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Read the Real Estate Advts. - f in today's JournaL To sell or rent Real Estate, advertise in The Jour naL The Journal has been the lead ing Real , Estate medium' in West Florida for over 20 years. ' puORlDA WEATHER Generally fairs Sunday, and . !?- not much change in erature. Gentle winds. tetnl" Vol. xxii-no. 284 PENSACOLA; FLORIDA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1919 PRICE FIVE CENTS FAREWELL FOREVER, PENSACOLA IS READY TO GREET STATE CniAL CODSSION -..TTnTr ATI AIM 0 A 170 Till? OTDITfr I - , f COAL MERS IS UNJUSTIFIABLE A . 'B. i ... . . : .... i . '.. f . - I ,cblic Statement by President Wikon Clearly &ets rorui -titude of Washington Official Family - . . ,M0NS CALLED ON TO RESCIND ORDER n n Protect Means iu - - ----- Jfc - it ! Amir Interests of JW anon m Emergency, President Wil son's Statement Says. Washington. Oct. 25.-The president ,,u,d a formal statement tonight with .he approval of the full membership f the cabinet, declaring the projected M - ... .1 h.ima- nnnpr uicb- I frike Of SOU CM' - - l'trlK ,, -nnt only un- ,nt Cl.tuin Tha Ills. -stifiable. It is , , t called upon officers of local ,ions to recau me Ld- "I can do nothing less than ia 0 will be enforcedand tans will be found to protect the in- .frfSts of the nauon m ..jr rncy that may arise, out of this un ippy business." The president reviewed the de-sah-13 of miners made at their con wition which include sixty per cent. ,erea?e In wages, adoption of a slx ;oar day and a five-day week and the siiners proposal to abrogate their moment as to wages which was .j. -wk th unction of the United states Fuel Adnvlnistratlon and Which I.. run durinir continuance of the war but not beyond April 1, 1920. aaa that the strike is propose .. time when the government is making a most earnest effort to re- luce the cost of living ana nas ap a with success to other classes of workers to postpone similar dls- The president declinea io go u he merits of the controversy of min ers and operators but emphatically fcclared the strike, which he charac wized as the most far reaching pro nation's history - to re- Krict production and distribution of all vcessitiea of lite, nao apimreuiu n ordered without a vote of in ftriduat miners-'- -There was no direct" Intimation . of That steps the cabinet discussed to -vent stoppage of .work should , the president's solemn warning fall. It raa regarded as significant, however. Sat attention was drawn in the White louse circles, to, statements in a re nt address by Secretary Baker in rhich he later announced depart ment commanders had. been cnreciea o furnish troops at the request, oi overnor s wIthout1referrins the mat" r to Washington. President Lewis of the United line Workers of America, worn out y a week's session of the scale com- hittce, had left here tonight lor Drinrfleld. I1L. to take personal .large of the strike before the presl nfs statement was issued. "The luatlon so far as the miners are mcerned is unchanged." he said. "We e still ready and willing to negotiate new wage contract before November ." But -he made no suggestion as i how this . may be done in .view of : failure of Secretary Wilson's ef- '.'JttS. President Wilson through Secretary rumulty summoned . the cabinet in jecial session to consider the strike f!t for next Saturday. ' Director Gcn ral Hines of the railroad adminUtra kn wa asked to meet with the cabl et to present the situation . from the jndnoint of the railroads. . As they entered the White House cabinet officials declined to mane " forecast. I am for the fight." said one mem er of the cabinet. - . While there apparently was no ais yisitinn tn r-rit irs.n either the opera' "n or miners for the failure of the nations conducted by Secretarj Wilson, officers who discussed tho -aation spoke of a "mass attack on ie government." - There seemed to be doubt whether cabinet would issue a statement -J to the government's attitude re wi;ng the coal striKe. - in wane government 8 position , coula uest stated by President Wilson in a al statement to the public. Some -cia'.s thought the cabinet would mmend this course. Stcrenrv Timilnf was confined to - home with a cold and could not CrT.H All . 1 M Avc rt hn s.dent s official family were present secretary Baker presldea. Secre cy Tumulty was present to convey Views nt TnAnt TlTilenn rin the it:or -l the sonata CanatM Thnmfti in- '''mi a resolution caJliner upon the 'utive branch of the government 'aw, - in the threatened strike. ' Pps.. : . . . ,i -.uuon, wnicn is to oe camu Monday, declares the strike would 3v0ka , s i m a i - . juiviice, DiOQQsneu unu in solution would pledge the j. " cotinuous and unquaiiried Of eonirrMQ 'm. national , o - -- w " V,. . ,'1"a ard all V- 'ti-' in meeting . f-TitV nnt .1 . others in "the great rij,. '"'"lonung us. r General Burleson said CcaTinued on page Two. ) SENATE LABOR COQlimEC HAS FINISHED PROBE ....... u Report Will Be Made to Senate Next Week it Is Expected Em . bodying" Much Dat on Both Sides. GARY STRIKE IS A. F. OF L. MOVE, LEADERS SAY Witnesses Before Senate Com mittee Say Reports of "Red" Activities at Gary Have Been Exaggerated to Hurt WTorkers Washington. Oct. 25. The senate labor committee today completed In vestigation of the steel strike with examination of witnesses from Garyv Pittsburg and Allentown plants of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation. And expect to make report to the senate next week. W. A. Rattenbury. a Gary striker, was the first witness today. He classed all charges of red activity in connection with the strike as a "ghost conjured up to injure strikers." He said the American Federation of La bor is conducting the strike for an eight-hour day and for representation before company officials in discussing shop grievances. Sheriff Haddock, of Allegheny coun ty in which Pittsburg is located, de nied charges of brutality to strikers made - against his deputies ;and the state constabulary. He placed the total of strikers in Pennsylvania at five thousand which is much less than other estimates given the committee. , 1 "It is true fifty per cent of the men who walked out at Bethlehem plants are going back, starved back."' David Williams, organizer for the machin ists union, told the committee. "But that's what is making Bolshevists. The Industrial autocracy which forces them to , submit to conditions . they bitterly resent." Reports of "red" activities in tho sti strike have been exaggerated, the senate committee Investigating the strike was told today by W. A. Ratten hllrr. "AH of this weight has been put on tniv hnut radicals to hurt us." he saia "Its a ghost conjured up since the strike beeatf. This is an American Federation of Labor strike." ' Strikers wanted an eight-hour day ni -collective bargaining" Ratten- burg said, adding that wages were not particularly the issue. His own pay v.rad 112 a day for twelve hours. "w M n't nrotect ourselves unless we have organization,' he explained. The wages are now paia on a Dasic o if th hours were reduced. the pay would come down. We wanted to negotiate that question. Denying all knowledge of anarch istic or I. W. W. associations in uary Ttattenhiirc said all he knew of it was from newspaper reports, whicl he did not believe. He said "We are willing to go to any limit to maintain the rierht organized laoor has enjoyed for twenty years," said one federation official. "William H. Johnston, president of the International Association or Ma chinists the second largest Interna tional affiliated with the union, said h would offer a" vote of the 3o0.00o members of his association. He and other officials said there wasn't a doubt that similar action would be von bv all of the 112 affiliated unions. - Mr. Johnston said there was an in creasing tendency on the part of some .mnloverrto bind their workers witn individual contracts so as to shut out Ha unions. This was particularly true, he said, in the metal trades, and "direct action." might oe resoriea io il all other means of advancing the in terests of the unions failed. known that the pro posed anti-strike legislation would be one of the subjects -to be discussed at the forthcoming conference nere oi union labor chiefs. In line with the call from President nnmnora for financial support oi tne tool strik. Mr. Johnston announced that an assessment of $1-00 a week nn thft on tire membership or tne ma- chiniots' association as a "defense fund" would be proposed next month. SHIP ADJUSTMENT V COMMISSION NOT TO MEET MONDAY A wire from the Shipping Board at Washington, received last night by the local agent for the board, announced that a meeting of the adjustment com mission planned for Monday, October 27, would have to be postponed for. a day or two on account of difficulties encountered in procuring a chairman. It is expected that the date will be definitely announced later. The Daylight Saving Law, enacted as ' a War Measure, became inoperative at two o'clock this morning. Farmers were its bitterest opponents, and Its stau richest friends were baseball players and other athletes who, by reason, of the added hour of day light-: in the evening, were able to play after working hours. Every clock in the country was setback one jiourat two jo 'clock this morning. Railroad trains were ' held en route until.; the" lost' hoijrwas regained. - - mum PI II eTlMMEEDEMrE iti u oi uwrmiEi EFFECT RELEASE CONSUL HONS Resolution Pending Before Sen ate Would Direct Use of Armed Force of United States in Emergency. Washington, Oct. 25. Acting-on in structions from, the state department, the American Ambassy in Mexico City has demanded of the Mexican govern ment that it effect the release of Wil liam Oscar Jenkins. American Consu lar Agent at Pueblo, whom . bandits hold for $150,000 ransom. It is insisted that if necessary Mexico pay the. ran som. ' . ' Coincedent with this announcement Senator Myers. Democrat, of Montana, introduced a resolution calling ; on the president to use the armed forces of the United States if necessary for the release of Jenkins and to punish . his captors. Action on the resolution was post poned until Monday on objection of Senator Smoot, - Republican, of .Utah, to its immediate consideration. Carranza has ordered -the authori ties to make every effort possible for his release and the Mexican foreign office has assured the American Em bassy that energetic action being ta ken. ' Reports reached the state department today that an oil camp at Tanguiko Mexico was robbed recently by two hundred and fifty soldiers in Carranza uniforms. They" are said to . have been led by Colonel of regiment , of Mexican Federal soldiers. Senator Myers resolution also would direct that those responsible for the abduction of the consular agent be apprehended and punished. Senator Myers sought immediate action on the resolution, but . Senator Smoot, Re publican, of Utah, objected on the ground that a matter calling for "such broad action" should not be consider ed hastily. ' - ' The embassy as Mexico City was In structed it was announced -.officially, "to insist that the Mexican . govern ment definitely advise the embassy what action has been taken with a view of the liberation of ,WiIliam O. Jenkins and to advise the Mexican gov ernment that the United States gov ernment expected it to take steps to obtain the release of Jenk- he consular agent is understood to . ., . Vvia under- the leader- be neiu uj ,:- ship of Frederico Cordoba and Juan snip t..-m This district in tlberra, near uc. which is located the second, largest city in the republic, is supposed to be thoroughly under e control of President Carranza and his forces it s said. At the instance of Cordoba rreprestaive of Jenkins i left Pueb fa yesterday, to -confer with the rebel leader regarding ,tho agents release. TA WhL ill BE CONSTITUTED ANEW V AT ONCE President Wilson's Cabinet De cides on Plan to Make Another Earnest Effort to Establish Industrial Peace. , Washington, Oct. 25. President Wil son's cabinet today decided to call a new conference to continue the effort to . establish industrial - : peace. ' The body will consist of " fifteen of the most prominent Americans " without division into groups and the cabinet will' recommend nominations to the president.; s : - . ' : - .- . .' Secretary Lane,-, who , was chairman of the National Industrial conference, wrote President Wilson today support ing, the recommendation of the public group that a new conference be con stituted -at once to carry on the" work for. which the original conference, was called. , , - . Pittsburg.' Oct. 1 25.- Labor leaders here today . were .considering : further plans for the taking of a strike vote of railroaders employed in the steel mills. It was expected the program for the vote : would , be formulated quickly since representatives of the railroad brotherhoods had announced that if 51 percent-of the .men favor a strike, the walkout could be .ordered. Washington, Oct. 25. passage by either house of -congress of . the anti strike legislation. ; contained J in trie pending railroad bill : would result in a general strike vote . throughout the country, officials of the American Fed eration of Labor said today. . TRADING LARGE AND VARIED ON STOCK C1ARKET Business at Industrial ; Centers Continues to Show Effects of '"' Strikes and Labor Disturb ances. - , 'New. York. Oct. 25. Trading in stocks this week. was on the largest and most varied, scale for any similar period in many - months. Dealings again centered ; in - speculative - issues, some of which scored sensational ad- rContim'ed on Pace Two.1 II V SENATE