Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1919. 8 J - f! i I' i ! u in n "VV i w NOTICE . hereby given that on Thursday, AoVember 20th, 1819, at 11 o'clock a. ra., 4 petition will be presented by the uign sra thereof to the Board of Public ln U -ruction for EicambU county, Florida, lit lta office in the City t. Pensacola, in ;i ild county, said petition being aa fol w: v Uo the Board of Public Instruction, of . Escambia county, Florida. ; Gentlemen: The- undersigned, who are tuaiifted electors of Kacambia. county. .Florida, who pay taxes on real or per sonal property, and who are residents in the below described territory, respect fully petition that your honorable body Mder an election to be held, aa required "y law, to determine whether the fol 4wingr described territory, in Escambia -sounty, Florida, shall become a special x school district, for the purpose of Fvyin k and collecting a district school 'jkx for the exclusive use of public free cnoel within such district. The boun daries of the territory aa to and in which such election is prayed, and n ' vhlrh the undersigned reside, and which territory is intended to , be formed into . iuch soecial tax school district, are as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the point here the north line ot townBhip two south, intersects the western shore line of Pensacola. Bay; thence run westerly alcng said township line . to the point where it Intersects the eastern snore at Bavou Texar. thence run south atrlv acroM said Bavou to the south easterly corner of section four, being the Joseph Maura urant. tnence soum . westerly along the southern line of said section four to its aouthwestrly corner; thence northwesterly along the western line or said section four to the southeait corner of section six; thence westerly along the line of section bIx and the southern line of section eight to the point where the southern line of section ipht intrrMrti the southerly line of section nine, or the Chas. De illier Grant; thence southwesterly along the southern line of said section nine, or Chan. DeVlllier Grant, to the southwest , corner of said section nine; thence northwesterly along the western line f said section nine to the southeast cor ner of section eleven; thence westerly along the southern line of said section eleven to the northeast corner of section fifteen; thence southerly along me -era line of section fifteen to the point where said line intersects the norther line of the Juan Dominguea Grant, or section thirty-four; thence northeasterly along the northern line of said Juan omingues Grant, or section thirty-four, to the northeast corner of said grant or section; thence southeasterly along the eastern line of said Juan Domlnguex Grant, or section thirty-four, to the 'southeast corner of said grant or sec tion: thence southwesterly along the southern line or said Juan Domlnguex grant, or section thtrty-rour. to the rornw nf section thirty-seven. being the point where the eastern line intrsects the southern line of said Juan Domingue Grant, or section thirty four; thence southerly along the east ern line of said section thirty-seven to the point where the eastern line of sec tion thirty-seven intersects the northern shore line of Bayou Chlco: thence west--' erly. following the meanderings of the northern shore line of said bayou to the mouth of the creek of the second bridge, which flows into said bayou; thence up to the thread of said creek to the northeasterly corner of section fifty-four; thence southerly along the eastern line of section fifty-four to the pclnt where the said line intersects the "northern shore of Grand Bayou; thence eaetwardly. following the meanderings of the said shore of said Grand Bayou, to the point where the same intersects or connects with the western shore line of Pensacola bay; thence northwardly, following the meanderings