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PROBABLY IT WOULD , ,r RUN BACK WORDS EASIER J J&fjftms r ' fed AMSTERDAM The photographer brough the picture back from the Isle of -Wierlngen, where the tormer crown prince Is-In exile. The former prlrtc Is tryln gout a nw motorcycl. Cecelie, former crown princess, anfi many of the natives, were spectator at the initial ride. WhybeFat? Become -Slim " This Season Hare yon heard about the new sys tem for weight reduction! You nay eat and drink all you need. There is no tedious exercising. Take a little oil of korein at mealtimes and when retiring; also follow the simple, clear directions. A loss of Weight, ten to sixty pounds (whatever you need to lost), may be expected by this safe and pleasant system of fat reduction. At the druggist's get a small box of oil of korein capsules, and start at Once. Be ct normal size, with good figure and attractive appearance, agile, quick witted, healthier and more efficient. By reducing weight now you are likely to avoid one or more diseases, heart weak ness, EUDStrOke, apoplexy, etc., and to add many years to your life. Remem ber oil of 5'n. Become thin and ftny so. Show others this advertisement. USED .'MACHINERY Subject to prior sale, we offer any of the following plan ing mill machinery for sale, for prompt delivery. Most of this machinery is practically new and all of it is in excellent condition: 1 Clipper Belt Lacer. 1 Tenoner Machine (H. B. Smith, Smithville, N. J.) 1 Diagonal Planer (Rowley & Herman.) 1 Royal Invincible 42 in. Berlin Sander. IV. 1 Blind Clamp (American.) 1 Panel Raiser (Fay & Eagari-Machine Co.) 1 7 in. Hall & Brown Moulder. 1 Chain Saw Mortiser, New Brittain ,No. 2. ; 1 Tenoner Machine (American No. 2 1-2) v 1 Sash Dove Tailer (American Figure 8845-520745).. 1 Hollow Chisel Cash Mortiser, Figure 899-105089. 47, Ft. 1 15-16 Shaft. . - - 3 Compression Couplings 1 15-16. 2 Collars 1 15-16. 1 Steel Split Pulley 20 In. Dia. 7 in Face Flat 1 15-16 CM. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 20 in. Dia. 9 in. Face 1-15 Flat. 1 Steel Split Fulley, 20 in. Dia. 9 in. Face 1-15 Flat. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 28 in. Dia. 11 in. Face, 1-15 C. M. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 24 in. Dia. 12 in. Face, 1-15 Flat. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 16 in. Dia. 9 in. Face, 1-15 CM. 2 Steel Split Pulleys, 14 in. Dia. 9 in. Face, 1-15 C. M. 9 Flat Cast Boxes 1-15. 5 Ft. Shaft 1-15. ' 2 Collars," 1-15. 2 Boxes, 1-15. 1 Cast Pulley, 20 in. Dia. 6- in. Face, 1-15 bore. 1 Steel Split Pulley 18 in. Dia. 8 in. Face 1-15. 4 Ft. Shaft, 1 9-16. 2 Boxes, 1 9-16. v . 2 Collars, 1 9-16. , 1 Cast Pulley, 20 in. Dia. 6 in. Face, 1 9-16. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 12 in. Dia. 4 in. Face, 1 9-16. , 23 Ft. Shaft, 1-15. - 2 Collars, 1-15. ' . ; 2 Cast Boxes 1-15. 1 Coupling 1-15 Compression. 1 Steel Split Pulley8 in. Dia. 6 in. Face, 1-15. 1 Steel Split Pulleji 18 in. Dia. 9 in. Face, 1-15. 1 Steel Split Pullet, 20 in. Dia. 7 in. Face, 1-15 C. M. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 14 in. Dia. 8 in Face, 1-15 Flat. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 18 ini Dia. 7 in. Face, 1-15 C M. 1 Cast Split Pulley, 18 in. Dia. 9 in. Face, 1-15 Flat. 1 Cast Split Pulley. 14 in. Dia. 8 in Face, 1-15 Flat. 1 Iron Frame Rip Saw. . . r - . For Prices and terms address Stearns Lumber a Export Co. PENSACOLA, FLA. Only One "BROMO QUININE" To ret' the ' genuine, call for full name LAXATIVE BROilO QUININE Tablets. Look for signature of-E. "W, GROVE. Cures a cold in one day. 30c Alv , keen off fevers. fine tonic' At vaut Ama store. for 60c Money back if no rehet. Made ana GUARANTEED by 8CMRENS CHUG CO- Waco, Twaa. mi Ji WMM iviils dulls mid A j I II THE PENSACOLA' JOURNAL, TUESDAY: M&RNING, OCTOBER 21, 1919. dftaOfltiaaodOQBaaan 0 LOCAL MAAKBTto U b . a IBBB SB BBS BBBBBBB :: y Whereat The quotations of the local whole sale markets remained firm yesterday. - , Produce. Apples, per bbl. I.T5 and......$t0.25 Apples, per box. 4.50 Bananas, per pound - .01 At Butter, per pound, CI and .... Bean Navy, per pound Lima, per pound ........... Beats, per poufid , M 1.50 0 .07 S.2K . .40 .45 .4 - .69 Celery, per dot n . . . . Cabbage, per pound ............ Carrots, per pound ........... Cantaloupes, per box. $1.71 ar.I Chickens, per pound. .33 and.. Chickens, per pound. .If and..' Turkeys, dressed Effs. per dozen, .B 4 and. .... - Grapes Tokay ............,.. Limes, per 100 ................ 3.25 0 .644 .04 .3 1.4S 2.7S Ml 4.25 4.10 1.15 .10 111 S.50 1.45 2.00 Lemons, per box Onions Yellow, per pound Red, per pound potatoes Irish, pr pound .......-.... Sweet, per bl. ttt. Peaches, p. - orat. $2J5 and ... Peas, per box...,..,..,.....,. Tomatoes ; Luggen ..................... Baltimore .,................ ., Grains and Feed. Com, per bu. ...,......,... Oats, per tra. ,........,,.. Pran. per ctrt ., Chops, per cwt. Middlings per cwt., I.S0 and . Cotton seed meal, per cwt. .... Pour per eent cotton seed meat Stf.oo. Seven per cent, cotton uied meal ..........,....... Cotton seed hulls per cwt. .... Union grain, per cwt. .......... Liberty fesd, per owi ..... Poultry feed, per cwt. ...... .Hy Timothy No. 1, per ton ......... Poultry feed a llfalfa, per ton ........... ess. Turnip per pound Cabbage, per pound ......... Rust proof oats, per pound ... Rye, per pound ..... Tl.00 .10 4.00 1.00 43 23.00 29.00 1.00 4.00 1.10 2.75 " Psrtiliseraj 4 per cent. Acid Phosphate, per ton 20.00 10 per cent. Acid PhOSphatS, per ' ton ..... 21.60 rih scrap, per ton ............ 10.7B Retail. No changes were reported in thS Quotations of th& local markets yester day, Apples, per dozen, ,40 to.... Bannanas, per pound . Butter, per pound..... Beans- .73 .03 .70 .13 .IS .07 Vi .074 -.25 .50 .20 .75 .25 .124 .40 .074 1.00 Navy, per pound. ;.....,. Lima, per pound ...i. ...... Beets, per pound ............. cabbage, per pound. Carrots, per pound .......... Celery, per bunch, .15 and...,; Chickens, per pound, .40 and... Cranberries, per quart, .13 and Begs, per dozen. .60 to.. Grapes, per. pound, .20 and..... Grape Fruit, each, .08, .10 and. Lemons, per doien.t.. ........ Onions, per pound. ........... Oranges, per dozen, .SO, .76 and Potatoes tei88BH18SEBBiiBlSa8i m - , & Beauty Answers m By MADAME MAREE f :SIIBZ&IX8SSBIXSs THERE? Are many things which will re move superflous hairs but mayy of them so Irritate, burn and red den the skirt as to make it a sight to look upon. It 19 no longer neces sary to go at it in such a savago manner, sa- perflous hair can now be removed y an application which is absolutely safe and never fans to remove every nmrio mur TH.f. im onlv tn thin that Win do this. ana that is sniro solution, xms can oe ftuffhlv that no a vestlRe of it remains. obtained from any drug store for one Cellar. The nairs , are mereiy mumi- ened with it for a few moments, ana wither and dissolve away ana are wipea thn the hairs are. seen meraiiy u off. leaving a skin absolutely perfect. Ootless. soft and smooth. This is the mmima tnetnoo. ana no matter now sensitive the skin, or how thi"k fhe flair rrowth. it never falls to remore tno hairs completely and thoroughly. . TWtflSt T. n. r. Ton will be surprised mz the results If you fll use my formula for beautifying tne skin, i can promise you really and surely an exquisite com- olaxion in a. murhtv short time, with a tint like the rose, and spotless as a lily. II you Will make this cream at nome yourself and use It.Tou will posltiveiy neved find anything else in the worio to equal it. Now get from your drug eiat rma oune. 50 cents worth, of xin. mm md mix it with two tablesooonsful ot glycerine in a pint of hot water, mis makes a rich, satiny cream. Use it freely every day and you wul have your areara come true. Mtss AVrTOTTS A' remarkable pre paration to prevent excessive perspir ation in ths armnlta is hvdrolized talc. It is absolutely safe, keeps the armpits naturally fresh and dry, and you will have no more gowns ruined because of perspiration. Any drug store can sup nlv veni. It a Tart destrovS the odor Of perspiration . and other objectionable body odors. ; Where Can I Find Relief from Itcihing, Terrifying Eczema? This Question is Ever on the Lips . of ths Afflicted. Eczema. Tetter, Erysipelas, and other terrifying" conditions of the skin are deefa-seated blood troubles, and applications of . salves, lotions and washes can only afford temporary re lief, without reaching the real seat of the trouble. But Just because local treatment has done you no good, there is no reason to dispair. Tou simply have not sought the proper treatment that is within your reach. " i You have the experience of others who have suffered as you have to RED CROSS TEAMS ARE ARRANGING FOR DRIVE Captains Are Lining Up Teams, and Attending Other Preliminaries. 