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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1919. 0 V .Ir J' TTS CarLoofc It's an easy 16b reoufrs only a few hours work and your car will i-uvw new again. Repainting prevents rust; adds at least an extra, year of service to your car and increases its sell ing value. You will obtain the best results and lasting satisfaction with a w Centals $4.C3 Contains everything needed for painting a Ford or similar size car, including top. Follow simple directions given on each can. ' JEvery item in the Pee Gee Painting Outfit is McKENZIE, OERTING & CO. Pensacola, Fla KNIGHTS WILL GIVE, ANOTHER DANCE TONIGHT Jackie Will Be Guests and Are Prom, ised Good Time. News that the war activities com mittee of the Knights of Columbus is to entertain this eveping -with another dance in honor of the sailors of the destroyer flotilla, has been received with great enthusiasm by the jackies. The patronesses selected for the re ception committee this evening are the same ladies who have been so active in the distribution of the Casey com fort kits on the .various ships of the fleet and include Mrs. H. V. Doggett, Mrs. James A. White, Mrs. John Massey, Mrs. V. J. Fauria. Mrs. F. I Bowen, Misses Hilda Griffin. Victoria Montanari, Eunice Massey and Mary Cusach. . All invitations of the K. of C. and the War Camp Community Service will be recognized, and holders, of these Invitations are- Invited to be present.. The officers and enlisted men alike are extended a cordial invita tion to the evening's entertainment. Good music has been engaged and dancing will commence at 8 o'clock. Light refreshments will be served. Colds Cause Headaches and Pains Feverish Headaches and" Body Pains caused from a cold are soon relieved by taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN INE Tablets. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVES signature on the box. 60s Adv. s 0ORT of I ENS ACOLA! k Vessels in Port, f ' .' Cruisers - -The U. S. cruiser Rochesterstream. . Destroyers. Bush. Chandler. Stevens. Robinson, McCalla, Meredith. Falr'ax. Taylor, Calhoun. Harding. -.McKean, Ing ram, Bancroft. Sigourney, Barney. Blakely, Connor McKee. stream. . ' -. . t ' Steamers. The Cuban steamer OUvant. Tarra gonna wharf. (Discharging cargo). The shipping board' steamer Escam bia. Tarragona , wharf, (loading). The . American' steamer Florida, stream. t 8chooners. ! The American schooner. Sara E. Turner, stream (loading). The Cuban schooner. Gabriel Palm er, stream ( load ing). . 4 .Barges. , Bilges. Aiken bare 'Bobhv.Ilo Pal. afox wharf. - . American barge.- Coastwise Musco gee wharf (loading).' American ,- barge Iberia, stream (loading). - American barge. Smlth-Ter r.v stream (loading). Aiken barge. . Jackson, stream f load- tag). . . . The Texas company barsre Sabine. Stream, (unloading). Aiken barge Ario, stream. Tugs. Tugs, Aiken tug Leroy. Palalox wharf. The American tug, Jim Sid. Palafox wharf. ' The American tug. 'Bathalum. Tar ragona wharf. The Aiken tug Dixie, Palafox wharf. The Aiken tug Nellie,; Palafox wharf. . i ' , -Aiken tug Simpson. Palafox wharf. 8maeks. The following smacks are at Kann- ders wharf: Yakima. Maud F. Silva, Francis V. Silvia, Clara M, Little, field, Louise F. Harper. Alclna. Sea connet. Eesco. Sheffevld . Flora. J. Sears. Ida S. Brooks. Marv E. Coonev. Ida M. Silsa. Ruth A. Welles. Clara R. Harwood, Angielena, Cavalier. Lettie u. Howara, Amelia Enos, and Fish Hawk. - The following smacks are at the warren wharf: Algonla, Clara G. Sll Ingram Optical Co. WE GRIND OUR -? , r OWN LENSES via, 'Arlola,' Caldwell H. Colt. "Barce lona Seminole, Culebra Emma Jane. Galatea, Hope, Mary B. Greer, Mine ola. Osceola, Sila Stearns, William Hays, Fena, A, Percy. Washakie. Hen. ry P. WiJiams. . : , .Arrivals . - . ' ; Steamers. . . The Austrian steamer Trieste from Galveston. i ; - ' The American ' steamer West' Caruth, from" West Africa'. ' ;-' The5 shipping" board 'steamer Pon chatrain, from SU Andrews. ENTHUSIASTIC SESSION ENDED BY BAPTISTS CPEdFY Firestone Gray Sidewall . Tire3 when ordering your car and make every mile you drive a pleasanter, easier. less expensive mile. Youll know the feeling of confidence that really dependable tires bring. Most miles per dollar is a simplified statement of Firestone economy It means the greatest return on your in vestment, the biggest value for your money. The faithful service ' of the Firestone Gray Sidewall Tire has been the talk of car owners for the past year. It means fewer tire troublesjess annoying delays, less upkeep expense. That a more liberal mileage adjustment is in effect is only an additional reason for riding on TIRES A ,'' Most Mileo per Dollar A memorable session of the Pensa- coia, isay japiisi - association was brought, to a" close Sunday at East Hill Baptist church with the ordina tion of Rev. A. A..Wainwright to the full work of the Gospel ministry. Li ters from the churches 'indicate per haps, the most successful year in the history of the association. A spirit of , optimism and confidence in the future pervaded the body. ... Especially significant was the re ception of . the report of the commit tee on apportionment for ' the' seventy five million campaign. This county has been asked to raise J40.QOO. The committee, on which every church was represented, made " an apportionment totalling $53,35Q. ,.The report of the committee, was adopted by an enthusi astic vote, and now goes to the churches for their ratification.' Several churches have already adopted the amounts requested by the committee,1 and some others "did so yesterday. Two of the weaker church es have even voted to raise a larger amount than asked for. The feeling of, enthusiasm for this campaign was Indicated recently by one of the rural churches whose pastor had expressed himself as not being in sympathy with the movement. When his term ex pired, the church declined to call him for another year, preferring to be without a pastor to -having one out of sympathy with a cause' that lies so near the hearts of the Baptist peo ple.. . . The amounts apportioned to the va rious churches by the committee are as follows: Bratt. J1250:" Brent. S1000. accented . Cora, $1500; Calvary, Pensacola. $750, accepted: Century. .$2500; ' Gonzalet. $500; Klondyke. $500; Mollno. $2000: Oak Grove. $3000; Olive. $500. accent ed; .West Hill. Pensacola. $5000; East nui, rensacoia, auu. accepted. First. Pensacola $20.000, accepted: Pine Bar- en, $1500; Pineville, $250: Pleasant Grove, ; $2000; Pleasant Hill. $600: Poplar Dell. $1500; Ray's Chapel, $1500; Shady Grove, $2000 : Union Hill. $500. BUCKEY COACH LECTURES TO STOP BONERS Coach Wllce.'ln charge of the foot ball team of Ohio State University, is not taking any chances on his gridders pulling a "bonehead" play in the con erfence games this season. ,Wllce has adopted a' schedule of , gridiron lect ures - and blackboard' drills for the members of his squad and every man on the varsity will be obliged to . pass a quiz, in the, fundamentals of the sport before he. will be permitted to take part In the big contests on the Buckeye schedule. The . plan of the Ohio State - men- , tor is not entirely oriirlnaL but he h revamped it somewhat;1 The American coach probably most responsible for "" ojoccim ui infirucnon is uien Warner at tha TtnlvaroUi, n cut. Durg. wno got Into the habit of dish ing out hints on the rudiments of the game when he was in charge of the foot - ball affairs at the ; Carlisle Indian SchooL Warner still holds tenaciously to the idea of havine every grldder know, what not to do as well as what to do, but it remained ror Coach Wilee to give regular in structions with quizzes. When football practice was called for at Ohio State, Coach Wilce lectured on the recent rufe changes. He deyoted come time to open discussion, and it was at this time he learned how little some of his timber knew about the finer points of the pastime. . The hint was sufficent and the next day he appeared before the body withi a regular lecture on the rudiments, fol-' lowed by a quiz from which some of the older, heads declared they had learned a few new wrinkles. Wilce is a hard taskmaster when it' comes to football, and he is also one of i the very few coaches in this country with whom not even the most daring atheletes will take many chances. He expects his charges to make mistakes but the "charge hears about it in un mistakable tones and language If he makes the same blunder twice. After all it is as imqortant to know the rules as It Is to have the courage to'p'lay. Wilce is out after the Western Confer ence football championship again this year and he is leaving nothing undone to . accomplish . his purpose. 'Chlck Harley will again bethe star of the Buckeye eleven. . , III I ' VJ 1 ! rjr- Hey Fellows ! . "I tell you the Boys' Store sure knows what's ' right. Me for the Boys' Store every time." . ' We're certainly pleasing a lot of young men and boys. We have styles designed up to the minute; snap and go in every suit; lively fabrics; neat 'colorings and extra good values. , - ' Here is a group of smart suits in Norfolk and Waist Seam .styles of all wool blue serge. Ages 5 to 17. $7.50 upwards. Hats and Caps For the big and little fel lows. Hats in velours, vel vets and felts in all shades. Caps in a fine color range. 75c to $3.00 Blouses and Shirts Tn all white and stripe ef fects, sure to meet with the approval of both large and small boys. All sizes. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Watson,Parker & Reese Co Everything to Wear "if" iu THEY GET. ACTION AT ONCE. Foley Kidney Pills invigorate. strengthen and heal Inactive, weak and diseased kidneys and bladder. Mrs. C. J. Ellis. 508 8th Av. Sioux Falls, S. D.. writes: "I suffered with kidney , trouble; used, to have severe pains -across my back and felt miser able and all tired out. but after takine Foley Kidney Pills I am well. I have not been bothered with kidney trou ble since. They relieve headache. rheumatic pains, swollen or stiff joints, puffiness under the eyes, float ing specKs. tooia everywnere. Adv. .- . s NOT WELLr NOT SICK Did You Ever Feel That Way? There is. a middle ground which lies between actual sickness -and real health. Headaches, foul breath, dys pepsia, depression, vertigo and other unheatlhy symptoms develop. Nine chances out of ten the cause is con- . 1 .1 . - - . . enouia oe inruwn out is cioging up and filling the body with dangerous poisons. . ' f , This condition must stop before anyone can have perfect health. Ten nille's Liver Pills will stop it, and stop it quick. If your bowels fail to move regularly take one or two of these little pills at once. -Boxes of 25 Tennille's .Liver Pills sell for 25 cents at your, drug store. Accept no substitutes. There are none ''just as good." Adv. , .. . " NELSON'S will makmyoaproad of your hair' Coarse Eflair 3 is made soft and easy to manage by using I Nelson's Hair Dressing Nelson's is tKe crinal and genuine S Hair Dressing that has been sold and recommended by druggists fcr over so J rears, and is used trj the most particu- ax people everywKere.' If your hair is . coan and curlv. Hlson' -will male it soft. glossy' and easy to manage. Set a box from your to-day. fill' I Nelson's HlV (Hi fm&tk m lir Harsh 5tu680Rn Hair m i' SonCiossvluxuROus JL w w''" & . ''Mm bii dm it stora to-day. Nelson Manufacturing Co.," Inc. RICHMOND. VA. TK pietur abov Kow tl bo i l. ki - t-i... r. in wKtch NaUon's Hr Drina nomas. It i ax attractive Butt-ccl- -oiaxj metal box,nclowd inapat- m board carton. Take this aJvartitrmant to tka m drug ator. and ba aura to ft tka ganuin Nation's ( s...-jfr, i DOES SHE GIVE MILK? YES, AUTOMATICALLY Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets the sub stitute for calomel are a mild but sura laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. These little olive, colored tablets are the result of Dr. Edwards determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. The pleasant little tablets do the . good that calomel does, but have no - bed after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomeL They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it- Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to , take calomeL Let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. ; Headaches, "dullness and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' ' Olive Tablets when you feel "logy" and 'heavy." They ""clear- clouded braid and "perk up" the spirits . 10c and 25c naval STORES UNITED AUTO SALES CO. Phone 2099 33 W. Garden St. PENSACOLA BUGGY WORKS Phone 57 ' 131 E. Intendencia HOFFMAN & SELLERS AUTO CO. Phone 825 57 E. Gregory Falls Tire js KING OF THE HIGHWAY A medium priced tire giv ing greatest mileage for least money, .v., n.'y J The BEST tire, on the mar ket for' Ford cars. F. S. MELLEN CO. Distributors. Phone 334 PEN3ACOLA. Pensacola. Oct. 17 The spirit market was firm, -with no sales. , . Receipts, Casks. " - Last Year Today T. 40 AS This season 25.162 20582 Shipments, Casks. Today 249 This season 66,094 24,493 Stork.. Cab. Today 3.808 37.923 April .1 S4.740 . 41.839 The rosin market was firm, with ;no sa!e. Reeelnta. Bipnli ' Today 243 209 This season ............ 86.807 64,020 Shipments, Barrels." Today i.; 126 SIS This season 73.940 91 -j- Stocks, Barrels. ' Today 37;698 v 46.038 April ; 1 .- 49.831 -- 73.350 I ' SAVANNAH "Savannah, Oct. 17. The sprlt market was steady,, at 150. with sales of 100 casks. " Receipt. Casks. '-" Last Tear Today 146 This ; season' 37.S23 'Shipments, Casks. Today 99 ' This season 71,621 - . Stocks, Casks. Today 7.77T Arril 1 18.850 . The rosin market was firm, with' sales of 38 barrels. , . . .. Receipts, Casks. I ' ' Last Tear Today ..,...... ... 555 ' This season .112.724 Shipments, Barrels. Tctfay ..I .' 660 Thife season 146.351 L- Stocks.. Barrels." , J Toay 32.117 Arril 1 . 62.647 v Quotations were as follows: WW '. .1......22.M WO .21.50 N ........20.60 M .....20.00 K 19.43 I ; .". 18 85 II. O j. .....17.55 V 17.23 CHICAGO The milkmaids are Ju t as pretty and old Bossy is Just as well satisfied as was the case when they drew- the milk by hand.' Now an electric apparatus does the work. The new fangled outfit was exhib ited successfully at the National Dairy Show. LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS. For the purpose of awarding medals to the winners in last year's ath'.etic meet, a get-together meeting be held at the Y. M. C. A. on Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, to which par ents and friends of the boys are in vited. ' Interest in the local Red Uros cen ters Just now In the annual election of officers, which will take place tomorrow- morning at 11 o'clock, at Red Cross headquarters, 206 American Na tional Bank building. All members of the Red Cross are urged to be pres ent at this meeting. A. II. Diaz returned Sunday night from a business trip of .several days to South Florida points. . Makes a hit the first time Corn flakes that mako you wondor rfthoro coucf bo;ahythinq bettor; I E - 17.00 a 4.