Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1919 5 If POLLY PLAYS THE ROLE OF CHAMPION ON FIFTH AVENUE i'atty, ratty, Patty: "1 The meanest man In New York nas; given me a KAIL'S! I have taken him out of the hitea Capital class and put nim In the lower case see how much 1 nn learning about the newspaper game! He may be mean but anyhow twenty per is not to be tmeezed at. It all cams about through the slim cung person with the broken back that J . drew for t he Chameleon long had 1 hisitated as to whether she should wear Frenchy ccnfectlon with a top-loftlcal !at. or a chio sweater, abbreviated skirt and go hatless. Having imbibed much of the t'r-rifi habit since earning my beard and keep, the abbreviation won, and The Sport editor liked my young contortionist so much that he swipe! her for his pige, whereup, on the M. M. M. had a row, because the M. M. M. wanted it to go on the Sunday section. nd the M. J I. M. won and was in such sjood humor about it (he and the Sports rot hitting it off so well) that I got tne raise. Moreover the Society Kditor over heard him tell the Sporting Editor that if lie thousht he was going to swipe 'he host Art in the office, he had another think coming. However, he is grouchlcr ever, ar d orders such slews of dis located damsels that I am at my wits n.d, and have: to spend at least two hours five days out of pevtn working like the Old Harry. I hope you do not let any one read these letters, dear Patsy, for tl ey are a bit Blangy at times, I admit. Hut hlang is no useful when one is rushed with work and not a minute to think, as I am. I went Hglt out and bought me the dearest, darl ingest hat. It cost more than a week's wage, but what care 1 aurely labor deserves its reward. I have had another adventure. Life up is just one thing after another. I Ir-ave out th. picturesque language, but you will understand. I must be proper at all costs. It was lat-. evening and I was tired. T had spent an hour and a half at the Public Library, going over all the latest fashion magazines, carefully studying ihe pretty young things in whom I have sud denly found a near-goldmine, and hav ing shamelessly sketched two young ac robats. I went off to finish my Art. I wandered into Altman's and up to the misses' readj -to-wear, where I not on.'y frond charm:ng dresses to put on my sketchy youn r ladies, but other creation a well. And then forgetting that my role at preseiit is Poor but Proud, I Bpent the twenty-f ve before referred to in a r.ct-v and most becoming hat. Whereupon, the lovely Vision in ;iass whTspered to my Subconscious Self thus-wise: "What a lovely young crea ture you are! Why, oh why, do you not mingle with the throng of ifouth and Beauty which you are so well-fitled to adorn? And to make a long story less, I hsrJTened to the Voice of the Temptai. I took the bus and got back home :n a jiffy. pu On that perfectly darling evening gown that I wrote you about, ail pink and criffony and frilly, and the rcbt"' hat, ami my smart silk cape, and I looked like Ready Money. Then I we'it out for a walk. 'i he Avenui- was crowded. I never saw no many peojle going out for a walk be fore. There were many charming ladies in Icvely clothes with beautiful young mn walking alon? with them, on the leash. as it were, but I did not see any of the charmbers who put anything over on Psa sacola, me modestly representing Pen sacola. (That may not be grammatical, but it is the truth, and the truth crusned to earth must rise again. Tou can't keep a squirrel on the ground.. I was hungry and the day as warm. Do-i't ever tell anybody that I told you this. They would die of shock, but 1 went over to Child's and got a. glass of milk and some strawberry short-cake. You see, I had spent so much money tor the becoming hat, and its a long, long way to Payday. There is a Child's res taurant just off Fifth Avenue which i to that in Pensacola what sponge cake is to cornbread. Even the rich and the great dine tiiere sometimes, Patty, to you need not send me your next week's allowance. I am getting so I LIKE TO POOR. It's lots of fun. After I had had my glass of nice rich milk and had eaten my nice sliortcake, l felt ready to cope with anything, or any body. I was ripe for adventure. And as I turned into the Avenue, headed north, "between 42nd and 43rd streets, I saw that the stage had apparently been set. A crowd was gathering. As I watched they seemed to come from every direction Tabby, tucked under my arm looking up into the grinning, good-looking face of the young man in tweeds, who is noth ing if not ready. "WE've got to get out of this crowd. my dear,, he said, for already the you:ig reporter with the notebook had stepped ud to ask my name, and I saw .a man taking something out' of his pocket that looked like the bomb, but tne