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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL1 SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1919. DAILY WEEKLY SUNDAY Journal Publishing Company IXIS K. 1IATX3, President and General Manager. Conducts from 1S92 to Under toe Editorship and Management of Cot Frank L. Mayes. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS American Newspaper Publishers Association Jlorida Preee Asportation - ' - Southern Newspaper Publishers' Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Weelt, Dally and Sunday .. ..........f .1 Two Week. Daily and Sunday . . One Month, tai!y and Kunday 4 ,b Three Months. Dally and Sunday KJ Month. Pally and Sunday , a.ia One Tear. THy end Sunday .6 Fundav Only. One Tear , l.sii TVe Weekl-r Journal. One Ter 1.00 MaQ subscription are payab'e Vn advance, and papers win be discontinued on expiration date. OFFICE ' ' mmm : PHONES Jouvnal Bid.. Cor. fgf Editorial Rooms. IS fntendenela and De- iP""' President 41 iAiwa Streets. Business Office. .1500 Tfcs Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to th nee for republication of an news credited to It or not other wise credited In this psper and also to local news pub lished. loitered as second class matter at the postofflce In Peasaoola. Florida, under Act of Congress, March J. 1S79 Represented In the aeneral Advertising Field by COKE. LOB.ENZEN & WOODMAN New Tork. Chicago. Detroit. Kansas City, Atlanta FRIDAY MORNING, MAT 30, 1918 A STEP BACKWARD. - It acems almost incredible, in view of the in terest in livestock in this section of the country, that the work of tick eradication should be checked by members of the state legislature, who are either blind to the interests of their own state, or else moved by something more than ap pears on the surface. The state-wide compulsory cattle dipping bill had passed the house, but was put to sleep in the senate, after being so amended as to be value less, and after the senate had adopted all of the committee amendments, including one making the levy of a two-mill tax optional instead of mandatory upon the county commissioners, an amendment .was also offered to make the time of dipping every thirty days instead of every fourteen, and another amendment was proposed to exempt all dairy cows, or other cattle under fence. When these amendments had been adopted, it was moved that "since the teeth had been drawn from the vicious bill, the seriate electrocute the remainder of the animal by indefinitely postpon ing the bill," and this motion was carried by a vote of 24 to 8. The unfriendly amendments were adopted by close rising votes and viva voce votes, which were of course, not officially recorded. Walton county has systematically fought for the tick eradication work in this state, and an amendment ofered by Gillis, of that county, to appropriate $150,000 for maintaining the state livestock sanitary board, precipitated a . debate, which revived arguments for and against tick eradication. '. " So the situation stands in the legislative halls in Tallahassee at this writing. Let us hope that by the time the type of this gets cold, the gen tlemen of Florida may have changed their minds and that this state may have taken its rightful place along with other progressive states. Escambia county has already voted for com pulsory cattle dipping, as have many other of the west and south Florida counties, but until the entire state is engaged seriously in tick eradica tion, the success 4f. the livestock movement in Florida will be held back. The progress which has been made during, the past few years in this state along the lines of livestock development have formed one of the most valuable chapters in the history of Florida. It has been demonstrated that the western sec tion of the state offers an unusual opportunity for cattle raising, and that, with proper federal and state aid, this part of the state will come ino its own. The equable climate and the fine nat ural ranges make this section peculiarly fitted to the raising of cattle; but until tick eradication becomes obligatory, Florida cannot take its right i'ul place with other states, and this entire sec lion of the country will be handicapped. THE COMING DROUGHT. Irrespective of waht action congress takes to ward repealing the' wartime prohibition legisla tion, the nation goes bone-dry January 16 next --one year after the 36th state ratified the con- eiiiuuuiuu uiy ttmeuument. "'' But this congress has been asked by the presi cent to modify the prohibition law scheduled to $x into effect July 1, next, by permitting the trewing of beer and the making of light wines. Whiskey, brandy, gin, heavy wines, would still he prohibited. Wartime prohibition came in the form of a "rider" amendment to the agricultural bill passed during the war. - Repealing or modifying that would not effect tile constitutional