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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1919. J. 7 jlJ rim u. r ii iisvniiareti Letters to?:- 1TD1TED BY . ' V. .v JOJCPH BVCKL1N WrTHOJ At the time these letters were writ ten some of the biggest events of the -fveit administration were, taking i' X iltJ Udl 11C1U 1 tJWl I Kill LClUVjl- ;,rJ oil was the test of a rresidential m,.saM in which rebating and the ti-uahlng of competition were assailed. Ia the sirring of 1D06 the American Muraach was upset by the packing ; :uao scandals, which -obtained - pub i.iUy through Upton Sinclair's novel. The Jungle." President Roosevelt or dorvd a special investigation and sent ;i message to congress demanding the : aetal meat inspection which now cufcguards our food. The Editor. V NAVAL STORES PENSACOLA. Pensacola, Dec. 22. Trading on the open market has been discontinued. There were no receipts or shipments reported yesterday. - Stocks are: Spirits, 5,666; rosin. 54 990. Presidential Rescue of a Kitten. White House, June 24, UOG. 1 DAKLIXG ETHEL.: ; f Today as I was marching to church v. :th Sloane some 25 yards behind 1 suvidfiiiy saw two terriers racing to i.ttai k a kitten which was walking wu the sidewalk. I . bounced for ward with my umbrella and after j-omo active work put to flight the dogs while Sloane captured the kitten, which was a friendly, helpless little t.iins. evidently too well accustomed 1 eing taken care of to know how io thift for itself. I inquired of all each occasion. The first two days were failures. I did not see a turkey, and mi each ArMdnn whn vfY-vhni1 v was rY'fv-tl v orH -n tHofr T wna treirtr ! SAVANNAH. . Savannah, Dec 22. The snirtl mar- tn K a rm lrov snmeth wont wrnnc ! . 1"c BP" " mar- and the turkey did not turn up. The i SSkTrh.'S.S mT f 1 , iJ - . . casKS. ine rosin market was firm with last day I was out 13 hours, and you sales of 866 barrels. Receipts- Spirits may imagine," how .hungry I was when j 276; rosin, 910: shipments, spirits 270-' I got back, hot to speak of being rosin 491; stocks, spirits 13,202; rosin tired; though fortunately most of ? the , 51,156. . . ;. :' . time I was rambling around on horse- jy Quotations were as follows: W, back, "so I was not done out. But in! 2125; W'G, 20.30; X, 1975; M, 1915; k! the afternoon at last luck changed, and ; 18.35; I, 17.0017.10; H, 16.2516.40; then for once everything went, righf. ;G F E E, 16.2516.35. . The hunter who was with me marked; a turkey in a point of pines stretch- Jacksonville, Dec. 22. The spirit ing down from a forest into an open ;rk". firm at, 15 with s !.J5 mi.K otv, t it, far. J' The rosn market was firm with vwiCJ. . : " sales of 1903. Receipts were soirits ther side. I ran down to the end of rogin BMpjts?rit? the point and hid behind a bush He rosin 2310; stocks, spirits 10,288 rosin walked down through the pines and the 8sfS56. -turkey came out and started to fly. Quotations were as follows: WW across the valley, offering me a beau-2i.25; WO, 20.60 20.75; K, 20.10: M. tiful side shot at about 35 yards just 19.15; K, 18.35; I, 17.10; H, G, F, E, D, the distance for my 10-bore. 1 killed t B, 16.25. - . it dead, and felt , mighty happy as it D! came tumbling down through the air. In November, 1906, the president, ac companied by Mrs. Roosevelt, went to the Isthmus of Panama, where he! inspecting the j Keep the school children warm. Vote for the School Tax. Do it early and often. ' 0111. lilt V- v t- j . ' 1 1 - : , . n ,1 ond r rtriririla 4 1 a ! n. v... t li tr v,o Panama Cranal The i " .."u aim jive u a shoulder, and now and then he vlghboring porchea to know . if they ;:r.rv who owned it; but as they all! u; -claimed, with many grins, any i.-r.ow'.edge of it, I marched ahead with it in my arms for a bout half a block. ",'hez I saw a very nice, colored woman - i little colored girl looking out of :: window of a small, houre with on !:-.! door a dressmaker's advertisement, .. .1 I turned and. walked Up the steps i l l asked if they - did not , want the iiten. They said they did, and the little "girl welcomed it lovingly; so I f ;c I had gotten it a home and con: tinned on toward church.- Has tho lordly Ted turned up yet? Is liia loving sister able, unassisted to i. iiuee the size of his head, or does .!ic need any assistance from her male parent? : Sports of Quentin and Archie. Oyster Bay, Aug. 18. 