Newspaper Page Text
-I'll THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1919. -1 'II 4? fe .is - f t: PHONE 1500 From 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p.m. The IPeuisRcolsL Jouinmal Journal Ads. Work All The Time 30,000 People DAILY WEEKLY : SUNDAY Small Cost Big Results The Marketplace of West Florida-The Want Ad, Columns of. CIRCULATION INCREASING Remember, to p sure of your copy of the Sunday Journal. It is necessary that you order the paper regularly from The Journal. Phone 1500. Read the Want Ad pages today. ' i JOURNAL ' WANTg'- ONE CENT A WORD IN ADVANCE ONE RATE TO ALL Count the words in your adver tisement and multiply itv by the number of times you desire it print ed end, remit accordingly. The counting of words include the words 'Tor Sale." "Wanted," etc., and the address. RATES No advertisement taken for less than 23 cents. - BLACK FACE CAPS. LIKE THIS TVPE. TWO CENTS PER WORD.. Ttira-Taphcd matter, line dashes, white space, classified display k 60 per line, 56c per inch (12 lines make one inch.) . .. Regular advertisers with , ledger accounts may have advertisements charged. . Kill orders should be given in writing, never over the telephone. Advertisers should give their street or postoff ice address as well as their phone number, if they de sire results. Few readers have a telephone and they can't communi cate with you unless they know your address. V . - - . If the advertiser desires, replies may be bent to Journal Office. Journal Want Ads Cover West ' Florida. " FOR SALE FOR SALE 1919 Oakland, run 3.000 miles. Owner leaving city. $300, bal ance easy payments. Write Eargain, care Journal. 1113 FOR SALE House and lot, four rooms and haU, 508 East Jordan St. Price reasonable, cnuM arrange terms. - For particulars, see K R. Burgoyne, owner, V North Sth Ave., or address P.- O. Eox 1011. City. 1115 FOR SALE Farm of 139 acres; 40 under fence, art acres in cultivation, good house and barn, five miles west of Bluff Springs, on McDavid motor route. Price ? Write or call on Joe Huber. McPavJil, Fla., Route A. 1222 FOR SALE 2S acre farm. Six "room house, barn, fenced with wire. Six miles north of city, near hard road. 15 acres in state of cultivation. Applv to owner, Commendencia Wharf from 7 a m. to 3:31 p. m. T. E. Hendrlx, or 305 S. Adam St. 1225 FOR SALE SOFT DRINK AND LUNCH STAND. DOING GOOD BUSINESS BUT AM A CRIPPLE AND CAN'T HAN. DLE THE BUSINESS. 622 EAST WRIGHT. 1227 FCR SALE OAK WOOD IN FOUR FT. LENGTHS, IN ANY QUANTITY, FROM 500 TO 5.000 CORDS. IN CAR LOTS. WE HAVE IMMENSE QUANTI TIES OF OAK FUEL WOOD, AND IN VITE BIDS FROM RESPONSIBLE PAR TIES FOR THIS WOOD, F. O. B. HOLT. FLA. ADDRESS KN FLA LBfL CO.. HOLT, FLA. . 1116 for SALE Buick Si, five-passenger. t-TO.f'O. Terms if wanted. Pensacola Feed Co. 828 For. SALIC Second hand cewwg ma chines, all makes. $6.00 up. Guaran iteynalda Music House, Phon 1717. ... . , 1235 In answering advertisements be sure f mnlin The JournaL FOR PAT.E CHEAP Chalmers Six. wire nhrel roadster in A-l mechanical on-d-ii jii. Extra wire wheel, " two extra lirps nn in good condition. Can be seen at 3117 X. Sth Ave. Phone 2079. 845 FOp7 SAT.E By owner 142 West Zarra gossa street corner store, and tw0 story residence facing Barcelona St. on same lot and at 200 West Zarragossa. 601 FQR SALK Rebuilt Engines 6 H. P. Perfection; 2 H. P. Wonder; 4 cylin der Buick; 2 it. p. Alfa. Clutches; 1 Ra,driase: Ferro. New Engines 3H H. P. Engine. Stationary, and 10 H. P. cycle Palmer. Pensacola Gas Engine ft Supply Co.. Phone 680. 713 South Pal afox St. FOR SALE Plants .cabbage. coTlards.let tuce. Bermuda onions 224 East In In- L?ndencia street. Phone 2004. 824 SALE Automobile; six-cylinder, 5- -"s-'igpr touring car; good as new; 1 run 'Kiln , u . , . . " ' ' "nc:, nutJa reasons ioi reasons Apply J. Remlch & Sons. 869 F0cboSA,le SPLIT PINE WOOD. $2.00 LOAD. PHONE 224. 999 AMS,rALE PECANS, ANY QUALITY. tniE AS SOLD IN STORES FOR Vac CENTS PER POUND, CHRIST-rDS- S NEARLY HERE, GET YOUR ppLV NOW. DELIVERED 40 CENTS 5 POUND, CALLED FOR 35 CENTS pcS POUND. THE LOT. 30 CENTS fVR POUND. 