Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 1919. THE JOURNAL'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS ARE RESULT GETTERS READ DAILY BY 30.000 PEOPLE Phone 1500 . From 7 a. m. to . 7 p. m. WAMT Ano this office by 8 p. m. to in jure publication the fol lowing morning. y V t X Y FOR SALE FO. SALE Second hand sewing mfc cbftiea ail makes. 15.00 tip. Outran tl. Reynalds V.uslo Hotw, fhone 1717. IMS 1JBKRTY DaIKT F1.SD MAKES MORE PUN 3 A COLA FEET) COMPANT FOR 15ALE Our services to haul your trunks and baggage to or from the depot at short notice. Hallmark Transfer Co. Phone 618. hOK iiALE Pure Virgin Olive Oil, just received from Italy by G. Marasso, 615 So. Palafox St. Phone 207. lm-8219 FOR HA TE Guitar, In fine condition. Piano Shop. 18 E. Garden St. 051 FOR S LE A high grade si ndsrd make, sllgl tly used new piano. The P'aflo Shop, 18-20 E. Garden St. !C4 'WR HALE Five share American Na t'onal Bank stock. Make best offer. rtdress "G." P. O. Box 1041. 9481 PORTO RICO POTATO PLANTS A safe crop if planted by July, lolh. $1.&" per 1,000. 10,000 for $12.50. . Prompt shipment Good plants. John Aldridge, Tal lahassee Fla. 9G50 Sl'MMEIt SHOES for all the family. 3.i5. Send for descriptive circular. Duck iipoer. rubber note, nueumatlc heel. Cen tral Fnle-.i Co.. B99 Ninth Ave., New York. FOR SALE On 'on trucK. computing scales and mat slicer in Rood con dition. Apply Porter's Bazaar, 115 N. Palafox S!t. 9711 FOR SALE A saw mill 35 horse power, complete and in good condition. Will take $1,250.00. This is a bar gain. Address Drawer A, Coden, Ala. . 9902 FOR SALE 6 room house, corner J and Government street, and' three lota, '"ash or terms. A bargain. Owner leav ing town. J. TV. Youngblood. Station A. FOR SALE House with X"H- reception hall, living room, V"- 'Xdjlnnrnrobm, two bed rooms 1itchen and bath, all other modern conveniences. Phone 1390. 21 East Brainard St. FOR SALE Chicken and truck farm. 3 acres. N. TV. of city, within 10 minute walk of 'ar line. Good soil, fenced, por tion cultivated. ' Shade trees and small liouse 1'Wce $500. part down and bal nr'e ri time. Address Box 1l7fi, Pcns.a cola, Fla. 9glS S-il-tt FOR SALE 400 yards fish ing net, one fishing rkiff, la: -ch 28 feet, 24 horss pow er engin-. just been over hauled, for sale trad- or lease. For inform.' tioi ca'l Station A, Pensacola. Fla. FOR SALE New Oldsmo bile "8," Pacemaker model. Bargain. Address Box 8S2. FOR SALE House. 1111 and 1113 West liflmoni St, on paved street. Also a rrRll liOuse on Tarmrna street, near !rnlzalez Terms reasonable. Phone 9641 EARLY TRIUMPH Sweet Potato vine cuttings, $2.00 per thousand. Prompt ship ment. L. T. Rhodes, Bav ?M:netie. Ala. H . If OR SATE Iron bed steads and springs, Apply 10 E. Chase St., or phone 1129 96152 FOR SALE One store room in front and two rooms and kitchen, located at Warrligton. IT.'a. Will sell for $500. Address Marie Lanzonl, 414 W. Inten dencla St. 9643 FOR 'sAI.E Low price, easy terms, de sirable building lots in t .e west side of town; JS5 to $S3 per lot. Pensacola Finanit Company. FOR SAT..E Excellent huildins site, two lots N. E. corner 16th Ave. and Cer vantes, on car line, and 1 bloc's from pavement A bargain for nulck sale. Apply T. M. Herrington, 1112 North Pth Ave. Phone 1927 974 FOR RETiT Two furnished light houso keepinR rooms, modern conveniences. Reasonable rent. Apply 107 East Gre gory St. 9727 Two Good Homes Take a look at 815 North Davis Street, lar&e lot and plenty house, offered 'at a very reasonable price. 918 East Strong, three bed rooms, 2,000, on terms. V Pensacola Finance Company We Always Have Houses For Ssde" PHONE S67 ELBERT A- CLUBBS, Sties Asreri FOR SALE FOR SALE. The following used cars in A No. 1 mechanical condi tion, easy terms : " 1 Ford speedster, $350, a bargain. I Hudson super-six, $1,000 a bargain. I Dodge touring car, $650, a bargain. I Liberty touring car, $700, a bargain. Looks like new. I Buick 4, 1918 model, $600, newly painted, a bar gain. I Studebaker roadster, $225, a bargain. PENSACOLA BUICK CO. Phone 465 9723 FOOT SALE Up-to-date grocery and meat market. Best location in the city. Business averaging $000.00 a week now. Reasons for selling, want to ieavs city. Apply Spr'.ng-Garden Market. 