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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1919 6 Gold Barlec rdeal KAV'S CdDDSFsIEDS HjAOBIIDWADB'E RIGHT AT RAVS Gulf City Coffee Co. Roasters, Blenders, Shippers I FINE COFFEES 10711 East Intendsncia . Street j PENSACOLA. FLA. Koslque Bros Garage j 107-9 West Garden Street Phone 949 xpert Automobile Repairing Notice to Ice Consumers On wuoni are eaalooed with . Td ' WMumtri will i I r rud ecu i mmt (weight and report any dlaoourtesy ei mw 1 office. Phones S rr 16. bUUfUKKN UTILITIES CO. , jPENSA COLA ICE COMPANY fPORTER'S BAZAAR " 115 North Palaf ox ' i - ' ' Everything for the Housewife J.P.REMICH&SONS The Store That Setiefles" i Remich's Grocery Specials ; Always Satisfy r PHONE 722 - JIG North Palafox. ; PRICES . 3 CANS, 25c (Garden Cash Grocery Garden and DeyWIer ' PNne 2827 Buriiur Garden Market Groceries. of All Kinds HIKE DROSSOS & CO, Props, ' j Phone 234 : JVill C. Dif f enderf er ; Jeweler Optician 14 South Palaf ox Street .KODAK SHOP fc2a!L ",ni'2" PMurm Framing ttodatf and Pllma Ansoo Cameras ' - . I FALITS Millinery and Ready-to-Wear Korth Palafox. just above Is!a . Theatre FORCHEIMER'S ! . FASHION SHOP EXCLUSIVE SHOP FOR READY TO WEAR AND MILLINERY 173 PHONES 174 i MARSTON & Q7JINA West Florida's Oldest Furniture House ".' MeKee Refrigerators. Globr-Wemtekt Book Cases and Office Furniture I. E. WILLIAMS & CO. Furniture ": 80c E. Wright. Phone 1993 The Store for Women" LA MODE 122-124 Sout Palafox Street Ladies' Garments and Fine Millinery THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP AFTER ALL We Furnish the Home j Complete ; r?iCeL ROX ' rw rru 'c Weather is Watch These Two Leaders 'They. .Can't Be RIGHT SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLY STORE 34 SOUTH PALAFOX BICYCLES FISHING TACKLE BASEBAL LGOODS Phone 046 The Watson Agency INCORPORATED REAL . ESTATE AND INSURANCE - RENT COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY No. 8 South Palafox Street PHONE 54 EXPERT VULCANIZING Cord or Fabric Tires ' - O. K. TIRE SHOP 24 W. Garden St. Bob Hixson HOFFMAN & SELLERS AUTO CG. - REPAIRS KelfeSpringf ield and Firestone Tires. Oils and Greases ' 67-59 East Gregory Street. Phone 825. PALACE CAFE Good Things to Eat Opposite Post Office OPEN DAY AND NIGHT CARY&CO. , 10 South Palafox Phones 6, 93, 119, 134 When You Think of Coal, Thin of Cary. THE QUALITY SHOP ' 125 S. Palafox St. Ladies' to Wear Phone 1788 Carter Brokerage Co. Export Freight Brokers and Forwarders Let us engage your pace when you want room for export. Wo are aU waya posted as to lowest if eight rate and available space. Room 405, Thiesen B!dg Pensacola. Evans Power Cycle and Cycle- . . motor -V ':- .S'::: The Cycle Motor Sales Co. T. T. Went worth, Jr.'s Store ',. Corl Belnont and Davis Sts. Co Cole's Hot Blast ON THE CORNER 212 SPalafax JOE L. LICATA EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING 8 E. Intendencia. Phone 282 WATCH WINDOWS POSS NEW DRY GOODS STORE 31 South Palafox Street LONDON WOOLEN MILLS Get Your Fall Suit i Union Made . ' 117 South Palafox Send Your Old Shoes to - West End Shoe Store For. the Best and Newest Work in r Repairs AH Work Guaranteed ' 321 North DeVillier Street PHONE 2032. YALE BICLCLES Cash or credit - -- Supplies and Repairs; Tour business appreciated. T. T. WENTWORTH. JR. Cor. Belmont and Davis streets. EVE R LA STING FABRICS CO. . - . Pensacola's Representative Store F I SH E R - B R OWN We Will Bond You T 918Phones 919 OWN YOUR HOME Beat V'- Pensacola Home and Savings . . . v--- :; Assn. - J. H. Rayliss, See'y , 10 South PeJafox. " Phon 232 ; , PENSACOLA i v Pensacola, Oct. 21. -The spirit, mar? ketjwas as follows: . i 4'- Receipts, Casks V ,. :-.-.-.---"--'- . Last Today .. v 24 -. : ( This season ... 25.675 20,673 Shipments, Casks. Today ... ............. 171 . 140 This season . . ........ 56,774 24,156 Stocks, Cacks ' -; . ' Today....; 3,641 37,750 AprUl...; . 34.740 41,839 This season 88,704 "'. 64,146 Sprays and Local Appli cation Will Not Cure Catarrh Don't deceive yourself, if by the persistent use of '. sprays, douches, salves and other local applications, you have stopped the discharge from your nose and throat. The trouble wiU return iri a more aggravated form. It is said that the glands of the nose and throat act as an "emergen cy plug for the human sewage sys temsthat when the kidneys, skin and lungs are unable to properly dispose of some of the impurities that collect in those organs, such impurities are thrown out throush the glands of. the throat traceable to impure blood... Head colds, due to exposure, r ast not be confused with that chronic, aggravated condition of the nose and throat traceable to impre blood. The best way to relieve this con dition of chronic catarrh is by cleans ing the blood of all impurities that have collected In the system. 