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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1919. I4 of JuDv S 11 5) (D D JL O it , 0X Furl otte ft 4 ESTIMATE OF BIQ INCREASE IN U. S. WOMEN WORKERS. By Biddy Bye . One million women workers sounds ounJa like a lot. Hut a a matter of luut it is only a moderate esttlmate of the INCREASE In women workers In the I'nited States since the beginning of mo. According to Miss Marie Obenauer, chief woman examiner of the National War Ldtbor Board, who made this eatl ii. ate In October, 1918, 500,000 women f this number are in clerical work, and ! '.) H in industrial. An increase of nearly 50.000 In the one year. 1918, in the number of women employed l-v the annual report of the director gen cral of railroads, which states that the r: timber of women employed In this work Increased from 60,5.15 to 101.29S, in the I'fft year. Although the majority of these were doing clerical work, many wer. in the signal service, or tending witches, doing yard work, trucking cr working in the roundhouses. The report poes on to say that the women have been equal to these Jobs, "not only in processes requiring fettle skill, but In erne of the trades calling for a high " cree of Intelligence and training. They are. for instance, doing electric welding, having advanced from flat work to weld ing of nil kinds. The fact that soyie nre earning the full mechanic's rate Is a proof of their efficiency." In nil occupations, the total number ff women employed at gainful work ap t proaches 12.000.000. Of those who en tered such ecupations during the war. a (treat many, especially those In clerical sovernment service were undouMedlv eirls who had never worked before. A large number of mothers and wives of soldiers, went to work, some urged by f conomlc necessity, and others by patrio tism. Another group of war workers Is that of the women who changed from con-essential work to war Industry. n chjriing in large numbers domestic ser vants. School teachers, to the possible l umber of 100.000 left their class rooms tt enter, more definitely related and .lie My paid war work. FDR BILIOUSNESS TIE i CHIMB The Nausealess Calomel Tablet That Does the Work Without the Slightest Unpleasantness. WOMAN AND HER CLAIMS FOR SUFFRAGE. The mist Is dispelled when . a good woman appears." In assuming the duty of vindicating woman In her efforts and anxiety to acquire tho same rights and privileges ol man, in the field of politics, we feel that we are confronted with a problem hard to solve and reconcile to her refractory disposition. Yet we believe that we are taking upon ourself, the part of gentleman and scho lar, when we take up her cause and we hope that our views meet with her ap proval and admiration. As we believe In suffrage to a limited extent, we do not aDDrove of the Dollcv on the railroads. Is disclosed ' 0; excluding her from enjoying the same rights of man upon certain theories and Issues. When we come to the school question, child labor, how her property in her own right should be bonded, and taxed, and all Issue and theories of like character, she is entitled to occupy the same status as man. by every principle of ethics, and every law, human and divine. Hence, we stand firm In granting her all rights, upon all questions as the fore going, and placing her far above the sav age, who is striving to thwart her in her attempts to demand for herself the same rights he claims for himself. While we approve the suffrage, wo do not wish to be misunderstood. We be lieve In It, but In a limited degree. It must be remembered that making it uni versal, gives her the alternative, of hold ing any office from the position of a de tective, turnkey in a Jail, policeman on the streets, to the magistrate. To be spying around in the affairs of others, to be turning the key of a cell, on a hardened culprit, to be chasing an other woman up a dark alley and haunts of Infamy, to make an arrest Is repulsive to any man or woman of Intellectual re- rjnement. And does not such scenes have a bale ful influence upon young girls grow ing up? Are they not so constituted, that they are ready to adopt any cug- looKed upon as correct and Justi- SS8SSSSSSSSSSSS8 s a jj Personal Mention C. M. "Wheat returned to Jackson ville Tuesday night after spending about six weeks with his family at their home on LaRua street. Mr. Wheat is a member of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, in Jacksonville. . Mrs. B. E. Millikan, 112 "West Cer vantes street, left at noon Tuesday for Savannah, Ga., her former home, where she will enjoy visiting with friends. Enroute she will stop In Montgomery to visit her daughter. Mrs. B. P. Fuller. Before returning home she will also visit with rela tives in Summervllle and Spartan burg, S. C. Xews received from "Washington. D. C, finds