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'i ? EARLY ACTION BY SENATE ON LEAGUE URGED THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1919. A merchant In a middle western town recently said to me that the senators will soon discover something serious is likely to happen to business .in'.fs action Is had on the peace t rr aty. His statement recalls the old npijra woman who, when told of the s-i'Mon death of her husband, ex -!aimed: 'My Gawd! Iere .must 'a bp. ii sumpin serious de matter wid "Thcr is something seriously the m"ttrr with the whole world. No one :.nows it better than the American i; Man. He knows that the senate of the United States is playing with fire every day It delays the rati fication of the peace settlement. The Business Man knows that al nvst a!l of Europe and Asia Is in a r.itn of upheaval, evolution and revo lution. He knows that right here In America a fire is being: fanned by a large, unassim Hated and un-American izefl foreign population. Industrial Re-Construction Waits The Business Man knows that capi tal, ever timid, hesitates to pour Its money into industrial re-construction through fear of political disturbance or revolutionary changes in industrial methods. He knows that credit and rurrency and living costs are inflated and that the public generally is rest-;-s ami clamoring for reduced prices ! ir necessities ana an manufactured (;ools. He knows that operating costs an1 wage levels are sky-rocketing and production decreasing. The F.usiness Man knows that the rountry over merchants report an iTjry of consumers buying luxuries : oth in rural and urban sections with a tendency to expand individual cred i He knows that the country banks though bulging with deposits, are loaned almost to the limit of their ca pacity. . The liusiness Man knows that Inter national problems do have a far-.-aching effect upon the prosperity !f this nation and the happiness of its people. Ditto, domestic problems :ke the seemingly forgotten transpor tation situation in which even the hahes in arms of our land have a vital interest. The Business Man knows there is important work to be done by the Vngress of the United States and :hat the Senate ought to facilitate that work by ratifying the .Treaty of Peace now and without amend ment or destructive reservations that would require renegotiation or sub mission to another conference of na tions, thus holding In abeyance the se: j n"-hn war. - ""trmfirinVgeriati Talks. Knowing these things, ought not the business Alan to tell the Senate what he knows in forceful and unmistakable language? And, to purloin a Watter sonian phrase, in America every man who. is not a policeman or a dude,- the banker, the minister, the lawyer, the doctor, the farmer, is a business -Man. While the Senate consumes precious time gas-attacking parts of the Treaty which it knows it cannot re-write without the consent of other, signatory nations, Germany is mobilizing for war! Oh, no, not in a military sense, for the Treaty will force her to beat her swords into plough-shares once it ets Into effect. Already Germany is consolidating her positions." indus trially speaking, and her horde of commercial soldiers are invading Rus sia and Scandinavia and all the rest of the world where she may be able to obtain passports for them. Thus, while our Senate talks, talks, talks, our chief enemy consolidates her in dustrial forces for team work to at tempt to commercially Germanize the markets of the world. Now Great Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium have ratified the settlement made at Versailles and are moving their com mercial batteries into position. The Four Big Factors. Here, four powerful and contribu tory forces are admittedly Influencing readjustments and the status of our domestic anT foreign commerce to-wit: First: The Peace Treaty. ; Second: The Labor Problem. -v Third: The Money Market. :. ' " Fourth : " Foreign ' Credits and Ex change. ' : Business, ' generally. " optimistically expects all four of these, problems to be worked out with reasonable prompt ness. The war settlement ,' contained In.' the Peace " Treaty ' Is regarded as the paramount factor In - readjust ments. ' It also has particular, Influ ence upon the third and fourth propo sitions above stated. , Therefore, .the first move to be expected is action, by the Senate as It' alone has the power to remove the first disturbing; factor and permit final decision on themany business commitments hat are being deferred until the Treaty is. ratified. Capital, Labor, The Public. - The second proposition the Labor Problem is now under discussion by the Industrial Conference meeting in , Washington - . upon Invitation of. the President. There two : warring . ele ments have- been brought together " inj council, (with representatives of . the consuming public occupying the mid dle ground), to confer over conditions fundamental to the tranquility and prosperity of the entire. citizenship-of the nation. -.Business circles regard this Conference as an augury of bettt?r arrangements: as an opportunity to prove that ' Labor, Capital and the Public can work , with, not for. each other; a chance for them to get to gether and pull together during the era of commercial rivalry which we are now entering upon. The third proposition the Money Market is only patially dependent upon the working out of the first and second. In a degree nof altogether measurable we are suffering from ab normal speculation due in part per haps to the fact that some elements of business are joy-riding and ex ceeding the speed limit.. The turn over in high-priced and luxurious mercantile stocks is remarkably large and - testifies how "leaky" the dollar is and partially explains the general demand for higher compensation for service. Large amounts of money are being diverted into highly speculative channels while credit and currency are required in large volume for crop moving and governmental and legiti mate corporate financing. Despite all this, however, thanks to our admirable Federal Reserve System, there is no scarcity of money at the moment for purely commercial requirements though the rate is high. . Foreign Credits and Exchange. The fourth proposition Foreign Credits and Exchange cannot be worked out definitely until after rati fication of the Peace Treaty. Safe and definite plans must be made to facilitate the carrying on of our trade wiin me rest oi'tne world. In the,ki case of Europe and ; South America the exchange situation is hindering American exports and it is inopera tive that an early solution be found of - the, method of payment for. the goods we sell hem, ;A found system of credits must be developed "and In augurated if we are to enjoy the pros perity that follows the "sale of our surplus commodities for foreign con sumption.To aid in finding the solu tion of "some of these pressing prob lems . business men from England, France, Italy, Belgium and other coun. tries are now meeting with American business men irv Atlantic City, under the. auspices of .the Chamber of Com merce of the United States. .Here the viewpoint of .the occidental business world will seek common denominators by means of round table discussion, a principle sought to be applied to the settlement of many world problems through 'the proposed League of Na tions. r- '.:-'-. - . JohnH. Patterson's Views. , One of America's foremost and far- sighted business men' Is -just home from an investigation of. business con ditions in France, England, - Belgium and Germany. He- publicly reports his impressions and among other things-) he emphatically says: "I " have just returned from a . trip to .Europe. I went to study , business conditions. The most im portant thing to do to restore in ternational business is to. quickly 'r ratify- the Treaty of Peace and " establish a League of Nations. That" business man is John H. Pat terson, the President and General Manager of the National Cash Register Co., t which concern has ramifications throughout' the commercial world. His viewpoint seems to Be general among business men everywhere. The American Business Man knows ihe Senate ought to ratify the Treaty at the earliest possible moment and thqn get the Congress down to work on other pressing problems. He knows that the mind of Individual Senators is decided about what each is going to finally do when the vote on the Treaty is taken. Why then, cannot American Busi ness, big and little, from Duluth to Mobile and from Santa .Barbara to Wilmington let the Senate know that what it nee4 and wants is more light and less heat, more speed and less procrastination on. Capitol Hill, Wash, ington, D. C? Concerted action on the part of the American public usual ly gets result, for the people's Senators understand what that, means. Let the American Business Man do some quick thinking and acting. Also the American Farmer, who collectively taken, is the biggest Business Man of all he should speak first and loudest. i RASCALS Biliousness, Headache, Colds, v Constipation, driven out with "Cascarets" ' " Why .take nasty cathartics, sicken ing salts, or stomach-turning oils to drive -these, rascals out? Let gentle, harmless Cascarets remove ; the liver and bowel poison which Is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your skin sallow, your breath offensive and your stomach sour. Get a box of Cascarets at the-rug store and rid your liver, stomach, and bowels of the excess bile, poisons, and waste which are keeping you miserable. Cas carets never gripe, never sicken, never inconvenience. They cost, so little and work while you sleep. adr. : MAJ. RAWLS AGAIN - HEADS REXALL CLUB Next Annual Meeting Will Be. Held ... ; 'at Tampa. '----X;.: - Again the honor of heading tho Florida Rexall Club as president ' f ' r another year was conferred upon Maj. W.-A. Rawls, of this city, at . the an nual convention of the club . held in Jacksonville Thursday and Friday, closing with a sumptuous banquet at the Mason Hotel Friday night; Roy N. Chell, of West Palm Beach was elected vice president end J. R. West, of Tarpon Springs, was named as secretary and treasurer. The next annual meeting, it was decided at the closing business ses sion, will be held at Tampa, The ses sion was'attended by prominent drug gists from all sections of the state, as well as representatives of the United Drug Company. Boston, manu facturers of Rexall goods, and was a most enthusiastic one. Wm. KnowUs, President. Eliia XnowlitL Sec- Treae,-JrGreenblVMcr. '". James F. Phillips, Asst. Manage Pensacola Maritime. Corporation Steamship Agents, Ship Brokers, Chartering and Freight Brokers STEAMERS AND SHIPS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXPORT AND BUNKER COAL AT ALL GULF PORTS Pensacola, Fla. r 1 Cable Address, "Maritime, Pensacola' Winners of The First Prize For the name of the Beauty and Hair Parlor to be opened at 336 Brent Building FIRST PRIZE MRS. ANNA CARPENTER Other prices are awarded to : Some of the Contestants Mrs. H. G. Arrington Mrs. W. M. Houghton Mrs. H. J. Roberts Miss K. E. Sutherland Mrs. Goird. Miss Myrthel Cunningham. . Mrs. E. C. Pahlmann Mrs. C. E. Nicholson Miss Dove White Mrs. P. S. Cooper ML-.- Vic C. Woutanare A few ladies forgot to enclose their names. Our thanks to all. MR. AND MRS. JOHN C. KLINGJER 336 BRENT BUILDING IDEAL BEAUTY AND HAIR PARLOR Names Suggested Are: Ideal. Centennial, Colonial Southern Elite De Luxe, Parisian French American Bloom of Touth, Princet Marcel-O-Wave, Daphine The Venus de Milo, New Tork California, The Sterling. The Permanent Wave cm I 1 O O ir-nmn THAT SATISFIES AT PRICES THAT ARE SATISFACTORY QUICK PERSONAL SERVICE KODAKS FILMS Stock Complete FRESH ' GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS PICTURE FRAMING SttQf MAKERS OF KODAK PICTURES 400 South Palafox ; . - -S jSgffis gpgr ff.? 1 1; ;.f; 1 i&fi vHi G3 The Way to Consider it as 15J000 Users Rate it by Perform ance and Endurance Not by its Size and Weight oledge ike Essex The Essex has filled aiew position among motor cars, and nearly everyone knowsit. At first, before they had seen it outperform most every car, they merely regarded it as a fine, unusually well-built and finished, light weight automobile. They appreciated its quality construction. . They conceded it a better built car. Still, because it has many details in common with other similar weight cars, they could not, at the time, bring themselves to look ' at it in the light it is now held by some 15,000 users. ; The Awakening Has BeenJStartling The Essex is just ten months old. But note what a name it has made for itself. What car ever so quickly made as many friends ? And what car has proved itself in the way it has? - Nothing was said to call attention to the way it is built. No claim was made that its motor delivers aper formance that ranks the Essex with the performance of those large costly cars that have such fine reputations for the way they dumb hills, accelerate and outdistance other cars in touring. But Essex owners and thousands of others found out. They are the ones who tell of Essex performance in such words of praise as are rarely applied to jpt auto- , , mobile. Put Aside Its Size and Type Consider Only Performance) That is what all Essex owners will tell you to do. Go " see it with the same expectation of its value that you would examine any fine quality car. If speed is your requirement see if the Essex does not meet it. N- Where luxury' and-f inish are demanded compare the Essex with any car. Don't put yourself in the erroneous position of . class ing it with light cars. Sxpect of the Essex the same riding qualities the same performance ability with a range of speeds equal to any of such cars as you consider worth $300 to $500 more. , And then when you have tested the Essex in that manner, consider the advantages it possesses over those other larger cars with which you have classed it. Cost Less to Operate Easier to Handle ; You sacrifice none of the pleasures of motoring be cause the Essex is no larger than cars known as of the light weight type. . . v But you gain all their advantages. When riding in the Essex you have no conscious feeling that it weighs any less or that it is performing any less satisfactorily than the big costly cars. You sit in as comfortable and upon as richly uphol stered cushions. ' . , You hold no concern as to the endurance of your car. . If you drive you feel the ease of its operation. - Ytm learn that the Essex requires little attention and that it grows in your esteem because it so completely meets your motoring needs. More Than 100 New Owencrs Every Day In January Essex production was 30 a day. It now ap- proximates 125 a day. So great is the demand everywhere that as many as 100 cars have been driven away from the factory in one day by buyers impatient at freight delays. It indicates Essex position. No light car equals its performance as is known in every locality. No light car -assumes equal qualities in construction detail. And no larger car offers the advantages of convenience ancHow operating costs. You will place a large car price on the Essex if you judge it by performance and durability. That is why everyone is so enthusiastic about it. : . f When you choose,your motor car you insist on performance and appearance. The HUDSON tells its own story. The Hudson Motor Car Company has a record of ten years of constant success and development. iTever in this time was a car built that did not add further prestige to the HUDSON name. HUDSON owners know that frorn the factory to the smallest dealer a far-reaching and adequate organization is at their service. Such" facts as these should have your consideration. , , D de E. Mo ESSEX and HUDSON Dealer 127 East Zarragossa (Temporary Home) ;. SGMRITT Phone 2477 s 1 i V ! I y I 'i fT A 1 1 'A 7i