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r - - . . : GET READY FOR "FLU" y Keep Your Livar Active, -Your System Purified mnd Free From Colds by Taking Cetctabs, the Nautealtss Calomel Tablets, That Are -Delight ful. Safe and Sure Physicians and DrusgristS are aa rising their friends to keep their sys tems purified and their organs in per ft ct working: order as a - protection tgamst tne return Of influenza. They know that a dossed up system and a Uzy liver favors eolds, Influenza and ci Jous complications. . To cut short &. cold oremlch to prevent serlotis complications take one uaioiaD at bedtime with a swallow of water that s alL No salts, no na il ea, no griping, no siekeninar aftr ef fects. Next xnornlna; your cold has van, if.nea, your uver is active., your sys tem is purified and refreshed and you r.-e feeling; fine with a hearty for breakfast. Eat what you please, r.o danger. - Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, price 'rtrty-five cents. Every druggist is authorised :o refund your money if you are not perfectly delighted wita - C&lotabav Adv. , , -. - ., EASIER NOW THAN LATER. It is easier to break up a cold or chck a cough now than It Will be 1 ter. Persistent bronchial coughs that "hmg on" all winter pave the way for Berious throat and luns; diseases. L. W. Day, 63 Campbell Ave, E De troit. Mich., writes: "Foley's Honey ana Tar relieves one of bronchitis ve-quickly.- I hope never to have It aeiin." This reliable family medicine tor tne relief of coughs, colds, eroun hoarseness etc, contains no opiates. Lr.naren like It. Sold everywhere. Mother knows esiimol will heal it She has been through it so many times before that she never hesitates now. When anyone in the family comes to her with a spot of eczema or an itching rash, she gets out the jar of Resinol Ointment and gives prompt relief. And a few applica tions seldom fail to clear away the irritation completely. Resinol Ointment is an excellent haalin g dressing, too, for burn, scalds, cuts and stub born h:t'.e sores Sold by all druggists, for sarrple fre. write to Dept. 41-R, Resinol, Baltimore. Md. Use liesinol Samf er iaiU. DOINGS of the n "r",t-" nr-i watts fo abocv uid -;j r '- ra APPETITE. fifn SS y i - ii . ; i ruwuMT rive. , -. im-wvck. I i III I HOVJ V40HOET4FOL rr Au. seems! bot suppdsjg rr wioolonV PAM OUT ALL RIGHT"-supposing THEV VtoOtOttV STRjKtOlLAuD A L HEALTH BOARD WORKERS HAVE BEEN IN COUNTY 7,WinT EXCELLENT PROGRESS from Me David, century, pine anb OTHER SCH00L6. t - Cotters Keeley and Dame, of the Bla" wara or health force, hive re turned from a week npn in .-roi. jftg the children df the nortff end of the CbUnty. A rnrVnlottt t-mn, u Century (white), McDavld and Bluft Z1' "sa cnoois cannot yet be given. The following report is made of the oiner scnools Vlsslted: No. 118 (Colored). Anaemia ............ .... e Enlarged glands ......"..". . Nervous diseases . ...... t. 1 .Hookworm " 5 Conjunctivitis !!:2l . tefect of vision "2 -befect of nasal breathing ...."." 1 Defect f teeth . .....11 Enlarged tonsils 25 56 pupils, pupil. . 2.1 per tent defects per Flomaton. Anaemia ... 30 ... .11 2 Enlarged glands Skin diseases Hookworm ' Defect orthopaedic 1 Conjunctivitis .'45 Trachoma 2 Defect of viBioh ' Z Defect of nasal breathing....!. 4 " Defect, of teeth .......27 - Adenoids 1 Enlarged tonsils ...."..!! !s7 88 pupils. 2.76 per cent defects' per irbmmntiGBi? tiW G&r- fox Efls, ti0&-n&. (Mb (mas DUFFS' -" rwnNIPW1 8 b T WAIT fl BBS fl awi .usjUruNAiit i iJiiJAY-MUKNGs OCTOBER 21, 1919. - . I T.nHioa C.m . 