OCR Interpretation

The Pensacola journal. (Pensacola, Fla.) 1898-1985, July 03, 1919, SECOND SECTION, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1919-07-03/ed-1/seq-15/

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Thumbnail for 15

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Army, Navy, Marines, Ex -Service Men and Ship Builders Invite Your Friends !
Tell Them to Bring Basket Lunch and Enjoy a Day of Real Intertainment. Take Bayshore Cars or Boat at Palafox Wharf. Limited Number on Boats, No Fares!
Stunt Flying, Fireworks, Dancing, Athletic Events,
An Opportunity to Witness Thrilling Aerial and Water Sports !
Schedule of Boats as Follows:
Leave Pensacola for Fort Barrancas Palafox Wharf
8:30 Army Boat Capacity about 200 people
8:35 Navy Sub-chaser Capacity about 125 people
8:40 Navy Sub-chaser Capacity about 125 people
8:45 Navy Sub-chaser Capacial about 125 people
PM 1:15 Army Boat Capaciay about 200 people
1:20 Navy Sub-chaser ' Capacity about 125 people
1:25 Navy Sub-chaser Capacity about 125 people
1:30 Navy Sub-chaser Capacity about 125 people
7:30 Army Boat Capacity about 200 people
7:35 Navy Sub-chaser Capacity about 125 people
7:40 Navy Sub-chaser Capacity about 125 people
7:45 Navy Sub-chaser Capacity about 125 people
No Passes
Leave Barrancas for Pensacola Palafox Wharf
12:15 P. M Army Boat
12:20 Navy Sub-chaser
12:25 Navy Sub-chaser
12 :30 Navy Sub-chaser
5:45 Army Boat
5:50 Navy Sub-chaser
5:55 Navy Sub-chaser
6:00 Navy Sub-chaser
12:00 Army Boat
12:10 Navy Sub-chaser
12:20 Navy Sub-chaser
12:30 Navy Sub-chaser
Etc. JI
Prepare for an All-Day Celebration Festivities Begin at 9 o'clock a,
Spectacular Display of Fireworks During Evening ! Every Moment Full of Enjoyment Until 12:30 a. m.
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HE3 0 C3- JES. JSK 0 7" HE IT J? S5
Morning Program: Wherry Races, 12-oar Cutter Races, Power Boat Races, Fast Sea-Sled Races; Baseball,
Ship Builders vs. Army, 100-yard Swimming Race, 400-yard Swimming Race.
Afternoon Program: Baseball, Ship Builders vs. Navy, Wrestling, Boxing, Tug-o'-War, Shoe Race, Three
Legged Race, Greased Pole Walk, One Mile Relay Race, 100-yard Dash.
Evening Program: Dancing, Movies, Telegraphic Returns of Willard-Dempsey Fight by Rounds, One
Thousand Dollar Display of Spectacular Fireworks.
, ,
Best Guesser to Be Given Antomobile A Brand New Automobile of a Popular Make Will Be Given to the Person Naming the Lucky Number at the Celebration
Those t) Whom Cards Have Been Issued in the Past by the War Camp Community Service and the Knignts of Columbus for Their Dances, Are Especially Invited and Urgently Reqncsted to Attead This Celebrtlisa.
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