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trawlers . luriim -eeawrr: t . :r strv r-W?r5w "HSF " w fhNSjCTl F,iT PASSENGER SHiV f&si r - ; 1 M 4a. P make south American CITY AND HARBOR OF VW.JRlSOJTg?W' . , JEJ! C v ir" CWLE 6AS.C rREIOHT CITY OF 6if?I?r XJi . " O" -f 1 THE TfiANS ANDEAN RAILWAY T,ffi ?,&U, t&1lm2Jj&.' -s t ' AiU ., (By GUSHING STETSON.) -ttT Slk" . BUSINESS involving an annual JiS r 1 A outlay of over a bill.on dollars, CZtSW MW J A whIch wa3 suspended during ttZ?"s: - -lM41rBC4k. BLUEBIRD FLIES WITH JOURNAL GIRL By G. I. B. ph. It's thrilling. ' You've heard a lot about -it. TJhe boys have described it in detaH, how it sort o takes away your breath, when you go up and how funny and dizzy you feel when you iook down and see all the little toy Ehilfs and build incs and : mnnnmenti and how much worse than the elevator drop In the Woolworth building "Zum. Well, it isn't. The "Bluebird" floats like a wisp of eiderdown except that It sings a peachy little song that keeps you from talking to the pilot. Why actually, if the passenger didn't see things falling out from under him he'd never know that he was In a sure enough new fangled air ship that would make Uncle Jake's breath - come In gasps. He'd never believe the speedo meter unless -he let the wind wrench his arm from the socket in ;- making an experiment. And then the pilot v lets him down and he gives a little gasp , and feels a delightful little shiver; the plane's sticks up its nose and again he's sail ing in wonderland with' the clouds for companions and the sunset for neigh bors. The world is all gold and sweet cloud air. Then the "Bluebird," like all proper birds, comes home to roost and the world is a mixture of salt spray and soft hums. It's gloriously tame and thrilling and swlngy. Try it and see.-. ' ;. "' i CALENDAR OF FUTURE EVENTS MONDAY Fancy Dress Ball at Osce ola club. Business and Professional Women? clubs meet at -rooms. - Caxtons -hostess. Mrs. Stevens, home . . of Mrs. H. H. Boyer, 9th-ave. and Moreno-st, 3:30 p. m. ' : Meeting Pensacola Nomads; hostess, - Mrs. 'W. Pw . Gonzalez, 507 W. v Gregory -st, 4 p. m. . Circles, First Baptist Churches, meet. TUESDAY Entertainment" Girl community . service club, for ben efit service men's Christmas en v tertainment. Keyser auditorium, ' 8:30 p. m. ' Meeting Tuesday Bridge Club; hostess, Mrs..H. I. Shannon, 312 X. Barce-lona-st -' - r - WEDXESDAY Meeting New r City Thimble club; hostess, Mrs. H. H. Hilliard. Captain and Mrs., ;H. . H. Christy at home, Pensacola naval air station. Meeting Mothers Circle, First . Metho dist church, at cnurch, 3:30 p. m. t THURSDAY Meeting Shakespeare club; hostess. Mrs. J.E, D. Yonge, 1122 N. Baylen-st; last act Mid . Summer Night's Dream. TELEPHONE SERVICE . FOR P. & A. DIVISION A outlay or over a Dimon aouars, which was suspended during tiLt four years of the war, will start igafn on January 7 when the pleas-B-e cruiser Ebro leaves New York tor South America. v - Long before tha war Americans lad gained the reputation of being tie world's greatest travelers. It is not surprising that , their pent-up energies, confined during the past five years to their own country, should turn now to other fields. A striking feature of the situation com pared witi the pre-war . period is, however, the tremendously Increased interest in the West Indies and South America. Just as thesef - southern neighbors, during the past few yean, have flocked In ever-Increasing numbers "; to the United States, whether on business i or on BlewiuiN bent, so now the average American feeling the urge , to travel tarns his eyes toward Buenos Ayres, whose hotels, he hears, are rivalled only by those of New York and whose race-course rivals that of Paris While tourist travel . itself . has fe4tt at a standstill during the years of war the efforts of designers and builders to provide ever-increasing eomforu to