SPENDS DAY ARGUING Agreement on Peace Pact Seems Further Away Than When Arguments Started Lodge Leads Opposition Faction. Washington,. Oct. 25. After talking all day on the Johnson amendment to the peace treaty, designed to equalize the voting power of the league of nations, the senate 'tonight" seemed further .away .from a vote on this amendment than "when tho debate started. Senator Lodge personally led the -fight for "the amendment against an opposition , which for several days made its defeat a foregone conclusion. The fight in the senate . over the Johnson amendment to the peace treaty entered its final phase , with a plea by Chairman Lodge, of the for eign relations committee, that the senate accept the proposal which pro vides in effect that the voting power of the United States in the League of Nations be made equal to that of Great ; Britain and , her . dominions. Leaders had expected to bring the amendment tq a vote late today. Debate on the land -leasing bill ' re cently passed by the senate began to day in the house with leaders hopeful of its passage "early next week. After the house acts . the measure will go to conference, but; its supporters be lieve it will be sent to the president before the end of the special, session next month.' ' . LONGSHOREMENS' STRIKE COSTING MANY MILLIONS New York, Oct. 25. The longshore men's strike seemed further from set tlement than ever today, although President T. V. O'Connor, of the , In ternational Longshoremen's , Associa tion predicted that the . port ' tie up would end Sunday. Mayor Hylan, one of the three conciliators appointed by Secretary, of Labor Wilson, ; arranged another: conference today with 'steve dores in the hope of arbitrating their grievances. Meanwhile nearly 500 ships,: totaling about 1 700,000 tons, are tied up In the harbor. Of this number 180 are swinging at-anchor in the lower bay, being unable to find berths at piers. Twehty-f Ive of the vessels are trans Atlantic liners. " ... Ship owners admit - they already have lost upward of , $4,000,000 as f a result -of the strike. - Of the 40,000 men -affected by the strike, onlv"3 0'u) wr ft i"nrV- .-,. ... ON AMENDMENT , . - PENSACOLA TOWN . Words by Sidney:' J. Levy. Music . by A. C. ' Rellly. Sort er hate to leave the" ' White Lights.; ' ; ' . ' ' ' Want to linger on Broadway. Great old' spot for a vacation, " -When you've just a little while stay. - - But after all it's just a notion. 'Cause no matter where you roam. You seem to , hear the strains of Dixie. Bringing thoughts of home, sweet - , home. . Chorus ''" In Per.sacola town. In Pensacola town, YouwiU like ' It, when you strike After traveling the world around. Girls, the sweetest of all Dixie, Tots of Ix and dears of Bixty, AH the time, all for mine, Pensacola town. Once the sand gets in your slip pers, Then you simply want to stay, "Gee, I like old '-. Pensacola." First thing you will say. . Hospitality's told you howdy, That's the time you ' understand, Why you like this dear old city. Way down South in Dixieland, PARTISAN SPIRIT ENDANGERS JOB COMPTROLLER By Vote of Nine to Seven Sen ate Banking Committee Stood For Rejection of John Skel ton Williams. Washington. Oct. 25. By a .vote of .7, '.'the' senates banking, committee today recommended rejection of the nomination of John Skelton Williams to be Comptroller of currency. Republicans " members of ' the com mittee voted solidly against confirm ation and Democrats for it. The nom ination will be reported out immed iately and in view of the strict party division which Democratic leaders had hoped to avoid. Republicans said the senate would refuse to confirm. Mr. Williams' nomination has been In controversy for nearly a year. Hav ing failed of confirmation during the last congress, it has been under fire since the recess appointment was made Extensive hearings were held by the committee on charges against Mr. Williams of persecution of the Riggs National' Bank of . this city and im proper official conduct in connection with the Union Savings Bank of Wash ington, and a' bank at Uni'ontown, Pa. Mr, WiHlams produced many witness es .and documentary evidence to re fute the charges and - expressed the conviction he had completely, exoner ated himself. FLORIDIANS PASS EXAMINATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO BAR Tallahassee, Oct. 25. Following is a list of those who- successfully passed the examination for admission to the Florida bar held by the Supreme court this week: W. D. Davis, of Tampa; T. Thomas Marshall,. Deland; James Howard Carpenter, Deland; -Raymond H. Edwards, Sarasota; John W. Du-Bose;- Jacksonville; E. J. Triary, Jack sonville; W. N. Brown, West Palm Beach; Ralph ' W. Scott, Tallahassee; Charles D." Towers," Jacksonville; Wm. R. Watkins, Tampa: Edward S. Hemp hill, Jacksonville; Mrs. Louise Pencke, Tampa; Moody Clarkson, Jacksonville; C. F;. Blake,. Tampa; Ellis F. Davis, Marianna; Noah N.. Comer, Tampa; Ellis C. May, Inverness; Leo L. Fabi sinski, Pensacola f Julian Diaz, Gaines ville? F. S. Johnson. Jr., Plant City; H. C. Jenkins, Live Oak. .' ROOSEVELT LEFT ESTATE VALUED NEARLY MILLION . Mlneola, N. Y.. Oct. 25.- Theodore Roosevelt . left an 'estate valued at eight hundred and t ten thousand, six hundred and seven dollars, according to affidavits filed today by his execu tors.' After approximately thirty-four thousand is deducted for the funeral, counsel fees and debts, the entire es tate will go" to his widow in trust to be distributed to the children as she desires. SENATOR MARTIN PASSES GOOD DAY SAYS PHYSICIANS "Charlottesville, Va.."Oct. 25. Senator Martin who is ill in .a local. hospital passed a good day. He 'displayed the best appetite in a "fortnight, his pbyiics,"l dwrtoitTM tri'lf. . Svery Arrangement Has Been Made and Committeemen Are Resting Until Tomorrow When Great Event Takes Place MASS MEETING TO BE HELD THIS EVENING Al! Boostvs for Pensacola as the Centennial City Urged to Be Out and Hear Flagship Band Play "Pensacola Town." Pensacola in rat w viaborut-m XJ19 State Centennial Commission. Full ar rangements have been worked out ac cording to the Dlan a - specia committee of three, and every-, The . ae his day tow. IlooTT "" n decons made ' a good ehlng yterdy h?anXm W6U Crated nihL other committee, wr. e,ual y busy, although their work wm W become anu.. . K no -"-""- wiu tomorrow. arranged to take nl.tV ' be at 8 o'clock tonSr TniallryCourt good speakers ?hero be is bel&TZ?" and it the city will be " t U08ter8 for keI will sin-. r, ,Johnny Fren the Sne! " Town- , and Kennedy Al11- Dr' S. R. M. Tomorrow whan "v and demon.traTjon.f1 parde be permitted t v d no car Courtor 0n GParked at Ma Palafox and Baylen611 betwe reserved for fhe" crowds PaCe b'lns StOren wjii -i . row afternoon .r,. 4 'Clock toir Joln the boosters The n" C!frkS may formed at 3:30 o'clock .TT De move promptly at 4 o'clock. Thl S Marshal urire 7, The rand at the spewed raLa".d,riSAn lusion result, a.. .7. con. to th. ch.. o7 t to. ,. 80 ca"ed scnool children be present - VvT afternoon parade, and hat a. m as possible attend th- f many welcome when they greet th " log sroo srTavToneenn8:-(riTh9 mission for their HTto S j1 ntra,n: Hih School l!ack E. J. Wilson, Clubbs Annex i ii rhheeyrema.nrtUrn, t0 oois for the remainder of the sessions. asoTows8 WW at cof ZaT "cort- Admiral P,unkett andtaff US' Christy and staff, navy'nd s crmir '-on. C I At East Tin Committee of Voo. CountOfS Spanish War Veterans. " At East .Magnolia Street Bov Scouts. and all War Activity orgLfza At Went XTo ir.Ati. . : of Commerce. " -"Camber KitLlsCiu?1, "'-Kotary Club, r.At WeS Cedar "treet-School child ren professional organizations. At East Main street-Employees of Pensacola Shipbuilding CompanT" m Ployees of Newport Tar & Turpentine Company, employees of Bruce t Docks. Railroad employees. Y kA VeSt.Ma,n 8treet-Trades and La bor Organizations, all fraternal organ izations, and all m.... . orsan- . uicu ng; nereinha. fore specified. "ereinoe- The line of march will be north on' BlfHr t,he Parad the Commissioners will be given a dinner at the San Car !' Charles B. Hervey. During th. time they are at dinner.a band oml thl; Th" e he,d and " 18 USd that the boosters will remain to ac- Com Dan V tha vloltv . at 6?15 o'clock. 8 8taUn All during the afternoon, it Is ex- P!Ctednthvrat Very person who can do so. will be on -the streets to aid in the welcome to be accorded the Com mission. ATLANTANS WILL NOT ABIDE BY ; EASTERN TIME Atlanta. Oct. 25.-At a meeting of citizens representing every line of bus iness called by Mayor James L. Key. it was decided today to disregard the Barnes law passed at the last session of the legislature placing the state of Georgia on normal Eastern time be ginning October 27. In conformity with the rest of the country. Atlanta will set its clocks back one hour Sat urday night when the federal daylight savings law becomes inoperative. REPORT MEXICAN STRIKE TIES UP . ALL INDUSTRY Laredo. Texas. Oct. 25. A general strike In the Orizaba district of th Mexican state of Vera Cruz, has para lyzed Industry, according to Informs-