of said shore line of Pensacola Bay to the point of beginning, all sections and grants men tioned by number or name in the above boundaries, being in township two (2) eouth. range thirty (30) west, of the Tallahassee Meridian, all situated in Escambia county. Florida. C. H. Turner, S. A. Leonard. O. J. Semmes. Jr.. H. S. White. C J. Rice. R. J. IMax. J. E. Kramer. R. V. Cowley. J. T. Yarbrough. W. Humphreys. George Edgar. F. G. Russell. A. Whldden, S. Berson. F. R. Vorls. O. O. Csona. S. C. -fcflerra. C. M. "Ward. D. H. Shepard. t . M. Arnold. C. A. Ward. R. J. Snyder. I E. Bogan. J. T. Wright. Jim Trlngas. , ; G. S. Curtain. Roy H. Taylor. J. T. . Moore. Gus A. Willis. J. L. McClun. h. Paulsen. I. B. Hirschman, O. H. Smith, H. O. Anson, Howard Hum phreys. W. M. Stiles. Wm. D. Howe. A. G. Moreno. L. E. Durham, H. C. Rellly, E. M. Schornhorst. Paul Dancby, ;jno. H. Kohler. J. S. Vinson, R. O. . Alsip. Leon Vincent. A. J. Gahan. Edward 'r C Jones. J. G. Yniestra. J. L. Mayo, S. A. Radcliffe. W. H. McKinnie, L. L. Fablsinski. J. C. Connor. H. J. Mackey, N. McK- Oerting. J. G. Hilliard. John T.Hurst. J. Duboee Lamar. F. Y. Seals, Jno. Trlngas, D. P. Deloney. A. S. Ed- s Wards. C. C. McCiirley. W. H. Crawford, v W. A. Brown. Bleeker Forbes. J. F. ' Taylor. George Reeder. Alex Friedman, Hamilton Russell. A. James. Leon N. Llschkoff. A. Fernandex. C. E. Stewart. ' Joel Prater. A. T. Barkdull. B. A. Jones. H. Lee Bell. E.B. Gonzalez. A. G. Run yan. G. L- Napier. E. Anderson. Chas. E. Leeds. J. E. Watson. B. F. Rivers. A. O.- Ross. B. Fltzpatrick. J. Seeger. ' .,V. A. Burns. W. A. Grubbs. Sr.. F. F. Chris. V.. H. Nelson. C. W. Johansen. E. A. Boone, E. W. Allen. Toney Gomez, W. B. Butler. W. G. Alsip. J. C. Lee. C B. Butler. G. Marchetti. W. T. Smith. , S. H. Fried, Herbert Pfeiffer, W. L. Creel. B. A. Davis. J. E. S., Clarence Hutchinson, H. T. Shannon. L. K. BUtch. t I a. Laylewd, Thos. V. ,Hannah, S. J. Isaacs. W, B. McMillan. R. A. Baker. C P. Boll. B. M. Bell. L. Peake. W. ?. Myers, Jr.. W. R. Pyles. L. J. Anderson, C. H, Villar. John Ma rich. C. M. Burns, E. L. Anderson. H. E. Gonzalez. E. B. . Armstronc. W. B. Colvin. T. H. Nelson. " J.-B. Peake. E. McCluskey. C. A. Mead, Samuel Paeeo. C. F. Ward. G. J. tTn - treiner, W. C. Padgett. J. A. "Bazzell. F. L. Rhodes, B. C. Duval. F. Touart. . " W. T- Tracy, Jas. M. Cooper. W. A. Smith. K. D. Finney, .T. E. Staples, J. ' . E. Hancock. E. E. Harper. Fred C Clopton. E. M. Holland. Sol Goldrlne. John ' T.. Hurst. R. Gundersheimer, - F. Thompson R. H.- Weatherlow, W. A. Rawls. Alex Poss. Ike Hirschman. P. II. .Brock. A. A. Olsen. O'Brien Motta, MQ.J 1 9 1 VERYONE In Westmore liked May Hammond and Olive Bls bee, who were friends aa well aa cousin, besides being extremely younr wires, and whan old Miss Ap pleby, their auat. died and left each of them $7,000. everybody in town felt a thrill of interest. ' ; They had only been married a year, and had just nicely got to housekeep ing in neighboring dwellings on Pink street. Olive was living in Jim's old home, which had come to him from his mothera small, gray house, rath er shabby now, bat which Jim hoped to fix up after he got to earning more. Olive had just the necessary house keeping things, but they were comfor table. May. too, lived in an old house, one which Will had bought cheap at a time when real estate was down. Am -May said laughingly, they merely con sidered themselves squatters, waiting ris Bear. W. W. Jackson. Max J. Hein- berg, fc.. C. Nicholson. G. J. Morgan. K. A. Hyer. L. C. Nobles. W. E. Si team 3. J. H. Hoyt, R. P. Hixson. H. E. Root. H. G.. DeSilva, Leroy V. Holsberry. Jas. a- j-owry. is. j. ievey, vv. k iiyer, Ualcott And.Tfrn. W. D. Willis. A. C Binkley. S. B. Davis. A. S. Hand. C. W. (Julledge, David Norton, C. F. Schad. H. K. Franklin, Jas. A. White. D. Gunder-f-heimer. R. J. Collins, Lcis Friedman. G. J. Emanuel