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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1919. AMUSEMENTS atson,Parker & Reese Co. '; Everything to Wear ,, V " p: W 1111 "SSS1 f- 'V f " ' I. H" 1-1 "iL 11 li E -vw jn r -i . .itiiHi . jli j nnuimim u.u.i iiiimimm.'wc jiTiifiiiiiir.iiiaiiijawaatii'ii,iYji(iai twm&i 4 ii ; light to look elly this month v 7 Catherine MacDonald ! THE VOMAN THQU. G&ZEST ME Coining to Isis Wed "The Woman Thou Gavcst Me." Virtually an all-star cast presents the Paramount-Artcraft special pic tiyp. "The Woman Thou Gavest Me." Hail Caine's masterpiece, directed by Hugh Ford, which will be shown at the Isis theatre on Wednesday next for two c ays. The ro e of Mary MacNeill is por trayed by Katherine MacDonald, one of the most beautiful actresses, who will be r?membered for her excellent work as Lady Diana in "The Squaw Man," a Cecil De Mille Artcraft spe cial, and for her work in support of Douglas Fairbanks and William S. Hart, as well as in other notable pic lures. Miss MacDonald is fitted in every way for the tremendously pow erful emotional part in the Caine pic- TIES-STINGS 0) Wash the affected ei rfaco with bouse- .A ammonia of warm salt water; then apply VICES VAPORUi Y0U3 6 3DYGUARD"-30f. 60MI.23 New and Second hand TIRES, REPAIRS Wilson - Biggs Co. 'Home of the Dayton" 24 SDuth Palafox Street Ml ml BICYCLES 4w my- "M If- . "O-'i Put This Breeze-Maker In Your Home Don't 1st the first "scorcher" find you unprepared. 'Assure your family and yourself cool comfort straight through the hot sumrier months. PURCHASE AN ELECTRIC FAN buy today the first hot spell Y is bound to bring a shortage. U The cost for Electricity is less than one cent an hour. Pensaeola Electric Co. Telephone 2015. hYMiti1Binf-irrTimiit ii-tifTibvviiiit.i.iraB-ilMriaaj W Milton, Sills ncsday and Thursday. ture, for she is not only beautiful but accomplished In the histrionic art and giited with a splendid sense of pro portion. Her rendition is declared; to be a work of real art. ' . Milton Sills, seen on several occa sions as leading man for Clara Kim ball Young, a well known actor of the screen. Is cast as Martin Conrad, the intrepid young explorer, whose love for Mary is one of the inspiring features of the theme. He is particularly ex cellent in the emotional moments with which the picture abounds. Theodore Roberts, the veteran char acter actor, i3 Daniel MacNeill, ths stern and unyielding father of Mary. He is hard as flint, proud as Lucifer and he sacrifices his child on the al tar of his selfishness. The part . is a most absorbing one and is portrayed by Mr, Roberts with infinite artistry, i Jack Holt, who was "Cash Haw kins," in "The Squaw Man," plays the heavy role of Lord Raa, the scapegrace scion of a noble family. The part is a despicable one and it is a tribute to an actor's genius that he is able to interpret it in such convincing fash ion as Jack Holt has done. Frltzi Brunette, a well known screen actress, depicts the adventuress, Alma JLier, and does it with great art and a verismilitude that is rare even in these days of finished acting The difficult character becomes real and con vine Ins in Miss Brunette's capable hands. , Nile Welch Leading Man in "Little Comrade." Niles Welch, one of the most popu lar of the screen's leading men, who was recently signed by the Famous Players-Lasky corporation to appear in Paramount pictures, will be seen at the Isis theatre tomorrow as leading man in support of Vivian Martin in her new picture, "Little Comrade." The combination of two such pop ular players makes this photoplay, it is said, one of the best in which the charming Miss Martin has appeared, especially since the story Is unique and timely. Mr. Welch has the role of a young man . who, because he has been pam pered all his life by his parents, and older brothers, lacks the stamina nec essary to enable him to get through the difficult times of life Without flinching. When he is drafted for the national army, although he realizes the necessity of sacrifice, he nearly breaks down and deserts. How he is regenerated, through- the example of the heroine, whose courage and cheerfulness in the face of adver sity, inspire him to overcome his un fortunate training, the picture tells in a fascinating way. The photoplay is based upon the story by Juliet Wilbur Tompkins, en titled "The Two Benjamins." It was adapted for the screen by Alice Eyton. and directed by Chester Whitney. In the supporting cast are such popular players as Gertrude Claire, L. W. Steers, Richard Cumm'ings, Nancy Chase, Eleanor Hancock and others. Pauline ' Frederick. New Play Has Novel Climax. Interesting always and at times viv idly dramatic, Pauline Frederick's newest Goldwyn picture, "The