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t ' w 7 r i I i : j f i 7i f ;;1 it it t f V ' f "I e I i'i i r f jl H It! If" 14 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. THURSDAY MORNING,. OCTOBER 23" 1919 A KIWANIS SERMON To those who value "the other fellow": - i ' "Self-satisfied" is the deadliest foe of Kiwanis. I know the president of two banks ($ 5,000,000 on - deposit.) . This man is mechanical in every detail, cold and icy in his con versation, limp and expressionless in his handclasp, with a small eye that can see about as far into a rat hole a'svany man in that state. He is givei credit for being able to ac count for every postage stamp used in his institutions. Thoroughness, Efficiency, Dollar-Success are as truly his name as the three he could sign to a $1,000,000 draft. ' But HE LIVES APART FROM HIS FELLOWS! His assist- ant cashier gets and holds more business in a year than he ever did with his own personal touch. Contrast this small large man with a certain postman in that same town. The latter is a genial, wholesome 'live wire," active in every needed public demand, the leading factor in the biggest lodge in the city A MAN AMONG men.- i ' The one knows the value of the warm handclasp, the help fulness of the other fellow. The other knows the satisfac-' tion of a recluse of a Silas Marner, if you please. Question: Which . will be missed more when the last rites are said? ' Which personality do you prefer? Seek out a stool at some lunch counter, lay down your 13 cents, and get back to your office in 9 or 7 minutes if you choose the first man's characteristics. If it is worth $5 or $10 a year to be met with a familiar greeting by several dozen fellows who have' one common bond of interest "K" ; if other men interest you more than do your own attributes, then culti vate our weekly meetings. The spirit of, any club is developed and wrought out of the warp of woof of "that something" that comes from mixing. "That something" can not be bought in cans, but it may be had merely by the desire for it. It is like the sun shine and the shadow it may be had by the poorest comer. Jump in or get out. Don't keep the sunlight off the other fellow. Go over your own record are you the man sitting on the edge of the stool, feeding indigestion and be coming a dyspeptic, or are you feeding more than your stomach? Springate of Oshkosh. FINANCING OF FOREIGN TRADE IS DISCUSSED As Influenza . la an exaggerated form of Grip, LAXA IVE BROMO QUININE Tablets should be taken in darker doses than is pre scribed for ordinary Grip. A good plan Is not to wait until you are sick, but PREVENT IT by taking LAXATIVE JiltOMO QUININE Tablets in time. Ad. The Tickle That Makes "You Cough HAYES' HEAUXG HONEY Stops the Tickle. Heals the Throat and Cures the Cough, 35c. A free box of GROVE'S O-PEX-TRATE SATA'R for Chest Colds. Head Colds and Croun with every bottle. Adv. Atlantic , City, N. J.. Oct. 21. Gov ernment financing of America's for eign trade should be ended and the pre-war course of private . financing and enterprise resumed In order ' to solve the difficulties in International commerce, according to James S. Alex ander, president of the National Bank Of Commerce In New York, who ad dressed the International Trade Con ference here today. Mr. Alexander, who is chairman of the committee on credits and finance' of the conference, advocated as other measures ' of - re form . in . all nations the ' necessity of "the greatest possible number of peo pie doing a day's work and of . the greatest, possible conservation . of the results of that work," and the . inter change of goods between " the United States and Europe on a better bal anced basis. "The exports and ' imports of one kind and another in the commerce, of the world do not, from the point of view of any one nation, give evidence of trade of exchange of commodities on a reciprocal and balanced basis," he said "Therefore, I think we can be specific In our agreement that the chief abnormal international factor rln this alarmingly unbalanced inter change of goods- that the balance . of trade is too favorable to the United States and too adverse to Europe for the best interests of both, and that the correction of . the exchange situation resulting from this one sided balance will find its natural and permanent solution through a reduction of our exports or an increase of our imports until a point of approximate equili brium is reached." Mr. Alexander asserted that the re establishment of our commercial re lations with Europe should be accom plished on a business basis. "That basis -will be best for the United States, and it will be best for every country in Europe," he said. Ve do not need to say to our guests that there is unlimited good-will . in America toward England, France, Bel gium 'and Italy just as large and warm a. heart beats in this country as during the war; but with the return of peace the minds of the people have turned again to the normal pursuits of business and industry , which were completely interrupted during war times. "We are trying to put our house in order. - "The nations of Europe want credit," he continued, "but they are not seeking primarily credit for to day ' but rather a' fundamental credit understanding, ' a ' system ; of " ' credit which they can trade upon' and make committments uport."' He added that "any commercial arrangement ground ed solely upon the uncommercial and shifting element of good -will and friendly'-'sentiment, no matter how true and firm that sentiment may be, will in the end prove unsatisfactory." Mr. Alexander referred to ' the doc trine of workine and savin e expound- 'ed by the Federal Reserve Board, as serting that this advice ' "enunciated for the people of the United States by the most Important financial body , in the nation may well be repeated to the people of ' the whole world. It Is a thought that will give us sound guidance," he said, "for In a sense never, before so . universally applica ble, Industry and f thrift are In this aftermath of .war's destruction essen tial not only to the happiness but even to the existence : of the , human race.. Never was an economic prop-, osition more simple ' and self-evident." . - V'. irroject - throughout the struggle and the remainder of the obligations in the com pletion, of the edifice.' The' ' commission of prominent men representing the Baptist :5.000.000 cam paign in the formulation of a . general prcgram of Southern Baptist effort in the reconstruction of Europe, Is now in France studying the general situation there. From Vance U will go, in suc cession, into Belgium. Italy, Czecho slovakia, the Ukraine and such other important parts of Europe as are open. Later it will go into Taleutine for a study of the work in Syria. " Persia and Gali lee, this work, formerly carried on by ( the Illinois Baptist .Association, having been recently committed to the foreign mission board. .;' WW WG X '.. M i . . K .. I ... H .-. G F. B E. D .22.25 .21.55 .20.80 .20.05 .19.30 .1S.T0 .17.30 .17.05 .16.55 BAPTISTS SEND WORKERS OVER INTO SLOVAKIA rS FIRST STEP IN CAMPAIGN FOR THE - SPIRITUAL. RECONSTRUCT TION'OF EUROPE. R8R8BEBKS8riKBHlN " NAVAL STORES 1 BHHBHKKHiaSSBlHHH'SSat ' : :" PENSACOLA. Pensacola, Oct- 22. The spirit mar ket was as follows: , ' Last Year Receipts, Casks.' Today '. 107 ; This season 25,782 20,673 Shipments, Casks Today 285 ; ' - 164 This season .. 57,059 24,920 Stocks, Casks. - , Today 3,463 l. 37,592 April 1 34,740 41.839 The rosin market was quiet, with no sales. Receipts, Barrels. . ' - , Last Year Today ................... .756 125 This season ............. 89.460 14,891 . Shipments, Barrels. Today 1,355 658 This season ...'.,. 81,396 93,220 Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 22. As the first practical step in. the program-of spirit ual reconstruction of Europe, made pos sible by the .Baptist $75,000,000 cam paign, seven native missionaries are be ing employed in the foreign . mission board of the Southern convention ,to do special work in the new republic of Czocho-SIovakia, Dr. T. B. Ray, asso-, elate -secretary of the board and survey' director of the Baptist $75,000,000 cam-! paign, announced here today. At a recent conference of ( Baptist leaders from all parts of Czecho Skvakia, held at Prague, volunteers for th .nreaching . of the gospel in that country were called for, and twenty seven of the ablest young men the new nation responded, it is said. Ap pointment of these volunteers is now ; in piccess by the foreign mission board. an these men, a majority of whom f are university graduates, all of whom have been engaged " in mors remunerative oc cupations heretofore,- and all of .whom heve demonstrated their usefulness as Christian workers. Dr. Ray announces. Another move . by the ' mission' board was to appropriate a, sum sufficient to complete the modern church building at Prague, the capital of Bohemia, and pay of all indebtedness against It. This bv.ilding was , launched Just before the war. and considers Me money had been pu into it by the mission board prior to the war. Not daunted ' by the con flict, however, loctl members of the church continued to pusn their building Stocks, Barrels. Today 57,895 ,44.995 Afrii 1 49,831 73,350 JACKSONVILLE, v Jacksonville. Oct. 23. The spirit mar ket was steady at 152. with sales of 165 casks. ' Receipts, Casks. Last Year Today 86 336 This season 61,584 54,263 .. Shipments, Cases. Tcday - 319 This season 39,400 Stocks, Cases. Today 12,882 Arril 1 41,644 53,334 58,148 57.219 W. F. BIGGS CHAS. H. KUPFRIAN ortsman s St ore EVERYTHING FOR THE SPORTSMAN Phone 889 ' - ' 34 South Palaf ox Street Pensacola, Fla. The rosin market was - steady with sales of 1,334 barrels. , . - ; Receipts, Barrels. ' , Last Year Today 1.927 1,735 This season . I . 197,642 175,676 .Shloments. Barrels. Today 360 This season .; .....231,014. 226,794 tocks. Barrels. Today 37,191 127.118 April II 120,652 178,236 Quotations were as follows: WW ,...22.25 WO ...21.50 N .....20.73 M 20.00 K 19.25 1 18.60-18.65 G 17.00-17.20 F 16.75-17.00 E ....16.75 D .. 16.50-16.75 B 16.25-16.50 SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 22. The spirit market was quiet at 155, with no sales.' Last Year A CHARMING WOMAN What contributes most to tno charm ot a cultured woman? Isn't it her com plexion?. How olessed she is, you think. Yet' you can be bo blessed too, if you'll only realize that a good complexion is mostly In your own control. By using I E 1 J,.EK1N ti you ean clear up the skin, removing pinnies, blotchet, scaly patches and all that snfM tt mar one's beauty. It is the on tried and true agent for quickly con auerlng eczema, no matter how long Standing; ringworm, icner, iiv u ov... afflictions. Get leuenne ai orug siurca. JTiNIOK BOYS W'LL Hold iakty at v Medals for Junior Indoor Athleti Meet to Be Presented. .The following invitation has lepn js. sued by the Y. M. C. A.: On next Friday evening at 8 o'clock we aire going to have a regular "Mow. out" right here in our own "V." e want you to come and bring along at least one boy friend together wi-h your parents and other interested relatives. The medals for the Junior Indoor Athletic Meet are to t,e pre. sented at this time. Mr. Eats Galore will be here and a good time is as sured. We expect you. PI se be on time. "Y"-ly yours, L W. HARTSFIELD, Boys' Secretary. 231 33,053 662 27,641 29.945 24.293 Today , 114 This season 3S,651 Shipments, Casks.' Today '. II This season 71,695 Stocks, Casks..' Today 8.752 April 1 18.850 The rosin market was t irm, with sales of 525 barrels. Receipts, Barrels. Last Year Today 200 1.256 ! This season t....... 115,483 121,284 Shipments, Barrels. Today 309 This season ..149,448 Stocks, Barrels. Today ; 33.731 April 1' 62,547 Quotations were as follows: 1.600 151,520 66.029 96.263 t We Represent the Leading Fire Insurance Companies -in the United States Rates on all Kinds of Insurance Submitted. Upon Appli- cation. . We Handle All Matters Pertaining to Real Estate. '--; . .'7 The Watson Agency , incorporated "THE RENTAL AGENTS" Insurance and Real Estate Loans Made at Current Interest Rates Telephone No. 54 7 No. 8 South Palafox St. Managers of ' BRENT & BLOUNT Fire-Proof Modern Office Buildings Stores and Dwellings For Rent , in any part of the city. Correctly Dressed There is never any doubt when you buy Styleplus Clothes In every respect they please. Made in the season's latest styles of the best fabrics in Blue, Brown, Grey and mixed colors. Price $35, $45, 55 Tailored to Fit Every suit is tailored to perfec tion and is guaranteed to be all the name implies STYLE, QUALITY, DURABILITY A Trial Will Convince You. ' "The Store With a Guarantee' t v U m i t. L M. & 0. Clothing Store .1 319-321-323 South Talafox St. S i iii i ..s3swatw ii ii ihi r" yrssfflyM I fa i iii i -mmm - : Pensacola -Home & Savings Association Phone 292. 10 S. Palaf ox St. Organized Feb., 1889. . Authorized Capital $100, 000.00. Over $433,000 in Dividends paid Depositors . ince organization. . Open a Savings Account and start right. It's not what you make, but what you save sys tematically that counts. Begin to learn the value of saving, if only for a few cents at a time it is the only way to accumulate some thing for a rainy day. , It is the corner stone of success ; the foundation of happiness ; the first step toward owning your own home. Loans made to secure a home. 6 Compounded Semi-Annually on Savings OFFICERS OSCAR E. MAURA President. J. H. BAYLISS Secretary and Manager , J. S. REESE , Vice President MANSFIELD MORENO Treasurer .A. C. BLOUNT Attorney DIRECTORS R. M. CARY SOL CAHN FRANK E. WELLES WILL L. MOYER J. S. REESE C. H. DORR OSCAR E. MAURA