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V: 75 i II:' ?1 1 i ! i I Sawmills and Factories of all kinds which keep in touch with us find that, we serve them just as efficiently as if they added an ; immense "warehouse fully cked"'to their investment. - We are prepared to supply quickly Belting, Saws, Wire Rope, Railroad Rails and Equip-; ment, Tools of every description, and, all ' other supplies required. Write us for full information. . We GIVE SERVICE with 'the goods we sell. HARDWARE AND SUPPLY COMPANY ' MOBILE, ALA. DirtyRugs and Carpets Cannot Be Cleaned by a Mere Beating OUR PROCESS DOES CLEAN ? Makes Them Look Like New. Results Guaranteed PHONE 1013 Tlis Pensacola House & Window Cleaning Co. 196 North Palafox Street ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH The business wp;ld wants expert help. Let us train you. PAN - AMERICAN COLLEGE Phone 51. , 274-289 Brent Bldg. US D 1ACM1ERY Subject to prior sale, we offer any of the following plan ing mill machinery for sale, for prompt delivery. Most of this machinery is practically new and all of it is in excellent condition. 1 Clipper Belt 'Lacer. 1 Tenoner Machine (H. B. Smith, Smithville, N. J.) 1 Diagonal Planer (Rowley & Herman.) 1 Royal Invincible 42 in. Berlin Sander. 1 Blind Clamp (American.) 1 Panel Raiser (Fay & Eagan Machine Co.) 1 7 in. Hall & Brown Moulder. 1 Chain Saw Mortiser, New Brittain No. 2. . 1 Tenoner Machine (American No. 2 1-2) . ' , 1 Sash Dove Tailer (American Figure 8845-520745). 1 Hollow Chisel Cash Mortiser, Figure 899-105989. 47 Ft. 1 15-16 Shaft. 3 Compression Couplings 1 15-16 2 Collars 1 15-16. 1 Steel Split Pulley 20 in. Dia. 7 in Face Flat 1 15-16 CM. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 20 in. Dia. 9 in. Face 1-15 Flat. 1 Steel Split Fulley, 20 in. Dia. 9 in. Face 1-15 Flat. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 28 in. Dia. 11 in. Face, 1-15 C. M. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 24 in. Dia. 12 in. Face, 1-15 Flat. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 16 in. Dia. 9 in. Face, 1-15 C. M. 2 Steel Split Pulleys, 14 in. Dia. 9 in. Face, 1-15 CM. 9 Flat Cast Boxes 1-15. 5 Ft. Shaft 1-15. t 2 Collars, 1-15. 2 Boxes, 1-15. 1 Cast Pulley, 20 in. Dia. 6 in. Face, 1-15 bore. 1 Steel Split Pulley 18 in. Dia. 8 in. Face 1-15. s 4 Ft. Shaft, 1 9-16. 2 Boxes, 1 9-16. 2 Collars, 1 9-16. - 1 Cast Pulley, 20 in. Dia. 6 in. Face, 1 9-16. 1 Steel Split'Pulley, 12 in. Dia. 4 in. Face, 1 9-16. 23 Ft. Shaft, 1-15. 2 Collars, 1-15. . ' 2 Cast Boxes 1-15. 1 Coupling 1-15 Compression. 1 Steel Split Pulley 8 in. Dia. 6 in. Face, 1-15. , 1 Steel Split Pulley, 18 in. Dia. 9 in. Face, 1-lS. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 20 in. Dia. 7 in. Face, 1-15 CM. ' 1 Wood Split Pulley, 14 in. Dia. 8 in. Face, 1-15 Flat. 1 Steel Split Pulley, 18 in. Dia. 7 in. Face, 1-15 C M. 1 Cast Split Pulley, 18 in. Dia. 9 In. Face,l-15 Flat 1 Cast Split Pulley. 14 in. Dia. 8 In Face, 1-15 Flat. 1 Iron Frame Rip Saw. For Prices and terms address V ' Stearns Lu PENSACOLA, FLA. Div4iendPayerfl--Journal P. O. Box 836 mber&ExportCo. Want Acto THE PENSACOLA. 