Newspaper Page Text
r g X X X SB H FLORIDA FORECAST. Generally fair Monday ana Tuesday; not much change in temperature; gentle, variable winds. KssaasaassssBBSSRaBiH-H . B a The Pensacola Journal H Pensacola's Only Sunday Newspaper X VOL. XXII NO. 186. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA. MONDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS BIG BRITISH DIRIGIBLE IS LANDED SAFELY ATMINEOLAN.Y. First Lighter Than Air Ma chine to Cross Atlantic in Air Over 108 Hours. COULD HAVE GONE ONLY 90 MIN. MORE Dense Cloud Banks and Un favorable Winds Near the American Shores Retard Progress of Travel. Washington, July 6. Congratula tions of the United States navy upon the successful trans-atlantic flight of the British dirigible R-34 were sent Major Scott, the airship's commander, J and members of the crew, by Secre- j tary Daniels today, immediately upon receipt of a'dvlces the craft had landed safely at Mineola. Mineola, N. Y.. July 6. Great Brit ain's super-dirigible R-34, the first llghter-thun-alr machine to cross the Atlantic, anchored here at Roosevlet flying field at 9:54 this morning, after u non-stop aerial voyage of 108 hours and 12 minutes, covering 3,130 knots. or approximately 3,600 land miles. She i had petrol enough left for only DO minutes more flying. Passing through dense hanks of cloud, with sun and sea visible only at rare intervals, the 34 was forced to cruise 3,690 miles to reach Trinity bay, New Foundland. from Bast Fortune, Scotland, and 1944 miles from there to Mineola. The crew, almost sleepless for four and a half days, were weary almost to the point of exhaustion, but happy at the successful completion of the epoch-making trip. The return voyage in schedule to start -Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. ' Haggard, unshaven, eyes bloodshot from the long vigil and lines of care bitten deep into their faces. Major O. tt. Scott, commander, and his officers showed plainly the effects of the anx ious hours through which they lived yesterday while cruising over the far reaches of Canada and the Bay of Fundy. beset by fog. heavy winds and terrific electrical storms. It seemed as though the atmosphere was haunted by five thousand devils," said Lieut. Guy Harris, meteorloglcal officer, with the Thirty-four. Long overdue at its destination, the petrol supply running low and buffeted by strong head winds, Major Scott de cided yesterday while over the Bay of Fundy to send a wireless call to the American navy to be prepared to assist if needed. This was merely a measure of precaution. "While the destroyers and submarine chasers were racing to her assistance, the R-34 was plugging steadily ahead on her way to Mineola. Once clear of the Bay of Fundy. the atmosnhere hoodoo which had beset the craft from the time it took the air. was gradually left in its wake. RUMORE THAT HE WAS DYING DISTURB WILLARD Toledo, July . Because of the con troversy over the duration of the heavy weight fight between Wlllard and femp3ey and whether Dempsey should he credited with a knockout, Ollie Pecord. referee, ruled tonight that Wll lard had been knocked out In the third round, despite the fact that the towel was not tossed into the ring from Wll lard's corner until the bell sounded for he fourth round. Wlllard was dis turbed tonight by rumors that he was dying. He has entirely recovered from the punishment administered by Dempsey, except his injured eye. I. W. W. IN MEXICO RENEW AGITATION WITH THREATS Washington. July 6. Agitation by the Industrial Workers of tie World has been renewed in Mexico accord lug to official reports received here today. While no actual violence has hen reported, it was said there had been threats of serious trouble. With the forcible dissipation recent ly or a number of leaders who caused tVe strikes In Mexico. Mexican author ities believed they had completely sup preed the I. W. W. agitation. PROHI AGENT IN MANHATTAN BUYS AND COPS SELLER New York. July . The first arrest on Manhattan Island for alleged viola tion of the war-time prohibition law made today when the proprietor of a popular cafe at Center and Franklin streets, was taken into custody on a -Large of having sold a glass of whis y o a special agent of the depart ment of Justice. He was arraigned t-roro a United States commissioner ami rlrvjd on bail. i GOVERNMENT SUPPLIES MARKET BASKET MA YQR BRYANT J f0 Baltimore Husband and Wife Leaving Municipal Market Where They Bought Army Food, Meats and Vegetables at Cost Prices. peace vrra BELAKUNBE ABANDONED Senator Borah Renews At tack on League Plan on Basis of New Treaty With the French. Paris, Saturday, July 5. The coun cil of five concluded this afternoon that it is impossible to make peace with Bela Kun's Hungarian govern ment, according to theHavas Agejjcy. Maintenance of ' the blockade Is still necessary, it was said. The proposed Austrian peace treaty will be ready for presentation to the Austrians Tuesday. The full text of the document is now in the hands of the printer. Aboard Steamer George Washington, Saturday, July 