meet the fastidious tastes of American travelers have not halt ed. The new liner Ebro contains Try luxury and is the last word in bin oonstructior Her cabins have PHIVATE CONCOURSE AT BUENOS AIRES RACE TRACK THE RACES "HEf,E'E ONLY RIVALED ONLY, BV THOSE OF BRIS. . . beds Instead of berths, and there j will be no narrow bunks, no "up pers. All the cabins have outside lights and electric fans and there is a p"SSSenger elevator. Between prom enade decks are two veranda cafes. There are showers and tub baths ; a dark room for the camera fiend; an orchestra for concerts and dances, all the latest safety appliances in cluding wir3less and submarine sig nals, and an up-to-date hospital equipment with a doctor and nurse In attendance. -The Ebro at sea will be a modern hotel in every respect The whole trip will cover a dis tance of twelve thousand miles equal to a voyage almost half-way round the globe. The Ebro -will -pass through the Panama Canal and down the western South .American coast to Valparaiso, a distance of 4,911 miles, and return "in sixty days.' Included also is a trip across - the Andes to Buenos Ayres of 2,200 miles. Three days out from New York on the southern course, andxjust over the Gulf Stream, rises'" the solitary island of San Salvador, called by sailors Watling Island, with its sin gle Ioly lighthouse, and alas! its wrecks, 3 the first land the tourist sees on his way to Jamaica and southern ports after leaving port; and every one must feel anew the thrill of. Columbus, that Easter morning. In 1492, when ho first saw this isolated bit of the new world. "Bird Rock and Fortune Island, in quick . succession, Cape Maysi on Cuba's eastern tip, the slowly dimin ishing Cuban coast with its green mountains, and the traveler is at Jamaica. - . ' 'The next leg of .'the journey carry the travelers to Crl3tobat, the Canal and Panama City. The great ditch built with $378,000,000 of Amer ican money Is itself one of the world's great sights. Beyond is the coast of Colombia, Ecuador and Fern, and the enow-topped And - . , ATI V E TAD LETS Recognized as the only standard herb remedy; have been relieving suffer,"- from ' r , Disordered Stomach Biliousness. Constipation. Impure Blood. Rheumatism, and Heartburn. A srreat Kidney and Liver Regulator Tjook for the money -- back guarantee in every box. Get the , genuine. Every tablet' stamned with this trade mark. Put up in two sizes. 50c and $1.00. Sold by leading druggists and local agents everywhere. Made by Alonzo k O. Bliss Co.. Washington. D. C. Will nORT of 1 ENSACOIiAJ VESSELS IN PORT Destroyers. - The Stevens, Meredith, Harding, 'alhoun. Schooners. " The American schooner Palafox. auMers wharf (undergoing repairs.) The American schooner Frederick A. uggan, stream, '(loading.) 1 The American schooner Furustrand, (ream (loading). Barks. The Spanish bark Saurez, No. 2, tommendencia wharf (loading.) The Spanish bark Virga del Mer, team (awaiting cargo.) -Barges. The Aiken marge Consul, stream. The Aiken barge George T. Ixicke, Barges. Aiken barge Bobby-Ho, Pal fox wharf. - . American barge Iberia, - "stream wading). American barge, Smith - Terry am (loading). ' ' ' Aiken barge, Jackson, stream (load 's). . . Aiken barge Ario, stream. "9 American treara. barge, Madison, Tugs. A;n tug Simpson. Talafox wharf. Aiken harL tug Sea King, Leroy, Palafox Ti- . .. harf s -roy. Palafox The American tug, Bath alum, Tar- agona wharf - Tha . . - ea tug rnxie. Palafox wharf. 11 tug Nellie. Palafox The Imported Roquefort Cheese $2.00 Per Pound wharf. ' ' . Smacks. The following smacks are at Saun ders wharf: Maud F. Silva, Francis B. Silvia, Clara M. Littlefield, Louise F. Harper, Seaconnet, Sheffeyld, Eesco Ida S. Brooks, Yakima; Emelia Enos, Fish Hawk, Virginia. The following smacks are at the Warren wharf; Algonia, Clara G. Sil va, Seminole, Culebra, Emma Jane, Galatea, Hope, Mary B. Greer, Mln eola, Osceola, Silas Stearns. William" Hays, Rena A. Percy, Washakie. ; VESSELS EXPECTED Steamers. The .American steamer Bockonoff. for the Pensacola Shipping Co., Nov. 15. - ' . ' ' ' ' The American steamer Lake Mymer. for the Pensacola Shipping Co., Nov. 15. :.: The American steamer Botsford, for Frederick Gilmore & Co., Nov.