9635 PORTO RICO POTATO PLANTS $1.2 thousand. Good strong plants and prompt shipment guaran teed. If it is plants you want send us your order. J. L. White, Tallahassee. Fla. FOR SALE Two motor boats without engines. 19 and 24 feet long: must sell before July 1. Can fit boats with engine if desired. Pensacola Gas Engine & Sup ply Co.. 713 8. Palafox St.. Phone 80. FOR SALE Home Builders. I haye for immediate sale two and one-half lots on the corner of Seventeenth Ave. ana Jackson St. ' Sidewalk laid around the entire property and both streets paved and paid for. These lots have always been held at one thousand dollars each, i th.v r wnrth more than that now. as it is one of the best building locations on Bav and close to the Bayou. It !s one-half block from street car and has numerous large snacie trees. mnuutu with these lots are a set of plans for a beautiful bungalow. The basement is due and water is on the lot; also pas. Thi. rrnncrtv I must sell before July 1. and the first decent offer frets it. Phono me at 257 or 1. ueo. w. turner. - FOR SALE At a bargain, because of leaving town, Oakland Six Touring car, 1917, here is the chance you have been waiting for come today. C. W. Hunter. Ai mer) a hotel. 9730 FOR SALE Rabbits. Belgian Hares and pure white. 50c and l.0O eeh: some small, some grown. C. D. Le Poidevant, East Pensacola Heights, Phone 1730. y t . FOR SALE 1 Stevers Duryea 6-cyllnder car in good shape. Can be seer i at Green Kisn .;o.. i,er micci afox and Baylen streets Phone 297. 9121 FOR SAI.E new. $20. Gonzalej. -Grey babv carriage good as Phone 913 or call 119 W-st 9 i 34 PERSONS FREE MAPS of Great Texas Oil Fiells and other valuable Information to all Interested enoush to send stam.. J10W treat Purburnett Field and otner Texas oil fields. Publicity Lep.. V. S. Oil Aes n, 114 E 8th St.. Fort Worth. f73u WANTED To know where Viola V alk er (colored) is located. Dark com plexion, round face, square shoulders, about five feet, two or three inches tall. Her husband is a cripple. Follows the turpentine business. 1 would like very much to get in touch with her. Anyone knowine of her whereabouts will please notify her father, John TV. Walker, at Mauriceville. Texas. 9634 WANTED The people who are Inter ested in buying Food milk to know that all the cattle kept at the Dixie Dalrv have stood the tuberclar test civen bv the state, and if it's better milk you want, ring; phone 5104. Whole sale and retail, delivered daily. R. F. Jernigan. Owner, seven years service. ANYONE wishing the service of Kate Davig, nurse or mid wife, formerly at 123 West Romana street, can find her any time at 411 W. Gadsden. Phone 1664. 6636 MRS. A. C LAMBERT and Miss Emma Hlount. Splrella Corsetleres for Pensa cola. Phone 2349. 976S FQRKENT FOR RENT Cur motor trades by the hour or day on country trips or to the Naval Air Sta tion, also do crating and packing of furniture, hauling oaggage ind moving household goods at short notice. Ring phone 618, Hallmark Transfer Co. Vr!H'te, no. 19 1-? W,t elec?r? "S1- C,ean- ventilated. rZlZ,"?!1 rocms. Coolest rooms 1 : ana 1111 hi ?le rcom" '"nslMit. f0o tip. L.lh.Wf,,!hL- 85-50 -nd up. Ope Kocms rn... ... . r- , '""" - .rrana vyiihu. FOR RENT Two furnished lisrht house Keepine rooms, modern conveniences, Jo Ie rsnt- APPV 107 Ea3t G-e-Isory. st. Q727 LARG.3 sunny furniebed rooms, private entrance: also for ligrht housekeeping with kitchenette, jraa. phone. bath. - ?!; clea"- nutet place, on car line and waiitine distance. Reasonable prices. Pine fur Orw or ttvn mn r norrlsil r.ti. pie. 806 N. A'caniz St. FOR RENT One fti North TTni xsorth Palafox. Phone 167. 