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THE PEWJ..UULA JUuniSAL, MONDAY, MOKIMlNG, JANUAKY 5, lyzu DAILY WEEKLY SUNDAY Journal Publishing Company LOIS K. MATES. President and Oenral Manarer. HOWARD .USB SIAfGS secretary and T-usurer. Conducted from 18SJJ to ITn !r the 'Coiwrshlp and Management of Col. Frank L. Mayes. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS .udlt Bureau of Circulation. American Newspaper Publishers" Assoc'ation Florida Press Association Southern Newspaper PubMshers" Association ' TO ADVERTISERS In case of er-ors or omissions In legal or other adver tisements th publisher does nat hold himself liable for damage f jrther than the a-.nount received by him for such adv rtlsr-ments. ' t TotTce to the pub O c. Any erroneous reflection upon th character, stand ing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may aopear in the columns of The JOURNAL will be gladly corrected upon it being brought to the attention of the publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES One Week. Eally and funday Two Weeks. Daily and feunday .................. One Month. Dally and Sunday . . 53 Three Month, tte'lv and Sunday 185 Fix Months lally and Sunday -2s One Tear. Da fir and Sunday -60 Sunday Onlv. One Tear -50 Th TPktv Journal On Tear -59 Mali surwrripttnns are rvahl In advance. 1 BUSINESS OFFICE El JITORI A T DEPT. PHONF-9 r'?4?t PHONK3 Advertising Mgr. 48 Managing Editor 38 Pres. and Mg 1500 vs Society Editor 38 Office Journal BMg.. Cor. Intendencta and PeT.cna Sis. The Associated Press is exchisivelj entitled to the use for repub'icat'on of &'A news credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also- to local news published Entered as second c.ass matter at the postoffice In Per,pao:a. Fla.. under Act of Congress. March 3. 1879. Advertising Rate3 Furnished on Application JOURNAL VLTB1-ISHING CO MP ANT , Pensacoia, Florida. Washington tiurraii: Geo. II. Manning. Manager WaeMngton. D. C. Represented tn the General Advertising Field by CONE. LOUaZHN & WOODMAN, New York. CtUcstro. Derroit. Kansas City. Atlanta WHO KILLED COCK KORIN? , (The New York Herald pertinently asks: Who killed Cock IDbin?) Who lilled Cock Robin? "I," .said Lodge, "Willi my hodge podge I killed Cook Robin?" Who drew his blood? "I," -a id Knott, "With my hot shot I drew his blood." Who saw him die? . "Wo." said Borah "Me, an' my angora, We saw him die." Who'll make his shroud? v- "I said Johnson "The cloth is all spun, I'll ma ce his shroud " Who'll toll the bell? "I." t aid the Bull . "I've p enty of pull, I'll loll the bell." Who'll dig the grave? "Wp; said Berlin " "We're ready to begin, We'll d g the grave." All the people were sighln', sobbin Over th( death of Here! Here! Page Mr. IHkhcock and Mr. Under wood they're wanted on the line. Another pleasant duty we now face, gentlemen and ladies, is the payment of the income tax. , Please step forward, and don't crowd. College professors are to have their salaries rsised. Looks like you have to belong to a union or frat or lodgi or something, if you are going to , get in on any of this. J "The mountain top must be reached no matter ; how many tims we fall reaching it. The fall is not counted, it does not register; the picking up i "and going on tounts in life." Flora Howard. Franklin, Calhoun, Liberty and Jackson counties have between 'cm about ten thousand stands of bees, which produce an annual crop of 20,000 bar rels, according to the Sartford Herald. Those peo ple over there don't need to raise cane, like thev do. Good resolution for 1920: Throw all propaganda of all kinds nrd from all sources into the waste basket, says the Times-Union. Ours is not' big enough to hold half of the articles sent out from busy Washington bureaus, much less the other eloquent pleas 'or publicity. j Collier's WoeMy iys it is no longer the auestion irtierhor a man can rffod an r.utomobile, but rath'-r whether he can afford to own a private road on which to run it. Touring is impossible, says Collier's, today t.h only chance is to join a parade. A litlle l.-.ter oi. this will probably be mentioned by C -Her's as the Florida centennial parade. The "niuht editor" o' the Miami Herald made an awful blunder he other day or night and the Herald after p.t Vogizing profusely, announces thai it fired the nirht editor. We envy papers thit have a larg o'sraniz-itinn. Now, when there's a bad break in the Fvcnins? Telegram as there is sometimes we. can't fire the day-and-night editor. Fornethries we wish we could, but js he is also the' business manage and the rrcrt who makes the ghost walk, and doe: ',?hr indispensih'e thing-;, v have 'to nut up with him. Lakeland Telegram. JACKSONVILLE WANTS MILITARY POST Jacksonville Is out for a permanent military camp, and is' urging that Camp Johnston be re tained. Here are some of the reasons the Jack sonville Metropolis