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The Pensacola journal. (Pensacola, Fla.) 1898-1985, June 29, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

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B Part y cloudy Sunday with 53
M probably showers except in the 5?
H extreme south portion. Monday S
INS regally fair with gentle to M
H nodert.te shifting winds. S
VOL. XXII NO. 178.
Hi? nnP
EN OK 13
M Hal L.J(
Ala &i 4 & aM U
n S a m e Imperial Hall
Where Germans Humbled
the F rench 48 Years Ago
They Humble.
Withdrawal of Blockade
Against Germany Depends
Upon Ratification and
Her Future Good Beharicr
" rarla. June 28. President Wilson
left Paris for his homeward Journey
tonight iris train started from- the
gar des Invalides for Brest at 9:45.
Versailles, . June 28. Germany and
the associated powers signed the
peace term i here today in the same
imperial hill where the Germans
humbled tho French so ignomiously 48
years ago.
This fonrally ended the world war,
which lasted just 27 days less than
five years. Tha ceremony was brief.
Premljr CI smenceau called the ses
sion to ordir at 8:10 this afternoon,
Ir. IJermu.n Mueller and Johannes
Bell, the , Gorman signatories, .affixed
Ihclr tiames at 3:12 and 3:13. Presi
dent Wilson, first of the allied dele
fates, !grtel a minute later. At 3:45
the momentous session was concluded.
All .diplomats and members of their
parties wcro in, conventional civilian
clothes. Thtre was a marked lack of
srold lace ard pageantry. There were
few of the fanciful uniforms of the
Middle agre whose traditions and
practices an? so sternly condemned in
the j?reat eeil covered document sign
ed today.
The allied note to the German dele
gation dealing with ratification of the
treaty was delivered to the Germans
late this afternoon. It is pointed out
In the note, among other things, that
withdrawal - of . the blockage against
them depends upon ratification.
When the German delegation saw
the " program for the treaty signing
cemeny, Herr von Ilaimhausen told
Colonel Henry, llason officer, that the
Serman wouldn't consent to entering
by a differ nt door from the allied
lelegates no-that military honors be
withdrawn from them. Had the Ger
mans known that such arrangements
had been made, the delegates would
not have cone, Haimhausen said. As
i compromue. military honors were
rendered the Germans as they left.
Dr. Hermann Mueller and Dr. Bell,
and about fi.'ty members of the Ger
man mission, left Versailles at 8:20
this evening going to the noisy Le
roi station. There they will board, the
train on the return trip to Germany.
Forty Germai secretaries will remain
in Versailles to conclude the affairs
of tfie German delegation.
Washingtor, June 28. Signing at
Versailles of the peace treaty with
Germany, arringed for today, formally
brings to a close the world's greatest
Although technical termination of
the war will :ome to each nation only
when the treaty is approved by the
ratifying power of that nation, to all
intents and purposes the conflict that
began in August. 1914, will end when
the historic ;3all of Mirrors, the ac
credited peac j commissioners of the
allied and associated powers and of
Germany affis: their signatures to the
treaty. Likewise will be brought to
an end the irmistice granted Ger
many last November 11 and also the
period of uncertainty and doubt as to
the final outcome of the peace nego
tiations. With the sbming of the treaty work
of the peace conference proper, inso
far as concerns negotiations with Ger
many, is brought to a conclusion after
more than fiv months of conferences.
Portions of the treaty with Austria
yet remain to be completed and ne
gotiations witl Turkey and Bulgaria
still must be conducted, but as to
Germany, chief of the enemy powers,
only the canylng through the long
series of years the provisions of the
treaty remains
fThe ceremony planned for today at
V, Willes. which though simple, was
expected to be one of the most im
pressive of its kind in history, also
brings to an end the work of Presi
dent Wilson i i Paris, as head of the
American peace mission, and in sign
ing the treaty as such he becomes the
first president of the United States
to sign a treaty as a negotiator.
Jf f L
Two Thirds of
Present Must
Vote for
Pact Or It Fails of Accep
Any Amendment Made Must
Have Approval of Other
Nations Before it Becomes
a Part of Covenant.
N How will the peace treaty be handled j
by the senate, which must ratify it j
uciur3 me war la uiiiwiciiiy ciiueu :
I have made a close study of the
subject from historical and other
sources. Unless the senate kicks over
all precedents and exercises its now
weet will, here is about the way the
biggest job before the new congress !
will be disposed of: 1
. President Wilson upon his return
home from Europe, probably will de
liver in person at the capitol a s;e-
Lcial official copy of the treaty. Until i
he sumits it officially It . cannot le
considered,, except informally in the
speeches of S;he member.
The president probably jwjl make
arraddtesff:to l the "seriate tb request
the ratification of the treaty and ex
plain some of its features, particularly
the League of Nations covenant.
Then Senator Henry Cabot Lodge,
who will be chairman ; of the com
mittee on foreign relations, will movo
that the treaty be referred to his com
mittee. The senate will agree to the
motion without discussion.
- Then will begin the big task of
studying the treaty in the committee
Whether the conferences of the com
mittee will be open to the public is a
question for the committee to decide,
but the chances are the hearings will
be open. - '
Advices of Experts Will Be Asked.
Experts on international law will be
called in to give their opinions on
phases of the treaty which may seem
questionable. Members of the Amer
lean peace delegation at Paris, also,
will be called into interpret some of the
President Wilson himself may be
asked by the committee to explain tha
League of Nations covenant. If he ss
called :n it is expected that he will
appear, ready to answer any ques
tions that may be asked of him, as
advices from Pari3 make it appear
that he is ready and willing to givo
the American people all the in forma
tion they desire about the treaty.
The committee may adopt any num
ber of amendments to the treaty by
majority vote of Its members, but if it
drtr. so the amendments must be ap
proved by all the nations which have
'signed the treaty including Germany.
if she signs it. This would mean a
great delay in finally establishing tie
peace of the world, so if any amend
ments are offered there is certain to
be a lot of argument and discission
in the committee conferences. The
committee will be made up of 10 re
publicans and 7 democrats. Partisan
feeling probably will enter into the dis
cussion. May Be Two Months Delayed.
How long it will take for the com
mittee to consider the treaty is prob
lematical, but senators now in Wash
ington do not expect the committee
will report for at least a month and
a half or two months after the treaty
is submitted to it.
When the committee's report, or re
ports, reach the floor of the senate
there will be another discussion by
senators who are not members of the
foreign relations . committee.
The constitution provides that two
thirds of the senators present must
vote for the treaty to ratify it. It is
not necessary, therefore, that a two
thirds vote of the entire membership
bo cast in its favor, nor is it neces
sary that every member of the sen
ate be present. If all the 96 members
were present, 64 votes would ratify
the treaty.
When the treaty is ratified the sen
ate will advise the president of its
action, just as it does in the case of
any bill or resolution. President Wil
son will then issue a proclamation
declaring the war at an end.
If, however, the senate should refuse
to ratify the treaty without amend
ments, then the amendments would
have to be submitted to all the nations,
large and small, which signed the doc
ument. If they consented to the
(Continued on page two)
She sifini it with ihc -pen . who Ihoignl to sitfn.it Wh tjje rword 1
TMooV of her vein? and oWen tfamr sho freely vainly pbur el ,
And presbje Vha had cove&k and honorr sh had stored . .
Vei day by day her shame and guilt, grew ike a Jonahs gourd.
lill -now sno sifhns" it with a "Pen . who U
So ever whe-n a pride-m ad -prince shall pi de a Hood-rod" d ay !
Jo -ever- w"h?r tfolf-mn shall lea3 snep-rnin3ed men asiray !
Jocvcr wW) a irite would crush Us troirw ir'ibes to clay
Jo even io os -should we forsake our ancient, la wfol way
Or dare io raise the cankere3 sword tk "Prurffi a rvrc au,ar
1 3F
-Li, y - , irirf
' TO fjfjT iiy fj' '
Senator Fletcher is Advised
By Railroad Administra
tion Through Bills Lad
ing Will Be Issued.
Washington, June 28. Senator D.
