THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SIQY LlQRNINGlQ ( ( r Vc have a full line of Gurney, Gnrney-AtKermo3 and Gurney Northland Refrigerators. There is a size and a price for every household: ft 75-lb. Galvanized lined, two-door Northland. . . . . . . . . .... . .$18.50 50-15 White lined, two-door Northland . . . . . .$17.50 75-lb. White linsd, two-door Northland. , ...$20.00 90-lb. Galvanized lined, two-door Northland $20.00 90-Ib. White linad, two-door Northland $22.50 115-lb. White lined, two-door, Northland. y $25.00 85-lb. White lined, 8 front doors, Northland $32.50 110-lb. White lined, 3 front doors, Northland. V$37.50 85-lb. White lined, 3 front doora, Gurney .$37.50 ISO-lb. White lined, 2 door Northland v. $45.00 85-lb. White inside and out, 2-door Atfcermos .$50.00 1 100-lb. White inside and out, 2-door Athermos $55.00 170-lb. White lined, 3 front doors Northland. $55.00 150-lb. White lined 2 front doors Athermos. $60.00 Nursery Refrigerators, Frost King and Snowball Freezers, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Dip pers, Ice Shavers, Ice Picks and everything to make the summer weather pleasant. - cjy s Right at Ray's. Phone 30-35 I HI Right on the Corner CRESS about advertising agencies: Do You Know the Service an Advertising Agency Offers? ' Defining the agency is perhaps the best method of explaining why you should have an agency connection just as you have your lawyer and your doctor. An advertising agency is a group of men who have had wide and varied experience in selling, merchandising and advertising. 'As an instance, the advertising agency executive has been in constant touch with the sales and merchandising problems and policies of his clients for as many years as he has been in busi ness. - He has watcKeH sales plans that have failed and sales plans that have 'gone over big. He has in vestigated the reasons why. He very largely laiows from experience why a manufacturer should do "this" and not do "that" and it is a part ol advertising agency service to -consult with and advise their clients regarding sales policies. ' v . , - .When you employ an advertising agency, it's almost as though you employed a sales manager who had successfully handled the sales depart ment of perhaps fifty or a hundred or maybe more business houses, for that is the experience an advertising agency places at your disposal. jPerhaps seconci in importance is the Service De partment of the advertising agency. Here are employed experienced advertising writers and artists who prepare under the direction of the executive text matter and illustrations for all types of advertising, inclusive of booklets, folders, circulars, etc; magazine, newspaper, farm paper and trade paper advertisements. A client of an advertising agency may utilize this service to as great or as small an extent as desired. He may have all his printed matter prepared by his advertising agency or he may merely have them prepare actual advertise ments, that are to appear in publications. It is optional, of course, with the client, but as time goes on it becomes more and more evident that "specializing" pays that all dealer or con sumer literature should be prepared by men who have made a life study of such literature and for that reason the advertising agency will rec ommend that you use full service. ; Another department of the agency is the Space Buying Department. It is the duty of this department to furnish advertisers with complete information as to publications (whether newspaper, magazine, f arm paper or trade paper) . To be able to buy space in any publication at the lowest possible rate obtainable. And to recommend to each advertiser the specific publications that it will "pay"that particular advertiser to use. The Checking Department of an advertising agency proves insertion of all advertisements ordered ; measuring space to see that it is cor rect, comparing copy, checking dealers' names, if any are used thus obviating the"necessity.of the advertiser employing his clerks to take care of this work. In brief, the foregoing 'describes the advertising agency and the service it offers. Obviously, we cannot attempt to go into detail -here the theme is too complex the full story too long the climax as applied particularly to your business too individualistic to generalize. Coutmlt with tftht rctUJ end accredited Advertising Agencies named behw. Allow e f them t submit mm mtline tie service they ere prepared f render. Yu may be assured that en inciiatien te call will be appreciated and that no obligation whatsoever wilt be incurred. Basliara Company, Thomas IL, Louisville, Ky. Cecil, Barreto and Cecil, Richmond, Va. Chambers Agency, Inc., New Orleans, La. Cheaman and Company, Nelson, Chattanooga, Tens. Ferry-Hanly Advertising Co, New Orleans, La. Johnson and Dallia Company, Atlanta, Ga. Massecsale Advertising Agency, Atlanta, Ga. Staples and Staples, Inc., Richmond, Vv Thomas Ad vert isins Service, The, Jacnville, Fla. This m4rtimwmt irtni tt ' Ckatts. Tmm. Members Southern Council, A tnertcan Association of Advertising Agencies MRU) COTTON 1 QEET OCT. 13 preparation for th World Cotton Conference, to be held at New Orleans from October IS to 16, are fast taking definite haje.- Besides more than three thousand delegates from this country, the conference will be at tended by representatives of the cot ton Industry in Canada, Great Britain, France, Belgium, 1 Holland, Russia, Italy, Peru, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, the Czechoslovak Republic, Greece, India, China, " Mexico, Japan, Brazil' and Scandanavla. The commit tee having the arrangements for the conference , in charge has enlisted the cooperation of the state department at Washington, and through this agency in worklnsr for eovernmental represen- tatlon, not only from the countries of Europe and ot the Orient, but also from the Central and South American States. In addition "to nearly two thousand delegates representing the cotton growers of the south, there will be present at New Orleans In October larare numbers of cotton merchants. north and south, as well as the big warehouse men of Galveston, Houston, Memphis, Mobile, Savannah and other points. Special arrangements are De Ing made so that delegates may visit and Inspect the immense privately owned warehouses of Memphis. These, representing one type or system of cotton Sstorage, ; may be compared thereby with the