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Y i VOID FLU STERILIZING YOUR NOSE L,st Year's Experience Proved Ol. Ecjiyptus (Eucapine Salvt) Is Most Effective Preventa tive Known. t M a m . t " IU DI!r THE P ENSACOLA JOURNALWEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1920 FIVE Women and Events Phne 33 between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. o.:t your jar of Eucapine Salve, yo-i r-ac nono, go to the rearest o at once and get a family ' well-known nose and Sterilize morning it,.1. nicVit by sniffine tv K-j.-:i: iO i:p into she nostrils and rub i lit: e on the back of your tongue. t-".re It will spread to the throat r . i ost-.-ii?, thus sterilizing the nose hroat. Th" rr.ief ingredient of Piarvin. u"'uin Ji'-eaiyptus. the non S- CALENDAR OF FUTURE EVENTS ' x v ,iSrn;is antiseptic whose nnwr. !fnza was first ric,. j London Epidemic of 19S1. anrf -. effective in the epidemic or : ' . -,,.a throughout America las; -, Tn addition. Eucapine Salve con '1:, T!St camphor, menthol ' of ;vhite Pe to make it sooth :? -aling and delightful to use. Even lnh;es, oy il- Ask any well .-..o.-rr -1 physician and he will tell you m "net, pin(., though originally de- :rr: J for the mother's use with her :;:iair''s; :n eo,ds- "wjp and to pYm. vry.t irumonia. is the bet and mos! rresble antiseptic you can us to s:c.-:.:re the nose and throat of voua fr. : c. i aake. Any drug store can sup' yoa forhalf a dollar. Adv. WEDNESDAY Wesley Bible cbxss; hostesses, Mrs. George Clark, 222 West Gregory. 3:?0 p. m.; C. I. A. to Ii. of L., meets at Woodman hall at 2 p. m. THURSDAY Music Study club; hos tesses. Mrs. 71. Percy. 11 a. m.; New City Thimble Club; hostess, Mrs- E. M. Pyle. 3:30 .p. m.; Browning-Shakespeare club; hos tess. Mrs. William Mcllwaine, 221 West Jackson street. 3:30 p. m. FRIDAY Women's Auxiliary of First Presbyterian church, meets in the primary room at 4 p. m.; School Improvement Association, enter tainment at Ferry Pass, 8 Provisional Committee of Y. A., meets at Patriotic looms, 10:30 p. m. p. in.; W. C. League Colds Get instant relief with Tape's Cold Compound" Pon'-t stay stuffed-up! Quit blow-. : z and snuffling! A dose of "Pape'i ' :d Compound" taken every two "iirn until three doses are taken ;'.i:illv hrp.ika 11 rv a nnlrt -anrl orr1 oil rrijipe misery. Thf very first dose opens your loirs-nd -ur nostrils ani th air- n-ia :gs of your head; stops nose run-v.-.-.g; rolif-ves the headache, dullness. ' - 0fc ... & rape's Cold Compound" is the ::Sce-n. surest relief known and 't V III. I I IK. V. I l T I T D r TT1 r- . . ;(-ss without assisfance. Tasteaj h Contain no quinine. Insist on! i'.-pe': Adv. To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take 7 1 I ell otabs The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nauseaiess, safe and sure. Medicinal virtues retain er! and improved. Sold only in sealed packages. Price 35c, F ISHER-BROW N We Will Bond You 9 IS l'hoiies 919 THE CENTRAL PHARMACY "In (he Htart or rcnsacola" THE HOME OF QUALITY ICE CREAM 1"7 Phors 17S Ciystalized Ginger f)0c and 60c per tin BRILLIANT TAU OMEGA VALEN TINE BALL AT'GAINESVILLE. Beautiful and brilliant in minute delay and quite the lovejiest and most elaborate ball evfr given in the his tory of the fraternity, was the annual valentine ball given by the Florida Alpha Omega chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega frirvrn.y at the- Whitt House on Friday evening, Februarv 13. The guests were received in the lobby of this handsome Gainesville j hostelry, and at 0:30 formed in line for the grand march. Led by Mr. Leo ' II. Wilson and Miss Sally Guy, the j procession of merry-makers wound its I way between the columns of the J spacious ball room, which reflected. and glowed with the colors of Alpha 1 Tan Omega. Streamers of sky blue and old