600 POUNDS. PHONE 129 877 LOTS FOR EVERYBODY ! We have about two hundred choice building lots north of Ship Plant on the high level land and good clay road which we will sell on very easy terms at from $40 to $60 per lot, depending on location. v ensacolaFinanceCompany "We Always Have Houses For Sale" PHONE 367 FOR SALE FOR KLIM brand of powdered Milk, i .Phoi?e 1949- Mott S. Pond, Distributor, 1400 East La. Rua street. Pensacola. J 6a FOR SALE BY OWNER, 40 ACRES, 5 MILES FROM CITY. BARGAIN FOR CASH. A. E. RICE, 1400 E. CERVAN TES STREET. 213 CABBAGE PLANTS or best varieties $1.75 per thousand. Five thousand or over $1.50 per thousand. Cash with or der. J. L. White. Tallahassee. Fla. 70 FOR RALE Improved farms at Gonza lez, or will exchange for city property. A S. Edwards. Phone 1520. 3201 FOR SALE Improved farm. r fourteen miles Pensacola. priced right. Call or write owner, Fred Eastwood, Cantonment, Fla. . ... 1229 FOR SALE One baby, bed tress. Apply .22 S. Spring. and roat 1772 FOR SALE PAIGE CONVERTABLE ROADSTER, GOOD CONDITION. REA SONABLE, INQUIRE AT CENTRAL GARAGE, 205 S. BAYLEN-ST. 1888 FOR SALE 3 fresh cows with calves one week old. Will sell with or with out calves for milkers. Richland Farms Pensacola, Fla. . ; - 1999 -cnR raT,E 1 li tons coal . Just pur-1 chased, also some furniture. Will give parties buying same my claim on house. Phone 1562. 2112 FOR SALE One Wilcox and White or igan; good condition; a bargain; can be seen at 800 E. Strong-st. . Phone 2489. 2004 FOR SALE On account of other busi ness requiring all my time, will sell cheap for cash, two well-drilling ma chines, four- stationery and portable K. oil engines (S h. power). One 8-16 In temaltional Tractor, used but little; one 20" meadows corn mill; one 10" corn cob crusher. These machines are all In good running order and their condition guaranteed; also six one and one-half h. p. Stover engines and pump jacks, new. Come and see them. O. E. Roberts. Sneads. Fla. " 1777 FOR SALE Mahogany stand cabinet. two mahogany rockers and table; also pusti cart. 314 J. sprmg-st. zuo3 FOR SALE 40 acres of land within the corporate limits of Sneads; 38 acres-in cultivation and lying on Spanish Trail and Butler hard roads i miles from L. & N. depot. Good school and churches. O. E. Roberts, Sneads. Fla. 1778 FOR SALE Three does and one buck. Apply 1522 E. Strong. Phone 1164. ... , .. 1335 FOR SALE 20 acres of good land, one mile from station. . L. & N. road; $100 cash. snap. Worth triple. Waldbridge. 309 N. Davis-st. 1779 HEAVY FRUITER COTTON Record Four Bales per acre. 40 bolls to pound. 46 per cent lint. Staple, 1 1-8 inch. Write for facts, proofs and special price on early orders for seed. Heavy Fruiter Seed Co.. Carnesvllle, Ga. 1446 HELPMALE WANTED BOY WITH BICYCLE TO WORK MORNINGS. APPLY CIRCU LATION DEPARTMENT THE JOUR NAL. 3176 WANTED A few good joiners for ship work, also three electricians for conduit work. Communicate with ' the employ ment , manager of the Pensacola Ship Building company. - BCTS EARN MONET sening Th Pn eacola, -Journal. dally and Sundav Wanted. 100 boys dairy: and 20-3 . boys Sundays to make from 50c to $5 a Jay. ge Circulation Manacer any morning 6 o'clock. WANTED Stenographer for saw. mill office, good salary and chance for ad vancement. In reply give reference and salary expected. Address B61, Care Penscola Journal. POSITION NOW OPEN FOR EXPERI ENCED ENERGETIC MARKER IN SAW MILL. AND EXPERIENCED CIR- i iiMorD r.n . pai ir ai . wili pay 1 GOOD WAGES FOR EXPERIENCED I HELP- FEMALE WANTED Lady expert designer of silk lamp shades wishes position with some firm. Makes useful holiday gifts. M. M. Care Journal. WANTED Chamber maid, cook and as sistant cook at Government House. 104 E. Government 2111 OJ'KAUUKAWIEKS WANCilD Keglster with tne employment department of Ibe .Pan-American College, Rooms 274 to 289 Brent Bldg. No cnarge. Positions WANTED A good cook. Apply in the mornings. 312 N. Spring. 