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6 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1919. Barter; Ideal tfeaWj - Cole's Hot Blast r v Watch These 1 : '". Two Leaders Cold Weather is -i They C&n'c Be Go ling RIGHT AT RAY'S ' RIGHT ON THE CORNER iKosique Bros.' Garage i 107-9 West Garden Street i ' Phone 949 . (Expert Automobile Repairing Notice to lc Consumers l Or wuont are fqntpped wfth nd ooatumerf will i 1m exact corrot yn nd nport any discourtesy of prlr to oMc. Phoeat 19 cr 15. bUurHEKN UTILITIES CO. jPENSA COLA ICE COMPANY TUTOR'S BAZAAR 115 North Palafox Eyerythirfg for the Housewife J. P. REMICH & SONS Th 8tor That 8tltW Remlch's Grocery Specials Always Satisfy PHONE 722 16 North Palafox. PRUNES 3 CANS, 25c i Garden Cash Grocery ! Garden and DaylHIar PHorw 2027 prinfi: Garden Marked Groceries of All Kinds HIKE DROSSOS & CO, Prop Phone 234 Will C. Diffenderfer Jeweler--Optldan 14 Scuth Palafox Street ROX KODAK SHOP Kerfak rmishfng . Plctur Framing Kodak and Films Ameo Cameras FALK'S J Millinery and Ready to-Wear North Palafox. just above Isis ! Theatre t . . FORCHEIMER'S FASHION SHOP EXCLUSIVE SHOP FOR READY TO WEAR AND MILLINERY 173 PHONES 174 . MARSTON & Q7JINA West Florida's Oldest Furnitura House MeKee Refrigerators, Globr-WernleV Book Cases and Office Furniture r. E. WILLIAMS & CO. Furniture : DOc E. Wright. ' Phone 1992 The Store for Women ' LA MODE .122-124 8outh Palafox Street Ladies' Garments and Fine Millinery THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP AFTER. ALL' , VVe Furnish the Home I Comnlete r - . A Gaby Deslys. and a new "trfck" pup, are with us again. Gaby arrived on the liner La France. The reason for the visit of the famous actress was un explained. Is it unchivalrous to observe that Gaby doesn't look as young1 as when she was the friend of the king f Portugal? Phone 646 SPalafccc The Watson Agency INCORPORATED - REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE RENT COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY No. 8 South Palafox Street PHONE 54 EXPERT VULCANIZING Cord or Fabric Tires - O.K. TIRE SHOP 24 W. Garden St. Bob Hixson HOFFMAN & SELLERS AUTO CG. REPAIRS . Kelly-Springfield and Firestone Tires. " Oils and Greases 57-59 East Gregory Street. Phone 825. . PALACE CAFE Good Things to Eat Opposite Post Office OPEN DAY AND NIGHT CARY&CO. 10 South Palafox Phones 6, 93, 119, 134 When You Think of Coal, Thin . of Cary. THE QUALITY SHOP 125 S. Palafox St. . -. ' - Ladies' to Wear Phone 1788 Carter Brokerage Co. Export Freight Brokers and Forwarders . - . Let us engage your pace when yon want room for export. We are ai ways posted as to lowest freight rate and available space. Room 405, . Thiesen Bldgv Pensaeola. JOE L. LICATA EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING 8 E. Intendencia. Phone 282 WATCH -WINDOWS I POSS NEW DRY GOODS STORE 31 South Palafox Street ThUTBURSTS of EVERETT TRUE by CON DO tVUlT, CVCflCTT. I'M 2.o( mg. alons currH . LSTC5N TO SMYTHe. XoO C2o tVTH U5 YOU'LL CAVC THAT WFLCE AS Vot ro an AvroiODi, ANrO 1 UA AMUSEHENTS K . , .ST I 7 A. 5S PcTulineStork. Jack MulbaU.. AT ISIS THEATRE TOMORROW. LONDON WOOLEN MILLS Get Your Fall Suit Union Made i 117 South Palafcx " . t Evans Power Cycle and Cycle ' motor - v The Cycle Motor Sales Co. T. T. Wentworth, Jr.'s Store Cor. Belmont arid Davis Sts. vSend Your Old Shoes to West End Shoe Store For the Best and Newest Work in : Repairs " All Wrork Guaranteed 321 North DeVillier Street PHONE 2032. . YALE BICLCLES Cash or credit Supplies and Repairs. Tour business appreciated. T. T. WENTWORTH. JR. Cor. Belmont and Davis streets. EVERLASTING FABRICS CO. Pensacola's Representative Store FISHER-BROWN We Will Bond You ' 918 Phones 919 - OWN YOUR HOME Pensaeola Home and Savings Assn. : J. H. Bayliss, Secy 10 South Palafox. Phoaa 282 AUDITS COST SYSTEMS R. T. RAINES PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AUDITOR PENSACOLA, FLA. DE FUNIAK SPRINGS, FLA. ' INCOME TAX REPORTS ' EFFICIENCY ENGINEER Elount Building. 1 WALL PAPER, PAPERING PAINTING, DECORATING OUR MOTTO HONEST DEALINGS Estimates cheerfully given. First class workmanship. "We handle paints and varnishes of all descriptions. All ; first class Quality at reasonable prices.'