5. President "Wilson had an extended conference today with Bernard Baurch, Vance McCormick, Norman, Davis, Thomas W. Lamont, members of the supreme economist council. The conference, it is under stood, related to features of the presi dent's message to congress. The pres sage is nearly finished. Amsterdam, Saturday, July 5. "The allies can only have my dead body. I will, myself, decide on my life or death," the former German crown prince is quoted as having said Friday in discussing the possible demand for his extradition. This statement, re ported by a British wireless service correspondent, was said by him to have been made to a Dutch official who talks dally with the former crown prince. Washington. July 6. The new treaty with France, by which that nation is promised aid in case of unprovoked attack by Germany, was described as "a premature obituary to the League of Nations as the league of peace." In a statement tonight by Senator Bor ah, republican. Borah also charged that the promise was made by Presi dent Wilson to purchase French sup port for the league plan. The treaty with the Franco-American agreement probably will be re ferred Immediately to the foreign rela tions committee. No plan for consid eration of the treaty has been an nounced by the committee, but It has been intimated it would hold hearings. Some senate leaders have expressed the belief the president might appear before the committee or at an execu tive session of the senate to explain the various portions of the treaty and league covenant. FIVE PERSONS ARE DROWNED AT GULF PORT, MISS. Gulfport. Miss., July 6. Within full view of many bathers and within half a mile of the heart of Gulfport, five persons were drowned in the Missis sippi Sound today. Mrs. Ina Thomas, while 200 yards from the shore stepped in the channel and four others lost their lives attempting to save her. LAUNCH WITH 8 ARE MISSING AT CORPUS CHRISTI Corpus Christ!. Texas, July 6. A launch with eight persons aboard is missing, following a heavy gale here early today which continued several hourc. The- party left yesterday for a pleasure cruise on the bay. GOVERNMENT SELLS FOOD TO BASKET BRIGADE Experiment Proved Highly Successful in Baltimore in Disposing of War Depart ment Surplus. By A. E. GELDHOF Baltimore. July 6. At the -first sale of the army's canned meats and veg etables, held here as a test at one of Baltimore's municipal markets., neooln Scrambled.- scratched" ftnrt -fsVnrf- buy the supplies before the limited stock was exhausted. They had to call out the polirse to keep order In the crowd waiting Its turn to buy! Only S2.500 worth of canned corned beef, pork and beans, peas, corn, to matoes and corn syrup were placed on sale. This sale started at 9 o'clock and before noon there wasn't a thing left but a lot of bursted, empty crates. As a result Baltimore is to have regular sales of the army supplies in all the city markets until the war de partment's Baltimore storehouse is empty. This week $15,000 worth is to be sold, and if the public shows that it wants more, it will get it. Further more, clothing and other supplies are to be placed on sale also. The goods are sold at the price they cost the government, which is two thirds, and in some cases half, the present retail price. Members of the Women's Civic League volunteered their services as sales women, but If the sales get too big. as they threaten to, the city will add a fraction of a cent to the cost of each article sold and use the extra amount thus gained to pay hired salesmen to sell the goods. Howard Branoh, president of the sec ond branch of the Baltimore city coun cil and acting mayor. Is the man to whose initiative and enterprise the success of Baltimore's effort to cut the cost of living Is due. He Is enthusias tic over the success of his venture, and declares that the city government has permanently broken the backbone of the high cost of living. Bryant was in communication with I Ine war department last week, before! secretary Baker announced that he would refuse to sell the vast amount of surplus foodstuffs back to the pack ers at 35 per cent of its cost, and would make it available to the public. Bry ant's offer therefore was the first one accepted. This , live-wire acting mayor lost no time. Tie called a number of public spirited women into his office, laid the proposition before them, bundled them into his car and drove them to the army warehouse, where they picked out the supplies they thought Balti more people wanted most. Then Bryant hastened back to the city hall, called a meeting of the board of estimates, and asked them for $2,500 out of the city's contingent fund with which to pay the army for supplies. That was last Thursday. "It's only a loan." he explained. "The money will be back In the city treas ury Saturday night. it was. And the profits that ordi narily go to the food trust are In the pockets of several thousand people of Baltimore. The money In hand. Acting Mayor Bryant went back to Colonel Merrlam. zone supply officer for Baltimore, and paid