1 Red gross activities In relation to the Roll Call, which will be launched in Pensacola November 11th, Armis tice Day, has taken o new life, with team captains making their appoint ments, and all preliminary plans get ting under way. W. K. Hyer, chaiman. Who assisted by Malcolm R. Ponge, vice-chairman, is optimistic as to the outlook, owing to ths fact that the home service sec tion ot. the Red Cross has done such ef f ectiv work, not only nationally but locally. . v Mr. Hyer, In speaking of the work that is before the committees and the necessity for close organization, said: "The work of the Red Cross has not reached Its height in the United States, by any means. While hos tilities were supposed to have ceased with the signlnjf of the armistice, which the roll call commemorates, tne main Work 6f the Red Cross con sists; in aiding- in every possible way the reconstruction program.' "What the Red cross has dofte In the past in Pensacola has been for mally - recognised by nation head quarters, which cited this city for its splendid work in theemefgency relief camDaiem. The neople L of Pensacola havo stood by the Red Cross in the past because the Red Cross has stood by them and we be trust In them for the success of this r6ll call, as ' for every campaign in which their sup port has been enlisted." . - The Strona Withstand the Heat of Summer tetter Than the Weak. Old people who are feeble and young er people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go througn the depressing heat of summer by taking GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. If purifies and enriches tho blood and builds Up the WUOle system. Yott can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c, CLAIMS TO BIG SHOW PROJECT ABLY SET FORTH (Continued from Page One) t West Florida delegation. , The artillery band from Fort Bar rancas was so mucn superior to Jacksonville's cfrCUS fanfare outfit that no respectable comparison could bo made. ThO soldiers played every thing from "Hail, Hail the Gang's All Here" to "Dixie" and every Selection was received With the greatest enthus iasm. On the Other hand although the Jacksonville delegation had a lot Of crUst. gall and brass and a lot of yanked tricks there was no deep down in their heart enthusiasm. As a mat ter of fact they looked like a bunch of mourners at a funeral, paid to act their parts and nothing more. Numerous West Florida : delega- gatlons were in evidence, the Milton delegation headed by Hon. Peter RO sasco got aboard and the other prin cipal towns of West Florida were rep resented. . ' When the" Pensacola boosters awoke this morning they found the Jackson ville special laying along side. Jack sonville led the first procession. A few minutes later the Pensacola parade got underway, the Pensacola delega tion in line was twice as long as that Of Jacksonville wUh the men . four abreast. Jacksonville marched two abreast. Enthusiasm and Pensacola pep was on top all the time and the Jackson ville delegation had mighty little to say. . " The breaks are favoring Pensacola Sd far. R. Pope Reese, Frank Cren shaw and J. B Perkins who are Pen- sftcola's Speakers held a conference on the train last night and made com plete outlines Of what they said to day. CoL Rawls in an impromptu speech told the Jacksonville - delegation that ths only way they could beat Fensa cola was to move "her out of ths . 1(S7S8. DEED - in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. . Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL Tbe world's standard remedy for kidney liver, bladdet and uric acid troubles Holland's national remedy since 1699 All druggists, three si2e Guaranteed LmIc tkm mm CU Mmlat M vir Wl guide 'you to relief. ; No matter-how terrifying the irritation, no matter how unbearable the Itching and burn ing of the skin. S. S. S. will promptly reach the seat of . the trouble. . Give it a fair trial to be. convinced of Its efficacy. Our chief medical adviser Is an au thority on blood and skin disorders, and he will take pleasure in giving you such advice as your Individual case may need, absolutely without cost. "Write today, describing your case to Medical .Department, Swift Specific Co,, 252 Swift Laboratory Atlanta, Ga. Adv. : - : A : ' ach ills permanently disappear after drinkkg ths celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Positively. Earanteed by money-back Offer. Tastes e; costi S trifle. Delivore.1 anvwhera hv &Pensscpla Agents, West Florida Cn Co. PJboiis them. State. . ' '.".. Doc. Renshaw made one of the hits of the day by shimmying to "Down On the Rhine." Charley Hervey did a .classy one step with Mrs. Albert Anderson just to show that Pensacola was 'the liveliest town represented.. As a Wonderful climax to the repartee and horseplay," Joe Johnson, R. J. Brew- ton, John Holland, China Quina, Frank Carroll and Harry Thompson as pall bearers brought a casket bearing the designation "Jacksonville dead," as the Barrancas band played Dixie. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS MAY BE PROBED (Continued from Page One.) ' of one of the Fabian club and a con feree with other socialists at Chase's office. ., - :'. . ' . John C Ohsol, credited In the commission's . report with "important am," Senator Watson charged was a member of the Russian Duma, exiled to Siberia from Which he escaped, "and a pronounced socialist of the most Virulent type whb hever failed to express the greatest admiration for Lenine and Trotsky." Martin L. Sorber, another employee, the senator - charged, was "a friend and' admirer of Berger and Tucker and an organizer of radical propa ganda. Sorber, Senator "Watson charg ed, while-on the pay roll of Tucker, was also employed by the trade com" mission. Daniel A. Kemper, another employee, Senator Watson declared, "was open and avowed in his sedi tious utterances and always active in scattering socialistic propaganda. Earl S. Haines, another employee mentioned for "important aid," Sena tor "Watson, "openly asserted that the soviet government of Russia was the greatest government in the world and that he would never be satisfied until we had one like it in America. "My information,", said Senator Watson,, "is that a Mrs. Baldwin,- an accountant at the headquarters of the trade commission in Chicago was an anarchist of the most pronounced type, when a bomb, was exploded, at the conclusion of the I. ,W. W. trials be ore Land's, she exclaimed In tho presence Of her co-employees, 'It served them right." A number of lives were lost in that "When an anarchist parade was held in Chicago after the signing of the armistice, Chase, Matz, Sorber and Kemper, marched wearing1 red neckties and waved s red flags until they were taken in custody-by the au thorities. A Simple Way to Reduce Wrinkles Remember that wrinkles and baggl neSs of cheek or chin are due to the muscular tissue losing its strength and shrinking. The ekin is then too large in area to fit such tlssuem Smoothly. It wrinkles Or Sags. To remedy this condition, there's nothing so effective, so quick-acting, as a simple Wash lotion easily made at home., Just get an ounce of pure pow dered saxolite at your drug-gist's, and a half pint of witch hacel. mix the two and bathe your face in the liquid. This at once tightens the skin and solidifies the Underlying tissues which, of course, smooths out the lines and draws ,in the sagging skin. It also stimulates capil lary circulation, bringing natural color to faded cheeks. -Adv. IN ROUGH TAKES CHAMPIONSHIP WATER r Storri I sT -''?f :v fl 1 ? A W k J k j V' . if wl . , I M fT e , s-i -yvAc 1 PETROGRAD IS WITHIN SIGHT OF YUDENITCH ARMY London. Oct. 20. The war office announced tonight thtat tho northwes tern army under General Yudenitcta is within eight miles of Petrograd. PALMER WARNS REFINERS OF BEET SUGAR (Continued front Page One) The. department of Justice will treat as an unjust charge any price in ex cess of this and consider such a charge a violation of section four of the lever f dod control act, as amended. Please wire today your concurrence in the above." - Steps to prevent an abnormal price increase in the price of sugar because of the existing shortage were taken today by the department of Justice. Refiners were asked to telegraph their concurrence Ih this price, which would mean they would put their sup ply on the market Immediately, there by relieving the present stringency. HEADACHE Also, CRIPP-Try It Trial Settle 1 0 I efao lrar sixes CAFE SAN CARLOS A well ordered restaurant of peculiar excellence. All the delicacies of the season prop erly prepared and served Service a la carte seven a. m. to ten p. m. Luncheon daily 75c. Special luncheons or dinners rxiay ' be arranged for private dining rooms. Direction Charles B. Hervey. Gulf City Coffee Co. Roasters, Blenders Shippers FINE COFFEES 10711 East Intendeneia Street - .PENSACOLA. PLA. MEYER SHOE CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTP GROVER'S SOFT SHOES For Tender Feet REED'S "BETTER BREAD FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS STORES REED'S SANITARY BAKERY Palafex and Gregory Streets RAILROAD SCHEDULES Louisville & Nashville R. R. ArrVal and departure or passenger trains at Pensacola, Fla. Tbe following coelule figures pub lished as information and not guaran teed. (Central Standard Time) ARRIVES. LEAVES 5:30 p.m. Montgomery Blr mlnRham, Nashville. Louisville, Cincinnati 12:80 p m. 5:80 p.m. Ft. Ixmls, Chicago, Memphis 12:80 p.m. 5:30 p.m Atlanta, ' Washing ton, New Torlc .... 18:30 p.m. 5:45 a.m. Montp-imfry, Blr- . tn'r.gham, Nashville, IiOUlsvllle. Cincinnati 10:45 p.m. , 5M5 a.m. Memphis, at. Louis, Chicago 10:45 p,m. 5:45 a.m. Now Orleans, Mo bile 10:45 p.m. 5:45 a.m. Atlanta, Washing ton. Now York ...,10:45p.m. 5:45 p.m. Mobile Local .... 6:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. Jacksonville, Talla- fcse 5:15 a,xn. 10:25 p.m. Jacksonville, . Talla hassee S'.ESntm Dally except Sunday. UNITED STATES 'RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION TO RELIEVE INDIGESTION on ' DYSPEP8IA, TAKE A Dyspepsia - y xCrl vlI Bafore and Aft f E"ch MaaL THE CRYSTAL PHARMACY THE LE ADER Stadium Clothes Union Made 218 S. Palaf ox St. THEY ALL RAVE OVER IT THE LIZZIE SCOOTER If You Drive a Ford Investigate. Tou Will Eventually Own One. II. A. Beard, Route 1. CHEROCOLA There Is None So Good Cliero-Cola Bottling Works Phone 236 QUICK TfcHlf r-nerircx ! 'J - "M ;v MORRIS BROSr , AH New Stock LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Belmont and Devilliers 8treeti GENTS FURNISHINGS and 11 South PaLifox Street Cobras auto supplFcc 117119 W. Garden at. automobile Supplies smd Accessorta PHONE 949 PALKCOM DRUG CO The Prescription Store" Phone 19 or 123 Let Us Be Your Milkman Pasteurized Dalrv Products PENSACOLA DAIRY CO. 123 JY Garden SL Phone 132; THE M & 07 ON THE SQUARE i .Within Easy Reach of V - Everywhere - EXIDE- BATTERY AND SERVICE STATION THE UNITED AUTO CO. I South Baylen Street. Phont J: Ford Owners Attention Have your Bearings Fitted by j Modern Burning System PENSACOLA ,UTT0 CO. 108 West Intendeneia Street ' EerTjsMakV Yovl r "MAKE GOOD WITH A i KODAK" Reynalds Music Hous Clutter Music House ' For-More Than 78 Years 114 South Palafox Street Phone 15 THE PIANO SHOP TUNING and REPAIRING j Pianos, Organs and Phonograph iv-zv mast oarden street Phone 791. Borras Transfer Co. PHONE 1145 Office and Warehouse East Chase Stmt ' All Kinds of Hauling Your Business Solicited j FOR RENT f Electric Vacuum Cleaners PENSACOLA ELECTRIC CO I Commercial Department i PHONK 2JQ1Q PENSACOLA LAUNCH & MACHINE CO. WILLARO SERVICE STATION willard Storage E(.tteric and Repti ef All Make Batteries Two Sets Marine Ways Maehin i Shop in Connection The Parlor Market Home of All That's Purs" FRESH WESTERN MEAT? Poultry, Egg and Green Groeiriy For Perfect Baking us WHITE CREST FLOUR D. Kugelman & Co. u Sole Agents Phones 666-667 rn Elebash Jewelry Cx). Jewelers and Opticians 4 Successors to t Peter LJndenstruth 112 S. Palafox St. Phone 71! Always the lates records in stock. PALACE JEWELRY CO. Ready-to-Wear Store If , It's New You Will Find It Here i ... .t , M. L. E. NOBLES & CO. Ilart Schaffner & Marx and Wp a m MS. njirschbaum buits Vour Monty's Work or Your Mc Back" C9 South Palafox Street. hone .- WHITE & WHITE 20 South Palafox Street "BETTER CLOTHES" ' THE MORGAN - TH0RSE TRANSFER COMPANY j Truck or Team Service Phone 710 AMERICAN NATIONAL RANK Of Pensaeofs) CA.PITALT STOCK Paid 15