-15. The American steamer Oregon, for Frederick Gilmore & Co., Nov. 17. The Shipping Board steamer Alta, from Nicaragua for Frederick Gilmore & Co., due Dec. 10. The Shipping Board steamer Mona fan, from Nicaragua for Frederick Gillmore & Cor, due Dec. 10. ' Schooners - , The American schooner Mary Mon son Gruener. . ARRIVALC. Steamers. . . The American steamer Noccahila, from Pensacola Shipbuilding Co. The Shipping Board steamer Tilla mook, from Nicaraugua. DEPARTURES - The American steamer Noccalula, for Mobile. ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW. I The Parent-Teacher association of the J. B. Lookey school will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the school. it is- announced and all members are requested to be prompt in attendance The 'Farent-Taachers association of the M. B. Cook school will meet i tho school Wednesday afternoon at 2:43 o'clock it is announced. - A full atts- dance is urged. There -will be a meeting of the Lu llos auxiliary to the Order : of Railroad C. n- ductors at the W. O. W. hall at 3 o'ciiick Tuesday afternoon. Special business -v ill come up at this meeting and all ne ibars are urgently requested to be pre sen. Miss Margaret "Wilson of Mobile is the guesf """of Mrs. Anna Gingrich at Fort Barrancas. NEUMONIA Call a physician. Immedi ately begin "emergency treatment with PENSACOLA THEATRES TO AID IN COAL SITUATION fAPORI YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30. 60f. DM T.20 A wire has been' received in the city from E. F. Albee, of New York City, president of the combined, Dramatic, Burlesque and Moving, picture associa- r tion and also general, manager of the Orpheum. Keith and Pantages vaude ville circuits, : controlling over three hundred theatres, that they have de cided to aid in the coal situation by i cutting off all signs and display lights, except' for one hour in the evening between 7:15 and. 8:15 arid to save all light and coal possible. , -. The local theatres, represented by Messrs D. P. Hobgood.jOf the Pastime and J. Jones, of the Isis,' have given this idea their hearty endorsement and will do all in their power to relieve the coal situation, so' patrons are ad vised that if they do not see lights at any of the theatres not to jump at the conclusion that thej' are closed, but to remembex hey are just doing " their bit tov-Tffjl lie-ing the tenseness of the oc"v ' City. . - l'j" Rheumatism ts completely washed out of the system by the celebratec bhivar Mmeral Vv ater. Fo itively guaranteed by money-back offer. tastes fine; costs a trifle. Delivered any where by our Pensacola Agents, West Flo Ida Grocery Co. Phone them. - No One Need Buy Cuticura Before He Tries Free Samples Soap, Ohrtmeot. Tmteont. 25c. (m;lia. Sample Im at CUcra7LbrtTtu, Dept. X, Mal4m. Mm. - TWB Louisville & Nashville railroad company1 will substitute ; telephone for telegraph on its P. &,"A. division, for the operation" .of trains.' j ' This company has already placed this method ; of train operation into use on most of Its northern ' divisions. as well, as orn the Mobile and New Or leans division, i the company" believing this method superior to operation by telegraphy. Railroad men say that the telephone system is not only as ac curate and dependable, but that it is much more econonmical. Conductors and engineers can - stop the train at telephone stations, which ' are to be located at intervals along the line, ring up the train master and get their orders direct,' thus cutting out the telegraph .operators. . SHORT Stubborn m Made to Grow Long, Straight, Soft and Silky by