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WATSON, PARKER & REESE CO. STORE HOURS : Sunday, December 7, 1919 Daily 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. Saturday, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Only Fifteen Bays lRe main forHolM Ji 2 Perfume and Toilet Water s Wonderfal Gifts ' Few men realize how much women like perf umeas a gift. But let it be exquisitely dainty in fragrance a subtle compli ment from the donor. Here are a few items at spe cial prices for Monday only Melba Toilet Water (assorted odors') reg. $1.00, at 85e. Melba Lov'.Me Extract, reg. ?i.50, at $1.19. .. ..... Melba Honey Suckle Extract, reg. ?1.50, at $1.19. Melba Bouquet, reg. 1.50, at $1.19. Mavis Toilet Water, reg. 1.23, at 95c. Mavis Extract, reg. 1.25. at 93c. Lilas tie Rigaud Toilet Water, reg. $3.50, at $2.93. L.ilas de Rigaud Extract, reg. $1,25, and $2.50, at 3e and $2.19. Mary Garden Toilet Water, reg. $5.00, at $4.43. Mary Garden Extract, reg. $1.50 and $2.50, at $1.10 and S2.19. Ed . Pinaud's Lilas de France, reg. $1.25, at 93e. ;. Floramye Toilet Water, Teg. $1.75. " at $1.45. Blue Rose Toilet Water, reg. 3.00. at $2.43. , 4711 Lotion Vegetale de Lilac and do Voilettes, reg. 1.00, at 83c. Toilet Articles Ideal Presentations "Delightful are the articles' we are showing in Ivory Ware. . These articles are among the 'choicest gifts to women. Every woman is proud of her dressing table and these articles go a long way in satisfying her pride. We have assembled a com plete line of the far-famed Py-ra-lin in both the DuBarry and plain designs. They are sold in complete sets or separate pieces. Among the articles are Combs Clothes Brushes Easel Mirrors Salve Boxes Talcum Boxes Tooth Brushes Picture Frames Shoe Horns Nail-Files . Cuticle Knives -Manicuring Scissors Brushes Hand Mirrors Puff Boxes Hair Receivers Trays , Perfume Bottles Clocks . Button Hooks Buffers Dress Lengths of Rich, Lustrous Fabrics Make Fine Gifts JWhat could please her more or be of more se rvice to her than a skirting1 or just enough ma terial for a beautiful gown? Gifts of this kind are remembered long after the garment has been worn out. There are serges, silks, satins and d number of other favorites including pile fabrics. An idea of our wide and varied collection is gi ven below; 36-in. Duvetyn In navy and taupe $12.50 Yard. 18-in. Velvets In all the usual shades $2.50 and $3.00 Yard. 30-in. Costume Velvet In black and navy i $3.50 Yard. 36 to 40-in. Costume Velvets In black, navy, Copenhagen and taupe $12.50 Yard. Plain and Curled Plushes $3.50 to $4.00 Yard. The Dress Goods 36-in. Wool French Serge In navy, taupe, plum, wine and black. $1.50 Yard. 36-in. Wool Storm and French Serge In navy, black and Copenhagen $2.00 Yard. 42-in. Wool French and Storm Serge" In brown, navy and black $2.50 Yard. 42-in. Wool Storm and French Serge In black, navy and green $2.00 Yard. 44-in. Ail-Wool Gabardine In navy, black, Copenhagen, dark green and brown $4.00 Yard. 46-in. Wool Tricotine In navy and black, 4 $4.50 Yard. 3f -in. Wool Storm Serge In grey, dark green, brown, Copen hagen, black and red. 75c Yard. 36-in. Wool Storm and French Serge In brown, black, navy, wine, darK green, Copenhagen and grey. 90c Yard. 36-in. Wool Storm Serge In brown, navy, black, plum, taupe and green. $1.25 Yard. 44-in. WTool Storm and French Serge In black, navy, Copenhagen, plum and tan $2.75 Yard. Storm and French Serges In navy and black only 40 to 56 in. wide $1.50 to $8.50 Yard. 56-in. Silk Finish Gabardine In navy $12.50 Yard. 56-in. Men's Suit Serge In navy blue $7.50 Yard. 44 and 56-in. Shepherd Checks All wool $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Yd. 27-in. AH-W00I Challis Fancy figures, light grounds $1.50 Yard The Silks 40-in. Georgette Crepes In white, pink, flesh, rose, grey, brown, taupe, purple, lavender, Nile, maize, Copenhagen, red, blue, turquoise, apricot, yellow and black $3.00 Yard. 36-in. Messaline Satin In black, navy, white, yellow, pink, sky, rose, turquoise, grey ,tan, wine, red green, Reseda, Copenhagen, Mandarin blue and bird blue $3.00 Yard 40-in. Crepe de Chines In