THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1919. HOLDOVER SRNATORS I CAUCUS CONCERNING PATRONAGE DIVIDE 1 '4 iWji ( ' i nrDTm Tin ;fi i -i-,? -isr I A v ' v LJ v J j v J U L 1 "f-JUT ' - i M f;y : vt Housework Seems Easier fiihJ When you refresh yourself 11 1 occasionally with a cold hot- ' I ' "" tleof ; -' I 1 5 ""-L co eel1 fjf3 fl fn TJ I I J 7! . 7 :'.-! ' , I I i ' i A Have your grocer send up a case and keep j a few bottles on ice. Always ready to. i y - " . II it f serve, Refreshing and satisfying, -y ; If J J ' ' jT " W Air -Rtow (3DjDDH Sadet EBQflQBErdcBQs We are the Official Service Station for the Guaranteed for 18 Months 1 A nEAL BATTTTEKV SEEVDCE We take charge of your Recharging and Repairing; Also we are GgjiraOttidDin) SraecOaflflstl ' We carry Eelctrical Parts in Stock. Free Bnop'octtDon f Any Balttery Drive Around at Your Convenience. -A J POCIinUS, Hlcnagcr GairsniQir Cliooe ond DayiisB 3ViU (. Diffenderfer Jeireler Optician 14 Sc;ilh Palaf ox Street J Hit iVy a Pound of WARFIELD'S COFFEE. ' Phone HARRINGTON MOTOR CO. 105 N. Palafox St. v C Distributors for Maxwell and Chalmers Automobiles and Maxwell Trucks PEuone 4 J. P. REMICH & SONS "The Stor Tht StisfW Remlch's Grocery- Specials Always Satisfy PHONE 722 BY HERBERT FELKEL. Tallahassee, May 31. At the ad journment of the afternoon session of the senate today the senators who will be hold-overs in 1921 caucused for the purpose of dividing up the pat ronage for the next legislative ses sion so far as attaches of the senate are concerned. They drew lots, one receiving a clerk, another a sten ographer, another a page, etc., accord ing to the custom of years. They will bring with them to Tallahassee the applicants for these positions at the beginning of the 1921 session. The senators, themselves, do not know now who the attaches will be. The secretary and reading clerks are not included In this patronage, being elected each session by all the sena tors. All of the senators the sixteen hold-overs as well as the new mem bers caucused at the same time and agreed upon a rule that will keep the senate calendar cleared from now till the end of the session. All bills that have a chance of becoming law will be passed or killed and the oth ers rapidly disposed of. ''We wan to have the skirts of the senate clear," said Senator Mac Williams, an nouncing this determination -of the caucus! ' CHIPLEY TRIMS L. & N. SHOP CLUB BY 7 TO 6 SCORE Manager Mack Lewis and His I. & shop team were handed a trim ming by Cnipley high school at Chip- ley, Decoration Day, the score . being 7 to 6.. The Railroaders knocked Daniels out of the box In the seventh frame. ' ,"; .;. , "-. Until the 'seventh; Brown held Chip ley hitless,; but" In that' session "two bad errors and v a double by Les Ol ford, formerly of the Detroit Tigers, gave Chipley a start. A wonderful Stop of a hot line drive by "Bond fea tured the game. C. Geist, the local catcher, was knocked but in the-elghtii Inning and was replaced by, Went- WOrth. " i ;.. ,i -';. V - .rf :,".'',""' Brown . struck oUt vJS menr Daniels, 3, and Meyers, 6. '.'V" . A return, game .will be played here and the shop boys ' expect .to .win easily,; j "'' . The score by innings: R..II. E. Chipley -v.000 000 204 17 6 3 L. & N. .120 021 000 06 9 5 Batteries Daniels, Meyers and Fan nior; Brown and . Gelst, Wentworth. Umpires: Thorpe and Kelley, of Chipley. UNION MEN AND FRIENDS TAKE NOTICE. . ; t- ; . There will be an entertainment with (iam-iiir in .w n w. Tia.ll. Bavlen and Romans streets. Thursday. June 5th, un der the auspices oi smpounaers ana Caulkers Local 815 for the benefit of the carpenters who lost their tools at the Bruce Drydock fire. . Kntrance, 35c; ladles free. H. PAULSEN, Pres. W. H." LANGFORD, Secy. DRAG IS PROVIDED , IN CASE ACCIDENT AT 3AYVIEW PARK Mayor, Sanders has caused the firm cf Acosta & . Anderson to construct a drag 'which may be used at Bayvlew park m future cases of drowning there. The new drag is made to be trailed behind a launch. Six or eight cnalng with stout grappling hooks at the end are fastened from a piece of two-lncn piping which will skid along the bottom -of the bayou, and it Is thought thai these hooks in their movements will stir up all objects which may be resting on the bottom.. The occasion of-: severing this equip ment for the park, was the unfortunate drowning accident there " last Sunday. While it Is the hope of all that there will be no- further occ.s:on for dragging the bayou, it is a satisfaction . to know that additional preparation for tragedies has been made. E. B. Hoffman & Son SELLING OUT Best Goods, Lowest Prices. 57 East Gregory, Phone 825 London Woolen Mills Made to Your Individual Order 117 South PUrt StrMt YOUR FALL SUIT 15 nn Reliable Tire Repair Shop Tir Repairing and Steam Vulcanizina. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Out of Town Work Solicited. SO Bast Garden Street, PURITY ICE CREAM Made of Pore Cream aad Fresh Frnit Juices. Jackson and D Sts. Phone 1781 KODAK FINISHING : JUST THE WAY ! YOU WANT IT DONE Careful Work at Moderate Prices f j ' Choice of Dull or Glossy Finish Work Lelt by 8 a. m., Ready After 5 p. xn., Same Bay . 400 SOUTH PALAFOX A r is necessary to the health, happiness and energy of man- kind. (If you don't believe it, just think of the War bread.) ' JUST SO 'y SUCRENE DAIRY FEED ARAB HORSE AND MULE FEED RED FEATHER SCRATCH FED are essential; to keep our four-footed, and feathered friends healthy, happy, ' active and productive U: All for sale by . ' : ; Frs. Mellen & Co. Phone 334 Corner Garden and Alcaniz 0m Delicious Ice Cream Wi K ' 'and a Sherberts U . . i i fl ' 1 Delivered Any Part of City Single gallons. .$15 gallon 2 Gallons Up ...$1.00 gallon Palace of Sweets 110 South Palafox Phone 193 MUSIC mm Government Intpect ed Fountain Gives Us 89 1-2 per cent Highest Individually in City sat -V NORMAN A. COX Sheet Metal Worker 510 South Palafox Street . Phone 413 ECONOMY STORE Teach Your $ Cents" Opp. Plaza Pari South Palaf or. Ford Cars and Tractors J. D. Anderson, Dealer 19 W. Garden. Phone 4914 MAKES YOU ENJOY jYOUR RIDE 1, We are experts in Repairing-, Washing and Polishing. Prompt service is our motto. Let us build your speedster's body. Bucket seats and cowls to order. 8i Corner Tarragona and Wright Streets. i