using EXELENTO . - QUININE POMADE A Gaaraatoad Iblr Cimr, Removes dmi draff. Feeds Iho roots cf the hair. Stops fallinar hair at oaoe. Cleans the scalp. Pric 25o by nail en receipt of stamps or cola. AGENTS WANTED EXELEKTO MEDICDCS CO.. ATLAITTA, CA. IF BACK HURTS BECIR ON SILTS Plush the Kidneys at once when Backachy or Bladder both ers Meat forms uric acid. If yon are overstout wBy remain sol Why bo envious of those who ar slender t Here is, important news for you. " V . The Sorein system is accomplishini? mar vels in healthful, speedy, pleasant reduction of men and women who have been for years burdened with fatness. Use oil of koreia and follow the reduction, system. - No starring. bo tedious exercises, so calomel or salts a genuinely " correct and, ' delightful system. JiMdorsed by fkysicians., , Seduction 10 to 60 lbs. or tnore wnat ver you reonire to get symmetrical fisrure rositirely guaranteed on fair test, under $100 forfeiture or no cost to you.. - There's Infinite Joy 1n kirrrtne a cTfary ttt eliows yvar rarararvmrnts gradually becoming smaller while yoa are itnptovias in vivnry. ham nl attractive ness. Bring fispplnwa Inio your life ami prolons It irany yean. Gsln apnrobaUon ot oUicrsi, Becene slender and easily stay set - Ton may obtain oil of koreia at drngrpists everywhere.. Positirely harmless. Brochure with convincing testimonials mailed, in plain envelope, free, ' if yon write . Soroia Co., VK-63, StaUoa r, I7ow Toxic - . , No man or woman who eats meal egularly can make a mistake by flush ng the kidneys occasionally, says a pell-known authority; Meat forms trie acid which clogs the kidney pores 10 they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and , poisons from '.he blood, then you get sick. Nearly 1 .11 rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, x:onstipation, diz j zinesa, sleeplessness, bladder disor ders come from sluggish kidneys. : The moment you feel. a dull ache in the kidneys or your vback hurts, or if he urine is cloudy, offensive; full of sediment, irregular of . passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, get tbout four, ounces of' Jad Salts from iny reliable pharmacy and s take a tablespoon ful" in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and youf Sidneys will then act fine. This famous' jalts is made from the acid of grapes j nd lemon juice, comomea with Iithia ind has ; been used : for generations jo flush clogged ; kidneys : and stimu 5ate them to activity, also to neutralize1 the acids in urine eo it no longer ;auses : irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. ' '. :' ' :'. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot Jijure; makes a delightful effervescent lithla water drink which all regular neat eaters should take now and then to keep the . kidneys clean and the blood puVe, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Adv. iiimjuimimiiiijnm j Bii I it; ll j lii L imiunniiillHllil I IH F O R C HE IMER'S BOSTON SHOE STORE . OFFER SPECIAL ! 200 Pair of Ladies' Shoes at ' $3.45 Saturday GLASSES FOR OUT : DOOR SPORT Glasses that give you full vision, that are comfortably secure, de pendable and serviceable are ; what you want for out door wear. Unless your glasses are right you won't enjoy your favorite sport. The Golfer We pay particular attention to the'needs of our patients and furnish glasses best suited to their requirements.1-We guarantee-a full measure of vision; comfort and convenience. You will like our service. , ELEBASH -JEWELRY CO. Phone 713 ' t!2 8auth Palafox 6trt AND Monday ONLY Bites, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores. Eczema a"nd ALL SKIN TROUBLES APPLY Healinn Oil It soothes,' disinfects and heals. Keep t tottle always ready. Ask your dealer for it 3 ii l-LI c a package before the war a package during the war i t - and c a package THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE!