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r4 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1919. DAILY WEEKLY SUNDAX Journal Publishing Company XvOIS K- MATES. President and General Manl. Conducted from 182 to 191C VTnder the Edlflorabip and Management or CoL Frank I Mayea. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS American Newspaper pubUaHers" Association Florida Preee Association Southern Kewapwpor PaWtabem Aavodatlon subscription rates: rn "Wee. Dally and Sunday . .... t. Two Wes. Thilly and Rwnday ............. One Month. Ta!ly and Pun lav v...., - Trre Month. Dally and Sunday 1." 81.T Months. Daily and Sunday , 3.1& one Tear. rallv and Sunday r. - S'indn-r Only. One Tear - Ti WeeVlv Journal, One Tear ..... .0 Mall subucrlptloTJ are payab'e fh adTance. and paper win he discontinued on expiration date. OFFICE Tfti-nal Bid ST.. Cor. , fntendnda and Da Luna f?tret. Kdltorlal Room a. 8S President at Bunlnene Office. .160 The Associated Press la exelaelrely entitled to tli for republication of aU news credited to It or n other wise credited In this paper and also to local news pub 1Ittd. Entered aa second eiaaa matter at the poarofflee In Pensacola, Florida, under Act of Consrress, March S. 1ST Represented in the General Ad3rtlsln Field by CONE. LORKNZEN & WOODMAN Kew Tork. Chlcao. Detrort. Kansas City, Atlanta SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 6, 19U THE "CAN" SPIRIT. Why does Indiana produce so marly writers? This question is often asked. There are two reasons. First: Indiana, for many years after its first settlement, was inaccessible to the larger cen ters of population. In thesmall isolate communities of early time people preserved their individuality. In cities people are relatively alike they be come alike by association in large numbers, they have the came amusements and diversions they "hire" their amusements the same as having their clothes made or employing the perform ances of other common services. In a country community people are forced on their own resources for amusements and di versions; they become adepts at story telling, practical joking, unique expression and humor ous simile. Then there is the general influence of pioneer life. The open sky, the hills, the trees, the sounds of the wind through the forest; the cry of the owls by night life amid virgin nature stimulat ed the imagination and vision. Before the open fire-places of early times, and from its glow and warmth came human fancies in story and song. While but few of these original fancies may have been recorded for posterity, yet their spirit, the ability to create them, does not die out in one, two or even three generations; it is an in born spark that can be fanned to flame at will, and even in now congested populations and high civilization with all their lettered traditions. Here is the second reason why Indiana pro duces so many writers: It has been the assertion of the human will. It is that spirit which says: "If he can, why I can!" For instance, years ago some small town law yer of Indiana may have written a successful book. Others in his and neighboring towns said to themselves: "If he can, why I can!" In this spirit many attempts were made. Many of them may have failed ; most of their manuscripts may not have even seen the light of type. But on the law of averages, out of the many failures, a few succeeded and these in turn, through the course of years, inspired others with the same spirit: "If he can, why I can!" This last may be the main reason why Indiana produces so many writers, and aside from that of location and pioneer background. It is like the automobile industry being cen tered about Detroit and Cleveland, at least in its earlier development. It should have logically been located in New England where they had for years the mechanics and machine shop facilities. But Henry Ford and Alexander Winton, two pioneers of the automobile, happen to live in De troit and Cleveland respectively; their neighbors said. "If he can, why I can!" and a vast general industry came into being in particular locations. It is a matter of mind, will, rather than loca tion it is a question of where the men with the mind and will are located, and no difference whether it is writing a book, building a bridge, flying in the air or winning a ball game. COLLARS AND PROFITEERS. There is a report Sn the trade that makers of standard collars that now are sold wholesale at $1.90 a dozen have determined to raise the price. There is no justification for such an act. The larger retailers have been selling these collars at 25 cents apiece, Small dealers have been dis posing of them at 20 cents. The retailer who charged 25 cents practiced extortion. At $1.90- to them was less than 16 cents per collar. His -price therefore was more than 50 per cent above that at which he pur chased the goods. Richard Spillane, economist, says : - Tt is questionable whether the manufactur ers ever had warrant for going to $1.90 a dozen. The very great advance this marks from the price before the war does not cover the real in crease for when the advance was inaugurated the manufacturers lowered the grade of the col lars by reducing the number of threads in the fabric. The manufacturer might be taught a salutary lesson if the American men ceased wearing the linen collar in summer. As a matter of fact, it is an abomination. It adds measurably to the heat and discomfort of the wearer in summer, and a it is an active conductor of cold, it offers little or no protection to him in winter. . A soft collar is much more sensible, serviceable and satisfactory." H 52 S CTATT7 -i-r 2 a a s s a B Too Many Docks idle. Acordln to a circular letter Just Is sued to members of the Georgia-Florida Sawmill Asscociatlon. by Secretary E. C. Harrell. the lumber yards In the north are bare of stocks or badly broken, and lnal " aler8 there are making In quiries as to where lumber can be ob tained. Mr. HarreU says these reports wera trouht back to Florida by Inspector Shannon, who recently returned from that section of the country. in his letter he says: 4Tou hav heard It claimed that there wf! ,K,Uyinf ln the st- that there was nothing doing in that section. The information we get from Mr. Shannon is XCtJyt0 the ntry. He went into two of the real big -New York yards, and saw but little lumber, and particu larly noticed that what stock they did have was badly scattered. One of these yards stated that what lumber they did pet in didn't stay long enough to be Pj-ed; that it was immediately disposed "This situation is even more acute ip the middle west. Mr. Shannon reports from actual observation and first hand information, that building new in procee and prospective ia at a tremendous rats and greater than anticipated. That ror real action and prosperity you have only to learn what is being done in that sec tion. "Mr. Shannon also reports that a Southern buyer from an old established and reputable Eastern wholesaler, showed him a letter