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NINE The Pensacola Journal m by Journal Ads. Work All The Time 30,000 People daily weekly SUNDAY SmaU Cost---Big Resalts CIRCULATION INCREASING Remember, to be euro of your copy of the Sunday Journal. It is rreceaaary that you order the paper regularly fren- The Journal, Phone l&oo. Rerd the Want Ad page a today. The Marketplace of West Florida-The Want Ad. Columns of Everybody Reads JOURNAL Want Ads THIS milMSACULA jQUKAL. THDKSDAY MOKNING. AFK1L 15, D JOURNAL WANTS ONE CENT A WORD IN ADVANCE ONE RATE TO ALL Count the words In your adver tisement and multiply it by the number of times you desire it print ed and, remit accordingly. The counting of words include the wordi "For Sale." "Wanted," etc.. and the address. . RATES No advertisement taken for leas than 25 ceata, BLACK FACE CAPS, LIKE THIS type:, two cents per word. Paragraphed matter, line dashes, white space, classified display: 6s per line. 56c per Inch (12 lines make one inch.) Rerular advertisers with ledger accounts mny have advertisements charged. Kill orders should be given In writing, never over the telephone. Advertisers should give their street r postofflce address as well as the r phone number If they de sire results. Few readers have a telephone and they can't communi cate with you unless they know your address. If the advertiser desires, replies may be sent to Journal Office. Journal Want Ads Cover West Florida. FOR SALE FOR SALE 17 lots in West King Tract. price $1,300 If taken at once. Also more and lots on corner Brainard and 7th-ave. Price $1,200. Apply John lieomcs, 500 W. Government-st. 4t-56 FOR SALTS OR RENT Two pianos in fine condition. The Piano Shop, 18 E. Garden St. 42 FOR SALE White Leghorns. Plymouth Rocks-, Rhode Island Red Eggs 12 for $1.00 Phone 1476. 48 FOR SALE One Milch cow; price rea sonable. Address Stephen Gothard, Route A, Box 104-A, or inquire Fig City store. 37 Cabbane and Porto Rico Potato Plants. One thousand $2.50, five thousand $11.23, ten thousand $20.00. - Plants ready now. Send your order at once. Satisfaction suaranteed. J. L. White, Tallahassee, Fla. 884 FOR SALE One Maxwell Roadster; one Cadallac, in good condition; one Sttide baker, 7-passenper, six-cylinder. South ern Tire & Electric Company. Phone 971. No. 19 West Garden-st. 466 FOR SALE: Second nana sewing ma chines, all makes, $5.00 up. Guaran teed. Reynahls Music House. Phone 1717. 1235 FOR KLJM BRAND of powdered Milk, phone 1949. Mott S. Fond, Distributor, 1400 E. LaRua St.. Pensacola. 169 RETAIL MERCHANTS We have on hand a large stock of shoes, overalls, workshirts and underwear at the old prices, on which we can save you money. We are closing out entire stock of above articles at cost. Come and see us. THE COMMISSARY, Pensacola Shipbuilding Company. 355 FOR SALE Cut flowers. 50 E. Chase st. Phone 1129. 7t-Sd8 I OR SALE Forty-five acres land. Head H!g Jlayou, house repaired. Cheap for quick sale, phone S13G, ring 4, J. T. Richards. Address, Warrington, Fla. 10t-723 FOR SALE -Uncalled ror suits and pants. Bargains. London Woolen Mills. 168 FOR SALE FOUR ROOM HOUSE AND EIGHT ACRES OF GROUND WITH QUANTITY OF BEARING FRUIT TREES ON GULL POINT HARD ROAD TWENTY MINUTES DRIVE FROM PENSACOLA. ADDRESS: BOX 500, .ULL POINT, FLORIDA. 8I9 FOR SALE Five locomotives, one Clyde skidder. two McGiffert loaders. Come look at them as they aro all bargains. Hagdad Land & Lumber Co.. Bagdad yia- lOt-870 FOR SALE Three Fox Terriers; two pups, five months old and their mother also a Collie pup for exchange. Enquire Old Stoddard Place. WeidHch. 