Mrs. John H. Smithwick, son, William, and daughter, Mary, who re cently left to Join Congressman J. H. Smithwick, charmingly located there the Fontennet Courts, where they ex pect to remain for the summer. ft! (CD2IEDDDT Enjoy the whole book of new found relief and happiness. Close your clothes problems by open ing" a credit account with us. Our credit book spares your bank book. Put your name on our books, and it will put you in u happy frame of mind, and in the front ranks as a good dresser. RSen's and oys a trig Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodhart have taken the Bayshore cottage of Cap tain and Mrs. J. E. Tuttle for the sea son. Mrs. Tuttle, who is now in Chi cago, will later go to the mountains to spend the remainder of the summer. A;ik your doctor and he will tell you that calomel is the best and only sure rer.eily for a lazy liver, biliousness, indigestion and constipation. Now that all of its unpleasant qualities havo been removed, calomel, in the form of Cm lotahs. Is the easiest ' and most pleasant of an laxatives to take. One tablet at bedtime, with a swallow of water -that's all. No taste, no grip in? ncr nau.ea. In the mornlivr you feel simply fine live, wide-awake, en ergetic, Htron.n and with a hearty ap petite for breakfast. Eat what you want ami go about your work no danger. v Culotabs are sold only in original, sealed . packages, price thirty-five ents. So sure and delightful tha't your druggist offers your. money back as a guarantee that you will be per fectly delighted with Calotabs. Adv. torn fiable We believe In elevating the standards of womanhood and not lowering them, and trust that the suffrage Issue may be so devised and arranged, as to keep her out of the vocations we have described. These should be confined to man alone. We are told by the enthusiastic suf fragists, that by associating woman with man. in the fields of politics, it will have a refining Influence- upon him. Granted. But it is not an axiom In physiology, that we take on the personality of each other by constant Intercourse and association? And while she Is imparting that gentle ress and refinement to the man. is she not taking on his coarser qualities? AnJ who wants a virago queen for a wife? Lt us ask. Who It is that gives to woman, that gentleness and kindness, so charming and fascinating to the man of intellect? Is It not the constant inter course with innocent children at home? lft it not a more edifying and impressive scene, to see a woman caressing a child, and leading another around the pr'ir.l- s uy me nana, man seeing another with a policeman's club dangling at her side, on the alert and awaiting a chance to orrest and Imprison some violator of that tmng we can jaw, for some trivial of fense. The man who advocates universal suf frage for her. instead of modifying it so ss to debar her from entering the voca tions we are opposed to. is not her friend but p'aying the part of a wily demagogue' to enhance Ms own political Interests. It us then, exert ourselves. In keeping her intact from any of the menial offices of government, and raise her to the level of man In all the highness that appertains to the protection of her venue, refinement and motherhood. We hope the time, will never come, when a woman will desert and Imperil the home to mount a public rostrum among boisterous men. to discus some insignificant political question which will destroy her as a statue of grace and love liness. This 1 the attitude she will be placed In aoording to the theory of universal suffrage. B. J. GONZALEZ. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hayward, who have been residing in town during the winter, moved out to their summer home on the Bayshore, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Witliam Saltmarsh, Jr., have returned to their home in town after spending about two weeks on the Bayshore. Lieut. Lamb, IT. S. N.. of the naval air station, left Tuesday night for Rockaway, to which place he has been transferred for duty. Ensign HImes. who has also been transferred to Rockaway, will leave as soon as he Is able to be discharged from the na val hospital where he has been con fined, suffering from injuries received In a recent accident. During their stay here Lieut. Lamb and Ensign Himes have made many friends in the city who have expressed sincere re gret at their departure. MEN'S SUITS Palm Beaches $10.00 and up Kool Kloths $10.00 and up Worsteds, All Colors $20.00 and up BOYS' CLOTHES Kool Cloth, Palm Beach, Knickerbockers and Worsted $3.00 and up. Caps, Shoes, Hats, Ties, Etc. SHIRTS All the Latest Colors in Silks, Madras, Etc., 1 $1.50 up HATS, SHOES, TIES A Complete Showing of Outing Shoes Hats at Reduced Prices. -Also Dress Shoes. Ties to Select Ladies9 Presses, Eiirfsf isfs and Sweatore Misses Audrey Kellar and Catherine Eitztn returned home yesterday after a delightful visit with Mrs. Sara Forrest, of Detroit, Mich., at her win ter home at Santa Rosa, on the Narrows. BALCONY ONLY 2 DAYS MORE Thursday and Saturday We Close All Day July 4th The most wonderful bargains in the city are here for these 2 days Shirtwaists 95c to $5.95 White Skirts $1.25 to $5.95 Silk Poplin Skirts $2.95 to $3.79 Also many, many more Special Offerings. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! THURSDAY 9 TO 10 A. M. SCOUT PERCALES 36-INCHES WIDE 19C yard 10 yards to a customer.- John Kessler, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. C. Kessler, of Montgomery, is visiting at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Gus Eitzen, on the Bayshore. Mr. and Mrs. Kessler are spending some time in New York City. They are former residents of Pensacola and have num erous friends here who hope to have the pleasure of welcoming them to the city before long. Mrs. W. E- Craig, daughter, Doro thy, and Misses Clara, Elizabeth and Carrie Moreno, expect to leave ahout the middle of this month for Saluda, N. C, to spend about six weeks amonj the mountains. Mrs. B. J. Powell and daughter, Miss Betty Lee Powell, of Ashburn, Ga., will arrive in Pensacola tomorrow to visit as the guests of Mrs. Powell's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. "W. A. Hobby, at their home on North Baylen street. DRESSES A New Shipment of Voile, Organdy, Georgette and Crepe de Chine the Daintiest Styles Imaginable Latest Shades and Patterns $11.95 and up. SKIRTS For All Occasions. A Complete Line of Silks, Wash Skirts, Whites, Plaids and all Colors. WAISTS Crepe de Chine, Georgettes, Voiles, Etc., Etc. A Complete Selection $1.50 and up. SWEATERS The Correct Sweater for Summer Slip-Over Sweater All Colors tho Latest Rage $2.45 STiSlCKELARlID 26 South Palafox Street CASH OR CREDIT PENS ACO LA'S LARGEST CREDIT STORE 26 South Palafox Street BaSZQSS 3 k'.HW.'W- o-ncat nf her uncle- and aunt. Mr. and i vice anil Is Mrs. C. B. Hervey, at the San Car- I his .sisters. ins hotel. They expect to return to and Mobile Saturday. Mrs. H. C. O'Hara and Miss Ruih O'Hara left last night form Cali fornia, where they will spend the summer. visiting' as the Mrs. Lenwood Mrs. Mary Williams. criTPSt of "Williams Mrs. Corinne Jordan and Mrs. Leota Jordan left yesterday for Asheville, N. C. where they will enjoy spending the summer months. Miss Let a Weatherlow. of Birming ham, Ala., has arrived in the city to spend a few weeks here as the guest of her brother, Mr. R. H .Weather-low. Phone 771 9 Dry Goods Store Everything New That's Good" 31 South Palafox S Miss Annie Ruth Gittings returned home yesterday from Mobile, Ala., where she has been visiting relatives for the past few weeks. Mrs. John Flo and daughter Marie J ingham. where they visited for two weeks as the guests of Mrs. no's daughter, Mrs. D. B. Bianchi. Mrs. S. M. Searrltt lias gone to I'anli, I;k1.. where she was called by tho t-erious illness of her mother, Mrs. Mary Kullen. whom numerous friends in the city hope to hear is improving'. Itching, Scratching, Skin Diseases That Burn Like Flames of Fire Private C. T. White, XJ. S. A., has arrived in the city from overseas ser- "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Lawrence, Jr., who were recently married in New Orleans, returned to Pensacola this morning. Mrs. Lawrence was former ly Miss Chloe Duncan. Miss Mary Daniels leaves tomorrow for Mary Esther, Fla., to ioin her cousin. Miss Katherine Shepv -d. who with her parents, is spending some time there. Miss Daniels will be gone about a week or ten days. Mrs. M. J. "Wise, of Mobile, is ex pected In the city the latter part of this week to join her daughter, Miss Marion Wise, who has been visiting for several weeks as the attractive "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which con tains proper directions to safely re lieve Headache, Toothache. Earache. Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin imoxes of 12 tablets cost but a fe 'cents at drug stores larger packages jalso. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaci d ester of Salicylicacld. , Mrp. James II. Frasor and daughter. Frances, expect to leave today for Memphis, Tenn., and Forrest City, Arkansas, where they will visit for several weeks before proini? to th? northern states to spend the remain der of the summer. Here Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results. Is For real. downrisht, liariassing, discomfort, very few disorders can ap proach so-called fUin diseases, such l-.czema, lelter. Boils, eruptions. r;'!y irritations and similar OVERSEAS Y. M. C. A. RATED AS 95 PER CENT EFFICIENT 1 troubles i 1 'i Atlanta. ;a.. July 2 "The V. M. C. A. . rrseas was '.