1558 OPPORTUNTIIES FREE GRAND business chance. A monopoly: new invention; a wonder; great profit. Repeat order auto device. Protected territory. Lightning seller, ter rific demand. V. & W. Mfg., Co., 701 Fulton, Chicago . ...... , lo53 DANCING DANCING TAUGHT, at 206 vVest Greg ory streeL For luformatlon, rone 27$. ELBERT 4CMJBBS, Sales Agent FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms suitable for light house-keeping both furnished with gas stove and electric lights. Apply 519 V. Garden-st. 1 ROOMS . rooms. TO RENT Two 410 E. Gregory. unfurnished 1112 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light - housekeeping.. 218V& So. Palafox. Phone 580. 1119 FOR RENT To desirable parties, three unfurnished rooms; desirable neighbor hood; location unexcelled; one-half block East Hill car 'line. Use of bath, lights and phone 1529. 1325 E. Mallory street. 851 FOR RENT Five-room furnished apart ment; lower floor; all modern conveni ences. 822 E. Gadsden. Apply 1012 E. Cervantes or phone 1273. . 848 FOR RENT Furnished apartment for light housekeeping. 1012 North Al caniz St. 843 TTOR RENT One front room, furnished for one or two. 411 E. Government-st. . 99o FOR RENT Furnished room closer to business district. Phone 1963 8o7 FOR R ENT T wo large rooms furnished I for housekeeping. Apply 1202 E. 1660 ; den FOR RENT Five-room house at big Bayou. Apply Stephen Lee, Phone 729. FOR RENT Two large screened south rooms; unfurnished; partly furnished kitchenette; garage; next to bath; phone 1922. 1817 N. , 12th-av. Two blocks of East Hill Car.' ' 1997 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms - for light housekeeping; front and back galleries; bath attached; gas. Apply 407 E. Gregory-st. . ' 2004 FOR RENT To one or two gentlemen, one furnished room with bath privilege. Anoly 111 , W. Cervantes-si or phone 2321. 2000 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 503 N. Hayne St. 1995 FOR RENT Oneromo furnished for light housekeeping, also apartments of two or three rooms. One and one-half mocks from Palafox. 323 E. Romano. Phone 1568. ' 2007 FOR RENT Nicelv furnished room in bungalow on beautiful Bayou Texar. Excellent fishing. Ideal, for winter visi tors. Phone 2334. 1666 FOR RENT Two large connecting rooms furnished for light housekeeping. All modern conveniences. Apply 227 E. Gregory. 2113 FOR RENT SMALL BUNGALOW IN I Mfstk VTy'p'hon53 2113 -r-n ci i it 1 1. 1 t no a LOST Child's blue beaver hat, between nN'sn -iTJPmIdiItp neTghSor I Garden Theater and Bennie Edmund TION AND IMMEDIATE NEIGHBOR. ...i. wharf Phone nr '04 1RK7 HOOD: CLOSE IN. F.ARLE HAUCK.!8""8 -wnarr. t none 1651 or m. ibbf 410 SOUTH FLORIDA BLANCA. lilt tost n. ,.,vu., .i.i. v. POSITION WANTED WANTED Toung lady with clerical ex perience desires - position. Can use typewriter. Best references. Telephone 1029. 1118 POSITION WANTED Camp cook. (white) wants position Jan. 1st; 10 years" experience. A-l baker. Address "J." Care JournaL ,v 866 WANTED Position as 'shipping clerk. have had 2 years experience in whole sale grocery house: can furnish best of references. C. B. Gennett, Station A. ' 810 WANTED Night watching " Job. Good reference. Address J. A., P. O. Box 1250. , ,' . 1331 AN EXPERIENCED Hotel. Club and Cafeman is seeking a position in the South. Capable steward and manager, age 46. married,' no children: now operat ing dining room in connection with, zoo room hotel. Wife is also experienced and would take a position With me If Joint services are required: reasonable salary or nominal salary and percentage basis. Can come South about Jan. 1st. Corre spondence is solicited with responsible ' firm or individual wanting the services of good people. Address J. H. Davis, Cincinnati, O. are, Munro Hotel. 18S4 keeper, or companion by settled, re fined, competent unincumbered middle aged widow. Address Mrs. I. H. Hatcher. 648 Boyd Ave., Baton Rouge, La. 1668 REPAIRING REPAIRING Razor blades sharpened, razors hollow ground and scissors sharpened at Hamilton's Saw Hospital. Apply 223 E. Intendencia St. 1559 TRANSFER-StoraKe BINGHAM TRANSFER COMPANY, PHWNE 334. HAULING. PACKITG, STORING. Mckenzie transfer, auto truck service, baggage, furni ture, light and heavy hauling, phones 970 and 1818. 620 THE READERS of the classified ads ronstltuto a small army of buyere tell them 'about that used car or other useful artitrln you hawe for Bale. BORRAS TRANSFER CO. PHONE 1145. OFFICES AND WARE HOUSE EAST- CHASE STREET. ALL KINDS OF HAULING. YOUR -BUSINESS SOLICITED. OPPORTUNITIES WANTED A PARTY TO INVEST $3,000 IN AN ESTABLISHED BUSI NESS; HALF INTEREST; PROFITS $12,000 YEARLY; EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY; CHANCE FOR . ACTIVE MAN. ADDRESS 'OPPORTUNITY," CARE JOURNL. - . ; 870 WANTED To Buy Second Hand Shot Guns Doubles or Repeaters Must be in good condition. Wilson-Biggs Go. Daily VAV WICK LL OMLV KEEP V ME rEr A FEW MONTHS, 1 D,KUPr, FLAT? WANTED WANTED To buy, v cheap horses and mules. Apply Mr. Louis Roth. - Shees ley Shows Winterquarters, Ave A. aaid W. Romana St. " 1110 Gads-'.WANTED Feather work done ty Mrs. M. . Adams. 307 North Guillemarde I street. Phone 1519. u89 HEMSTITCHING DONE Outside alter ation, such as delirting coats, remod eling old suits, and other similar work. Satisfaction guaranteed. 307 North Guilliemarde street. Phone 1519. 790 WANTED Tour Job printing ajsd orders for engraving of all kinds'; calling cards, wedding invitations, etc. MAYES PRINTING CO., 20-22 West Government street. 610 WANTED All Kinds of phonograph work, no matter what the make. Called for and delivered If desired. The Shop. Phone 791. 18-20 E. Garden St. Ths Housekeepers' Burden House, win dow and carDet cleaning. The Pensa cola Hous and Window Cleaning Co. can carry tne whole load for you. Phone 1013 for Information. Room 605, Blount building , C051 Instruments repaired. Phone 251. ' J. H. Blakesley. 16 East Garden St. 811 WANTED Stretching curtains nicely at reasonable prices. Call or mail a card! to Clara Pearson, 508 W. Romana-st. 1990 WANTED A three burner gas plate at once. Write E. A. R. 921 E. LaRua st. 1333 lost and found LOST One setter dog. white with brown spots. Return- to W. A. Leonard, 8 S. Palafox-st. 999 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF ELECTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election has by the Board of Public In sruction for- Escambia County, Florida, been ordered, and such election will be held on Tuesday, the 22rd day of De cember. A. D., 1919. at the several poll ing places now existing for the purpose of holding state elections within the sub division of said county, consisting of all territory embraced within the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at a point where the north line of township two south. Intersects the western shore line of Pensacola Bay: thence run westerly along said township line to the point where it intersects the eastern shore of Bayou Texar, thence run south easterly across said Bayou to the south easterly corner of section four, being the Joseph Maura grant, thence south westerly along the southern line of said section four tr its southwesterly corner; thenrn nnrthWMtprlv alnn? th nrsstArn .Une of said section four to the southeast comer of section six; thence westerly along the line of section six and -the southern line of section ' eight to the point where thtt southern line of section eight Intersects the southerly line of section nine ,or the Charles DeVilllcr Grant: . thence southwesterly along the southern line of said section nine, or Chas. DeVillier Grant, to the southwest corner of said section nine: thence northwesterly along the western line of said section nine to the southeast cor ner of section eleven; thence westerly along the southern line of section six and eleven to the northeast corner of section fifteen: thence southerly along the east ern line of section fifteen to the point where said line intersects the northern line of the Juan Dominguez Grant, or section thirty-four; thence