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osiery 0 .(j v. AW) " a A pair of real nice silk socks is a very acceptable grift. So likewise would be a half dozen pairs of Holeproof Hose the kind that wear so well. Plain lisles . . i. . .25c and 35c Silk lisles. . . . . 1 . 50c and 75c Pure silk ....$1.00 and $1.25 Silk clocked, .:. ... . . .$1.75 Wool . . j ............. $lJ )oo Silk and wool .... .... .$1.50 'Better Clothes" MQRR S Supreme Mangold eatttlQ ancl for cooking ' you'll find no better oleomargarine than this delicious Supreme Marigold. It contains nothing but the purest - ingredients. Always packed under the yellow and black label. MORRIS & GOMPA NY The Name nsnnn on a Self -Rising Flour package guarantees sat- ' isfaction. The cost is . low and the perform- " ance infallible. nashville" roller mills The Red Mill FOR LUMBAGO Try Musterole. See How Quickly It Relieves You just rub Musterole inbriskly, and C3ually the pain is gone a delicious soothing comfort comes to takeitsplace. Musterole is a ciean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Use it instead of mustard plaster. Will not blister. Many doctors and nurses use Muste . ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it gives from sore throat bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet cold3 of the chest. Always dependable. SO and 60c jars; hospital size $20. mm - Have Soft ma air you can Have Long, Straight Soft, Lustrous, Beautiful Hair By Using ; IlCnni IF! Panada Ilt&fcULIN IteirDressing Stops Tallin ff Hair, remores Dan druff and . makes your hslr grow ioag, sort, nwiy. Try big box to day. Sold by drug stores or sent by mail f? .vita - .. " ai.uir9 vr vvuli I ACEXIS flXVTED KVERY WHEBJE rite tor Particulars HEROLIN jrEDICINE CO ; ATLANTA, GA. BE a : lionsi S f,P0HAOCHAt ; Oof-; 1 U OREZS1UG I 9 T0T7BAT STRIKE FINALLY ENDS Tugs of the Aiken Company Will Put to Sea Immediately. News of the settlement of the Tow boat engineers' strike was given .out officially yesterday. ;. ;',.-. r It is generally understood that the engineers won out on both the increase of wagesjand the additional engineer for ocean going tugs. .' With the , ending ' of the strike the tugs of the Aiken Towboat company began to show signs of activity and began to get up steam. The tug Simpson will leave today for Mobile to take in tow two barges there, and the L,eroy and Sea King are expected to get away with barges for Cuba within the next day or' two. Sev eral barges, Including the Anken bar ges, George T. Locke and the Bobby Ho and Consul are already loaded,. in the harbor and are ready to go. No. 3 Continued From Page One , a plebiscite was to be taken, and which ever country was chosen by the ve-ters was to pay a sum of money to the country which lost on the plebiscite. Up to the present moment, no plebis cite has taken place, owing to the in transigent attitude of Peru as to who shall have the vote. Chile wishes everybody to be given the right to vote, but Peru -is not in accord with us about this. That, is, shortly, the root or the question.. There is no danger of war, however, between the two countries. "We are on very good terms with the other two ABC Powers; the frontier difficulties with the Argen tine have hpfn PLACE EMBARGO UPOf SHIPfJEtJTS Washouts, Floods and Coal Strike Hamper AH Traffic North and South Bound Due to the general derangement of traffic lines northward occassioned by the recent floods and washouts, an em bargo has been placed ort all outgoing shipments from this city. How long this embargo wIlrTfold cannot be told course. Chile was the first South 'hut it Is believed by -traffic authorities here that it will be lifted within a short time, just as soon as the damage sus tained can be repaired. ; The coal strike caused an embargo to be placed recently on all cargoes No. 1 Continued From . Page One American nation to submit to arbitra tion, in 1903, when we accepted King Edward's solution of the difficulties with the United States. . . . v "The Monroe Doctrine, of which the whole world hears so much from time wvino- th t RA,.h a iOn!imnSCtlnentalp0licyf0rland but with the termination of MtJ ,0rthand : South. -It orlg- the Btrike Wednesday it is believed Jinated. it is said. In the brain of theaf w Mjl ,k Kngiish statesman. George Canning. At;tiZ "T " ' " the time of the Holy Alliance In Ea- th' ,few w,eeks rope he Instructed the British Mln- Seeri vessels are loading cargo at ister at Washington-to suggest it to Present at Pensacola, but in nearly the American government. An - ex- every insance these vessels will not change of letters followed between ,De affected, by the embargo as the cor Monroe. Jefferson, and Madison in ' eoeS have already been assembled and 1823. vTne Monxoe Doctrine , was" the irl many instances come directly from outcome. I this city. i "With ' regard to the League of Na-I Ships which are loading cargo at A-i'-f nnAa tt t,on8 Chile approved of the scheme 'this port at present are the Arfsfenta, saved Augusta from floods tomght, but wIthout diacuss!on We fuly appre. McDonald. W. S. M. Ber.tlev. Avest and Monday generally were