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, " """ THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1919. DAILY WEFKLY SUNDAY Journal Publishing Company IX) 1 3 K. HATES. Prealdant and General Manager. Conducted from 1891 to 111 Pnder the EdlODmnlp and Man gement of Col Frank L Mayes. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS American Newapuper Publishers Association Florida Preaa Aoc1atlon Southern Newspaper Publishers A saoclatlon , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .1 s.i S.S0 1.00 ndvince. and paper One Week. Patlv and Suir Two Week. Dally and Sunday ..... Ona Mnth. tany and Runday Thre Month. Pally and Sunday ... Six Month. Tally and Sunday ..... On Tear. rallv and Fanday KiintfxT Only. One Year ...... Te Weekly Journal. r Mall subJwrlTttlonw are narab'- 9 win bo discontinued on expiration date. OFFICE JTow-na! Bid.. TJ Intendencla and l tir.a Street. PHONKS ss 4 Bu!na Office. .1500 Editorial Room 5"" President The Aasoclated Press is exclusively entitled to tb use r republication of atl new credited to It or not other wis credited In thl paper and also to local news puh. n.d. , Entered a aocond class matter at tb postofflce in Pensacola. Florida, under Act of Consrress, March 3. U79 Represented In the General COKE. LORENZEN New Tork. Chicago. Detroit. Advertising Field by h -WOODMAN Kansas City. Atlanta ers; or shall we rather exult in the victory that government and those leaders made possible? President Wilson is on his way home. While congress spends its time in bickering and investigations, throughout this country Germany is plying her nefarious trade of treach ery that is inciting to murder, through those agencies of darkness, that seek to plunge this country into Bolshevism. Let us forget the mistakes and remember the victories; let us forget that we are politicians and partisans and remember only that we are Americans. CHS H state; OPINION. 3HBSHSSBSC5BSE s H H 3 X ARE WE AMERICANS? The return of President Wilson to the United States will do one of two things it will either strengthen the position that the president holds in this country, as leader of an enlightened and free people, or it will strengthen Germany's hold on this country. One or the other is inevitable At this time, when the forces of right are try ing to build up civilization on the ruins that the Huns have wrought, America, which has suffer ed least; America, which has made fewer and less costly mistakes than have been made by any other nation; America, which entered upon the war for the liberties of the world, with the traditions rendered sacred through a baptism of blood of the pioneers of freedom ; America, who sent her sons overseas by the million to fight for the principles which are undying and of which ehe has ever been the torch-bearer now that freedom rests on the banners of this country, seeks to tear down that which she has built up, through so many hazardous years. Is it true that there is something vicious in the human mind that seeks to destroy ; is it true that no leader is immune, but that every leader who succeeds bares his breast to the sting of calumny? In business, it is results that speak. In politics it is partisanship which whispers whispers its inunedoes, scatters its vile seed of poison. On every coin that comes from the American mint there is the motto: "United We Stand; Divided We Fall." For that sentiment men have died ; to uphold the principle which those words convey, men have risked all. And in risking, they have won. America has never lost a war. Of all the na tions of all the world, America and America alone, stands supreme as victor in the cause of right and justice. America has won her victories because she has been a united people. And without unity this country may yet suffer defeat at the hands of those within her gates, those of her own house hold, and the guests that have been made wel come under her rooftree. When the president of the United States re turns to this country, he will either receive the support of the people whom he has led so ably 'during the past two administrations, or Germany will reap its reward in the propaganda which it has so cunningly distributed through its agents in this country, in Mexico, in Russia. What Russia is suffering today, Germany seeks to see come to pass in these United States. "He who is not for me is against me." The words of Christ are true today, as they were true two thousand years ago, when he re minded his disciples, in these words, that only loyal support profited in the cause of righteous ness. President Wilson is not a superman. But he is the greatest figure of the age. And he repre sents the greatest people on the face of the earth. It is through these people that he has risen to minence in the councils of the nations. And through him this nation has played well its part. Do we now seek to destroy what we have lifted up? The mistakes that were made during the war were costly mistakes, but for every dollar that was ill-expended there were thousands put to the right uses which made victory possible; for every life that was lost hundreds of lives were saved No victorious campaign was ever carried on with so little loss of life as those in which America came off victorious. If we lo3t heavily in the battles in which we were engaged, we saved the world to freedom. Shall we now, we the people of the United States, spend our precious hours holding a post mortem over the mistakes of our government and it3 lead THE SCRAP OF PAPER. It was appropriate that the traitorous act of the Germans in sinking the interned ships should be almost simultaneous with the announcement that the German government would sign the peace treaty, for the act of perfidy on the part of the German sailors, moved doubtless by direc tion from the German government, is a notice which the world should heed that neither the German government nor the German people have any sense of honor or honesty, says the Manufac turers' Record. In signing the peace treaty, which they now promise to do, the Germans have no more idea of keeping it than the German sailors had of pro tecting the ships, which in honor bound they should have safeguarded. They scuttled the hips just as Germany will scuttle the peace treaty at the first opportunity. No one should for a moment be misled into the thought that in signing the peace treaty the Germans have the slightest idea of fulfilling its obligations. To them this peace treaty will be but a "scrap of paper," to be thrown aside whenever the oppor tunity offers. We may safely count that their plan will be to continue to sow the seeds of discord between the allies and between the allies and America, and that they will go on steadily in their Bolshevistic campaign, hoping to destroy America and the allied countries, gaining possession, as they fully expect to do, of the vast resources in man power and raw materials in Russia, and then, when they are ready, throw to the winds all treaty obliga tions and once morenter upon a world-conquer ing campaign. It is exceedingly fortunate for civilization that the German ships were sunk, for in this very act the German people and the German nation have again given proof of their inherent vileness of character and their lack of all sense of honor and morality. Through this act the world may per chance be awakened from the slumber into which it was fast falling as to the real character of the German people and the determination of that na tion not to abide by any treaty obligations, but at the first moment possible to throw off the mask and once more enter upon a campaign for world murder and world looting. Let us beware of the danger of trusting to Germany's word of honor or its official seal to any contract, for they are alike as worthless as would be a flake of snow in the fires of the lower world. Political Moss According: to a Tallahassee dispatch Catts, who Is now misrepresenting: the state as governor, has announced that he would like to act In a similar capa city for the state of Florida in the United States senate. It has been ru mored for some time that this politi cal Moses would be a candidate for the senate, but we never took the matter seriously and do not yet. for that matter. While it la true that Catts fooled a sufficient number of the people to elect him governor, it Is not at all likely that he can turn the trick again, for he has broken faith with most of his influential sup porters and his total disregard tor efficiency In appointing: men to office, his removal of competent officials in order to give political henchmen Job at the cost of many thousands of dol lars to the state, his discourtesy to President Wilson and other govern mental officials and other act that have been detrimental to the inter ests of the state and have humiliated the people of Florida, have lost him most of the support that he once had among the voters. On the other hand. Senator Fletcher, a gentleman and a statesman, has given such universal satisfaction and has such a hold on all classes of the people that they will have no difficulty in arriving: at a decision when the time to select his successor arrives. Gadsden County Times. Florida As a Summer Resort In the years to come, which are not far distant, Florida is going to be known as a summer as well as a winter resort.' Of course it. wi?l be the 'coast cities, where surf bathing, which is the chief attraction, can be had, that will get the crowds. The people of Florida themselves are ignorant of the charms their state holds for them in this particular fea ture. Many a dollar in high railroad fares to the northern resorts, where the weather is hotter thanthat ex perienced in our coast towns, could be saved if Florid ians were acquainted with the real assets of their state. Perhaps the greatest of these re sorts in time to come will be the Triple Cities of Daytona, Daytona Beach and Seabreeze. The three cities have combined to put their section on the map as a summer resort, and J that they are succeeding can be read ily seen by a visit to the beach at any time. In fact, so successful does the season promise to be, there is talk of keeping the Hotel Clarendon open all next summer. No words from us can acquaint the public of this section as to the pleas ures to be found at this popular re sort, though the Information that hotels, boarding and rooming houses, as well as those who rent cottages are doing all that is possible to make one's stay a pleasure, will Indeed be received with interest. There is no reason why every one in Central Florida cannot enjoy a few weeks or months at the seashore, where the best of accommodations at reasonable rates, fishing, bathing and boating can be found within a day's ride of one's home. Orlando Reporter-Star. ' f' Ss PLANTS NEED DRINKS Learn how and when to water your Victory Garden properly by fretting: one of the free garden books which the National War Garden Commission, of Washington, will end you for a two-cent stamp for postage. ITS NOT A FIRE But the gardener is fired with the right spirit. Join the victory gar deners, urges the National War Gar den Commission, Washington. .cs. - GET OUT AND SCRATCH The hen gives a good lesson in the way to get food says the National War Garden Commission of Washington. READING THE SIGN. The Victory Gardeners are going to do their part and raise plenty of food, says the National War Garden Commission, of Washington. PREPAREDNESS Just like the Mrda with the sea sons, the home food producer should look ahead for his summer and win ter vegetables, aays the National War Garden Commission, Washing ton. - i ! Ij 1 ins ioV . - v . y r?rov- PUT YOUR HEART IN IT That's the way to go at the garden work says the National War Garden Commission, of Washington, Send a two-cent stamp for the garden' book.. .f t ,v " ARGYLE K ONLY VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION Pensacola is to be congratulated on the fact that the ninth annual encampment of United Spanish War Veterans will be held in Pensacola July 5. This is the first meeting of the organiza tion ever held in Pensacola, and they will arrive at a most auspicious time, and will be special guests for the New Orleans-Pensacola regatta races and the great Fourth of July celebration which will take pake at Fort Barrancas. The Spanish War Veterans is the only organi zation in the world composed entirely of volun teers and the organization in Pensacola is a par ticularly strong one. The fact that it is to visit Pensacola at this time is most fortunate, inas much as the veterans will not only enjoy the hos pitality of the city at a most appropriate time, but their presence here will add much to the in terest of the occasion. Educator Clarence Woods Having spent many years of his life in the newspaper field, the great- i est known opportunity a man can have for educating the people along true and safe lines. It is not sur prising that Clarence E. Woods, long time editor of the Eustis Lake Region, later explosive commissioner for Flor ida, should now be found actually In the teaching room. The Montverde Industrial School of Montverde, Lake county, this state, is especially fortunate in having Mr. Woods associated with it in any ca pacity, and It good fortune is but a slight part of the good fortune of Florida In having him actually en gaged in the uplift of the mind of youth, which, after all, is the true way to reform the world. Tampa Tribune. REPORT ON EXPORTS. The department of commerce makes the fol lowing report: Exports for May totaled $606,000,000, a fall ing off of $108,000,000 from the record set in April, but an increase of $55,000,000 over May, 1918, according to a statement issued by the bu reau of foreign and domestic commerce, depart ment of commerce. For the eleven months end ed with May, the export trade amounted to $6, 308,000,000, an increase of $872,000,000 over the corresponding period of the previous year. May imports were the largest in the history of the country's foreign trade $329,000,000, a gain of $56,000,000 oyer April, and of $6,000,000 over May, 1918, which was the previous high mark. Imports for the eleven months ended with May were valued at $2,803,000,000, an in crease of $118,000,000 over a similar period in 1918. The difference between a dress and a gown is about $200. Argyle, June 30. Mr. Robinson, Sunday School evangelist, held a meeting at the school house Thursday evening in the interest of the Sunday School. Miss Lillie MacDonald returned to her home in EeFuniak, Saturday, after having spent the week here with relatives. Miss Annie MacDonald will remain for a few days more. Miss Carrie Charles is now agent for the L. & N. at this place. Miss Charles' home is in Caryvllle. Miss Helen MacDonald, who held the agen cy here for some time, married on the 18th of this month, then Miss Cor delia Padgett became agent, and after being here only about three weeks, she too, was married on the 26th to Mr. Neill Angus McDonald, cf Ponce de Leon. Mr. Howard Moore, of vhe avlattm station at Key West, pasned through Argyle. Friday, enroute to camp .'rom which he will be discharged. Hs will then go to his home in Texas. His grandmother, Mrs. W. D. McLean, had expected him to stop over here, but his order were such as to prohibit a stop over. Quite a number of the young people of the community met at the home of Mr. Ed Douglass for a reception to the bride and groom. Miss Padgett and Mr. McDonald, on the afternoon of their wedding. In the dining room a delicious plum and cake course was served and the pleasure of cut in g the bride's cake was enjoyed by many, Miss Sarah Anderson being the lucky one to cut both the button and the dime, while after several efforts Miss Lillie May McDonald cut the trimble. Miss Susie Bishop and children are visiting the family of Mr. Sid Sutton this week. Mr. W. K. Jennings, Mellvllle and Kemper,- spent Wednesday with rela tives here. Mrs. Herman Bludworth and her friends are enjoying good music this week from a newly purchased vlc-trola. Local News Briefs The women of St. JostJi'a church, are planning a lawn party to be given on the grounds opposite the church, the proceeds to go toward making re pairs on the roof of the church. Patrolman Simmons was forced to use his club to defend himself from attacks of a negro woman at a res taurant near the old L. 6 N. depot Sunday evening. An automobile driven by W. II. Styles, an employe of the G., F. & A. R. R-, struck a wagon drawn by a mule and driven by a negro nameO Pitts, near the city hall yesterday morning. Styles will appear in court this morning to answer a oharge ot reckless driving. John W. Walker, one of the best known mechanics In Pensacola, has opened an automobile garage at 17 West Intendencia street. He has had. 20 years experience as a mechanic. An aged colored woman, Malvlna Ilartzog, of Gouldlng. was robbed of a sum said to amount to $800. Sunday. The money wai taken from a trunk in her home while she was at church. Carrying out their decision to ask for relief for short line railroads, em ployes of the Q.. F. & A. R. R. yes terday forwarded petitions to Sena tors Fletcher and Trammell, Repre sentative a Smlthwick, Clark and Sears, of Florida, and Senators Un derwood and Bankhead and. Con gressman McDuffie, of Alabama. Mrs. Tommie Hunter, Miaa Kate Blue and Mrs. A. Faulk, of Montgom ery, are at the San Carlo, having' motored through the country to Pensacola. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Parks and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Parker, of Montgom ery, came to Pensacola yesterday by automobile, and will spend a short time here. i "Hill BP m i i wninnj i mi II O "VP o ,ri - m m 1111 The Strong Withstand the Heat of ' Summer Better Than the Weak. Old people who re feeble and younger people who are weak, wlU be strengthened and enabled to go through the depressing heat of sum mer by taking GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. You can- soon feel its Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. 60c NO GROUCH TO BE FOUND IN SPIRIT DISABLED SOLDIERS Washington. June 30. No grouch can be detected in the attitude of our disabled soldier boys, who are taking vocational training courses under the supervision of the federal board for vocational education, thus re-making themselves for new places In life. "Plenty of prospects ahead., writes one boy with an arm wound. "With out this chance .1 would be up against it." writes another badly injured young fellow. "All the students are satisfied here," says a boy from & middle western college where a num ber of re-education students have been placed. '"With the assurance" of better Jobs, fear of the future vanishes, and dis abled soldiers find themselves content ed and happy. Handicaps become spurs to success. The boys who are returning from overseas more or less disabled are In fact showing the finest sort of spirit the more serious the disability, as It sometimes seems, the finer the spirit- 666 has proven It trfll core Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bil tous Fever, Colds and LaGrippe. It kills the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxa tive and general Tonic adv. , mm ti CI (Si ymu. r " w 1 if The Northwest! What a Land of Adventure! Its trails on land and sea blazed by Lewis and Clark, by Astor, by Bering, by Vancouver. A land of glaciers and rose festivals of blue lakes in the bowls of ancient craters of snow- capped peaks of sheltered seas of mighty river and the lure of golden sands. A land, too, of thriving cities and modern motor highways. A vast, cool summer playground where one may enjoy outdoor life in the mountains and by the sea, and where one may visit great National Parks. Go this summer. En route see some of the "other Na tional Parks of the Far West, return ing (if desired) through California. Summer Excursion Fares Aak for the booklets vwssrant. They decribe 'TciS Northwest and Alaska," "Mount JUinkr National rwk," and "Cram Lake National Park." Ask the local ticket aeeat so help plan your trip, or apply to nearest Consolidated Tl-ket Office, or addreas Travel Bureaa, V. S. R. R. Administration, 64 Trans portation BMg., CMeaeof 4) Li1 New York 402 Hcaley Bide., Atlanta, Ga, Juv y United States i&imoAD Administration