Fear Woman," which comes to the Isis theatre today, embodies a distinct nov elty in climaxes. Its denouement is not only completely unexpected but is, moreover, true to feminine psychol ogy. When Helen Winthrop (Pauline Frederick) deceives the man she loves into thinking the worst of her and then, when she is sure that every one else shares his belief, suddenly lets him see the truth this makes for per plexing drama and confirms popular belief in woman's baffling mental pro cesses. Consider the case of a girl who breaks her engagement to marry a man within two minutes of the cere mony; who leaves her. home to seek diversion among strangers and all be cause she is haunted by the fear of an hereditary weakness. She meets at a resort a foolish, fat son of an equally fat and foolish mother, who, in desperation, summons her lsiryer to talk common sense to Percy. Think of the girl when she Is con fronted by the lawyer, who happens to be the man she cast off and still loves. Does she tell him she does not care for the fellow who is dangling after her? Does she say that she has never forgotten the lawyer? Not In the least. - Helen Winthrop deliberately holds him at bay, parries his inquires with bitingly sarcastic remarks and alto- S7 PAULINE FREDERICK FEAR WOMAN Isia Today. gether.plays at being a sphinx without a secret. Not only that; she plans to put him to the test' far more exacting than she ever dreamed would be pos sible. Deliberately the girl pretends that the curse of her ancestors drink has taken possession of her. When her new-found friends shrink from her and the mother of Percy gloats over Helen's supposed down Jp.ll, she Is thrilled1 by the faith her lover shows in her. - This is her supreme triumph. Laughingly she casts off her mask, re calls the play of . "David Garrick," in which intoxication Is simulated with heartbreaking effect, and lets the truth shine from her eyes and ginger-ale in her, glass tells its tale. This is the brilliant climax in "The Fear Woman" and Pauline Frederick blends comedy and tragedy with su perb effect. No Worm, in a Healthy Child. All children troubled with worms have an unhealthy color, which indi cates poor blood, and as a' rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, Improve the di gestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Na ture will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottlel Adv. Blood is Your Life; . You Must Keep It All . Impurities Must Be .Eliminated When the bloofr becomes foul from the presence of poisonous substances, which the body is unable to throw off, It can no longer supply , the nerves, brain and muscles with nourishment nd strength. The result is that you are miserable, half sick and feel tired all the time. ' if you - will cleanse the blood of all Impurities, you will And that your work will be a peasure, you wil eat and sleep well, and enjoy good health. One , of the best blood cleansers or purifiers known today is the pre scription of a successful physician. He used ; It for years in his practice fpr the treatment of disorders of the lood. . , - You can. still get this same splen did prescription, ready prepared, from your druggist. Just call for Prescrip tion C-2223. or the C2223' Laboratory, Memphis, Tenn., will mail you a $1.50 pottle on receipt of price. Prescription C-2223 contains nc mercury, opium, morphine,- chloral it strychnine. While sold in concen trated form, and - is " to be taken in small doses, its use will not harm tha most delicate ' stomach. ' Write for. lit erature C-2223 Laboratory, Memphis, Tenn. ' " ' ' ' (adv.). Prescription i it ".J i I L arge Shipment Received GO FRESH MEATS, GREEN GROCERIES, POULTRY AND EGGS Max Klein, Prop. A mosquito cannot communicate malaria unless it is infected with malaria. The bite of a malaria mosquito will transmit malarial parasites to the blood of a person and these malarial parasites which feed on the blood should be destroyed before they have time to increase in numbers. Malarial Fever is sometimes called Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever and Swamp Fever. possesses the power to entirely neutralize the mala rial poison. The Quinine in GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC kills the germ and the Iron enriches the blood. You can soon feel the Strengthening, Invigorat ing effect of GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. It is an exceptionally good general strengthening tonic for the Child, for the Mother and all the Family. Pleasant to take. Price 60c. Perfectly Harmless. Contains flo Uux-V arnica or other Poisonous Drugs These bright, sunny, happy days afford 'lit tle opportunity to talk medicine. Still acci dents will happen and sickness will arrive. Medicines at