1 A z-qtzpb J I) A QuinineThat Does Not Affect Head Because of its tonic and laxative ef fect. LOXATrVE BROMO QUININK (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without causing: nervousness or ringing in the head. There is only, one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. - ' RECALL OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CHARLOTTE FAILS Charlotte, C.,' Oct. 21 The recall of the Charlotte mayor and commis sionefs1as a result of , their handling of the . recent street car strike . here was overwhelmingly ' defeated in a sDcclal election today.': The recall was supported ' unofficially, by organized labodr. . . - .- , The Popular bleiDrjnhl FO "Ss ysakk fal :the same hlr fintce as ' before the wait This beverage is often, preferred to ' cbffee.after trial for. it is pure and wholesome..Better health to the coffee drinker usu ally follows the change from coffee to Postim "Therefe-a Reason Me by Poum Cereal .Co. Battle Creek. Mtchiart. V At Grocers FRECKLES ! t pfL )V r worn op -two. tn cw ?MJ1 THOR AK; GUESS J T V- MT STXAAPff FY? Vna&Tak . too y , v 9 . ynfLtTnT J j j "Wold br THEEU ) ? j 1 i Voo dontt vikut to por ) pIBb? Now witTwav r K TWO-CEMT .. AP oM J - P. qq -rfco J -x-TL JOtTENAL, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1919. ROTARIANS IN BUSY DAY SHOW CITY TO GUESTS (Continued from Page One) better forty-five years ago he was an exceedingly pepful kid. The admiral spoke briefly 'and to the point that tho principles of the navy and the stand ards of Rotary were identical in service to Amerca and to true American ideals. He stressed the patriotism and devo tion of the officers and men who stuck to the great mechanical work shops of the navy in spite of the fact that they were not paid the salaries that Hhelr . training and technical knowledge would command In com mercial life. . -V:-- Capt. Harlow H. Christy, command ant of the 17.' S. Naval Air station, and CoL F. G. Mauldin, in command of Fort Barrancas, both of whom are re garded as Pensacolians, through their residence here, and their friendly In terest In Pensacola affairs, made brief addresses.' Other service men introduced to the club were Commander E. F. Johnson, of the Naval Air Station; Capt, Lan Ing, Capt. Kalbfus, Comdr. Kaufman, Comdr. Jensen, Lt. Comdr. McMullan. IX. Comdr. Bunkley, and Lt. Comdr. Brown, all of the U. S. flotilla now In Pensacola harbor. Major Ballard, of the U. S. Public -Health Service, also gave an interesting talk. Following the luncheon the Rotarians and their guests visited the fleet in the army boat General Robert Swar tout. The flagship Rochester was in spected through the courtesy of Capt. Laning, who explained the intricacies of the ship. STUM 9 RECREATION RECITAL -v AT SAN CARLOS Recreatien Recital . at San Great' Success. Carlos a The music lovers of Pensacola who availed themselves of the invitation to attend the concert by Miss Helen Clark and Miss Lucille Collette at the San Carlos auditorium last evening, will never forget the experience. The affair was a brilliant one sociauy "From the moment when Miss Clark ra 'voice to the nightingale song. her listeners were sure of the treat In store for them.' Miss Lucille Col lette announced that she would ren der .the next number m unison with a recreation of her own violin on the new- Edison which stood upon the olatform " Miss Clark's voice and the votr from the mahottany cabinet be- side her came indistlftgulshably blended tne two voices so i onfi that no ear could detect their duality. Suddenly Miss Clark's lips had ceased to move, though her voice went gloriously on. She sans again and again stopped. Only by watching her, lips could it be told whether her I voice came, from her throat or