U. Fletcher, of Florida, was today ad
vised by the United States Railroad
Administration that an order has been
promulgated lowering and otherwise
adjusting export freight rates from
the interior to the gulf and South At
lantic ports, so that through bills of
lading will be issued from the point of
origin to destinations.
This will mean a great deal to the
gulf and South Atlantic ports, as It
will put them on an equality to a con
siderable extent with the North At
lantic ports, which, because they have
always enjoyed through bills of lading
on export business, have heretofore
held a decided advantage over the
southern ports on export business.
This action by the railroad admin
istration has been strenuously urged
by Senator Fletcher for some time. A
few days ago he appeared before the
railroad administration officials and
urged that they take this action, as- j
serting that these gulf and Atlantic
ports would always be at a disadvan
tage so long as they suffered from In
jurious export freijit rates, while the
North Atlantic ports enjoyed through
export rates.
Under the old rates. Senator Fletch
er said, through the refusal of the
eastern railroads to divide rates with
the southern railroads all the export
business, even including that to Cen
tral and South America, has neces
sarily been driven to the congested
North Atlantic ports.
New York, June 28. Eamonn de
Valera. "president" of the Irish repub
lic." canceled engagements and temp
orarily closed his office here today
preparatory to leaving for New Eng
land, where he will make several ad
dresses setting forth his claims for
Irish independence. Monday he will
address the Massachusetts house of
representatives by the unanimous in
vitation of its members, and has ac
cepted the invitation of Gov. Bart
lett, of New Hampshire, to visit that
state. A mass meeting has been ar
ranged for Fenway Park, Boston, Sun
day afternoon, when de Valera will
maka an address.
.JviXdmuTxl Varxre Cooke
SS1S Kg ! SE SSL'S 3 S 3
V-Steps, m Ratifying Treaty. iS
Here are the successive steps 'g
that will be necessary in end- SI
tag the war in the United States M
senate: ..v.
1, " President submits .official )Z
draft of treaty ' and addresses ' S
senate asking its ratification SC
. 2. On motion of chalrman of 5?
committee, treaty is referred to M
committee on foreign , relations. K
Committee holds & confer- ST
enpes on treaty, calling in ex
perts and members ,.of , peace
delegation. .
i-4. Committee submits to
senate either bne unanimous
M .j report or majority and minority S
5- Discussion of committee
report or reports on floor of
6. Vote on ratification: two
thirds vote of senators present
required to ratify.
7. Senate submits its action
to president.
S. President proclaims' treaty
ratified and the war ended.
President Wilson Announces
He Has No Authority to
Act in Matter Without
Washington .June 2S. President
Wilson, through a White House state
ment tonight, announced that he
would not suspend the operations of
the war-time prohibition law, effec
tive Monday at midnight.
When demobilization terminates, the
president said, "my power to act with
out congressional action will be ex
ercised." The terms of the war-time
prohibition law do not allow him to
act. the president said, until the ter
mination of the demobilization of the
troops, and there are still a million
men in the service ' under the emer
gency, the president said he was ad
vised by the war department.
The message from Presient Wilson
made public by Secretary Tumulty,
expressed no opinion as to the author
ity of the president, when he does
raise the ban, to make his action ap
plicable only to beer and wine.
Now that the peace treaty has been
signed legal officers of the govern
ment, probably the attorney general,
will have to decide whether the sign
ing terminates government control or
supervision of many private activi
ties, within the meaning of the laws
(Continued on Page Two.)
1 W.- WW.
Coroner's Jury : Was Out
Only Five Minutes in
Making Out Verdict in
Tragedy Case.
Only a coroner's inquest was neces
sary to free W. P. Cox, confessed
slayer of Frank Penton, former chief
of police at the Pensacola Shipbuild
ing company. The jury brought in a
verdict that Penton "came to his
death by a gunshot wound, inflicted
by Cox In justifiable defense of Ms
life," after they had been out but
five minutes.
The applause In the court room of
the justice of the peace where the in
quisition was held yesterday morning,
was deafening when Judge Johnson
pronounced the verdict and Cox was
warmly congratulated by men from
all walks of life, who had witnessed
the hearing. L. D. Green, Charles
Simpson, V. C. Branch, Wat Gentry,
J. R. Marble and George Harper com
posed the jury. State's Attorney R.