9472 FOR RENT Furnished room; excep tionally well furnished: verv desirable neighborhood; family of two: all modern conveniences. 413 TV. DeSo'o St. Phone -290. qgis FOR RENT OR SALE A large modern nine-room pebled-dashed house situat ed on the bay shore in very desirable location complete lv furnished for terms see or phone E. L,. Reese, 33 and 35 South Palafox. Phone 1761. FOR RENT Summer rates tor rooms at San Carlos. In annex, rooms for one, J25.O0 up; two. $30 up: In main build ing, for one, $45 up; two, $5C.OO up. Apnly to clerk on duty. 991G FOR RENT Half double house remodeled Into private flat: unfurnished. Three large rooms, a trunk room, closet, hall. porches and bath. $30 per month. Four blocks from Pan Carlos Hotel. Apply IS N. Rues, or phone 854. FOR RENT Furnished front room. House thoroughly screened. Two blocks of San Carlos Hotel. Apply 121 West Chase St. FOR RENT One furnished house, com plete, three bed rooms, kitchen, dining room. Artdress. Mrs. W. A. Bell, Wa. rirgton, Fla, 9944 FOR RENT Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping. Apply 730 N. 12th - Ave., or phone 1317. FOR RENT One large furnished room. all conveniences. Apply 516 North Palafox street. ,9652 FOR RENT One furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 517 E. Zarragossa St. 8633 FOR RENT 15-rooi Hotel, modern, two bath. Downtown district. Few doors from V alafox street. Apply phone 2270 at 12 noon or 4 p. m. 9658 FOR RENT OR SALE A five-room cottage situ ated at 320 West Cervantes street. Gas, electric light and other modern conveni ences. Apply next door 31G W. Cervantes or phone 1791. FOR RENT Fine location for coal and wood yard or small manufacturing plant. Railroad siding and good build ings. Phone 1206. 1,692 FOR P.ENT One furnished room for one or two gentlemen, private family. l' blocks from T. M. C. A. Modern conven iences. Phone 316. Apply 21 W. Bel mont St. . 9694 FOR RENT Furnished front room in heart of city with all conveniences. Phone 13S2. Apply 28 W. Romano St. 9889 FOR RKT Connecting furnished light housekeeping rooms, south front, screened, near bath, good nei?hrhood, near car line and depot. 806 E. Belmont. (No children). 971 FOR RENT By week or month. larg roomy tents on Banu 'fexar and Little Bayou, city water. Apply Lee Daniel!, Phone 684. 9794 FOR RF.NT One furnished room for gentleman. Apply 36 E. Gregory St. 9640 FOR RENT Restaurant and rooming house, good , location, good business, leaving city on account of illness. Ad dess L. 133 TV. Government St. 967S FOR RENT To a couple, two front rooms, all screened, furnished for light housekeeping, adjoining bath, hot and cold water, gas for cooking, electric light and use of phone. Telephone 1993. 9733 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Bath attached. Front and back galleries. Apply 407 E. Gregory St. 9S FOR RENT Completely furnished modern 9-room hcuse, North Hill on car line, July and August at $100 per month, Pensacola Rental and Insurance Agency, 10 S. Palafox. MORTGAGE LOANS I am prepared to negotiate loans on improved farms and city property. Five or ten years' on farms, one to ten years on city property. Mon ey ready when title perfect ed. A. C. Binkley, attorney, 601-2 American National Bank Building. . POSITIONS WANTED In memory of Col. Frank I Mayes, and in recognition of tho olrlt of helpfulness that was his. The Journal will insert under this classification, free advertisements for those In need of employment. WANTED Position by experienced sales man, commission basis preferred. Ad dress P. O. Bo 1024. City. WHO needs a live young ex-service man for secretary, or any kind of clerical work (bookkeeper or stenographer)? Open tor proposition. Can report for work at once. Have recommendations. Address Ex-Service, care Journal. 6-19-7t MAN wants mechanical work or work in store afternoons after '4:30 p. m. and 1 p. m. Saturdays. Address L, 601 N. Davis St. 6-24 POSITION1 WANTED Bv an educate! young' lady capable o" doln offica work. W. W.. care Journal. ' 6-24 POSITION WANTED As chauffeur or truck driver. Phone 1616. 