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THE FENSACOLA JOURNAL. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1919. 5 - . i : 1 r 1 . . . i - - f -mmm . FROM 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. To insure publication society new should reach the Journal office not later than 8 p. m. AU com municatlons should be signed, not for publication but as r. guarantee o f good faith. Why Actresses Never Grow Old Y. M W H Id DAILY THOUGHT. 72ery lie, great or small, is the btin!; of a reciplc;;, the depth of which nothing b-t Omniscience can fashion. Carles Reade. SS3S233g 'E.a 8si a L, E ig to a HOP AT FORT BARRANCAS. Service and civilian socle tr were guests at a delightful hop held in the pavilion at Fort Barrancas Friday nlffbt. There was a large attendance and the occasional rainy showers less ened not one bit the merriment of the evening only serving to make the at mosphere cooler and more pleasant Excellent music was furnished by a combined army and navy orchestra under the direction of Charles Troxell and Sergeant Casey acted as floor manager. Chaperones for the evening were Col. and Mra Hughes. Mrs. Lud wlck Graves. Mrs. James A. Code, Jr.. Mrs. James B. McCarthy and prominent matrons from town. ALBERT REINSCHMIDT, JR., CELEBRATES FIFTH BIRTHDAY. Saturday afternoon proved a most enjoyable one for Albert Reinschmidt, Jr.. and a number of his little friends who helped him celebrate the occas ion of his fifth birthday. Games were played on the big grassy lawn at the home of his parents, on 18th avenue and Gadsden streets. A peanut hunt was enjoyed. Vera Carroll winning the girls prize and Edward Pinney the prize for the boys. Music on a victrola added to the pleasure of the afternoon and the children were de lighted with interesting stories told by Mrs. James Phillips and others of the ladies present. Pink and white was the color motif used for the party and this was prettily carried out in the refreshments which were served from a table placed on the lawn, lav- NothtPu iwerntnf the profession seems more.pussllna to the dear old public than the pvir pet uai y outh of our feminine mem bers How often we hear remarks like. "Why, I saw ber as Juliet forty years axe and she doesn't look a rear older now i Of coarse allowance is made for makeups but wbenthey see as oft the stage at close ranre. they need another explanation. Ifow strange womn generally taaven'J learned the secret of keeping tbe face young! How aftnpls a matter to get an ounce of tnercotisea wax at the drug store; apply it like rcld cream, and In tbe morn ing wash tt of?! We know how th!s grad ually, itnperrepttblv. absorbs old cuticle, keeping the completion new and fresh, free from nne !)", sallownes or over redness. W knvw, too. that this mercol ised wax la the reason actresses don't wear freckles, moth patches, liver spots, pimples and the Hke. Why don't our sis ters on the other side of the footlirhts learn the reason, and orum by III rae atrical Wurht. GUESTS AT HOUSE PARTY AT GARDNER 4oME. Misses Elizabeth Dunham and Ju dith Maxwell and M. J. Muldon, Jr.. are among Pensacollana who are guests at a delightful house party being given by Miss Nancy Gardner and her brother, Lieut. Hamilton Gardner, at the Gardner's summer home near Buffalo, X. Y. After en joying the round of gayieties there. Miss Dunham will visit for several days in Cleveland, before ret' rnins nome, expecting to arrive within about two weeks. FLORIDA WELL REPRESFNTED AT NATIONAL MUSIC CONVENTION. Florida is well represented at the 11th biennial convention of the Xa- way, but with the satisfaction that this was only the first of many such entertanments to be given during the summer months. The hotel bears the distinction of catering to a very high class clien tele, and the bookings for this sea son far surpass the records of any previous years. The management has made extensive improvements and one can have at the Gordan every convenience of a thoroughly appointed city hotel and at the same time enjoy ishly decorated with Dink and white ! th restfulness and invigoration of flowers and centered with the huge j country atmosphere and live close to MEETING WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Methodist church will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Sunday School rooms of the church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to be present and a cordial Invitation is extended all lad les of the church to attend. DORCAS SOCIETY MEETS THIS AFTERNOON. The Dorcas Society of the Knox Presbyterian church meets at the church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. A full attendance is requested.. white birthday cake, decorated in pink and with five burning candles. The cream was served in cones and Misses Irlnlta Purdy and Bessie Reinschmidt assisted by Misses Virginia Purdy, Catherine Pinney and Dorothy An dreas, waited on the small guests. Among those who spent the after noon so happily with Albert were: Ann and Scarritt Purdy, Edward and Marlow White, Warren and Ruby An derson, Tom Bingham, Jack Hopkins, Edwin Pinney, Helene Olsen. Sylvia McAdam, Kenneth White, Clarence and Mary Reinschmidt. Ernest Vinson, Vera Carroll, Quillar McAllister, Fran cis Andress, Olive, Juliette and Anna Mary Mayson, Edward and John Lips comb, Doris Quick. Ruby and Mildred Phillips, Madelaide and Dick Touart, of Mobile; Leah Andress. C. J. Rein schmidt, Jack Reinschmidt, and the honor guest, Albert Reinschmidt, Jr. Mrs. Reinschmidt was assisted in en tertaining by Mesdames John Purdy, Ed White, Steve, Sweeney, C. M. Sweeney, A. R. Mason, James Phillips, L. D. Marsoni and Bon Olsen. the heart of nature where the cli mate is always delightful and cool. IMPORTANT MEETING PENSACOLA LIBRARY -ASSOCIATION. An important meeting: of the Pen sacola Library Association will be held at the library rooms this after noon at 5 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. MRS. M. E. HOYLE HAS GAINED30 POUNDS "I've Never Found Anything to Equal Tanlac," She Say; Troubles Overcome. SAD NEWS RECEIVED BY MRS. J. C. ADAMS. Mrs. J. C. Adams has the sincere sympathy of her many friends in the sad news received by her of the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. M. Bar ry, which occurred at her home in Baltimore, Md., Saturday morning. Mrs. Adams left Saturday night to at tend the funeral services. She ex pects to be absent from the city about two weeks. 6 BELL AN3 Hot wafer , Sure Relief SELL-AM S fFOR INDIGESTION- Children's Sox Solid Colors Lisle and Silk Dainty Colored Tops To Suit Every Child Sizes 4 to 9t2. . MEYER SHOE CO. Pensacolas Popular Shoe Store FRESH ARRIVAL LITTLE NECK CLAMS from New York Served on the shell in San Carlos Restaurant, and also in the soft drink bar. A SOCIAL EVENT OF INTEREST. Many of the people of Pensacola will no doubt be interested in the opening of the Hotel Gordan, Waynes ville, X. C, which took place Satur day, June 21st, The hotel is not in itself alone the attraction for the thousands that spend the greater part of the summer within its hos pitable doors; but the little town of Waynesville is worthy of notable men tion. Waynesville is recognized as the gem of the Appalachians. It is lo cated on a high plateau 3,000 feet above sea level and its environmen is charming amid picturesque scenery produced by the crowding ranges and towering peaks of the forest-clad Smokies and Balsams. The town can boastt of having the highest altitude and the most delightful climate east of the Rocky Mountains; within a radius -of a few miles are five peaks rising to the dizzy height of over 6.000 feet while lesser eminences serve to tone the landscape and give beauty to the scene. The opening of the Hotel Gordon was looked forward to by all of Waynesville and many people of all the southern states. There are thous- t ands of former patrons, to whom this event marks the opening of the summer season . in Western Zsorth Carolina. They all rememoer so wer the numerous advantages of the won derful location and the indescribable climate in which the hotel exists. f.It is this that makes possible to can it both a place of relaxation and rec reation, where shattered nerves may regain their poise, the tired business man may recharge his energy and the pleasure seeker may be entertained to, Ms heart's content. The social life of- the picturesque little mountain resort centers at the Gordon. The first of the many gay affairs to be held this season was the open ing night.- It was the scene of mam gay dinner parties and an opening ball that bids well to be long remem bered as a memorable evening. The dance haU was crowded to Its capacity and the whole affair wa unanimously voted a huge success. It was at a late hour that the Jovial dancers re luctantly gave way to the demands of Morpheus and homeward wended their For Burning Eczema Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or 1.00 for extra larga size, cet a bottle of zemo. When applied as directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is a clean, dependable and inexpensive, penetratine. anrispntir liquid. Try it. as we believe nothing von Perience about it." hve over used is as effective and satisfying. Tanlac is sold by leading druggists The E. W. Rose Ctx, Cleveland, O. I everywhere. Adv. ''If I could speak with everybody personally who has stomach trouble and rheumatism." said Mrs. M. K. Hoyle, of 1329 Pennsylvania avenue, Kansas City. Mo., "I would advise them to take Tanlac, for I have tried it myself, and have never found any thing to equal it. I have suffered with rheumatism during the past ten years until I thought I would go dis tracted. The pain would extend from my hips down to my ankles, the muscles and leaders felt like they were drawn, my knees were so stiff I could hardly bend over, and many a night the pain was so severe that I could hardly keep from crying. My appe tite was very poor and my stomach was so out of order that what little I did eat made me miserable. I suf fered terribly from indigestion and would bloat p so badly from the gas on my stomach that I coul scarcely breathe, and there was also a dull aching pain in the pit of my stomach. My complexion was very bad sallow and yellow looking and . I Just felt badly all the time. "But Tanlac has been a wonderful blessing to me and no one could see the change that has taken place In ma during the past few weeks and doubt It being a great medicine. All my I rheumatic pain and stiffness is gone now, and you may know I feel like a new person. My appetite is splendid. I am never bothered with indigestion or gas any more, no matter what I eat. and my color is fine. Not only have I been relieved of rheumatism and stomach trouble, but I have also gained thirty pounds in weight be sides. Now these are my reasons for thinking so well of Tanlac and I will gladly tell anyone who cares to call on me what I have found out by ex- tional Federation, cf Music Clubs now in session at I'etersbcro, X. H. Amons Floridians well known in the musical wcrld attenoTig are: Mrs. James H. Hirsch, of Orlando, the southeastern " district president; Mme. Helene Sax by, of Tampa, state president of the Florida Federation of Music Clubs: Mrs. Grace Porter field Polk, of Miami, state delegate; Miss Marion Rous, of Winter Park, president of the faculty musi; club i f Rollins Conservatory, besides the of ficial winners in the state music con test helo. last January at the Gaines ville state biennial music festival. Miss Christine Stout, of Southern College, Sutherland, piano winner, and Mrs. D. H. Trezevant, of Tampa, winner in the vocal contest, wlil take part in the young artist's contest. The opening days of the convention June 26 and 27 were devoted to meet ings of national and auxiliary execu tive boards. Saturday was state pres ident's day, and American music Sun day will be observed on July 29, the opening of the convention proper was yesterday. LT. COMMANDER CARO ARRIVES IN PENSACOLA FOR VISIT. Lt. Commander Philip Caro arrived in the city to Join his wife, at the home of her father. Mr. D. D. Shuttle worth. Lt. Commander Caro arrived in the states on Saturday, leaving at once for Pensacola to spend several days with his wife and little daugh ter, before Joining his ship at Charles ton, preparatory to leavhvjf again for France on Thursday. Mrs. Caro, who has been very ill for some time at the hospital In Nor folk, was recent Joined by her sister. Miss Genevieve Shuttle worth, and on convalescence, returned to Pensacola with her, where she will remain un til entirely recovered. Yesterday was the tenth weaamg anniversary of Lt. Com. and Mrs. Caro. and many relatives and friends extended their, congratulations at this happy reunion. Lt. Com. Caro is at tached to the U. S. S. Zellander, and has made seventeen trips across, In transport service. While in France he met both Louis and Harry Shuttle worth, meeting the former at St. La zare and the latter at Bordeaux. Both expect to arrive home some time in July. CHOIR REHEARSAL AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Choir rehearsal will be held at the First Baptist church tonight at 7:30 o'clock, and all members of the choir and all of those who will sing in the choir are especially requested to attend. TWITES-STINGS I f Wash the affected J JJ surface with house hold ammonia or warm salt water; then apply VICR'S VAP0R1 YOUR B00YGUARr-30f.6OJt7C2O JCSt t m JULY SALES This Biggest Sale of the Season Offers Every loe and Organdy Dress in the Store at H Off A Mother's Happiness Mass Perfect Of Utmost Importance That Sb.a Ha-ra Every Car. r Martha ii i . . I I UnrhftKVrAM 1 1 I 1 1 1MIIIIVI III! II I J I Candies II - . i I OJ1finr II 2720 Phcn ca1 721 The expectant mother's physical comfort should be our first .thought, and Jind all about her should see to lt that her preparation for baby's coming be complete. There is a most splendid remedy to to prepare women for ty urea tent time in their lives, known as Mother's Friend. It Is applld to the muscles of the ab domen, gently rubbed In. and at ones penetrates to relieve strain on nerves, cords and ligaments. It makes the muscles so pliant that they expand easily when baby arrives: the hours at the time are fewer and pain end danger at the crisis is naturally avoided. Mother's Friend enables the motner to preserve her health and strength, and he remains a rretty mother bv havin? avoided discomfort and suffering which more eften than tehwisr acromp&nies "ch an occasion when nature is uaided. Every nerve. .nuecle snn tendion is thoroughly lubricated. Discomfort dur the neriod Is counteracted, and tbe skin, after the crisis, is left smooth nrt natural. Wrtt to BrdfleM Rwilator Com. rwny. TVnt. j. 1j,rxr Ttnidinr. Atanta. "f r"''a tnr their Motherhood Ron, and iv m bottle of Mother, Fr'end from 5 - pnr- to via y wimoui T3ii.Aav . : Plain and Printed Voiles and Fluffy Organdies in all shades. .-.Every woman who knows the best fashionable wear will recognize these pretty frocks for every wear, as the most exclusive and desirable dresses of the mode. You simply must see these Dresses to realize the wonderfully little prices at which they are offered. ' - $7.50 Voile Dresses, this week tpr AA Special POUU $10 Voile and Organdy r7 Dresses DU I U $15 Voile and Organdy K"f A flO Dresses $20 Voile and Organdy Q-j Q 9C Dresses tDAO.OO $27.50 Voile and Organdy f1 Q QK Dresses tDXO.OO ALL SILK AND WASH SKIRTS AT 1-3 OFF. (X 410-JULY l THESE SPECIALS ARE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY AND OFFERS "HEART OF THE SEASON" -MERCHANDISE AT CLEARANCE PRICES. EXTRA SPECIAL Our Millinery Department Offers Your Unrestricted Choice of any Hat in the store, prices from $2.50 to $30.00 at One-HUaltr Price L A ' FJJ ) IS) & "The Best Place to Shop After A1P 122 and 124 South Palafox St. Phone 337 delightful surprises for you 1 for your children When you try this old recipe .with the new blend of nut and vegetable oils-COVO-youll be delighted to discover how fine economical COVO is for coolant. Your children mtynot be judges of fine oi'I.but thy ar judges of fine gingerbread. Leave the verdict to them. A NEW OLD-FASHIONED GINGERBREAD 1 level table poo ewpCOVO 1 cup eug:ar 2 egg I cup molas.ea level teaspoon ode I cup milk J cape flour rii i j j . . r. baking powder eiauaei pinch aalt I cwp raJata Beat COVO till creamy. Add sugar. T!n tbe wrf-kaatoa egg. Beat mixture till very light. Add melaaeea mmd atw ia well. Then the oda dissolved in a tablespaoa-of water. Sift together the flour, baking powder and tmh, aae) add t4 at mixture with tbe milk. Lastly add th ginger and Tiaaawa and raisins dredged in a little of the flour. Bewt tSI varr am ii in KTca.ea pan in moderate oven about 40 1 AND. of course, you will want to usa COVO far aalada wkaa J- yj remember what a delightful nut-lik tat it add ta all dressiags. mOECFAl RBANK53 AT GROCERS lm tint mf pint, amtt, half -fHam ttnd I if n " of in 1 Have You Visited the San Carlos NEAR BAR (Put your foot on the rail) Same old Bar Fixtures, same old foot rail, same old coun ter, same old cooling fans, and everything. New drinks of all kinds as good as the old but minus al cohol. Old-fashioned bar-room lemonade. Try our cocktail lemonade. A specialty of BUTTERMILK LEMONADE. Camoflauged Creme de Menthe. FEED Choice Cold Meats, Salads and Cheese, Florida Lobster Salad, French Sardines, Surpassing Coffee with Pure Cream. Open Day and Night. LADIES INVITED. g. a. grun;d THE TAILOR Formerly located at Warrington for 7 years, announces removal into new quarters, July 1st, at 30 East Garden St. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED The Favorite Summer Resort WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Three Thousand Feet Altitude. " Highest Town East of the Rockies In the heart of tbe Blue Ridge. Rae ognlzed the Switzerland of America; The Land of the Sky; Leading Hotel HOTEL GORDON Thoroughly Modern; Hot and Cold Running Water in Every Room. Beat Hotel in the Mountains Sleeping Porches. Entertainment and 8ocial Life Special Features. Nona are Stranger. CONTINUAL AMUSEMENT. First Claaa Orchestra, Danclnp. Fishing, Bathing, Horseback Riding. Beautiful Drives, Tennis, Automoblllng. Social Life In the Town centers at the GORIX5N. Writs at once for reservations. F. O. DUNHAM, Proprietor. THE DUNHAM HOUSE Private and Public Baths. Elec tricity and All Modern Conven iences. Private Board: Horns Ilka Atmosphere; Exeellsnt Ta- fresh Country Produce. Waynesville, N. C. (3000 ft. alt.) e Service Pleases the Most Exacting:. Most Beautifully Leas ted I a full view of all the Mountains, which Is grand. Inspiring; and never to be for gotten. Trees, flowers and wide verandas. Courtesies of the Hotel Gordon extended to our g-uests. Bates: ZS0 to $3.00 per day. $14.00 to f 17.50 per week. MRS. D. L. DUNHAM. Prop. (A woman of years experience In this business).