amendment. Neither would any action congress takes on this prohibition law permit the selling of liquor in states "dry" by state statute s i . PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY; We hear a great deal about the duty of pub lic officials in relation to the public health, and the fact, that these men have been appointed to and paid for public duties, is certainly argument enough that those duties need to be performed, and that it is up to them to see that they earn their salaries, even if they have no higher con ception of their obligations. But while we look to the public officials to do their duty, let us not forget that we have our own obligations at the home, in the state, and in the office. It would be an impossible ask for any public officials to keep any city in a sanitary condition, unless these public servants have the support of the individuals. And it must be re membered that, in any neglect of the public health it is the private individual who suffers, for public protection means the protection of the individual, in the mass. - r- - With summer upon us, it is well to look to the health and comfort of ourselves and our families, remembering that, as we make our own premises clean aid sanitary, we not only help to safeguard our own health, but we become a factor in pro tecting the public health. If it were possible to impress upon ever in dividual his own personal responsibility to the community, and to persuade or compel every in dividual to keep the immediate premises or sur roundings in a state of cleanliness and sanitation, we should need fewer public servants. The home has gone out into the world, in a large measure, because so much that is consumed in the home is now produced outside the home. ' But it is the homemakers, after all, to whom we must look for health conservation. If the head of the household not only sees that his own premises are in sanitary condition, but also de mands that whatever caters to the comfort or sustenance of his household, is wholesome and healthful, a long step will have been taken to wards the conservation of the public health. Do you demand pure milk, wholesome bread, fresh fruits and vegetables? Do you ever take the trouble to investigate your meat market, or to enquire as to the standard maintained by the restaurant where you take your meals ? Until you do, you are not doing your part towards pro tecting either the health of your family or the community. And when you do, you have taken a long step forward, and one that will repay you and yours many times over, and will add to your value as a citizen. ' FOR PUBLIC HEALTH. For vetoing the bill for the reduction of the health appropriation, Governor Catts deserves the commendation of all thinking people of the state. When it was proposed to cut this appropria tion, The Journal called attention to the grave injustice. that such a reduction would be to the people of Florida, particularly in view of the movement towards better public health, in rela tion ;o the examination of the school children, and education along the lines of sanitation. In every movement which is designed to pro mote the public welfare, the necessity for awak ening the people to a conception of their own re sponsibilities, is of utmost importance. That the health of the children of this state, and the safe ty of communities, through the work of the pub lic health authorities, can be safeguarded only through the work of the public, health authori ties, and that these authorities must have suffi cient funds to carry on their work,, is a con clusion which needs no defense. When it was proposed to reduce the health ap-. propriation, The Journal strenuously opposed such a cut in the public funds, and following an editorial opposing this cut, resolutions were passed by the Rotary Club of Pensacola, and a wire was sent to Governor Catts, expressing dis approval of the contemplated reduction. The Journal believes in every movement for the betterment of the state, it believes in every effort to reduce the taxation of the people, wher ever that taxaion becomes a hardship, and it ad vocates economy, whenever that economy is just and well-considered. But when it becomes a question which menaces the health of the state and the protection of the children of the state, through reducing the, public funds, by making impossible the work that is being carried on in Florida in relation to medocal examinations in the schools and santation of cities and rural com munities, it is certainly an unwise policy to place dollars above decency and the public safety, and the Governor deserves the appreciation of all right-thinking people for vetoing the bill to re duce the health appropriation. Don't get excited about the report that Asia tics are pouring into Mexico. They can't be more annoying that what we "have there now. When the state by conscription admitted that