Reynolds Miisic House, Phcne 1717. ' . 1835 TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 3 miles from courthouse, highly improved, 30 icre farm, suitable for truck, chicken or ca ry farm. Writ R. P. Keese, Pensa ca i. P. O. Box 1437. 1417 FOR SALE Five-passenger Overland Touring Car, in good condition. Also or.tvpart Jersey cow. Apply Mrs. .Alzara Graham. S06 North Haynes street. 4776 FOR SALE A bargain. 55 acre farm six iind a half miles from court house with 19 acres under cultivation. 4 room house and one and a half story barn 14x2S 1'ecan trees, prape vines. Suitable for host farming or stock raising. Address G. C. T., Route A, Box 220, Pensacola, Fla. 4811 LIBERTY DAIRY FEED MAKES MORE MILK PEVSACOLA FEED COMPANY. IEIiI PUN TO IE BIG HETREAT Willi the American Army TVorlh of V.'r H". Morulav. Sent. .",0. Although fe 'i 'T inuns arf giving every eilence a' they jntcnl to held desperately o if present line instead of retrcat ?, thv have overlooked no details 'h faoiliiite a retirement shousa 11 Hvemo neeessary. Their divisions are K r-nlirt'iy fresh or half fresli r''T!f, hut consist in part of regir r'rts obt. -lined by dissolving divis-iilr.-ady in line which were split 'o help out elsewhere. J following order, whieh was ifhireij nn a -German cAWr shows v,u' enemy . is overlooking no "AH lines of retreat must he ii-.if.-i as.-ertciin.ed by all ccmpa- an.j whenever possible all piab-au , "'""''I1"" should go back over them .'j''n as .M.inJe to the first line. "r" a!.-o .vimuld acquaint them with t.'i.- line-; of retirement." ,' I' Pock, t of a prisoner captured 'tl there was found American j'P'Kanda literature dropped by an rii-v. The G.-rtiians xress them i:s Jkmii- ii!i.rited i:i tin's iit- t THE WATSON AGENCY RENT COLLECTIONS. MORTGAGE LOANS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE NO. 7 COUTH PALAFOX STREET WONE 54 POSITIONSAVATOD and In recognition e the spirit, of helpfulness tnat was hit. The Journal will lntrt under this classification ree advertisements for those In need of employment. i WANTED Experienced stenographer wants extra work evenings. Address A. IS., care Journal. WANTED Position In o. .ce by : youns lady familiarx with - stenographic work, A-l, can give reference. K. H., care Journal. . 4S6a SITUATION WANTED By first-class colored woman as cook. Apply 2603.16th avenue, corner Hatton street, City. 4866 POSITION WANTED By 1918 School Graduate. Phone 1296. High. 0-20-7 POSITION collector, nal. WANTED By Address J. W. J. experienced , care Jour-9-29-7t WANTED Extra work by expert typist. For particulars phone 1411. 9-27-7t POSITION WANTED , as com bination bookkeeper and ste nographer. Six years experi ence in lumber and phosphate business with two large corpora tions. Married, in Class Four and well recommended. "Address "W. M. W.," care Juornal. POSITION WANTED First class chef and steward, capable of taking full charge of hotel, restaurant or club house or would consider rental -of restaurant. 18 years of experience and first class ref erence. Address R-40, care Journal.-9-20 WANTED Position as . stenographer at once. Address Murtice Jones, Indian Ford, Fla. : WANTED Teacher desires to serve as accountant, office assistant, clerk, or will sew by day. No domestic work, but ary other honest employment. Phone HO. WANTED WANTED Readers for Thinkers vs. Christian Science. Worth reading. Read it. Price 23c. Address author, Elizabeth B. Hughes, or call 507 Hayne street, Pen sacola, Fla 4S50 KEPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Buildings. Furniture, etc. First class work. Clem ent E. Taylor, Carpenter. Joiner and Dec orator. Phone 1338. 4420 WANTED Sewine machines to repair. Why buy a machine when your old one can be made as good as ever. Ring 791. I will call. Work guaranteed 18 .tast Garden street. J. H. Blakesley. 40S1 WANTED Your job printing and orders for engravmg or an Kinas, caning wru, wedding invitations, etc. MAXtS trxss i ING CO. 24 West Government. 516 HIDES, WOOL, Sheep Skins, - Goat Skins, Scrap Iron, Rags, Bones, Cotton, Rope, Metals and all kinds of junk. Highest prices paid by the PENSACOLA HIDE AND METAL CO., 127 E. Zarra gossa St., Phone 299. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES SIR K NIGHTS, ATTENTION Special conclave of Couer I.V.. de Lion Commandery No. 1. Knifhts Templar, Wednes- rlar ftnher at 7-3ft n m 1st SET - ' 'itAiat work in tne ureter or tne mtS Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights courteously invited , C. S. BONACKER, E C T. L. INGRAM, Recorder. w. o. w. , Live Oak Camp, No. 1, Woodmen of the Wrorld meets first and third Tuesday nights for regular meetings. Woodmen Hall, llj and 117 West Garden street. CLYDE LITTLE. W. H. WHITE, C. C. Clerk. LODGE NOTICE. Pensacola Lodge. No. 42, F. & A. M., will meet Wednesday at 3 p.m., at the K. of P. hall, to attend the funeral services of Brother S. B. lvey. All visiting brothers are invited L. I. FABIASINPKI, E. E. WHITE. W. M. Secretary. PENSACOLA LODGE. NO. 4. I. O. O. F. Pensacola Lodge, jro. 4, I. O. O. F.. meets every Thursday at 8:00 p. m. in Rafford Hall, corner Baylen and Belmont streets. Visitors cordiallv invited. J. W. DAVIDSON, N. G. C. L. WILKINS, Secretary. JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS Tensacola Council, No. 35, Junior Order United American Mechanics .meets sec ond and fourth Mondays, 8 p. m., at K. of P. halL 111 E. Intendencia St., over McHush Store. Visiting brothers cor dially invited. F. E. TUGWELL. F. P. DILLARD. Con Recording Secretary. PIANO TUNING Save money by having your piano tuned, regulated and clean ed regularly each year. We guarantee to please you. Estimates free. THE PIANO SHOP Z. A. Thomas, Manager. 18-20 E. Garden St. Phone 791 If you havo anything to sell, rent or buy; or want to buy or rent,, try a "Want Ad" in The Journal. i ij I FOR RENT FOR RENT Store 22 S. Palafox , St. from Sept. 1.- Apply Fish er Rental Agency. Phone 2051. " : - ! " ; , . ; T?CiTt T'TnK'T Sfnro 1ftS South v.. Palafox street, will remodel to suit responsible tenant. Apply j Fisher Rental Agency. Phone 2051. - " : FOR RENT TWo furnished, rooms for light housekeeping, and two large un furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 503 West Gregory on car line. 4879 TO LET 5,500 .cres tar and fuel wood FOR RENT -Three-room fur nished apartment ; screened ; electric lights, gas, bath, separ ate front and back entrances; screened - sleeping porch. Ad dress "L. L. L.," care Journal. FOR RENT A desirable furnished front room for one or two gentlemen. Bath, electric-light. Apply 1411 XV. Garden. , : - ; 4563 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, also one room for sleeping. Apply 1107 E. Jackson or phone 1518. . 47SO FOR RENT Two rooms partly furnished for light housekeeping.. No children. Apply S19 N. 10th avenue. 4SC2 FOR RENT Three furnished . or unfur nished rooms for rent with bath Ap plv Gonzalez street and 18th- avenue. Phone ,967. v ....... 4S68 FOR RENT One room, f erred - Phone 202S. vantes street. gentlemen 221 West pre-Cer- FOR RENT A desirable fur nished room with bath-for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Apply 411 West DeSoto. 4815 FOR RENT Nice large newly furnished sleeping room for one or three gentle men. 214 W. Garden. 4S04 FOR RENT Store building 125 by 40 ft. Located at 116 and 118 E. Government. Apply Owner, 120 S. Alcanlz or phone 1641. 