receedinff elated the noble intenUons of the Harshaw, Saurez. Furustrand, Lake throughout Mississippi, Alabama and statesmen who conceived the measure. Savus, Virga LeMer and City of San Georgia today but anxiety wastelt'as 11 " "eiPs. even 11 oniy ior a time, toiAntonio. HOPE ABANDONED PASSAGE OF BILL Railroad Legislation Held Up v By Opposition to Cum ' mins Bill. - Washington, Dec. Hope of en acting railroad legislation by January 1, the-date on which President Wilson, has announced the roads will be turned back to private control, was virtually abandoned today by senate leaders, be cause of strong and unexpected oppo sition to the Cummins,bill. to' the fate of hundreds of persons make the world tranquil, it will be of j enormous utility. Today we cannot caught by the highwaters. Fourteen judge it; we must await results. What HARVARD WTTT. PT,AY Known cieaa nave, been reported to we can ao is xo appreciate tne spirit date, but this list probably will be in creased by later reports. It is esti mated property damage resulting from the high waters will, mount to several million dollars. The dead were listed as follows: Atlanta, Ga. Three white persons. Montgomery, Ala. Two white farm ers; three negroes. Hattiesburg, Miss. Three negroes; Meridian, Miss. One negro. Most serious conditions reported to- whfch animated those who brought it into being." jNo. 4 Continued from Fage One GAME AT PASADENA Cambridge, Mass, Dec. 11 The Harvard University football team will play, a western eleven at Pasadena. Cal.. Xcw Year's dav. The committer loads were available. Relief for some on athletirs at Harvard today voted points, however, faced delay because of to recaU its refusa of an invitation a most unprecedented snowfall. In the from the Carnival of Roses commUtee piains states caiiroaa traitic was oaa- , Jackson, Miss. Two white persons. Aly interrupted by snow drifts, and in coal situation. The crimson eleven be- l T : . : .i a i 1 forty hours of uninterrupted snowfall i gafT Practice yesterday. day existed in Southern and Central .was recorded, conditions were worse. unoniciai iniormauon indicated tne Alabama. Hundreds of persons, in- Throughout the central area the sub- University of Oregon team would be 1 narvara s opponent. c-uding 113 negro .convicts and fifteen eer temperatures that yesterday in white guards, are marooned along the many places established season records Tallapoosa River, northeast of Moiit. ! today had given way to milder temper gomery. - Wetumpka, Prattville, and ' atures and lessened the sacrifice coal other towns swept by flood waters saving entailed. Denver led the up front -the Chattahoochee River, how-. ward trend of the mercury with a 62 ever, reported improved conditions to-, degree range from 12 below zero to 50 ARMOUR PLANS REORGANIZATION i Chicago, Dec. 11 Vice-president Dunham of Armour and company an nounced tonight that plans are under consideration for the reorganization of the various Armour interests into a large number-of separate corporations. Cuticura Soan The Velvet Touch For the Skin Sop.01ntwnt.Tlmtn 3Sc mrnrtm For,.-., Carter Brokerage Co Export Freight Etoker and r orwarders T.p.t us enpace your snaci? uk. .. want room for export. We aro aW posted as to lowest freight rafos avauaoie space. Room 403,, Thicscn BIdg., Tonsacoi YALE BICYCLES Cash or credit Supplies and Repairs, 4 Tour business appreciated T. T. WENTWORTH, JR. Cor. Belmont and Davis s-.reey. Does This Interest You? Boy Wood at Reduced Prices! - - Rough Mill Ends, wet, while they last nr H).LiO . $2.00 at, per load Dry Light Wood, per load ...... All Hard Pine Blocks, extra large, - A a . 10 for $2.25, or 20 for tPr.UU Kindling, ' per sack S1.00 StearosLumber&ExportCo. a. PHONE 1313 day. ' . In Mississippi more than one thou sand persons, mostly negroes were driven from their homes at Hatties burg when the Leaf River overflowed its' banks last night, causing heavy property damage in the city and sur rounding country. At Meridian, Enterprise and Laurel and Basic City, portion of the towns above. At other places the moderation was less marked. At Minneapolis the thermometer rose from 16 below to even zero. Omaha; from 16 below to 6 above and at Chicago from minus 8 to plus 5, with relief from the ' unseasonable weather in all sections forecast for by tomorrow night. Except in the Illinois fields where it were inundated causing - considerable was said by one union leader that the damage and suffering. Railroad traf- ' men had looked forward to a 31 per fic fin the eastern part of the state cet increase, and in Montana, where was almost completely suspended, J the, district president said the miners Conditions at Columbus and West -WOuld not return to work as long as Point, the principal points in Georgia the soldiers itre in the coal fields, It affected by the floods of the Chatta- waS( eipected' work generally woufd be hoochee, were Improved today. At both resumed today. both points the river exceeded its pre- j Generally the mines were in condi vlous high nark made in 1S86. Re- tion to be worked Immediately. They ports from West Point stated that sup- J