'There Is no better treatment than Plough's Prescription C-2223. the great blood purifier. This reliable alterative pre scription treatment corrects the im pure state of the blood, gives the tis sues an opportunity ' to exercise their normal , functions and results in the relief of the catarrhal condition so dangerous to good health. To secure the beat results in taking Plough's Prescription C-2223, the liver should be made active and the bowels regular. 2223 Liver Pills are recom mended especially for this purpose. These pills do not ; sicken or gripe. One pill is a dose and only three need be taken a week to keep theliver and bowels in a'healthy Condition. Plough's Prescription C-2223 can be supplied you by any good druggist in large bottles for $1.60, the Pills for 25c; or the 2223 Laboratory. Memphis, Tenn., will mail both postpaid on re ceipt of $1.75. Samples of the Liver Pills and leaflet regarding Plough's Prescription .C-2223 will be sent you without charge on receipt of this clip ping with name and address. Prescription 2E WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES A Constant Boon to Invalids Since 1S77 Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy. m 1 1 r I I J t - L Warner's Safe Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy. Warner's Safe Nervine. Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation and Biliousness The Reliable Family Medicines, Sold by Leading druirslsts everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of ten cents WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO- Dept. 52, ROCHESTER. N. Y. The Ford Coupe'is essentially the motor car for physicians every day of the year because of its up-to-dateness in every detaillarge sliding windows, it is a breezy open car in fine weather and in rainy, stormy, cold weather it is closed dust-proof and water-proof with broad seat heavily upholstered, it is a most comfortable car. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and demountable rims with 3M-inch tires, and carrying all Ford merite in economy, in operation and upkeep. Not only ideal fcr physicians but for salesmen, real estate men and everyone who v Shipments, Barrels Today . .............. :350 200 This-season . . . 80.041 92.568 " :.. Stocks, Barrels Today . . , ............. 68,494 45-,528 April 1 . . 49,831' 73.350 1 JACKSONVILLE The rojiln market was as follows: ' Receipts, Barrels Today . . . ........... 886 100 ' Jacksonville. . Oct, 21.- The spirit market was steady at 153 Q 154, with sales of 381 casks. - - Receipts, Casks ' : . -. : Last ' ' ' - '" - Year Today . ... 671 17 This season . . ........ 61,198 63,927 Shipments, ' Casks Today . . . 364 253 This season .. 89,081 53,334 , Stocks, Casks Today . . . 12,815 57.812 April 1 41.644 57,219 The rosin market was steady with sales of 1,156 barrels. ' Receipts, Barrels Today . . 1,274 19 This season ..195,715 173,941 Shipments, Barrels Today V. . 201 1.164 This season .....231,014 226,494 Stocks, Barrels Today . . . 85.254 125,683 April 1 '. . .. 120.652 178.236 Quotations were as follows: WW 22.00 22.50 WO 21.75 N 21.00 M . . ................. 20.00 20.25 K . . 19.4519.50 I . . 18.8518.90 H . . . 17.4517.50 G . . . 17.2517.43 F . . . 17.0017.25 B 18.00 D . . . . ................ 16.7517.00 B . . . . 16.75 8AVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 21. The spirit mar ket was steady at 153 with sales of 200 casks. . ' Last Year Receipts, Casks Today 268 " 30 Shipments, Casks Today 20 12 Stocks, Casks Today . . 8.659 - 30.376 APril ! 18,850 24.293 The rosin market was firm with sales of 756 barrels. Receipts, Barrels Today . . . 827 155 This season 120.028 Shipments, Barrels Today 415 This season ,; . ' 149 930 Stocks, Barrels Today 33.840 66.371 April -1 v . , 62,547 96,200 Quotations were as follows: WW... 22.60 WO . . . 21.75 Nr . . . ...... , 20.2521.00 M - . . 20.00C320.25 K . . . .................... 19.4519.50 I'. . . ,,i.,,i-,.'ii,,1 18.85(918.90 K ..,....,.......; 17.45(17.50 O . . .................. .17fl2517.45 F . . . . 17.0017.25 K. D 17.00 B. . . . .. . . .'. . .". .... 16.5016.75 Rheumatic Remedy. THE UIirVEttSAL wants a dependable two-seated car. " Won't you come in and look over the Ford Coupe? J. D. ANDERSON West Garden Street Y AMUSEMENTS "ffiscene from" Whom The 6dds Would Destroy- AT THE ISIS Liberty Theatre. Quite a pleasant change from the miserable offerings of last week at this cozy little house is the presenta tion of Martin's Footlight Girls, with their many novelty acts and the up-to-date rags and the different comedy stuff. The saxophone playing is good and the contortionist is clever, while the chorus is especially well matched and nimble. The dancing of Messrs. Johnson and Pearl was , also well re ceived. The songs, while few In number, are new and catchy and nicely rendered. Pastime Theatre. 