northeasterly along " the northern line of said Juan Dominguez Grant, or section thirty-four, to the northeast corner of said grant or section; thence southeasterly along the eastern line of said Juan Dominguez Grant, or section thirty-four, to the southeast comer of said grant or sec tion: thence southwesterly along the southern line of said Juan Dominguez grant. or section thirty-four. to the northeast corner of section thirty-seven, being the poin where the eastern line of section thirty-seven intersects the southern line of said Juan Dominguez Grant, or section thirty-four; thence southerly" along the eastern line of said section thirty-oeven to the point where the - eastern lino of section thirty-seven intersects the northern shore line of Bayou Chico; thence westerly, following the meantlerings of the northern shore line of said bayou to the mouth of the creek of the second bridge, which flows into said bayou; thence up the thread of said creek to the northeasterly comer of section fifty-four; thence southerly along the eastern line of section fifty four to the point where said line inter sects the northern shore of Grand Bayou; thence eastwardly following the meander ings of the said shore of said Grand Bayou, to a. point where the same inter sects or connects with the western shore line of Pensacola bay: thence northwardly, following the meanderings of. said shore line of Pensacola bay to the point of beginning, all sections or grants men tioned by number or name in the above boundaries, being In township two (2 south, range thirty (30) west, of the Tallahassee Meridian. all situated in Escambia County, Florida, to determine whether such sub-division of said County shall become a special tax school district for the purpose of levying and collecting a district school tax for the exclusive use of public free schools within the dis trict. . At such election the following matters shall be determined by a ma jority of - the '. ballots cast by -electors qualified as follows. - viz: all - qualified voters residing within said territory or sub-division that pay tax on real or per sonal property (except that the three persons receiving " the highest - vote at such election shall be declared school Trustees of said tiistrlct). first, wnether the subdivision of the County Included within the boundaries above mentioned shall become a special tax school dis- Talks By The Journal's Little Old Wise CAUT C.4Y 1 VtU -C KA&HT - SCARCE KEHV ) OuUFIrtO AFLAT. trict; second, who shall be the school trustees of said district; third, the num ber of mills of district tax to be levied and collected annually for the two suc ceeding .years..- ..... Said election shalj be - held at the several polling places In said subdivision now existing for the purpose of holdng state elections and the following lnspec tors and clerks for said election are hereby appointed, viz: For polling place of precinct Number Two: F. E. Bayliss. W. A. Williams, A. J. Bliteh, inspectors, and R. J. Owens. Clerk. For polling plaae of precinct Number Twelve: P. E. Hannah, Gam J. Morgan.- Chas. Perry. Inspectors, and Stephen Lee, Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Thirteen: G. W. Ainsworth. T. V. Hannah, A. D. Fergu son, Inspectors, and P. Stone, Clerk. Fair polling place of precinct Number Fourteen: W. B. Ferris, L. Hilton Green. R. J. Brent, Inspectors, and M. E. Clark, Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Fifteen: Gus A. Soderlind, D. B. Reed, Jr., Wm. Farinas. Inspectors, and Chas. Hartman. Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Twenty-four: Gus Eitzen, Ellis Knowles, C. H. Dorr, Inspectors, and Knowles Hyer, Clerk. For polling plac of precinct Number Twehty-six: J. W. Coons, Jas. M. Tate, L. P. Schambepu, Inspectors, and John E. Muller. Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Twenty-seven: F. M. Williams, Joe Ar bona, John H. Caro, Inspectors, and Joel Frater. Clerk. For polling place of pre cinct Number Twenty-eight: Malcolm E. White. Wm. H. Kyle, Nells A. Neilson, Inspectors, and Jos. A. Hicks, Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Twenty-nine: Laz Jacoby, L. E. Dur ham. H. Clay Armstrong. Inspectors, and J. A. KIrkpatrick. Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Thirty: A. M. Cohen, J. U. Sherrill, Jake Bear, Inspec tors, and John , H. Cross, Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Thirty one: W. J. Forbes, J. H. Brown. Ben Gerson, Inspectors, and Jos. V. Riera. Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Thirty-two: Chas. 11. Villar. J. Lomax BelL Julius E. Daniels, Inspec tors, and Louis J. Anderson, Clerk. For polling place of precinct Number Thirtv four: Peter Lindenstruth. Sulley T. Caro, D. F. Beovich, Inspectors, and C. J. Bell. Cl-Jrk. For polling place of pre cinct Number Thirty-five: Geo. O Bros anham. Sr., E. J. Quigley. Ed Gale Quina, Inspectors, and Harrv W. Gibbs. Clerk. E. D. P.EGOS, Chairman, J. H. PACE. L. S. GILMORE. Members Board of Public Instruction for Escambia Countv. Florida. A. S. EDWARDS. County Superintendent Escambia Countv, Florida. In the. Court of Record of Escambia County, Florida. The Banking. Savings & Trust Co. vs. Kristtan Ferguson, et. al. The defendants, Mrs. Syver Ferguson, and Mrs. Karl A. Kihl, are hereby re quired to appear on or before December 24, 1919, to the supplemental bill of com plaint in the cause. This order to be published -nce each week for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Pensacola Journal, a newspaper pub lished in the" city of Pensacola. Florida. W. P. RICE. " - - Clerk Court of Record. By B. J. PETERSEN, Deputy Clerk. In the Court of Record of Escambia County. State of Flnrlda. The Banking, Savings & Trust Co. vs. In the Court of Record of Escambia County, Florida. Kristian. Ferguson, et. al. The following defendants, to-wit: Oline Ferguson, Magnus Mikarlson, Josephine jorgensen. KaKel JJorgensen, Ugift Bor gensen, Neils Larsen. Thora Jorgensen, irtj. au. ureaner, ana uie Wisher, are J hereby required to appear on or before January ztn. laza. to trie sunnlemental bill of complaint filed herein. This order to be published once each week for eight (8) consecutive -weeks in the Pen sacola Journal, a newspaper published in Fensacola, Florida, W. P. RICE, Clerk -Court of Record. By B. J. PETERSEN. Deputy Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN, that on the 17th day of December, 1919, the un dersigned, the Southern" States Lumber Company, a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, will apply to the Governor of the State of Florida, at his office In Tallahassee, Florida, for letters patent amending its charter tt accordance with the following resolution: : "BE IT RESOLVED: That Article 5, of the Articles of Association, from the beginning of the Article down to the words "until the first election" be amended to read as follows: -. Article 5. The officers by whom the business of the corporation shall be con ducted shall be a board of seven directors, who shall be elected by the, stockholders at their annual meeting each year, and a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be elected by the Board of Directors at Its annual meeting each year. After the annual meeting of the stockholders and the an nual meeting of the directors to be held on the second Wednesday In November, 1919, the next, annual meeting of the stcckholders ana-xif the directors shall be held on the second Wednesday of Feb ruary, 1921, and thereafter the annual meetings shall be held on the second Wed nesday of February of each year." SOUTHERN STATES LUMBER COMPANY, , -V- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for the erection of a three-story, fire-proof high school bull ing at Pensacola, Florida, will be re ceived at the office , of A. S. Edwards. Superintendent, until 10 a. ' m., Monday. December S. 1919. Flans, specifications " and full particu lars can be obtained at the office of Walker D. Willis. Architect. 