Man m Tweeds told me afterwards it .was a kodak. "We must get out of this." he whis pered, and then aloud: Kindly make way tor my wife! The next thing I knew I was In a limousine, and we were pammed In the traffic, waiting for a tall policeman to put down his arm and let us go forward. , They snapped us. but the pictures came out the next day with entirely fictitious names. He is a young lawyer, by-the-way. and he knows some Pensacola people and ne is crazy about my hat. He like Art and Artists. . Time is up. I have an engagement t-t t the Ritz. Ever yours. POLLY. P. S. I have a charming note ior mm. More and More and More! What could He wants to know how I would like to it be? I shuddered. Nothing less than . stop managing the Art of a woman's a bomb outrage could draw such a I page ang manage a law office and every crowd. I hurried on, hoping to be In at i tnmgv j t0id him I might not mind man tbfc death, for I am getting to have a I fng the law office but was not so sure real nose for news, and wanted The 1 about managing the lawyer. Chameleon to get its Just and rightful j- jj . You ask about the House of share. MAYBE I COULD GET A SCOOP Mvsterv" I haven't solved It myself yet. As I drew near so did others, until there was a vast throng of us, pushing and shoving, while one could hear from the - center, quite clearly and unmistak ably: "Odds on the grey! m take you! I bet on the Little 'un." It was most astonishing. Traffic was congesting, and the crowd was spilling over from the Indigestion quickly relieved by the wonder medicine SULFERRO-SOL Tifnnnaa morvaimis results In Rheu- walk to the street. A big policeman was j matism indigestion, Eczema and other standing on the fringe of, the crowd, . ,, n,o-iota sail i swinging his biy. and seemed to be blood diseases. Druggists sell ... chantnig something, to which nojody was ' paying any attention. A young woman was trying to worm her way in, but at last gave up in despair, and said to me: "I wish I could get in. I'm from The Sun, and it is most time for me to turn in my copy. At once my newspaper instinct sprang to arms. Let the rival paper get a scoop? Never; I watched my chance, ducked under the big poltcemanSs ' arm, said to a nice young man in grey tweeds, "Pardon . me, he automatically stepped out of the way, and I looked in on the betting ring. A BIG GREY MALTESE CAT WAS PLAYING WITH A TINY TREMBLING MOUSE. WHILE ALL THOSE BEASTS STOOD AROUND AN.O FORMED A BETTNG RING. Patty, can you beat It? What would w i do In Pensacola if such a thing should hnppen on Palafox? Just , what I did on Fifth Avenue, I suppose. I haven't train ed ln the Patriotic League gym for noth ing. I leaned over, caught the gray cat by the nape of the neck, turned upon those astonished men, and with "What are TOu doing with MY CAT?" turner! fiTilHv Awav -nrfetl .-. the po liceman became louder; "Move on! Move on! Move oh!" I forgot all about everything but that poor little mouse and that big beauti ful naughty cat. The poor little mouse had scurried away, and here was I .with KODAK FINISHING Careful Work, Quickly Done. Choice of dull or glossy finish. Any size roll of film developed for 10c each. Prints 3, 4 and 5c each. Fresh Eastman Films for sale. ROX photo snop The Big Kodak Shop. 400 South Palafox Pensacola, Fla. ''': X 5ORCHEIlVIER, s FASHION SHOP The Store for Women ' 115 South Palafox "Monda v O sly Your unrestricted choice Oft u o Values $4 to $10 Monday Call Early in Order to Secure a Good Selection ' $ I '4 . 'A '-A Hi 7 y It V r - .Ci.v.V... SuWll The World Winner ) Zr i Knew the way to I 5- ; 0 win the world, al- & J c 1 t 1 ina. 1U9 OCC1U1U t , "When he didn't have a dime. . whistled like he had! "When the sky was v - ows dimmed the W . A I Told the world "Good hearty sort o' way. An' the world said: "Ho! Here's a fellow good to know; Even the thorn ways lead him Where the sweetest roses grow." This was his contendin': "When with the shadows you abide. The watchin world'll . shun you and take the other side; But whistle off the trouble, an you'll get a good hooray Jes' tell the world "Good mornin' " In a hearty sort o way. Then the world says "Ho! Here's a fellow hoes his row; He's sunshine after shadow And he's mighty good to know. Lady Fair and Satin de Luxe Q Ribbon 2sk We sell some of the finest high class ribbon ob tainable. The S. & K. and J. & c. world reknown brands. From the narrowest new two tone effects and rich Satin Taffetas to the extra wide for sashes, millinery, camisoles, bags and all fancy work, in elaborate floral designs, shadow ef fects, odd check and combination pat terns, changeable color and self pat terned designs for every purpose. 