allicitizens are the property of thestate did it not admit the duty of caring-for aH citizens? LEGISLATIVE 2 BSSSBSSBSS 43 , ODDS AND ENDS V (BY JOHN C. TRICE.) Tallahassee. May 30. Mr. 8tt of Bay County, says he resents the as sumption of some peopl that they mn run over him measures reeking wn politics, by simply stating: tha ing of the kind is Invovled. He aia rot say this privately either. He trod to make it perfectly pteln on he floor of the house Tuesday afternoon. The approach of an electrical storm cut short the session of tho hous- Tuesday night, and for that reason 1 did not get through with the plans mapped out for It. Tb house-ca endar was cleaned of ioca ---- tLose introduced in the house riiht up to that very day. But ths hills so they could b taken up by th house at the nigh session and disposed of. sflfsigrnfrEiogiaiifgigirrzr It is not sa. hard to please the com pulsory dipping people after all. Since the senate killed their pet measure they are as smiling: as ever. "We still have a good la in the local option meas ure they declare. Some of them even go so far as to sa ythey pelieve that better results ean be obtained- by the provisions of that act than by the one tAey tried so hard to pass. Mr. Phillips, o Columbia county, is one of the happiest men around the capital these dAye. The killing: of the compulsory dipping: bill in the senate Is responsible for this exuberent p"tat of mind of the gentleman from Colum bia. He declares that only one thing could nave suited him better, and that would have been for the meeasure to have been killed In the house. Mr. Marshall, ef Broward county, says he thinks the legislature is go ing to accapt his amendment provid ing for an eight million dollar Ave pr cent bond Issue for good roads, th amount to be Increased as soon as the nuto license tax wU Hake care of a greater amount. It certainly received a whllrl wind start, being uftanlmouc ly reported favorably -by the house committee on constitutional amend ments within three hours after its introduction. The number of bills in the house reached the eight hundred mark Tues day morning, and are now rapidly climbing toward another hundred. Yet 1c was stated yesterday that only ia even two dozen . general bills lu "i reached the governor up to that time fpr his approval. There will, however, be no derth of local laws at the end of the session. If there is a county :a the state that ha snot already got from one, to half a dosen local laws tassed it would be rereshlng to have It pointed out. And a great many of them have not stopped at the last figure mentioned. . Siammeir by -toe 40 Famous Beaches on the New Jersey Coast No section of the country has made a greater expenditure of thought and capital for the development of the pleasures of summer life for all the people than theCOAST OF NEW JERSEY. Forty beaches from Cape May to New York Bay present an almost unbroken stretch of fascinating resorts, many of them world-famous Atlantic City, Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, Long Branch, Ocean City, WildwoodY Were the breakers boom a song of free-; dom, and vacation joys and pleasures are unconfined.. Here, too, are thai finest seaside hotels, perfect sea-bathing and an endless variety of sport. NORTHERN NEV YORK STATE is" a land of surpassing beauty, a wonderful playground of lakes, woods, and mountains. . Americans who want their vacation to have a tinge of Romance and History will visit the Adirondack, Thousand Islands,, ' Niagara Falls, Saratoga Springs, Lakes George and Champlain. NEW ENGLAND presents more than 700 miles of seashore Naragansett, Newport, Bar Harbor and hundreds of other fascinating resorts, with their brilliant summer life, and storied interest, the White and Green Mountains, and the woods and lakes of Maine. Titles' of Booklet Kew Jersey Scafaor . ; . Adirondack and Thousand -Islands Saratoga Sprinf s. Lake George sad Lake ChampUia Kiajara Falls Nw Saalaad Lakestaad Mmlataias , -v ffeir Yag land Shores north and east of Bcstoa Nem England Shores south of 9ostoa The United States Railroad Administration invites you to travel for pleasure and Offers Summer Excursion fares. Your local ticket agent, or the nearest Consolilated Ticket Office will help plan your trip. Illustrated booklets of the sections mentioned, giving lists of hotels, etc., have been pre pared. Write for them. Mention the section you desire to visit. Address; United -States Railroad -Administration Travel Bureau 143 Liberty 8tret Stew York City Travel Bureau 646 Traasportatioa Building Chicago Travel Bureau 602 Healey 3uildiof Atlanta i!l..m!I Tuesday was the hottest day of the session, and maybe of any other ses fclon. That is, it was the mest de pressing. The temperature was not so high, and there was a good breeze blowing, but the humidity was so low that it was difficult to keep comfort abue, even under a fan. ' This was fol lowed at night by an unusually furious electrical storm a half dozen of them in fact. This relieved the temperature, but is is said to have done considerable damage in the near section. Considerable interest is being mani fested in what the governor is going to do about signing the Leon county game bill. The 'opposition to this measure ha snow been transferred to his office and the outcome is awaited with Interest. Mr. Scruggs is Of the opinion the governor will sign it. be cause tne referendum clause was at tached to it before it was passed. Un cer mis provision, an election is to be held on Tuesday after the first Men day in September. 