gold coloring, .were artfully ( used in adorning the lights, walls and ; columns. Lovely valentine decorations were ertectlveiy placed in the great windows. From the Renter of the room the original university jazz or chertra furnished a musical program of surpassing excellence, while special ; song numbers intermingled with the encores, enlivening the gayety and merriment ef the evujjing. At 12 oc"lock tables 'were placed in the ball room and a buffett supper j served, consisting of fruit salad, sand- j wiches, saltines, stuffed olives and ; coffee. Favors for the girls and their j chaperones were exquisite gold bar j pins engraved with "1920." Dancing and merry-making continued until the early hours of another day, -When the weary, but happy, throng wended their way homeward, taking with them memories of a wonderfully spert night. The guests included visitors from many sections of Florida and other states. Out-of-town girls and . their escorts were Misses Marie Hobble stadt, of Jacksonville, with O. R. Bie; Sarah Balfe. of Jacksonville, with W. I M. Bostwick, Jr.; Grace Karle Hil- dreth, of Live Oak, with C. Y. Byrd; Frances Burroughs, of Jacksonville, with Floyd Harris; Barbara Knight, of Tampa, with Herbert Ford; Eugene Waterbury, of Jacksonville, with James A. Franklin; Daisy Paul, of Tampa, with Henry Gray; TCdith Gibbons, of Tampa, with T. Hart Geten; Doris Newman, of Jacksonville, with C. J. Hardee; Sarah Keller, of Tampa, with Pete Harris; Mary Jennings, of Jen nings, Ala.. with Howard Mayes; Eliabeth Xelson, of Tampa, with Francis Parker; Eve yn Dulin, of Ken tucky, with Jack Sewell; Ethel Mouser, of Jacksonville, with T. Franklin West; Blanche Symmes. of Miami, with H. K. Jeremiasson ; Mildred Hall, of Jacksonville, with Lloyd Morgan; Lily Wall Honaker, of Tampa, with Frank Taul; Martha Murphree. of Gainesville, .with L. X. Wade; Mar guerite Williams, of Miami, with Wil liam Ward; Clementine Baker, of Jacksonville, with William M. Madi son; Joel Edwards, of Parratonossa. with Dick Knight: Margery Clay, of Arcadia, with Bill Allbright; Callie f Ocala. with R. A. Craig; Norma Ilerndon. of Sandford, with G. W. Spencer; catnerine tia -kins, of Meridith, with Earle Hall; Blair Wcodrow, of Ocala, with Sam Ham; Alice Bostwick, of Jacksonville, with Tom Duiik; Alvah Tupper, of Jacksonville. with Philip Conroy; Ruth MacMillan, of Jacksonville, witn Ed. Hampton; Jessie Bishop, with J. K. Goldsby; Gladys Bute, with Barton Thrasher; Sally Guy, of Virginia, with Leo II. Wilson; Rebecca Weaver, of Pennsylvania, with Park Anderson. Girls from Oainesville with their escorts included Misses Willie May Lang, with Jeff Davis; Mercedes Mil ler, with Frank o. Spain; Alene Cramer with riaroia jviock, ou-iih.i. -r,.i.-c with Wvche Getzen; Carolyn King, with Frank Hunter; Marie De pass, with Jim Sparkman; Edith p-irker with Dick Johnson; Eleanor Crom, 'with Van E. Huff; Edna Earle Crestnut, with Jimmy Auld; Martha Tvson, with Hart Stringfellow; Doris Lvie. with Lamar Leahy; Nettie Rich ardson, with Crom Anderson; Cath erine Haile, with Lansing Gleason; Mvrlle McDonald, with Rollie Tillman; Alverna Chambers, with B. Thornton; Lena Chancey, with John Clark- Clyde Borin. with A. II. Kimball; Lillian Glass with Tom Kennedy: M.Ulied Powell, with Jhn Chestnut; Lucne Boring, with Jack Stringfellow; Lil Una Clark, with Alec Harper: Jessie t n Welch: Irene Denham. with . Frank Crom La j Futch, with Jim Chestnut; Emma, Bodie. ith Tommle Stringfellowr j Mollie Mae Padgett, with Joe White; t t, cifi, with Gibbs Chestnut. 