613 Blount I building. Pensacola, Fla. A deposit oi which will be refunded upon return .t plans and specifications in sood condi tion. - - Cash or certlfle ieck on jome Pen- OWft Ttfr4X AM AO LL OO AMY GOOD tM ACASE counter sacola bank for 1 '.per cent - of tha amount of bid must accompany each bid. Check to be made payable to the Board of Public Instruction for the county of Escambia, State of Florida. Checks will be returned, except that of successful bidder, which will be held until sucb bidder has satisfactorily executed the contracts . and bond . required by th board. In the event of the successful bidder failing or refusing within ten days after notice of the acceptance of his bid, to execute the contract or the bond, wito sureties thereon satisfactory ' to and in the form required by the board, said amount will be forfeited by the con tractor for the use of the board. The Board of Public Instruction re serves the right to rejrt any and all bids or parts thereof. A.S.EDWARDS. Superintendent of Public Instruction for Escambia County, Florida. oct31novl.2,9.16.23.S0-dec7 1973 Bridge Construction. Sealed proposals will be received by the State Road Department, at Tallahassee. Florida, up to 4 o'clock p. m. on the 20th day of December. 1919. For the Construction of a bridge over the Blackwater river, at Milton. Florida, con sisting of four steel girder approach spans, and a steel bascule lift span. The length of the structure to be con structed is approximately 338 feet long, of four 60 foot dflok girder spans, and a KtraiiKs -Rnscule lift soan with an 80 foot clear channel, having an 18 foot clear roadwav and one 6 foot sidewalk, all on a substructure of concrete piers. The proposed Improvement will consist of approximatel- the following: Wood foundation piling, R.250 lin. feet. Concrete. 1.348 cubic yards. Steel reinforcement. 168.000 pounds. Structural steel, approach spans, 220,000 pounds. ' Structural steel, Bascule span, 200,000 pounds. Castings, machinery, etc.. 22,500 pound3 Flooring, 26.500 feet. B. M. . ( TTanrl raU 71 fi lin. ffet. Plans and specifications are on T file at tbA State Ttoad department. Tallahas see. Florida, for examination, or may be obtained on application to the State Roati department, for the sum or Twenty Dollars f$20.00. when returned with a bonaf ide bid. Fifteen Dollars will be re turned to the bidder. - Th? rierht Is reserved to reject any or all bids. A ccrtifie-1 check In the 'sum of Three Thousand Dollars (SS.OOft.OO) made pav- able to M. M. Smith, chairman of the state road department, must accompany each bid as an evidence of good faith and the acceptance and entering into contract by the party to whom the, work may be awarded. Anv bidder who shall, after fifteen (15) calendar days notice being given, of the acceptance of his or-their proposal, fail to execute the contract and furnish the reouirod bond shall forfeit his or their claim to the work and his or their cer tified chck shall be retained and used by the State of Florida as liquidated damages. December 6, 1919. State Road Department. M. M. Smith. Chairman. Chas. A. Browne. State Highway Engineer. LODGE NOTICE ROTH ERH OOD OF - r.AILWAV CLERKS Pentiacola Lodge S11. Regular mcstbigs first and third Frl jiv ea.'h month. K. of ball, f. N. Smi; Wm. P. Dsr!e. Ttecrrdh:g Secretary- Pretld"" 7S07 Modern Order ef Praetorians. Pensacola Council. No.. IOCS. m-t9 very second and fourth Monday at a . ni. In W. O. W. iiall. comer Romana nrl Baylen streets. AH Pr- torians ara ordially Invited. M. E. MORET. S. Al C. E. SMITH, Rec. LODGE NOTICE. Pansacnla Trades and Labor Council fflesti every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.. a; 12'.S Wet y.amgfffufl treet. R. D. LaMONT. Secretary, P. O. Box 2. Machinist Helpers Lodge. Machinists Helpers" Lodge. No. 901. meets every Wednesday night In Boil ermakers' hall, on comer of Palafox and Romana streets. I. P. BTTRTT. President. 