Newspaper Page Text
8 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1919. NEW SHIPMENT OF, WHAT TO EAT. tocugjoDeaflDira Horn e 10 By BIDDY BYE. The chief Meal of the housewife and cook in these summer months should be to plan as many out-door meals as pos JUST RECEIVED s - f. -V sible. Not all of us have the time or the automobiles to convey us often to parks , and woods, but most of us have lawns, back yards or at least a porch where the meal may be spread in the e . : n li u Lli fit- "VT 9x12 Rugs i.... $17 7 1-2x9 Rusrs .......... $10.60 Floor Covering All Patterns $2.30 yard 6 ft. wide Mm "1 Hight at Hays i (CoBTBiKsir Qflatrdlwaire Right on the Corner J;MtoFnt Ud i G.L.GRUND THE TAILOR Formerly located at Warringtcn for 7 years, announces removal into new quarters, July 1st, at 30 East, Garden St. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES A Constant Boon to Invalids Since 1S77 Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy. Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy. Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy. Warner's Safe Nervine. Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation and Biliousness The Reliable Family Medicines Sold by Iadlns druggists everywhere. Sample seat on receipt of ten cents WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO.. Dept. P52. ROCHESTER, N. Y. If! -3 18 iLiil That Den YouVe Wanted FDC tip a regular room of your own where you can rest or study, as your mood dictates. Do it yourself in your spare moments, if you choose, with Comell-Wood-Board. It nails ri&ht over the old walls or direct to the framework. Full directions in every bundle. Warm in winter end cool in summer ornetfWooci Hoard EceU 'or W1U. Celling and Partition Repair Alteration or Jfewttte is a resistant of fire and moisture and does not warp, crack, chip or buckle. It is a superior wall, ceil ing and partition covering for Resi dences, Garages, Churches, Stores, Theaters, Farm Houses, Dairy Barns, etc. Takes paint or calc mine perfectly. Call and let us show you Cornell' Wood-Board and explain how the Cornell Department of Design and Decoration will offer just the sort f Panel Su&Sestions that fit your requirements. CARY&CO. 10 South Palaf ox Phones 6, 93, 119, 134 When You Think of Coal, Think of Cary. , T foe SUJ On the Square, Within Easy Reach of Everywhere open air. Keep on hand the materials for the "quick picnic supper" the cold boiled toi.gue or ham, or potted meats and flsn, the peanut butter, cream cheese, jelly marmalade, the 'chopped nuts all tin favorite and easily prepared sandwich fillings. Plan to do the cooking early in the day and cook in quantities to serve for two or more days, with reheating'. Minimize the time and labor spent in cooking and teach the family the habit of desiring simple, cooling foods, daintily served. SUNDAY. Breakfatt Fresh berries with cold cereal and cream, cinnamon toast, iced coffee. Dinner Cold fruit soup, chicken fri cassee, new peas and potatoes, cucumber What will i voii-ta. for your old car? Not enough, Mark it up $100. A dress of Murphy Da cote Enamel will mak it look like new. It'a easy to applycosts little you can paint the car this after noonaoxi ran it out new tomorrow. u r phy Da-cote Motor Car Enamels Da-cote Dries Overnight J El E D? n loom for Doubt Wiee On Us "A New L'andis Finisher and Stitcher Just Installed And we invite you to come and see it in operation 'tis a wonderful machine and most modern. We are better equipped than ever to care for our rapid increasing busi ness. Every modern convenience in the latest improved ma chinery has been installed to give you better service. SHOE REPAIRING in all its branches workmanship guaranteed best material work called for and delivered. Our Work is Walked About Others' Work is Talked About Shoes, Hosiery, Etc. NUF CED" W est Eil Slffle Store W. S. CHARLES, Proprietor. Devilliers and Belmont Sts. WHEN YOU NEED A 7 o ( COUNTRY TRIPS A SPECIALTY, Efficiciency Taxi Go. J. C. Handrop Chas. Simpson W.H.Kilby E. Harper and tomato salad, pineapple ice. Supper: Cold boiled rice with cream, sugar and cinnamon, cream cheese sand wiches, Iced tea. MONDAY. Iced canteloupes. omelet. Breakfast: toast'. Lunch: Vevetable salad, brown bread and butter, berries. Dinner: Cream of peaa soup, chicken salad -with lettuce hearts, buttered beets, corn bread, orange marmalade. TUESDAY. Breakfast: Sliced fresh pineapple, cold cream of wheat, toast, coffee. Lunch: Sardine sandwiches, creamed peas and carrots, apple sauce. Dinner: Baked cauliflower with cheese, beet greens with French dressing, sliced tomatoes, whole wheat bread, raspber ries, j WEDNESDAY. Breakfast: .Stewed dried apricots, creamed chipped beef on toast,, iced cof fee. . Lunch: Potato, onion and bacon salad, nut bread and jelly sandwiches, iced tea. Dinner: Cold sliced tongue, creamed onions, buttered beets , quick biscuit, canteloupes with ice cream. THURSDAY. Breakfast: Sliced peaches, hominy boiled in milk, coffee. Lunch: Lima beans in butter, rye bread, cheese sandwiches, fruit. Dinner: Canned salmon, creamed new potatoes, string beans, fruit gelatin, cookies, iced tea. FRIDAY. . Breakfast: Stewed prunes and raisins with cold oatmeal, toast, iced chocolate. Lunch: Steamed spinach with hard boiled eggs, peanut butter sandwiches, plums. .'