black, navy, Copenhagen, green, yellow, pink, sky, rose, turquoise, red, Belgian, apricot, taupe, brown, grey and Mandarin $3.00 Yard. 36-in. Charmeuse In black, white, brown, yellow and taupe - $3.50 Yard. 36-in. Charmeuse In black, white, green, Mandarin, blue, wine, pink, brown and taupe $4.50 .Yard. 36-in. Nancette Charmeuse In black, white, brown, gold ,taupe and navy $5.00 Yard 40-in. Charmeuse In black, white, brown, taupe, navy, turquoise, green and grey $6.00 Yard. 40-in. Satin Crepe In black, navy and white $8.50 Yard 40-in-Peblette Satin In navy, brown and Man darin blue $7.50 Yard 40-in. Kitten's Ear Crepe In Copenhagen, taupe, black navy, white, jade, turquoise and pink- $10.00 Yard 40-in. Brocaded Kitten's Ear Crepe In orchid, . turquoise, black and white $12.50 Yard 36-in. Silk Tricolette In black, navy, rose, tan, Copenhagen and green $9.00 Yard 36-in. Taffeta In navy, black, turquoise, pink, brown, grey and sky $2.50, $2.75 and $4.00 Yard 36-in. Erode Londre' In black, navy, white and rose $4.00 Yard. 40-in. Mikado Crepe Fancy figured ("Prints Charming") $7.00 Yard. Choose Your Gifts from the Japanese Pagoda Gift Shop Christmas shopping is a pleas ure in this section of our store. It is just brimful of the most charming things you have ever seen. There are Hand-painted Glasswnrs Novelties Comprising candlesticks. candle torches, with globes, mayonnaise bowls, cologne bottles, powder boxes, jewel cases, cream and sugar sets, hat pin trays, cigar and ash trays, candy jars, mustard jarsr and other useful and attractive pieces. Japanese Woodenware Gold lacquered vanity boxes, nut bowls, picture frames, and trays in ob long and round shapes, both hand carved and highly polished. Hand Made Basket Ware Formed into hanging flower pot he M ers. sewing boxes, knitting and darl ing baskets, candy baskets, servin trays, etc. These are decorated with bits of colored felt, crocheted flowers, or delicately hand painted. Book Ends, Umbrella Holders Japanese dolls in Oriental costume and mimberless other gifts. For your convenience, these pretty things are displayed in a conspicuous section on the sec ond floor. Here among a myraid of beautiful things you can se lect the majority of your Christ mas remembrances. Simplify Gift Problems Give Madeira Art Linens These are indeed inexpensively priced. The real gift for the home could not take better form than in beautiful linens selected from the remarkable stock we have ar ranged for your choosing. Among these articles of real hand-finished maderia linens and sheer all-linen lawns will be found- Center Pieces . $1.25 to $6.00 Table Covers $18.50 ... Madeirs Sets $9.00, $14.00 and $15.00 Dresser Scarfs $5.00 to $10.00 Table Napkins, 16x16 $17.50 Doz. " Pin Cushions $3.00 to $3.50 Baby Pillows ' $3.00 to $5.00 Pillowcases $10.00, $16.50 and $17.50 Pair Frilly Neckwear as fiifts The crisp delicacy of a sheer collar is like a becoming frame for a woman's face. There is no gift to a woman that will give greater pleas ure than the gift of neckwear. We are showing a complete line of the season's newest patterns in square and round effects, also groups of real laces and organdy, tucked ef fects, Venise and filet patterns with Van Dyke points; com binations of Georgette crepe lace trimmed in Lady Irish, Venise edges, filet mesh, etc. Make your selections now while the great Christmas as sortments are complete. 75c to$5.00 , A Word About Gloves The Ever Popular Gift There is one thing about Gloves they are always acceptable and they're one thing a man can select easily and quickly for a woman. Then again Gloves are logical gifts for mailing for they are easily packed and will not be damaged in transportation. Gloves of Fownes English make and Chanut French mWall of beautiful workmanship, are effort in a wide asosriment. There are Centemrri Gloves for the misses and little men, walking gloves, driving an riding gloves and the Paris Point gloves with overlap seams. Dark and medium browns, mode shades, dark and medium greys, whites and blacks are shown in a full size range. Some have back sitching of contrast Sfm others have. self color stitching. There will be splendid choosing on Monday. Prices range $2.50 to. $3.50