putg forward for the retention of the camp established at Jacksonville during the world war: There is a strong possibility sooner or later of thti United States having trouble with Mex ico. It is the part of wisdom then to be pre pared for this emergency. Jacksonville, owing to the particular advantages it enjoys of being a convenient place cs a war base in case of such trouble, should be kept up by the governmeat. We are glad to see that the war department has' recently decided to make the southeastern army headquarters at Charleston a more active or ganizeilon, giving the commanding general rnnre men and more authority. It would be a great blunder to demolish this wonderful quar tenr.aslers' camp at Black Point which has more advantages possibly than any other southern camp It is a pity, too, that it has not been used more by the government. We believe that the only reason that it has not been made one of the favorite posts In the country i3 be cause it? advantages are not known to the mili tary authorities who have this matter of camps in charge. Think of what an ideal place it would be for convalescent soldiers who are now confined to their barracks In other northern faraps because of the cold weather. The Me tropolis hopes that the war department will keep Camp Johnston as a going concern- It Is a valuable asset to the military arm of the U. S. and should be kept on a permanent footing. TAMPA TRIBUNE HAS A BIRTHDAY. On January first the Tampa Tribune entered upon its twenty-seventh anniversary. During the twenty seven years of its existence, the progressive south Florida daily has been under the same editorial and ownership management, and has never missed a single issue. , On the same page with the birthday announce ment of The Tribune, is published an editorial on the fire which threatened to sweep away a great part of the business section recently, and In which Edl the newsprint in the city was burned. Para graphlcally the Tribune says: When a fire bums all the paper stock in a town and you have to get it by wire from Mo bile and Jacksonville, and every other place where you' suspect a fellow of having more than enough to do him over night, and they all re . spond promptly and send condolence and word that "it is on the way," it makes you feel like there's something in this "brotherhood of man" after all. The entire state has felt a deep sense of gratifi cation that the Tampa fire, which a.t one time threatened to attain grea.t proportions, was so quickly and successfully checked and that the Tri bune's birthday party was not marred. In making its anniversary announcement, the Tribune says : Running daily from7 twelve to twenty-four pages, with from thirty-eight to sixty on Sun days, and going to more than twenty-one thou sand paid subscribers daily, and over twenty seven thousand on Sundays, The Tribune has surely grown. It is hard for even those who . have watched it grow to recognize it as the little thing which was started in Tampa twenty-six years ago, because of faith in the future of Tampa, and knowledge that if Tampa made good The Tribune, which helped it, would make good, too. Looking back over the twenty-six years which have closed, nothing stands out more boldly in relief, as the one thing that helped make The Tribune what It is, thaa by the loyalty the faith and the loving standing-by of our friends. If The Tribune should be forced today to cease existence, we have a reserve store of friendships which we could not exhaust during more than the Hfet'me naturally allotted to man. There' was a time many of them at the beginning, when the cash to pay the postage on the little issues taxed the paper to a degree that sleeplessness and doubt almost overcame the knowledge that some how, some where, there was the few dollars needed for the They always came. Today the weekly postage bills of The Tribune figure up to more than all the real money we ever saw in a whole year of - our first endeavors. Today the weekly payroll of The Tiibune totals a figure that would have seemed munificence to us during the first year3 of our struggles. , - There must be a reason for this success. The policy of The Tribune has conquered difficulties, built up friendships, and created the valuable property which is now in being. From the start the one and only policy of The Tribune was to play fair with the public; to speak a decided "yes" or "no," as required, and to advocate those things in local, county, state and national affairs that are for the good, the constructive upbuilding of the people. There has never been a time when "the wayfaring man, though a fool," could not read the sign board of The Tribune's, position on any ques tion. It has stood for something all the time. It has friends and it luxuriates in the pleasure of the thought; it has made some enemies, and it glories in the fact; it has rever sold itself to benefit a friend, and it has never perjured itself to injure an enemy. It has htt hard, but never below the belt; it has gone down in defeat, but it has never been whipped. It starts the new year, and its twenty seventh year, with the. full determination to treasure more dearly the friends it has mad-, to feel more sorrow for, than anger at, ths ca-. emie& who would injure it, and to give its read ers every day the best effort in its shop. It has leon under the same editorial and ownership muragei;ent since its establishment, and has not missed a single issue; and it hones lo ccn- tinue to be "the best paper In Florida," as one of our thousands of friends, declares it. The Tribune wishes all of It3 readers and the breth ren of the press everywhere, a Happy and a Prosperous New Year. Florida Press Opinion ! . Ten Months for Teachers of Florida j Fons A. Hathaway, superintendent of public in struction for Duval county, before the State Teach ers' association sA Bradentown last night, proposed that they endorse, recommend, and work for a ten months contract for teachers. His plan should have the commendation and support of every lover of the best interests of the state. - Mr. Hathaway want before his board before Christmas 3nd contended for full pay for his teach-i ers for the holiday season of two weeks. There seems to be no just reason why, in the near future, the teachers of Florida should not be contracted with for a full twelve months. The day is coming when we will give our teachers the same privileges that the government gives its civil ser vice employes, thiriy days' "leave of absence" an nually, with full pay, and thirty days' "sick leave" during the year, with full pay. j The schools of ijo county should begin any fall season without at least two weeks of Institute work and conference of the teacheri, of that coun ty. It should be required, and paid for, that all the; teachers of the cbunty meet at the county seat, or some central place of convenience, and through v conference and lecture and planning, map out tho year's work and go to their respective places 1m mued with the spirit of unity and of enthusiasm which nothing else can give like the close contact of person and mind: Mr. Haihaway's plan for a ten months' contract is the starter on " this greater plan which we will "be educated up to" later. It should need nothing more than an outlining of Its principal features lo make it at once the future goal of the state ed ucational "authorities. Tampa Tribune. We Want It Over Here I It is stated that this road is seeking a Gulf ter minus. If such be the case, and it is highly prob able, why not make an effort to get it to come to St. Andrews Bay, the best harbor on the Gulf of Mexico, nearer the "Panama canal than any other north Gulf shore harbor, and much nearer the present lines of the Central of Georgia than any other point on the Gulf shore. What the bay country needs just now is first class transportation service both by rail and water. and the latter would follow the inauguration of the forc.r. There s no !ack of tormina.. locaUons of the very choicest kind here on St. Andrews bay, which could be acquired for that purpose by a road . , . , , . . corning here, and the mileage saved through coming to the nearestpoint on the Gulf to their lines is an item that would appeal strongly to those putting . , v,.!i,j o k up he money to build buch a line. It is but a short distance north from here to a connection with the Central of Georgia, and the topography of the country is such that railway building would be very Inexpensive. By all means let an attempt be made to locate the terminus of this road on St. Andrews bay.-St. Andrews Bay News. Milton and tho Christmas Spirit i, . , . . v, In Mdton peace and plenty reigned, there being no disorder of any sort during the holiday period. This condition, with women and children as well as . , ,...,, k , men doing their Christmas shopping until late Chrislmas eve, was commented on by many of the old timers, who recalled the days of the open sa loon, when women and children are said to have de serted the streets and sought safety in their homes at early dusk, on such occasions as that just past. That the world is growing better there can be no doubt, and that the elimination of the saloon and its attendant evils, is one of the greatest" forces in tIon hf?rs today that the Japanese A . ,. . ... , . warship stationed at Fushow would be the betterment of this as well as thousands of other withdrawn conscquent to the restora communities no thinking man or woman will deny, tion of order at that port, and yet now and then the wail of some befogged soul As tne Chinese considered the Jap is heard lamenting the fact that the prohibition laws J TZSJlZTo thS of the land are being enforced. However, Milton dur- ing the past Christmas period wherein happiness was the predominant feature is a living exemplifica- Hon of the advantages that accrue to a community when the great source of evil, the use of intoxicants as a beverage is removed-Milton Gazette. Why Not Stop the Waste? Congress has asked the newspapers to limit their use of paper for 1920 to at least ten per cent under that for 1919, on account of the paper shortage. The present prospects are that a large number will have to suspend because they cannot get paper at any price, and meanwhile the worse than useless waste of paper in government departments goes on with out let or hindrence. . During the war the news papers were asked to make donations of literally millions of dollars in advertsing space to the various government activities. Now those same papers have a better right toask that this waste stop that he papers may exist and not only that but they may sell adverising space and have the paper on which to print it. to recoup the losses that every one of them suffered during the war. A concerted effort on that line might wake congress and congressmen up to the situation and get some relief. DeFuniak Breeze. Contributing to the General Ch " Lakeland oranges and strawberries are going out on every train to gladden the hea-ts of the kiddies and the older folks up north. We sure do con tribute something to the general cheer of the na tion. Lakeland Advertiser. . Soon Be Time to Pay Again Ftatistieal reports for the year 1917 show that Florida, has ir,.T persons with sufficient income to pay income tax. and that they paid ? 13.378, V?'3 last ye?r. Plant City Courier. NEGRO RESISTS !f DEPUTJY ARREST Deputy Sheriff Bailey narrowly es caped probable death late Saturday night when a Derringer pistol in the hands of a negro missed fire twice as Bailey attempted to arrest him. As a result of the affair Sam Tatterson, negro, is facing charges of attempt to murder and of carrying concealed weapons. Patterson, after leaving his work Saturday night, w'a3 halted by Deputy Sheriff Bailey, hut instead of halting j ZS, 1 i deputy that it was an officer calling !him to halt and also by a negro who was with Patterson, the latter telling Patterson that lt a deputy sherl whom he knew and that he had better halt. When Deputy Bailey advanced to- ward the ratreatins negro the wtw pulled a Derringer pistol from his pocket, levelled it at Bailey's stomach toaid rf Th catrId would not fire and the negro snapped the trigger again, the gun not firing again. Bailey gave the negro a rap ' "'.S8, head wIth stick and then carried him on to the county jail. An examination of the pistol shows that a cartridge had been hit by the hammer in two places, either dent be- ing deep enough to cause a cartridge to flre and the only thing that proba;blv - saved the deputy's life was the de- feve catridge. The negro was released on $500 bOnd eariy yesterday morning. J TAINS'A junk JAPANESE EXPECT WITHDRAW SHIP Peking, Jan. i Official announne- ment was mude at the Japanese lega- port afoused Ch'nese public ' brinion f an3 led to an intensification of the' presse hero thaJt Japan.g withdrawal of the warship proves the effective- ness the boycott and also demon- Z kZ, r :: ; 1M READ THE JOURNAL WANT ADS. THEY-GET RESULTS. NATIVE E1ERO TADLETS For over thirty yenr they have faith fully and successfully served the peo ple in all lands. They are recognized as the standard proven herb remedy for constipation, rheumatism. Indi gestion, sick headache, and liver and kidney Pis. Thousands of families, always keep them at hand, and thou sands of testimonials have been given as the beneficial results they have produced. If you suffer from constipation, rheumatism, distress after eating, or your kidneys cr liver are causing you pain, take Bliss Native Herb Tablets. You will find them a great aid in re storing a general healthy condition. They act gently but firmly, they purify the blood, ton up the system, create appetite and restore good health A dollar box contains 20 tablets, and will last the average family six months. The genuine has our trade mark on every tablet. Look for our money back guarantee f In each box. Two sizes, 50c Vl ?nd Jl.OO. Sold by leading druggists and local agents everywhere. Made by Alonzo O. Bliss Co.. Washington. D. C. r lb. Wo HOMEWARD BOUND UTBURSTS oi EVERETT TRUE by CONDO T4KG THIS PACMGcl To i UKPHAMS' nunc AN- . UhW'f.. mtUVK IT lO (rlC cso tje. i 1- vVeitD ASORTMFNT CP PHRISTMA?. ReretvcrrT3Y Me iom 3o-quc?t trintds !AHY OTHeRL 2v4NC3 ADULT. BUT X TC-L THAT THBY MAY IVCE SOME MSu?S GT KJnT CHRISTMAS 5 hif-z '- v it- V K'A - s i . i ... fc .J..- . 1 'H L. . .... ,. , . MyiJNiSTomi Fifty-three years ago today, January 6, 1857. the Negro Franchise bill in the District of Columbia, was passed over the President's veto. Find another negro. Answtr to yesterday's puzzle: Top side down, m Arnold's body. ft? f Vi I