big state owned ware houses of New Orleans. Invitations will be extended to transportation men of" all kinds, railroad men, ocean steamship men In both coastwise and overseas trade, and the river steam boat men. There Will also be Dresent the f er- tillzer men, the ginner, and the manu factureK of saw-and roller gins, the compressmen arid the maker of presses of all types. The last will include the huge machines capable of compressing to a high density from eisrhtv to one hundred bales of cotton an hour, and those of smaller capacity suitable for Installation at gmhouses, in accord ance with the demand for high den sity gin compression. Manufacturers and users of the older, as well as the more recent appliances for reducing the cotton bale to high density; will also be present. "The round-bale men will be represented, though this type involves a limited part of the baled production of the south. Representatives of the financial in terests so Important in the marketing of the cotton crop will play an im portant part at the conference. Bank ers from the north and south. Includ ing representatives of the federal re serve banking board, will' attend and it Is expected that the banker delega tion will total more than a thousand. Delegrates from all the principal cot ton exchanges, both of this country and from abroad, will be present, while the national, 6tate and other cotton association will have a substantial number of members in attendance. It is recognized that the importance of the cotton industry can hardly be over estimated, and the timeliness of r world conference this year Is readily to ben seen. One of the objects is to take advantage of the benefits to be obtained from such gatherings at t time when the need of cooperation and a clearer understanding of conditions are most desirable. ; FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS MEETS MAY 27 The General Federation of Women's Clubs will hold the mld-blennlal council May 27th to Slst, inclusive, In Ashevllle. N. C. , . The Grove Park Inn will be official headquarters and the general federation fcoard of directors, officials, " chairmen of committees, official guests and speakers will be placed there. - The morning sessions of the conventior will be held in the Battery Park hotel and all evening sessions In the City Au ditorium. v Accomodations for the Folrlda delega tion have been made at Margo Terrace. American plan. Double rooms, 2 beds and bath, S5.00 each person per day. Arrangements have also been made for Florida delegation to Ashevllle. The only through sleeper leaves Jacksonville 9:15 p. m.. Seaboard Air Line, and KlorlO. delegates will leave on this the night o May 25th, arriving afternoon of 26th, a' 2:10 o'clock. Railroad fare one way - i! $15.29; Pullman, $3.30. No rates obtain able. "Any Florida club woman ( who wishes t, attend the meetings is welcome an? should notify Mrs. W. S. Jennings, di rector to G. F. W. C. for Florida. 184: Main street. Jacksonville, at once, to se cure railroad and hotel accomodations. Delegates to convention need not be elected by club. , The Margo Terrace Is only one block from meeting places. The state secreary to G. F. W. C., Mrs.-W.-R. O'Neal. o Orlando, is "sending out notices to clu"bf and both she and Mrs. Jennings are anx ious that Florida women be well repre pntd, "-! Aihevilte is so verv near an" many Floridlans spend their summr: there always. BOY SCOUTS SELL $30,000 IN BONDS DURING LAST WEEK Troop 2, Boy Scouts of America, of this city sold ninety bonds aggregat ing $30,000 during the' last week 01 the Victory Loan Campaign. The fol lowing Scouts are to receive honoi medals for their good work: "Buck" Mitchell, Sollle Welch. Kenneth Wil klns. Charlie Stewart. Jay Hall, Lama Rosier and William Sandusky. , C. F. Zeek, Scoutmaster of the Troop was absent during the campaign am' the Troop was directed by Scoutmas ters Sousa and VB. Whittendale. " This Troop hiked -to Crystal gprinr last Sunday and will take another hiV today. fl r " f Ugh! Calomel Sickens; Salivates! Please Try' Dodson's Liver Tone I am sincere! My medicine does-not-upset liver and bowels so jou lose a day's work. ToU'ro blUousl Tour liver Is elug trtohl Tou feel lazy, dizry and alj knocked out. -Tour head la dull, your tongue is coated; breath bad; ajtomach our and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. . It makes you stok;. you may lose a day's work. , ' vcalomel Is mercury or quicksilver which cause necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into spur bile like dy namite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. -:.';,'. . ' If you want to "enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel oleansing you ever experienced Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to night. .Tour druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver ,Ton for a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each jmnmvfilT will nlTt vm, di.. . usgisn u7ej better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you elck. Dodson'a Liver Tone is real uvr medicine. Tou' 11 know it next mom ing because you will wake up feeijnc fine, your liver will be working your headache and dizziness gone,' your stomach will be Sweet and your bow els regular, Tou will feel like -worts" ing; you'll be cheerful; fun 0f vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone is entlr regetablev therefore harmless and not salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson'i Liver Tone Instead of dangerous calo. mel now. Tour druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel it almost stopped entirely hers. Aflv. AUDITS W COST SY$TEM3 R. T.RAINES Publio Accountant Auditor American National Bank Building, Fensacola, Fla. - McCaskill Block, DeFuniak Springs, Fla. INCOME TAX REPORTS EFFICIENCY ENGINEER 5ttO$ 400 South Palafox A shop that makes a business of Kodak Finishing and Picture Framing- Fresh Kodak Films and complete stocks of Kodaks and Ansco Cameras. Kodak Albums, Souvenirs, Art Gift Nov elties, Baskets, Ingersol Watches, Fountain Pens, Pocket Books, Art Corners and Metal Frames. 7 ' Mm it Be olid M At Once! ; Two New 1918 five-passenger CHALMERS AUTOS, used only as demonstrators, and haye not traveled over 1500 miles. Paint perfect, upholstery perfect, glad .to give demonstration at any - time against any car. Price and terms to suit purchaser. Call at Heilbron's Garage, T7 f o 19 East Chase Street - 4