'Cranberries a comedy playlet that Is a mixture of romance and fun. Is proving - its right to headline honors on the half of the week. Lawrence Grattan takes the part of the boy who buys and sells a valuable cran berry bog with his wits, and. of course, wins the girl, a part played by Miss Lucy Monroe. A huge fellow with a tight-fitting, pinch-back coat and a marvelous brown derby is a "scream," Welch of Welch, Mealy and Montrose act. and the laughs this big comedian gets almost interfere with the show. Mealy and Montrose are tumblers. The University trio, three men with well blending melodious voices, sing just, the right assortment of songs. Some of the heartiest laughs on the bill are caused by JHarmon and Fran cis, two girls who drag their piano into the fun. John and Bertha Glee son and Fred Houlihan offer a novel musical and dancing act. Entire Village Wrecked in Big Macauley Film. . An entire village, especially built for the occasion, was destroyed to produce one of the spectacular scenes tn "Whom the Gods Would Destroy," the adaptation of Charles R. Mac- ! auley's . famous novel, to be presented at the Isis theatre today and tomor row, v: This action was essential to .the producers to obtain the necessary ef fects in picturing one of the epochs of the subtle background of moment ous dramatic occurrences which are presented in illustration of their por tent and influence on the destinies of men and ; women. Through Mr. Mac auley's story is woven a. firm thread of romance, portraying the experiences of a man and a maid who endured an earthly hell of tortures and anguish In their search for love and happiness together. , Phone 1914 1 THEATRE TODAY. Mary Pickford in "The Hoodlum.'' New Sennett Farce is Packed Wit'n Fun. A new Paramount-Sennett machir? gun of laughter is at the Isis todnr. It is called "The Dentist," and is ?a:l to lay a perfect barrage of side splitting Joy. Charlie Murray, a toot'i doctor who puts pleasure before busi ness, gets Into the most troublf?. H falla for his friend Finlayson's prtttv stenographer and prosonts hr wlif. a lovely necklace. Fin'ayson llks th! typist himself and goes after Ctarli?' scalp. He holda a mortgage on th? cen tal office, and things look bad. Char lie's two tough brothers-in-law, who live with him, try to do him a rooI turn by stealing the necklace. Thfir crude efforts produce one of those wild Sennett scrambles that are guar anteed hurricanes of mirth. Ma:!c Prevost, one of those lucious beauties that' have earned Mack Sennett the subrlquet of "the Ziegfeld of t!:e screen," is the pretty stenographer After you see her, you won't blame Dr. Charlie much. Mary Pickford as "The Hoodlum," Has Marvelous . Comedy Part. Mary Pickford as Amy Burke in "The Hoodlum," her second produc tion from her own studios, which wCI be seen, beginning Frlady, at the Isis theatre, plays the part of a girl wh m education is having a desperate trying to affect. The Algebra X in Comfort. All of Jihe millions of Aipxnnd?: Guthrie, her grandfather, fail to do little for Amy's other than prov.d her with a specially constructed dk. which gives her a mirror, four om'M three shades of powder puffs, on pair of shell rim glasses, one bag of mints, two novels by George Elliott, and one pen without a holder. Amy's training, however, takes a de cided spurt when she voluntorily goes with her father, a sociological writer, into the tenement districts, whre he decides to write a book on citizenship And while her father bends to th? task of writing a book that will mak? him famous. Amy wraps herself crazy-quilt clothing and the environ ment of the tenements which makes her a "hoodlum," much, to the amuse ment of the audience. PEAKE ELECTRIC CO. The Home of Exide. Battery Service West Garden St. Phone 343 NEGLECTED COLDS ARE DANGEROUS Dr. King's New Discovery Soon DreaKS a coia ana eneens a cough. Chills fever sneezes and then a hard cold develops. Take a little of Dr. King's New V; covery when the 6niffles start. It j soon check the cold, the cough-P1"0' ; vokint- throat-tickle. Used everywhere i by people who know why it has te1 on the market for half a century lieves cold couch. irriDDe. croup No disagreeable after-effects. A'.l d'J" gists COc and $1.20 a bottle. Bowels Behind Schedule? Liver acting lazy? Bring them time with Dr. King's New Life Vi Gentle and sure-acting system clean sers that are tonicky in action and pleasing In results. Still 25c a bo"" at all drus stores, Adv.