1906. BEAR KERMIT: Quentin is the same cheerful pagan Philosopher as ever. He swims like a duck; rides well; stand3 quite severe injuries without complaint, and is really becoming a manly little fellow. Ar.hie Is davoted to the Why (sail borU). The other day while mother and I were coming in, rowing, we met him sailing out, and it was too cun ning for anything. The Why looks ex actly like a little black wooden shoe -?.-ith a sail in it, and the crew const?-: d of Archie, of one of his beloved p'.aj mates, a seaman from the Sylph and of Sip very alert and knowing. Skip and Archie. White House, Oct. 23, 1906. DEAR KERMIT: Archie is very cunnnig and has han dicap races with Skip. He spreads Via legs, bends over, and holds Skip between them. Then he says, "On yiur mark. Skip, ready go!" and shoves skip back while he runs as hard as Vic possibly can to the other end of ti e hall, Skip scrambling wildly with 'tis paws on the smooth floor until he cun get started, when he races after Archie, the object being for Archie to ivaeh the other end before Skip can vertake him. A Turkey Hunt at Pine Knob. White House, Nov. 4, 1906. ijEAR HERMIT: ' Jiun a line to tell you what a nice time we had at Pine Knob. Mother v.-as a happy as she always Is there, na as cunning and pretty as possi lic. As for me, I hunted faithfully thro'igh all three days, leaving the i ue at 3 o'clock one day, at 4 the - xt and at 5 the next, so that I began ; y hunts in absolute' night; but for : ;r Uly we had a brilliant moon on 'riui mwc, l-j "J - - - i . , . . journey was taken on the naval ves- ; "' . 3 vsociil artrt mailed i CJOnS.) wmie on uuaiu iuo. , after reaching Colon. Pets on Shipboard. On Board IT. S. S. Louisiana, ' On the Way to Panama, Sunday, Kov. 11, 1906. BLESSED QUEXTIX: You would be amused at the pets they have aboard this ship. They , have two young bulldogs, a cat, inree little raccoons, and a tiny Cuban goat. They seem to be very amicable with one another, although I think the cat has suspicions of all the rest. The coons clamber about everywhere, and the other afternoon while I was sit ting reading, I suddenly felt my finger seized in a pair of soft black paws and found the coon snifrilng at 11, making me feel a little uncomfortable lest it might think the finger some thing good to eat. The. two pup nies Play endlessly. One of them belongs to Lieutenant Evans. The j crew will not be allowed ashore at I Panama or else I know they would pick up a whole raft of other pets there. The Jackies seem especially fond of the little coons. A few min utes ago I saw one of tho jackies strol ling about with a coon perched upon GTORS FIND REMEDY FOR GOLDS AND FLU Calotabs, the New Nausealess Calomel Tablets, Cut Short Colds and May Prevent Flu : By Keeping Liver Active. Physicians have - learned from ex perience, during the epidemic bf in fluenza, that one of the most import ant factors in the prevention of flu and pneumonia is to keep the liver active so that the digestive organs may be in perfect working order and the system thereby enabled to throw Off clods, check sore throats, and resist serious complications. For this pur pose they have found that the new, nausealess calomel tablets called Calo tabs, are far .more effective even "than the old style calomel, which was form erly the universal favorite, as Calo tabs do not weaken the patient, nor interfere with the appetite and diges tion. , ' 1 At the first sign of a cold or sore throat, doctors recommend one Calotab at bed time with a swallow of water, that's all. - No salts no nausea nor the slightest Interference with your diet pleasure or work. - Next morning you wake up feeling fine your liver, is active and your appetite is keen for a good breakfast. For your" protection Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages price thirty-five cents. All druggists recom mend and guarantee Calotabs. Tour money back if you are not delighted with them. Adv. - Should Be Quarantined. . " Many physicians believe that any one who has a bad cold should be completely isolated to prevent other members of the family and associates from contracting the disease, as colds are about as catching as measles. One thing sure the sooner one , rids him self of a cold the less the danger, - and you will look a good while before you find