V. H. White. Joe F. Irni'L A. M. Avery. J. O. Miller. Rox Cowley, F. E. Egelhoff. Joe Roth. II. Ritra. W. C. Fillingim. W. H. Coker. B. V. Dannheisser. L. D. . Robinson. B. F. Skipper, H. Horsier. H. J. 4uina. E. W. Peake. Arthur W. Davis. E. G. Car ter. M. E. Wilton, Andrew P. Palm Hi:U Henry Hyer, E. C. Maxwell. W. J. Forbes. Wn. tt. Alfred, C. I Shine, Francis B. Carter. W. J. Pace, A. F. Wicke A. J. Williams. Alfred Davis, C. D. Warn.t k. J. G. Shuttleworth. Sr., C. O. Murphy. M. A. Lischkoff. M. E. Wulna, C. H. Kupfrian, A. S. Johnson. Knowles Hyer, FJ Cialt Bonlfay. E. B. Calhoun. It. S. Merwin. J. Bresler, Cuy ler P McMhdn. Manuel Solomon, C. J. Oerting. Sol Cahn. D. B. Hobgood. Jos. I!erchkcv'.tx, P. A. Johnson, D. Kugel man. M. Haut-man. W. J. Merrltt, D. J. Haye. A. F. Paderlck. W. L. Bright, O M. Ennett. A. C. Ellis. F. Meyer. L. S. 'eLarg, Wm. M. Camp. Jos. -M. Levy, W. R. Warfleld. G. W. Reeve, J. X. Andrews. Morris Levy, S. M. Phil lips,. Todd Haycock, J. E. Reed. A. W. MilUr. t. E Smith. H. A. Brosnaham, A. J Butt, J. F. Cruljcher. R. C. Green way. A S Moffett. J. L. Ingram. Albert Klin, J. Breazeale. B. L. Gundersheimer, Jaa. Jadrlevic. K. B. Olsen. Lazar Cahn, O. B. Cttlett. B. Forcheimer. F. E. Lewis. E. M. Kugelman. W. B. Ferrlss, A, Zolius. Sr. R. F. Mitchell. A. Riera, P. F. Riera. P.. O. Spare. Jas. Macgib bon, H H. Hallmark, G. A. Vucovich. Will L. Mover. G. C. Hallmark. Jno. T. land. F. J. Dellaccio. R. Frederickson, Percy S. Hayes. A. J. Pockru5. J. A. Ansley. B. S. Hancock, A. G. K. Jones. ' F,nD5lce' w- Pettersot.. F. A. JiVrx1"; J- c- Carter. D. R. Cnr tla. H. H. Kellv T Tf xtot,Tii ireeman. A II Green. W. H. Roberts. Rosette. Carl Water. Wm. Olsen. P. Ptael,H,-. J- vetle. A. G. McMil ton Wm. Mablre, M. L. Bell. J. F. Raf ffrty. A. E Hendrl J. C. Wainrlght. K. C. Keith. H. P. Neuman. G. M. Dansby. S. - D. Bennett. "Jr.. F. E. Brawner. Guy F. Palmes. E. L. Herring. W. C. Dillard. Geo. P. Wentworth. W. ios?.n K- H- Turner. A. H. Jones. A. T. Morriton. W. R. Rawlev. Rix M. Robir.son V. M. Wilson. Jr.. W. J. Mc David. Nathan Bear. Edmond Fox. Ar thur Johnson. A. Brink. C. T. Moore. WV T- ,Iir''. J- W. Marshall. J. M. Kehoe, Jos. Daly. O. Jacobson, R. Burres, E C. Wntw-ith. J. B. Miller. G. C. Richard. W. F. Reed. Jr.. J. o v.r,. strom. F. 1 Graham. W. S. Kvirdt VNarthen. V. R. Nobles. C. S. Bonacker, p. Rozear. E. R. Malone, W. M. Mc tIyZL R Ct SVA- R; McAllister. C. P. Clellan. T. E. Williams. H. M. Barr, J. i S" Tompkins. Lemuel Colson, . s. Leonard. Felo McAllister. W. D. ii ii' T7.r-Wn. Jir McCaU. Wilmer S. Hunter. U E. Nobles. J. S. VanAusdal. . y " Thompson. J. W. An. w. j. Benn. JC. D. Begg. E. A. McCray. r ,-.'.' " ariV Jotln 1 Stokes, Sweeney, w. A. Ray. . Mabire. R e. rnimm r J. Brown. Ernest R. Largue, J. G. Lund- quisi, j. xz. Taylor, Thos. M. Bralnard. S. S Penney. L. VTJ Vann. W. V. Cole. J. C. McConnell. H. A. Beard, G. A. Prtsiey, F. E. Harrington. E. E. Gordon. J, H-. Gentry. H. L. Nelson. Chas. A. Iorn. xl. K. Pepper. F. E. Bayliss. A. J. C. Laldwin. W. G. Porter. It. 1 Owen. H. H. Neville, Geo. John-s'-n. jos I Brown. Mott S. Pond. R. F. S' jerkins. P. H. Brock, W. fc, . na led Bingham. W. A. I Mimms, G. W. Scott, Wm. H. Benford. H. wi. ',i x:uHiner Jas" McHugh. 1 Wilkie M. Douglass, Wm. Anderson, Tl?Z;m r-f'ra; J- Cunningham. F. , Aaron Brown. E. F. Aarons, W. G. Ful t.elvir,K 13 s. Ctro. L- D. Manning. Wm. 1 phum. M. T. Pitts. A. Olsen. E. L. Ford. t ? Ur,R . AVhlte- J- A. Wise.iHarrv T. Howland. Sr.. O. J. Brown. S. JrwJn H.arv' ,JiJ&rvia - Garr"- Q- L- B. Jackson. F. C. Willis, A. L. Autrev. Tirdill A. L TMor. H. R. Miller. R. W. W. Wilson. W. S. Daniels. E. B. a i.T .t T ' ; asDett- Cushman. W- P. Rice. J. Walla.. T I-J..;. R , uu-iii r.ioert A. Ciul.t. v A iv...... w E. ;jck. .. L Fi:'chvm, Archie Webb, gi V , Sl-ced. Ifarry L. Brooks, E. A. VVortftington. W. A Suggs. O. P. Claf X ' V fct!Lrferr- !dney H. Bell. Chris C. Mertms. Frark Kir.g. J. I. Eubank. . L Bannerman. Geo. w. Marble. M. !oy' r'- T.'tcds. W. R. Eckert. J. R. Simmons. P. Stone. T. J. Roberts. Tom I'uzhoe. Joe S'nmons. J. R. Still JoPh- J . B. R.dd. J. K. Rozier. Z V ,Aln!orth- E- lj' Hannah. C. E. Bond. J. M Bush. E. W. Speed. G. Rolfs. 