2 nsnd (MENIAL FOR FLORIDA 1921 IS FJIDO RSED PROPOSITION A3 SET FORTH IN RESOLUTIONS. IS TO HAVE PAR TICIPATION OF ALL NATIONS. Tallahassee, May 28. The agitation for a Florida centenial exposition, to be participated In by all the nations, has received the indorsement of the house through the adoption of a reso lution offered by Mr. Waybrlght of Duval county. If the senate concurs, the congress will , be importuned to enact sueh legislation as will make the project a reality. It is proposed to dedicate the great fair on the 100th an niversary of the purchase of Florida and inaugurate it on tho anniversary of the signing of the armistice that brought the world war to an end thereby making it a fair of world wide Interest. - The resolution passed by the house this morning follows: WHEREAS, That historic event, known as the Florida Purchase, occur ed on July 16, 1821; and WHEREAS, The Florida Purchase Centennial will occur on July 16, 1921, and an event of such importance should be fittingly commemorated and celebrated both by the nation afng as well as by the state of F16rida and tVHEREAS, It is especially impor tant that the nations of South Amer ica, ior wnom the people or me unit ed States and particularly the state of Florida entertain the higrest regard and most friendly feeling, should be most closely united In bonds of mu tual good will, fellowship and Under- ttttt nrf !n c with ths tutnnla rtf Wirth ) America, to the great benefit of . their common social and commercial ad vantage; and, WHEREAS, At this period in the history of the world when an era of world wide reconstruction and com mercial development is at. hand, and such development and reconstruction will be greatly assisted and promoted by an international exposition, and WHEREAS, It is especially fitting at this the close of the world war, that all nations should unite in an exhibi tion of industries, products, literature and art in ordef that world wide com mercial and social understanding, com prehension and trade may be made as complete, full and perfect as possible, and that national Ideals and aspera tions may be more fully understood and appreciated throughout the bro therhood of nations; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the legisla ture of the state of Florida, That the people Of the state of Florida are in favor of commemorating the Florida purchase centennial by an internation el fair to be held in the state of Flor ida dedicated on July 16th, 1921, and inaugurated on Victory day, November 11th, 1922, and to run or contlune twelve months after that time, and that the people of Florida do hereby suggest to the president and Congress of the United States that Such an Inter national fair be held for the purposes expressed in these resolutions, and that every effort be made to induce all nations of the world to participate in such international exposition or fair; BE IT FURTHER , Resolved, That the President and Congress of the United State3 are hereby requested to undertake, ' create and realize the conception contained In these reso utions, by such means, instrumental ities and national legislation as in the!, judgment are proper; BE IT FURTHER Resolved, That the Secretary of State of the State of Florida is hereby requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the President of the United States and to each house of Congress. 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Camels blend not only frees the cigarettes from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleas ant cigaretty odor but it assures that -remarkable mellow-mild-body I And, you'll be interested to know that no matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not tire your taste! v Camels are- a cigarette revelation I Prove that yourself! We suggest right here that you compare Camels with any Cigarettes in the world at any price for quality and for satisfaction! Camafe are mold a vary trhmrm in aeianfilcay awajad pcJr4s of 20 cigmrmtt or ran pmck afmm (200 ctfararfaa) in a jrassfae-sapar-covararf carton. Wa mtrongly racofnnaflrf rna carton for th Aoma or ofiea uupply or wAen yo rraval K. X REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wiartaa-Scfca. M. C 18 cents a package - - -