a better medicine than Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to aid you in Listen to the Band On a Victrola, of course Reynalds Music House The Real Exclusive Musical Qualities of Your Piano can be appreciated only when correctly tuned and regulated Phone 791 and let us prove it. We guarantee to please you.' TMS PiAMO SHOP 184 ' East Garden The Cuticara Trio Is All You Need For Your SkJa ' Bathe with Cuticura Soap to cleanse and purify tbe pores. If siens of pimples, redness or rout hoess are present smear gently with Cuticura Ointment before bathing to soothe and heal. Finally dust oa a few grains of the exquisitely perfumed Cuticura Talcum, it takes the place of other perfumes for the skin. They are all you need for all toilet purposes. The Soap, Ointment and Takum 25c each everywhere. For sample of each free cd dress: Culicura.Dapt.7F, Maiden, M." Tennessee Chickens mi Turkeys YOUNG HENS 35c lb. TURKEYS ' 45c lb. ASK any doughboy who was "over there and he will tell you that American railroads are the best in the world. He saw the foreign roads in England . and France, the best in Europe and in other Continental countries and he knows. The part railroads have played in the development of the United States is beyond measure. ;r v American railroads have achieved high standards of public service 'by far-sighted and courageous investment of capital, and by the constant striving of managers and men for rewards for work well done. STRICTLY FRESH EGGS 65c doz. f Harris Market Phone 224 134 EAST INTENDENCIA ST. m LLD P (Ulpp ' MAS -1 .Mt lorkeys: mmi P omtrv !PECDAn Free Delivery Eperywhere '3 Dressed or Live ORDER TODAY CHOICE PORK and BEEF .CENTRAL SANITARY MARKET 0 Country Butter, per lb ........ Brookf ield Butter, per lb ...... Loose Raisins, per lb .......... Orange or Lemon Peel, per lb Apples, per doz. , Oranges, per doz. ............. Apples and Oranges, per box . . Mognolia Milk, per can ........ Figs, per lb ............ . .. . . White Caro Syrup, i2 gal. can White Caro Syrup, 1 gal. can Lemons, per doz. ............ Eggs, per doz -.- Grated Cocoanut, per box ..... Swift's Premium Ham, per lb . 60c 75c 30c 45c ..40c . .40c and 50c $4.75 .... .20c 4 55c 55c .... $1.05 ...... 30c 65c ........ .10c ........ -..37e Phone 791 I The railways of the United States are more than one third, nearly one half. y of all the railways of the world. They carry a yearly tra&c so much srreatr than that of any other country that m there is really no basis for comparison. Indeed, the traffic of any two nations may be combined and Still it does not approach the commerce of America borne upon American railways. United State Senator Cumminmi i i - i in nrv Ti I ii.ii I We have the best railroads in the world - we mustcontinue to have the best. But they must grow. i To the $20,000,000,000 now invested in our railroads, there will have to be added in the next few years, to keep pace with the nation's business, billions more for additional tracks, stations and terminals, car and engines, electric power hnses and trains, automatic signals, safety devices, the elimination of grade crossings and for reconstruction and engineering economies that will reduce the cost of transportation. To attract to the railroads in the future the investment funds of many thrifty citi-. zens, the directing genius of the most j capable builders and managers, and the skill and loyalty of the best workmen in competition with other industries bidding for capital, managers and men the railroad industry must hold out fair rewards to capital, to managers and to the men. ... American, railroads will continue to set world standards and adequately serve the Nation's needs if they continue to be built and operated on the American principle of rewards for work well done. Qliiiy adveriiAcnunt iApubliAliedbyllie SUwiatioti c f Slaihxxui c(3XCirfLve. Thnse drtiring informaiion. ermceminc railroad. rCfwfif fo may obtain literature by vriting to The Association Of Railway Executives, 61 Broad tcay. Aei York. iifi rm'-H ELL 0 v . V JEL Phone 1889. Cor. Lloyd & Davis Sts. Phone 1890 Free Delivery to All Parts of the City H CAN HOME GROWN AND HAND PICKED to 50c per Pound The Supply Is Large, But the Demand Is Great So Order Now Market 216 South Palaf ox St. Phones 173 - 174 Ej Phone 1344 J. Spanton, Prop. 15 EAST GARDEN STREET 0