these times will be needed. Re member me for all medicines, whether a sim ple drug" or combination, a private formula or doctor's prescription. My drugs and my work are of the highest quality because, every at tempt is made to provide you with best of both. Bring your prescriptions and buy your drugs here. HAMILTON RUSSELL, P. D. "Only the Best" 212 South Palafox Street Phone 846 "EVERYTHING IN DRUGS" Fuerst and Kraemer Candy Nyal Quality Remedies WAS-COTT GINGER ALE Excellent for Indigestion WELLES-K AHN COMPANY Distributors CUT RATE DRUG STORE DR. M. C. BE VERETTE, Proprietor 420 West Belmont Street Office Phone 938 Residence Phone 1668 AUDIT!) R. T. RAINES Public Accountant Auditor . San Carlos Hotel, Pensaeola. Fla. "" McCaskill Block, DeFuniak Springs, Fla. INCOME TAX REPORTS EFFICIENCY ENGINEER ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH The business world wants expert help. Let us train you. Pan American College PHONE 61 274-289 BRENT BUILDING OF PHER Per Dozen 4.50 GROCER Y w AND MAGNOLIA MARKET 500-502 South Palafox Street COST SYSTEMS MPANY Phone 658 This is Face Powder and Talcum Powder Monday Note these new fresh goods just arrived and the many SPECIAL PRICES MONDAY ONLY HUDNUTS TALCUM, Violet Sec, Gardenia and Yankee Clover . idL COLGATE'S FLORIENT OK Talcum Powder itJKs DACTILLUS Talcum Pow 25c der, largre can CASHMERE BOUQUET Talcum Talcum 25c Powder, largre size .......... SWEET ORCHID Face Pow- tf - der, and Gardenia, box.... 9 JL HUDNUTS Violet Sec. Face Tfi Powder DUC THREE FLOWERS Face PA Powder, box OvO MONDAY SPECIALS 25c Menen's Talcum, largre size 25c Squlbbs Talcum Powder . 25c Eau de Cologrne Talcum Powder 25c Melba Talcum Powder 25c Lov'Me Talcum Powder 40c Pivers Talcum Powder 45c Djer Kiss Talcum Powder 75c Mary Garden Talcum Powder . 21c 21c 21c 21c 21c 29c 38c 63c White Bed Spread Sale Monday Only A few numbers from our regular stock of high grade, heavy crochet, and hemmed edge, square cut Bed Spreads this morning. Cash only no phone orders. 2.25 Bed Spread Crochet hemmed. good quolity, 54x86 "Casco" . ............. 2.75 Bed Spreads. 72x82. double bed size "Irving" $3 Bed Spreads, 72x84, fine value, "Jewetf... 3.50 Bed Spreads, size 76x86, "Kenwich" $4 Bed Spreads, 76x88, "Oakdale" 4.50 Bed Spreads, 84x94, "Varsity" 1.75 2.25 2.45 2.75 3.25 3.75 Child's Handkerchiefs Monday Only Fancy borders, Fancy corners, some all white, ff Special each Sheets, Pillow Cases Prices on thee goods are going up higher than during the war. The next stock we purchase will be worth more at cost than our present selling prices. We have a large ship ment just in, another one on the road, which we will sell at the regular low prices these were contracted for months ago. See our window display and get your supply at once. We mention a few of our brands. 1 Areon Sheets, 63x90, Areon Sheets, 72x90, Areon Sheets, 81x90, Mohawk Sheets, 81x90, now 1.75 Dependon Sheets, 81x99, now. 2.25 Dependon Pillow Cases, now 45c Pequot Pillow Cases, now .50c JUST RECEIVED! Full line of Fancy Beads, Trimming Beads, Steel Beads in all colors, and bronzed, also Beading Needles. Also Neckchains of pure coral. Steel chains with fancy colored large beads, white ivory neckchains, amber, jade and celluloid in fancy designs. All New Ideas Dept. Main Floor. Watson, Parker & Reese Co. GILFILLAN SCOTT Trains Concert Pianists, Teachers and Beginners. Half Hour Lesson, Two Dollars. Weekly Half Hour Lesson, at Pupil's Residence, One Dollar. The Clutter Music Houae. Phone 15. Journal Want Ads Get Immediate Results 75c Lilas de Rlgaud Talcum Q Powder DOC 15c Jergens' ass't odors "I 0 Talcum Powder 10c Jergens' Oriental Q Talcum Powder oC 25c Woobury's Face j Ol A PowJer 5XC 25c Melbaline Face Powder . 50c Melba. Face Powder ....... .1.21c 43 c $1.75 Pivers Azura Face J 5Q 1.75 Pivers Floramye . -f pA 1.UU .67c .67c T5c Djer Kiss Face Powder 75c Lov'Me Face Powder Jl Piney "Woods Face OO Powder OOC $1 Mary Garden Face 88c 95c Powder .., 1.25 Lilas de Rigraud Face Powder 1.50 Blue Rose Face -f nn Powder JLZy $1.75 Pivers Azure Face 1.50 .. 1.50 Powder 1.75 Rivers Floramye Face Powder , 3-DAY SALE Mon., Tues., Wed. Drapery Fabrics Fancy Figured materials only of all' designs and weights and pur poses for hangings, curtains, cush ions, covers, upholstery. Imported Linen Fabrics, Cretones, Chintz. Reps, Tapestry and others, all at Half Price 3 DAY SALE 50c, 65c, 75c, Crepe Lot of fancy solid colors In cot ton and silk mixt crepes, sky blue greens, lilac, pearl grey, ivory, nlle and other shades. OFC yard iut 3-Day Sale Colored Taffeta and Messaline t Assorted popular solid colors av, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 at Half Price now. now. now. 1.50 1.65 1.75 Everything to Wear