6-21 WANTED Man wants mechanical work or work In store in afternoon after 4:S0 p. rn. and 1:00 p. m.. Saturdays. Address, L. 601 N. Davis St. POSITION WANTED By young lady In any kind of office or store. Phone 1257. WANTEDBY young lady with a partial stenograph ic ducation, office work from 3:30 until 6 or 7 in the aft ernoon in order to complete course. Address Miss R. R.. R. A. Box 199R. 966S WANTED Position by boy 17 years old, well acquainted with the city, can fur nish reference: willing worker. Address, "Boy, care Journal. WILL buy Ford Roartster-. State pries, and for appointment, address G. N., care Journal. YOUNG MAN stenographer-bookkeeper and all-round office man. wants posi tion. Wants location where only ability counts. Best of references furnished. Address "Steno-Bookkeeper." care Jour nal. 6-23-7t EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper desires small set of books to keep during even incrs and spare time. Address Accountant, care Journal. 9726 HELP MALE BOTS EARN MONET selling the Pe-n. iiacola Journal, dally and Sunday. Wanted 700 boys dally and 200 hov Bee C"culatJon Manager any morning S V CMJCK. HELP WANTED Clerk with experience tn insurance office preferred. good chance for promotion. Give references and salary expected to begin with. Ad dress Insurance, care Journal. 9687 WANTED Coopers, white or colored ; on tight barrels. Write Dallas Cooperage Company., Dal las, Texas. MEN Don't look for position. We guar antee to teach you barber trade in few weeks. Paying positions Guaranteed waiting in chain of shops. Tools frei. Everything for $30. Greatest Southern College. Send for testimonials. cata logue. Jacksonville Barber College, K2i WANTED Young man for Railway News Service. Must have security. Apply G., F. & A. depot after 6 p. m. WANTED Grocery clerk for fancy retail grocery. Must be experienced in fan cy groceries, capable and sober. Good salary to right party. Apply in person onlv. Sol Cahn & Co. 9990 WANTED Colored porter at Manhattan Hotel. Apply in person to manager. 96'JS WANTED A straight mr.n for musical comely show who can sing baritone pre ferred. Address P. O. Box 500 HELP WANTED Clerk with experience in insur ance office, preferred, good chance for promotion. Give references and salary expect ed to begin with. Address Insurance, care Journal. 9687 HELP FEMALE STENOGRAPHERS WANTED Register with the employment department of the Fan-American College. Rooms J74 to SSi Brent Bldg. No charge. Position wait Ins 4841 WANTED House girl. Palafox St. Apply 701 North -30-2t WANTED Colored girl for general housework. Apply 1601 E. Lake Vlw Ave., corner of lth Ave. ' 9695 WANTED Woman that wants a good home and willing to make herself use ful with all household duties, widow with child not objectionable. Send reference and address. Box 6, Blurf Springs, Fla. o96 WANTED 5 bright. . capable Ladies to Travel, demonstrate and sell dealer. J25.00 to $50.00 per week. Railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co. DenL 244. Omaha, Nhr. 9390 WANTED VANTED Your furniture and household goods to pack and crate at reasonable price. Hall mark Transfer Co. Phone 618. WANTED Tour Jot trTntin and order for engraving- of all Kinds, calling cards winding Invitations, etc. MAYES PRINT. ING CO., 24 West :3ovemm?nt. 810 WANTED flewrnr Machines and , STRING INSTRUMENT? to repair. Will put them In rood condition and guarantee tr work; thirty years exper ience. Phone 791. I will calL M E. Oar en St. J. H. Blake-ey. TlOi WANTED Phonographs of all kind repaired and new springs put in. The Piano Shop, 18-20 JS. Garden SL, phone 'in. ' 906a WANTED To buy one or two acres for gardening, close in. Phone 152S, ask for Mr. C. F. Andrews. WANTED People who are interested in giving priv ate dances, picnics or bath ing parties. Before deciding where to go, phone 9121, Vic tory Inn, A. S. Wolfe, Prop. WANTED On East Hill, a small fur nished house, or a two or three room furnished apartment, down stairs. Can furnish best of references. Address C. R. M.. care Journal. 