rrono the magic box at her side. Equal in tone, in clearness and In beauty, the voice filled the room, literally recreated by some magic power, After the cessation of the applause which she toolc-with her arm thrown affectionately across the cover of her mahogany- confrere, Miss Lucille Col lette stepped forward with her violin tp play a duet with herself, the other half of the duet being a recreation of her .nlaying of the selection on the new Edison. The notes from the cab inet matched those of the violia as perfectly as they had those of Miss Clark's singing. Here again the music continued when the artist ceased, and no difference In tone was noted. There followed other examples of recreation. A. piano selection, especi. ally marvelous to those who are familiar with ''talking machine" re cords of piano music, also an orches number in which the tones of the various Instruments strings, wood wind and brass, lost none of their in dividuality. Other vocal numbers were recreated with equal fidelity. Inter spersed among these musical treats were delightful selections by Miss Clark and Miss Collette, always ac companied by their identical perform ances upon the new. Edison. The climax of the entertainment eame when the room was darkened. and the audience had to judge by their hearing alone whether the song heard was the voice of recreation. The notes of the last verse filled the room. They were so clear, so true, so beautiful, that everyone In the audience was convinced that Miss Clark was sing ing, when suddety the lights flashed on again, showing the stage empty, save for the mahogany cabinet from which floated forth the final phrases of the song, The recital was arranged by Watson, Parker & Reese Co. PROGRAM. " 1. (a) Nightingale Song, Zeller. (b) Have You Forgotten Monaco; Miss Clark with Edison re creations of her voice. 2. (a) Meditation, from Thai iTaa- senet. (b) Melody in F, Rubinstein: Miss Collette with Edison recreations of violin solos. a. The Americans Come, Foster; Edison recreation of a bass solo by Mr. Arthur Middletpn. 4. (a) "When You Hold Me In Your Arms, Hickman. i: by BLOSSER (b) Eyes That Say I Love Too. Fisher; ; Miss Clark with Edison re creations of her voice. 5. Edison Recreation of a Perform ance by Concert Orchestra. . .. , . 6. (a) "Waltz in A Flat, Chopin. ; (b) Second Mazurka, Bodard; Miss Collette with Edison recreations of piano solos. 7. (a) Ave Maria, ; Schubert-Wil-helmj. . . b) Humoresque. Dvorak, v ? . (c) Souvenir, Drdla. , Miss Collette with Edison recreations of violin solos." 8. (a) Everybody Calls Me Honey, Straight. " - (b) On a South Sea Isle, , Von Tllzer. ' : ' (c) Baby! Swing High, Swing: Ixjw,, Bennett. Miss 'Clark with Edi son recreations of her voice. BOOSTERS TELL' , rT "irTnnrT V A rp vXV V vflvl ll CAPITAL CITY (Continued from Page 1) that the ' bonds would be long-term warrants, and that the tax Increase would not be one. dollar on a thous and. He re-asserted -his belief In fed eral and state help to put the centen nial over. 'SYRUP OF FIGS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and bowels. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only-look for the name California on the package, then you are sure' your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little Stomach, liver and bowels. Chil- jgjldren love its delicious fruity taste, - FuU directions for child's dose on each i Dotue. oive it wunout Tear, Mother! You must say "California". -adv. MEYER SHOE CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS GROVER'S SOFT SHOES For Tender Feet REED'S BETTER BKI3AU FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS STORES REED'S SANITARY BAKERY Palafox and Gregory Streets RAILROAD SCHEDULES" Louisville & Nashville R. R. ArrVal and departure of passenaer trains at -Pensacola, F1&. The following schedule figures pub lished as information and not guaran teed. (Central Standard Tlrae ARRIVES. LEAVES 6:30 p.m. Montgomery Blr mingnam, TMasnvllle, , Loulsrllle, Cincinnati 12:30 p.m. 8:80 pin. St. Louis, CMcago, Memphis ...12:80 p.m. 6:30 p.m Atlanta. Washing- , ton, Kew Tork .... 11:20 D.m. 8:41a.m. Montgomery, , Blr- ma-ifnam, NaaHvUIe, Louisville, Cincinnati 10:45 p.m. 8:45 a.m. Memphis, St. Louis, Chicago .... ...... 10:45 p,m. 8:48 a.m. New , Orleans. - Mo bile . ...... 10:45 p.m. 8:45 a.m. Atlanta. . Washing. ton, Jfexr Tork .... 10:45p.m. :4S p.m. Mobile Local .... 8:00a.m. :45 a.m. Jacksonville, Talla hassee 6:15 a.m. 10:25 p.m. Jacksonville. Talla hassee 8:B8 p.m. Dally except Sunday. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION TO RELIEVE INDIGESTION DY8PEP3IA, TAKE A OR r t .. r;. Tablet Before and Aft Each MeaL 25 Cent Bom PHARMACY THE CRYSTAL THE LEADER Stadium Clothes Union Made 218 S; Palafox St, THEY ALL RAVE OVER IT THE LIZZIE SCOOTER If You Drive a Ford Investigate. You Will Eventually Own One. H. A, Beard, Route 1, CHEROCOLA There Is None So Good Chero-Cola Battling Works Phone 23Q U MORRIS BR0S.T ! All New Stock LADIES' READY-TO-WEAB Belmont and DevilHers Streeti . GENTS FURNISHINGS f and 11 South Palafox Strer 0ORRAS AUTO SUPPLYq) 117-119 W. Garden 8L Lutomoblle Supplies Kad AccegaortB PHONE 949 pALKCOM DRUG CO 4The . Prescription Store , ! Phone 19 or 123 S Let Us Be Your Milkm&a Pasteurized .Dairv Producti ' PENSACOLA DAIRY CO. 123 W Garden SU Phone 132; THE M & 0 7 i ON THE SQUARE Within Easy Reach of k , Everywhere EXIDE BATTERY AND " SERVICE STATION . THE UNITED AUTO CO. Soui Bayten Street. Phomg J Ford Owners Attentior Hive your Brarinps Utted isj ; " "Modem HJnmins 3y5ten: PENSACOLA JiTJTO CO. IDS "West Iirtenafiiida Street xaarrJB ?BIaTca""Xoa j "xtrnxsr Reyiialds IVfnsfc Ho Outtex UVIusilc House j Tor Ttrre Thun 28 Vesrs 114 South PaMox'Strcet "Phone 13 'THE PIANO SHOP : . TUNING and HCPAIKIXG 1S-20 East tardea SiraA Phase TBI Borros Transfer Co, PHONE 1145 Offices nd Vfrcuce '.iTS -T TTT iast cruise airtti T AU Kinds of Hauling fc Your Business Solicited FOR RENT Electric Vacuum Cleaners 'ENSACOLA ELECTRIC C Commercial Depertmtnt phonr 2ma PENSACOLA LAUNCH & MACHINE CO. WILLARD SERVICE STATION Wlllard Storage bttefla end Rspi ef All Make Bttr!t Two 8ate Marine Way Machlnl Shop In Connection , The Parlor Market "Home ef All Thet'e Pure FRESH WESTERN MEAT? Poultry, Pfl3 end Green OrcoHr For Perfect Baking u WHITE CREST FL0lR D, Kugelman & Co. Sole Agents Phones 666-667 iIebash Jewelry Ca .Te nrelers and Op t iclans 2 . Successors to Peter. LIndenstruth 112 S. Palafox St. Phone 71- Always the latest records in stocL PALACE JEWELRY CO Ready-to-Wear Store i If It's New You Will Find It Here :L. E. -NOBLES & CO :IIart SchafftterfSr.Marx :a4 KJrschbaum 'Suits . nTour Moneye .Wortf or Your M:' South Palafox Street. Phc i WHITE & WHITE 20 South Palafox Street TSETTER CLOTHES" THE MORGAN.:-, THOR Truck 'or Team Service ! , Phone 71U AMERICAN NATIONAL . MAT IV Of PintMoia I ,