A. McGeachey was present to hear
the testimony. Geo. Earl Hoffman
represented the defendant.
Developments at the hearing show
ed that physical assaults made by
Penton on Mrs. Annie Maroena, a
woman well over 60, his housekeeper
and formerly owner of a soft drink
stand on West Zarragossa street, were
the direct cause of the shooting. Pen
ton, it was brought out in the testi
mony, while in a nude condition, beat
and misused the woman late Tuesday
night until she was compelled to seek
safety In Cox's bedroom. It also de
veloped that Penton was drinking at
the time he fired at Cox.
Apparently very much calmer than
he had been Friday morning after the
tragedy occurred, Cox sat by the side
of his lawyer, Geo. Karl Hoffman,
as witnesses were examined and later
made a straight-forward statement of
the shooting and the events which led
up to it. He wore the shirt which he
had on at the time Penton fired at
him at his home,- on the grounds of
the shipbuilding plant, and exhibited
bullet holes, torn places in the ma
terial and the marks of powder burns
on his bare skin. He said that Pen
which took them over. Legal limita
tions placed on some of the principal
war-time government controlled are,
railroads, 21 months after the war
ends; espionage act. at the end of the
war; government operation of ships,
five years after the war. '
Agreement upon the naval appro
priation bill, fixing the personnel for
ton had cursed and slapped him even
before shots were fired. He made no
mention of his wife, who is said to
be Innocently the women in the case.
Senational testimony was given by
(Continued on Page Two.)
School Board, At Long Ses
sion, Failed to Act On
Any of Numerous Offers
for Warrants.
Fair Premiums, Were Of
fered By Most of Bidders
for the $150,000 Issue of
Warrants Authorized.
Bidders from various sections of the
country wrangled in a heated four-
hour debate with each other and mem
bers of the county board of public in
struction last night the board's attempt
to dispose of $150,000 in time war
rants without arriving at any defi
nite conclusion.
Sig Steiner, of Steiner Bros., Birm
ingham, was high bidder and recog
nized as such,, but because . of the
many qualifications in the 6 per cent
bids it was decided to conduct a hold
over session Monday for the purpose
of repeivlng 5 per cent bids, with the
right to decide on the 6 per cent bids
Reserved- Two propositions on 5
only will be considered at the meeting,
a straight proposition for delivery and
payment at once of $150,000 and a sec
ond proposition of deferred deliveries
with "payment of $25,000 each 30 days
for 6 months at the option of the
board. An attempt to put in deposi
tory bids was over-ruled.
The high bid was for a premium of
$6,090,straight proposition, with a sec
ond bid of $4,590 premium with de
layed deliveries of $25,000 per month,
the option to. deliver, sooner resting
with the county. It's constitutionality
was doubted, as the bidder had failed
to endorse the $2,500 certified check
requirea, payable to the school board
as, it was claimed, had previously
been decided upon, but was made
out to Steiner himself. After the board
held an executive session he was per
mitted to endorse it in this way.
Five bids in all were submitted.
each covering the full amount In time
warrants which the Florida legislature
has authorized for educational pur
poses in this county. H. T. Adams,
ravies-Bertram Co., Cincinnati, of
fered $3,075 straight premium, par and
accrued interest; Ray Baum, Silver
man and Huyck, Cincinnati, offered
$2,35? premium; Alfred Holman's bid
for J. C. Mayer and Co., Cincinnattl,
was for $4,657 premium;. The Ameri
can National Bank of Pensacola of
fered a straight premium of $1,500;
W. Li. Slayton and Co., of Toledo,
through their representative, Fred
.Dean, offered par and accrued interest
and $5,250 premium as the first propo
sition, $4,500 premium, par and $5,250
premium as the first proposition, $4,
500 premium, par and accrued interest
subject to deposit with a Pensacola
bank, the same to bear 4 per cent
interest, deposits to - be $25,000 cash,
$25,000 within 30 days, $50,000 within
90 days and $50,000 within 120 days,
and a third proposition paying a prem
ium of $5,250 with delayed deliveries,
$25,000 in 30 days and $25,000 each 30
days thereafter with the option of tak
ing up all or any amount sooner than
that in which event the company pays
of 1 per cent on all deliveries. G. G.