15c yd. to 3.50 Watson, Parker & Reese Co. Everything to Wear Bathing Suits There is also style , in our Women's and Children's Bathing Suits the designs col ors finish quality, are latest ideas and values for 1919. Cotton, wool, silk knit and cut fabrics, all sizes and prices $1 to $25 Also Shoes, Hose, Caps, Tights, Swim Wings ew Waists Real imported French Voile and French Organdy, hand made, hand em broidered edges, real artistic, dainty collars and cuffs, tucked and ruffled ef fects, rich lace combination trimming, fancy buttons, double collars and many tinted ideas. The very newest modes now out, also in Domestic, Soft Voiles, in tailor-cut ideas and elaborately styled models. See window display $2.50 to $15 The Acme of Style and Workmanship Represented in Our Large Stock of White Skirts at $2 to $35. NEW CORSETS WORK WONDERS for many figures. Discard your old worn out corsets for a fresh new model from the new sum mer line of flblXsei Fro Lix Sav . cfron Jhced Corsets A new Frolaset Corset will add much to the smartness of your figure and give you more physi cal comfort than you ever ex perienced in any other corset. Let our corsetieres fit you in the right model for your figure. $4.25 to $12.50 Summer Styles in "Dove" Undermuslins Undermusllns that please both eye and purse. Elaborate camisoles, beautiful hand embroidered night gowns, simple tailored envelope chemises, all the most charming lingerie styles, are to be found at our coun ters. Each garment bears the "Dove" label which assures you of the finest, most ser viceable materials and excellent workman ship.' The price In each case makes It the best underwear value possible. Every open arm-hole is reinforced for double wear. Night Gowns, Drawers, En velope Chemises, Chemises, Combinations. Underskirts, Novelties 50c to $6.50 v Mr II -M-wwt4SJ I l J hum- ft-----"r-" ""' n I ! I I : ! Jl fa I ' ,W w U r?r- I tutatuMiMl f hwwu jure- v ' Main Floor Departments Crowded with Hot Weather Wear, Furnishings, Novelties, Specially Priced Items Toilet Goods Dept. Monday is Talcum and Face Powder Day. Fresh stocks of 25c HUDNUTS TALCUM, Violet Sec, Gardenia and Tankee Clover . ....... AOK COLGATE'S FLORIEXT Talcum Powder ....... DACTILLUS Talcum Pow- OfT der, large can tatJKs CASHMERE BOUQUET Talcum Powder, O large size JtlL SWEET ORCHID Face Pow- Q-J der, and Gardenia, box.... DX HUDNUTS Violet Sec. Face fTA Powder. ..tJJs THREE FLOWERS Face Cfr Powder, box DUC MONDAY SPECIALS 25c Menen's Talcum. large size .. 25c Squibbs Talcum O"! Powder . jL.C 25c Eau de Cologne Talcum 0" n Powder . StlJiC 25c Melba Talcum Powder 25c Lov'Me Talcum Powder 40cv Pivers Talcum Powder ... 45c Djer Kiss Talcum Powder 75c Mary Garden Talcum Powder 75c Lilas de Rigaud Talcum Powder 15c Jergens ass't odors Talcum Powder . '. 10c Jergens' Oriental Talcum Powder 21c 21c 29c 38c 63c 63c 12c 8c T5c Djer Kiss Face Powder 75c Lov'Me Face Powder $1 Piney Woods Face Powder $1 Mary Garden Face Powder 1.25 Lilas de Rigaud Face Powder 1.50 Blue f lose Face Powder $1.75 Piver3 Azure Face Powder . , 1.75 Rivers Floramye Face Powder 67c 67c 83c .88c 95c 1.29 1.50 1.50 Men's Shoes, Boys' Shoes, Women's Shoes Children's Shoes WOMEN'S BOUDOIR SLIPPERS in fancy colors and patterns just arrived, 1 QP all sizes .L fJ BOYS SHOES, black and brown. new broad and English toes, all sizes, big boys, little boys, $7 to 1.50 WHITE PUMPS and Oxfords for Women and Misses, extra fine canvas, buck and C?Q kid, 10 to (DO ICEDS, Mercy Me, we've got 'em in stacks; easy on your feet and purse, for EVERYBODY, l to 1.25 3-DAY SALE Mon., Tues., Wed. Drapery Fabrics Fancy Figured materials only of all designs and weights and pur poses for hangings, curtains, cush ions, covers, upholstery. Imported Linen Fabrics, Cretones, Chintz. Reps. Tapestry and others, all at Half Price 3 DAY SALE 50c, 65c, 75c, Crepe Lot of fancy solid colors in cot-, ton and silk mixt crepes, sky blue greens, lilac, pearl grey, ivory, nile and other shades. - OP yard . LkOV, 3-Day Sale Colored Taffeta and Messaline Assorted popular solid colors at $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 at Half Price THIS IS THE MUNSINGWEAR STORE. We believe .in Munsingwear and so will you when you a thorough trial. We have studied the underwear question for many seasons, and believe our judgment should be worth something to you. We would not recommend Munsingwear so strongly if we did not know beyond a doubt that it has all the good qualities we claim for it. It is quite a common thing in our underwear department for customers to come in and thank us for having converted them to the use of Munsingwear Union Suits. Satisfaction or money back is the way we sell Munsingwear. It's the underwear that pleases in every detail. When once tried always worn. Prices within reach of all. Come in and let us show you all the newest Summer Styles and weights for Women, Misses, Children. mum ii r . a r