9627 6-24-7t WE buy hogs. The Pensa cola Piggery Co. Phone 462 or 1337. HIGH PRICES FOR HIDES Will, pay until July 1st, the following prices for liides, etc Particular attention . paid to county shippers. Green hides, 24c pound. Green Salted hidea, 26c pound. Mixed house rags, 1 l-2c pound. Auto tires, 2 l-4c pound. Inner tube, 6c pound. Also good price for scrap metal, second hand bags and scrap iron. 311 East Intendencia Street A; MALINO Phone 1279, Pensacola, Fla. WANTED To buy good sound mule, also -wagon and harness. Give descrin tion and price. Address Box 826. Pensa cola. BOARD WANTED Two ladies and a gentlemen desire dinner and supper with a select, family; pood, well cooked food nt a fair remuneration. Must be close in to town. Reference exchanged. Address P. O. Box 1419 City. WANTED TO BUT "New or second hand Foi .4 touring body or will trade with truck body, best condition. X. T. Z.. care Journal. WASHING WANTED Rough dry. In East Hill section, by white woman; first class work guaranteed. For in formation, phone 175; address, 1506 E. IiRua St; 9661 WANTED Several floor show cases. Apply at once. Mayes Printing Co., 17 W. Government St. 9667 WANTED Macaw Parrot (female). Will pay reasonable price. Dr. J. L. Ingram. 22 So. Palafox St. ...9655 WANTED Will buy Ford Roadster. State price, and for appointment ad dress B. N. care Journal. 9697 WANTED TO BIT" Renater 22 Rifle, Puss Long, 22 East Side- Apartments. 9722 WANTED Two or three milch cowi. Price must be reasonable for ch. L B. Thompson, Route A. 96S WANTED Location by .a good sober, experienced phvsician. Address Dr. B.. Belleview, Fla. 9669 LODGE NOTICES BROTHERHOOD OP riAILWAY CLERKS Pensacola Lodge 311. Regular meetings first and third Fri day each month. K. of . hall. J. N. Smith. TVm. P. Da-is, Recording Secretary. Pretldent. 7807 PENSCAOLA LODGE. NO.. 1 O. O. F Pensacola Lodge No 4 I. O. O. F.. meetts ever Thursday xt 7:30 p. m. In Raiford Hall. Corner t?aylen and Bel mont street". Visitors Cordially Invited. M. W. PETERSON. N. 3 8. NTCOLAN, Keoordin Secretary. JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS PensacoTa Council No. 35, Junior Order United American Mechanics, meets sec ond and fourth Fridays, 8 p. m.. at fC of P. Hal!. Ill E. Intetndencia St., over Mcllugh store. Visiting brothers cor dlaly Invited. W. E. JONG. Rec. Sec. S. A. BRITT. Con. Carpenters aad Joiners Local 81 meets every Thursday night at W. O. W., Rorana and Baylen streets, at $ p. m. H. PAULSEN, Pres. W. TI. LANGFORD. Secy. MASONIC TEMPLE. Regular meeting of Florida Chapter No. 9. O. E. S., Tuesday. July 2. at 8 p. m. Visiting member cordially welcomed. MRS. EMMA ROGERS, W. M. MRS. MARGUERITE LYLE, Secy. ARTESIAN WELLS ARTESIAN WELL3 Will- put 14 wells 4 t 20 Inches diameter, anr drnth and guarantee water. Write for fUl Informa tion, Grar Arteslaa T11 CO., . o. B 1077 or Phoa 4i KIT MISCELLANEOUS DR. HAMILTON THE SAW DENTIST. Saw Teeth Properly Treated; also Grinding Knives, Shears, etc Hand Sans. 25c 223 E. Intendencia. St. Cross Cut saws gummed. 2805 J. L. BLEDSOE Upholeterer, furniture. carpet, matting, shade and linoleum worker. Carpets and rugs cleaned and scoured. Venetian ollnds repaired. TS W. Government SL 964 1 MISCELLANEOUS $23.00 reward for a Job that doesn't have worry attached. Don't worry about your leaky roof. Don't worry about your repair work. Don't worry about your new house you are going to build. Just phone 2228 and call Smith. He will . take care of all your troubles. W. H. Smith, 218 East Gads den. 9556 TAXI SERVICE. SAN CAKLOS TAXI EX CHANGE. Phone 200. Prompt service. Courteous, drivers. careful 7P . PIAJrO TUNING W.'E. Lazelle, Expert 7 Tuner and Repairer. Plaj Pi anos a Specialty. AH work guaranteed. Phone 204. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. No matter what the cost or the make or your Piano. Tuning is as necessary as th? strings or the keys. Exami nation free. We guarantee to please. THE PIANO SHOP Z. A. THOMAS, Manager. 18-20 E. Garden St. Phone 791. JJAMCiNCr DANCING TAUGHT, at -206 West Ore. ory street. For Information, phone 27. Children's class Tuesday and Friday TRANSFER STORAGE BING HAH TRANSFER COMPANY. Phone 334. Haul ing, packing, storms. WHEN in need of any transfer work ring up 618. IT.allmark Transfer Co. NOTICE TO THE PUB LIC When in need of any kind of hauling, don't forget 24. We are the only transfer company in the city who call for and deliver your baggage at all times, includ ing night and Sundays. Bag gage specialty office next to L. & N. baggage room. We employ white help only. Gulf Transfer company, Phone 24. R. R. Atwell. manager. LOST AND FOUND FOUND The best place in town to get a Buster Brown. Fillingim Barber Shop. 104 E. Wright St. 9S6S t LOST Key ring containing bunch cr keys and extra key ring wih one key on it. Tuesday. Finder please return to Consolidated Grocery Co., and receive reward. 9679 LOST Friday or Saturday, gold chain and cross. enarraved Leona. Finder please return to Mrs. D. LaRua, 10R East Gregory St. 6-30-3t BICYCLE SHOP ' First class repairing on bicy cles, guns, pistols, graphophones and sewing machines, done by . C. Chancey, 14 West Inten dencia Street. 9872-tf. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Louisville & Nashville R. R. Arrival and departure of passenger trains at Pensacola, Fla. The following schedule figures pub lished as Information and not guaran teed. Central Standard Time) ARRIVES. LEAVES 5:30 p.m. Montgomery, Bir mingham, Nashville, Louisville. Cincinnati 12:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. St. Louis, Chicago, Memphis 12:3? p.m. 5:30 p.m. New- Orleans, Mo bile . 12:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Atlanta. Washlng- xon. Ner Tork . 12:30 J.ra. i:43 a.m. Montgomery. Bir mingham, Nashville. Iiisville, Cincinnati 10:45 p.m. 6:45 a.m. Memphis. St. Louis, Chicago 10:45 p.m. 6:45 a.m. New Orleans, Mo bile 01:45 p.m. 6:45 a.m. Atlanta, Washing ton, New Tork .... 10:45p.m. :45p.m. .. Mobile Local .. 6:00a.m. 9:45 a.m. Jacksonville, Talla hassee 5:15 a.m- 10:25 P.m. Jacksonville. Talla- " hassee 6:5a p.m. Dally except Sunday. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION ,1 J-JiMjrAT. ATrvnTT-: Hoarb,lIr5 OF SALE. "".H'ommi,,. hy be " tne torirta ($10.000.000) Inr '"?. Purchase of Tn City of FensacoC; ?0fnd Dollars, denomination of ,?I!n.t Honda of the tober 1, 1918. maturtlda' being of the subject to the right ,ch- dated oc deem all or any part ot iS?be 1st. 194s, time after twenty (Z y.e'ty to re flate thereof at par and aociPJls at any and bearing Interest at the ratpm the cent per annum, payable seml-ierest. The principal and interest are payaper gold at the office of the United Stv Mortgage and Trust Company, New Yoiv Each bid must be made on a blank form.-, furnished by the City and must be ac companied by a dulv certified check on cne of the banks of the City of Pensacola for two (2) per cent of the par value of the bonds bid for. The bid must be made In a sealed en velope marked "Bids for Improvement Bonds," and addressed to the Board of Commossioners of the City of Pensacola. The bid to be considered must be re ceived at the office of the said Board of Commissioners in Pensacola, Florida, by or before 2 o'clock p. m.. on July 14th. ,9, and delivery of bonds will be made i August 1st, 1919. at the office of the united States Mortgage and Trust Com pany of New York. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Copy of opinion of John C. Thomson, attorney-at-iaw of New Tork City on validity of bonds will bo furnished pur er -r. I' further particulars address the Uni d States Mortgage and Trust Cora pan or the undersigned. F. D. SANDERS. Commissioner of Finance and Revenue. Attest: L. E. HE1NBEKG. City Clerk. (n the Circuit Court of Escambia County, Florida In Chancery. Joseph lierschkovltr n. Sarah E. Bon ifay, et al. Jt is ordered that George W. Davis, Charles Davis, Sarah Davis. Joels P. Hobbs and Herbert C. Hobbs. her hus hand, Emma C. Feltus and William C. Fcltus, her husband. Sallie A. Creary and Georpe A. Creary, her husband. Leah S. Chaffin. Josephine Dickinson and A. I Dickinson, her husband, defendants to this causo. are required to appear on Monday, the 7th dav of July, A. D. 1919. to he bill of complaint filed against them herein. This order to be published once each week for four (4) consecutive week in the Journal, a newspaper published in the City of Pensacola, in said Escam bia County. Done and ordered this 6th day of June, A. D. 1319. (Seal) JAS. MACGIBBON. Clerk of Circuit Court of Escambia County, Florida. By M. L. BELL, D. C. Reopening. NOTICE ..Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned will on the 15th day of July. 1919, or as soon thereafter as It can be heard, apply to the Governor of the State of Floride. at Tallahassee. Floride, ror the issuance to it of letters patent amend ing Article 6 of its charter so as to read as follows, to-wlt: "Article 6. The highest amount of in debtedness or liability to which this cor poration can nt any time subject Itself shall be $75,000.00.". BAYOU MILL v-aMPANY. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. All water bills will be due July 1. 191. payable at office of the Water Depart ment. Citv Hall. A discount of 5 per cent will be allowed on all bills paid on or before the 10th of July. All consumers who have not paid by Aug. 1, 1919, are subject to have water service discon tinued without further notice, and a penalty of $1.00 will be charged for turn ing on again- PENSACOLA WATER WORKS. ADVERTISEMENT. City of Pensacola, Florida, Board of Commissioners, Grading, Paving and Improving Certain Streets. iled proposals for taking up the woo.1 block pavement and concrete base-, tak ng up the abandoned sewer, grading and paving Garden Street from "A" Street to the west side of "D" Street, will be received by the Board of Commissioners at the City Hall up to twelve o'clock, noon, on the 21st day of July. 1919. Proposals to be addressed to L E. Weinberg, City Clerk of Pensacola, Florida,- and endorsed "Proposal for Paving and Improving Garden Street." . The work contemplated consists In taking up and removing approxlmately three thousand (3,000) square yards of old Wood Block pavement, taking up and removing approximately one thoueand and fifty (1.0D0) lineal feet abandoned sanitarv sewer and laying approximately three thousand (3,000) square yards of . concrete pavement. ' Each proposal must be acompanled by a certified check, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), drawn On some bank doing business m tne City of Pensacola, Florida, and made payable to the City of Pensacola. Florida. Specifications and blank forms of pro posal, contract and bond can be obtained from the City Engineer, Room 203. City Hall. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. GEO. H. ITJNRICHS, Commissioner of Streets and Public Works. FRANK JARRETT. City Engineer. In tne Court of Record of Escambia County, State of Florida. Lillian Adelia Fleming vs. Laekey Ad rian Fleming. On Friday, the 29th day of August. A. !.. 1919, the defendant, Laakey Adrian Fleming, is required to appear to the bill fiied against him herein. This order to be published once each week for eight (8) consecutive weeks In The Pensacola Journal, a newspaper published in said Escambia county. (Seal) W. P. RICE, Clerk of the Court of Record. By A. L. TIDWEI-L Deputy Clerk. Used Cars For Sale We have the following used car& all in perfect shape. Ses them: Buick six. 5 pass., 1918 model: 2 Fordj, 5-pasa.; 1 Max well. You will find these big bargains. United Auto Sales Co Garden and Baylen, Phone 2099. i