him. Merrlam was taken by sur prise, but he promised to have the goods ready next day. Friday the city's motor trucks back ed up to the storehouse and took the supplies to Richmond market. An im provised counter was thrown up and the tops were knocked off the pack ing boxes containing the canned food. Saturday morning the goods were placed on sale and oh. man! How they did go! Kach customer was re stricted to six cans of any one variety. Nearly every one took his six cans of every variety. The poor volunteer saleswomen never had such hard work In their lives as they had figuring up (Continued on Page Two.) mnnm 17 A IPnn DAT NEVER BE PUNISHED FOR CRIMESOFWAR Journalist Says Latest Al lied Plan is to Keep Form er Emperor Where He is Now. CONSPIRACY AGAINST PEACE TERMS FEARED It is Pointed Out That So Called "King Trust" Does Not Actually Want the Kaiser Tried. BY HAROLD E. BECHTOL. Paris, France, July 6. The trial of the ex-kaiser grows more doubtful every day. This despite Great Brit ain's recent request that Holland guard the former emperor of Germany and keep him Interned on Dutch soil. It is the opinion of men of diplo matic and other governmental exper ience that Great Britain is not anxious j to put Bill Hohenzollern on trial for I his life, but that the British govern -j ment recognizes the fact that the for mer kaiser might make all kinds of trouble if permitted to go back to Ger many and assume the role of defender of the German people in a conspiracy British and French believe Wilhelm J could gain the support of Germans If he would assume the leadership of a movement to protest against com plying with the terms of peace. That' in such a conspiracy Wilhelm would again become the popular idol of Ger many. That Is why they are so in sistent upon , his ; being held in Hol land. . There Is every evidence that the so called "king trust". does not want the eTt-kalPJWrt-r1rfi-K.JrTft- the "MlUra.Trhi. parties of an European countries are opposed to the trial- European statesmen show no inter est whatever in requesting Holland to turn him over. In the possible date of the trial, or in what becomes of him. They are content to let him sink Into Ignominy. Which Is significant. In view of the fact that it was the European states men who insisted on including in the treaty machinery for a trial. ' The American commission always opposed a trial. They were for a scathing public denunciation to pass down in history. Prosecution, they held, might be twisted into persecu tion "of an Individual, and arouse sym pathy for Wilhelm. Nobody over here shows any dispo sition to ask for him, and it is a safe bet that the present American admin istration at least will make no request of Holland to turn him over. One of the popular facts about the treaty section on responsibility is that while it provides for judges to try the ex-kaiser, it imposes on nobody the task of requesting it. Germany Is made responsible for turning over other accused persons, but not the former emperor. At one stage of the- peace conference the big govert!"etUsiWte8re8ted to Bel gium that she ask tfce Dutch govern ment to turn him over for trial. Bel- glum Imed And from that moment Europe has shown tss ar.d less in terest in the ex-kaiser'a ' trial. I discussed the subject with one of the men who throughout the peace conference was closest to the presi dent. "I don't they will everMry him," said this member of the American mission. "It might make him too popular in Germany. Demand for his trial in Eu rope is falling off, and nobody wants to ask for him. It will probably go by default." In European circles the answer is always the- same. It's th last thing anybody wants to talk about. "Every body's too busy on vital important matters to thing about It," the foreign offices say. In England the newspapers hardly ever mention it nowadays not even the Corthcliffe press, which through out the war was the most insistent in demanding that the war criminals be tried and punished. The French press contains an infre quent reference generally a sarcastic jab aimed at the improbability of the triaL Some of the papers point out that the treaty contains the following ar- j raiemment which would nrobablv have I been omitted if the - conference had!mai" , , , , , . , really anticipated a trial: "The allied and associated powers publicly arraign William II of Ho henzollern, formerly German emperor, for a supreme offense against Inter national morality and the sanctity. It is pointed out that a public ar raignment was urged by America, who opposed a trial. Events seem to show that the Eu ropean governments insisted on ma chinery for the trial so they couldn't be lambasted for omitting it. But they are quite content to "let it elide. at least until there Is a far greater pressure of public opinion than there is in Europe now. NEWEST GERMAN REPUBLIC 4 r UJiSSA.V E y Q ""' - a TV r -.fesag.