1 eppi J"l ctne-s were . uuajtur w...., . Zach Douglas, Bobbie Glass t rti.c fif-nrc-s Henderson, li. v. Stapleton, Ronald Coe, Clarence Thomas. Hugh Warner, DeForest Christiance, Henry O'Niel, Oi II. Lichliter, Iialph Tatuni, J". W. Watson, Jr., Lennard Boynton! C. C. Coxe, B. G. Gregory, Arthur Crago. John E. Ilartridge, Jr., J. D. Woodruff, George Hartman, Robert Johnson, Horace Loomis, Dr. Tillman, Logan C. Berry, Clyde Burns, Howard Vandegrift, Harold Shad, Jack Sorgen, Benny Wilson, John Hurst. John Treadwell, II. V. Heuck. W. K. Phillips, Lonnie Hayman, Effingham Bailey, 6. Swedt, J. w. Henry. Ralph Lyman. James Taylor, John F. Hall, and others. Chaperones and patronesses in cluded, among others Mrs. A. A. Mur phree, Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. M. H. DePass, Mr. and Mrs. A T. Guy, Mrs. Edith L. Wiley, Colonel and Mrs J. D. Stringfellow, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Glass, Mr. ana Mrs. F. M. Hawkins, Prof, and Mrs. C6dy. Mr. and Airs. A. P. Buie, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Denham, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Finley Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. N. P Black,wer, Mrs. W. T. Chestnut, Mrs. J. E. Parker, Mrs. C. X. ' Hildreth, Mrs. T. F. West, Judge Robert S. Cockrell, Mrs. J. II . Hodges, Mrs. G. C. Lyman, Mrs. G. A. McCloud, Mrs. Gordon Keller, Mrs. C. L. Knight, Mrs. S. W. Ilonakej, Mrs. B. W. Hern don, Mrs. A. L. Glass and Mrs. G. S. Ramsey. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATtON. In celebration of her seventh .birth day, little Lena Gardina Nelson, at tractive little daughte- of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nelson, delightfully en tertained about forty of her little friends on Saturday af ernoon at her home in Warrington. This little girl, coming to her parents ! about seven years ago. s an adorable valentine, hearts and Ctpids were ap propriately used in the :ovely decora tions with quantities of red roses and ferns. In the reception hxll was placed a table beautifully appointed and cen tered with the birthday cake, a big white one,- set in a mass of red roses rnvrred with led liearrs, and in the center a Cupid standing with his bow ( drawn. He was surrounded by seven red candles, each one winking and burning down for the seven happy years gone by in the little honoree's life. The table was loaded with fruits, candies, 1 'ck crearn and cake, all i. r. fit the idea of St. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION AND VALENTINE PARTY Mrs. William Merritt, Sr., and Mrs. Paul Corrianna entertained last even ing at the home of Miss Katherine Sutherland, 418 East Intendencia, in honor of their sister. Miss Frances Lee and Miss Margaret Hansen, the happy occasion beog in celebration of the honorees; The home was lovely in decorations suggestive of St. Valentine's day. Red and white hearts were gayly distribu ted throughout the entire suite of the lower floor In the dining room, amid hearts of red and white, a beautifully appointed tabia held three lovely birth day cakes prettily embossed in pink roses and the lettering which com posed the names of th. honored guests. Serving as a centerpiece each of the cakes held eighteen candles of pink, together with ferns and red and white japonicas entwined about pink shaded candles, giving the desired finishing touches. Music and games afforded the amusement for the evening, after which, delightful refreshments were served by Mrs. Merritt, assisted by Miss Sutherland and Mrs. Rosenstein. Those enjoying the evening were Misses H. Cobb, Beatrice Hoffman, Margaret Hoffman, Hilda Olsen, Elia beth Carlin, Esther Rosenstein, L. Collins, Evelyn O'Leary, Dorothy j O'Leary, Margaret Baisden, Daisy Monti, Evelyn Faust, Gladys Bledsole. Margaret Hansen, Messrs. R. E. Bareley, John Bogart, R. Edwards, B. A. Morris, J. E. Smith, w. S. Myers, A. Rosenstein, W. J. Cahn; L. Cox, J. Brown, Hamilton Cox, Curtiss Asbury, E. Soderlind, L. Campbell, E. Campbell, J. T. Fickelenbery, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mumme. Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Miss Gorrie Nicolau, Mrs. N. Rosen stein, Mrs. Nunespawe and Miss Katherine Sutherland. CALLED MEETING MOTHERS SCHOOL NO. 11. A called meeting of the mothers of School No. 11 will be held at the school house Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All mothers are requested to be present. r- it- . PHILATHEA CLASS GADSDEN STREET METHODIST CHURCH. The Philathea class of the Gadsden Street Methodist church meets on Thursday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock with Mrs. E. L. Burleson as hostess. prettily c: i . r Valentines, v. a '. the afteii dancing we e t games pla ; v! , pinning th i- ' to Roberta .si. vitz taking i V Levene, of r.'t ft booby went i y. the lovely hostess wfca taining her Reverend I't.h;i church. M s entertaining the W. J. Sinnrvt : i E. Seifert, : . ! Nelson. e served during c and fancy and interesting for the game, e donkey, went Sylvia Hersko- i prize, and Ann the third.- The Diffin. Among - d by the little valentine con : , presented by , of St. John's ras assisted in ; quests by Mrs. . R. Hall. Mrs. Mrs. Bernard CARNIVAL DINNER DANCE AT SAN CARLOS. - if i Rollicking fun and merry-making into the first hours of this morning and the carnival dinner dance at the San Carlos went down in social his- ; tory as one of the most thoroughly ! delightful and lovely dances of the ' season. The beautifully appointed . tables were set in the main cafe, which had been appropriately, decorated for the occasion. Rollicking jazz music reflected the gay carnival spirit pre vailing during the evening s gayety. ( Horns, squawkers, whisteles, and all the noise makers known to the carnival season, enthusiastically used by the "guests, with merriment and dancing, made the King of Mirth and Revelry rejoice in the loyalty of his fun-loving subjects. Gay, pom-pom adorned paper hats, pom-pom walking ctanes1 tand wands were given as favors. Pensa cola's service and civilian society was well represented In the several hun dred gay revelers. Among .those en tertaining at tables were Thomas Barkdull, twelve; Joe A. Manassee, Jr., six; Mr. Zimmerman, two; Mr. Touart, four; Mr. Hyams, six; Miss A. Kelley, two; Lieutenant Darby, two; Mr. Gunn, two; H. Lee Bell, four, and others. - $ IMPORTANT MEETING MANAGERS OF WOMAN'S HOME. An important meeting when officers will be elected has been called for the board of v managers of the Woman's Home on Tuesday, February 24, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Robert A. Hyer, 211 West Cervantes street. Every con tributing member to the support of the Woman's Home is requested to be present. it is ' BROWNING-SHAKESPEARE CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. McILWAlN. , The Browning-Shakespeare club meets on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. W. E. JMcIlwain as hostess, at her home, 221 West Jack son street. Mrs. Frank D. Tracy Is leader for the afternoon. Subject, "Childe Roland" to the ' Dark Tower Came." & X G. I. A. TO . B. OF L. E. The regular meeting of the G. I. A. to the B. of L. E., will be held at the W. O. W. hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Genuine Victrolas $25.00 to $300.00 The Vietrola stands by itself in the music world. It will play your favorite piece and provide real music for any occasion. Dfteyirafflfldls IyOqusSc Moods Geo. J. Emmanuel, Mgr. 21 South Palafox Phone 1717 raft a aft0 AfiHfV IN B. DAUGHTER YOKOHOMA, Mrs. Char Bayou, has - ? daughter and 1 son -if-Mrs. Roy R. Myens. " cember for the Phi. January 27 at Yokohoma, Japan Myers writes that Yokohoma ids, of Little ord that her iw, Mr. and left in De ques, arrived Mrs. is a j wonderful city and that the voyage from San Francisco was wonderiui. She tells of seeing the women of Japan busily engaged in coaling ships. The letter says the party expected to be in Manila in about seven days. Mr. Myers is well known in Pensa cola as a government official. His wife will be remembered as Miss Bessie Bliss, of Pensacola. j Atlantic Hotel Bay and Hogan-sts. Jacksonville, Fla. All railroad ticket offices in building ! center of everything. All modern im ' provements. First class in every way. : Rates one person $1.50 to $2.00, two j persons $2-50 to $3.00. Bath $2.00, ' two people $3.00. E. Frank Pearce, prop. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'SIAXATIVE took at tongue!. Remove poi son's from stomach, liver and bowels. The Breakers ye Palm Beach Not only at the big hotels of Palm Beach, but also of Atlantic City and most of tho country's other fashionable re sorts, Fatima has steadily led in sales for several seasons. FATIMA A Sensible Cigarette WrlY? c TuLCf' ;i u iFr ffl RfloflsncaiQ "ITireaitt . attend v - SDwDgDDntt AofltileirsdDm) at San Carlos Hotel Auditorium 8 p. m., Feb. 20th, 1920 Mr. Anderson, a Pensacola boy now a member of the faculty of Cincinnati Conser vatory of Music, has achieved the reputation of an artist, a star in his profession. Tickets on sale at San Carle i Hotel office, Crystal Pharmacy, .Central Pharmacy, D'Al emberte's Pharmacy, Pinkussohn's. H i " -"'' 1 Bennett, , Freddy H. V. Bill Stone. I Hough. Dick Beggs. Walter Tillman. L. Clyae in ing. Harold Ward. Herbert Massie, Lee .lones. .John Sherman. Joe Dalton. Denver Morrow, Uarco Bishop, Henry Accept "California" Syrup of Flgi only look for th name California o the package, then you are sure youi child Is having the best and mos harmless laxative or physic for the lit- tie stomach, liver and bowels. ChIL dren love its delicious fruity taste. Ful? Jirections for child's dose on each botJ tie. Give it without fear. j iIotherl You mus say "California.! R mm If there's any "story" of quality I can tell it best The story of quality is interesting to all who purchase. Quality is no more important in any other one thing in the world than in rubber. Rubber qualities can be weakened or adulterated or "mixed" as well as can drug qualities or anything else. Quality counts for a great deal in rubber because if you do not get quality you do not get the best wear. The uses of a piece of rubber are vital enough so that quality is essential because you cannot afford to have it split, tear or break by accident.- Some Things Needed Now and Which I Have Hot water bottles, fountain syringes, bulb syringes, tubes, rubber gloves, nipples, rubber sponges, rubber brushes, atomizer bulbs and ice caps, to say nothing of the more seldom called for, but none the less essential, enema in tubes, irrigators, breast pumps and surgical needs. I have all these things of rubber. I have all of them in the best of -qualities. Economy is illustrated in the initial cost and the long time these goods will wear. My say-so should be enough to warrant your purchases here but my guarantee is better. I guarantee every piece of rubber I sell. Special Discount Sale This Week Phone 846 212 SPatafox A c a pa i-Te a You can spell tea any way that strikes your fancy but when you're looking for a capital tea to drink there's just one kind to choose. TETLEY'S tea Once you try a nice hot cup of Tetley's Orange Pekoe Tea, fragrant and full-flavored you'll forget that there ever was any other kind of tea but Tetley's. And its all because we know how to blend it that's the secret! FORCHEIMER'S FASHION SHOP g ' FORCHEIMER'S ' FASHION SHOP ( 55 ipli?J "Eat to please thyself. But dress 2 'ijf&K? to please others." I so ; Wfk Ben Franklin. 2 SPRING MILLINERY I m With dominant features is what we offer. . p5 Hats known all over ! m Blue Bird Hats 3 Ace High -Hats Randa Hat3 Can only be seen at 1 FORCHEIMER'S FASHION SHOP FORCHEIMER'S FASHION SHOP 3 O w a W w (1 b CO a o W CM o