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-' IS; I ! t ! f' ? ' ft THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. TUESDAY MORNING,: OCTOBER 21, 1919. 5 ' rf Women andt Events Phone 38, between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. -1 ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW MY SHIPS. If all the ships I have at sea gV.puId come a-saillng home to me h'. well, the harbor could not hold ?o many ships as there would be, If all my ships came home to me. .. If half my ships came back from sea And brought their precious freight to me. Ah! well, I would have riches as great As any king who sits in state. ?n rich the treasures there would be In half my ships now out at sea. If just one ship I have at sea. Should comea-salllng home to' me, Ah! -well, the storm clouds then might frown; , For if the others all went down, Still rich and proud and glad I'd be, If that one ship came back to me. If that one ship went down at sea. And all the others came to me Weighted "Sown with gems and wealth untold, With honr, glory; riches and gold, ptill the poorest soul on earth I'd be If that one ship came not to me " O' skies, be calm; O winds, blow free Blow all my ships Bafe home to me. But if thou sendest some a-wreck, To never more come sailing back Send any all that skim the sea, But hend my love ship home to me. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. CHILEAN BEAUTY IN WASHING FOR THE WINTER it K. OF C. ENTERTAINS WITH DANCE FOR MEN OF DESTROYER FORCE. The war activities committee'of the Kr.ishts of Columbus will entertain this evening with the third of a series of dances given for the sailor boys from the torpedo destroyer force an chored in the harbor. Dancing will be in the K. or C. hall and begins at 8 o'clock. Music will bo furnished by a selected orchestra and lisht refreshments will be served. In vitations Issued by the K. of C. com mittee and the W. C. C. S. will be rec ognized. All those holding such tick ets are cordially Invited guests. Assisting the Knights will be the ladles committee which has been so un'iring In its efforts to provide for the boys' welfare during thler stay hre. Members of the committee are Mrs. John Massey, Sirs. James A. White, Mrs. Vince J. Fauria, Mrs. II. It Dopgert. Mrs. F. I Bowen, Misses Milda Luclle Griffin. Eunice, Victoria Montanarl, and Mary Cusach. - , . ' 'v f-- Ifz-i- 7 :4i Mrs. X. B. Chase and lovely little daughter Suzanne are spending some time in Pensacola with Mrs. Chase's parents, Hon, and Mrs. John S. Beard. Lieutenant-Commander Chase, who accompained them toPensacola after visiting In the city for a few days has gone to Arcadia where he will take a course In land flying before going on sea duty. . . Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs. Chase came to Pensacola from Chat ham, Mas3. where Lieutenant-Commander Chase was In command of the cnatham naval air station. At one time during the war he was In com mand of the station at Bay Shore. Long Island, lion, and Mrs. Beard also have with them, their son. Ensign Frances Beard, U. S. N. stationed on board the "Rochester" flagship to the destroyer force now In the harbor. J II MS TO LADIES' AUXILIARY B. OF L. F. AND E. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the B. of L. F. and E. will hold their regular meeting at the Odd Fellows hail (Rafford) tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. BRIDGE PARTY FOR , MISS VERA GREEN. Complimenting Miss Vera Green whose marriage to Mr. Louis Duncan will be beautifully solemnized at the First Baptist church tomorrow eve nine; Miss Edna Finch who will serve as her mald-of-honor was hostess yes teruay afternoon entertaining with a bridge party at the Country Club. Fall flowers and foliage artistically arranged In the card room formed a pretty background for the party. Four tables were ' in play and after the pames a dainty ice course was served. Top score was made by Mrs. J. E. Davis Yonge who received a lovely hand-painted bon-bon dish. Two ex quistie Aiaaena nana Kerchiefs were irivcn Miss Harriett Carbine as a con eolation. . Miss Green received an ex quisite piece of lingerie of flesh col- lored" crepe-de-chine. Included among the guests present wre: Miss Green, who was most at tractive in a becoming gown of navy l!u? satin combined with bisque col ored georgette. - She wore a large brown velvet picture hat and a corsage of pink Killarney .roses. Elizabeth Fisher, Mrs. E. P. Nicklnson. (Em Turner Merritt) Mrs. Anderson Leon ard, Miss Annie Chapin McLane, Mis3 Ruth McLane, Miss Mary Vic Boyle, Miss Harriett Carbine, Miss Gertrude McLane, Miss Genieve Carter, Mrs. J. Davis Yonge, Miss Margaret Giles of Louisville, who will be one of the out-of-town guests at the wedding, Mrs. Nathan B. Chase, Mrs. Felo Turner, Mrs. Malcolm Yonge, Miss E.eanor Mitchell. Mrs. Willie Leonard, Miss Alma Finch and Mis3- Edna Finch. . Senora Gabriela Sanches de Valdes, the daughter of the Chilean minister to the United States, Spain, Italy luid England, has Just landed in New Yfik for an " extended visit In this country. It is anticipated that the senora will spend much of the coming s-cial season in Washington, where she has many friends in diplomatic circles. STATE DEPUTY ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF" AMERICA IN PENSACOLA. Mrs. Catherine Hanson, state deputy for the Royal Nelbhbors. of 'America arrives In Pensacola from Jacksonville and will be present at the meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America to morrow afternoon at the W. O. W. hall at 2:30 o'clock. A full attendance Is urged. , ' CAMPBELL-STAPLETON MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED. Mrs. Sallie Scott Stapleton has an nounced the marriage of her daughter, Sallie Myrtle to Mr. Alex Douglas Campbell. Jr. on Thursday, October 16 at Greenwood, Fla. The marriage of these two popular young people is the culmination of a pretty romance which began about two years ago In Graceville. Mrs. Campbell is the eldest of a lovely trio of daughers and was one of Green wood's most talented and attractive girls. "Mr. Campbell Is the son of Mr. A. D. Campbell of Chipley. He Is at present cashier of the First National Bank of GraceviUe. Mr. Campbell re turned from France a few months apro after a year's service overseas. He takes his bride to Graceville to make their home, where the good wishes of a host of friends throughout West Florida follow them for a long, life of marital happiness. Miss Lola Lee. Danlell daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Danlell is spend ing the winter , InNew York City wnssre sne is taxing a course at coium-l bia university specializing In psychol ogy. She enjoyed spending the sum mer with friends on Long Island. Miss Danlell Is one of Pensacola's young college girls who has chosen to fol low a professional career and friends who know her ambition and the splen did record she has already made In her school and college life predict a brilliant success for her in the future. After graduating at the University of Kansas in the class of '18, America then being at war, she was. enthusias tic to do her part, and represented her college among the girls from 400 colleges in the country, who took the course of intensive training in nursing at Vassar college for overseas service. While undergoing their practical training at Bellvieu hospital. New York, the armistice was signed. Miss Danlell later became ill during the j ed epiaemic or miiuenza ana went to i , the mountains and seashore to recup crate. , The Name on a Self-Rising Hour package guarantees sat isfaction. The cost is low and the perform ance infallible. C IJlllllttJlllliiailWllllB,illM MADE BY' t NASHVILLE ROLLER MILLS The Red Mill ' '.BABY DOLL" TAKES . A DIP AND PAYS TEN Negress Falls Over Board After An Alleged Jag. Mr. and Mrs. C JF. Zeek accompa nied by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zeek bf Gloversville. N. Y. arirve Wednesday. Mrs. Zeek has been visiting in Glov- ner ani he boat for awhile ersville with Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Zeek, for several " weeks, Mr. Zeek Joining her there a short time ago. She and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zeek accompanied him to New York City where he went to attend the con vention of the American Gas associa tion remaining there for a short visit. They -return home via Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zeek expect to visit In Pensacola for several weeks. Louise McCulIum, a negres3, better known as "Baby Doll" paid Judge Morey ten dollars and costs yesterday for a dip in the bay. "Baby Doir was accused pf drinking enough of tl.e bone dry "Florida Water" to mako her deliriously happy. Baby Doll" with several aen