4S29 FOR RENT To parties without children. - two nicely furnished hooms, suitable for light, ohusekeeplng. Apply 1009 E. Strong street. 4846 FOR RENT One furnished room. Apply 714 N. Eaylen, or phone 1209. 4848 FOR RENT A desirable f urn ished room with bath, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Apply 411 West DeSoto. FOR RENT 2 furnished front rooms with board, convenient to shipyard or bay shore car. 1014 West Garden. 4773 FOR RENT We have the most Ideal 4 miles out on good hard road, 10 min country place in this county, Brentwood, utes drive. Will let out 5 rooms partly furnished with private bath for $15.00 per month, also 2 rooms with private bath for $10.00 per mo. R. M. Merritt, care of Perfection Laundry. Phone 1S6. 46S& TO LET 5,000 acres tar and fence wood land. Handy location. North side East Bay. Three years time. Apply to J. L. Williams, Agent, Holly, Fla. 4602 FOR RENT Rooms. Phone 275 or apply J06 W. Belmont St. 4376 FOR REN T Palafox street stores for rent 327-329 (Moog's) from October 1, 1918. Phone 22, Knowles Bros. Agency FOR RENT Sleeping rooms by week or monTfi. stiower rath and all modern conveniences at 0'Learys rooms. 318 S. Palafox. Phone 680. 3191 LOST AND FOUND LOST Coca Cola bill book badly worn. Contained one $20.00 bill, four fl.00 bills, one identification button No. 81. Hugger Bros, will pay finder liberal reward. George H. Harper, 24 S. Spring street. LOST A key ring with 3 keys on it somewhere- between Sol Kahn's Store and 704 N. Palafox. Finder will please return to Sol Kahn Store. 48S5 LOST Strayed or Stolen, female, mouse color, bushy tail Persian cat. Reward for return to 1400 North 12th avenue, or phone 1015. M. A. Touart. - 4610 MISCELLANEOUS FEATHER WORK done by Mrs. M. E. Adams. French Plume made from willow plumes. Old feathers remodeled. Pon Pons made any style. Orders received at Fash Ion Shop, from twelve to one o'clock. 4612 STRING INSTRUMENTS repaired by J. H. Blakesly. 20 East Garden St.. Tele phone 791. 2564 DR. HAMILTON THE SAW DENTIST. Saw Teeth Properly Treated, also Grinding Knives. Shears, Etc. Hand Saws, 25c. 223 E. intendencia St., Pen eacola. FlA- 230$ TRANSFER STORAGE COMPANY. Phone 334. Haul ing, packing, storing. ARTESIAN WELLS ARTESIAN WELLS Will put in well I 4 to 20 inches diameter, any dpeth, and guarantee water. Write for full informa- . tion. Gray Artesian Well Co.. P. O. Box', 1077 or Phone 2301-J. 617 ERSONAL JOHN B. KENNY may communicate with tne heirs of John Flariety bv addressing vt!Ii.Vm Flariety, 531 Last Gregory street. Pensacola, Fla. 4373 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Boy to help window dresser, must be neat and like that kind of work, to learn the trade. See Mr. Christel, after 10 a. m. Watson Parker & -Reese Co. WANTED White men as oilers. Apply Pensacola Electric Com pany Power Plant. 4863 WANTED Two office b oy s with bicycles." Apply at once. Empire Laundry. jr WANTED Man not subject 'to draft' to act as cashier and bookkeeper in whole sale house. Must be correct and rapid. State experience and salary expected. Ad dress ."Cashier," care JournaL 4847 : ; : WANTED News agents to work on trains, good oppor tunity. Apply 407 E. xWright street. Crescent News and Ho tel Co. 4854 WANTED Experienced combination bookkeeper and stenographer, one with lumber experience preferred. Answer in own handwriting. Lumber Bookkeeper, care Journal. 4813 WANTED AT ONCE A re toucher. Piece work or steady position. Apply Bell's Studio. 4791 WANTED White barber, first-class man. $25.00 guaranteed. Palace Barber Shop, 224 South Palafox street. 4781 WANTED Tight and slack barrel coop ers. Best job in the south. Write Dallas Cooperage Co., Dallas, Texas. 