from his company, directing him to buy roofers regardless." Timea-Uriion. THE SQUEALER ON THE WAY. Many of us worry because we are drifters. We have no plans in life. We have cut loose from our moorings and thrown chart and compass overboard. We are like the fellow who said, "I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on the way." Or like the dog that sat lonely in the railroad station because he had chewed up his tag. it aoesn t matter so mucn wnat your occupa tion may be whether it's in the home, the school, the shop or the store your life will be immensely relieved from anxiety and the petty worries if you have some big ideals the striving after which makes every little worry seem like the pebbles on the highway to the strong trav eler who is journeying home. These are mere incidents in his progress and he is unmindful of them because of the goal just beyond. Definiteness brings calmness. The assurance that one is on the way and not merely drifting brings courage in time of storm. With not a ship in sight and no land to be seen anywhere, with nothing but a waste of water all about the captain of the ocean steamer is nev ertheness calm and serene. His course is worked out. He has a compass which directs him and a chart to show him the way and he's steering as the compass directs. It's a mighty good thing, once in a while, to stop and ask yourself, "What is the purpose of my life? Is there anything toward which I am working? Or is life merely a succession of daily jobs?" July first and for the first time In the history of the nation America, is legally a dry nation. Here's hoping that It may hetome in fact what It now is ln name at. least, a nation tred from the curse of booze. Milton Gazette. Political Enemies. In nineteen cases out of twenty those who are actively opposing the league of Nations are political enemies of President Wilson. Their personal and partisan dis like of him has warped their judgment, tut it won't carry any influence with the American people. Orlando Reporter Star. j "'" . -- - ,-- . 7. f f- fT r!$2. VI BtiG viot A"ret c , j And nations shall beat their swords into plow shares, and their version of the war into the heads of children. The only apparent hope of making the Bol shevists walk a chalk line is to make it a Kolchak line. ALADDIN'S WINDOW. When the palace of Aladdin was built one win dow was left unfinished for the sultan to com plete. Unfortunately his funds ran out and the window was never completed. We have from this incident the saying "Alad din's Window" when we speak of any work left undone by a great man and which somebody is to finish. Our soldiers, now returning, have left for us a great Aladdin's window. They have erected a world of freedom and democracy with the win dow of brotherhood left for us to supply. That Aladdin's window can be built with faith and confidence in our government, our neighbors and ourselves. Americans always have been so rich in these things that it is inconceivable to fail for lack of funds. Let's create a window that is even more beau tiful than the building itself. " FIRST INSTEAD OF LAST. A western state, that has more than a million population, recently jubilated over the fact that during the year its savings accounts had increas ed ten million dollars. Which meant that during a year of prosperity, during a time when the worker received more than double his usual wage, the average family had increased its savings account about seventy dollars. But, during the same time the average family spent ten dollars for three tires and gasoline and repairs for every one it put in a savings account. This is no criticism of the sensible spirit of the American worker that believes in enjoying life, and giving his family some of the luxuries. But we submit that the savings account, the fund for old age, for emergencies, for sickness, for the education of the children, should be of first consequence instead of last. Value to You of an Advertising Agency YouVe in business. You're putting up a line of trademarked &oods, we will say. You want to sell them. You send out salesmen. They &et distribution . for you. Your oods are on the dealers shelves. Now you need advertising to interest the consumer to malce-'Mrs. Smith or Mr. Jones ask for your oods by name to say, for instance, ' want a can of BROWN'S Beans" instead of "I want a can of beans." Two courses open to you: You either undertake to -prepare and place your own advertising or. you shove the whole job on an advertising agency. If YOU undertake to do it, you first select your papers. Supposoyou are &oin& to use 100 papers. What papers? If you haven't a newspaper di rectory, you have to borrow or buy one. You write to the paper for rates. After youVe picked your papers, you write your ads, employ an artist to make drawings for the illustrations, employ an engraver to make original plates, employ an electrotyper to make duplicate plates, employ a printer to sat the ads to secure uniform strong typographical displays; then you mail the proofs and plates to each paper with instructions when to insert; after that you have to search vhru the papers to be sure the ads appeared, and if they did, you have to open accounts with 100 papers and mail 100-checks each month while the advertising is running. You and. your office force have done loads of tiresome work -ancD-worry that an advertising afcency would have done without charge. Thru an adver tising agency you pay exactly the rates you pay publishers direct. The agency &ets its remuneration in the shape of a small commission from the publishers a commission they are only too willing to pay because agency service saves them labor and expense. An advertising agency prepares the ads and, after being OK'd by you, forwards them for insertion, checks up their appearance in the publications. All you have to do is to pay ONE bill to the agency each month. Besides, the agency gives you, free, the benefit of its expert knowledge of mer chandising methods. It analyses your business. It decides before accepting your account whether you are really ready to advertise. The agency is your representative just as much so as your salesman.' Most of the successf uljnterstate and national advertising is placed thru advertis ing agencies. The nine advertising agencies listed below comprise the Southern Council of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. Write to the agency you prefer and get the benefit of its advice, organization and equipment: Thomas E. Baih&m Co., Louisville, Ky. Cecil, Barreto & Cecil, Richmond. Va. Chambers Agency, Inc., New Orleans, La. Nelson Chesman & Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. Ferry-Hanly Advertising Company, New Orleans, La. Johnson-DaQls Company, Atlanta, Ga. Masseagale Advertising Agency, Atlanta, Ga. Staple Sc Staples, Inc. Richmond, Va. The Thomas Advertising Service, Jacksonville, Fla. J AlXniAmdn Members Southern Council, American an Atlanta, Co. Association of Advertising Agencies