form a pleasure party cruising arund , To add life to the pary th-y bad provided themselves with plenty of "spiri'ts". "Baby Doll" overbubbllog with happiness accidentally fell into the bay. Her companions who them selves .felt quite Jolly - thought it was all in the game and played- tag with The IN MEMORIAM. "OUR MOTHER". This is Just to remind us all. Of one year ago today. When our dear mother's last breath left her. - . And she, from our midst parsed away. It was indeed a sad moment for us. And perhaps for many another, ' But. Oh! think of what you have lost, When you have lost your utar mother. . ; But, we all tried to bear tip to It. , ' And this I think we have done, But it is very grievous to us all. To give our dear and only one. She, from our midst has flown, And with all the world and its gold, We cannot buy another. Just like the one sweet dear. That was our own dear mother ELIZABETH KLUMKER. Russell J. Villar, "Wef petty officer. U. S. N. arrived home yesterday morn ing and is being cordially welcomed by his friends. Mr. Villar was sta tioned on board the transport Levia than making about twenty trips across. lie enlisted in the . navy in the year of 1917 and is the last of three brothers to return home from the service. He left his ship at Ho boken, N. J. stopping by Charleston where he received his papers of hon orable discharge. His brother Fran ces Villar also served in the navy dur ing the war, another brother. Arthur Villar enlisting for service with the army. Mrs. J. T. Mackey and daughter leave this morning for Mobile where they wiU visit as the guest of relatives. Lima Shoulder. This is a common form of muscular rernmatlsm. No internal treatment Is Tieeded. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely four times a day. This Liniment has proven especially valuable and is certain to give quick relief. Chamber !iin's Liniment is also most excellent !"r sprolna and bruises. Adv. CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVES 20c, 30c and 50c per can CAUGHT ANOTHER TERRIBLE COLD? Relieve It quickly with Dr. Dr. Bell'6 Pine-Tar-Honey STOP toting around a disagreeable and dangerous cold. Let Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey exert it ability as a "supremely beneficial help in relieving phlegm, stuffiness, in flammation, , congestion, hoarseness, dificult breathing. Let it help you at it regularly helps thousands of othen for whom its balsamic and healing antiseptics never fail toprotnote results. Safe for the little ones, too. v An economical bottle can be procured from your druggist today. That s a wise thing to do. uc, ouc-, L For the Youngster Bowels Rriieve that miow-mcxiag liver and those br Wnd-time bowels with gentle but positive 1 1-Do-Lax. Calomel ia too vkIcet. It fczves CDCofniortable fter-affect. Po-Do-Lax keeps tbe family fit aod feeling good, free from the Cut this Out It's Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Ct out this slip.enclose with 5c and mail to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave, Chicago. 111., writing: your name and address clearly. Tou will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Hon ey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley's Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back, rheuma tism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley's Cathartic Tab lets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation. biliousness, headache, " and 1 sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Woman mahaged to grasp the sides of the boatwhlch was coming in shore but just as she was about to crawl in over the side she slipped back ward and screaming, frantically strug gled in the water. Directions from the wharf were shouted to the men in the boat, one of whom leaped over board to her rescue. She was scon revived and when tha boat landed was met by a policeman who escorted her to the city jail. The incident drew the attention of a number of people who had gathered on the wharf to see the destroyers and " other vessels in harbor. ' I NEWS OF RECORD. I I : Births.. " Charles Jfobles and wife, a girl, Oct. 13. - Jessie Hardy and wife a girl, Oct. 10. Felix Peters (Brady) Nell and wife a boy, Oct. 10. Deaths. Infant C. L, Brooks and wife, still born, Oct. 11. Green Kelley, aged 62 years, pellag ra, Oct. 13. BODY OF STRAKGER NOT YET IDENTIFIED Citizen 'of East