'C. TJ. WOODHAM. Rec. Sec. F. & A. M. Reeular Communication of Naval Lodge No. 24, F. & A. M., Warrington. Fla.. Tuesdav December 9th, 1919 at 7:30 p. m. Election of Officers and other important business. Visiting brothers fraternally Invited. , FRANCIS M. WESTON,' JR.. W. M. WM. F. HANSEN, Secretary. SOME BARGAINS in USED CARS THAT MUST GO! One 1918 Seven Passenger Haynes Six. T One 1918 Seven Passenger Reo Six. s Two 1918 Five Passenger Buick Six. One 1918 Five Passenger Dodge. ' One 1916 Five Passenger Dodge. One 1918 Five Passenger Grant Six. One Ford Sedan. One Ford Truck. One 1919 Republic Truck -Ton. 45. M. "M ATI'S -, " Dealer in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars 17 NORTH PALAFOX ST. .. PHONE 874 Man GOODHE MB i WIRE FIC0M GCO&E.! SAYS ,CCX OH AT CHCfe.AOVTlfeEOKMO GOT 'I FENSACOLA LODGE, NO. 3. K. OF P.. Regular meeting of '-he Lodge every Monday. 7:80 p. m.. at tlielr hall on East Intendencia street.- ; ' R. C. MAD SEN, C. C C. K, STEWART, K. of R. tc S. - i ELECTRICAL WORKERS. Local Union. No. 327. I. B. E. W., meets every Monday at 7 p. m., at Boil ermakers' hall. All visiting brothers and service men in good standing cordially Invited. W. V. TIMMONS, R. S PENSACOLA LODGE. No 4, f. O. O. F. 1 Pensacola Lodge. No. 9. I. O. O. F.. ; meets every Thursday night at 7:30. at ' Ralford hall, comer Baylen and Belmont : streets. Visitors cordlallv Invited. f : .. J. D. MTLLEB, N. Q. JOE S. NTCOLAU. R. 8. i SHIP CARPENTERS. JOINERS AND ' CAULKERS. Local Union. No. 81. Carpenters. Join- ; ers and Caulkers, meets Thursday night each week at 7:30 o'clock, at W. O. W. ; halL comer Baylen and Romana streets. -- CHAS. DTJRANT. President -W. H. LANGFORD. Secretary. ; JUNIOR ORDER UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS Pensacola Council No. 35, Junior Order United American Mechanics, meets sec ond and fourth Fridays. 8 t. m.. at K. of P. Hall. S. A. BRITT, Con. W. E. KING. R. S DAMON LODGE. NO. 13, K. of P. Damon Lodge. No. 13 Knights of Pvthias meets in regular session Tuesday evening at Castle Hall at 7:30 o'clock. There will be work in the rank of Page. Visitors welcome. - W. C. CAMPBELL. C. C. B. V. HOLLAND, K. of R. & S. MASONIC TEMPLE. Special meeting of Florida Chapter No. 9. O. E. S.. Tues dav December 9th. at 8 p. m.. The degrees of the order willu j s;"! be conferred. Visiting mem- H'itl hers oordiallv wefcomea. : MRS. EMMA ROGERS, W. M. , MARGUERITE LY.LE. Sec'y. MRS. MASONIC TEMPLE. Regular convocation of Mt. Horeb Chapter No. 6, Tt A ' M.. Monday Decern wr Rth.' at 7:30 P. m So ioumine companions fra t email v invited. C. S. BONACKER,". --.'' 2 '4 ; I M H v';-".-4lH-J') T. T. TODD.Secy. i ,T . LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. We lend money on Real Estae In tn cttv on short notice. Please state to application lf you have an Abstract or Title tc the property. Call and see us. THE WATSON AGENCY, Inc.. 7 South Palafox St. CARPENTERS NOTICE All men who have been out on strike since Nov. 1st, 1919, are ; requested to be at W. O. W. Hall, 7:30 p. m., Monday, Dec. 8, 1919, to receive strike bene-v ;i fits. By order of District Coun-; cil, R. W. Murphree, Rec. Sec. LOCAL. NOTICE TO MARINERS Louisana Gulf Coast Sabine Pas3 Sabine Pass Gas .& Whistling Bouy re lighted December 4? having been found oTtiTicrii ished. C. & G. S. Charts Nos. 202, 203. 517. ; Light List. Atlantic Coast. 1913, .P- . ! 5R4 -Mo. 2157. ' ' i Bouy List. 8th District, 1918, p. 43. Coast Pilot, Section E. 1916, p. 131,,. Alabama Mobile Bay entrance Mo-, bile Bar Gas Bouys, 2, 4. and. West Bank Gas Bouy, 5, and Dixie Island . Gas Bouy. 6, relighted December 4th. - having been found extinguished. Mobile Bar Gas Bouy, i. showing... temporary fixed light pending res- " tortation of proper characteristics. t C. & G. S. Charts Nos. 187. 188, 189,: . ' -- --- - 5 1115. . . :c. Light List. Atlantic Coast, 1919, pp.,-' 336. 338, No. 1962, 1963, 1964, 1968, 1969. n Bouy List, 8th District, 1918 pp. 20 21 .! Coast Pilot, Section FJ, 1916, pp. 95-S9 ; v .4 1' I, ;. i is Si ct- HI i t ! ; us J:-. .; lf .1 T-i - ;. in .1, l:k 1 n - i 4fJ 4 i. M. 1 .iT tf.v: