Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1919. 7 itii ft I tV ID KT i Cb 1& O MARKET REPORTS 1 Nw York, June 30. Cotton futures opened ' steady. July, 33.40; October, 33.5-); December, 33.33; .January, 33.25; M rch, 33.12. The market closed steady. July, 33 50, October,. 33.68; December, 33.50; Jan uary, 33.30; March, 32.20. . Spot cotton steady and unchanged. Bales on the spit 1,157 bales, to arrive 2f8 bales. Lo-w middling, 27.75; raid cTlingr, 33.0O; good middling. 34.00. K. ceipts, 10,139 bales;' ntock" 4I6,01'5. Liverpool, June 30. Cotton spot dull; prices - easier. Good middlin.t?, 21.24; full : middling. 20.74; middling, ,20.14; low middling, ,183;-good. ordi nary, 10.74 ; ordinary, 16.21. Kales 3, 000 bales, including 1, COO We3 Ameri can. Receipts 4,000 bales, includij l'CO American. Futures closed irrerular. New Orleans. June 30. The cotton July, 20.21; October, 1 $.67; January. market opened steady. July. 33.60 1 19.4;1 March, 19.20; May.19.0J. Offi October, 32. SO; December, 32.60. Jan-I cial noon closing Jud j 20.34 value, uary, 32.56; March 32.40. ' New York, June 10. The market showed renewed firmness during the ealy afternoon on covering by earry sellers who were evidently disappoint ed that liquidation for over the gov ernment report had n jt been more ac tive. October sold at 331.71 with ac tive .months showing net advances of 38' to 40 points around 2 o'clock, . . There was trade buying on the early decline and the market firmed np li'.ter in the morning with October selling up to 33.60 and December to 33.50 or about 30 points il ove Saturday's cosing figures. Crop news from the oulh continued bullish and the aver f.e of P0 estimated by mcmliers of V.ip exchange pointed to a condition of only 69.2. NAVAL STORES ? PENSACOLA. Pensacola, June 30.-- Reeeipts, Casks. . i IN THIS T 1 AT AS V "' , I II I 1 1 1 This Directory IsIssuedThree Times a Week and the Charge $1.00 Per Month Phone 1500 and tell us to enter your name under the proper classification. A Today 123 This month 4,162 This season 8,937 Shipments, Casks. Today ' 433 This month 13,188 J This season 27,442 1 Stocks, Casks. Today . 6,2133 April X 34,740 Receipts, Barrels. Today . G71 This month 10,853 This season 25,447 Shipments, Barrels. Today 405 This season 8,0112 Stocks, Barrel. Today . 47,266 April 1 49,831 . Last Year S3 83 6,599 2 26 15,073 33,355 41,839 Last Year 542 542 20,457 Last Year 598 53,225 40,582 73,350 DAMON LODGE OF PYTHIAN KNIGHTS NAMES OFFICERS JACKSONVILLE. 30. 88- Jacksonville, June market was steady at of 922 casks. - " Receipts, Casks. The spirit 91 wth sales Last Year Today 693 r.73 This season 28,559 22,679 Shipments, Casks. Today 151 1166 This season 54,261 24,571 Stocks, Casks. Today 10,484 55,237 April 1 47,644 57,219 Officers of Damon Lodge, No. 13. Knights of Pythias, will be installed this evening and following the Instal lation an important business session will be held according to an an nouncement last night. All members are urged to attend and visitors ars also cordially invited. -1 - The progress of the lodge under the leadership of R. D. Jones, C. C; J S. Majors, V. C; H. Campbell. P; R. D. Jones, M. "W.; L. Borras, M. at A.; W. R. Meriwether, I. G.; and S. M. Wallace, C. G. NOTICE. All Phosphate Mines of Polf and Hilsboro County are declared unfair to organ ize labor. Pay no attention to recruiters or rumors of settlement. Stay away and keep away from the mining" district until strike is set tled. Mulberry Mineral Workers Union No. '253. V. Urquhart, Sec'y--Treas. E Weather Report. a- a The rosin market was firm with sales of 1,371 barrels. Receipts, Barrels. Accountants, Public RAINES, R. T. Public Accountant Auditor San Carlos Hotel rensacola, Fla. McCaskill Block, DeFuniak Springs. Fla. Automobiles. POTX-JR T!iO. MOTOR CAR n. H. HATS, Dealer. Phone 874 Auto Painting PKVSACOIA RTTGCJY JJ1-133 Ea.t Intenrtencia. WORK9 Phone 67 Auto Repairer and Accessories. ABBOTT A TITO REPAIR CO. 101 N. Pa la fox etret. Phone 415 A complete line of Automobile Accessories Bakeries. 1?S N. Palafox St. Phone 4S4 BENNETT'S 4?4 West Pelmoit. BAKERY Phone 815 Baggage and Transfer. BORRAS TRANSFER CO. T"it Chtp. Ptret Plinn 1H Chiropractors W. O. OOEI.Z Chiropractor Office,. Phone Pe?(1enee. S?9-S3t Brent BuiHln. 2247 Clothiers M. O. CT.OTTlINa S19-321 Fouth Palnfox. PTORB Phone llflS Coal Dealers. CART & CO. Offlre Phonos 98-119: Tard Phones -134 Dry Cleaning. VATIOVAb DRT 1H fnst Orden St. CLEAN! NT CO. Phone 251. Druggists. THE CENTRAL. PHARMACY 100 South Palafsx. Phones 177-17S . THE CRYSTAL 35 South Pa lafoT. PHARMACY Phones 921-923 D'ATVEMRERTE'S PHARMACY 121 South Palafox Thone 109 Electrical Supplies PEAKR ET.ECTRTC? SANITARY PLUMBING CO. SO S. Palafox Street. Phone 345 BAROCO ELE11TRIC CO. 17 West Garden Street. Phone 619 LEE'S ELECTRICAL CO. Electrical Supplies Phones 1674-2093. 109 X. Patafox St K. LATHAM JEWELRY 110 East WroRht Street. Vtch. Clook and Jewelry Repairinff. "Florists. 19 MRS. ItELLIB M. EOYSEN The Onlv Down Town Florist. West Garden Street. Phone 1S0O NORTH HILI. GREENERY Orcnhoiise, 91? N. Baylen St. Phone 887 lower Shop. 9 W. Romans St. Phone 82S Central Trades Council rENSACOLA TRADES JLND LABOR R. D, COUNCIL LaMONT, Sec., Box 8. BoilerMakers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America H. G. Allen. Business Manager. Up stairs over Central Pharmacy. Foundries. BAY SHORE FOUNDRY CO.. Sll West Main Ptreet. Phone 677 Groceries. MRS. THELMA FRENCH Groceries aid Soft Drinks Phone 22C3. Chase and Eighth Ave. KCRAT GROCERY CO. 429 West Jnckson HL Phone 1156 BOO E. WriKht St NICK VASSO Fru!t and Groceries. Phone 478 Ilorseshoing. a. a. Practical 1? W. Tntendencia St. BRIGOS Horseshoer Phone 622 Ice Dealers. 106-10 N. Tarrairona- Phones B9-259 Job Printers. MAYES PRINTING CO. 15 Ww' Government St. Phon 18t Laundry. THE PERFECTION LAUNDRY Dry Cleaning1 and Steam Pressing Phone 1S6 Motor Boat Supply Store. PENSACOLA GAS i5iNrGINE & SUPPLY CO. 713 S. Palafox St. Phone 627 GULF MACHINE WORKS nS-817 Sonth Pa la fox Phones 12-1 49 Optician. DR. T. Expert Optician. G. TATES Fl sh er Building Painters, Paper Hangers. Today 2,379 This season 69,929 Shipments, Barrels. Today 1,033 Ths season 72,402 Stocks, Barrels. Today 119,476 f April 1 720,652 Quotations were as follows: E. B. WELLS 12 Ent Government. Phone 773 Photographers. Last Year 1.CS6 70,051 2,735 83.02S 165,259 178,236 CHAS. COTTRELL 204 1-2 South Palafox. Phone 1102 Itestaurants. ANGELOS DAIRY LUNCH los south Palafox Street. Phone 803 E ' 15 05-20 X, WW "VG . . . , H . ... G F Close 17.65 17.15-50 17.00-25 16.75 16.50 .15.30-50 15.15-40 15.15-35 15.10-30 Shoe Shops. ! D B Palafox SAM CHARLE3 Shoe Maker and Main Sts. Phone 514 jrT WEAR REPAIR SHOP 1021 N. Davis Street. Phone 61C CHATTMAN'S ELECTRICAL SHOE SHOP For City Quality at Village Prices Warrlnfrton, Fla. Ship Chandlery. 14.95-15.05 14.90-15.00 SAVANNAH. Savannah, June 30. The spirit mar ket was firm at 90 with sales of 333 casks. Receipts, Casks. A. ZELIUS Ship Chandler.. 711 S. Palafox St. Phone 13J Taxi Service. - V. Q. VENTURA Taxi Service. East Garden F. Phone 801 Bob's Taxi Phone 333 Service Day and Night 16 West Garden Tin Workers. N. A. COX. TIN SHOP 510 S. Prlafox Sreet. Phone 413 Tailorin; Market and Grocer. JOHN CHESSES, GROCER 924 N. Davis Street. Phone 432 TONY CLEVRO CHRIS CARVEL GROCER C20 N. Guilleraarde. Phone 1546 B. B. MARKETS Meats Sll N. DVimer Street. Phone 947 Merchant Tailors. DAN BROWN. MERCHANT TAILOR CO. We do dyeing and wash Palm Beach Suits. ?7 W. PclTiont St. Phone 933 Music Stores. CLUTTER MUSTC HOUSE 114 South Palafox Street. Phone II Newspapers. THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL Dally-Weekly-Sunday Phones: Editorial. 3S; Business, 1500 THE PENSACOLA NEWS Evening Except Sunday Phones: Editorial 5i: Business. Ill KING TAILORING CO. Builders of Fine Fitting Clothes 30 Sou Palafo Street Trained Nurses. Last Year Today 358 103 This season 15,206 12,150 Shipments, Casks. Today 32 594 This season 47.C98 13,259 Stocks, Casks. Today 7,041 23,424 April 1 18,850 24,293 (Compiled for the Journal by the Weather Bureau Office.) Pensacola, Fla.. Juno 30, 19t9. Sunrise, 5:51. Sunset, 7:54. Moonrise, 8.48 a. m. T.Toonset, 10:05 p. in Next phase of the moon, first quar ter. July 4th. High tide. 12:52 p m. Low tide, 11:08 p. m. Yesterday's Weather. Temperature 7 a. m., 75. 7 p. m., 77. Highest, 82. Lowest, 68. Mean, 75. Normal, 81. Mran same date last year, 82. Accumulated deficiency this year to date, 3.44. Highest, of record for June, 101 de crees. Lowest of record for June, 55 de livers. .Rainfall - For 24 hours ending 7 p. m.. 42. -Total for th.n month to 7 p. m.. 1.98. Tlormal for June. 4.87 inches. Accumulated excess this year to Jate, 15.20. Humidity " S a. m., 78. , 1 p. m 79. H p. m., S3. Barometer 7 a. m.. 9.8&. 7 p. m , 2V.95. - '.. ' The rosin market was steady no sales. Receipts, Barrels. with Today . 834 This season 3'4,238 Shipments, Barrels. Today 1,725 This season 42,025 Stocks, Barrels. Today 54,870 April 1 62,541 Last Year 453 43.150 738 59.339 80,071 96,263 Reerlstery of Trained Nurses at White Pharmacy. Day Phone 18. Night 446 pion Quotations were as follows: Close WW 17.25-30 WO 17.25-30 j X 17.00-10 M UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS REPAIRED Work Guaranteed J. C. Young 103 E. Grege Wholesale Grocers. CONSOLIDATED 201 E. Garden St. GROCERY CC- I Phone 1710 Turkish Baths. PENSACOLA HOSPITAL, PHONE 843 Undertakers. NORTHUP & WOOii Undertaken. Z West Intendencia SL Phone 19. K I . II Cr F H D B 16.50-75 16.35-50 15.50-65 15.25-46 15.20-35 15.15-23 15.10-20 15.00-10 14.75-90 SHOES WEAR LONGER When you walk in comfort: so do stock ings. A package of Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to shake into the shoes and sprinkle in the foot-bath, gives you tuat "old shoe" comfort. Allen's Foot-Ease stops the pain of bunions, corns and calluses, and makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Ladies can wear shoes one. sire smaller with the same comfort by shaking some Allen's Foot fciase in each shoe in the morning. Sold everywhere. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days. "LaX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a spe-rially-prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative toe Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly and Should be taken regu larly for 14 to 21 days to induce reg ular action. It Stimulates and Regu lates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. WANTED A good wash woman. 211 West Cervantes. CALOMEL IS NOW QEUGHTFUL No Taste, No Nausea, No Grip ing, No Salts Nausealess Tablet Called "Calotabs." One Calotab on the tongue at bed time, with a swallow of water that's all. No taste, no nausea, no griping, no salts. You wake up in the morn ing1 feeling fine, your liver active, your system thoroughly purified and with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Eat what you please no danger. You feel bright, cheerful, clear-headed, en ergetic and strong. You can now take your calomel without the slightest fear of unpleas antness, for Calotabs retain all of the liver-cleansing and system purifying qualities of the old-tyle calomel with out the objectionable qualities. Sold only in original, sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Your druggist has authority to refund the price as a guarantee of your perfect satisfac tion. Adv. There is no need of endurinz the discomfort that comes from a skin which itches and burns, or is marred by patches of eruption. Resinol Oint ment usually relieves inching at once, and quickly makes the skin clear and healthy again. Resinol Ointment is gentle and toothing and has been a standard skin treatment for over twenty years, so you need not hesitate to use it or recommend it to your friends. Sold by U druixk'ts. Rtsimri Shaving Stick ttnd t frtvmi irrt- ttUitu, TODAY ONLY Middie Blouse Suits For Misses and Ladies LATEST PATTERNS AND DESIGNS TODAY ONLY Regular Price $12.50 Gentry-Strickland Co. ?5 SOUTH PALAFOX ST. Pensacola's Largest Credit Store. If THE Success of Dainty Bakings or a Substantial Dinner is assured hy the use of RISING SUN afflS? FLOUR An added zest for every meal. WELLES-KAHN CO Pensacola. Fla. 55 7Rv 23ount Building, feiusctcxdc ID) CMC oJj IL LY 4th AT PALME TT B RACE Given by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen for the Benefit of ILocDge No. 902 Ball Game and all kinds of Sports Sack Racing Running Racing Mixed Shoes Racing. Plenty of sport for the children. There will be prizes for all these attract tions, and don't forget that there will be a real large greasy pig for some one to carry home who catches him.. Plenty of good Fish Chowder and all kinds or re freshments served on the grounds. Bring your own lunch and spend the day. DANCING FROM 1:30 to 12 P. M. O'Brien Motta Orchestra. ADMISSION 25c; Children under 12 Free