-- .s f :-"tfPPER;0 SEE ? .... r MPT7 -Vr - FRANCE o" Here Is the newest German republic. Hesse, Upper Hesse and Hesse Nassau are within its borders. Darmstadt Is Its capital, Wilich Its president, accord ing to dispatches. It's Just over the Rhine and north of Bavaria. KIWANIS CLUB COMPLETES ITS CHARTER LIST Seventy-five Men in Organ ization Represent 58 Dif ferent Lines of Business. The completion of the list of charter membership of the new Kiwanis Club of Pensacola and the closing of the gate to membership for some time to come was announced Saturday night by Organizer William F. Wright, 01 Buffalo, N. Y.. popularly known -a arfVt?Ul WrtgRt. ' It i4 stated that the charter mem bership of 75 men represents 53 dif ferent lines of business out of a possi ble 150 in Pensacola. The club is purely a business organization, inter national in its character, and repre sented in all the leading cities of America. It Is the plan of the directors of the local club to hold the member ship at its present number for sev eral months, until all get thoroughly I acquainted and develop a good team work and spirit. Then it is likely that a considerable waiting list will be considered, and it is said that pref- erence will be given to men who did not have opportunity to become char- ter members: while it will be the ultimate endeavor to have as many lines of business as possible repre sented in the membership. Unlike the Rotary Club, which confines member ship to one person Vfom each line of business, the Kiwanis Club takes two from each, making a larger club. The following is the list of charter members, as given out by the organizer,- alphabetically by lines of busi ness: Accountant Chauncey O. Garritt. Architect William W. Alfred. Automobile J. B. Anderson, the Ford man; Percival D. Tebault, of the Harrington .Motor Co. John j Boweg JtT of the Liberty Tire I & Supply Co. - Awnings, Tents and Sails John O. Engstrom. of the E. Gautsen Co. Bank John W. Talone, of the Amer ican National Bank. Building and Limn James H. Bay lies, of the Pensacola Home & Sav ings Association. Casualty Insurance -Julius E. lels. cigars -Aiax j. iieinoerg. J ings stamps. "Put your postage stamps Clothing Bernhardt L. Gunder- i 8avings in savings stamps" is the slo schelmer. of the M. & O. Clothing I gan adopted in appealing to the peo Store; Edward T. White, of White & j ple to invest this money m govern-Wnlte- (ment securities. It is pointed out that Contractors Harry G. DeSilva. of j had the "war .time" rate been contin ue Pensacola Construction Company: I ued monthly postage expense to busi Chandler G. Yonge. of the Southern j r,eM houiM.8 wouM have hn thlrty Construction Company. ; three and one-third per cent more than Cooperage Manufacture David H. lt ls under the revised rate. Business "Tart. i men are therefore being asked to set Cotton Merchant Edmund G. Car- aslde the sum they are savins by the ter, secretary of the club. j former rates, for investment in war uenust Jesse tiaiawin. u. u. b. Dry Dock Thomas A. Johnson, of the Bruce Dry Dock Co. Dry Goods (retail) William W. Watson, of Watson. Parker & Reese; ; Theras L. Gant. of the Everlasting Fabrics Co. Dry Goods, (wholesale) Ike Hirsch- -jack g .ciecuric iigQi ana naiiway Holtzclaw, of the Pensacola Electric Co. Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Special ist Mozart A. Lischkoff. M. D. Farmer- - Edward Kaselack, of the Richland Farms. Farm Lands Junes G. Pace, of Es cambia Land &-Manufacturing Com pany; Arthur T. BarkdulL Fire Insurance J. Wallace Lamar, of Welles-Wen twocth Insurance Com pany; Leslie Partridge. Fish Wholesalers Adrian E. Lang ford, of E. E. Saunders Fish Co.; Jack (Continued on Page Two.) WERNER RACE TO BILOXI ON THIS MORNING New Orleans Yachtsmen Leave After an Enjoyable Stay in Pensacola At Ft. Barrancas Yesterday. The New Oreleans yachts will leave early this morning for Biloxi, racing to the Mississippi port for the Werner cup. There is much interest in the outcome of the contest, as practically the same rules hold in this race as those- under, which the San Carlo, tro phy was awarded. Members of the Pensacola Yacht Club and their guests from the South ern Yacht Club, of New Orleans, were entertained by Col. Hughes, of Fort Barrancas, at a swimming party and luncheon at Fort Pickens yesterday. The yachtsmen left Palafox wharf at 10 o'clock yesterday morning and ar rived at Fort Pickens at about 11 o'clock. After visiting the batteries and enjoying the surf, a chicken and fish dinner was served. The New Orleans yachtsmen were much pleased with the excellent surf bathing at Santa Rosa Island and de- lniil 1 4- a Iva tliA Kaa t nn Mia milf J ' , , , I , . . " T; ' Hon for the hospitality accorded by Col. Hughes. Returning via the naval air station, the visitors were thown about although all planes were in their hangars and the station was very quiet. The party returned to the city early In the after noon. CUT IN POSTAGE SAVES MERCHANTS $50,000 MONTHLY Atlanta. July 6. July first was a sig nificant date for more than one rea son. The first needs no mention. The other was that on that date first class postage rates went back to two-cents, resulting In the saving of millions of