4745 EXPERIENCED TIME KEEP ERS WANTED Experienced timekeepers ; good salary ; fine opportunity for ad vancement. Call at once Pensa cola Shipbuilding Co. WANTED School boy to carry newspaper route on East Hill. Apply, The Journal, Circulation Departments WANTED School boy to carry newspaper route on West Hill. Apply, The Journal, Circulation Department. WANTED A delivery boy; good wages. Apply at Zelius Market, 402 S. Palafox. WANTED Three messenger boys with wheels. Apply Balkcom Drug Co. 4795 WANTED An honest, intelli gent boy to act as collector. Apply at once, giving age and experience with reference. Ad dress: Collector, care Journal. WANTED To employ a col lector above draft age. Must be active and able to write a fair hand. State age and experience and give references. Address : Collector, care Journal. WANTED 15 to 20 laborers, 30c per hour, 9-hour day. Ap ply west of Little Bayou bridge to road foreman. ' 4760 WANTED Two white delivery boys with bicycles. Apply Central Pharmacy. 4613 WANTED Motormen and Con ductors, experienced or unex perienced, permanent, no labor trouble, wagea. 35c to 39c per hour. Men who have worked one month or more now making from $3 to $4.25 per day. $72.00 per month guaranteed, whether you are assigned to work or not. Splendid opportunity of securing a permanent situation that will be very desirable after the war, when you will be high on senior ity list. Mobile Light & Railroad Company, Mobile, Ala. The Ready-to-Wear Store If It's New You Will Find It Here 9 anl 11 South Palafox YOUR FALL SUIT $15 up. London Woolen Mills Made to Your Individual Order 117 South Palafox Street PENSACOLA'S LARGEST TAILORS Bronchial Trouble . Mrs, A. E. Sidenberder, Rockfleld. ind., states: Tor an attack of bron- Jchial trouble which usually assails me in the spring I find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the only thing that gives me relief. AfUr using it, for a few days all signs of bronchial trouble disappears." Adv. WANTED TO BUY WANTED A feather bed." Apply room number 5, Masonic Temple. - 4&81 WANTED To " personal use. 15. . . buy, small iron safe for - Telephone 1016, building : ... .4871 WANTED24 young hens, any ; good breed. Give price delivered in city. Address P. O. Box 1011, Pensacola, Fla. - 48S9 WANTED Six cords pine wood. 4-foot - lengths, or equal amount second-hand lumber, plied and measured on premises. ?Jra. e P"ce delivered in city. Address Box 1011, Pensacola, Florida. 4777 WANTED TO BUY New or second hand letter filing cabinets, bookcases and other office supplies." Have for sale or exchange one 1250-lb. iron safe, one plat form floor scale, capacity 650 lbs.; two 8 -foot counter show cases and other store fixtures. P. O. Box 1077. Phone 4. 4498 WANTED FAT PINE WOOD LIGHTWOOD -r Consisting of fat dead limbs, knots and tree trunks. , STUMPWOOD Consisting of fat stumps and roots; , , Due to increased freight and other rate advances affecting the cost of production we have in creased the price we pay for the above classes -of fat wood, effec tive Julv 1st. ' : " ' If you are Interested, write us and we will " quote you price F. O. B. your station and make all necessaryarrangements for ; i. - Y-.-iv; - : During the lull in the crop season Farmers should take ad vantage of the high price paid for fat wood and clear the stumps from rV clds. NEWPORT TURPENTINE & ROSIN CO., Inc. t Bay Minette, Ala. NEWPORT TURPENTINE ROSIN CO. OF FLA. Pensacola, Fla. LEGAL ADVERTISING Statement of the ownership, manage ment. Circulation, etc., required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, Of The Pensacola Journal, published dally, at Pensacola.. Fla., for October 1st, 1918. Name of . Posto. .co Address publisher Harry R. Cook, Pensacola, Florida. Editor Harry R. Cook, Pensacola, Florida. Managmg Editor Kenneth Hawkins, Penkins, Pensacola, Florida. . - Business Manager Harry R. Cook, Pensacola, Fla. Owners: (If a corporation, give names and addresses of stockholders holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock) Journal Publishing Co , Lois K. Ma ye j . Pensacola, Florida. A. C Kingshery, Montrose, S. Dak. Harrv R Ceok. Pensacola. Florida- Known bondholders, mortgages and oth er security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: The Journal Company, Pensacola, number of copies each Issue of this publication sold or distributed through the mails or otherwise, to paid EUDscrmers during the six months pre ceding the date of this statement, HARRY R. COOK, Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this let day of October, 1918. JOS. K. HUGHES, Notary Public. My commission expires Februarv 16, 1922. 5.764. Daily 5,610; Sunday 6,687. NOTICE TO MASTER AND JOURNEY MEN PLUMBERS Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 31Z. Laws of Florida of 1917. providing ior tne examination and licensing of both Master and Journeymen Plumbers, work ing at the business of plumbing in the State Florida: All Plumbers who ha the required examination are required to ootam a license, said license may be obtained from the City Clerk upon the payment of the required license fee, which is for Master Plumbers five dollars; for Journeymen Plumbers two dollars. All Plumbers who have not taken said examination are required to make appli cation for same to the Board of Plumbers Examiners at the office of the Plumbing Inspector (City Hall) as soon as possible. All persons working at the business of plumbing, either as Master or Journey man Plumber, after Oct. 1st. 1918, with out the required license will be subject to fine and imprisonment. JAMES N. JOLLY, Plumbing Inspector, City HalL EDUCATIONAL MRS. ELIZABETH CLTNE BATA. Teach er of piano and voice. Graduate Toron to Conservatory. Studied with best Mas ters Carnegie Hall. Studio 50 E. Gregory St. Phone 1267. 4824 The CENTRAL PHARMACY ."In the Heart of Psnsacola" The Home of QUALITY ICE CREAM 177 PHONES 178 Charge Accounts Opened payable $1.00 Weekly. Put Your Cash into Liberty Bonds. Use Your Credit to Buy Clothes. We Clothe the Family. Gentry Strickland Co., 26 S. Palafox St. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX FOS WITH PEPS IN. A Liquid Digest ive Laxative pleasant to take. Now made and recommended by the manu facturers of Grov' Tasteless - Chill Tonic -AOr. HELP WANTED FEMALE TANTlSD Neat house girl wanted.' white coJor-. .Mrs. Christel, 80S N, Al canlz street. . j .... WANTED Colored nurse to care K for . baby. Apply , at 31 ,W. Garden street ' " " -' ' - - -, 4865 WANTED Oood house girl, good wages. -Apply, 229 .N. Spring street. 4860 WANTED White girl or settled woman to help cook and genral housework. One preferred to stay in home with family. Must be neat and clean. Good home. At once. 1901 J. Palafox street. City. 4867 WANTED--A" competent cook. Good wages to the right party. Apply 704 N. Palafox. 4861 WANTED First-class maker, one fami- TLTlif r wIt seluh alo . Apply - Falk's MiUinery Department. . , 4355 GOVERNMENT NEEDS 12.000 . women clerks at Washington. Examinations Pensacola in October. Salary $1,200. Ex perience unnecessary. . Women desiring government positions write for free par ticulars. J. C. Leonard (former Civil Ser- e . ,Exam'n'), 286 Kenois Building. Washington. , , ,; 4Sg2 WANTED White woman for general housework. To live in house. Refer ences required. Good home for right per son. Write E. A. S., care Journal. 4830 WANTED Experienced millinery sales- -ladies. - Adrirena TT Tt 1x7- -cj tntn - T. ., JLW XltT, WANTED Settled colored woman for general housework. Privilege of living ,' Premises if desired. Apply 913 N. Palafox. 