3t-21 FOR SALE One six-room house: nine acre farm, five miles west of Pensa. cola Apply Mrs. Olive Boyett, Route J.,9 i'OX oil. 0 FOR 'SALE JUST RECEIVED A CAR THEAtK.NFD NVCS 1TRY,P,NE WOOD, KSNBK,URTHoJERW,,y- early' sts&SrSs- stearns Lui' OPPORTUNITIES Nice two story -'dwelling on good, hard road, close to car line, 1507 East Strong, $500 cash, balancs month ly. 151G E. De Soto, $2,650. 50 ft. lot, East Gadsden St., South front paving paid, $950.00. Pensacola Finance Co. Phone 337 Elbert A. Clubbs, Sales Agt. FOR SALE FOR SALE Laght Piano box buggy. Apply C. Herring:, blacksmith shop, K. Intendencia St. 3d FOR SALE) 2400 N. 12th-ave. 30 lots, . S-room house, brick store and fixtures, garage and other outbuildings, bearing pecan trees, abstract and guaranteed title, best buy in Pensacola; terms if de sired. C. K. Freeman, above address or phone 1835. t-2 FOR SALE Tractor Disc plow, Disc mowing machine and grist mill. J. J. Noorman, Gonzalez, Fla. 34 FOR SALE: Ford, at a bargain, in first class shape in every way. Can be seen at Southern Tire & Electric Co., 19 W. Garden-st. Phone 971. 6 FOR SALE Buick Light Six roadster. Has run not over 9,000 miles. For in formation write R. W. Fleming, Navy Yard. 6t-882 HELP FEMALE WANTED One white woman, must be neat and clean, to do general work in short order restaurant. Apply at Mecca Cafe, corner Palafox and Zaragossa-ets. 3t-62 WANTED Servant for general house work. Annlv 10 W. Chase-st. 3t9 HELP MALE WANTED A butler. Phone 521. 6t WANTED Two first-class job shop ma chinists, 60 to 75 cents per hour, ten hours per day, time and half for all over time, open shop, no labor trouble. Ad dress P. O. Box 407, Tallahassee, Fla. 871 WANTED Shipping clerk; apply in own handwriting; state experience. P. O. Box 1217. 691 WANTED A real live man for front chair. Palace Barber Shop, Milton, Fla. $30.00 per week and up. R. R. Minshun. 36 WANTED Two Gordon pressmen for a perfectly equipped printing shop. Fin est climate and water. Low living costs in a modern city. Wefdon, Williams & Lick, Fort Smith, Ark. ..45 RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examination Pensacola, May lo. Hundreds needed. Age, 18-35. Salary $1300-$1500. Experi ' ence unnecessary-. Men desiring to take examinations write immediately for free particulars. J. Leonard, (former gov fernment examiner) 951 Equitable Bldg., LOST AND FOUND LOST Dark bay mare, branded on righi hm with circle with line dividing, lie turn to Henry Dohron, Remichs Store. Reward. 4t-61 LOST One oil stove oven off of truck. between Brent station and McDavM Fla. Finder please notify J. M. Iler rington, McDavid, Fla. Liberal reward. sa LOST On Barcelona, between Brainard and DeSoto-sts.. bunch of keys. Finder return to Dr. Hargis, 211 Thiesen Bldg. and receive reward. 7t-879 STRAYED Fox terrier pup; white with black spots; answers to name of "Shimmy." Finder call 295 or bringAo SB E. Chase-st. and receive reward. 29 4 POSITION WANTED WANTED Copying, addressing, or any kind of stenographic work. Address A. B. C. care Journal. IH-57 t WANTED WANTED TO BIT Y Second-hand cypress tank in good condition. Address M. C. Boley, P. O. Box 479. 46 WANTED TO RENT Army officer de sires nicely furnished house in good neighborhood, preferably on bayshore. References furnished. Apply Army of ficer. Care Journal. 44 WANTED A good watch dog as com panion to mill watchman. Address Pensacola Excelsior Co:, P. O. Box 1350. 33 IF you want a taxi, call Dyson, or No. 44. Phone 80 and 2395. Your patron age appreciated. 6t-6 LIST YOUR CAR WITH US, WE CAN SELL IT. SOUTHERN TIRE AND ELECTRIC CO., 19 W. GARDEN-ST. tf-17 WANTED To buy hogs to fatten. Sizes preferred, fifty to one hundred pounds. Call Room No. 1, San Carlos Hotel. S12 WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND FORD CARS. J. D. ANDERSON, FORD VCENCY., CORNER WPIGHT AND PALAFOX STS. tt SEWING MACHINES AND STRING Instruments repaired. Phone 251. J. IL Blakesley 18 East Garden St. 811 WANTED A chance to show you how to save half on your automobile in surance and give equal protection In a good strong company. Gulf Insurance Agency, John N. Day, Mgr., 400 Thiesen Building. Telephone 172. tf MORTGAGE LOANS LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. Wa lend money on Ral Estaa in th- City on short ntic. Please state la application if you bva an Abstract of JlUe to the property. Can and tea. THE WATSON AGENCY", Ina.. 7 South Palafox St. MONEY TO LOAN; ANY AMOUNTS JUSTIFIED BY VALUE OF PROPER. TY; ON IMPROVES FARMS, OR PEN SACOLA PROPERTY. 'A. C. BINKLEY, ATTORNEY, ROOM 713 BLOUNT BLDG. r TRANSFER Storage BINGHAM TRANSFER COMPANY, PHONE 334. HAULING, PACKINQ, STORING. BORRAS TRANSFER CO. PHONE 1145. OFFICES AND WARE HOUSE EAST CHASE STREET. ALL KINDS OK HAULING. YOUR BUSK NESS SOLICITED. k-t-' DANCING DANCINO TAUGHT, at S0 West Greg. ory Street. For information, Phone 178. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room, 54 N. Don-aldson-st. Phone 1373. 7t-60 FOR KENT Light housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 24 W. Romana-st. 3t-oa FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, J light housekeeping; no children. 431 !V. Gregory-st. St-54 IFOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms; I hot and cold running water, private bath. 7 W. Gregory-st., corner Palafox and Greeorv-sts. 3t-63 FOR RENT Apartment of 2 or 3 rooms for light housekeeping; water in kitchen; al3o 1 or 2 rooms for housekeep ing. Two blocks from Palafox; use of ! phone, hot water. 308 E. Romana-st. FOR RENT Five-room furnished apart ment, together or in parts, on car line, water front. Electric liehtS. hot and I cold water. Phone -2385. 23 FOR RENT Housekeeping apartment. 412 W. Gregory St. 32 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 220 N. Palafox St. 38 FOR RENT Two rooms for light house keeping. 221 W. Chase. 47 TO LET Nicely furnished front room; suitable one or two gentlemen; pri vate family. 219 West Chase St. 43 FOR RENT Two large rooms furnished for housekeeping. Apply 1202 E. Gadsden St. 41 FOR RENT Three-room cottage; gas for cooking near car line, 922 N. Da rts St. 4 FOR RENT One .furnished room and kitchenette. Unfurnished, 320 N. Bar celona St. 50 FOR RENT Large room; electric lights, hot bath, phone. 203 W. Gregory-st. 3t-12 FOR RENT Nicely furnished, cool, front room, near bath, southern ex posure, also one well-furnished house keeping apartment. 206 W. Gregory-st. St-13 FOR RENT Room for two gentlemen; two blocks from town; board if de sired. References. X. Y. Z., care 'Jour nal. 3t-14 FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. 50 E. Chase-st. Phone 1129. 3t-5 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Modern conveniences, 3 E. Chase-st. 6t-4 FOR RENT Large rooms with kitchen. Furnished. 310 W. Gregory. 28 FOR RENT One large front room with kitchenette: completely furnished for light housekeeping; also one nicely fur nished bed room. Call at 114 E. Gregory- st. Phone 1941. 27 FOR RENT Furnished 4-room apart ment; private bath; no children. Ap ply 506 E. Jackson-st. Phone 17S7. 3t-3 FOR RENT We have Tought rooming house. 105 E. Intendencia-st., formerly owned by Mrs. E. Lois, who has left town. Patronage solicited. O. Peterson and wife. 3t-15 FOR RENT Large, completely furnished apartment with private bath; best East Hill section, overlooking bay. Phone 2030. 7t-18 FOR RENT Furnished room: couple or one or two gentlemen. 516 N. Pala-fox-st. 2wks-20 FOR RENT Furnished room, close in, modern conveniences. 562 W. Garden st. 22 FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms; gas, bath and use of telephone; on car line. Apply 1507 North 6th-ave. 93S FOR RENT Cozy furnished apartment; private porch, electric lights, bath: adults. 501 E. Government-st. 933 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light houseeeping. 900 East Jackson. 7t-880 FOR RENT Pavillion, 24 dressing rooms, four bed rooms and kitchen: all furnished. Call 621 W. Chase. 7t-8S8 FOR RENT Large garden with two room house for colored people, or will give garden and employ people for home work. Address B. J. W., care Journal. 893 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, up stairs. Apply 226 N. DeVilliers-st. Phone 1626. 7t-89S FOR RENT Very desirable housekeep ing suite, three rooms and bath. Phone 130. 3t-49 FOR RENT Furnished apartment with piano. Apply 1202 E. Gadsden-st. 7t-709 BOARD AND ROOMS Fine large, modern rooms. Excellent table. Moderate rates. Downtown. Phone 370. 811 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle men. Apply 36 West Gregory. 7t-829 4 ATTE.VnO.V CARPENTERS AND CAILKERS All members of Local Union No. 815: You are hereby requested to attend meeting tonight, April 15th. 7:30 p. m in W. O. V. hall, corner Romana and Baylen streets, to attend to matters pertaining to the consolidation. By orders of J. E. Watson, President. Fraternally. R. W. MURPHREE, Secy. P. O. Box C50. Rely on Cuticura To Clear Away Skin Troubles 9mmp to desasc. Oiatncst ta aovtba. Tmlema tm ! 4xr. Sxl. &s:aCvtLcu.&al.X.ll&i4a.lUaa. ! ! ! J " LODGE NOTICE NOTICE TO STAGS Lodjre No. 524, meets every Wednes day. 7:30 p. m. at K. of P. Hall. All visiting members cordially invited. F. D. Mann, Sec'y. ed Machinist Helpers Loage. Machinists Helpers Lodge No. 501. meets every Wednesday night In Boil ermakers' hall, on comer of Palafox and Romana-st J. E. Row. Pres. O. Everett. Itee. Sec No. 4, I. O. O. F Pensacola Lodge No. 4 I. O. O. T., meets every Thursday, 7:30 p. m. at Rafford Hall, corner Baylen and Bel-mont-sts. Visitors cordially Invited. Geo. H. Left, N. O. Joe S. Nicolan. XL S. Modern Order of Praetorians. Pensacola Council, No. 1063, meets every second and fourth Monday at 8 p. m. In W. O. W. Hafl, corner Romans and Baylen streets. All Praetorians are cordially invited. M. E. MOREY, S. A. C. E. SMITH. Rec. DAMON LODGE, NO. 13, K. of P. o . -.v. ao, xviilllia Ul Pythias meets in regular session Tues- c"'""s m iisue Hail at 7:30 o'clock. Visitors welcome. W. C. CAMPBELL, C. C. B. V. HOLLAND. K. of R. A S LODGE NOTICE. Pensacola Trades and Labor Council meets every Wednesdav t Tin t, m at 121-2 West JSarragossa Street. M. S. KJELEY, President. JAS. N. JOLLY. Secretary. P. O. Box 32. ELECTRICAL (WORKERS. Local Union No. 327, I. B. E. W., meets every Monday at 7 p. m.. at Boil ermakers hall. All visiting brothers and service men In good standing cor dially Invited. M. LONGMIRE. R. C. SHIP CARPENTERS, JOINERS AND CAULKERS. Local Union No. 815, carpenters. Join ers and caulkers meets Thursday night each week at 7:30 o'clock at W. O. W. hall, corner Baylen and Romana-sts. J. E. WATSON, Pres. R. W. MURPHBfiB, Sec'y. Post Office box 650 BROTHERHOOD OF RAILWAY CLERK Pensacola Lodge 311. Regular meetings first and third Fri day each month. K. of P. Hall. C. E. ERICKSON. G. J. QUINA, Jr. president. Recording Secretary. 780? LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Pensacola Lodge 1158 meets first and third Wednesday, Woodman Hall, Baylen and Romana, 7:30 p. m. . 1,--O. J. SEMME3. Diet. R. W. MURPHREE. Sec'y. P. O. Box 650. LODGE NOTICE. Mechanics Lodge No. 8, t. O. O. F., Warrington, Fla., meets every Wednes day night at 7 o'clock. Visitors cordially invited. A. D. DannleL N. G. Geo. A. Fell. Sec. MASONIC TEMPLE. Rearular meeting of Tarshatha Chap ter No. 4, A. & A. S. R-, Thursday, April 15th at 7:30 p. m. Room 8, 2nd floor. Annual election of officers. Visiting brothers fraternally invited. WM. FISHER, W. M. R. G. BUSHNELL. Sec'y. MASONIC MEETING. Special communication Pensacola Lodge No. 42. F. & A. M., Thursday, April 15th at 7:30 p. m. Work in F. C. Degree. Visiting brothers fraternally in vited. R. C. WHITE. J. W. BAYLISS, Secretary. W. M. MASONIC TEMPLE. m Regular meeting of Union A Council No. 7. R. A. M., Thurs dav, April 15th at 7:30 p. m. The degrees of the Councill will be conferred. Visiting brothers fraternally invited. W. F. HANSEN, Secy. T. T. TODD, T. I. M. Mechanics Needed in the Building Trades Miami, Florida, Welcomes You to An Open Shop City. We have between thirty "and forty big buildings in the course of con struction now. We have between five and six million dollars' worth of new work ready to start. We can place immediately : Carpenters at 85c to $1.00 per hour. Electricians at S5c to ?1.00 per hour. Plasterers at $1.00 to $1.25 per hour. Bricklayers at $100 to 1.25 an hour. We need competent mechanics who want to come here and make Miami their home. Our Free Employment Bureau at 923 Avenue E (opposite the Miami Railroad Station) will welcome you and will help you in every way to get Joeated and get placed on a job. Over 700 men w orking on pur jobs now. Write us first for full information. P. O. Box 1177, Miami, Florida. ANOTHER GENTLEMAN BANDIT IS LOOSE Oklahoma City, April 4. "I just loaned a friend almost all I have." re gretted Oliver Lurry to a holdup man. "But I can -write you a check for any reasonable amount." "Don't trouble yourself," said the bandit, and took 22 cents, leaving Lurry carfare. LEGAL NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OF FIRST MORT GAGE 6 GOLD BONDS OF PEN SACOLA HOTEL COMPANY, DUE JANUARY 1, 1920. The undersigned, successor trustee un- jcier the mortgage given to secure the jabove described issue of bonds, desires under authority of said mortgage, to ex pend the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5,000) in the purchase of bonds of said jssue, provided such purchase can m its opinion now be made advantageously. Sealed offers of said bonds may be sent to the office of the undersigned. Trust Department, 60 Broadway. New York City, on or before April 2Sth, 1920, a,t twelve o'clock noon. Bonds accepted, must be delivered on April 29th or security furnished that day. The right is reserved by the undersigned to reject any and all offers. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Trustee. By George E. Warren, Vice-President. Dated. New York. April 1st, 1920. In County Judge's Court, Escambia County, Florida, by the County Judge of said County: Whereas, L. C. Coleman has applied to this Court of Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Martha Ann Davis, deceased, late of said county of Escam bia. These are, therefore, to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear before this court, on or before the 13th day of May, A. D. 1920, and file objections, if any they have, to the grant ing letters as aforesaid, otherwise the same will be granted as prayed. Witness my name as Countv Judge of the County aforesaid, this 15th day of April, A. D. 1920. HENRY BELLINGER, April 15, 1920, oaw4w County Judge. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed, guardian of the estate of Carl Coleman Goodloe, Robert Kenneth Good loe, Hazel Johnson Goodloe. Blanche Marie Goodloe and Josephine O'Gwynn Goodloe, minors, will, on the 13th day of May, A. D. 1920, make application to the Honorable Henry Bellinger, county judge of Escambia county, Florida, at his of fice in the Court House Annex, for authority to sell the interest of the said minors in and to the following described real estate. to-wit: The Northeast quarter (N. E. 14) of the Northwest quarter (N. W. i) of Section thirty five (35), township five (5) North, range thirty-one (31) west, less ten (10) acres in the Northwest corner, and ten (10) acres in the Southeast corner, in Escam bia count-, state of Florida. ROSA GOODLOE. April 15, 1920, oaw4w Guardian. ADVERTISEMENT City of Pensacola, Florida Board of Commissioners Sealed proposals for grading, paving, curbing and improving the following streets will be received by the Board of Commissioners at the City Hall up to two o'clock p. m., on the 19th day of April, 1920. Barcelona Street, from De Soto Street to Gonzalez Street. De Soto Street, from Barcelona Street to DeVilliers Street. Gonzalez Street, from Barcelona Street to Reus Street. ... - Reus Street, from De Soto Street to Strong Street. Strong Street, from Barcelona Street to Reus Street. Proposals to be addressed to L. E. Heinberg, City Clerk, Pensacola, Florida, and endorsed "Proposals for Paving." The work contemplated consists of ap proximately seven thousand six hundred and two (7602) square yards of pavement and five thousand two hundred (5200) lineal feet of curbing. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check -in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (J2.000) drawn on some bank doing business in the City of Pensacola, Florida, and made payable to the City of Pensacola, Florida. Specifications, blank form of proposal, contract and bond can be obtained from the City Engineer, Room 203, City Hall. Rights to reject any and all bids is re served. GEO. H. HINRICHS. Commissioner of Streets and Public Works. FRANK JARRETT, City Engineer. In the Court of Record of Escambia County, State of Florida. Mary Ellen Orkins, complainant, vs. James A. Orkins, defendant. On Monday, the 3rd day of May. A. D. 1920. the defendant. James A. Orkins is required to appear to the bill filed against him herein. This order to be published once each week for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Pensacola Journal, a newspaper published in said Escambia County. W. P. RICE. Clerk of the Court of Record. March 30th. A. D. 1920. By A. L. TI DWELL, D. C. In the Circuit Court of Escambia County, Florida. The Barkdull Land Company, a corpora tion, vs. John Humphrey. To John Humphrey, defendant, and all other persona interested: You are hereby notified of the institu tion of the above named suit by attach ment in the above named court, and that the property of the said John Humphrey, defendant, has been levied upon under and by virtue of the w,rit of attachment issued in said cause, and you are hereby required. to appear to said action on Mon day, the 7th day of June. A. D. 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 24th day of March. A. D. 1920. JAS. MA"GIBLJOS, Clerk of Circuit Court. E. D. BEGGS, Attorney for Plaintiff. By M. L. BELL. D. C. In the Court of Record, Escambia county. state of Florida. Pensacola Shipbuilding Company, a cor poration, vs. J. D. Shepherd. It is ordered that the defendant. J. D. Shepherd, and all other persons interested be and they are required to appear to the suit commenced by garnishment In the above styled and entitled cause, on the rule day in June. 1920, and unless WANTED SAW MILL HANDS Night Fireman; Lumber Stackers; Off -Bearers behind Edgrer; Planing Mill Hands. Healthy Location; Standard Wages; 15 Years. Cutting. GENEVA MILL CO. Freeport, Fla. they so appear on or before said time, judgment by default will be entered against them. This order to be published once a week for two months in Pensacola Journal, a newspaper published in Pensacola, Es cambia County, Florida. Done and ordered this 24th day cf March. 1320. W. P. RICE. Clerk. Court of Record, Escambia County, Florida. . . By B. J. PETERSEN, (SEAL) Deputy Clerk. NOTICE. A special meeting of the members of the Pearl Eagan Home, a corporation, is hereby called to be held at the San Carlos hotel, in the city of Pensacola, on Fridav, April 30, 1920. at 5 o'clock. L. HILTON GREEN, Pres. 64 State of Florida: Board of Commissioners of State Insti tutions. Tallahassee, Fla., April 13, 1920. Notice Is hereby given by the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions that bids will be received up until 10 o'clock a. m.. Saturday, May 15, 1920 to be opened as soon thereafter as the con venience of the board will permit on the new dormitory to be erected at the Florida Industrial School for Girls at Ocala, Florida. Specifications may be had upon application to the secretary of the Board of Commissioners of State Institutions, Tallahassee, Florida. R. A. CATTS. Secretary. Board Commissioners, State Institutions. HAD TERRIBLE COUGH IN BED 3 YEARS In 3 Weeks, She Was Out On the Street Again, Feeling Fine. "In 1916, I had la grippe, followed by pneumonia which left me with a severe cough. I coughed constantly from morn ing till night, and then would wake up in the night and cough and choke. I lost flesh and my appetite was very poor. I doctored with a specialist for over a year, and had several other doctors, but got worse instead of better. Last winter 1 was bed-ridden, had chills and fe"Ver and got so weak I could not sit tip in bed 5 minutes without fainting. In February, 1919, I started on Milks Emulsion. I was then in bed, but in 3 weeks, I was able to be up and on the streets. Just think of it! For 3 years I have been a physical wreck, in bed most of the time, and Milks Emulsion had brought me out in wonderful shape. My friends all tell me how well I'm looking, for they didn't expect me to be living today." Miss M. Roussell, 1003 Opelousas St., Algiers. La. In thousands of just such cases. Milks Emulsion has brought the same wonder ful relief and improvement. It costs nothing to try. Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri tive food and a corrective medicine. It restores healthy, natural bowel action, promotes appetite and puts the digestive organs in shape to assimilate food. It helps build up flesh and strength, and is a powerul aid in resisting and repair ing the effects of wasting diseases. Chronic stomach trouble and constipa tion are usually relieved in one day. This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. No matter how severe your case, vou are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee Take six bottles home with you, use it according to directions and if not satisfied with the results, vour money will be promptly refunded. Price floe and 11.20 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, 2nd. Sold by druggists everywhere. LOCAL WEATHER 1 (Complied for the Journal by the Weather Bureau Office). Pensacola Fla., April 15, 1920. Sunrise, 5:22. Sunset, 6: 16. Moonrise, 3:02 a. m. Moonset, 3:13 p. m. Next phase of the moon, new moon, ISth. High tide, 6.28 p. m. Low tide, 5:03 a. m. Yesterday's Weather. Temperature Dry bulb, 7 a. m., 47; 12 noon, 56; 7 p. m., 57. Wet bulb, 7 a. ra., 40; 12 noon, 45; 7 p. m., 50. Highest, 60. Lowest, 44. Mean, 52. Normal, 67. Mean same date last year, 68. Highest of record for April, 92 de grees. Lowest of record for April, 34 de- Piano Jmhg and Repairing Music thrills the soul and enlivens the body when played on a Piano in proper condition