dollars to merchants and others in the southeast. It has been estimated that in one city alone the one-third reduc tion will save the merchants $50,000 monthly. A movement has been started by the van- j war savings organiration of the dis j trict to turn this money into war sav- 'savings stamps and make this money bring them a return from the govern ment. Silas W. Davis, director of savings for the district, believes the plan will (of war savings and thrift stamps. WORLD'S OLDEST GOVERNMENT HAS MISSION IN U. S. Washington. July 6. The flag of Abyssinia, one of the world's oldest governments, with history dating bick to the days of the Queen of Sheba, will be unfurled in Washington tomorrow, on arrival - of a delegation from that nation. The Abyssianlan representa tives who arrived in New York yester day, will be the nation's guests while here. The mission consists of three members who came to present Presi dent Wilson with congratulations of their countries on the allied victory. i AUTO ACCIDENT NEAR Hl'DAVlD, Ml ORLEANS GIRL IS KILLED Car Rolled Backward and Turned Down Embank ment When Engine Went Dead on Hill. C. B. PERRY DRIVER, WIFE AND AUNT HURT Two Small Perry Children Were Pinned Beneath Car But Were Rescued and Were Not Injured. Miss Violet Pulllam. of New Orleans, was killed outright. C. B. Perry. Mrs. W. A. Per-y and Mrs. Delphlne Prleux, an aunt of Mr. Perry, were painfully. though not dangerously hurt, when an Oldsmobile. driven by Mr. Perry, turned over down an embankment at Canoe creek. Just north of McDavid, yesterday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Penny's two small chil dren, who were also on the car, es caped unhurt. Of the Injured, Mrs. Prieux was per haps the most seriously hurt, she hav ing sustained several cuts about the head and other minor bruises. Mr. Perry was injured by the impact of a fall or blow on the head, while Mrs. Perry was only slightly cut and shaken up. Deputy Sheriff George Hall, who was near the scene of the accident at the time brought Mrs. Prieux to the city and carried her to the home of Capt. Charles Perry, at 434 East Zarragossa street, father of C. B. Perry, where she was attended by Dr. Nobles. Mr. Pouncey, of Moltno, brought Mr. and Mrs. Perry and the children back to the city, taking them to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dunham on West Romans street, where they were at ton4e4 by Dr. Blocker. The body of Miss Pulllam was brought - to Pou's Undertaking estab lishment last night to be prepared for shipment to the family home in New Orleans. She was visiting the family of A. H. McLeod. At the time of the accident the auto party was traveling north on the Pen-sacola-Flomaton road and according to Mr. Perry's own version of the acci dent he was In the act of changing ?ears as he was making the hill 'and the car rolled backward for about 12 fet coming practically to a dead stop. At about this Juncture the sand sur face near the edge of the embankment gave way and the car toppled over. Miss Pulliam's head was said to have been pinned under the body of the car. The two children are also said to have been pinned beneath the automobile, but were soon rescued by other trav elers who chanced to be nearby, the road being frequented as ls usually the case Sunday afternoons. News of the unfortunate affair spread rapidly in the city last night wnere n was the source of much regret among the numerous friends and relatives of the parties in the accident. CHAS. T. FRECKER QUITS THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Jacksonville, July 6. At a conference at the Aragon hotel today, called by Governor Catts. Chas. T. Frecker. of Tampa, voluntarily tendered his resig nation as president of the state board of health and the governor immediate ly appointed Joe L. Earman. now chairman of the state board of con trol and the plant board, to succeed Mr. Frecker as president of the state board of health. Harry B. Minium, president of the United States Trust Co., of this city, was appointed to succeed Mr. Ear man. As a member of the board of con trol and plant board, Mr. Earman has made good, and it was due to this fact that Governor Catts asked him to assume the duties of straightening out the board of health. RIOTS IN ITALY OVER HIGH COST LIVING SERIOUS London, July 6. The Italian move ment protesting against the high cost of living is spreading from Romagnal district to Emilia and other provinces li central Italy, according to a Milan dispatch to the Dally Mall. Serious incidents took place in some places. Three persons are reported killed and many injured yesterday in disorders at Imola and Bologna. BUTTE IS SCENE BOMB EXPLOSION DURING SUNDAY Butte. Mont., July . Explosion of dynamite placed at the entrance of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company's pay office early today damaged that and surrounding buildings in the heart of the business district of the city. Iron grating was blown against build ings across the street narrowly miss ing a street car heavily loaded wltU miners.