. Sample books on request. . v ; WE HANDLE CARTER LEAD v PENSACOLA DECORATING CO. ,305 East Wriflht St-Phon 687. i BERT. E. H. KOEHLER, Mgr. SERVICE QUALITY CLIN T 0 N TAILO RING C O. Clothing:, Raincoats ' and- Shirts - - Made to Order ALTERING, CLEANING AND PRESSING No. 10 East Intendencia Street v' : ' I , Phone 2294 "Whom the Gods Would Destroy' In troduces Briefly Many Careers. , The ambitions of half a dozen men who, since the Christian era's open ing:, have tried to conquer the world, and in so dolngr have brought down upon humanity untold misery, are touched upon vividly in "Whom the Gods 'Would Destroy," 'the feature pic ture, which will be presented at the Isis tomorrow. The picure opens with .the birth of mr wTin " hroueht . to a. troubled world the philosophy of love, whlch ever since has, been struggling w overcome the human, tendency to create strife.. Four .centuries later At-tila.- the . Hun. from whom the kaiser obtained his inspiration.' is seen try Injr to conquer the world., , v ' From this time forth he pursued the ambition to ' conquer the world even as did that latter day Hun-, who ruin ed his own people and a-large part of Europe In trying to emulate At tlla,. First. Attila. at the head of Pagan hordes, swept ast and de spoiled In' Persia, Armenia and North ern Greece. ' : . , , i ' 2 ' Not - entlrely,.j successful here he swung back west, with renewed fury. There he met the Romans -and. In what was i anciently called the Cata launlan. Fields (now the valley of the Marne) was defeated In a dramatic battle Jn which the Bomans snatched victory, from the Huns, after the death of the Gothic leader. Theodoric. His ruin is shown, and the picture passes on to Mahammed. the Second. How he falls, and how his grand son, Sullman, follows In his steps is next shown.; Then -comes Napoleon who comes very near realizing hi ambition if - it . had not been for "Waterloo. The ancient phase of the world's history is only touched upon in ""Whom the Gods "Would Destroy," as most of It is intensely modern. It tells -the story of a young American who Is the In ventor of a mighty means of warfare. How the Menace learns of this inven tion, and In preparing to conquer the world, schemes to gain possession of the invention, is one of the moving themes of the photoplay. OPEN HOUSE EVENT t V FOR FLOTILLA MEN Stomach Trouble and Constipation." "I have never found anything so good for stomach trouble and consti pation as Chamberlain's Tablets,! writes Mrs. B. Hooper, Auburn, N. T. Adv. ( ' . A 9 . I . m . Anqioer 01 a, uenes 01 open nouse events for the benefit of the flotilla mtn from the ships in the harbor was greatly enjoyed by a largo number. yesterday afternoon, from 5 to 7 o'clock at the army and navy club. A happy feature of the evening"? entertainment was the musical num bers rendered by Mrs. II. M. T. Pearct and Miss Elizabeth Moreno. Refresh ments were served. INSURAACE MAN WELL ENOUGH NOW IS SACK ON JOB Sanders Suffered 15 Years and Had to Quit Work. His Health Is Soon Restored by Tanlac. "Tanlac has built me up so in tt- past few weeks that my friends hard! recognize me." said C. J. Sanders, c 500 Crlstler street, Dallas, Texas, loca agent of the Bankers' Internationa Life Insurance Co., of Denver. "I had suffered from catarrh of tV stomach for fifteen years," he contln ued, and got so bad that I cou. hardly get about and had to etc working. " I couldn't digest a thing would eat and suffered so much pa; that for months all I lived on -was little plain rice. There was so mu( gas on my stomach that the mlp" was awful and I became dreadfu'. nervous: phlegm was constantly dror ping down,. my throat and I could U- a. hard lump in my stomach. "Since taking Tanlac I have gain- nine pounds and feel like a new m I have a fine appetite, can eat an: thing I want, sleep like a log at ni? and all my troubles are now a thir of the past. In .fact, Tanlac has do: me more good than anything else have ever taken." everywhere. Adv. "GLAD I DIDN'T TAKE CALOMEL" You Never Wale Up Weal:, Gripy or Sickened After Taking "Dodson's Liver Tone" -Listen I Ugh! Calomel makes you Rick. If, horrible! Take a dose of the danger ous drug tonight and tomorrow you lose a day.- - . .v . . ,. . Calomel is mercury! "When It comes into contact with your, bile, it crashes Into it. breaking it up. Then is when you feel that awful nausea "and cramp ing. If you are sluggish, if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour. Just to' a spoonful of l-.arm'. Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guarantee Go to a" drug store and get a bottle of Dodson Liver Tone for a few cents. T ."" 9 spoonful and if doesn't straighten right up and make you feel fine an vigorous, go back to the store an get. your money. Dodson's Liver Ton is destroying the sale of Calomel be cause it can not salivate or mak f sick. -Adv.