naj been kept in order by conserva plies were reaching the east side of theion crews left by the strikers and the town in sufficient quantities, but con-re&ular shifts of engineers and fire ditions on the west side of the river, ' men cut off .by the carrying away of the big ( A number of cities and towns in the highway bridge, were not so satisfac- pacific northwest were reported in ur tory. Efforts were being made to care gent need of fuel- Salem, Ore., was for the residents there by means of entirely without coal and more than 2 barges and boats. " - I feet of snow had fallen. The high waters were receeding at j - Columbus, but a score or industries ; - forced to close by the shutting off ori the hydroelectric power, still were idle . today. It. was estimated that more ; than 15,000 persons were made idle by the flood. . No. 2 Continued From Page One mills could spin and weave Is now re stricted by destruction of machinery in the devastated regions of Europe and restriction of the hours of labor bu these conditions would not be per manent. One thing which alarmed him was the enormous development of the use of motor cars in America with a con sequent demand f--r 500,000 bales of staple cotton for fabrics in tires. This demand existed at a time when the whole world supply of staple cotton, he said, had been reduced to 1,500,000 bales. ' : ' r -- " Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all stomach, liver, and bowel poisons bsfore -breakfast. To feel your best day in - and day out, to feel clean inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken -your breath or dull your head; no constipa tion, bilious attacks, sick headache, cold, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom ach, you must bathe on the inside like you bathe outside This is vastly more Important, because; the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the s blood, while the bowel pores do. .-'X.. To" keep these poisons and - toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breakfast each day, a glass , of hot water with "a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This will cleanse, purify, and freshen the entire alimen tary tract before eating more food. Get a quarter pound of ' limestone phosphate from your .pharamist. -It is inexpensive and almost - tasteless. Drink phosphated hot water : every morning to rid your system of these vile poisons and toxins; also to pre vent their formation. Adv. NAVAL STORES j $ ; ; & ' PENSACOLA. Pensacola, Dec. 11. Trading on the open market has been discontinued. Receipts today we're, spirits 52, rosin 243; shipments, spirits 159, rosin 125; stocks, spirits 4.958, rosin 52,864. . SAVANNAH. Savannah.. Dec. 11. The spirits mar ket was firm as 157i with sales of 65 casks. The rosin market was steady with sales of 741 barrels.' Re ceipts, spirits 37, rosin 610; shipments, spirits 508, rosin 1,082; stocks, spirits 13. .493 rosin 51,087. Quotations were as follows: WW. 21.60: WG. 20.75: X. 19.75; M. 18.60; K. 18.10; I. 17.00; H. 16.50; G. 16.45; F. 16.40; E. 16.35; D. 16.30; B. 16.25. JACKSONVILLE. Jacksonville Dec. 11. The spirit market was firm at 168. with sales of 71 .casks. The rosin market was quiet with sales of 498 barrels. Re ceipts, spirits 9,425, rosin 90,111. Quotations were as follows: WW. 21.50;.WG. 20.75: X. 20.00; M. 13.75; K. 18.00:1. 17.001 H. 16.40-16.43; G. 16.40; F. 16.35-16.40; D. 16.30-16.35; D. B. 16.25. ' I MARKET REPORTS J - New Orleans, Dec. 11. otton open ed steady. Desember, 39.60; January, 37.69; March, . 35.10; May, 32.60; July. 31.23. - " New York. Der. 11. Cotton futures opened steady. December, 38:65; Jan uary. 37.15; March, 34.75; May. 32.60; July, 31.1?. - Cotton closed easy. Closing bid. De cember. 37.05; January, 35.30; March, 32.95; May. 31,10; Jiuly, 30.10. Xew-vVork Dec. II. The cotton fciaSrket'. was nervous and unsettled early today. Buying on the settle ment of the coal controversy was re stricted by an announcement that no immediate relaxation of fuel . restric tions could be exjjected and that coal would be refused vessels at South Atlantic and Gulf, ports for coastwise and: shipment to Cuba. There was also uneasiness oier the . continued weakness of foreign exchange and after opening 25 points lower to 8 points higher, active' months sold about .20 Vj-points net 'lower to 36.65 for January and 3240 for J,ay. man s A best pal is his smoke " Close harmony- mars us dies. Field THIS Chesterfield blend is so close that it's secret. . It's our private, exclusive blend, the formula for which is closely guarded. It cannot be copied. j Experts take the unusually fine Turkish tobaccos real Turkish, mind you, not so called "Turkish" and blend them with Domestic leaf of especially choice selection fine, silky Blue Grass Burley and the sun-ripened leaf of old Virginia, This blend "brings out a new flavor one that makes Chesterfields different and im possible to imitate. Every puff tells you that Chesterfields Satisfy"! And the moisture-proof package keep3 'em firm and fresh, whatever the weather. i ' - V can't be copied M ; " - ' Z2mm?ZL ....... i 20 fdr 20 cents v ...