2 THIV PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNINGNOVEMBER 16, 1919. No. 2 Continued from Page One Pou. and George H. Hinrichs, Commis sioners of the City of Pensacola, com manding: them as the Board of Com missioner of the City of Pensacola. 'Florida, forthwith to call a special election of the qualified voters of said city, at which the following proposi tion shall hf submitted: Shall the City nf Tr,,.! nhnndnn its organization ceeding. twenty per centof the quali under the provisions of law. providing ed voters at the last . general city a commission form of government an! assume its f ormer aldermanic form of government? And to take all the nec essary steps for the holding of an election in accordance with law, and; under and In accordance with the said law. . . That in and by Section 40 of said Chapter 6746 of the Laws of Flor ida it is provided that "After the city has operated for more than six years under the provisions of ; this act It may abandon such organization here under , and resume its former govern ment by proceeding as follows: Upon the petition of a numor of qualified voters within said city equal to, or ex. election, a special election , shall be called by the board of Commissioners at which the following proposition shall be - submitted: - "Shall the City of Pensacola aban- for such other and further relief as ' don its organization under the pro- may seem Just and proper; j visions of law providing a commission Now, therefore, we being willing that form oC government, and assume x its its 'former aldermanic . form of gov ernment?" full, and speedy justice be done In the premises do command you Frank D. Sanders, Frank R. Pou and George H.I That in the months of September, Hinrichs, Commissioner of the City A- 1919 the relators herein, and of Pensacola, as the Board of Commis- othe citizens of the said City of Pen sioners of the City of Pensacola, forth- sacola beInS desirous of changing the rith to call a special election of the form f government of said city as Jn qualified voters of said City of Pen- said Section 40 of, said Chapter 6746 sacola at which the following propo- Provided, the relators who then were sitlon shalPbe submitted- Shall the and. nw ar qualified voters within election In accordance with law; and to grant such other and further relief as may seem just and proper; and as in duty bound they will ever pray,'. etc. J. HERROX D'ALEMBERTE, DUDLEY R SAUNDERS r WILL L. MOYER. . E. C. Maxwell, Sullivan & Sullivan, attorneys for petitioners. said City f -Pensacola. abandon its said city and seven hundred and twen organization under the provisions of im ... . , . . . , . , . . . fied voters within said city, which said number exceeded twenty per cent of the qualified voters at the, last pre law providing a, commission form of government? and to take all -neces- , - ,, , ... - oi me quaimea voters at me last pre- sary steps for. the holding of, said .j . . , . . election in 'accordance with law or "dlnS 8(jeraI election in Isaid city, ejection .in accoraance wun jaw t .or to.wit: rh9 election held therein for that you shall .show cause why you , . . , . . At t. tne election of a Commissioner on the tJO-vv: 1UL UUHC 1 BV UUl VilIUUll. Court In and For. Escambia County. have you then and there this writ. ' Done andr- ordered at DeFuniak 2nd day of June, A. D. 1919,;at which election the number of qualified vot- ?M ' Vi 1 ?k "'a r;. thf and twenty-seven. duly signed a pe 19th day of November. A. D..101A and lltfnn fnr ' nM..' , tn called by the Board of Commissioners n f CQ I t tr a rtvni'Mai in colli (?as Springs. Florida, this the 12th day or Wresd. wMch . peti- iron containea tne name or eacn oi saia I petitioners thereon, his residence ad ! dress; that on the 31st day of July, ! A. D. 1919 the said petition was dtly J filed with James Macgibbon, who. then j was and now is the duly elected qual- To the Honorable A. G. .Campbell, 'i " lly, " n.TJ ' t,i ,., ...i : Court of Bscambia County Florida. Escambia County, State, of. Florida. j Your petitioners J. IIerron D'AIem- fdvmiliM- 1 r - n " 1911 . -A.. O.-CAMPBELL. ,W , Judge. : Petition' for , Mandamai. r Thn' wtitinn follow-. S ' '.i' In . the Circuit Court . In and for Es . cambia County," State of Florida. qualifications of the signers ' of said n ft nXnl.ln 1". . if .tsiv. berte, Dudley- JZ. Saunders and -.Wil-v taineJ requlsite number of quali. liam Moyer represent and. show unto . , ol. ''s . your Honor that they and 4 each of them are - citizens, ' residents, duly qualified electors and -tax payers vof the- City rof Pensacola,- in' the. State of Florida. " " -' " That the said ; City - of Pensacola, Florida, is a municipal corporation ' In said State,' "organized and - operating under the lws of said State;, that tne government of said city as. now. organ ized is and ever since the day i of June, A. D. 1913, : has been under a Board of three Commissioners under fled electors .to call said election, and there upon on the 28 day of October A. D. 1919, certified said fact to the Board of Commissioners of said City of Pensacola, a copy of which certifl cate is hereto attached, marked "A" and made a part hereof. That it thereupon became and was the duty of these respondents who as aforesaid, constituted - said' Board of Commissioners of the City of Pensa cola, to proceed as provided for. in said Section 40 of said Chapter 6740 and in, accordance with the provisions "7 V V .m Tn i-J -r failed and refused and still fail and of Chapter 6746. of the Laws of Flor ida. known as. , "Art ; Act Relating to the City cf Pensacola, to Create a Commission ; Form, of. Government for (Said City; to prpvide for th9 Elec tion of Commissioners, Their Terms of Office, and the . Selection of one Commissioner as Mayor; to Fix the refuse so to do for the alleged rea son that the provision of said section 40 of said act- of , - the legislature of this state are not recognized by them as being in force and effect. The premises considered your rela tors pray thafthis Honoroble Court Powers. Duties and Compensation of win nt a 'J?lt' of ,.ma"daUS , di" such Commissioners; to Punish Im proper Conduct In Connection with Elections and petitions hereunder; to Abolish an Existing Offices and Frank , R. Pou. -and George "H. Hin- 1 richs as said Board, of Commissioners ! of the City of Pensacola, Florida, State of Florida: " ' Escambia County. Personally appeared before me this day J. Herron D'Alemberte, Dudley R. Saunders and "William L. Moyer, pe titioners in the foregoing petition, and being by me first duly sworn says that the allegations of the foregoing petition are true. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 5th day of November, A. D. 1919. . LEROY V. HOLSBERRY. (SEAL) " " Xotary Public. My commission expired March 10, 1923. ' " ' Office CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT, J . Escambia County. Jas. Macgibbon. Clerk. Pensacola. Fla October 27, 1919. To. The Board of Commissioners of the City of Pensacola, Florida, and Frank D. Sanders, Frank R. Pou, and George H. Hinrichs, 5 Commis sioners constituting said Board: I, James Macgibbon, Clerk of the Circuit Court of , Escambia Countj', Florida, do hereby certify that on the 31st day of July A. D. 1919, there was filed with me as such Clerk, a peti tion of qualified electors of the city of Pensacola, Florida, asking that a special election be called by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Pen-' sacola, Florida, .at wnich the follow ing proposition . snail . oe suDmutea: "Shall the City of Pensacola abandon its organization under-the provisions of law providing a Commission form of Government, and assume its former aldermanic. .form ' of Government?" That I, as Clerk as aforesaid, have ex amined into the qualifications of the signers of said petition, and that the said petition as filed, as aforesaid, contained and contains, the names of the requisite number of qualified elec- t tors to call said . election; That said petition was signed by seven hundred and twenty-six of the voters who were qualified to vote for . Commissioners at the last preceding city election, held In said City, which was the election held therein on the 2nd day of June, A. D., 1919, and was signed by more than , twenty per cent- of the whole number of voters qualified to vote at said election, who numbered 3527, that each of the signers of said prttion had added after his name, . and opposite ( thereto, his residence address. In Witness "Whereof I have hereun to set my hand and official seal thi3 27th day of October, A. D. 1919. JAMES MACGIBBON, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Escam bia County, Florida. I hereby certify that a copy of the above certificate was delivered to Frank D. Sanders. Mayor of the City of Pensacola, on the 28th day of Octo ber, A. D. 1919.- : v . . i .... . JAS MACGIBBON, Clerk Circuit Court, Escambia County, Florida. - GRAY AND FADED " HAIR sack- to its YOUTHFUL COLOR Iff - , f O v . rT Seven Sutherland Sisters Trade NEW DISCOVERY COLORA.TOR. Cannot Be Detected and Is Unaffected by Shampooing Couiiw Black, t'hrstnut. Dark rro-n ! By Mall $1.25, Plain Package FREE Package Seven Sutherland Sisters Scalp Cleaner for Shampooing with each order. Dept 70, 242 Bradhurst Ave., New York hundred destroyers should not base here 365 days in a year, instead of 25 or 30 three months in the year. This should be the home port of the Unit ed States destroyer forces. It remains for the broad-minded, far-seeing busi ness men tcTget together on the propo sition and put it over. P O RT of ENSACOLA Boards Including th rmmHi f .w. commanding them as such Koard to City of Pensacola! and toSnlarge and .9" a ppeciaJ elfftio,n ' tn. uaIj Extend the Powers and Jurisdiction ofied voters of Baii c"y at which the said City, and provide for the Sup- owine proposition shall be -.sub-port and Maintenance of Its Govern- mitted: ShaU the City of pensac ment.- and the respondents Frank D ' abandon its organization under the . i nrovisions of law nrovidine a Com- canuvrn, rrans i. rou, anu ueorge" . . . " H. Hinrichs now are and" for more miS8io" form of government, and as than a year s last past have been the sume lts former aldermanic form of dulv Pictd. ona!ififi SMin.. r-r. government? and to take all neces- . . . sarv stens for the holding , of said t iiiuaiuucis i-i me wn ui tr ensacoia . ; - . . " No. 4 Continued from " Page One which the navy department and con gress would be' interested. And it is worth working for, because no port in the . United States has such natural advantages for putting over the prop osition as pensacola. - There is no earthly reason why a DOINGS of the DUFFS by ALLMAKT !im. tmjff i CAne cues. n fiCCOttO WAV I GET A hat! HOW WOWOERFVl-! . whats comb otexz r T, ' 1 ' U 1 1 w m i . . m a a m a WHAT EVEQ CAMfi OVSK. TktMlCS ABOUT M Ci-OTH&S BT9 MORCLtSCSALWHeAt H' HAD A FSM PStMKS Vcs But Ti4rr voesnr Woeic VIITH HY MUSOAMOWHEAI WE. 5ETS TlgHr- r- Destroyers. Barney, Blakely, Bush, Ingram, Meredith, Harding, McKean, McCalia. Calhoun. . Supply Ships. . L,eonidas, Lebanon. " Dixie. ' Steamars. - The tanker Georgia of the Texas Oil Co. arrived yesterday afternoon with a cargojf gasoline. The Florida for the samecompany is expected daily with a cargo of fuel oil. The British steamer Nibian, from Galveston. The American steamer Lake Savus, stream, loading. The Italian steamer Rovigno, Mus cogee wharf, undergoing repairs. The Cuban : steamer Olivant, Tarra gona wharf, undergoing repairs. The shipping board steamer Es cambia, G.. P. & N. wharf, loading. The American steamer Argenta, G., P. & X. wharf, discharging cargo. The American steamer West Har shaw, stream (loading). The American steanver Georgia, Texas Co. docks. ' Schooners.- ' ! The British schooner Leo La Blanc, Tarragona wharf, loading. The American schooner Irma,' stream The American schooner Frederick A. Duggan, stream, loading. Barks The Spanish Bark Suarez No. ; 2, "Wharf, discharging ballast. : Barges. The Aiken, barge Consul, stream. The Aiken barge George T. Locke, Bctges, Aiken batge Booov-Mo. I'al afox wharf. American barge Iberia, stream (loading). American barge, Smlth-Ter r.y stream (loading). Aiken barge, Jackson, stream (load-lag). Aiken barge Ario, stream. The American barge Madison, stream. The American barge Ethel Clarke, stream. Tugs. Aiken tug Simpsoi, Palafox wharf. The Aiken, tug Sea .King,, Palafox wharf. . , ' Tugs, Aiken tug iroy, Palafox wharf. The American tug, Bathalum, Tar ragona wharf. The Aiken tug Dixie, Palafox wharf. 'The Aiken . tug Nellie, Palafox wharf. Smacks. The following smacks are at Saun ders' wharf: ,Maud F. Silva, Francis B. Silvia. Clara M. Littlefield, Louise F. Harper, Seaconnet. Sheffeyld, Eesco, Ida S. Brooks, Yakima, Emelia Enos, Fish Hawk, Virginia. The following smacks ara at the Warren wharf: Algonia,-Clara O. Sil va. Seminole, Culebra, Emma' Jane, Galatea, Hope, Mary B. Greer, Min eola. Osceola, Silas Stearns, William Hays Rena A. Percy, Washakie, Henry VESSELS EXPECTED. Steamers. The- American steamer Bockonof f. for the Pensacola Shipping Co., Nov. 15. '- . .. The American steamer Lake "Wy- mer. for -the Pensacola Shipping Co., Nov. 15. . - - The American steamer Botsford. for Frederick Glllmore & Co Nov. 15. The American steamer Oregon, for Frederick Gillmore & Co., Nov. 17. Schooners. The American schooner Mary Mon- son Gruener. The Norwegian schooner Furustrand, for T. O.. Fillette & Co., Nov. 18. The West Harsh aw American schooner from Liverpool. A ROMANCE OF INDUSTRY. The new plant of 'the Pensacola Chero-Cola Company will be opened to the public -on. Tuesday", and the growth of the parent company and the magnitude of the enterprise is clearly indicated in "this edition of The Journal, which presents not only the history of Chero-Cola and its wonder ful development, in the printed word, but in the views of the great indus try, clearly shows hdw the company has expanded since Chero-Cola orig inated in Columbus, Ga. Much of the success of . this splendid ten-page section is due to the enterprise of Thomas L. HacketC of Columbus, pub licity director of the Chero-Cola Company. In presenting this edition for the Chero-Cola Company, The Journal takes a pardonable pride, not only in the edition itself, "but in the business which it represents, and which will be housed tn a fine, newly equipped building, which Is a credit to Pensa cola. J - No. 3 Continued from Page One creased pay . would come soon and re move their desire to leave the service. The officers cannot force acceptance