and correctly tuned. We tune, repair, rebuild and refinish; buy, sell or exchange. We guarantee to please. Let us prove it. Phone 791 THE PIANO VERY DESIRABLE BUNGALOW FOR SALE No. 1210 EAST GONZALEZ STREET This 5-room Bungalow will be completed and ready for occupancy by APRIL 15th, 1920. We offer it for quick sale at a reasonable price, and on good terms. See us for particulars. Just North of the Pensacola Hospital. The Watson Agency, Inc. "The Rental Agents" REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 8 South Palafox St. grees. Rainfall For 24 hours ending 7 p. m. . Total for this month to. T p. m., 3.24. Normal for April, 3.16 inches. Accumulated deficiency this year to date, 2.47. Humidity 7 a. m.. 54; 12 noon, 41; 7 p. m., 53. Barometer 7 a. m., 30.06; 7 p. m.. 29.99. ( MARKET REPORTS I New York. April 14. Cotton futures opened steady today. May, 41. i3; July. 39.10; October, 35.15; December, 3i.i3; January, 33.20. Cotton futures closed steady: High Low Close May 41.58 41.31 41.40 39.25 3S.9. 30.02 35.3a X.00 35.11 3i.28 33.95 34.40 33.30 33.05 33.05 October December January . j Spot cotton steady ;middling, 43.00. New Orleans, April 15. Cotton fu tures opened steady. May, 40.60; July. 38.55; October, 35.00; December, 34.00; January, 33.03. Cotton closed steady at a decline of 5 to 21 points. High Low Close 40.72 40.49 40.49 38.80 38.48 38.63 35.1G 34.84 34.93 34.12 33.83 33.90 33.18 32.93 33.00 May July October December . January Liverpool, April II. Cotton spot slow of sales, prices easier. Good middling'. 29.39; fully middling. 28.39; middling. 27.39; low middling, 24.09; good ordi nary, 20.89; ordinary. 19.89. Sales, 3,000 bales, including 2.40O American.' Receipts 9,000 bales, includ ing 7,200 American. Futures closed quiet. April, 24.54; May, 25.42; July. 24.96; October. 23.81; December, 22.91; January, 22.71; March. 22.30. How to Wave Hair to j Appear Naturally Curly j , The tight little curls so dear to a wom an's heart, the kind that remain In curl under any and all weather conditions, are best acquired by means of the new silmerine method. This simple method enables one to have the prettiest waves and curls imaginable, with all the ap pearance of "Nature's own." Silmerine is of course perfectly harmless. It leaves no sediment on the hair, nor any sticky or greasy trace. It also serves as a beneficial dressing. Imparting a lively lustre and wholesome beauty to the hair. And tle hair is fine and fluffy when combed out. If one will procure a bottle of liquid silmerine from the druggist and follow the easy directions, she will be pleased beyond words with the result which will be in evidence within three hours,, and which will last a long time. The liquid is easily applied with a brush. I NAVAL STORES f Pensacola. Receipts, spirits 47, rosin 131; ship ments, spirits 123, rosin 400; stocks, spirits 474, rosin 35,415. Savannah. Savannah, April 14. Spirit market N. D., at $2.00. Rosin firm with sales of 399. Receipts, spirits and rosin 0; shipments, spirits 9, rosin 11; stocks, spirits 1,294, rosin 15,872. Quotations were WW 19.25, WG 19.00, N 18.75, M 18.25, K 18.00, I, II. G, F, E.-D 17.25, B 15.00. Jacksonville. Jacksonville, April 14. Spirits dull $2.15-12.20 with no sales. Rosin steady with sales of 489. Receipts, spirits 194, rosin 743. Quotations were WW 1925. WG 19.00, N 18.75, M 18.25. K 18.00, I. H, G, F, E, T 17.25. B 15.00. MEMPHIS HAS ISLAND SHE DOESN'T WANT Memphis, April 14. City dads here are looking for a soap that will really make the dirt fly. Memphis wants to wash an island "clean away." The island Is "growing" In the middle of the Mississippi River hre and threat ens to block the channel. SHOP 18 E. Garden St.