-' perc-ent efficient mi l will alwas deserve the commendation r tho American roi'le tor tne spieixim manner in whicn it periorniea us "n, recently declared Colonel B. M. Bai!v. ai-mv reriittinz orncer in .fiiitiiiii., returned a short time ago from oversea?1, j "It must he remembered, "said Co.o- nel Bailey, -that the Y. M. C. A. was; compelled to put into service between 11.- j 0m and 12000 men and that these ni"M , had to be hastily picked. The work wan there to he dor.e and the "Y" was on the joH. Taking over the canteens wa- i man's job. so biff that it Is hard for ao mind to properly trrasp the magnitude of it. There'3 nothinc else to bs said shoot t the Y. M. C. A. in France was first- rate." Colonel Bailey, who was married about hree years ago to a popular Atlanta girl. is now in the midst of a sweeping cam- skin notwithstanding the lavish of salves, lotions, washes and . -v... tr, ..,nf. reapplied externally to the irritated parts. ..u !i iu-1' neard of a person bo-iiv-r afflicted with any form of skin (liseas'j whose blood was in 'norl con dition. Therefore, it is but logical to conclude that the proper method of treatment for pimples, blotches.: sores, boils, rough, red and scaly skin, is to purify the blood and removo the tiny germs of pollution that breaK through and manifest their presence on the surface of the skin. People in all parts of the country nave written us how they wer com pletely rid of every trace of the disorders by the use of B. 8. 8., the matchless, purely vegetable t?!ood purifier. S. S. ,S. goes direct to the center of the blood supply, and purl fies and cleanses It of every Teatlge of foreign matter, giving a clear and ruddy complexion that indicate per fect health. Write today for free medical advice regarding your cafe. Address Swift Specific Co., 443 Swift laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv. R. T. RAINES Public Accountant Auditor San Curios Hotel, Pensacola. Fla. McCasklll Block, DeKunlak Springs. Fla, INCOME TAX REPORTS EFFICIENCY ENGINEER SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen end movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by takint The world's standard remedy for IddfMya liver, bladder and arte acid troubles. Famous since - Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sixes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. far Um wmmtm CeU M4a! a FORCHEIMER'S FASHION SHOP Suggestions for July 4th Celebrations Sport Skirts, Waists, Voile, Organdy and Gingham Dresses. Middies and Smocks. Bathing Suits. Store Closed All Day Friday, July 4th. Shop Here Today jiaign for t-.-cniit to serve overseas. His territory M' l.'ls ovi r practically t:ie entire ."talc ;;r.'i tli showing tliit ha? been made is imst r:it i f;i tci y. in Iuh campaign for iu w men. Colonel ISail-y is imrressim-r upon prospective recruits the fact that enlistment at this time means an Immediate trip to Prance with splendid opportunities for vocational training while overseas. Colonel Bailey served at the front -with that distinguished fiijhtinK outfit. the second division. This division suffered more casualties, captured more prisoners and pained more territory than any oth er division with the American Kxpedltio-i-ai y forces acordin?; to the Colonel. Col onel Bailey has offices in the Transpor tation bu'ldinc in Atlanta and Is striving: to keep his district ahead of the rest f the country In the securing: of "50.000 bachelors for Immediate service overseas." TAKE GOOD CARE OF MILK Give the dairyman a square deal. Con sumers hab'.tualy blame the dairyman tor a.n spoiled milk, and if the mi lie does not cases the crltlsm in Justfled. Dairymen have been known to produce Impure milk, and some are probably still doing It t, some extent, but It Is not advisable to ao-i cuse a reputable dairyman hastily. It 13 likely that he Is more capable of prt d .icing clean milk than 85 per cent of ua customers are of keeping- It clean af terl . he delivers it. J C. UWilloughby of the University ef .Florida college of agriculture reminds housewives that they should care for rollK jut as carefully after It Is deliver! as they would have the dairyman car for it before. First of all. It should b placed In the refrigerator Immediately upon delivery. If It sits In the sunshine for an hour or two. It cannot be epect- ed to keep well. The bacteria which &re present will have done considerable work before the temperature can be reduced., Then, the longer the bottle r'ts on the tep or porch, the greater danger there; is of contamination. Dogs and cats are. sure to nose the bottle. If they do net! succeed In loosening the cover, '. Malarial? r if r u n m M m I n l ft if n 1 1 LI L I U II Gives the Snap and Sparkle ot YouthS L 1 Fer i, Wei aBdChlldrea sa4MM T1r'Jlr Ask Your Druggist ird Jid IS'o. 12- The Garibaldi Co., Ferro-Tone 50 lines 25 x 2 cola