1 r .... " ----r " - T. ,j v ZL--rrZ.rrr. hoe few . easy; fives instant rthfef ro V -i f tmm& tl I -J XNJ C corns and bunion, prevents Wieter" ; "J J If ,. , ,. NxA ( eft. School No. 42. Anaemia .... , . J ; , . . Enlarged glands ..... Hookworm . , Conjunctivitis tefect Of vision Defect - 6f ieeth Enlargea tonsils" 15 pupils, pupil.' " Ne. 110 (Century) Cefored. -Anaemia . ; , U , g ; Enlarged glands - ..,63 Hookworm .... 9 conjunctivitis , . Trachoma, ; Defect of teeth ' Adenoids Enlarged . tonsils ' v 132 per 'cent defects per ". "73 pupils child.. 03 Anaemia .................. Enlarged glands ".". . ' ' Bkin diseases Hookworm i . . . . ." Conjunctivitis . . ', Trachoma Defect of vision . 9 .31 ,;3 .30 .28 . 1 Defect of nasal hrfhn " , 4 . Defect of teeth ............... 7 Adenoids ..."" Enlarged tonsils .!!!" "14 152 43 pupils, 3.53 per cent defects per pupil. Pineville. Anaemia ....... Enlarsed o-lan,i .18 .36 - j .......... Cardiac disease Skin diseases ". Hookworm . . . . , Conjunctivitis . . Defect of vision Defect oft nasal breathing". Defect of teeth Adenoids J " Enlarged tonsils ..".".".".".".." .33 ..23 ,10 2 153 43 pupils," 3.55 per cent defects per I child. The doctors returned yesterday to finish the work In the norther- part of the, county. The sanitary inspectors have not yet returned from the Molino district, where they spent last week In a house-to-house educational campaign. Swire Refloetf 5 Bell-ans Hot wafer Sure Relief UE D.L-AHX3S LZS FOR INDIGESTION - by ALLMAN- LMJnL-ToAO(2CrW TO BOV I A tS per. cent defects pef " ' . II U ! Q PIV1PW.D5 come OOLUvJG M-l TttAT Be : THAT Oil. STOCK-1 HAPPCJieD THiuKor 0MerHii4c Aur riu TAJ-KToVoU ABOUT IT THIS - O 'II 1mm 14- I I) v llv , I .11 Il l . i I II I 1' f- ' k ' x I TiS its. ' r I I J SLjr I V . . . .j, . . i' 1 I Ss j'feV in- j These old ladies hav tarmvA a SSSKK k s a X it B a OBSXS .-NEWS IN- BRIEF k is ie. s b a a B E a xgigjgi Circuit court Was adjourned yester day, after transaction Of routine bus iness to be converted this morning at 10 o'clock. R. M. Merritt, truant officer, pent yesterday at Gull Point, getting in touch with teachers and dudIIx. in connection with the enforcement rr the school compulsory law. Mr. Mer ritt may be found at the office of the superintendent of education each eft ernoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. "Mies Agnes Neva McKinna, welfare worker for Escambia county, met yes terday afternoon with members of the school board, for decision as to moth ers' pensions in this county. The matter, was carried over until Satur day, morning, when the app:, cation Will be passed upon in time tt present the matter to the county commission ers for their endorsemnt. According to the bill which Mies McKinna was instrumental in p.sing 1' during the last legislature, and which became a law at that time.' any .ounly in Honda may levy as muc.1 a 1-2 mill to defray the costs of these p.h- -tr . t - . ' 4 i u i . , v - Hi! VJd?: which is about half of this amount. The suit of H. J. Miller and V. U. Cole trading as H. J. Miller Lumber company against Theo Baars for f 5,-1 000.00 damages Which was set fori jesumiay was continued by consent until uec. 2. Li. v. Holsberry is at torney for H. J. Miller Lumber com pany and John C. Avery is represent ing Mr. Baars. Deputy Sheriff Archie Rnw:in vc. tei'day morning arrested C .H. Powell at Roberts on the charge of making liquor. The man was brought tr thr. county jail and locked up. Up to a late hour he had not made bati. Charles Reed was arrested Stmrtav by Deputy Sheriffs Mayo and Bowman on the charge of grand larceny. The man is alleged to have stolen a num ber of automobile tires from a local automobile accessory company. Supreme Marigold 85HS n 1 Yesterday afternoon a r.r, lng E. IpeeT rrnk Weltes Dan Shebard j n rJh.I . ihe?P ouf at iolZtltl eiS. uj,, iu xscamuia Day in cantata I 6a launch.. DarLrk - There will be a meeting of the local department of the missionary society Of the First ethodiar rhnrrh t A o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mlsa ' tWnlnA vimnriM Is vicltinc Miss Mamie Conwav at Bluff Kt.rina Miss Virginia Swindell of Baltimore. returns home the last of this week after an extended visit in Pensacola as the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs Thomas A -TnVl n Rnn 1114 Woe HacAn 'street. During her'stav At ' has enjoyed attending the hops at tho military and naval reservations and has been the inspiration of many charming social affairs given in her hohor. BLUE RIBBON TALKS Blue Ribbon Vanilla is made up td the highest standard from Vanilla beans selected from the finest that grow. Distinctive, delicious flavor. 3 oz. bottle. "Best and takes less." 3 As a this Marigold Oleomaiarine delicious. The saving per pound is very considerable. Try Supreme Marigold or Supreme JSfut Marigold. Both are packed under our yellow and black labeL MORRIS 8C COMPANY IIEAL SfBS Apply Zfemo, Clean, Penetrit. ing. Antiseptic Liquid ft fa unnecessary for you to su&' Withecjetiiai Wotchee,ringworm,rashe and similar skin tnotiblesv Zemo, obtained at any dnig etort fdr 35c 01 $L00forextra large bottle, and trompt ly applied will usually give instant reiki from itching torture. It cleanse and BOOthes the akin ami heal rtnirVlu amf effectively most skin diseases. g j Zemals a wonderful, penetratifl, r CIsaDOearinir liouid and 4a KAnrhfn tr the most delicate skin. Itfataotgreasft v easily appnea ana costs lime, uet it today and save all further cuatrcssv Ta B. W. Koe Co Wdnlaai, Q. it i t - 'ff ri FOUND RELIEF Nose and Head Stopped Vp Every Morning. Drippings From Back of Nose Got Stdmach Irritated. Dreed, the Great Herbal Remedy. Gave Relief. ; A a?,TL 0tlor writing abost eatarrV Mys: Thiii the none is stopped up, as tyL? J" ln h tMi- w'0 thf bad habit of tnouth-fcrenthlng la lndulrrl in, -,b'he is en)y Prt!slly warrned , molteoei fend otherwise pre parr-d for contact Hh the dper tlsi i therefore. iiieapa of the throat, wind PlP? " np are Very apt to develop." S?-LliW t,me J- u Lewis, Weal Tampa. Fla. 'rh.PrT Plnd to e a eonatiht drip, pltiff into my throat from the back of Bijr li"B rt,,lar the momlac mf neart and noe would be all stepped up, "'t J ""If1 time to itt thm J,elrea- breatlLiTio.t of the lime wat fojrt. and ray breathlns; vnn hay and difficult. I knew of the Wneflta people were receiving from taklns Dreeo. ar k l5htw. ,oM,e- At the end of the fimt bottle I felt that tny ronditlon waa much , improved. On rising I was not nearly so ""i"" topped p: my breath waa wtele and the dririplnr much !ea. I am eon tlnulnsj (he treatment and feel that 1 will fft a permanent eure. and do not hesi tate to recommend Dreco to aayoua auf lfr!n aa I waa." Dreco acta directly en catarrhal condi tions of the nose, head, throat and atom-' t la quickly abaorhed by h blood and circulated to the affected patta. where Its tonic action 4a soon felt, gltlnit prompt benefit, and If the use la contin ue. often effects permanent relief. Dreco ia aold by all dniB?tta and is hlfihly recommended in thia city by Balkcom Drutf Co. FROM CATARRH i i t 1 fi 1 1 : i 1 ; i r . i .. h Mr if; 04