4734 STENOGRAPHERS WANTED Register ' With thA OmrilAtrrrlAw I.m.. a. A Pan-American College, Rooms 274 to 289 Brent Bldg. No charge. Positions wait ing. 4641 WANTED White and colored help at Empire Laundry. WANTED A-l salad and pantry woman; must have hotel or club experience. Ap- fly L. R. Patch, Steward, San Carlos lotel WANTED Wash -woman to take arm 11 family -washing every week. Mrs. Matthes, 623 West Lee street. 4748 EXIDE BATTERY AND SERVICE STATION THE UNITED AUTO CO. tl West Romans Phone 340 L. E. NOBLES & CO. Agents HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX and KIRSCHBAUM SUITS TOUR , MONirg WORTH. , OR .TOUB UO.W BACK. tS South Palafox Street. Phons 0 "Let Us Make You Make Good With a Kodak' REYNALDS MUSIC HOUSE Where Eating Is Best Just Go to the Newly Opened LIBERTY CAFE 3S South Palafox Street ROYAL TYPEWRITERS MAYES PRINTING CO. FINE JOB PRINTING OFFICE SUPPi-IES 1719 W. Government St. Phone 1S2 REED'S "BETTER BREAD' . For Sale by ALL FIRST CLASS STORES REED'S SANITARY BAKER? Palafox and Gregory Streets OURS IS A PERSONAL SErtVICE BINGHAM TRANSFER CO. GARDEN AND ALCANIZ STREETS Phone 334 PALACE OF SWEETS 110 South Palafox Street The Sweetest Place In Town" Nice Homes in Good Locations 794 North llth avenue, 6 rooms, fronting Grenada Square, at $2,650.00. Two-story dwelling, 1809 East Gadsden street, two lots, paving paid, at $3,750. PensacolaFinance Company "We Always Have Houses For Sale" PHONE 367 ELBERT A. CLUBBS, Sales Agent WE CAN SELL YOUR PROPERTY WANTED TO RENT 1 WANTED Two connecting rooms, fur nished, with bath, for two single gen tlemen. When answering give address. A. A., care Journal. 4533 WANTED To rent 8 or 4 unfurnished rooms or a 5 or 6 room house unfumlBh ed. No children. Address B-8, care Jour- naL - . 4S64 WANTED Lady desires room with mod , ern conveniences in refined private home; must be centrally located. Refer, ences. Address "T M. M.," care Jour. naL ' ' . 437 WANTED One or two furnished roomi for housekeeping, middle-aged couple onlyv Also garage near rooms if possible. Address D. D.Wells, General Deliverv City. 48ta WANTED TO RENT Three or fou -rom?,', furniBhe for light housekeeping. No children. Address S. H., care Journal. 479S TAR WO We are in the market for largo quantities of TAR WOOD. Wa have furnished a steady market for this for 17 years. In some cases we can furnisW motor trucks for hauling to r&iU road at lower cost ; than when? hauled with teams. j Good profit in shipping. Terms i Spot cash as soon as shipments, are unloaded. Prices are "War Time' prices. Very high. Write for detailed instruction for preparing, prices, etc. Pensacola Tar & Turpentine Company GULLPOINT, FLA. REPAIRING BICYCLES, QUNS, REGISTERS, SAFES. COMBINATIONS CHANGED. JOE QUINA WITH WILSON-BIGGS CO. PHONE 330 1 NOTICE. vv- 11 The Pensacola Oycle Clu meets tonight at 7:30 o'clock i building adjoining and occupic by my shop. T. T. WENTWORTH, JR., - v President. NOTICE TO WATER C0V SUMERS All water bills are due Oct ir 1918, payable at the office of th Water Department, City Hall, All consumers who pay on or be- . fore Oct. 10th will be allowed a : discount of .5 per cent, consum ers who have not paid their bills I by Oct. 51&rre subject to have water service discontinued with- , out further notice, and a penalty ) of $1.00 charged for turning on again. PENSACOLA WATER WORKS BUV Gonzalez Corn Meal AT YOUR QROOEI A fine table meal ground In Pensacola of the eholoeat milling oorn. M. F. Gonzalez & Co., Peneeeete, Fla. ' ABBOTT AUTO REPAIR CO. Palafox and Grepory Streets Phone 415 PEAKE ELECTRIC CO- The Home of Exide Battery Service. 30 S. Palafox. Phone33. ID 1 V. 1 J ! , J IN