2n, K- clearv- W- H. Hunneycutt, A. T. ?11on;- W- S- Verting. John H. Caro, ? Ti,ICrrCJ T- Gerel. John. B. Til prVK, M V;'6. A. E. Kelly. C. A. Eubank. Gee. 7,'. Johnson. J. M. Roper. i& Fhilllpit. Thos. J. Untreiner. D. J. Wallace. J. S. Johnson. L. F. Martin. Norruan J. BrUus. J. V. Price. C. H. -alker J. (. IirlLng. Ed. Vivlanl. An drcw ConflPiil'nt John Joseph,- Frank r .." t'ow'e'". uave Heard, r. Ji chiller. T ecrard Boursette J W Dorr. jr. O. M'ier. W. I. Richards', e! X. Lylv nd. t W Willis. C. A. Y,ccfA ilarkhfr.i. Gus Constantine, R. H TUkon. A. C. Moterspaugh, C. W Norcross . Chas. Miller. J. A. Fltzpat rick, R. D Jones. Itnwood Williams, J W May. W. T. .Lewis. C. H. Miller, Arthur Btirlison, Fritz Hauhalper. Wm. Brown, Geo. Bonlfay. W.. I. Davenport W" H. Holt. C. W. Sheats. M. R. Swaine,' G S. Greenwood. James Largue, W N Van Duzer. J. H. Robinson. W. O. Bow man. C. S. Burbank, Robert A. Pericola. Henry T. Hey. W. O. Bullard. W. L. Underwood. W, M. Edmonds. G. J Parker, Alex Collins. J. E. Muller, C. Koeper, R. C. Cushman. Emil D. Pfeiffer, L. A. Pubuisson. C S. Thompson, Joe Glackmeyer. A. J. Fuller, J. D. Bergln, A. M. LeFrancois. Ben Benson. Chas. A- Ward. E. A. Kemble. Henry J. Davlw. J. O. Ward. E. G. Garner, Jr.. J. M. Stuckey. C M. Thomas. C. D. Daven port. Drew O. Sims. J. M. Murfee. Dan Murphy, J. S. Bell. J. L. Ashbrook, W. A. VaMghn. J. .A. Anderson. J. J. Bur bank. C. F. Rapp. B. F. Lowerv. C. F. Iwis. T. C. Jones. H. Starkloff. D. P. Folsom. A. M. Ebrens. H. E. Burch, E B. Acosta, W. L. Duffee. V. I. Wood ward. Lazare Lacoste. R. C White, 11. W. Boyd, Mark Joseph. B. Joseph, R. L. Ermbry. W. E. Brown,' Wm. H. Mason. Dr. J. H. Fellows. O. N. SheDnard. J. Whiting Hyer. J. M. Muldon, John M. for the time when they could afford to get rid of the old house and build a new one. The $7,000 arriving unex pectedly to the two girls, sent them into a great flurry of excitement. ."I dont have to think for one mo ment what I shall do with my money," May said. "I shall have a new house.'' "What will you do with the old oner Olive asked. . "Tear it down. It isnt worth much. But the lot Is lovely. And I know ex actly the kind of house I want like Stewart Gibson's over there." "But that's such a big house just for two people!" Olive exclaimed. "I like big houses. I shall have it a little nicer than Gibson's some ways. I've got the ideas all in my head about the fireplace and the butler's pantry and thet porches " She broke off, laughing. "But there, I've not asked yet what you are going to do One Woman and Another - By ABner Anthony Gagnet, F. F. VanAlst, Thos. Walker, C. W. Pfeiffer, Henry Oajcnet. C. F. Heinrichs. T. F. Shaw. H. J. McEwen, E. T. Solaris- Pater Heyen. B. J. Touart. G. W. Van Etten. C. T. Johnson. M. Fondebilla, E. U. Bruno. A. W. Lager- gren. L. E. Garrett. G. C. Hallmark. R. U. Donovan. Jas. Brown, Albert Marino. Adrian w nitmg. ChaB. McEwen. S. P. Brown. Chas. Dillens, J. M. Burrow, Thor. B. Thorsen, G. O. Brosnaham. Sr., C. R. Thompson, M. W. Brlggs. T. E. Harvey. W. N. Brown. Wm. Walker. J. Sheffiers. Ed. Gale Quina. N. W. vrmiams. E. B. Gagnet. J. O. Tait. H. J. Hall, nv'alter Miller. J. E. McCurdy. J. Sperduto. Jeb S. Howell, James O'Brien. I. S. Davis. J. SolarL C. F. Shaw. Chas. G. Van Metre, Gus Johnson, E. Bommer, --. j. uonaon, s. Monti. Ed. Cope. Geo. C. Green. F. E. Durham. Bert Young, Albert Geri. C. N. Kelson. Wm. Camp bell, Chas. Humphreys, Gam MuUen, T. Lagos. Chas. Hartman, Vincent Val anzano. Jas. Farinas, D. Levy, H. E. Reed. J. D. Brown. Wm. Nichols. Morris Hollihand. R. O. Gilmore. I. F. Patterson, L. Li. Gonzalez. V. C. Branch, A. Zelius, Jr.. Geo. L. Gregory, I. T. Faulkner, Merrill Henderson, Quinn Cobb, J. A. Padgett. J. H. McNeal, Pattillo Camp bell Hunter Brown, Jerry Sullivan. Jr., J. D. Carroll, J. T. Peele, Paul P. Stew art. W. H. Wa'tson, E. B. Goodrich, H. A. Lowman, H. W. Gibbs, Jno. D. Rawls. H. S. Amos. T. F. Butler, L. Patterson, C. E. Briggs, Sr., Geo. T. Harvey. P. L. Brlggs. W. O. ConelU Marian Taranto. Lyman Edmundson. Randeil Bell, W. J. Marler. O. S. Wallace. Frank Carroll. Hans Hual, N. J. Byrd. B. Garrett, Toney Fernandez, Wm. Daniells, A. L. Mad dux. E. J. Salter. Geo. H. Gregory. F. Anderscv. Walter B. Joseph. Bennie Mc Cluskey, H. Mullen, S. M. McNeal, M. J. Elkan, Clyde E. Wilson, M. L. Bear, J. G. Holtzclaw, A. L. Reinshmidt. S. R. Mallory Kennedy. C. J. Stokes. E. J. Qulgley. C. D. Kearney. Alex Whitwell, A. B. Brown. Jr.. J. B. Waddell. Rob ert L. Radford. W. T. Donaldson, C. E. Brlggs, Jr., A. McD. Moyer. C. D. Nicholas, J. E. Abercrombie, L. White. Walker J. Hernandez. F. C. Curry, Robt. T. Thomas, L. Potter. Quinn Jones. W. H. Campbell, S. W. Jefferson H. Clayton Allen. T. W. Williams. An drew Preer, L,J. Johnson. William G Hines. Dan Brown. A. S. Magee. W. J. Bennett. Henry Moorer. Preston Fair, A. S. Brown. C. Wingate. W. M. Ham ilton. Thomas Palmer, T. H. Dees, Rob ert Kelly, Mose Williams, W. W. Purdy, fc.. E. Koort, ti. C. White, C. W. Lamar, John A. Merrltt. -J. W. Andrews. J. H. Sherrill, Ralph Berlin. J. G. Pace. R. E. cobles, Wm. Fluktr. Robert Donald. T, McMillan-. Geo. Maine. Harris, John- scn. E. H. Dees. . E. Johnson, . E. Abdelcatta. A.- M. DeVaughn. S. C Dawson, C. H. Bennett, L. E. Jackson, R. H. Bennett, E. F. Aarons, R. H. Blount, V. A. Borras, Philip Catlett, Yancy Wilson. S. Antone, Jackson Har vey. U. B. Turner. Alex Eagan. William j. r. Richardson, R. L. Town, H. B Tinsley. J. Toler. Geo. Wynder. L. Ben bow, J. C. Chandler, S. F. Fulghum, W. S Garfield. T." A. Daugherty, R. F. Metts. T. G. Yates. W. P. Brewton. B. D. Baker. E. C. Gentry. W. B. Rey nolds. M. V. Bouler. W. E. Diamond, C. C. Shaw, J. W. Gast, Joe Santo, W. H. Harrell. Thos. Tuttle. L. W. Van Metre, R. T. Little, Frank Williams. Ross Hen- rtprson, Monroe Campbell, c w. uray. W. E. Acosta. Frank E. Weles, E. W. -.wleV, J. I. GrVmann, Jr.. L. C. Phil tlirs. J. E Morris. A. Watts. Duncan Wolfe. J. M. Anderson. S. J. Welch. I -Ti ,,. ,i tt V,,,. V, t ' i. Ti merrui. ri. j-i. rm ner. . rv. wun'i Sherman. A. O. DeWeese. PhilfT D. Beall. Adrian -Tjangford. E. E.r. White, F M Li'sk, R. M. Cary. Oscar E. Maura, W. H. Kyle. Fred Dalton. B. A. Dun ham. W. E. Anderson. Peter ijlnaen struth. James L. Scholls. Louis Hensen. W. F. Eddin. C. B Burkhardt. E. P. Eoch, J. S. Reese. M. V. Dannheisser, Wm. R. Gonzalez. C. L. Dickson. La? .Tacobv, M. Moreno. A. S. LovTy. R. L. Swanion. James fcCllskey. . DiLus tio, Ennch Nle'Bon. Philin Ooldenburg, W. S. Duncan, E. P. Bullard. WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM Sloan's Liniment Should Be Kept Handy for Aches and Pains. wny waiL ur oc . a. twinere iouowins exposuic, a- sure muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to leave naturally when you should keep Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active and, fit? Without rubbing, for it penetrates, apply a bit today to the afficted part. IXote the gratifying, clean, prompt relief that follows. Sloan's-Liniment couldn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over" if it didn't make good. That's worth remember ing. All druggists three sizes the -largest for utmost economy. 35cr"0c, $1.40. with your money?" "I. dont know what I shall do with it. May. I'm going to talk it over with Jim, I've Just got a faint idea " But May was staring out of the win dow at the Gibson house across the street, "I don't really like the shape of that balcony.", she said. "Do you, Olive?" - "No." repUed Olive , "I dont. It looks too much like a swallow's nest!" May screamed, "hat an idea! A swallowB nest!" She was hilariously bappy. . '' ;' ; After May's departure Olive went all over the house from top to bottom. It had been Jim's boyhood home and she roved it for his sake as well as for her own. In It she had had the hap piest year of her life. Her hand ca ressed the railing of th narrow stair way. . "Dear old house!" she murmured. IE! BUILDINGS FOR OLD BANKS POPULAR TREND (BY WARREN SPENCER.) ' ' There Is not a banker in tbo country who Is not "all ears" when any one can suggest a legitimate way for In creasing business and getting new ac counts. Within the - last few years banks have awakened to the value of constructive advertising advertising that "sells" the services and accom modations of the banks In the same fashion that it sells high-priced motor cars or low-priced soap. It is all evi dence of awakening on the part of bankers to the , hidden opportunities they have; In realizing that they have something to advertise beyond a state ment of their resources and a list of the personnel. "Boiled down to one word, however," declares H. T. Underwood, the bank building specialist, "the one super-factor that banks have 'to sell is confi dence. ; A bank may be stronger than It looks," Mr. IJnderwood says, "but It vJould be hard to convince the 10,000 John Joneses who deposit a few dollars a week (and who, in suffi cient numbers, are the best kind of customers,) that a bank which does not look strong is strong." I am indebted to Underwood, who is president of the Underwood Contract ing Corporation of New Orleans, the largest firm of bank builders in the south, for certain of the facts in the following story, which tells how one bank, on the down, grade, found it- seif ana not only rehabilitated in publiu IE.VOT, but won a vast amount of new business. The bank in question was in one of the southern states. It had age, pres tige, a strong board; it had weathereJ all financial storms and was hiMy regarded generally. Yet, fcr the past five years its percentage of increased business was so far below normal as to cause considerable worry. The chairman of the board, (thi o'.d president, retired) having few ac.ive duties, decided on his own hook to make a little investigation. He felt now that he was out from under the j burden of daily detail that he could i almost an out- " , aider's point of view. He first decided to look to his com petitors. And inside of a day's time he found that the bank that had scor ed the greatest Increase In deposits was another old but progressive in stitution that occupied a dignified yet monumental building, which had been completed about a year before. Mr. Chairman did not at first con nect up his rival's new building with its increased business, until in the LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GDAY Use Grandma's Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and Nobody will Know. The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, &ray hair to its nat ural color dates back to grandmother's time. She used to keep her hair beau tifully dark, glossy and attractive. WhanAirc. Vifkt Vi -j i trtrtir rm that Hull faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won derful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and out of date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur . Compound." you will get this famous old preparation, improved by the addition of other in gredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown . druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, it becomes beautifully dark and glossy. Adv. . "I couldn't have it torn down for the sake of building a new house upon its site" She caught her breath as an inspiration came. Down she sat upon the stairs, and there she was when Jim came whistling In through the front door to supper. "Well." he said, I Just walked up with Will. He says May Is going to build a new house with her money." "Is he gladr "Oh, sure! Will ITkes to . make a show. He says if there's anything left after the house they're going to get a runabout. Now I should begin with the runabout " he stopped 'f it was my money." he ended embar rassedly. v . : - , Olive had her hands on his shoul ders. "It Is yours Just as much as if it were left to you outright, dear," she Bald. "Aren't we partners In the Joys and sorrows and : good fortunes of HAIR FRECKLES .SCWM'BV lj fu. 5 w r V III! Banker's club at luncheon the next day he bluntly asked the president to what one factor he attributed the growth and development of the bank. Almost without hesitancy, the other man said, "Our new building." The chairman took occasion to look over his own structure, inside and out, that same day, and was forced to ad mit that there was room for improve ment. But before making any recom mendations to the board he undertook to gather some ttata for presenta tion. -His research concerned itself with banks that had built new build ings within the past year. He wrote each of them and asked if their de posits had increased above the aver age ratio since the occupancy of their new buildings, and if they considered that the new buildings had a part in bringing about such increase. The answers had increased, enclos ing statements of different dates to show how much the increase was. Four bankers set forth in letters the amount of Increase. No. 1: New building cost one-half million dollars. Deposits. Deposits in creased $3,000,000 had been $6,500,000, now were $9,500,000. No. 2: $6,000,000 increase in de posits; 100 per cent growth from $6, 000,000 to $12,000,000. No. 3; Deposits increased $1,500,000. No. 4: Forty per cent increase. All of the banks gave a large measure of credit to the fact of hav ing new, up-to-date quarters. One banker declared that the value of his new building could not be estimated to dollars and cents and that the "new building was the best advertisement the bank could have. With . this .concrete evidence before him the chairman became convinced that, ail : things considered, the bank that was housed in new, up-to-date quarters was the one that was most likely to secure the greatest share of new business. There was, however, a note in one of the letters that made him pause. A friendly banker wrote: "This is the second building opera tion I have gone through in ten years. After the first I vowed I would never build again. But when I moved over to my new connection, crowded and anticipated quarters made it neces each? Jim, May's been over and we've been talking. She's wild about having a new house. But I like this old house better than any we could build." Jim's dark, earnest face lit up. "That pleases me." he said. "You know I'm fond of this house, Olive, I cant help being. I'd hate to giro it up' "We arent going to," Olive inter rupted. "Now listen to me." "And you're going to stay in this old house ! " May ' said a few days later. She and Will were boarding while their new house was in course of con struction. "Just wait till you see my new domicile, Olive, You'll wish for one yourself, then." v Olive shook her head. "No, Jim md I are content with this house." "But aren't you going to spend your money?" , "Most of It," sary to provide for a new home. Dur ing the second building I never lost a pound in weight, nor an hour's sleep. Everything went along as smooth as clockwork. "The difference was this: The first time I built, we carried out the work on a competitive basis. . First we had a competition with architects and had to decide which was the best of eight or ten different schemes. We thought we selected the best of the lot, but after we finished we found we had bought a pretty picture. .Then we sought bids from various contractors and gave the job to the lowest bidder. We thought and had been told that our building would not cost over $150 000. We believed that this meant a building complete. We did not dis cover until later that most of the equipment, all of the furniture and hangings, were not- Included in the estimate. To make a long story short, the job was one of bickering- from start to finish, and in the end it cost us 50 per cent more than we had any idea of spending. "That job was a revelation, and when I got into the next one I tried to find if there was not some way of avoiding that unpleasant and un fortunate situation. Then I learned that there were building organizations that specialized in planning, building and equipping banks. These concerns do all of the work under one con tract. They plan every detail in ad vance so you know what you are go ing to get and know that not only everything that you want will be in eluded but all those new improve ments which their engineers know about, will be included too. As a matter of fact, the best way I can describe those fellows Is to say they actually work so closely with you that they become a part of the bank's cr- The friendly banker enclosed a list of the building organizations special izing in bank work and the chair man wrote each of them to smi him full details regarding their proposi tions. Then when he had all the Information he needed, he r3v-:el to the board that the bank ishjuli have a new building. He was trprised when they shouted their apjr'al, 9- d he did not even have a change to vse "But howr . "Just wait and see." ' Presently not only May, but all West more, saw. Paint, paper, a changed partition or two, a bathroom, a fire place and a porch transformed the old house. Besides "all this, there were new rugs, easy chairs, a talking ma chine, new curtains, books, and a hun dred other beautiful and comforting new things. A little work turned the barn into a garage and one morning a new flve-passenger car took up Its sta tion there, "for," srld Olive. "I shant be selfish!" There was still a goodly rainy day sum left to draw Interest and yield an income. Across the street May's new house came to maturity. It was very fine, but May began to look worried. "It's going to take a lot of furni ture," she said.; "Well, some of the rooms will have 'to wait," She laugh :i by BLOSSER his fine amunition. He vou'.J lav been shocked had he heard 'ae vo.i'h ful president remark to the r after the meeting: "Lord, I've been waiting to snrin; this new building propositi v. lor a year, but I was afraid the old na:i would raise a kick. Can you boat L!" But they made the old nirm.ri of the board, chairman of bind ing committee, and in the .r.:l tlry got a building that everybody refm to as a lasting monument for it, a oil chairman as well as for the Inn. It was a million dollar advoi tioui:-n'. but one of those advert! jerm its thv rank as investments and IUm jay a big return on the money ,ps it. TicMe Tiolzlc That's What Makes You Cough Stops Tho Ticklo By Healing Tho Throat 35o per Bottle ed uneasily. "I guess Will and I at8'1 have to ride In your car this Bum:ner. Olive, if we go about at all. Ever; cent has gone into the house. Tberes nothing left for a runabout. "It's a lovely house," OllTe esJd. "So is yours." "It's comfy. It's home." Mjr sighed. "Dont you tell Will or Jta. titter of them don't you tell anybody. Olive - but do yon know sometimes I w'5"1 I'd done is you did?" "Oh, pshaw r laughed Oliye consol ingly. But after May had gone back to tie handsome house across the etree. Olive sat by the fire thinking. As ste thought her glance moved about th simple, graceful, cozy living room, the books and music and good pictures that had come out of her legacy. SM drew a deep breH contentment. i: s j Ai.l