Bay Says It is Not , Bill Lowry. Captain Axelson who arrived In the city yesterday morning to view the body of the stranger who was found In the bay early Saturday morning. failed to identify the man as Bill Low ery of East bay. The body has been embalmed snd will be kept at the undertaking estab lishment of F. R. Pou for several days before it will be buried. ECZEMA 25 YEARS GUTICURA HEALS On Hands and Face. Itched and Would Burn and Get Red. "For twenty-five year I had suf fered with eczema on my hands, and about two years ago it got on my face. It began with a dry scaly appearance and. little blisters. It itched and would burn and get red, and caused me to lose sleep. It also got in my eyes. "I noticed an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and I aent for a free sample and afterwards bought more. . I used three cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment and I was healed." (Signed) .Mrs. W. B. Walker, Crabtree, N. C. Daily use of Cuticura Soap, Oint ment and Talcum usually prevents skin troubles. Soap 26c. mntmcnt to ana awe, I ucom 25c Sold throughout the world. For ample each free address: "Cnticnrs Lab oratories, Dept. H. Maldea. Mam." jEJMQTCuticara Soap ahavaa without Tor. Iced Tea-tley's Particular people insist on Tetleys for iced tea. A frosty, tinkling glass of Tetley's iced tea is the real summer drink cooling and refreshing! A blending of 15 or more teas from the world's finest tea gardens gives Tetleys Tea its delicious, fragrant flavor, and the careful packing pro tects its strength. - - k Tetleys clear, amber-colored Orange Pekoe Tea is . delicious when iced. Try it! . Tha Best Cough Medicine. "I have found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be the best medicine for couKhs and colds I have ever used," writes Mrs. Walter Oram, Frankfort. N. Y., "I never tire of recommending it to my friends. . Last winter when my son Carl, nine years of age. had an at tack of croup I gave him Chamberlain's Couph Remedy and It relieved him im mediately. I always keep it in the house and 'whenever we have used it the results have been - satisfactory. Adv. I HELEN CLARK - , at the SAN CARLOS Auditorium TO NIG H T at 8:15 P.M. The famous American operatic contralto, whose finished artis try has charmed thousands. Assisting Miss Clark will be Miss Lucille Collette, violiniste, and Mr. Thomas A. Edison's Three Million Dollar Phonograph. FREE TICKETS Call in person early today if you want to be sure of gaining admittance. Watson, Parker Reese Co. H . of I ti? ' '' Pat-a-cake costs only 30c a package and each pack-. J w X - - age contacts enougli eggs, sugar, nour; iiiiinTuaKTng VJL i. -V W II III - I a." "T avsa I J J 1 11 A 1 AT 1 I T e;i LTCy,-? N is careiuuy raeasurea ana au oi iuem are proporuoneu ' $ - The Pat-a-cake Caarantm If you are not com pletely satisfied with Pat-a-eake go to the Kocer from whom you ught it and get your, 'money back.. He will refund it cheerfully on your mere request. 30c That's all you need for a perfect cake! Pat-a-cake costs only 30c a package and each pack- . age cdrflajAii enouglf "eggs, garrriour7'iinrn7T7nring powder, shortening, and flavoring to bake a perfect cake. ; Each ingredient is carefully tested and must measure up to the highest standard of purity. Each ingredient is carefully measured and all of them are proportioned j so that you are always sure of a good cake. - You can make any kind of a cake layer cake, loaf cake, or cup cake. You can add nuts or raisins. You v can use any sort of filling. The way you ice or serve your cake is a matter of personal taste but the un varying goodness of Pat-a-cake is a fixed fact. It only takes two minutes to mix one package of Pat-a-cake with cup of water pour it into greased tins and bake and you have as good a cake as you ever baked when you fussed and fumed and went to all the trouble of mixing a cake the old fashioned uncertain way. Pat-a-cake is covered by an unqualified money-back guarantee but we have never had to refund one cent I Get ybur Pat-a-cake at your grocer's today t Miller since 1774 ' C. A.GAMBRILL MFG. CO. Baltimore , Md. Also Millers of Patapsco Flour, Pantex Pancake Flour, and I-Spy Buckwheat Mixture y : 4 . if " i i ' i i it.. t! 1.- ! if. M' 7 ' ri' ''it-. r-'i-r i':'( . ( ' 1. ! 4;li ny- " u '.hi.. . -f't i .... 'j ? L' 1 i I i t. .1 i -, r, I. 'ff': TEA ' ... ; t . V I It tivt