of the resignations. , , C Many of the resignations are those of young officers, graduates of A napolis, who haw served their re- 1 quired eight "years, and find it impos sible to support a family properly on the navy pay. . The warrant 'and petty officers of the navy, who are the real backbone of the service, are the real backbone numbers to take positions ashore at their trades of electricians, engineers, machinists, etc., at three and four times the pay given by the navy. The navy pay Increase bill now un der consideration will probably be re ported - favorably to theTiouse next week If congress is still -in session, or early in December if adjournment is taken soon. The bill is certain to get prompt consideration in both the sen ate and house at the December session In order to extend relief to the navy men as soon as possible. , The increased pay will be only for the present fiscal year which end July 1, 1919. The increases will prpb ably be repeated next year If living conditions do not materially decline before next July. The morale of the navy is going to crack unless relief is had and had soon." said Rear Admiral Cowie, ap pearing before the. house naval com mittee. 'The officers and men are up against it-conditions are getting un bearable." The admiral's solemn warn ing aroused1 deep concern among the committee members. "It seems to me," continued Ad miral Cowie, "that the proposed in crease of only 30 per cent for the of ficers - and 50 .per cent for the men should appeal to you gentlemen as being so' reasonable and considerate of the country's resources as to com mand your instant approval. The case needs no argument. The high cost CARTER GLASS TO SUCCEED MARTIN Secretary of Treasury Named by Virginia Governor to Be Senator. Richmond, , Novl 13. The appoint ment of - Secretary of the Treasury Glass to the senate . to succeed the late Senator Martin, of Virginia, and the acceptance of Glass was announced tonigrnt by Leroy - .Hodges, aide to Governor-Davis. x Established 1866 This Agency has paid to Its policyholders about FOUR MILLION DOLLARS BEST COMPANIES BEST SERVICE KnowlesB INSURANCE Also General Agents Equitable Life. 205 South Palafox Street ' Phone 22 of living is a disagreeable factor, and it is a fact you face, not a theory. "Other nations are watching condi tions in our armed seryices I am tell ing no secret in this, and when morale cracks it sp?lls demoralization. I give you my word that, hard passed as the officers and men are today, personal considerations are not their main mot ive in asking for pay increases. They need it God Knows but what moves them principally Is the love of the service and of the country they know what the navy means to thd country, and they want to preserve tile navy intact, its initiative high, Its morale unimpaired, ready to meet any condi tion. "And the condition of world affairs now is such that absolutely no chance should be taken of our navy becoming demoralized, and hence inefficient. The navy Is the country's first line of defense? and as professional men, thoroughly aware of all conditions, they know it to the heart. This mat ter of a pay increase is just a plain business proposition, one in which the whole country is interested. It is sim ply a matter of ordinary business pru dence." . . Admiral Cowie showed that the dol- Jlar of 1908, when the navy officers j had their last increase, is in purchas- incr . nnwar ortuol irk nnlv 4fi tonta day. "No increase in pay' said he, "have been granted since 1908, and the naval affairs committee with ' its knowledge of the unprecedented great increase in living costs now prevail ing and affecting the necessities of life, is bound to be aware of the seri ous disadvantages, the really heart touching burdens, under which both the officers and men are laboring in vainly trying to .take care of their families in 1919, on the basis of sal aries established back in 1908, - . GO TO CHURCH There will be an all day ser vice at Union Hall Church, Myrtle Grove, November 30th. Everybody is invited and all members living in Pensacola are especially invited, as that is the day for. the Seventy-five Million Campaign. : Santa Rosa-Escambia F;E llf Between Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties Leaves Mulat 5 :45, 9 :00 a. m., 1:00 and 4:00 p. m. Sunday 9:00 a. m,; 4:00 p. m. Leaves Escambia 6:30, 10:00 - a. m., 2:00, 5:00 p. m. Sunday 10:00 a. m., 5:00 p. m. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdCs- Service That is the keynote of RIow QDiroagD Stt odd My Delivery Is Always at Your Service Telephone Me and I Will Do the Rest I want you to feel at home here, just asthough it were . your own. Meet your friends here. ' Leave your bundles with us. . I sell postage stamps here as cheerfully as Drug Store x Merchandise, and you know I am open, when the Post Office is closed. x Phone 8iS