. - Dinner: Baked mackeraL tomato sauce, corn bread, radish and onion salad, baked caramel custard. SATURDAY. Breakfast: Canteloupes, creamed' as paragus on toast, coffee. Lunch: Cream of green pea soup, tcasted cheese crackers, pineapple tapioca. Dinner: Lamb stew with vegetable cucumber and onion salad, . sliced peaches, sponge-cake, iced coffee. - sA jy NOTICE! ELECTRICIANS, LOCAL NO. 327 Regular meeting will be held next Mon day night in the hall over the Central Phar macy. F. C. JACK. WE DO M il l tig 7f T&pitimg and Tf T112Z11T18P GIVE US A TRIAL Quality Printing" S. S. HERRIDER, Manager 420 East Belmont Street. 1 WORK GUARANTEED - Shop Phone 163 J iOV" What Letter breakfast for the than kiddies on steaming hot cakes. Peacock Syrup is a dain ty tlend of corn and cane. Makes children plump and rosy. Satis fies their crav ing, for sweets. SOUTHERN SYRUP CQfMflY BIRMINGHAM MONTGOMERY JACKSON The Red " Label Can at your Grocer's f s i it n m PAULINE FREDERICK m "THE FEAR WOMAN" Goiclusirt Pioitur Intrigues of a Social Climber Lead to Climax in "The Fear Woman.' The parvenu, especially when femi nine, has always been an amusing fig ure in novels and on the stage and" Winthrop's destinies revolve. Miss Frederick hopes some day to see on tho a similar character depictea highest and the lowest type of soulless tparvenu. While in "The Fear Woman" tho suddenly rich woman is only an inci dental figure around which Helen screen. There have been many coun terparts of Mrs. Malaprop, immortal ized by Sheridan in "The Rivals." and if no one has equalled her droll er rors of spet'th it does not follow that the character has ceased to be inter esting. This is proved in "The Fear Woman." Paulina Frederick's new Goldwyn picture which comes to the Isis theatre, tomorrow. Xot that the emotional star indulges her sense of humor to the extent of essaying such a character but she en joys the efforts of some one else who does. In "The Fear Woman," a tense, highly dramatic offering, comedy relief is found in Mrs. Percy Farwell as played by Lydia Yeamans Titus. She is the widow of a man who be came suddenly rich following the dis covery of oil, and at middle-age Mrs. Farwell finds herself with nothing to do but lead a life of idleness and watch over her son. She is suspicious of his every movement, construes the smile of a girl as the first overture of a siren and generally is ridiculous, ig norant and a nuisance to Percy as well as his friends. Into this situation Helen Winthrop (Pauline Frederick) is drawn, first as an amused spectator and afterward as a dominating factor. Peter Farwell falls In love with her, the attitude of his mother being that of one who fears the worst and is willing to go to any lengths to prevent It. Unknow ingly she is responsible for the big climax of "The Fear Woman." She summons her lawyer to convince Percy of his folly and he happens to be Helen's former fiance. What hap pens then is the least the parvenu expects. , In Pauline Frederick's opinion so cial climbers, like those who tell un truths, always overstep themselves aooner or later. Always they meet with disaster, sometimes comic but usually serious. Sometimes it only consists of inviting the wrong people to meet the right ones or in exceeding lavish ness in entertaining, in breaking rules of good taste. But oftener the parvenu says Miss Frederick, climbs over the moral wreckage of some one who sac rifices honor for money. She points to Undine Spragg's mother in Edith Wharton's vivid novel. "The Custom of the Country" as being at once the screen with the novelist's searching skill. Elsie "Ferguson's New Photoplay is "The Avalanche." Elsie Ferguson's new Artcraft pic ture is "The Avalanche," based upon the famous novel of Gertrude Ather ton which was recently published and at a bound has won popular favor. Th photoplay will be shown at the Isis theatre today only. - The story Is one of absorbing in terest and deals with the hereditary gambling taint in the blood of a young girl, Ilelene, herself the daughter and granddaughter of gamblers. In the story, Ilelene's mother is the daugh ter of a gambler; living near Monte Carlo, and when he Is killed In a quarrel, he leaves his daughter, Chl chlta, penniless. She becomes the companion of an Englishman of good birth, a gambler and outcast and when he kills himself Chichita, places her infant daughter in a convent and later 1 marries a gambler with whom she comes to the United States and opens a gambling resort in New York. Ilelene tires of the convent when she is fifteen and makes her escape. She is brought to New York by her guardian and enters an aristocratic household where she weds the son of her employer. She develops the gam bling nstinct dormant in her blood and this leads to highly dramatic de velopments. Miss Ferguson plays the roles of Chichita, Mme. Delano and Helene, daughter of Mme. Delano. There are numerous dramatic sit uations in the action and interest is not permitted to lag for an instant. The support is unusually effective, th cast :eing headed by Lumsden Hare who plays opposite the star. The cast includes Zeffi Tilbury, William Ro elle, "FVed Esmelton, Grace Field and 'Warner Oland. Baby's Second Summer GROVE'S BABY BOWEL. MEDICINE Will correct the Stomach and Bowel Troubles and it is absolutely harm less. Can be given to infants with perfect safety. See directions on the bottle. 20c. Adv. r " ''- ', ', I" fr ""!;;'.- vKivi.(;!::i.: ' : 'i t ELSIE FERGUSON ,a'The Avafanchem ....