Wood, of Graves, Blanchard Thorn-
dyke, Toledo, was also among the bond
buyers at the meetinr, but he did
not make a bid.
Excitement Intense.
Intense excitement marked the meet
ing and Judge Beggs, chairman of the
board frequently was forced to Inter
rupt the arguments and call for or
der. Contention centered around the bid
of Mr. Steiner. Alfred Holman made
vain attempts to pick flaws in the
bids of Steiner Bros. The argument
grew hot when he characterized the
former's bid , without the required en
dorsement as a famous trick of all
bonding houses with meaningless fig
ures and pleaded .with the board that
Steiner be not allowed to dicker with
them when his case was so hopeless.
Steiner reiterated that his check was
as good as a. liberty bond with Hol
man still defying its validity.
At this point Morris Bear, who was
a spectator at the meeting offered
to vouch for Steiner's check and said
that he would put up a bet with Hol
man matching the amount of the cer
tified check. At this point the chair
man interposed and declared that wag
ers could not be allowed at'the meeting.
Secretary o f Bruce Dry
Dock Goes to Philadelphia
to Arrange Details With
Fleet Corporation.
Resident Engineer Who Will
Supervise Construction is
Already on Ground Await
ing Word to Start.
With all financial arrangements
made for the construction and equip
ping of a repair shop to cost approxi
mately $200,000 as required by the TJ.
S. Emergency Fleet Corporation in
their proposal to the Bruce Dry Dock
company here to construct a floating
dry dock of 5,000 tons capacity, at a
cost of approximately $430,000, Seere
tary Thomas A. Johnson, of the Bruci
company, left last night for Philadel
phia to arrange the final details.
Mr. Johnson expects it will be nec
essary for him to be in Philadelphia
for only a few days in getting the de
tails, preliminary to the beginning of
actual construction work on the pro
ject, arranged. He expressed the be
lief last night, just before leaving th
city, that work. In all probability, will
begin Inside of two weeks.
Guy W. Cobb, engineer in the em
ploy of the Emergency Fleet Corpo
ration, is already on. the ground and
will begin activities as soon as the
word is given that all details have
been arranged and the Emergency
Fleet Corporation is ready for the pro
ject to proceed. He will remain in the
city through the entire period of con
struction of the dock and perhaps
It was the desire of the fleet corpo
ration that as many local men as pos
sible be interested In the project and
that this desire has been fully met.
especially by the laboring classes, is
evidenced by the great number who
have subscribed for stock, organized
labor taking an active part in the
From the time construction work is
well under way till the dock Is fin
ished and after it is estimated that the
enterprise will employ an average of
about 1,000 men, most of whom will be
skilled workmen, making a pay rcll
of something like a million dollars
a month. After the dock is completed
the pay roll will be maintained to as
great or even greater extent, it is ex
pected, by the number of ships that
will be brought Into this port for re
pair work.
The enterprise also means the at
traction of more shipping and is one
of the facilities that had to be pro
vided by some means for Pensacola
to receive the recognition to which
she Is entitled in the devolpment of
South American trade and trade with
other foreign ports.
Archangel, Russia, June 28. The
last of the American forces here, a
battalion of the 110th Engineers, with
the exception of Brig. Gen. Richard
son, the American commander, and a
small detachment of headquarter
troops, embarked for Brest today.
General Richardson and the headquar
ters troops will remain here several
weeks. The departure marks the close
of American participation in the Arch
angel campaign.
Atlanta, Ga., June 28. Gov. Hugh
M. Dorsey. on the occasion of takin
oath of office for his second term to
day, recommended to the lpriiatn,.
that the governor should have broader
authority in dealing with threatened
mob violence. The governor should
have authority to take precautionary
measures without waiting for a cail
from local authorities for military as
sistance, when he learns of threatened
mob violence, Dorsey said.

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